Is this JFK Jr “Vincent” at the Trump rally in El Paso?


editor victoria’s comment ~i checked and he did change his profile picture on twitter yesterday.  i also watched the below referenced video and zoomed in on the man in the hat and his nose has that distinctive small “bulb” at the end – identical to JFK Jr’s.  i also found the below referenced code that he sent in “morse code” before the rally and sure enough – it does transpose as “TXBOUNDRIGHT” (link).  

here is the actual video you can ffwd to check yourself…

The Real RaNon on Twitter ~ who i have felt is either part of Team Q and/or JFK Jr…check out this tweet of his i found


i’m digging into his previous tweets – i found out carolyn bissette’s date of birth – january 7th – is the same date of birth of nicola tesla.  i found that very interesting…


“i could die [again]….”  again?

and check out this one – he got this from Lisa Renee’s “ascension glossary”…he knows!  loosh:  “A term applied to energy produced by human beings and animals that other entities use to feed from. It is also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering that entities feed.”


If you are on twitter I think I have found JRK JR page….at least one of the Q peeps…


he only follows one person – Trump.  he has this amazing insight and knowledge of what’s going on…..aaaaand if you check out the tinyurl link on his profile page you will see it directs you to THIS:

which just happens to display the series of books written by Ingersoll Lockwood of whom i have spoken of here and there on this site the past year….such books as The Last President (which sounds like trump’s win and includes the name Pence as one of the cabinet members) as well as Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey (with his sidekick DON) and Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump.  said books written in the 1890’s.  Now we add in the fact that Trump’s Uncle John (who displays a REMARKABLE resemblance to Julian Assange, btw) was friends with Nicola Tesla who what?  Studied and knew about Time Travel.  Upon Tesla’s death, Uncle John was given access to Tesla’s papers for 3 days, or so the story goes.

Coincidence?  I think not….anyway if you feel the desire, check out his page. finding out he includes this link on his page gave me a giggle.  now i am off to bed before i find something else fun and distracting to keep me up past my bedtime………….

Did JFK JR call Able Danger to update him on military tribunal


editor’s note:  ok so this topic suddenly popped into my face and media feeds the past 24 hours.  when i mate discovered it, we took it as a sign.  so….we listened. i detected a slight new england accent in a few words.  the whisper-like tone. sounds like him from years past.  


Published on Jan 7, 2019