JUST IN – Space becomes new theater of war: Israel shoots down a ballistic missile that was traveling 62 miles above Earth in Space, Daily Mail reports
Sometimes I would like an app or program to come up with the subject titles to these posts. I feel the same way within as when I leave a voicemail.
I feel the same when I’m forced into one of those social situations where I don’t know the person and the only thing I realize is safe to talk about is the weather. 😛😕
Writing subject lines – I can erase those. Voicemails? Once they’re out there – they’re out there. And mine tend to ramble. Which I usually apologize for then hear my inner voice say “you don’t need to apologize for that” and then a whole mental mess happens.
How are you all feeling? I feel disoriented and a new level of fatigue even though I know I slept well – kind of like a drug-induced sleep where when I woke up I wondered if I was coming out of a coma. I did have energy to do what I wanted and needed to do. Made things I usually do – jam, almond milk, salad dressing. The little things I like to have on hand and prefer to make on my own – even though convenience is starting to speak up loudly lately like when I was out front sweeping up the pine needles suddenly wishing for one of those obnoxious leaf blowers that for decades I have despised for their noise and waste-of-time-just-moves-the-mess-for-someone-else-to-deal-with. But today? My aching body had a different idea. I had the thought that 49 and younger don’t need them. 50 and over though…..
The weather was very stormy for awhile – then the skies cleared and while I saw rain clouds to the west and south I told a friend I intended them to go around us. And uh – they actually did leaving us with 60’s and sun.
Here’s what I’m seeing. Love and gratitude to you all.
Not yet he hasn’t…………at least it hasn’t shown up on the world stage yet – but one of the chief commanders alluded to this this week when he essentially said there was no progress being made….
If you love America, you will agree 💯 with what Tucker Carlson is saying here about Speaker Mike Johnson: “…If you think the welfare of another country is the most important thing for you as one of the Leaders of our country, third in line to the Presidency, you have lost the… pic.twitter.com/ia9rVnQXKv
I saw another interview with (allegedly) her last night – and she skirted the issue and did not look like the original………
Okay, so about this.
The #TMFINR event still doesn't add up for me, so I am still chewing on alt explanations.
One that hit me was what if this was, in fact, a psyop (deep state OR white hats) used to get EVERYONE's attn to a person and then roll out v2 who… pic.twitter.com/qTAYkWCmpX
Fun Fact: 19 days before the false flag attack in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and Elon Musk had a meeting… I wonder what about? pic.twitter.com/spyWTIazmi
Feels like a game of dodgeball out there. That’s the best way I can describe it – incoming things trying to knock one off their focused path. I know what I know and that feeling, though subtle and quiet, grows. It’s depressing as hell, challenging as hell and lonely and toxic at times – now more than ever. Stay the path and stay in your own lane – my words to myself. And when someone or something tries to come into your lane to distract and throw you off center – give it a Neo move or send it love or ignore and keep on going.
We know this ends – we just don’t yet know when or how or what it actually looks like. But this does end.
Here’s what I’m seeing – pointing us in that direction. Oh – twice I turned on the radio early in the day and first heard In The Air Tonight then Final Countdown. I also had another dream where I was doing something with Lisa Harrison – group of us – felt busy and happy at the same time. For what it’s worth…
Angels Have Been Called Chosen Selected It Is Time (i used to be into angels – got away from it – since have been reconsidering – could simply have been another one of our “things” that “they” compromised – i woke up this morning thinking about what are called angels here – how they are here – could feeeeeeel that presence)
Cancel All Contracts with Aliens
Sound of Freedom
The Time Is Now
Time Traveller
Now Is The Time
This Is Not A Game
And the more we – the more I – have woken up – the more everything and I mean EVERYTHING here feels like ground hog day. The longing for NEW (something my mind can’t even see) grows….
The reason why things come back in style is because they have us on a time loop. pic.twitter.com/vfhZzzud5P
I had an interesting experience in the portal. Absentmindedly looked at the tiles a bit off to my left when suddenly an object looking just. like. a. portal. appears then as quick as it appears it vanishes. It was about 8″ diameter – flash of swirly lines – white/orange/yellow color. I froze and thought “WTF?” then it was gone. I tried to recreate the experience – tried to find the logic. Couldn’t – no matter what I did (w/the water, with lighting, etc.). I saw something. Then I see the things below and think “ok………..”.
Here they are – and more. Let me know how you’re doing.
Noticing anything new?
The feeeeeeeeels more intense? (!!!)
Building to the point where the lid’s going to burst? (!!!)
A huge EF Yeah. You aren’t alone.
Please remember to share, like, subscribe and leave a donation if you can. Thank you!
Strong synch given what I saw in the portal earlier…….
My feeeeeeeeeeel has been – for awhile – that we ALL return to where we belong.
Humanity is about to split, to different paths. Some see an awful fate, & have dreams of experiencing it. The truth is, we have no future, without a past. The Split lands people at different points of 'history' in their Branches path. Take Heart. pic.twitter.com/c5sn7kCIaI
I appreciated this one…………remember elon speaking about the great filter……..i decided to gematria it (below)……question for me is WHY put in that filter – and why……..
San Tarot ~ Judgment card comes up – again. Correcting and error…Vanishing mirror – ego reflection……….Returning to our hearts my feeeeeeeeel………oooh she talks about a barrier (see above – the great filter)….breaking through it – followed by Awakening card……..
Lots of deep breathing. Enough to power a few hundred generators today (if that’s the power in which they ran on).
We rise above it all and keep focused. Took my girl out to get some candy – it was strange how quiet it was. Where did all of the kids go? No real energy to back up this day – which is a good thing – but it still feels oddly quiet and lonely. So…………..LET’S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD AND GOING ALREADY!
Interesting – many of the comments are saying the same.
Ok – notice the brown shirt? And hair? Remember I said I had that dream a couple of nights back where I was being shown how to use a Tesseract – and how I thought it was VK – and how he had on all brown? And had brown hair? This is the most he’s shown of himself btw………
Down 30+ Pounds on the Carnivore Diet. Determined to leave this host with a Six Pack. pic.twitter.com/mprxSbhtxt
From Qrash the Matrix! @PaTrumpGirl 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 "INGERSOLL LOCKWOOD…
I don't hear anyone talking about all the hidden links on this site. Sorry long video… ‼️🔥👉At least watch the end! Look 👀 where that last link led me!😱😏" pic.twitter.com/SMmn736kZ6
So…………..VK has been playing around with a self-built Tesseract in recent weeks. He didn’t like version one so he built another. Last week he said he was going to give it away this week. Spouse and I talked about this last night. I said I wouldn’t know what to do with it. Part of me may know – “out there” – and while I would like to know how to use one – I really had no attachment one way or another. Would be cool if someone gets it who KNOWS how to use it. Intuitively.
Anyway so I had this dream last night where I was hanging out with some man – 30’s. He had on a brown top (velour type from the 70’s) and brown corduroy-like pants. Brown hair. Brown eyes. He was talking to others – I sat next to him. A few times he glanced at me but for the most part he was looking straight ahead engaged w/others. First time I saw him he was walking my day down a hill. It jumped around – next thing I remember I am looking at a Tesseract – observing it – then doing something with it. It was all mental. Then I saw things happen – quickly – it was like a beautiful dance – the energy it put out. I saw it create a Bridge – and then a separation – a protective barrier – keeping us safe from “them”.
That’s all I recall.
Had so much energy today – I did gardening, went for walks, and still…. I’m going. How about the rest of you? Part of the energy is anticipatory – something is growing. (there were some “pokey” things – reminder for me to s l o w down and be within)
I visited the sacred tree for the first time in 2, maybe 3 years. Felt patience. Quiet/along time for me. A “visit me anytime”. Gratitude.
Here’s what I’m seeing. Please remember to comment, share and leave a donation if you can. Thank you, as always. 💖🙏🎶💜
I got a Phealing about our Fren VK. Just a gut feeling, but its been pretty dead on lately.
i have yet to vet that first part……the dude is totally click bait at times and doesn’t source his material as he should imho….anyway it’s the second part – the comment i’m focused on here…..i am wondering – if Israel and the US are essentially one in the same (CORPORATE STATEHOODS) – and if it’s true what i’ve seen that Israel’s paperwork expires on 10.31.23 (see below) there may be something to this.
The US Corporation goes defunct too on Halloween 🎃 🤣
I do find it interesting that they have been launching 22 Starlink satellites for quite a while, but now, it's changed to 23 for the last few. https://t.co/CvIMNKxqIs
Oregon Democrat Earl Blumenaudr will Not Seek Re-election.
Must be “not seeking re-election”season.
#24 Any person making statements they will not be SEEKING RE-ELECTION was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted… pic.twitter.com/He1nVkyMOO
I had to listen w/ear buds – but you can hear T’s voice counting 8, 7, 6…
Dan Scavino posted this earlier. Towards the end, you have to listen closely, but there is a man counting down…. Saying 8, 7, 6…
Q228 8,7,6,5…
His videos always intrigue me. Between the dog comm posts, fighter jets with interesting time references etc— Remember what Trump… pic.twitter.com/M5Vm9fuyWQ
😴 was 😜🙄😜🙄 last night. How about for ya’ll? Body and mind saying rest sleep take it ez. Ok, then. Here’s what I’m seeing. End – THE moment – feels really close now doesn’t it? (lol took me 3x to type out that sentence).
This aligns w/my dream I had early this week – where something big had been accomplished – a barrier busted through. Anyone on Lisa Harrison’s TG Chat group may also want to check out what she said.
San Tarot………with the work doing in the astral what we normally did during the day – not able to do as well because of the astral battle. Ya think?!
Storm………watch is now on around 11:16/17…………and as someone pointed out – the rabbit has one bent ear………..a rabbit with one ear bent like that is called a lop………to lop is to cut off from the main branch………..
Oh what the heck, let’s do a gematria. BACK TO THE FUTURE
One Eleven
The Light Has Returned (dark to light reference?)
Michael Jackson (that came up twice in the first several phrases – i ignored it the first time then saw it a few rows down and decided ok mebbe i share)
Well it’s been some time since I had a dream like this. I was in the astral place – Lisa Harrison and others were there – part of some team. We were talking – excitedly – openly (because it felt like we were “safe” to do so). I don’t recall what was said but I do remember the sense was “WE DID IT!” And my feel was – whatever we did – we pushed through it and would feel it here.
Around 5pm today – PST – 8pm EST – I got this very nice rush of energy – uplifting energy – the kind that comes from deep deep within and feels like it originates in a far off distance place – and it feels natural and right and wonderful. I had just finished up a walk/hike with my girl and had to go back out to burn off some of the energy that was going through me. As an added synch – my spouse said he was feeling the same thing.
Additional synch that may or may not align with my “dream” – earlier I had been engaged in a convo w/others on twitter (you’ll see that below) where I was telling someone what if when all of this is over we wake up on the outside and STAND up and realize we’ve all been playing this game – then we remember and laugh. I shared this with my spouse before going out on my 2nd walk. As I’m walking my phone rings – it’s him – telling me to check out the song that just came on the radio. 80’s friends will appreciate this one. I leave you w/this (appropriate) song followed by some shares. Something shifted – again – today. Anyone feel it?
JD liked this one……….he doesn’t like every comment……
it's a vibe – getting clearer too……..wouldn't it be funny if at the end we're all really on the outside playing this game inside – we stand (STAND) – and have a good laugh?
Why in english? And what about no internet there? (btw – we had on the live cam in gaza – 0 rocket alerts today – but i thought there was this massive ground war assault going on)
Listen, the fact that this is spoken in English but directed towards the citizens of Gaza is odd and raises some weird red flags for me… am I going crazy? https://t.co/YrtbiOxJ2b
good description – although it’s felt like this since i arrived here – definitely something switched a few years back making that experience much more palpable………
I feel like I have been in a kind of psychological and social prison for 6 years, and am due for release. pic.twitter.com/hXL0cl6bpq
MrMBB333……….What’s that off to the right at the 4:44 mark? The “pot marked planet”? Then again off to the right at the 6:03 mark (looks kind of like a hole that leads elsewhere – a window – and if you pause it you will see there are no “stars” on the other side)……..Also of interest – the location of the moon. My spouse watches it rise every night – and it’s not in the same location it is normally seen it. It moved by a great deal to the north. Bizarro reality………..