That there are about to be investigations into everything in regard to ALL of the truly unanswered crimes of the last 100 years.
He also probably explained that someone is back after 20 years away at sea with his wife
Also that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was needed to begin this process
This is why the liberal press, which is a contradiction to any democracy, has encited my fellow liberals.
Excited them into a mob mentality state, nothing short of the French Revolution
This is fact
You won’t want to accept what you are about to read as it contradicts everything you have been taught about why we have been in a perpetual state of war since the beginning of the 1900s up to this very day.
I know this will take a bit to get to your answer
This will explain the entire picture
To try and answer your question without addressing at least the last 80 yr would be like watching the series “Lost” starting halfway through the second season.
I have tried to compress 12,000 pages into his one answer.
Please bear with me
So, it’s a topic that brings conditioned ridicule and shame.
One that had been almost made to be Taboo
Once a world of questioners
Now a boiling pot of hatred, shaming and division all at the bidding of so few
I firmly believe there WILL be a chance to ask these question more openly VERY soon
Questions like
“What happened to building 7?”
“Why did two of the tallest towers on earth fall into themselves leaving thermite in molten puddles?”
Most importantly
“What really happened to that great WORLD leader in Dallas?”
This question and yours I do hope are asked, answered judged, and justice served for all of the innocent.
I do hope this is shared.
I have been asked to get this out now
I couldn’t think of a better outlet the “Q”….uora
A place where the bottom 99% can answer truthfully as our “press” refuses to do so
It is time
That day in Dallas was a coup.
There won’t be much that can be said to convince you of the truth about the last 120 years.
You would have to basically take every history book in regard to “why?” We have been destroying ourselves at the command of so few, and BURN THEM
For me to explain that this all began in its modern form around 1930 and morphed into a global grip that has us all in it’s grasps, usually results in blank stares or ridicule
Just like those who warned of the rumours that Nazi controlled Europe had slave/death camps spread across its country side throughout the war.
People scoffed at the idea that in such an advanced time in humanity would we stoop to such depths of depravity and genocide.
People still scoff at the idea that it was American Industrialist and Bankers that put Hitler into power
Most will scoff at the idea that these are the people who had that great leaders head blown off in front of his wife and nation.
Ridicule anyone who says it was them who formed the CIA, surrounded that plaza and triangulated their assault to slowly bring a less freedom friendly form of governance to the United States.
The main American financial arms of the Nazi party were Union Bank Corp and Brown Brothers Harriman.
They funded the engineers from Standard Oil to build the concentration camps and their adjacent Factories.
Here the factory at Auschwitz.
Even I hadn’t heard of the existence of factories at the Concentration Camps until the advent of the internet.
Below, head engineer from Rockefellers Standard Oil going over the plans with Heinrich Himmler for said factory.
Below is Henry Ford Receiving “The Grand Cross of the German Eagle”, Dearborn Michigan 1938.
This was the highest possible honours bestowed upon a foreign citizen.
Received for teaching the Nazis mass production through his assembly line production system. Thanks Henry!
Continue reading here.