9.15.23 ~ Finds and a Magical Experience/Share



So…………….WHEN are we friends?

It is the jewish new year.

We have their calendar.

We have the mayan.  The ethhiopian.  Gregorian.  Julian.

Which one, if any, is correct?

I take none of the above for a million dollars and easy quick exit out, Alex.

My spouse heard an interesting song about the great divide – or maybe it was about the great division.  I can’t listen to most music now.  This is me going through the radio stations these days (trying to find some cool jazz or classic 30/40/50’s)….


The musical finds may be a challenge, as is most everything else these days, right?  But now and then the Universe is able to find us inside this place and give us something truly Divine, reminding us to remember WE ARE MAGIC.  On a hunch I had, my girl and I went on a ride tonight.  She said maybe we’ll see our Falcon.  I agreed that is what I was hoping for too.  It has been a few weeks since we saw our Falcon friend.  Tonight – we saw three.  We saw the first one – sitting solo in a tree.  It seemed to be waiting for us and beckoned us to follow, which we did.  Turns out – there was more than one.  Here are the two that greeted us as we rode down one of the bike paths:


I can feel the lull – only 65 up atm (around midnight EST)……..


US Debt clock currently at 32 trillion 966 billion………


Impeachment Against Joe Biden: Possible Key Witness from Ukraine Makes Serious Allegations


Ford Lays Off 600 Workers Just as UAW Strike Begins


WATCH LIVE: Trump Returns to Washington DC to Deliver Keynote Speeches


DEVELOPING: French Ambassador to Niger Held Hostage in Embassy



YES!  What “they” accused me and millions of others of, is in truth what “they” did.

SHOCKING: PayPal Faces Scrutiny for Alleged Links to Palestinian Terror – Senators Take Action …Update: The Same Platform that Banned The Gateway Pundit



Oh she dropping it!  (and tell me the chick in the green dress isn’t a reppy)….





Good to revisit (and share with those who claim we are still waiting to be under military power here in the states – it happened – the storm began – on January 20, 2021):


these indictments just keep kinda fizzling out, don’t they?






This guy is awesome!


Little by little.  Any of you friends in other parts of this realm experiencing this?  We’re scheduled for 10.4 at 2:20pm EST (which as one of you mentioned can be put together as 4 10 20 – or DJT – which tells me WH are behind this).





I remember watching one of their little rocket machines taking off live on NASA Utube about 3 years ago – and there was little mouse on the rocket cone – doing just fine.  I took a screen capture and shared it here at the time….



That’s how we rolled.



Best for last:  SAN TAROT

Gemini – Accelerated awakening.


And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










9.13.23 ~ Finds, etc. (Including the US DEBT CLOCK jumped HUGELY today)




So – what do I think about YRFT’s latest statement about sitting….I think it’s a bit over-the-top and a wee bit threatening, which I find a bit offensive.  However, I am looking at this from my perspective/experience and logically.  Given many are doing anything but sitting (i.e. – living their lives, traveling, upgrading their assets, etc.) – does this statement only apply to a certain segment of the population – considering if it’s indeed true.  Is this only for those who are “going Home” (as in going ALL THE WAY – outside – back to our real experience)?  Remember there is the narrative that there will be more than one experience for all in the end – which makes sense – logically speaking.  Those going to the cleaned up version – still not really awake but at least seeing some of the things causing them to go “HUH?!” – they don’t need to be “sitting” – perhaps – because they don’t go ALL THE WAY (out).  At first.  You seeing what I’m saying?  I will say this – I cannot argue with her statement that implies there is a force present that has said to STAY PUT.  I absolutely feel it waxing and waning – and at the present moment it is quite strong.  I just want to sleep/rest.  However, I still do what I do and what I wish to create for myself – here in the now moment – and I use my discernment and question every. thing. presented to us as “truth”.  So I guess my answer is:  I don’t know and it depends but something IS up.  You will see below.  And Love will find a way to bring us what we seek – deep within – in those quiet moments where there is no one else but ourselves.  Something big is building – something HUGE.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share, Donate what you can and leave a comment telling me how you’re doing.

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms (more to come). 💜💥💖











Had a hunch this would happen…….moves and counter-moves:

BREAKING: Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Governor Grisham’s Gun Ban



THIS is how you change the system.  Do your own thing – united together with others (like myself hint hint lol) – and be FREE to share your gifts in a way that ALL can see/appreciate/experience without making the suits rich.

Oliver Anthony Concert Canceled After Furious Singer Sees Ticket Prices: ‘I Had to Pull Off on the Side of the Road’




Flip de do……..

Victor Reacts: We Knew it All Along – Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Warn Against Mask Mandates (VIDEO)








Still going on……

The Dangers of a Digital Age: Las Vegas Cyber Attack Cripples Massive Hotel Chain


Speaking of – Starlink and others down atm.


And in more happenings – about 250 up atm in the states at 10pm EST.







And wow wow W O W – the US Debt clock is now at 32 trillion 960 billion – did we jump time or something?  I took a screen capture.  (Remember T spoke of the magic number 33 referring to $$ as – and VK a week or so ago said what happens when it hits 33)….and RED OCTOBER = “their” bankruptcy……







Frigging totally.  Who of you can relate?  😂😜


San Tarot:

Taurus – Telling stories of the future.




Is Earth in the middle of a POLE SHIFT?



The Secrets of the Universe:

Scientists Announce a Puzzling Discovery At The Large Hadron Collider



Well there are small ones here………..




Some are saying the stuff from Mexico being presented in their congressional halls is off – maybe even fake.  Who cares.  It’s getting people to SEE and research.  Check it out:

Science · Trending
57.9K posts

9.12.23 ~ Some Finds, goodies, puzzle piecing and things to open the heart


today is a collective “fuch it this stinks” day.  but the clown show continues.  let’s see how close we are to the end of it shall we?  (gotta use my sarcastic- like humor sometimes to keep going esp. when i’m off sugar and that chocolate cake that is nagging me in my sleep needs to be replaced with something to get me through days like today).

please remember to like/subscribe/donate what you can/comment.  and thank you!

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖








love, v.



ooooh……..this is gonna get some twats all riled up………

An Explosive Meeting: Putin and Kim Jong-un to Convene in Russia (VIDEO)


Russia’s Putin Claims Charges Against Trump Are Simple ‘Political Persecution’


103 House Democrats Call Out Biden in Official Letter


another narrative flip……….when will it be, you know, constant?

CNN Host Stuns New Mexico’s Democrat Governor, Reads State Constitution Live on Air to Push Back on Her Gun Grab (VIDEO)



clown show – this is such b.s….

BREAKING: Speaker McCarthy Orders Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden


It Begins: Senior Washington Post Columnist Calls on Biden to Not Run in 2024



how about always a matrix (given our known experiences) and now a movie to SHOW the matrix for what it is?


we gonna see this delta (above)?


Sep 29, 2020 3:11:36 PM EDT




wakey wakey wakey to the fakey fakey fakey………..



Went on for an hour…….





well remember 9.23 was all over “their” movies, etc. as some cataclysmic day for humanity……….a good day to flip it back………..


the 64 could be flipped to 46 (JB)……….this is good – mirroring……….



vetted (9.1 on one side)…………..

also a 17 delta:


Sep 12, 2018 4:50:46 PM EDT
Nothing to See Here.
this one too:  (the swamp is much deeper than just humans……)


Sep 12, 2018 6:09:14 PM EDT




oh absofuchinglutely (excellent commentary, btw):


Crying as I watch this one………..it’s safe to talk………


US Debt Clock currently at 32 trillion 923 billion….  anyone else in canada, europe, NZ, asia, australia, etc. showing a similar happening?


btw – Senator Kennedy is reading excerpts from BO’s words about his lover at the time – it’s on twitter if you want to listen.  i can’t and won’t.  just letting those who are following this particular disclosure know it’s public.


Favorite topic around here:  Antarctica!


Top 5 MYSTERY locations in ANTARCTICA!


Monday Finds, Check-in, etc……..


I chose not to give this day my energy.  I didn’t share any truth, evidence, intel, etc. as I normally have done every year since.  I’m just not doing it anymore.  There are some new things I have not seen (not new intel – just new footage).  You can find them on my tw account.

Dreams were weird.  I seemed to go back in time in one and said words I wish I had said at the time.  Clearing the way…………  Woke up thinking about the movie Contact – when Ellie is on that “pod” – which we see drop – takes a few seconds to hit the water.  In her personal experience, 17 hours had passed.  When she returns, she wakes up.  My theory – her body went nowhere – it was her consciousness that traveled – she was likely put into a suspended state of sleep.

Here are some other finds.  Please remember to Share, Like, Comment and Donate what you can.  As always, thank you.

And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖














Very interesting – and my type completely aligns……..




Was there – now gone (suspended)…….

Profile / X (twitter.com)



Give them a mic and $$ along w/some strings and there you go……..



That’s a lot of white hats……..





A Big bank was down today as well……….


If you read body language, you can see T showing hidden disdain for some of these “things”………



Still going on….

A traffic jam in the drought-stricken Panama Canal may affect global supply chains



On 9.11 too…….





Got a big one here friends…………other finds too ~ 9.8.23


Please Share, Like, Comment and Donate what you can!  Thank you!





US DEBT CLOCK at 32, 912, 186, 000, 000

WATCH LIVE: President Trump Rallies With Kristi Noem in South Dakota – THOUSANDS Line Up Early to See Trump Speak at 10 PM ET (VIDEO)





Kamala Harris Asserts She’s Ready to Assume Presidential Duties if Biden’s Health Takes a Turn for the Worse (VIDEO)




Victory for Free Speech as Mayor Backs Down from Censorship Campaign



Things like this – right here – make me question this entire. f’ing. plan.  Children are STILL BEING HARMED.  And other headlines I am seeing are showing “they” are still at it.

They’re Sexualizing Children: LA School District Launches Virtual Gay Club for Kindergarten Through Age 11 Students





it’s been JOHN all along……..the original RFK as we know – was one of them………perfect mirror for John to play his cousin……….

Plaintiff “John F. Kennedy, Jr. is seeking the democratic party’s nomination for president.”
Complaint, para. 16. “He has filed the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election
Commission and is taking steps to qualify for the ballot in early primary states, including New
Hampshire.” Id. “Kennedy announced his candidacy on April 19, 2023.” Mot. p. 9, Street Decl.
para. 3.




9.7.23 ~ Headlines. Finds. More reflecting.


So the water in the shower portal tells me these two goodies in the past 12 hours:

  1. Our ego’s were created by “them” to make sure their fear programs stick hence making it a challenge to stay in the heart (Our natural state).  Anyone else fed up and finished with having to clear and re-clear then protect and re-protect?  Another rinse and repeat behavior.  Sound familiar?
  2. Time.  I saw it as a locking mechanism – ultimately.  “They” created time to keep us locked inside of their frequency – denying us the right to be in the natural state of alignment with the Universe (i.e. the real frequency we are all used to and were created originally for) which has made our ability to manifest instantly and easily so complicated thus bringing about “their” need to bring in new age garbage that tells us we aren’t doing it right or the religious program of “you’s gots to get right wiff Jesus” while failing to talk about all of the other little hidden goodies in those dimensions that are all around us that we can’t see or gain access to – unless in a drugged state which makes us vulnerable as u know what.

I see it all so much easier now.  It makes sense.  We’re all POW’s here.  Compassion and love are how we get through this.  (and the occasional meltdowns, cries, both ugly and beautiful, punching pillows, screaming out to the Universe, cursing evil, etc. etc.)

Here’s what’s happening.  (p.s. – spoiler alert- it’s more of the same)




About 210 atm.  3 hours ago it was 377.  Still at 175 at 10:30pm EST


ENRIQUE TARRIO TELLS ALL AFTER SENTENCING- “The FEDS Asked Me To LIE About President Trump In Order To Indict Him!!” AUDIO!! Plus TWITTER SPACE with Tarrio this Friday at 8 PM EST!







Another one going to the moon, eh?  hmmmmm….

Japan Launches Lunar Mission With ‘SLIM’ Moon Lander and ‘XRISM’ X-Ray Telescope, In a Bid To Join the Space Superpowers Club


Trump Attorneys May Seek to Move Georgia RICO Case to Federal Court


As I said – more of the same.  More finger pointing.  More obvious crimes revealed by JB, etc.  More “we must hold congressional hearings” (aka at the swamp factory)………”we must hold them accountable” (while we see nothing play out on the world stage that is in any way significant)


Well yes, back in the day, more than once, I claimed my child had the right to breathe – just like the rest of us.  Oh my the triggers……

Senator JD Vance Introduces “Freedom to Breathe Act” to Prevent Unsafe and Ineffective Mask Mandates – Will Force Democrats to Vote for More Mandates (VIDEO)


Have friends in the area who received an emergency alert last night on their phones (they are out of the state at the moment – good timing):

Low Wind Generation Prompts Texas Power Grid Operator to Declare Emergency to Avoid Blackouts


Well this is good news:

California City Takes Bold Stance Pro-Freedom Stance with Late Night Vote to Ban COVID Mandates



Wait a minute – didn’t that big account Jack Straw on twatter say under a COG (continuity of government) – EO’s could only be extended twice?  Yes, I believe he did and I believe I shared that here earlier this week.



Current discussion on twatter:  if this is about the children – then where the fuch is the protection of those children still being injected w/the jabber wocky poison?  And you cannot have a plan that is just about the children – this plan has to be about ALL of us – without the parents there are no children.  I try hard to see the deeper truth in this – but seeing children poisoned – STILL – tosses any alleged logical explanation out the window.


But if they don’t have anything to hide…….








Laura’s View & Tarot, Too

Is #44 Being Thrown Under the Bus?



9.6.23 ~ Reflection………..Finds





Today was really different.  I’m seeing the waxing in of the experience I want and today left me happily surprised with a particular situation that, last week, I thought I would have to shift away from.  But she and I spoke and came to a new level of connection that left us both in tears.  …  Authentic communication – where both are being honest in how they feel, presenting it such a way that is respectful, where we each owned how we felt, our responsibility for those feelings – which aligns with my recent desire to expand into new ways of communicating.

Conversations – even when there is a difference of opinion – when done RIGHT – is expansive.  If it leaves me drained, it isn’t authentic convo.  It’s dramatic bullsheot.  Fighting – defensiveness – refusing to see oneself in an honest way – that experience is over for me.

Other than that – I had some moments where I felt I was elsewhere – walking sideways.  Something continues to build “out there” – waxing inside this space.  We’re in “something” – whether it is finally actually IT – remains to be seen.  But we are in something at this time.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to Share…Donate…Comment….Subscribe & Like.  Thank you!




BREAKING HUGE: “Voter Identity Theft” – Arizona Judge Defines Voter Registration Record, Rules that Mail-In Ballot Signatures Have Been Compared Illegally! – ORDER INCLUDED


SoCal: Huntington Beach Bans Universal Mask, Vaccine Mandates as Democrats Push Covid Hysteria Again


All Texas Department of Criminal Justice Prisons Placed on Lockdown Until Further Notice


Our actor…………

Biden Goes Off-Script Again: They Keep Telling Me… I Gotta Keep Wearing a Mask, But Don’t Tell Them I Didn’t Have It On When I Walked In (VIDEO)


Not listening………….just leaving it here……….



at the moment it is 32, 904, 574 … … gone up about 2 billion since last night……..



Take your pick – “they” have had so many end scenes………time to flip it…..it is OUR TURN.




Kuntuzangpo UM 1776 – A to Z@Kuntuzangpo1776
06 September, 09:50
From AP
https://apnews.com/article…‼️ and see Q Post #2098 with a 5 years delta ‼️

“2098 Sep 06, 2018 3:46:32 PM EDT

1/Billion Coincidence?
Enjoy the show tonight.

What a coincidence ‼️🎥🍿

Navy fires commanding officer of Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic

Capt. Paul Choate was one of at least seven Navy commanding officers relieved in 2023.


Movie script delta…………
Age of Enlightenment @Sparrows
06 September, 11:26
Mathematically impossible.
The shot heard around the world – could indicate this too……..
Chris D Bell@CdnPatriot1017
06 September, 10:50


Oct = 8

10/26 = 8/26 > 88 TRUMP 🇺🇸🦁

Aug 26 Julian = Fryday Sept 8

9/8 > 17

POTUS departing on Fryday for SD to speak at Mount Rushmore

9/8/2023 > 17/7 > 8/7


Shot heard around the world incoming

And again, saving the best for last (YAY a Cappy read!).  VERY. ALIGNING.  
San Tarot ~

9.5.23 ~ A reflection…………..a gematria……….and whatever else


PERFECT description………



So I’m seeing the show continue to play out in its insane format of stewpid, with T and others talking about how much better this place (the states) were under his rule.  Seeing him and others talk about all of these things that will be coming back including tariffs and easier access to pharmaceuticals and gas powered cars.  My mind hears “blah blah blah NO”.

Nope Count Me Out Mary Jo Shively GIF - NopeCountMeOut MaryJoShively AnniePotts - Discover ...

None of it aligns.  NOT. ONE. BIT.  I try and pretend – fake it – bring it in – as it’s all that is being offered to us.  But it is all just a lie to myself – making me wonder – again – wtf I am doing here…

I know what I want – I keep seeing it and bringing it in.

But………….there’s this:

So either the narrative that we all get out and we get to frigging actually CHOOSE (the way FREE CREATOR BEINGS DO) the reality and experience we want……….or we’re gonna be stuck in another pay to live system of competition –  just a cleaned up version.  (see above again for how I feel about that)

Where is OUR narrative?  Where is the narrative storyline about HOME and REAL healing and DNA restoration and RETURNED memories and REAL ORGANIC NATURAL LIVING AND BEING?  It’s in our hearts and out of the mouths of those who channel.  That’s about it.  Where are these things in the awakening movement headlines?

Or am I just being too impatient?  (again)?

Today was another challenge day energetically.  I saw the condition of my brain and the trauma in my body (that I continually now clear as best as I can).  On a walk today – my girl and I – she suddenly sees a snake and screams “SNAKE!”  I about jump outta MY skin – and it took me a few minutes to literally regain my composure.  Then about 15 minutes later we’re walking back up in the same area – and she’s saying watch out for the snake – and I said “we are protected” and as soon as I say that – she decides to open up the water bottle and spill out some on the concrete walking path which sounds just like a frigging snake.  I jumped yet again – and this time I had to walk to a bench and compose myself before I could finish the walk.  I was shaking all over.

So………..I held it together until I couldn’t anymore.  I release the embarrassment and shame and guilt I hold in asking for help – a lot of help.  I am accountable for me – but I am not taking on the full accountability for how this reality has allowed for the unhealthy conditions in which I have been in.  All I can do is love me for me and purge what I don’t want or need and keep at it and pray and intend that the experience I want and need is ready to burst wide open and through for me.  And ditto that for any of you whose life experience here has been less than stellar and supportive – and for whom you need some extra extra’s atm.  Who the fook doesn’t?

So much to go around – too much hoarded and controlled.  Why can’t we all just stop what we’re doing in an organized fashion – and for one week – unite and say ENOUGH.  WE DONE.  NO MORE CONTROLS.  We ain’t budging or supporting your sheot until you step off the stage.  


Remember the movie – Risky Business – where his character had just had it with his life at that time – he felt he had nothing much left to lose or to hide – and he put on those sunglasses – said that famous line?

You try to do the right thing – over and over and over.  You DO the “right” thing – over and over and o v e r.  Then “this place” happens – over and over.  You fall down.  You get back up.  You get smacked down again.  (omg – being asked why can’t you use paypal i don’t get it……or why did you get banned on social media?  why does google censor you?  i don’t get it…….)

A R G H!!!!!!!!!!!

The cycle repeats until sometimes, in some moments, you arrive at this place where morality gets tossed out the window – you no longer care about what is “right” or what some system b.s. rule or law says – and you just gotta take care of yourself #1 and do what you need to do however you need to do it.

And screw the rest.

Here’s a gematria.  And whatever else……….





The fact that THIS is being allowed to happen …….Seriously – who can justify this now?   Oh, ignore it – yeah just like we ignored it when children were trafficked or pick a topic.  How much longer we just gonna stay in our bubbles quietly?   We gonna have to go into civil war?  Where is our line in the sand?  How long do we trust in the plan?  How long we wait until we see what we all want to see?  Tough questions but someone has to ask them.

HERE WE GO: Public Elementary School in Wealthy DC Suburb Forcing Third-Grade Children to Wear Masks Again



McCarthy’s Time as Speaker May Be Coming to an End: Report


Gematria:  Vyommitra (the name of that India robot that is said to be sent on a “space” mission)

Great Awakening  (sky event?  who knows….)

Financial Reset

One One One One

The End Is Now

November Rain

Can You Feel It (been hearing both of those songs lately……….🤷‍♀️


Liking this.  And I’m ready – more than ever – to join up w/others and build our own space.  I. AM. READY.


Ok I could possibly get a wee bit excited about this one – as I’ve been posting here for a few years how T said at a rally the magic number 33………Any of you with knowledge:  how long would this take to get to 33T?  (this was 2 hours ago………now it’s at 32, 904…….ok so i asked – someone said it goes up 1 million every 30 seconds (confirmed – i misread the numbers – got the billion confused w/the million – thank goodness i never made a living in the stock market, eh?  lol)



This is interesting………..my understanding is they can be reauthorized as often as they are, well, reauthorized………but someone said since we’re in COG (Continuity of Government) – allegedly they can only be reauthorized twice……..so if that’s true then END maybe finally??!!


uh the END??!!


Good because I am soooooooooooo ready for this:


We are stardust……….we are billion years old………..getting back Home….

San Tarot…..we being told by higher selves and home who we really are…..interesting – trying to have a psychic breakthrough – i was focused (too much i realize) soooooo hard today on having one of those…..this is a nice one………very much resonating……….

Sagittarius – Baby, you’re a star!




9.4.23 ~ Headlines and Finds and a Reflection………..



One thing I’ve always tried – and wanted to do – learn how to communicate in a way so that my perspective is shared and understood – and to have connections with those who seek the same.  Communication is a skill that none of us are taught.  Well, taught well.  I would say half of communication is talking and the other half, listening.  Given that insight, given the level of conflict in our world, I would say most of us have failed to truly learn how to communicate.  It isn’t easy – that’s for sure.  The more easily triggered we are, the more trauma, the more effort it takes on our part to move past our triggers and truly SEE and HEAR.

And understand.

People get locked into their communication styles.  And when that happens, if you are seeking to speak in a new way, there will be shall we say gridlock.

I have a bucket of “pipe dreams”, with effective communicating, that I plan on blowing with those who wish to join in with me.

We’re building up to something significant and reality altering.  I woke up this morning – again – feeling anticipation and anxiety.  Something is shaking it all up now.  Shifting energies – releasing old – to make way for new.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share, donate what you can and let me know what you’re feeling/thinking and how you are.





This one feels – significant:


The Collective has spoken……….Long enough……….FAR PAST time…….







My first dog – I went along with everything the vet said – including the food choices.  I was in my 20’s.  She got cancer – aggressive – and died at 10.  She was a small dog.  I knew this was due to my choices – which nearly broke me for awhile.  Instead I used it to research holistic veterinary medicine (I was already into holistic/natural/organic living).  Next dog – no jabs.  Organic food supplemented with homemade food and treats.  She lived to 14.  She was a medium sized dog.  THAT is the difference.




Been waiting to see a picture of the two of them together……….she’s  merging back lately……….with the latest intel/info she spoke of dropping yesterday……….



Burning Man Descends Into Chaos, Attendees Turn on Each Other as They Desperately Try to Flee Muddy Hellhole, Chris Rock Escapes in Back of Fan’s Truck (VIDEO)


Elon Musk Threatens to Sue the ADL and Release Communications Between ADL and Other Groups Pushing to Censor Twitter-X Accounts


National Archives Misses Deadline to Turn Over Biden Pseudonym Emails He Used for Illicit Business Deals with Foreign Officials


Abandon Ship!! Former DeSantis Super PAC Co-Chair Denounces the Florida Governor’s Presidential Bid



Very interesting…………





Laura’s View and Tarot, Too…..(as long as it’s cleaned up………..)

Burning Man 2023: Festival of Mud and More



Again.  Trying to keep “their” narrative going………could also be WH comm……..to show how ridiculous this all is……….

First lady Jill Biden tests positive for COVID-19 | khou.com




Maybe it’s a slow news day…………


9.3 continued to suck and my patience to endure is still tapped.  Seems to be collective atm – again.  More and more of us pushed to the brink.  Desperation is setting in with me – especially financially.  And dayem is it hard with a teen who doesn’t think about these things and consumes – a lot.  lol  I laugh – but I’m still fighting desperation/pushed to the absolute BRINK in this place.  Just so f’ing weary hearing “God’s time”………”soon”……….and “be. patient.”  This time sure as frig is not MY time.

I spent time alone tonight – just had to get out – went for a drive to a local park.  I swear there are programs everywhere to be seen now – people – SAME DAMN PEOPLE I saw the last time I went there – wearing same clothes walking the same way/same pattern.  Only in a computer game.  Anyway, it wasn’t really enjoyable so I was grateful I brought cookies and biscuits.  THAT – was enjoyable.  Sometimes food is my source of comfort.

Is it a slow news day?  I’m not seeing anything – feeling a pause in happenings.  So I’ll go exploring for a few – see if I can’t find something worthwhile and useful.  For now – it’s gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr DONE.




Yup – as I suspected – pretty much no military up in the states.


Schumann is – annoying and strange.


Yeah like this is surprising……….

Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!


Going after the top beast…………

Robert Kennedy Jr.: “BlackRock Is Robbing Americans of The Ability to Own Homes” (VIDEO)



Duh ya think?

Arson Confirmed as the Cause of Louisiana’s Largest-Ever Wildfire in History (VIDEO)


Kevin McCarthy Changes Position – Will Allow Media, Defendants Limited Access to 44,000 Hours of Footage from Jan. 6 Protests



This could get interesting……..interesting timing………

Unearthed Princess Diana Audio Exposes Troubling Times, Thoughts on Marriage and Baby Harry



The key to healing it all………..yes yes and yes:



So apparently there is no confirmed interview…………..Is he fake?  Perhaps.  Is he calling out truth?  Yes.  Disinfo necessary?  Controlled now by WH?  Stay tuned………some day we’ll have the f’ing truth………(btw – Tucker is calling out Obama atm – and the current Tucker twatter profile has since removed the Ukraine flag….)………..



Ok…………So………..This one feels like the only one really worth sharing as it aligns w/my quiet little puzzle piecing and inner visions and synchs………..Earlier this year – “Elon” said his b-day was 69 days after April 20th (4/20).  Given his following count went to 420 today (9.3) – go out 69 days into the future from today and we land on:  11.11.23………  That 17 post that said Humanity would be united on 11.11.18.  (justputtingthisoutthereleavingitrightheredowithitwhatyouwilliamwalkingawayslowlyandquietly  lol)



I never really did align w/that event………







4 minute mark – looks like a giant crystal busted through the firmament………Lightning wrapped around it……….MrMBB333:

This was unlike ANYTHING they had EVER heard! WOW
