4.10.24 ~ Finds, puzzle piecing, latest on Assange, etc.


How are you all feeling/doing?

I’m still sensing this giant ball that stopped moving 2 days ago and is slooooooooooowly moving in a new direction – picking up speed.  Feeeeeeeeels time is a bit slower as a result.  Sleep is back and forth.  Two nights ago – it was good.  Last night – I was wired until almost 4am then slept in fits after that.  Seeing a variety of things in my early day (it is now late day) that fit what I am sensing.  It’s difficult to remain centered and quiet – to find that inner Knowing and quiet.  I get that – especially when you’re dealing with any challenge or a variety of them.  The only way I find peace is to move through those stories around the challenges – not that they’re not truthful for us because they are – it royally sucks here at times being in these matrix systems that are utterly contrary to Who We Are and what We desire and need…….but if I let myself get lost in them, I stay stuck and miserable.  Working with my body and nervous system continues.  Did some intense and helpful somatic releases the last few days.  Does it feel the energies are more supportive for those of you doing the same or similar?

Here is what I’m seeing.  Things on the world stage are up a new level in heat.





YRFT, LHM, etc. friends ~ ya’ll like this one:



PRESIDENT TRUMP DROPS BOMBSHELL Letter From Stormy Daniels…”I am denying this affair because it never happened”


Iranian Strike on Israel ‘Imminent’ Within the Next 24-48 Hours – Reporters




FISA brings down the house……..

SURPRISE: House BLOCKS Bill to Renew FISA Warrantless Spy Program After Push from President Trump – Here Are the 19 Republicans Who Voted to Defy Tyranny


WATCH: Federal Reserve Principal Economist who Reveals to O’Keefe Media Group that Fed Chair Jerome Powell “Wants to be Remembered in History” for Undermining Trump, Says Conservatives are “Dumb” and Discriminated Against at Federal Reserve


Argentina’s Former President Alberto Fernández Has His Assets Frozen, His Tax and Banking Secrecy Lifted – Failed Socialist Leader Is Accused of Corruption


Former AG Bill Barr SHUT DOWN 3 Investigations Regarding 2020 ELECTION FRAUD | Beyond the Headlines


BOMBSHELL: Undercover Video Reveals CIA/Former FBI BRAGGING About IMPRISONING Americans | Beyond the Headlines


Interesting turn of events………..

BREAKING: Joe Biden Says United States is ‘Considering’ Dropping Charges Against Julian Assange (VIDEO)


Biden Says He is Examining His Power to Close U.S. Border After Admitting Record-Breaking Numbers of Illegal Immigrants, Surpassing Populations of 36 Individual States


New Jersey National Guard’s Weapons of Mass Destruction-Team Conducts Hypothetical Search for Nuclear Bomb at New Jersey Basketball Arena












Trump Says He Wouldn’t Sign a Federal Abortion Ban, Criticizing Arizona Ruling – The New York Times (nytimes.com)








That’s a first:


An interesting perspective……….while I feel many if not most of us have already been in some of this processing for years – decades – it does feel like it’s all cracking wide open………

Many people have now cracked wide open ..
⚠️ We are NOT the body ..
Many people have arrived at the threshhold of their new journey.. no longer laboriously horizontal in nature – this new journey is effortlessly vertical in nature and its on steroids !!
The horizontal journey was about ‘waking up’ to the realisation we are not the body – rather we are consciousness itself overseeing an avatar character purposely created to navigate this incredible video game called ‘our life’.
The relentless programs/perceptions of right and wrong, should and should not, coupled with a fierce resistance to whatever was happening in any given moment, spiralled our avatar body into continual monkey mind battles we mistakenly believed to be our own !!
When in fact we were simply taking steps ever higher to ‘knowing ourself be true’.
Because we are done with this location of the game we are now ready to shift to a new location in the video game of life – this time in ‘god mode’.
This recent sublime electromagnetic eclipse was designed to assist in the shifting of our location in the game from a ‘suffering’ horizontal trajectory to a fulfilling vertical trajectory.
Those who chose to change are on it now ..
Things certainly feel different here..
I am feeling unbalanced atm with blurred vision as I adjust to the spin and frequency of the vertical..
Wonderful people places and situations will be seemlessly going on in your outerworld as your innerworld shift is reflected back to you ..
We will now bask in our new high vibe vertical playground of fulfilled desires and unified co creation whilst simultaneously assisting our avatar body that will remain on the horizontal timeline – to get to work and transmute any remaining unfelt miscreations.
⚠️ The real work begins ..
This vertical trajectory allows us to look down and witness the avatar body feel into and process all the effects of trauma we embodied on the horizontal journey.
⚠️ This generational trauma will now manifest as ill- ness and dis-ease in varying degrees within our avatar body.
⚠️ From discomfort to death, the medical field will be discombobulated as many diagnosis will not have a known ’cause’ due to the fact this avatar quantum clean up phase is multi-dimensional and metaphysical in nature.
Our new vertical observation position will hold the space, be steadfast in knowing, supply the love and administer the comfort our avatar body will need as it works so hard to finally deeply feel and neutralise all ancestral traumas and miscreations stored cellularly and neurally within.
Knowing we are not the body will pose the questions we need to be asking ourselves moving forward ..
Knowing we are not the body will automatically flood us with a divine recognition of self.
Knowing we are not the body will trigger the hidden truth that we are in fact master alchemists transmuting fear into love for all the world to see.
The ‘great equaliser’ is this process..
The ‘the quickening’ is this process ..
The ‘creation story’ is this process ..
The ‘second coming’ is this process..
And the ‘revelation’ is indeed this very process..
We are living ‘the story’ and miracles will abound ..
The return to wholeness is our reason for being here amidst a hell of a lot of well earned fun, authentic joy, true freedom, blissful peace, individuated relationship, inspiring purpose and fulfilling creativity amidst like minded meaningful companionship.
Holy shit ..
Happy fuckin days ..
Is it worth it you ask ?
Absabluddylutely !!
We got this shift !!



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A few more goodies that may inspire some hope for those who need it………..4.6.24


Like myself.  🙄😂😩





7 years ago when I created this little space, one of the first categories I made in putting it together was simply called “The Event”……..


And with that EVENT – Ariel is confirming what I saw in my eclipse dream last year – watching the sun and moon line up on an event monitor (my word choice at the time) – and there was a MASSIVE explosion that put us into a new reality (timeline) in an instant.  Question remains – if this is accurate pre-cognition – do we all go to the same place?  That’s what I’ve felt and seen all along – but is it possible there is more than one event – after this first one we see it ALL and then those that want to stick around for the entire “show” and be a part of a new $$ system, etc. – they stay.  For those who want to return to where they came from before this war – they go.  We’ll see………….and perhaps tonight when I say very soon it is indeed very soon.  Be nice to finally get that word and timing right for once, right?


Trying to convince us this is what we will see?

Huge star explosion to appear in sky in once-in-a-lifetime event





And to finish up, I decided to gematria THE EVENT (99 – party like it’s 1999 feeeels):


Getreadytofiesta (what did i just type above?)

Im an avatar

To figure out the game



New Moon (which is what we have on Monday the 8th)


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4.2.24 ~ Finds……………VK is (apparently) back…….7.4 quake in Taiwan too…….Crazy weather




May be an image of heart and text that says 'Things everyone needs to come to terms with: -No response is a response -If they wanted to, they would -Not everyone has the same heart as you'


I’m still not sure what to think about VK’s return.  I feel it’s a good thing.  I had that dream early Monday morning where I heard a male voice, had a flash of a computer and sensed it was VK making a return.  1’s and 0’s were shown – briefly.  Then his “host” – Z – on monday gets into VK’s account and says I’M BACK – turns out that was – an April Fools prank – which I didn’t appreciate (as indicated in yesterday’s reflecting) – but then I see he is allegedly back – took that opportunity yesterday to take over the host again.

I know – crazy talk.  For some.  lol  But it’s all possible and it aligns with my research and personal feels.  Anything is possible here.  My dream was that future vision of what was incoming – whether real or not – it was something I saw that was to happen.  Nice timing – this return – with the Eclipse and CERN and everything else lining up pointing to this event which none of us know exactly what – if anything – will happen – will we feel something?  See something?

What do I always say?  We’ll see……….

For now – I had to work hard to shift away from the negative that was trying to intrude my mind/body.  That’s indeed in the collective of those awake here.  Feeeeeeeeeling the return of VK – whether real or not – has boosted morale.






First one was 34km………the “aftershocks” have all been at 10km w/the exception of one at 27km………….underground war…….?  Tsunami alert issued…….

Powerful earthquake rocks Taiwan, buildings seen collapsed, causes tsunami warning in Japan (msn.com)


Entire realm felt this one:

Heliplots (usgs.gov)



This is huge:







Tornado warnings OH, KY, TN

(1) NWS Tornado (@NWStornado) / X (twitter.com)



You feeling it?


VK stuffs:





storms lined up in fashion:



Indiana Governor Declares State Of Emergency Ahead of Solar Eclipse Next Week


When they look like this it looks like an overlay:




i vetted – it’s legit share…………hmmm……….





AWESOME: Texas National Guard Retakes Control of El Paso Border – Installs Miles of Razor-Wire and a New Anti-Climb Fence (VIDEO)


well this is unpleasant…….

United Airlines Flight Returns to German Airport After Broken Toilets Sends ‘Contents’ From Lavatory ‘Flowing Into Cabin’




Louisiana Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Block Control of UN, WHO, and WEF in the State




I’m asking you, my readers and friends, to become supporters by contributing whatever amount of money you are comfortable in sharing to help me research/write/edit/update all work done here.  If you find my work useful and valuable, please consider donating by clicking the button below.  Thank you.  💖

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4.1.24 ~ Checking in………..Finds




i don’t like this day – april “fools”.  never have – just like i never liked st. p’s day where you risked getting pinched – at home and at school – if you didn’t have green.  serious boundary violation “helliday”.

doesn’t it feel like every day here is april fools?  i just don’t resonate with deception – certainly not at other people’s expense (naivety) – and don’t understand the mentality to engage in making people believe a lie and finding humor in that.  and to do this NOW?  of all times?  during this psyop war where so many are traumatized and exhausted seeking truth and some hope?  the number of alleged anons and truther’s who engaged in pranks today is disappointing.  they all should know better.  oh well – maybe this is more weeding out the fake and showing more truth – reminding us of the one phrase of absolute truth from the Q drops and that is:  WATCH WHO YOU FOLLOW.

i did some self promoting online today.  that’s always been hard for me to do because it feels like i’m bragging about myself – so at times the self promotion stuff makes me come off sounding afraid or too aggressive when i’m feeling desperate.  today – i felt that shift a bit inside.  who am i in all of this?  and i come to this:  i just want to know the truth.  and i share what i feel and what i find.  i vet my information.  i refuse to engage in clickbait (hey go HERE and you will find THIS – bringing in the sucker who comes here and finds that “THIS” doesn’t exist).  yes, i want bigger numbers.  this is a pay to live prison and i would much rather use my gifts and energies in sharing the truth (or what i feeeeeeeeeeeel is truth) than engaged in some profession where i’m lying to people to get them to buy things they don’t need or teach the youth b.s. toxic agenda’s, etc.  that said – we all do what we have to do to survive.  so no judgment – just saying i’m doing what i feel my heart has called me to do.  although off and on lately – the growing feel of “what is my purpose now?” has been around me.  anyone else?

it’s really hard right now – mentally.  something is attacking – i feel it.  my anxiety is up.  while i can find center – the battle has me unbelievably mentally exhausted some moments.  plus my personal life challenges and feeling oh god so alone here some days.  i am simply struggling at a new level.  that’s all.  seeing an increase in people requesting prayers so i know i’m not alone.  and now – i don’t even know who or what to pray to – so i feel – for myself – it’s best just to ask others to send an energy of love and protection and do the same in return.  the days of praying to the magic man or father or whatever up above or wherever – yeah – just not going there….we have each other.  that’s it.  until i see or experience otherwise.  watch who you follow.  watch who you give your energy to.  including the lies in the brain.


and yet as i told a friend today – i’m so done with any and all battles.

here’s what i’m seeing.





Mysterious Foul Smell ‘Resembling Sulfur or Burnt Rubber’ Reported in Finland’s Capital Helsinki


DEVELOPING: Driver Rams Vehicle Into Front Security Gate at FBI HQ in Atlanta (VIDEO)


California Highway 1 Collapses Leaving 2,000 Tourists Stranded


Massive Crane Being Used in Baltimore Key Bridge Clean Up Operation Has CIA Past


Niagara Falls Declares State of Emergency to Prepare for Total Solar Eclipse



now this is interesting………







this was in Leave The World Behind…….so we’ve had plane issues, cargo ships ramming into things, microwave/high frequency attacks causing physical injury…….hmmm well in the movie after those things it was evil waiting for the people to start civil war and attack one another………the weapon is real – but the rest of this headline narratiave is b.s. imo……..

U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing Mysterious Brain Injuries








MrMBB333……….this is really bizarre………

It appears to be happening WAY too often! What is REALLY going on?


quake in Japan – 10km……..

4.5 magnitude earthquake near Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan and Taipei, Taiwan : 2024-04-02 00:03:22 UTC (earthquaketrack.com)




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3.31.24 ~ Finds and Goodies – trying to put it all together


May be an image of text that says 'The Universe doesn't want you to try harder. It wants you to breathe, let go, and be open to things being easier and more magical than you could ever imagine. Those who flow as Universe flows, know they need no other force Align with the cosmos. Let the magic happen. the'



I’m sensing people are waking up now.  There is an underlying anxiety that is very palpable.  I experienced it today with a special family member.  I was sharing pieces of the Leave The World Behind movie I’m watching – how the barge crashes, then the planes have issues – and how that matches what’s happening today.  They commented how scary that is then asked “how did they know that?”  I said “that makes you wonder doesn’t it?”  Little baby seeds – enough of them – helps.  I keep feeling all it takes is just one “what’s going on??” moment to get us unplugged.  It isn’t just going within and working on ourselves – it’s also seeing what’s being shown to us to help us wake up and detach our consciousness from this prison.

Here’s what I’m seeing at this last day of the year.  Depending on the calendar of course.  😜🥰🙄




Trending in United States
The Matrix
35.7K posts



I don’t know where this came from – I’ve asked – will share if he responds.


those numbers do come and go – 11’s more recently…….and always 22……



it feels early for the holiday, tbh…….april is where the feeeeeeeeeeeels are, for me, for these events…….who knows with any religious text here……..that X was interesting………….Solar Eclipse too………….biblical event mirroring “their” original narratives back on them?



Pope MIA too……….










Oklahoma Bridge Shut Down After Being Struck by Barge (VIDEO)


SPACE RESILIENCE: Upside Down Japanese SLIM Moon Lander Survives ANOTHER Freezing Lunar Night


Peter Sweden: IT HAS BEGUN: Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death


Trillions of Cicadas Expected to Invade the United States in Rare Event That Last Occurred Under Thomas Jefferson




It’s all inverted here isn’t it:




I’m asking you, my readers and friends, to become supporters by contributing whatever amount of money you are comfortable in sharing to help me research/write/edit/update all work done here.  If you find my work useful and valuable, please consider donating by clicking the button below.  Thank you.  💖

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3.30.24 ~ Schumann w/hour long black line event, interesting eclipse data for my area, Leave The World Behind comms plus other finds


whuz sleep again?  woke up – still dark – ravenous.  haven’t had that experience in weeks if not months.  on we go.  how you all doing?




yes – i forgot for a moment – i am watching Leave The World Behind – decided to on a hunch.  i am seeing comms.  got halfway through – here is what i am seeing so far:

the NASA and obey comms are from the t-shirts the kids wear:




:::CRINGE::: moment:



oh yes……….


well it is one possibility that this removes whatever frequency is in place that enables “them” to hide………



adult woman.  hanging with 12 year old.  check out her handle.  just UGH



interesting numerology…….in my state it begins on a 9, maximizes at a 11 and ends at 1 2 3……interesting too in my dream watching the eclipse through that monitor showed the two objects aligned approx. 2/3 of the way before that something happened……….our area shows 1/3 eclipse event with 2/3 of the sun remaining………just something to give me a “hmmm” moment…..




I’m asking you, my readers and friends, to become supporters by contributing whatever amount of money you are comfortable in sharing to help me research/write/edit/update all work done here.  If you find my work useful and valuable, please consider donating by clicking the button below.  Thank you.  💖

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3.29.24 ~ Checking in and Finds



So – strange dreams.  Eclipse dream.  Lake house.  Seeing the earth inside of a cube.  Strange encounter with a neighbor – who “looked” different to me – heard him say “that’s the day we disappear” – spouse was there – but didn’t hear it.  Girl was there and heard it.  Made me stop in my tracks as I heard him.  DISAPPEAR?

Strange days continue.  As the world stages becomes more bizarre, the feeeeeeeeeels do as well.  Dream-like.

Having a synch with the eclipse dream I had about a year ago.  At the time there was something going on in the dream that I had a hunch about – that hunch returned a few months ago – has waxed and waned since – and now my girl and I are experiencing it.

Synchs and strangeness.  What a time this is!

Here is what I’m seeing.









Speaking of, are we getting some clean-up on demonic aisle today – good friday?




i noticed the 10 as well…….



Texas AG Ken Paxton Investigating DEI Practices at Boeing Supplier


well it feeeeeeeeeels more like a dream and looks more like AI……



With His ‘Good Enough’ Health, Pope Francis Skips Traditional Good Friday Procession at Rome’s Coliseum, as the Holy Week Event Marathon Seems More Than He Can Handle



also has SAVING ISRAEL FOR LAST vibes………




movie scene………..





6 hospitalized after Newark-bound United Airlines flight diverts to NY airport due to ‘high winds’ (nypost.com)







the anticipation and build up is very. intense. now……



I’m asking my readers of loveinactionnow.com to become supporters by contributing whatever amount of money you are comfortable in sharing to help me research/write/edit/update all work done here.  If you find my work useful and valuable, please consider donating by clicking the button below.  Thank you.

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3.28.24 ~ Finds, a Gematria, etc.




Current feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels in gif’s:

Hey V – where’s the mail?

V:  huh?  you say something?


Hey V – how you feeling about the eclipse?



And tell us how you feeling about the world stage atm?  Did you see what JB said??



Well then what you want V?



And what you gonna do when you get dat V?


And dance like Claire:


Here’s what I’m seeing.  How you all doing?








VIDEO: MAGA Favorite Kari Lake Explains Her Decision to Concede in Lawfare Defamation Case in Move that Stuns Critics | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


he’s either a royal twat – or he’s being used to look like one:

Matt Walsh Addresses “Coincidence” of Obama’s New Movie Containing Scene Where a Cargo Ship Crashes Due to Cyber Attack and the Baltimore Key Bridge Collapse (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott





What are they going to do – change it to “multi-dollar store”?






Eclipse goodies:


3 Rockets??  More “biblical” references including Ra……MrMBB333:

Now THIS is going to happen DURING the eclipse!

GEMATRIA:  12P/Pons-Brooks (name of comet – which I spelled out TWELVE P PONS BROOKS as numbers are not counted):

Emergency Broadcast Message

This Is Really Happening

May The Force Be With You

And The Best Is Yet To Come

Soulmate I’m Coming Home Q

Q Plan To Save The World

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

Revelation Eleven Eleven

I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free I Am Free  (sharing because there are 17. of. these.)


I’m asking my readers of loveinactionnow.com to become supporters by contributing whatever amount of money you are comfortable in sharing to help me research/write/edit/update all work done here.  If you find my work useful and valuable, please consider donating by clicking the button below.  Thank you.

3.25.24 ~ Some Finds including did “Jim Carrey” just give his award to US??…. and Puzzle Piecing/Intuiting……….





‘Cuz that’s what I do best here (well besides the mom and baking thing).




This (so many songs today – plus the ravens visiting 3x)….the flow was quite lovely………



A lot of people seem to like this theory……….







Then ya’ll probably know about this:


DEVELOPING: Private Jet Owned by Music Mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs Tracked to Caribbean Island Amid Federal Raids


leaving this one like this:



speaking of music…………(btw, triple 2 w/the html code):



What the frigging u know what is this??  (waiting for her reply – below – to see if this is what she saw)





NBC Considers Chopping Ronna McDaniel After Icy Reception





‘Crisis’ Declared in California as State Farm Announces 72,000 Policies to Be Cut



3.22.24 ~ Checking and Finds showing SOME type of movement


I’m stuttering today – I’m so overwhelmed.  Lifelong rage coming to surface – again.  I wrote a piece on my buy me a coffee site – feel free to read (and buy a coffee if you feel so inclined).  I’ve noticed I’m making more typos than usual.  Anyone else?  Seeing others have also reached a new zenith of things like overwhelm, exhaustion.  The collective squeeze – bringing up all that needs to be seen.  I intend we all release and heal whatever needs attention and love.

I am seeing it’s hard to promote myself.  Several groups I belong to – no self-promotion – which is ridiculous considering a couple of the groups are those on the healing journey and seeking to increase their income as part of that journey.  Unless you pay someone money, self-promotion can be a lonely, frustrating journey at times.  Other times – it’s a nice flow of abundance.  Today I feel I tapped.  It’s like how. much. longer. until. that. magical. moment?

For now, having more moments that are very present – very strong – wanting to rub it in the face of those in my life who have told me I am a loser, I’m lazy, don’t try enough.  Who have told me my ideas will “never happen”.  Who have laughed at me, abandoned me, mocked me all while I too often stood silent, afraid, shaking inside:  JUDGMENT DAY IS HERE.  Eat. Crow.

And walk away like a Boss.

Ok.  So that is a vent I hesitate to share but figure so many of you have shown appreciation for my authentic purging – and figure I am not alone with that emotional state – which is coming from the anger originating from the pain of disappointment.  Too trusting.  Too many times of “giving just another chance” while dismissing my inner voice.  That last part – biggest piece.

Working on the judgment thing – which of course comes back to my own self judgment.  Remembering to love myself.  Allowing.  That’s what this is about – returning to Love.  That is taking near constant discipline.

Individual and collective journey.  Bright points of light all on a path of remembering, purging – sometimes that Light is dim and covered up with emotions of doneness fedupness, etc.  But always there no matter the emotional state of our humanness.  Please continue to hold Murry in your prayers.  He’s healing well, preparing for the final procedure.  And thank you to those of you who have bought gifts for my girl from her wish list.  That alone has meant a lot this week and has given her the chance to see that there are very good people out there.  💖

Ok – so with all of that said – here’s what I’m seeing.




an interesting collage of tidbits showing what each of us in the states has paid plus the outrageous budget for these alphabet types:





“all part of the plan” we hear……….perhaps, yes………….but this as I said:


“luck” as in he knew how to use “their” system……at this point it’s tiring and too triggering for many who are seriously struggling to pay the basics…..





another actor looking like U G H what is THAT?!…………O M G on this one – he must’ve been really bad to have someone looking like this show up……

Bruce Springsteen returns to stage looking unrecognizable — and a little bit like Tilda Swinton (yahoo.com)





draggin’ myself on the ground at this point in all of this as i meekly ask with deep seated rage inside “IS THIS THE 11.3 WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR???”






