The vibe/energies still feel off and uncomfortable. It is SO uncomfortable – I am wondering why I keep seeing there will be further war. The point of this being what exactly? I don’t care if it’s a “movie” – I go by how I feel and “out there” feels dark and bleak. As I’ve said before – I am in no space to accept or intend/allow experiences of hellhellhellhell traumatraumatrauma they are desperate enough……then HERE I AM! YOUR SAVIOR! NO. THANK. YOU.
So…………I am just dropping stuff here with the statement that I don’t know wtf is going on now – other than psyop. However, within that still piece (peace) of me says “if WH are truly in control – they would not allow for a mass extermination of people – anywhere”. Love, V.
Why is it becoming more difficult to know what is real and fake on here?
You know what bothers me most? Some are judging others who are in the same struggle – saying “we should know by now what is wrong with you?” – some of these are perhaps AI or others who are more “in the know”………They have more free time to dig (don’t have spouses/children)……..or they are younger, have good incomes, aren’t dealing with health issues. This war on our minds has also made it more challenging to KNOW the truth much less see it (seeing is not always believing here – esp. now – where honestly everything feels like a psyop and unless you’re on the inside – no one knows the full truth of what we’re seeing).
This – yes – is all we need to know in the end. It is never we the people it is “them” – the parasitic evil lying controlling stealing things……..
Would like to chime in on all the Anti-Israel, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Iran etc chatter on the chan and on twitter. Generic hate will get us know where. Know who the enemies really are…
What happened to Jesus throwin’ out the money changers?
What happened to the whole “33 is the magic number”?
10:10 was a total bust. I don’t appreciate nor do deception. Those with whom I trusted who actually stated to give things 3 days (3 days ago) – buh bye ‘lest you own up to error. What’s playing out on the world stage – real people are being harmed. As someone said, f.f. doesn’t imply nothing happened – more like it’s a distraction to take our eyes away from other things “they” don’t want us to see. Such as……………? Any ideas?
Although I still feel something is happening over there – some cleaning up and out. But what do I know? My inner feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels and sense we are told to rely on – that ‘ole discernment thing – can still not line up because we’re in an artifically created reality run by f’ing psychopaths who get off on f’ing with us. All we can do – see it and call it out and say NO.
‘Nuff said. Well stated, if I do say so myself. Let’s see if there’s anything worth sharing to inject some energy of HOPE into this pit.
This showed up on my feed. Poke? Message? Maybe 10:10 is the end of something………….?
Only in a simulation of code, etc. – where much of what we think we are thinking with our brains is coming in from outside – is this probably possible. BE
One thing that occurs to me is that when you heal from being sick – and I mean SICK sick (not just a run of the flu cold) – is how amazing it feels just to feel normal again.
Why? Because we forget.
We forget how amazing it feels not to feel like absolute hell. We don't have…
SAN TAROT………..Cry for the moon card – again. Longing for Home – longing for what we were separated from. Alone it’s taken – combined w/the other card it shows a choice. Possible theory as I’ve spoken of is we chose to come inside this place (again??) to help w/the awakening and liberation………..Returning to a younger version of oneself……….
It’s crazy “out there”. So much disinfo. Claims without proof.
Feeling heavy – doubting myself. What is the purpose of these feeeeeeeeelings so many of us get – with the numbers in particular – what does it bring us? Same for the synchs to keep us going for a bit. What do they really do to truly help? I want to wake up to a new world. I want to wake up and FEEEEEEEEEEEEL the way I seek. Last time that happened was the day after the 2016 election. Palpable feeling. Ever since it’s been little glimpses. A glimpse here and there. It isn’t enough in these current moments where I don’t know how I am going to get through another winter mentally – another winter being in the same situation when everything in me pleads for NEW. I could have that – now – once I connect with the right people with the resources and heart. I’m as done as one can be in doing the same thing – but I don’t know what else TO do different now. I don’t. I just don’t.
The mental thing – that exhaustion – I feel I have this heavy blanket over my brain. Know what helps with that? Sun. Warmth. Bike riding. But those days are gone – for now – soon to be for days -weeks at a time – when I kept telling myself I would not have to deal with that another year because of my focus and direction and choices would create my new experience. Yes, I know I have once created weather. If another human can do that with their tech – so can this woman. So can ALL of us with focused intent and someone with the means to get some of that tech and frigging use it for good. It’s been very dry here – overall – and just 1 day of rain and outside smells like mold/mildew and there are suddenly mushrooms all over the yard. One day. Tell me they ain’t spraying us with stuff.
While I want and command NEW.
Some power I have.
We’re told we have the power while also being told to trust the plan and wait – let things unfold as they need to (who is behind it all IF not us?).
I know this plan/awakening is about more than just myself – but for me – now? It IS just about myself and what I need – and what I want my girl to have – what I want to give her. So I forget the big picture and keep it small – right here.
I’ve been looking for someone to work with me – in person – to face trauma/phobias head on in the situation in which I get triggered – all year. I will need to keep looking. The one person I was hoping to work with finally responded – but doesn’t take insurance. The last time I worked with her she was in the process of undertaking that approach. She now charges $100 per visit. I don’t have that kind of money. I was hoping for a sliding scale fee – she no longer offers that. It’s disappointing. Some people who “have” don’t always see others who don’t. She and her spouse own their home outright – it’s gorgeous too. They travel. Perhaps I’m being too judgmental. I don’t really care though. My experience out in this reality has pushed me into more of an angry/had it/done/I will SCREAM if I have to in order to get what I need – and create what I seek. And when it all comes down to MONEY and those WITH do not want to “go there” – I get into the judgment space. Or perhaps – righteously angry.
I need to create a poster to simply wave around. The face of my child on it. Sharing the story. You want to say no to this? Because I am as done as one can get in doing the same because at the time I have no. other. f’ing. option.
Let’s bring this thing to an end and release abundance – starting with those who are needing to change their experience – often long. ago. In the interim, I continue doing what I do. last night I was up until 2am applying for some online writing work. And I continue to seek someone willing to run a campaign fundraiser. There’s $$ in it for them.
10:10 – starting out as a total UGH day. Those expectations – which are really just heart feeeeeeeeeeels – can slam you some moments.
Really heavy today. Over 320 up in the states. Majority along the borders.
Market’s are up. War = Busine$$. “They” continue to profit while the rest of us struggle and enslave ourselves just to eat. REALLY needing this to switch… !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymity is just an illusion online these days. They have AI analyzing all major internet traffic and can narrow down an originating IP in seconds. VPN and TOR won't help much.
Always will be an Anon but I have no expectation of Anonymity. At some point we all stand as one…
Hate on me all you want, but I’m still in the camp of:
– Patriots are in control – Trump is CIC – Military is running things – The real Joe Biden is dead – Hillary is dead – Our border is more secure than you think – Actors are everywhere – Justice is coming
Something odd happened with the music festival in Israel. The event was planned for another location. It was moved with 48 hours notice, and moved to an area with poor security, in a zone that wasn't fit for that level of an event. Why would an entire international music festival…
We have had a 360 turn in the weather – went from 80’s two days ago to 50’s and cool rain. I had been putting this off – avoiding it – the task of getting out winter/fall clothing and putting away the summer stuff. I didn’t think I would have to do that this year – I still don’t – in full that is – but I needed to get out some things and being warm – comfortable – is priority – right up there with eating and drinking. And sleeping. Which speaking of – I slept like a rock last night almost 7 hours straight – but still don’t feel like I slept.
Anyway I was able to find the energy to do the clothing thing – giving away 3 bags as I just don’t need nor want that many clothes plus I am not the same size I used to be (thanks graphene oxide and life changes). Simplicity all the way. Washing the things that smell musty. Yug. So more organizing and trying to decide what to keep and what to donate – even throw away – piles of clothes all over the bed – while thinking I did not intend to do this: I became overwhelmed. Done. I. Am. D O N E. Just – D O N E. DONE with having no control over my experience – including the weather. We’re not supposed to have all of these changes in the weather. Yeah – I know this. I KNOW this to the core of who I am. Whoever I really am and wherever I really come from just KNOWS things and has less tolerance as time passes for anything I simply don’t want and one thing is I don’t want long cold days of clouds and rain for weeks at a dayem time. Nor do I want long dark days. I. Want. Sun. And. 77.
There ya go! lol
Anyway – I was doing too much for me brain – plus hobbling around because I injured my toe last week – with all happening and blah blah frigging la de blah – I melted down into a heap of tears. I walked away – felt the nudge to get on twitter (wondering why would I want to do that) – and then had, no joke, the most. amazing. beautiful. divine. gobsmacking synch I have had yet. It’s so personal I am keeping the details to myself – but it included my numbers, my movie, two of my go-to songs, my person(s) wrapped up in Take Me Home all in one little meme by my favorite account. I felt so much peace come over me – felt – knew – I wasn’t alone.
It took me a good 30 minutes to come down off of that high and to recenter. I was literally that much in a stupor.
Later this evening my girl and I went to get some food. On the way home we decided to drive around a bit and noticed this car acting strangely a few blocks in front of us – facing us. It was one of those “are you going or are you staying”. Whoever was driving – or shall I say whatever was driving – was pulling forward quickly then stopping then repeating. I waited because I wasn’t about to turn in case they decided to hit the pedal again. Well they sat and sat until I said a prayer and took my turn. I wrapped around the block, started to pull into the driveway when I noticed the car coming up our street – doing the same. dayem. thing. It finally just sat there – and I decided to not pull all the way into the driveway. You never know, ya know? I wanted to know who they were and wasn’t into being possibly watched or followed or messed with. So I sat there – watching. It was dark so I couldn’t see who was behind the wheel. Finally the car pulls forward – passing by our house, giving me the chance to see who was driving. Behind the wheel was a young man staring straight ahead – who I can only say looked exactly like someone out of the matrix movie. From the pale white face to the haircut – I looked at them and said “wtf is that? He looks far. too. perfect. to be human.” I know – strange – but I go by how I feeeeeeeeeeeels and this left me with “wtf” feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels.
Anything is possible in this simulation.
The feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels are very strange this evening – energies – just. WEIRD.
Anyone else?
The radio is beating the war drums. Social media. All the players coming on stage to push WWIII. I had a dream last night I was in a room with others and Vincent Fusca (yeah, I know lol) was there reassuring us all – telling us what was really happening. I don’t remember what he said – but I woke up and could feeeeeeeeeeeeel that what we are seeing is just like what we saw in Ukraine – only it has a more important role. The reason why Israel had to be last is because that is where “they” longed and planned to have their final war – their armageddon- to appease their “god” while bringing in the anti-christ. It’s being flipped and mirrored. Cleaning up/out their stuff while disclosing the truth to the masses – or those who seek said truth.
Something seems to be building for tomorrow.
Here are some finds. I hope you are all finding comfort and love and support however you can. We’re almost there my friends.
If DJT is the CIC, would he allow terrorists to come through our borders and come try to kill us all?
Despise the Cabal and the controlled intelligence agencies (in many countries) duping the world's people. Knowingly letting and dare i say making this all happen.
As for the book… King James (a man) with his scholars, theologians,…
A Gulfstream G550 “Nachshon Oron” Signal-Intelligence Aircraft attached to the 122nd “Nachson” Squadron of the Israeli Air Force is also Airborne off the Coast of Central Israel and has been for roughly 4 Hours, she is likely Collecting Intelligence to Aid the Ground Operations…
Wow! So Failing Forbes Magazine is controlled by Communist China. No wonder they go out of their way to write badly about me, and work with the CORRUPT AND INCOMPETENT RACIST ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NEW YORK, PEEKABOO JAMES. Could never figure it out until now. It is a China Propaganda machine, EXPOSED – and whose been smarter and tougher on China than me. They’ve paid us $BILLIONS. Despite it all, I don’t think that President Xi will be very happy with them, they’re bad news, and they’ve been working against America – and got caught. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! MAGA!!!
Best for last. (She has on her power shirt too – it’s my favorite of hers):
San Tarot………..Homesickness energy – longed for since childhood. Feeling displaced. Being unbound. Too much on our plate. The longing is being masked by having “too much to do” (definitely feeling that). Being wronged in the past – ancient past. Being held in place. Information coming in via sleep – may be slamming the brakes on our life (current focus). Scene from matrix where everything stops – then in hangman space. Something happened – got busy in this 3d experience/everyday living – then it returns – may not recognize it as we have completely forgotten. Too far in the past – but it still comes in with homesickness. And a strange feeling of familiarity. (kinda like what i felt today to be honest) Something’s coming………..Collective visitation moments – perhaps that would be when TIME stops……….
What do you all see? I see smoke from explosives – but no rockets. It seems to be coming from the bottom up – as some are saying – clearing underground tunnels. I also don’t hear any screaming nor does the man video taping it have panic in his voice. I see a totally controlled operation. The more I reflect the more I see this is WWIII on “them” – “they” are beating the war drums when in reality it’s a clean up – final stage – of “their” doings.
Very. interesting. conversation going on w/this one…………Stargates………asylum for those with duo-citizenship……..the Ark of the Covenant (aka the box which i share below)…….
What does Israel have that is worth everyone's panic?
I think clif got censored on x for posting comments like this:
More evidence coming out that the Khazarian Mafia from Ukraine took over Judaism centuries ago as a way to hide in plain sight. They were known as the 'Name Stealers' back in their day. Zionists could actually be Khazarian Mafia Moloch worshipers from Ukraine under the guise of…
Oooh………it’s not there now so I can’t verify – but 2 images below – I say it’s legit. They know we’re following that clock – so they are dropping comms. Trumpet. The 7 Trumpets of Revelations – when God brings judgment upon evil. It’s indeed biblical (mirroring).
Beautiful and timely message. It is so. time. to end “their” endless wars and let us BE FREE again – like children – to play and create. Looking over my daughter’s curriculum I thought “there is so much more than this”.
I agree. All day I felt this quite strongly to get right within and just be – don’t engage in drama or conflict – war can happen between countries or between individual people. Be the peace I desire for myself.
Different angle on a “Clean House”. Most focus on Congress……don’t. Focus on you 🙏
My spouse had a dream – similar to the one I had many months ago where I was watching a monitor displaying the movements of the sun and moon. He was in a white room – watching a large television screen – showing the moon – which was morphing into a human like face. There was a lot of talking – and a lot of excitement. We both got chills as he spoke about it. I mentioned “well you know the saying – man in the moon” – which gave him another round of chills.
Whatever is happening – it. is. here. Closer than it’s ever been – and where it once waxed and waned – I don’t feel the waning anymore.
Hearing the song by Styx – Babe. Babe I’m leaving, I must be on my way…..The Train is going…… Feeling the individual portion of this journey – all in our OWN spaces but going to all be journeying out together.
Once emotions from the above song passed – I heard “It’s time to come together……Everyone around the world come on!” Celebration.
I was also reflecting on the whole disappointment many of us experience when we get a date/timeline/timeframe “wrong”. It isn’t that that knowing is wrong – it’s that we’ve been in a looping system – so when we “come around” to that space inside the game and it feeeeeeeeeeeeeeels like “this is IT” – then we get looped again. I don’t see the looping repeating now. I see the end.
The 10:10 is up on us. How will it manifest – what will we see………..I had the image of that mouse watch – with the 10:10 – and was drawn to look at the 10 second marks which are all in red. Could be a countdown.
Sleep was – again – weird. Feels very – VERY – individual right now – a big collective pause too. Anticipation. Holding the breath. Watching. Maybe even starting to close the eyes a bit as children do before something big happens. Ok – we big kids too.
We have JD synchs. Spouse has connections to W. Virginia. He got some beans many years ago – Rocky Mountain – which we changed to John Denver (I was listening to a lot of his music at the time – one of those sudden nudges to LISTEN TO JOHN DENVER music – really in our space at the time in our individual ways). Anyway – never did those beans produce – until this year. Just one. And it is harvest time.
“They” are reallllllllllllllllly pushing the WWIII drums. I’m just not going there – observing – but still going by what I sense: to SHOW on a movie screen. Saw image last night of grandma smiling………today an image of a girl allegedly running from an attack – who did not look terrified.
Because, yes:
Wonder where in the city, because all the livestream webcams are quiet.
I don't know much about politics, but even I can see the political landscape is a bit rocky at this moment in time. Ukraine and now Israel. Let's hope no other counTry will be invaded.
Melting. on. purpose. to. expose. Biggest on record. Check the comment section for Rick’s theory – which aligns and is very plausible. I can actually “see” in my mind what he’s talking about……
This year, the hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica was at its biggest on September 16th. It covered a whopping ten million square miles, according to the European Space Agency (ESA).
Think it’s time for everyone in politics to show us which countries own them – show the world where their citizenships are…..
San Tarot………Vanishing mirror……..ultimate truth……About to be blown away by a turn of events……….grace card moves into the “hot head” card/space……..Situation being corrected…….Blowing the mind…….
Weird sleep (again). Hard to tell which world I am fully in at times. Challenging day that held a blessing in that I finally met with one of you’s in person🥰💖🙏🥰. It felt like coming Home. Ready for more of that!
“Clearance from Antarctica”………..Remember Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf said once we see info on Antarctica, that’s the end……..that dream i had a few years ago where i was trying to get to one of the mountains – to get inside……..
My final thoughts about flat/round earth.
Bigger than they are telling us but roundish.
Hiding Land.
They just have humanity in a bubble so the perspective is fooked. Only way out is by going underwater and around the bubble.
A comprehensive overhaul of these agencies is sorely needed, along with a commission to take punitive action against those individuals who have abused their regulatory power for personal and political gain.
Yesterday was better. Today – feeling the disappointment and heartbreaks of living in this world. When I see this playing out atm for more than 3 people – I know it’s a collective heaviness. Is it ours? I don’t know. Could be “them” trying to slam us down again. All I know is I feel it – and when it impacts the most sensitive – especially the one I care about more than anyone – the more I scream to END THIS FUCHING MOVIE ALREADY! (hey if Sam Kinison could blast out truth screaming – so can I now and then, right? 😜😂) Wish we would get to the part that is about US – those of us awake – who answered the call – who question and pursue the truth because as uncomfortable as that is, we know it’s the right thing to do rather than taking the easy way out and turning a blind eye to what is clearly. toxic.
I was thinking about that today – bullying. Power over. I realize everyone has engaged in that here and there – but for some it’s a way of life – a way of being – and it’s the most disturbing when they don’t. see. it. I was thinking back to a time when I belonged to a metaphysical group. The woman ran it like a cult. It didn’t start out that way – but over time I saw the signs. She would criticize people who questioned the philosophy she was teaching. She judged people who weren’t solid in their belief system. She kept trying to steer us in one direction – when we wanted to explore because, you know, it was a metaphysical group where we discussed the metaphysical. But when she giggled at a member for having a claustrophobic attack in the room one night because it was about 100 that day, the room had been shut up – no a/c – so when we arrived at 7pm it. was. very. uncomfortable. I was feeling it myself. So when I offered the woman my water bottle to splash some water on herself, that is when I noticed the leader giggling, watching this poor woman trying to ward off a panic attack. I’d had enough and spoke up – called her out – simply telling her to stop – it wasn’t funny – while the rest of the group sat quietly, doing a variety of things clearing communicating their discomfort. I remember looking around the room at every one of them thinking “Really? You’re ok with this? You’re not going to help me out here?”
That was my last night in the group. Bullying exists because most ignore it just like most ignore abuse. Power over. Most simply don’t want to get involved because they think it isn’t their business to which I say “you’re part of the human species right? That makes it your business.” Often, they don’t want to make waves. Or they feel powerless. But if someone doesn’t stand up – who will? I guess I volunteered for that role here because I seem to have had my share of abuse and bullying going back as far as I can remember.
Anyway – I ran into the leader a few years ago. We talked. I felt perhaps she had changed so we exchanged contact information. She wrote me one day, inviting me to be a part of another one of her discussion groups. I asked her the topic – same one as she ran nearly 20 years previously. I asked if the format was different given the last one fell apart (after I left, 3 others followed, then slowly, the others.) She wrote back – claiming no ownership – instead pulling her same cult tactics – saying this philosophy was the TRUTH and the previous group fell apart because the members could not accept that – which she said she still to this day couldn’t understand. There is simply one way to God/Source and her philosophy was it. lol I giggled over that – wrote back saying “ok good luck with trying that again – I am not interested”. What’s even more comical – she’s a frigging licensed counselor. :::shudder:::
Sometimes it is true: once a bully, always a bully. Until – they aren’t.
Here’s what I’m seeing.
This is the ONE issue that none. of. them. touch – not even T – never mentioned in his social media over the years (that I know of). Now and then I think until it is addressed and called out by this plan – the plan remains open to scrutiny and questioning.
Remember that one President who addressed chemtrails?
I don’t like JJ – don’t trust him – especially since he showed up with a black left eye and had some lame excuse about hitting it on the proverbial door in the basement at the Capitol. Riiiiiiiiiiight. So maybe this is just another “rolling out the bad actor”. Jesus who knows – this is SO. RIDICULOUSLY. EMBARASSING (that it “had to be this way” for some).
I remember when I lived up there 20 plus years back – calling the police when someone smashed my passenger car window and stole some cd’s. I was told then they don’t send out an officer. If I wanted to file a report that was fine – to which I asked “will it be investigated?” and was told “no”.
So – here’s an interesting 10:10 synch from today. I went to the store late afternoon and noticed their clock was stuck on 10:10. The second hand was trying to move – but was clearly stuck. Hmmmm, I thought – that’s interesting. As ya’ll know, I first saw 10:10 25 years ago or so and for reasons I had no clue about at the time knew it would be important in the future (and as I’ve said didn’t know it would take so frigging long). Later on, I see this.
Apparently google can give us burps and farts – but doesn’t know what Agenda 2030 is.
Sounds ’bout right. Child is enjoying this immensely of course. 😂
In front of me, I have 5 Hot Wheels: 3 Batmobiles, 1 ’72 Ranchero with the letter V on it (holding a dog in the back) and now, 1 DeLorean.
I’d say I’m good to go.
Synchs are really intensifying. Something about Keys too. Last night I was reading a book I’ve been reading the past week. Suddenly something falls out of it – it’s a paper key. Perplexing. I decided to use it as a bookmark. Then tonight, I’m vacuuming near the front door – suddenly see a key start to get sucked up into the tube – a key that was not there earlier today when I had moved the stool and cleaned manually. Not only that – no one in this house knows where this key came from. Unfamiliar.
Weird, no?
Here’s another. Last night before I went to bed I wondered when the JD “Parody” account would be asking people to share some of their personal musical creations. Woke up – got on twitter – and see this:
If you are a musician, feel free to post some of your songs. Would love to have a listen.
Small account. The name seems to always appear on the gematria calc too:
Many of you have been trained since 2017 with "Jedi" skills and don't realize it. All this talk of synchronicity, and you don't realize you're gaining psychic powers. You've changed, haven't you?
I wondered the same thing. My friend Jules – her son received the Presidential Alert notification (texted me the image) whereas she received it as the National notification…..some are saying it’s firmware (depending upon the phone)………..some received spanish message first – confirmed that with LH today………some received it as both………..😜🤷♀️
Anyone know why some alerts today had Presidental Alert vs. National Alert at the top of the message?
Feeeeeeeeeling this whole trial against T – where he was not required to attend but is – is so he can show the world how corrupt the legal/justice system is.
The Republican primary race is over. While the first official vote cast for the Republican nominee is still roughly three months away, the smears, mugshots, indictments, and other inevitable political…
According to The Guardian, Trump did not return to the courtroom following a 10-minute break, leaving many in suspense. However, his legal counsel and his son, Eric Trump, remained present, adding to the intrigue.
Approximately 30 minutes later, former President Trump reentered the courtroom, flanked by multiple Secret Service agents.
What made this incident particularly unusual was that Trump did not return to the courtroom with his legal team or his son when the initial 10-minute break ended.