Something is shifting ~ 7.16.24


Can you all feel that?  It’s 9:17pm (interesting time) – about 45 minutes ago or so I started to feel this nice energy come through me – relaxing me – but it got to the point where I am feeling that “girl walking drunk” experience – sooooooo sleepy and feeling giggly.  Even my girl began acting all giggly goofy.  The weather also changed dramatically.  We went from 99 to 59 in 2 hours.  Thunder.  Some lightning (sideways).  Wind.  And light rain – cleaning the air.

Arriving home and getting on the laptop, I see this:

It also feels like late summer/early fall.  My girl was told today to “enjoy summer it goes by fast” and her first thought was “summer’s already over”.

Then this:


I had the same thought earlier today – what if……….












25 years ago tonight………….


And where have we heard that voice before?






We don’t need vaxxines P E R I O D.



And there we have the Point………



Water surges into southern Illinois town after dam fails | AP News







120 Miles of Darkness and the News Media Remains SILENT!



7.10.24 ~ Check in. A personal Happening Person share, and some Finds including a couple of interesting Gematria’s




Last night was long and frustrating.  I was up until around 4am – journaling, releasing, eventually too tired so I let it all go.  Woke up a few hours later, similar feelings, house was quiet, so I got up, felt the need to turn on my phone, had a few text convo’s then had an incoming call from someone with whom I connected on twitter.  She’s a healer – healed herself of physical ailments including endometriosis.  She originally reached out to me several weeks ago, offering me some healing energy/work.  Finding the right divine timing was a bit tricky, but as I keep having to remind myself and SEE, divine timing happens when I don’t expect it.  It just – happens.  So, I answered her call and we proceeded to have one of those Soul nourishing phone calls.  My energy went from overwhelmed to calm and serene.  I loved her energy – which was gentle, pure and wise – and the sound of her voice made me feel like I was talking with an old friend.  In short, it was a very. easy. phone call – something that rarely happens when I am first talking with someone.  She said she could do my session later in the afternoon.  I agreed.  She gave me a heads up before she started and as I responded “ok” I felt this whirling around my third eye and was quite dizzy for just a few moments.  Nothing unpleasant but surprisingly noticeable.  When she was finished, she called, and we had another wonderful conversation.  She confirmed what I have felt for some time about me, and I have to say, I feel a shift.  It’s slight – but it’s as though a pathway was opened up allowing me to access the Flow.  Cobweb clearing is a good way to describe it.  Energetic housecleaning.

If any of you are seeking some energy and healing work, I highly recommend her.  She works in person and remotely.  Her name is Heather and you can see her here on twitter and here on her website.  You can also read her story here.  It’s very inspirational.  Anyway, check her out.  💖  If you do, tell her Victoria sent you.

Here is what I’m seeing today.









With is ra el pulling the strings……….my sense………




Astronomers spot mysteriously elusive mid-sized black hole – Insider Paper


Was talking about Quantum theory earlier today……Quantum Leap….to “NEW EARTH”

Gematria:  NEW EARTH

John John


Ace of Spades (Scavino’s drop last night showing the Ace of Spades as a Trump Card)


Dome of the Rock Destroyed


I also decided to gematria BARRON TRUMP


The Holy Code Q

Let There Be Light

All Roads Lead To Q

The Prodigy

Berenstein Bears (interesting as that is the original spelling)

Love is the Key


You know what’s interesting, today’s Barron is spelled with two “r’s” – but in the Ingersoll Lockwood book, Baron Trump and the Marvelous Underground Journey – has just the one “r”.  Remember that drop on the chan boards signed R?  I don’t know – just throwing that out there and thought it was interesting.



Interesting.  17 people in the audience too………Simpson moment at the 1:43 mark too………Train Freeman?  Silver is highlighted too…………Like the Christmas in July part.  Remember one of Laura’s View and Tarot, Too’s recent read for July said people in english speaking countries were going to receive a surprise of abundance and to not push it away but to receive it (and then some)?










7.8.24 ~ Finds (including a new rabbit hole)


No photo description available.


Anyone familiar with private funding for business idea (non-profit)?  I am the visionary – have the idea and the details – just needing like-minded philanthropists who can help me make this happen.  TY.  (I remember several years ago sharing with that “Zap” character – those people who kept talking about the global fund release – they were so willing to hear my idea – I shared it – they loved it – but once it was in their hands they stopped responding to my emails.  Ah, the people I have followed.  Discernment is much sharper today.)

Here’s what I’m seeing today.  Please remember to leave a monetary exchange for my work below and share with your friends and family on social media.

Thank you.




Nothing surprises me anymore………..

Here’s more info – Library of Congress:

Rosa Parks Papers: Subject File, 1937-2005; Order of Eastern Star, 1947 , 1972, undated | Library of Congress (



Another One! United Boeing 757 Loses Wheel After Taking Off From LAX






I’m not convinced T wrote this – reads like much more of the same corrupt ponzi scheming capitalistic corporate b.s.  and we’re already in 2024 – halfway through.  what about the release of the healing tech?  as i said there are MILLIONS who fell behind – out in the street – unable to house themselves and/or feed themselves.  this plan has to including EVERYONE being brought along.




Just more showie tellie – still feeling there won’t be an election………




Be Inspired  (music is the Universal language)

Terrence Howard: “They tried everything to not show you this video”


7.7.24 Finds – What’s up with Hurricane Beryl? Some very interesting puzzle piecing………




Category 1………..are mandatory evacuations typical in a Cat 1?


This is – very interesting……..I’m wondering what is going to be purged w/this storm………..

VETTING above paths:

Hurricane Beryl path:

Where is Hurricane Beryl? Track forecast, path before Texas landfall


April 8 2024 eclipse path:

April 8 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Map Usa - Toby Aeriell


And remember the gematria i did on the hurricane included:

A Week To Remember (which in the shower portal tonight i heard in my mind)

Happy Holidays (christmas in july – as i said that’s been in the vibe again – A G A I N – lately)

A Perfect Storm

Time To Wake Up


This thing also passes through Victoria……….(TX)


Ezekiel’s wheels was the same color as the Beryl stone………

Beryl[N][S]the rendering in the Authorized Version of the Hebrew word tarshish , a precious stone; probably so called as being brought from Tarshish. It was one of the stones on the breastplate of the high priest ( Exodus 28:20 ; RSV marg., “chalcedony;” 39:13 ). The colour of the wheels in Ezekiel’s vision was as the colour of a beryl stone ( 1:16 ; 10:9 ; RSV, “stone of Tarshish”). It is mentioned in Cant 5:14 ; Daniel 10:6 ; Revelation 21:20 . In Ezekiel 28:13 the LXX. render the word by “chrysolite,” which the Jewish historian Josephus regards as its proper translation. This also is the rendering given in the Authorized Version in the margin. That was a gold-coloured gem, the topaz of ancient authors.

Revelation 21:20-21

20 the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.[a] 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.



This is what we’ve been doing until around 9/10pm the last several days……..









Stormy Monday………


Double meteor shower will light up the night skies this month –


I love church bells.  We have one that rings now and then – it’s a wonderful sound.


I am noticing a change at the local Kroger store.  They removed the entire row of huge TV screens that have been there for well over a decade (that were so obnoxious as all of them were on and they were right at the place where you check out) and instead they have a nice, long shelving unit of all sorts of gadgets – all under $10.  Think dollar store only higher quality at otherwise affordable price.  Also noticing clothing prices continue to be 40-60% off.  They’ve begun getting in fall stuff – and even some of those items are 40% off.  They also have a lot of buy one get one items and markdowns/sales everywhere.  Something’s up…….I love what he says, btw.  We need that here – we need that kind of Spirit and Leadership EVERYWHERE.


I think he’s what, double, triple boosted?




Crazy Clown World Finds, etc.



















Don’t see this everyday:





7.2.24 ~ Finds and a check-in




Collective anxiety.  That’s what I experience and what I am seeing from many today.  I feel like I’m engaged in “groundhog day” by saying this – but it is very intense atm.  Still focused on the above as best as I can.  And grounding (below).  Be in the present and observe – even with the swirling vortex of anxiety that churns within at times.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Thank you for those of you who see the value in my work and offer that energy exchange financially.  Whatever you can afford is received with gratitude. 💖










I think he may be part of it (da plan).  “SHOW NOT TELL”.

Penguin 6

Biden tests Presidential Immunity by running red light


15-minute mark nails it (except the utilities are very low and I don’t see childcare costs)…………low cost food budget – $400/month.  This woman’s numbers are off.  Enough is enough.

Barry Stepp:

Conspiracy Tik Tok Is On Fire Today! (Part 198)




Leaked Images FINALLY Reveal the Truth About Mars!




U.S. Marshals Find 200 Missing Children During Operation “We Will Find You 2”


House Republicans Now Have the Votes to Hold AG Merrick Garland in Inherent Contempt Following Intense Party Pushback


Dutch King Willem Alexander Swears in Geert Wilders’ New Right-Wing Government Which Gets Right to Work to Make Netherlands DUTCH Again



one thing that wasn’t rehearsal – the war and the attacks that have come with it………






6.28.24 ~ Finds, Headlines, Puzzle Piecing/Sleuthing, a Brief Check-in and another Tarot Read




How ya’ll doing?

If the experience I was able to have earlier this morning was an indication of how close we are – protocols, etc. – then I’d say we are that close.  I’ve never had that kind of an experience.  I’m keeping it to myself, but it involved the matrix construct and getting out of it.

I continue to feel this pressure on my forehead.  I found great relief tonight just sitting in the car at the park – no annoying sounds.  Once I turned off the car and sat back, my entire body relaxed.  Those moments are golden in that they allow me to open up to that Creative Energy where ideas gently flow in to be seen.

Here is what I am seeing.  The first one is appreciated – just validates what I already know about myself.




I need a lot of this these days:

6. Having alone time to rest and reset

For highly sensitive people, it’s really important for us to have some alone time to reset. When you tell people you want to be alone, they might take offense, so it’s worth explaining that it’s really valuable and necessary time for you and your overstimulated HSP soul. And if they don’t get it, send them to do some research on what it’s like to be a sensitive person while you go and take some time alone! Otherwise, we can get too overwhelmed and have an HSP hangover after too much social interaction. So be sure to carve in alone time, even just a few minutes here and there.

15 Simple Things That Make Highly Sensitive People Happy (



And we just watched this movie a few nights ago:








Anyone feel this?  It could be a coincidence, but it was during that jump I had that experience I referenced to above………






Come on Julian………….


Sponsor: Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2] (Introduced 02/29/2024)
Committees: House – House Administration
Latest Action: House – 02/29/2024 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration
2d Session
H. R. 7484

To require Members of Congress who are foreign nationals to file a statement of their status as a foreign national, and for other purposes.

February 29, 2024

Mr. Burchett introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration

Text – H.R.7484 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act | | Library of Congress


why is she standing so close?  major personal boundary space violation….


Ya’ll see this?  It’s legit.  Red cover too – could reference those Red Folders we’ve been seeing for a few years now……


McAfee goodies:


Interesting delta/timing………..Last night as we began to listen to the debate, both my girl and I felt we were back in 2020.  The event had an energy to that time period.  It was strange – but it’s what the body said.  So seeing this confirmed the feel for me.



Tomorrow (or today depending on where you’re located):







And there’s that 5:5:


And there’s the aliens:


And as I shared/showed last night – T was doing the same on truthsocial:


This is big – interesting too as the debate focused on this last night………..Timing is everything.



And the AI has its version:



Still does not explain why Trump and Biden were both live-dropping on social media during this alleged “live debate”.  




And for the last piece, a 3 card tarot read.  I asked the Universe what was up with the debate last night.  Guidance, please.

First card to show up:

The Devil Card

Deception.  Manipulation.  That makes sense as it was a manipulated event.  The card also represents the energy that guides us to reclaim our Power and our Freedom.  And isn’t this what this Awakening and ungodly long movie experience is about as its core?


Next card up – Eight of Wands

Travel and speed.  (time travel anyone?)  Quick action.  It indicates progress being made quickly and also indicates sudden action, travel and freedom.  I’m sensing that things are speeding up in terms of wrapping up disclosure, ending the old so NEW can be brought in.


The last card – Page of Wands (interesting – another Wands card)

A “secret agent” for positive change for the greater good.  Sounds like T doesn’t it?  (and many of us as well)  And check this out:  “In due time, others may recognize the role you play in the transformation from divisiveness to unity.”  For now, we are watching on the “sidelines.”  Pretty darn accurate if you ask me.




6.24.24 ~ Assange is now FREE……….And Other Finds




If you have noticed, I changed the image on my main page.  To be honest, it didn’t always really align with my Heart – just that part of me that wanted to blast the Truth everywhere.  It more aligned with that rather blunt, more harsh part of me – which serves a purpose.  But I felt the time is now to soften that up a bit – and with the suggestions of a few others – I decided to listen to their wisdom and to mine and to change it.

I can feeeeeeeeeel the timelines changing – now and then – as can my daughter.  Feels like we stepped a bit more into that Golden Timeline today.  Was a rough start – for me – but pushed on through and flowed with the shifting tide.  Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share and Donate what you can.  (Along those lines – I have had several conversations in recent weeks from those who want to donate but feel guilty about only putting forth $5/a few dollars.  That. Is. Ok.  Let that go.  It’s the intention that matters – and that intention is more aligned with the real Flow we’re all focused on returning to/bringing in.  Plus, what I have said all along:  Many doing the same adds up.)  🥰




Interesting timing………….


Plea deal:






Sunset times – two different browsers – same dates/location plugged in – different times………..we monitor it out back – it’s inconsistent…….










As others chimed in on – the tunnels – the subliminal programming – but this?  Unless it’s the drop before the FLOOD.




















6.21.24 ~ Checking In and Today’s Finds




Went to the store – noticing some price increases including my tea going up by about .60 cents and my shampoo I’ve used for years up by $1.50.  !!!  But then go to the big box store and they are pushing processed crap with reduced prices and buy one get one.  Eating healthy has become a luxury (not to mention making it impossible to save).

Jesus just enough already.  P L E A S E.  Challenging day.  Overly tired.  Energy felt better yesterday.  So much for this “they removed a lot of bad ones” narrative.  Makes me wonder as always who really knows what.

Onward and upward.  Working on the triggers.  Paying far more attention to my body and how I feel there over what goes on in my brain.

Please support my work with a financial contribution of your choice.  Thank you, all of you, who do.






this is perplexing………..unless in the end all turn on Israel………




What I said:












Keep seeing “here we go”.  Question is – where (and when)?










Like me some WOO………Been awhile – intuitive nudge to check her out tonight.  Interesting commentary on who can use “clones”.  Makes sense.  Tower moment surrounding the debate.  Star and the Sun Card at the end.  Next week.  We’ll see……… (i may do my own read – been awhile – if I do i’ll share the results)

Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:

Presidential Debate Woo



The White Buffalo Prophecy, Biblical Times and a Very Interesting Gematria


The white buffalo calf was photographed by a Yellowstone National Park visitor (Pictures: AP)

A rare white buffalo calf was reportedly born in Yellowstone National Park – fulfilling an American Indian prophecy that is synonymous to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Mainstream media is really pushing this one – as well as this “once in a lifetime” SuperNova due to happen between now and September – which ALL here will have the chance to see – tells me we have ongoing script flips – our consciousness is being prompted to SEE.

Most of us have heard of this.  However, since we are in “Biblical” times (which also shows up in a c u e post from June 13, 2020), I feel this is a good program insert.


Jun 13, 2020 4:17:24 PM EDT
Biblical Times.
White Buffalo (Calf) Prophecy | Native Heritage Project

According to legend, the White Buffalo Calf Woman was a holy entity that visited the Oceti Sakowin over a four-day period about 2000 years ago.  White Buffalo Woman, or Ptesan­Wi, as she is called in the Lakota language, taught them sacred ceremonies, songs, and dances.  She gifted the people with a sacred bundle containing the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, which still exists to this day and is kept by Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

There are several iterations of the story, but in essence, they all match except for a few details.

White Buffalo Woman warned that several other white buffalo would be born around this time, who would not live to complete the full color change cycle, before the true sacred buffalo were all born. She said when all four sacred white buffalo had returned, the people would be at a crossroads and if they took the right path, there would be a renewal of the Earth.
There have been many documented cases of White Buffalo – a list can be found here:  White buffalo – Wikipedia
I decided to do a gematria as well:  WHITE BUFFALO
Be Letter Seventeen (interesting dialogue – be like wind, etc.)
You Must Be Born Again
Seven Eleven (!!)
Code System
Elon R Musk
The Bird Is Free
Independence Day
Great Scott (Back to the future anyone?)
The Mandela Effect
World Light