9.24.23 ~ Finds – including Excellent COMMS from T (Clone and Sky Event)



Some interesting delta’s for today (11, btw) that speak of RED OCTOBER, Not long now and D5…




Well this is interesting……..



And this (not a CLONE of mitch):

Donald J. Trump

The Republicans lost big on Debt Ceiling, got NOTHING, and now are worried that they will be BLAMED for the Budget Shutdown. Wrong!!! Whoever is President will be blamed, in this case, Crooked (as Hell!) Joe Biden! Our Country is being systematically destroyed by the Radical Left Marxists, Fascists and Thugs – THE DEMOCRATS. UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN! Close the Border, stop the Weaponization of “Justice,” and End Election Interference – WE MUST HAVE HONEST ELECTIONS. It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell, the weakest, dumbest, and most conflicted “Leader” in U.S. Senate history? HE’S ALREADY GIVEN THE DEMOCRATS EVERYTHING, THEY CAN’T BELIEVE HOW LUCKY THEY GOT. WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

Then there is this – which I am not sharing for the article but for the fact T keeps posting articles that show. this. picture.  He’s telling us to LOOK AT THE SKY.

US President Donald Trump looks up at the partial solar eclipse from the balcony of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 21, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / NICHOLAS KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)

Morning Consult Poll: Trump’s Favorability Continues to Rise (breitbart.com)

That picture was taken during the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017.  (in which T looked at the sky w/the special eclipse glasses).


Trump suggests Mark Milley should be executed in possible breach of pre-trial release conditions

 “This guy turned out to be a Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the President of the United States. This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!”



Flights up remains quite low (16 atm – 11pm EST)……..



(BTW – ya’ll know about me and the 10:10 – and how VK has said “1010 for the win” – 17 post 1010 ends with ENOUGH IS ENOUGH)



San Tarot….things are turning in a positive way – only getting better….

Scorpio – Suddenly popular.



Trump White House Lawyer Sues Dirty Prosecutor Andrew Weissmann For Defamation



MACRON FOLDS: France Withdraws Diplomatic Presence in Niger – Security Agreement Is Also Over, and French Military Troops to Depart in the Next Few Months



NASA’s First Asteroid Sample Returns to Earth in Utah Desert

You mean – this thing?  🙄😂


12th Constitutional Convention of the State of “New California” Next Weekend – Joe Hoft Guest Speaker




you can still buy this stuff?




Schumann (with what I call an “overlay”)…….



VK still showing images (with those two different time stamps in the image – 24 hours and 2 seconds apart)………




More truth surfacing:



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9.23.23 ~ Additional Finds & Puzzle Piecing



Some moments – and days – it’s hard, isn’t it?

Collective issues of nostalgia – sleep weirdness – astral happenings that are strange and new (that space has definitely changed)…..

Numbers are with me again today.  The 2’s.  The 1’s.  The 11 22.   I went out tonight for awhile – saw the 2’s – and for some reason had the nudge to wish store clerks and anyone who was around Merry Christmas – which I did.

Return home.  See this:


Scavino – 11:30pm EST drop on facebook tonight:

May be a black-and-white image of 3 people, suit and text that says 'HE DID IT... COVFEFE!'


I don’t know.  Male or female actor?


I’m that way with chocolate cake….


That’s just what they did…………….



This is true – and a very sad story in my area.  A young adult had been charged with DUII and suspended license a few weeks ago.  This week, he killed a woman in a head-on crash – a mom with children – trashed out of his mind.  It is sickening and tragic.

Victor Reacts: Criminals No Longer Fear the Law! Vegas Teen Brags that He Will Be Out in 30 Days (VIDEO)


This will be seen by the masses – according to what I see, UFC has over 200 million tv views and 6 billion social views.



T seems to like these UFC events.  He will be at another one soon (December).



T on truth social – “then” = them (misspellings count):

Donald J. Trump

Crooked Joe Biden had no intention of going to visit the United Autoworkers, until I announced that I would be heading to Michigan to be with them, & help then out. Actually, Crooked Joe sold them down the river with his ridiculous all Electric Car Hoax. This wasn’t Biden’s idea, he can’t put two sentences together. It was the idea of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, & Communists who control him and who, in so doing, are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY! Within 3 years, all of these cars will be made in China. That’s what Sleepy Joe wants, because China pays him and his family a FORTUNE. He is a Manchurian Candidate. If the UAW “leadership” doesn’t ENDORSE me, and if I don’t win the Election, the Autoworkers are “toast,” with our great truckers to follow. Crooked Joe Biden is the most Corrupt and Incompetent President in the history of the USA. If he is able to gather the energy to show up, tell him to go to the Southern Border instead, & to leave the Car Industry alone!
17 posts with [N]:
San Tarot – She’s talking about a (the) SKY EVENT…..Bright Future for everybody…..Awakening card……..Everybody’s watching……..Sun and the moon……..(my dream of the 10’s and watching sun and moon align)………HELLO?!?!  lol

9.22.23 ~ Check in, Finds……….An interesting Gematria


Hi everyone.  So it has come to my attention (and some of yours as well) that email notifications of new posts are not being received.  I haven’t received them the last 36 hours or so as well – so I’ve written the plugin tech department asking for help.  This isn’t the first time this has happened – usually happens after an update – which I just did 2 days ago.  Some little glitch that will get fixed.  For now – as always – ya’ll know I share here pretty much every day so even if nothing shows up in your email box (or has been the case for months – in the spam folder – my notifications go there as well 🙄)   just go to the main page and go to the Latest Posts category.  (and it looks like google ad sense is working – not sure i like where they’re placing them – i think i can change that……..)

The energies continue to feel fast and furious.  Nostalgic as well.  I get a few hours of energy before my body says “stop” – then I’m more or less getting bursts here and there for the remainder of the day.  Feeling dizzy.  Pretty much all in the house are feeling the same.  Spoken with others of you as well – and ditto.  Weird physical symptoms (itching rashes) as well.  And this sense that we’re all getting lined up for our own personal shift.

Let me know how you’re doing.  Please remember to comment share donate what you can and like/subscribe (if you haven’t).

Here’s what’s happening.




I would say this is the good actor.  This is how you get the shutdown.  Doesn’t it all have to happen on JB’s watch?  Stay tuned for As The Swamp Turns….

Biden would veto two House spending bills, White House says (msn.com)


Breaking Big in Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Eliminate ERIC System


Another one for those “still needing to see”……….o m g

As Migrants Pour Across the Border in Record Numbers, Biden Brags It Is By Design: “I’ve also directed my team to make a historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America”



My feeeeeeeeeeeeling for awhile has been PV was originally mossad…….

Project Veritas Serves James O’Keefe with Lawsuit One Day After Announcing It Was Suspending All Operations (VIDEO)


Polish PM Morawiecki Warns Zelensky ‘Never to Insult Poles Again’, as Grain Ban Feud Intensifies After Warsaw Decision Not to Send Any More Weapons


Common Core math:

Joe Biden: I Got Elected to the Senate When I Was 29 Years Old…That Was 827 Years Ago (VIDEO)


HAHA! Lula da Silva Calls on U.S. to End Economic Embargo Against Cuba






This is (possibly) interesting.  The date in the upper right is at 9.23 whereas the date in the lower right is 9.22.  And he keeps focusing on this cat.  Do they time travel?

Is he showing us Time Travel (w/the above – and now this – looping over and over to GET. IT. RIGHT.)  Interesting – the b-date reference in this clip is 9.17……


Only 68 up atm – 10pm est.  Quiet day……



Headed right for DC.  Interesting timing (9.TWENTY THREE):

Flooding DC shoreline on the 23rd (tomorrow)……..


I did a gematria on OPHELIA (which is 66 in simple gematria)….Another mirror event……?





Black Goo

M o l o (you know the rest)





This.  Feels. B I G.  Israel for last vibes/feeeeeeeeeeeels.  Controlled PM.  It won’t be violent – it will be peaceful.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu touts possible ‘historic’ normalization with Saudi Arabia – UPI.com

Netanyahu, who is presiding over one of the most conservative governments in the country’s history, made the remarks in an effort to close a four-way deal that would bring a United States-brokered normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel in exchange for Israel making concessions to the Palestinians.






Space Wars……


Viewer said “It Feels Apocalyptic” – “Frighteningly Beautiful!


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9.21.23 ~ End of Day Finds, Headlines & stuff



Friends.  Family.  Protection for us all.  




LH described today perfectly:  today felt like a sledgehammer.


Why walk when you can crawl, right?  lol


It was a new level today.  Sideways walking.  Dizzy.  Stopping to take in a breath.  No words to describe the fatigue.  So out of it – attempted to get some food – dropped an egg.  Thankfully I had changed out of my sandals into ma boots.  😂  The whole “SIT” thing still feels like a dang animal command – but there is something up with that energetic experience happening to many that I know.

There is a quiet too – I feel it.  Many of us just going and being with ourselves.  Quietly.

Whatever is happening – it feels like we are here:


Discernment with this account – but it’s interesting given what I experienced last night – which was an absolute first….


Had another “black out”:




That’s what “they” wanted……..


NASA saying this:

NASA’s $1 Billion Asteroid Sample Will Land In Utah On Sunday (forbes.com)







Interesting theory.  Perhaps “they” already had that goal all along……..?






32 delta’s today..…….some interesting ones including MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP and TIME TO UNITE………


No choice – must have to be due to military ops still happening (heard a good amount of military today way up high) – because you know if this waiting is because we still have people to wake up – attrition levels of truthers is maxed out.  Not consenting.  Never have consented to that theory.

Still CIC……….can do that……….


Project Veritas Suspends All Operations Months After Ousting James O’Keefe, Ongoing Lawsuits


Mainstream “Newsweek” Wakes up to Reality: “$113 Billion in Modern Arms Hardly Dented Russian Lines”


McCarthy Denies Zelenskyy’s Request to Address Congress


Many are announcing runs for congress.  Not participating.  Who would vote?  Until this clown show is over and sorted out – my opinion is don’t participate.



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9.20.23 ~ Headlines, finds and reflecting


There seems to be a lot of struggling/burden-carrying at the moment – in particular health issues.  Speaking with several of you who are currently dealing with something out-of-the-norm.  My thought was this is just another attack –  perhaps going after the feminine.

Continuing on doing what I always do.  Funds are low atm so if anyone has a few dollars to spare, please leave a donation.  Thank you so much!  And dayem some day food won’t cost so much right – or we won’t have to pay to live.  I know I’m in extreme conserve mode when I tell my girl we can’t go xyz as we don’t really NEED to go to xyz and the gas tank is a little low and we need to conserve.  She needs pj’s – and I told her that will just have to wait.  Some moments – are wonderful and (fairly) ez.  Other moments are too much.  I am so ready for the ez.  For now – I (try and remember to) focus on what I have which is more than many these days.

Here is what I’m seeing.  (oh and thank you for the prayers for my friend Laura – I hope she is receiving and they are working!)





This happened yesterday:

Biden and Netanyahu meet to discuss ‘hard issues’ as tensions simmer – POLITICO


“last chance”…………i’d say he knows what “they” are going to do – and if they don’t do the right thing – it’s truly over and out it all comes.  just my theory atm………..


may be some aligning w/17 posts?  808 doesn’t seem to signify anything much – but the date dropped is interesting – feb. 22 – 2.22………222




20 D’s………



My thoughts on this:  1:13 = 11.3………….and “C” in cat = C before D or Classified then Declassified………








Interesting……….showing us the creatures here all along too perhaps?








my sense too – (he will drop stuff – good stuff – and will become part of the court records):






Oh yeah – I remember listening to Mel……….


I don’t listen anymore…………I can’t.



that’s funny:


A little conversation from earlier……….

Serah Oceane ♡ @QueenEsther
20 September, 06:17
17 Whirlpool boxes 📦


Victoria ~ Z Skywalker @Victoria1144
20 September, 06:25
In response Serah Oceane ♡ to her Publication
wasn’t it late summer in 2020 trump spoke in Ohio at a Whirlpool factory – saying we may not see him for some time? we about to see the Real T return?



06:59 PM – Sep 20, 2023



This is how I feel these days hearing much of what I hear and seeing much of what I see……..

TLA's, buzzwords and gobbledygook - Has marketing really come to this?


Approximately 250 up atm (6:30pm EST)………and now at 10pm est it’s about 160 – still pretty heavy……….



more matrixy nasa stuffers here in ur(th)……..(i guess the KP went to 7 yesterday – i didn’t feel anything different….did ya’ll?)

Magnetic Field ROCKED by STRONG Shockwave!




9.19.23 ~ Check in and Finds



Today has been a challenge to power up and hold the line.  Jesus – what are we supposed to do?  I’m busting myself hard here to change my experience and my life – and get easily angered that it all comes down to money .  I keep throwing darts at my aimed focus on the dart board – eventually one of them will stick and POOF the doors will open.  I seek true philanthropists – those who have been able to create a lot of abundance and whose focus is on truly helping others.  Heck, that’s what I’ve always wanted to do – longed for it – to have financial abundance so I could find others in need – talk with them – and write ’em a check and move on.  There are no real lessons to be learned here – other than to see how pay to live and all of their other toxic doings harm us all.  THAT if anything is the real lesson to be seen by all.  Then there would be more compassion – and sometimes that has to be enough.

The weather was beautiful – skies totally blue until late afternoon – then they laid down a few.

Some day this will switch, right?  Now is always good.

A L W A Y S.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Mic drop:


He says it: “4 Dimensional Chess does anyone know what that means?”



We need to have one giant toilet flush already and be done with this nonsense.  The MIL still doing their thing……….?  apparently……….?



This absolutely could be (part of) what many of awakened truthers have been feeling.



“mind blowing” low……..

Antarctic Sea Ice Shrinks to “Mind-Blowing” Low (yahoo.com)





Anything in those mags showing us the good stuff coming and a general sense of when?






been saying it all. along. – i N E V E R trusted rosie (and she was recently w/kari lake which gives me pause).  if you can – watch the video.  you will notice a picture of HRC (when she was younger) on the fireplace mantel.  that should tell us all who is working for whom……..





We REALLY need a frequency change – doing this on your own – yeah – kinda need one of the rare experts in this field doing this.  Ain’t no one around here that I know of – we need a list of these docs.  Anyone have them?


Doesn’t the title imply they have been hiding it all along?


PELOSI LIED! Former Capitol Police Chief Sund Testifies He Had 3 Calls with Pelosi on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Said They Never Spoke – But Sund Says He Has the Receipts! (VIDEO)


BREAKING BIG: Via House Judiciary Committee Republicans – FBI LOST COUNT of How Many Paid Informants They Had in the Trump Crowd on January 6!


September 30.  They going to raise it (debt ceiling) again?  At the current level it is, given what I’ve read, even if raised it will crash the economy if allowed to continue:


The Republican Party infighting is driving America toward a government shutdown (msn.com)


Seeing some 10km “earthquake” activity in Japan today……..







Flashes of Remembrance………Justice…..Finding your way….getting flashes of energies from a different reality………


Virgo – Coming back a stranger.


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I Did It My Way ~ Check-in and some Finds including the DEBT CLOCK has hit the “magical” number (33): 9.18.23


Woke up hearing the words “the final countdown” but not the song (thank goodness as I am DONE hearing that one).  Instead the song that waxed in was Frank:  I Did It My Way – one of my top 2 songs (the other – eye of the tiger) that I have felt best fit me since I was a teenager.  I listened to it – I had to.  The Final Curtain.  I did it My Way.

So.  Appropriate.

I wept.  I wept for it all – this entire battle – the frustration over feeling so alone in it at times – how many others around me throughout this experience who have not. had. a. f’ing. clue as to what is going on much less what I now know some part of me elsewhere IS and has been doing.

Also with me when I woke up – as well as my spouse I later learned – was 11.11.23 and VK.  I can’t shake that inner quiet sense about him.  While I remain open in my mind and very discerning as in I ain’t believing or allowing until I frigging SEE – I also feeeeeeeeeeeel this ongoing need to let. it. all. go.  Memories.  Experiences.  ALL of it.  I’m not the only one I know experiencing that – especially the memory issue.  It’s all fading away like a dream does.

Uh huh.

Energy feeeeeels – again – intense.  Couldn’t sleep well.  Up a couple of times – hungry – just walking around wondering exactly just wtf is going on and what am I doing IN it.  Had good energy to start the day which was good as I needed it to do laundry, vacuum, clean the sinks, get food list ready and that sort of thing.  After I got done what I wanted to do, I stepped into the portal and felt “ok here we go again” – the ‘ole familiar “i’m on a ship of some sort that is moving calling in energy just to get through the washing of the vessel”.  Have had the wi-fi off most of the time now.  At the moment – loopy loppy sleepy.

Went on a ride – alone.  Cleared.  Reflected.  I did it my way.  We each have done this journey in our own way – those of us who seek truth and freedom.  I am seeing more and more the individuality in all of this.  The metaphor I use is religion – people have their own narratives – beliefs – but the objective is the same:  Connection with God/Creator.  To KNOW that experience.

I continue to seek my truth and my freedom.  My feel all along has been that is what Love is.  Love = Creator.

Here is what I’m seeing.






It did it – it hit 33Trillion……(so much for “2 more weeks” lol)………..explains why i woke up feeling/thinking as i did – AND likely why i was awake last night as referenced above……….

What happens next?  We’ll see………….I did have a sense it would happen on a Monday – I just thought it would be in October……..And he also shared it at 1:07……….(13:07)……….



I like this analysis about the storm……….


The Jet has been found.


No, you don’t.  Does he know something we don’t?


Ok – twitter is censoring this – won’t let me embed – so if you’re on X you will have to just go to the link…..some guy captured this alleged jet going down and the pilot, ejecting……….my girl says this is going viral……..



Donald Trump to Skip Second GOP Debate, Chooses to Address Autoworkers in Detroit Instead


EXCLUSIVE: Save America Attorney Christina Bobb Discusses 2024 Election, Agrees Kevin McCarthy is “Out of Compliance” and Congress Should Vote to Remove Him as Speaker (VIDEO)


A whole lot of strikes going on in the states inside the snow globe…….

More than 90% of OHSU nurses vote to authorize strike – OPB


When are the next train strikes? List of rail strike dates in September and October 2023, and lines affected (msn.com)


UAW strike, Day 4: GM threatens to send 2,000 workers home, Ford cuts 600 jobs : NPR


About 150 up atm (9pm EST)……….



Donald J. Trump



Donald J. Trump


After seeing what has happened to our beautiful USA in such a short period of time, including Afghanistan, Self Imposed Inflation, Energy Independence, the Horrors of the Open Border, NO VOTER I.D., & now, 6 Billion Dollars for 5 Hostages from Iran, I ASK, WHY HASN’T THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BEGUN THE PROCESS OF INVOKING THE 25th AMENDMENT AGAINST THE WORST & MOST INCOMPETENT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, CROOKED JOE BIDEN? With these facts, they would have done it to us long ago!


END SCENE (remember LMH’s friend – the mandela – last scene before our exit was fires)


Looks like the earth is DEALING with something BIG!



Best for last.  Love. the. title.  Butterfly Effect.  Had a connection/sense around that theory last week.  Bliss Card.  Angelic guidance to help with ongoing process……….

San Tarot:

Leo – Incoming connection.


Here it is.  (Be kinda cool to have this song playing as we arrive Home.)



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9.17.23 ~ Check in, sharing and some finds




Flights up remain quiet as they have the last few days.  A lull, perhaps?  There have been some quake activities along the west coast of the states – many at the 10km.  Could explain why we saw the h a a r p activities in the skies today and recent return of the trails.

The energies were challenging – intense.  Cleared.  Purged.  Cried another round – similar to yesterday – one of those that come out of the blue and leave me feeling like “where the frig is this coming from?”  Also felt some of the nostalgia LMH spoke of last night.  Kept getting pushed to go into the sadness.  Gave that what I thought was an authentic release then moved away.  Music – the right kind – helps.  Have little interest in the spiritual stuff as in upgrades, etc.  I see most of what is happening in two ways:  spiritual war for our consciousness and getting unplugged/released/liberated.  Both going on.  My sense.  Saw more things on lessons and if your life has been extra difficult it’s because you needed the lesson.  I just – can’t.  So I don’t.  So. Little. Aligns. with me these days other than my freedom and finding little breadcrumbs that show me how close we are.  Markers in the maze out.  Today I felt that in a new way – sensed it – something outside of me.  To confirm I was nudged, in about a minute, to see 17, Q, Where’s My Mind and 11.11.23.

It’s a journey that can switch to something beautiful brand new at ANY MOMENT now, right?

As far as how I feel personally, physically – pretty strong overall – walking sideways/feeling like I’m on a moving ship and a little bit of clumsiness – walking into things, that sort of thing.  And so tired lately – as one woman put it she feels like she needs to sleep for a week straight.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  I haven’t ventured “out there” yet so I have no idea what will be posted below.





WTHeck……………….?  Those things just don’t go missing………..Single pilot plane………..Space War result?



Slowly getting there……….another couple of weeks…..



How about all 3?


I decided to follow.  What the heck, you know?





Wonder where we are on that roller coaster ride………


I’m feeling that for sure………..


This is what EM was responding to (something in which VK also gave a nod w/the . )



Pllllllllllease tell me the people are FINALLY seeing that every time this person speaks he always has on a dang fatigue green t-shirt.  Plllllllllllease tell me they have noticed this very. strange. pattern.  (btw – not seeing nearly as many sunflower signs around here – many have removed them and not replaced them with a newer or different one – also not seeing ANY biden 2024 bumper stickers):



We weren’t really paying attention much back then were we?  Just like Hunger Strike – Hair of the Dog.  :::anguished shiver:::  Alderaan is not far away………..space = hollywood move set…………they have been telling us all. along.



Very interesting delta’s for today – mostly PANIC IN DC…………..RIG FOR RED………FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT…………FIRE AT WILL………….WWG1WGA………and We Will Not Fail You……….


Patent for flying saucer……..



Those are. not. smoke. particles…………looks like some sort of a heavy metal………..let’s be honest friends – as this battle has raged they have been dumping heavy metals on us……they’re literally everywhere now…….we just gotta hold on detox as much as we can and pray and intend we leave this place………….or it gets cleaned up in a flash……….also looks like the removal of d.s. satellites so that’s good news………..


She looked up as they were FALLING from HIGH in in sky!



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9.16.23 ~ Finds


After this morning’s wonderful flow/aligning, I felt my physical body rather collapse into some mild exhaustion.  Anyone else experience this when you’re in the flow?  It feels amazing but on the other side is fatigue.  Or perhaps it’s a timeline thing – one timeline feels great – then we get pulled back into the “lower” one.  I definitely felt that – for after the aligning moments – I felt the lower whatever’s come in.  But the higher found its way in when I was out and about, listening to the radio, when the Universe answered my lamenting cry yesterday that there is nothing good on the radio anymore and all I was wanting to hear was some good old classic jazz and tunes from the 30/40/50’s.  That is exactly what I received – and it’s still continuing.

Went out alone tonight for some time and found my Center again.  Purged a lot – wrote – recorded – and just found It/Me again.

A nice place to be.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




LMH latest………..interesting – more than twice this week i have had a knowing and a deeper understanding how individual this is…….she triggered a memory for me i had – moment in the past week or so where i too yes had a moment of nostalgia for this place.  interesting too about the sky event – esp. considering what i put together/felt earlier today.  “original pairs” – torn apart.  i like the term……….feeeeeeeling into it brings about tension in my chest – deep breathing – sadness.  very interesting on this one topic as i know many are going through the same experience.

Egyptian Clean up





words matter……..








SAN TAROT:  Neo from the matrix stepping outside of time, able to make his plans.  (reference)  Golden energies – again.  “Not my circus”  – wheel of fortune connected to the “not mine”.  Initiating a new direction – a new path.  Feeeeeeeeeeeeeel at this moment – remain open.  An unfolding event that is exceptionally rare.  Future event.  All potentialities swirling around coming into space.  When we gather together and hold hands and sing together.  Sun moon eclipse?  Butterfly effect.  It’s as though time is stopping.  Hmmm…..I think she may be talking about The Event and how we go through it individually and collectively.  Moon card shows up as well.  Skywriting….. Collective becoming more psychic.

Remote viewer?



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9.16.23 ~ There are no coincidences. FASCINATING INFORMATION – ALPHA FIREFLY: a synch/puzzle piece and a corresponding Gematria: Victus Nox: CONQUER THE NIGHT


late last night, as i watched San Tarot, that quiet hunch within told me to watch MrMBB333 (unusual).  i wasn’t interested so i ignored it.  turns out, as always, i would have gotten something from the video.  (anyone else think that quiet hunch within is actually our silenced Real Voice?  “their” design made it so that the monkey/trauma/let’scallittheFAKE brain is louder and more present?  got that this morning.)

Space Force launched a rocket yesterday called Alpha FireFly.  In the early 2000’s, there was a movie called Serenity that was a continuation of an early 2000’s show called Firefly.  The movie had the same people in it and picked up where the last episode left off.  It’s a futuristic series – humans having arrived in a new star system and are under assault/attack.  Go here for more info on the plot.

So – my thinking – our thinking here in the house – what do Fireflies do?  Light up the sky – turn dark into Light.

Alpha = LEADER OF THE PACK.  Not only that, but check this out (prepped and ready to go):

New record! Firefly Aerospace launches Space Force mission 27 hours after receiving order

“The success of Victus Nox marks a culture shift in our nation’s ability to deter adversary aggression and, when required, respond with the operational speed necessary to deliver decisive capabilities to our warfighters.”

Victus Nox means CONQUER THE NIGHT, btw.

What if this upcoming RING OF FIRE – which feels so important to me as I continue to say – on 10.14 – which aligns with that dream I had earlier this year where my girl and I were playing cards to pass the time and I kept drawing 10’s – and in between I was watching an event-like monitor showing the alignment of the sun and the moon and once it reached a certain line-up – like Barron said in that Gunner’s Wife decode having to line it up just right and we blast out of here and “leave them in our dust” – once it reached a certain alignment position BOOM there was a MASSIVE Flash and IMMEDIATELY my girl and I were transitioned to a new reality that sparkled.


Here is MrMBB’s video:


Why are they JUST NOW talking about all of THIS?!


Now – an amazing corresponding Gematria for ALPHA FIREFLY (which btw in numbers is 119 or 911 – which means MIRROR):


TRIPLE HELIX (our ORIGINAL DNA) – WE are The Flash – WE are the Event


DOT DOT DOT DOT (17 posts with 4 dots?  SEVENTEEN) they also all land on september, mostly october and november)

this one feels big:  the EBS on 10.4 at two TWENTY….


Nov 02, 2017 2:18:35 AM EDT







THREE ELEVEN  (11.3….that has been w/me lately)

LOVE WINS l (when i first moved into this neighborhood, we had a neighbor who had a sign – in 2012 – that said LOVE WINS – i knew that was important and loved her sign and have wondered ever. since. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR)


EVERYTHING is lining up for RED OCTOBER (“their” bankruptcy) and OCTOBER SURPRISE.  Sun.  Moon.  Satellites.  Flash.  Dark to LIGHT.



V & Team


p.s. ~ Today is also BATMAN Day.  Doesn’t it seem like we just had that day?  I checked – it is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of September.  I guess it depends on which timeline you are on as one search says May 1st but the next one – the third Saturday in September.  Whew – I’m kinda tired now.  I did all of this before eating.  And WWE has an upcoming event called FAST LANE – on October 7.


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖








