11.7.24 ~ Finds ~ Checking in….


It feels very quiet – almost too quiet.  There are people who are very upset -so much so they are shaving their heads.  Some on social media saying if you voted for Trump, unfriend me while ranting about the need for unity.  Some women also saying they are getting their tubes tied (including seeing a local say the same – young woman).  I don’t know where this is going – just know something feels both calm (as in everything will be ok) and a bit ominous (as in I don’t quite know when that solid calm experience comes in and stays).  The radio people are also very upset.

I feel things happen quickly now.

I remember Lisa Harrison saying we return  home during the time of year everyone celebrates – she also said she felt we had about 4-6 weeks of $$ freedom/abundance – just to know what that feels like.  No one knows for sure of course -but these two statements of hers have stayed with me – and returned again yesterday in my feeeeeeeeeeels.

Praying for all to remain calm, centered and in the heart.  Now more than ever.  And maybe this really is THE CALM b4………..





Yes, exactly – Fed is not public – it’s a private outfit.  Other means perhaps?







Already on there sharing……


Interesting timing………

Clinton Foundation Shuffles Leadership Team


Here’s How Quickly Gary Gensler Could Lose His SEC Chair Gig Under Trump



















For those who see:



The prisoners are saying “WE ARE FREE”………..question though:  how does this happen “accidentally”?







11.5.24 ~ Election Day Finds, puzzle piecing.



F’ery abounds – as does that sketchy vibe.  And some humor.  You will see it all and more below.  Thank you for your support.  Please remember to share and leave a financial contribution for my work.  Let’s get that number back up to where it has been.  Thank you!




Talk radio here is cray – saying T’s going to shut down the media – as though that’s a bad thing?


Russia Russia Russia – same playbook.


Pennsylvania Vote by Mail Update: Democrats Only Squeak Out 2,411 Net Votes on Election Eve… Developing


ARIZONA UPDATE: Republicans Led in Early Voting by 218,311 – Republican Election Day Voting: Turn Out Is 2-1 Over Democrats


Here We Go: Harris County Clerk Issues Statement After Early Votes Shift Mysteriously Favor Democrats — Claims it Was an ‘Accident’


Election Day Chaos Hits Key Swing State County: Voting Machines Down in Apache County, Arizona


URGENT: CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA VOTERS: Stay in Line: RNC Secures Another Victory, Extends Voting Hours Until 10 PM After Voting Machines Melt Down


BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Undercover: Philadelphia City Commissioners’ Office Tells Noncitizens They Can Vote if They Are Philly Residents (VIDEO)


HUGE WIN! Biden-Harris DOJ BLOCKED From Entering Texas Polling Stations Hours After AG Ken Paxton Sues Department


Then come the gas leaks………


Then we got this………




A dedicated Patriot……..



This is interesting.  He says “stay online” – not “stay inline”………..


Here he says to Stay and Run (msg. to republican voters):




Now this is very interesting – Elon shared this last night.  I missed this part – went and gave it another look – it’s real:

My screenshots – you can’t really hear it – it’s background words – so I had to cc it:



There’s Elvis again (from last night – last rally – “Elvis” has left the building………..) – Singing Suspicious Minds –  interesting song too about being caught in a trap……….



Ok so here’s more sleuthing/feeeeeeeeeeeeels – most of this I’ve shared – but just getting more clear and convinced……..Trump has been telling us he’s leaving the stage.  He was the master of ceremonies – the great actor – calling out everyone who needed to be seen.  I still sense this makes way for John to be the new prez for those having that upcoming experience.  When Trump spoke of 4 years from now, another candidate, there may be 200 people at the rally.  My sense of that is once this split happens, those still not seeing go to the cleaned up version – and in another 4 years – there will just be a small number of people still “here” – still waking up.  Think about it – as I’ve been saying for so long – for most of us it’s taken years to wake up – and so while it is not fair or just to expect us to wait even longer than we have – those still not seeing will have that chance.  If our consciousness can be removed and placed elsewhere – done by “evil” doers – then GOOD can do the same and use it to awaken those still not seeing.  Trump goes home with us – those left behind either have no memory of him and have another person as their prez – John perhaps or perhaps even an actor version of KH who is controlled and does things right.  Remember this is about saving the MIND – the Consciousness.  Just some feeeeeeeeeels…


And then there’s this beauty – with today’s delta (7 years).  I had forgotten about this one and the “elections don’t matter after this stage”.  Remember T telling us in recent weeks we wouldn’t have to vote again?







The Final Walkout – at 12:12.  Numbers.  Songs (final countdown)……….


Israeli PM Netanyahu Fires Defence Minister Gallant, Citing Lack of Trust


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Late evening Trump comms


I just had to share this one:

Bring with them 200 people (interesting number)….but the big one – for me – is Trump saying he’s “going from here to another wonderful place”………and “we’re going to have big crowds”……Makes me think of my portal vision I had years back – where I saw Home/Outside – there was a massive crowd – huge stage – and off to the left was that teleprompter – T comes on, thanks us and says he’ll be Home soon – he had to make sure all the plans put in place were solid………Remember we’ve been told Trump goes Home with those of us who also align with that.  There’s a sadness to this – feels like this plan that we’ve been a part of is wrapping up.


I did – and I also heard a name – after having that inner nudge to remember not only who I really am but what my name really is – which I looked up – and it means the Sun.


Ivanka shared this today – another Trump comm…….


It’s 11.3.24 in the matrix………I am now back in the future………Finds and some good sleuthing. Happening People.




May be an image of text


Daylight savings time – a silly little thing – messes with the sleep cycle – makes people extra cranky.  I don’t participate and as many of you know haven’t for many years – schedule all things around the time difference.

To those of you doing intentions on my behalf – thank you btw! – please add in the financial abundance one.  Income is down about $300 and that is a lot – at least to someone like myself.  Some day this changes for us all.  Some are doing quite well in this regard – too many aren’t.  And that dayem squirrel dude and whoever/whatever he is – has raised several thousand dollars.  And I research and share truth and write about it here and have my income drop?

R E A L L Y?!

I’ve also been censored during this time on f.b. and x – f.b. actually telling me “it looks like you’re trying to get likes on your post” which they say violates community standards.  But – isn’t that what social media is about?  Share information to get likes.  ??

I command the energies of love and truth be in charge here.  Time to take down this corrupt ugly controlling toxic narcissistic matrix “thing”.


One of my long time friends/subscribers/supporters of my work has a daughter who wrote a book, which you can check out here.  I love the price too.  🥰  She’s struggling as well currently with the making money thing.  Here’s a synopsis:

This book is for those on the quest of optimal health, inspired living, and who know that health and healing are our birthright. Simple daily practices to transform our lives into a beautiful practice of self-care.

Then I have my friend Kimberly who makes beautiful jewelry and could also use some $love$.

Glass Beaded Flower Bracelet

Let’s show the world with our dollars (or pennies lol) that we support those who share Truth, whose focus is on positively changing and enhancing our personal experience, and who LONG for a new better fair beautiful world for us all.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to show your love and support for the work I do by leaving a financial contribution and sharing with your friends and family.  Thank you so much!





Harris violated equal time rule, FCC head alleges


You never know with Community Notes.  Sometimes they miss, sometimes they nail it:



Soon to be removed everywhere:



11.3…..11.4….then we shut it down, never to happen again.  Remember he’s been saying you will never have to vote again after this?  The last time?  NCSWIC  I was really feeling that NEW today – closer – waxes in and out – but today the build up to that moment is quite intense in my body.


This is a really. good. comm/sleuthing (also need to add the Fox news host, when he mentions Martial Law – and all that other fun stuff – he hands it off to Kennedy)………….


The original K exit date?  And Kamala the wrestler’s real last name was Harris…….The Undertaker and Kamala also first wrestled Nov. 25, 1992.


I think he’d also say “and uh I was never Caucasian.  Get out your map.”





The one in LA was allegedly leaving the smell of sulfur in the air……….


Ricky shared this again yesterday:

11.1.24 ~ Checking in………..reflecting………….Finds that may end up just being music






Putting things together after seeing and engaging and hearing from others………

We seem to be on our own timeline – our own experience – viewing all that is happening from our perspective.  Even though I own that I voted – I don’t see the point in it – and at the time I did I felt nothing.  My brain tried to convince myself otherwise – saying this is a vote to say NO to evil.  But ANY system of government is just power over and control – cleaned up version or not – it’s still all b.s. that doesn’t align with me.

Manifesting seems to be hit or miss with many of us struggling a lot atm. I have either have power or not – which means I have the ability to control my weather around here – we were supposed to ahve had sun and dry starting yesterday – which I intended and gave my energetic consent to – but what do we have instead?  Pouring rain showers and 50 degrees.  “They” keep pushing the sunshine out into the future.

I seriously need some answers.  I either create my reality or I don’t.  There is no gray here.  For anytime you say you create your own reality EXCEPT or BUT….that says our ability TO create is seriously compromised here.  Oh yes – there is a way to manifest in this reality – but that information is part of the secret club.  

I’ve been scripting/intending for months and have seen only maybe just a weeeee bit of movement with personal agenda’s – my ability to manifest $$ has been in the toilet – funds down – costs up – daughter needing things that I simply can’t afford at this moment. I need glasses and some other things that insurance doesn’t cover.  I never joined their club – hence, well, there ya go.

That said – I KEEP GOING – all of us – KEEP GOING.  Keep at it.  If it takes 10 years or 10 minutes to build that house (metaphor for experience), then keep. at. it.  And support one another.  Help out.  Whenever two or more are gathered in the energy of Love – magic happens easier.  P E R I O D.

For me it’s exposure/promotion and money atm.  Share my work.  Donate whatever you can.  Simple and doable for anyone with employment and the time and heart to do so.  Please add to my energy of expanded finances, new opportunities to increase finances and new home.  My body is desperate for this – my heart cries daily now – for my girl – who is as desperately wanting to live someplace safer and small and quiet – where we can go wherever we want without having to worry about drug addicts and half naked men walking around town relieving themselves, yelling – not to mention safe places to go hike without worrying if my car will be broken into.  She is every. bit. as DONE as is her mama here.  This challenge to find affordable housing and increase my income is really pushing me to the edge.

We want that new reality?  Be AS IF we are in it.  As much as we/you/I can.  Even if “they” compromised that ability and made it hard as hell to always be IN THAT SPACE – because if enough of us were to be in that space and stay in that space – we could have changed this entire reality.

Or so I say.  Hard to play a game when you don’t remember how to play it and it was f’d over hugely by invisible parasites.

That’s all for now.




Ok – so diving in – I keep seeing the same repeating narratives – doesn’t matter what side.  And that song – proud to be an american – OMG if I have to hear that song ONE MORE SECOND I’m gonna burst a plethora of nasty sounds.  lol  Quick – new song time new song time.  Hey – I have one – heard it today – a favorite because it’s jazz and no singing.  Plus it gives me visions of dancing little birds and puppies.


Well this is new.  Boarding going up in front of a restaurant – sandbags too……down by the Washington Post and White House……….Flood/storm incoming?  Weather shows clear and warm (70’s)………Eisenhower Executive Office Building……..President staff is located there……….

A new spiked fence goes up in the White House compound before election day.



Well there ya go – I manifested this…………Possible he was showing us the authentic election results (69.420% for T)……….PLG………TTravel………someone knows what’s going on……..


Manifested this one too:




Another one – that’s 3 – 11.13 – a big date in this house the past week or so – aligns w/other things seen……….1113



cue posts for  NOv 13 (of interest):





youtube link above goes to this (future, you say?) (other link no longer works):

Future World Music – Victory Of Life









F’ery?  Who knows – as usual there are conflicting reports……..I’ve seen a car caused the explosion – then read someone say there is some park underneath that caught fire.  Who knows………


Is this simply prepping the consciousness field to prompt the mind to be open to leaving……..?


I always hesitate sharing these stories – but then now and then I do because the victims deserve to be seen……..






People reflecting on what next Tuesday brings – will the people tolerate another steal?  All saying “NO” – of course – but the real question should be ok – what does everyone DO if it’s another repeat?


10.30.24 ~ Getting closer……….Finds, a gematria………


W h e w.  I haven’t gone into the fray today yet – but I still feel it.  If the weather had cooperated, I would have gone for a long walk – but given it poured and was cold (like winter cold), such walking was brief, with umbrella’s.  Being splashed on and wading through piles of wet leaves that stick to the bottom of your feet is just not my idea of pleasant escape.

So music it is.  Dance.  Drive.  And so much stretching and deep breathing, I’m going to bust into the Home Realm any moment.  “Hey guys – you about done out there?  Cause we want outta here!”








This happened today too………














Didn’t even know this was a thing………….😂



He said something about 420 3 years ago……….




MI EARLY VOTE SHOCKER! Election Integrity Data Analysts Claim They Have Proof of 208,075 Ballots Cast By 82,674 Voters… An Excess of 125,428 Votes Cast!


“This Truck is in Honor of Kamala and Joe Biden” – EPIC! Trump Trolls Democrats After Getting Picked Up in MAGA Garbage Truck (VIDEO)


“Panda” (eyes)………..😩

Jill Biden Shows Up to White House Halloween Celebration Dressed as a Giant Panda (VIDEO)



The Aging International Space Station May Have To Be Evacuated Because of Dangerous Cracks and Leaks


BREAKING: Trump Campaign Wins HUGE Lawsuit to Extend Early Voting in Bucks County, PA After GOP Voters Were ‘Turned Away’


On my timeline, he died years ago.  I even talked about it back in 2019.

Legendary Astronaut Buzz Aldrin Endorses Donald Trump


More bizarre…….

In the Bible, Isaiah 2:2 describes a prophecy of rivers flowing backwards: 

  • Rivers flowing back into Eden
    In this prophecy, many divided rivers will defy gravity and flow back into Eden, the cosmic mountain. This is in contrast to the original Eden, where one river flowed out from Eden to bless the nations.



Israeli strikes threaten Hezbollah stronghold Baalbek and its 3,000-year-old Roman ruins | CBC News

Explosions caught on camera as Israel begins airstrikes on Baalbek | VOA News #shorts – YouTube




Felt a nudge to do a gematria for NOVEMBER FIFTH TWENTY TWENTY FOUR

a new heaven and new earth his eternal promise

its going to be so epic lets make some waves

things arent as they appear we are in the clear

10.29.24 ~ Anticipation grows – Finds, etc




I watch and observe.  Intend.  The collective feel – certainly here in the states – in my area – is palpable.  It’s like no one knows what’s going to happen but each side is DESPERATELY focused on who they want to see elected.  Many however are probably not participating – however – even if now – the sense of anticipation is present.  However, in the middle of that I am feeling very calm.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Dark to Light – Dome – Sky Event feeeeeeeeeeels:



Theory (I voted early – did find it interesting T has been saying for weeks to vote early)………..









States are gonna have to have this as well:



Very weird – Is ra el for last vibes:






JUST-IN: Suspect in Phoenix, Arizona Ballot Drop Box Fire Thursday Identified — More on Oregon and Washington Dropbox Fires


SCOTUS Will Address the Collision of Two Federal Election Laws


Joe Rogan Announces Date When JD Vance Will Appear on His #1 Podcast, While Kamala’s Chances of An Interview With Rogan Are Not Looking Good


Some are saying Mel Gibson……..he’s thinner and tan………they got the same height thing going on………..

“I Came Out of Jail Mentally and Physically Sharper” Steve Bannon Tells The Gateway Pundit. HE’S BACK AND READY TO FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!


JUST IN: Supreme Court Rejects RFK Jr.’s Request to be Removed From Ballots in Crucial Battleground States Even Though He Suspended His Campaign


WOAH! Republicans Take Early Voting Lead in Deep Blue New Jersey


WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania



this is really going on – very interesting (timing) – that plus 2 drills the past week or so – one during the day, one at night……….



Current feels (aligning):






Stefan Burns:

10.25.24 ~ Finds including New York Post endorses Trump with a reference to BACK TO THE FUTURE, thoughts on narcissism


May be a black-and-white image of text that says 'I've heard that no matter what you're going through, someone has it worse. I don't like that statement. I've never liked it. It's emotionally dismissive, and it teaches us our personal struggles are insignificant. refuse So we hide, and we to cry out, and we try not to burden others with our pain. Someone might have it worse, true. But we are all broken, and we are all human, and we are never alone.'

May be an image of text


May be an image of text


May be an image of text


I am seeing an overwhelming number of discussions on narcissism and the narcissistic personality.  It is my opinion – my truth – something I simply KNOW – that this entire matrix runs on a narcissistic frequency:  self-absorbed, denies personal accountability, projects everything it does back on its victim.  Pay to live and survive.  Competition for everything.  PLENTY to go around but controls put in place that tell you NO to that whatever-it-is you want to own, want to do, want to create the way you rightfully desire.  The systems gaslight us – media, religion, politics, medical financial/employment/corporate sectors, etc.  ALL of “their” systems are at their core Narcissistic.  And as such, because we all share the same consciousness field inside this place, that program is instilled in each one of us.  The difference between allowing that program to run your life is a choice – the choice to self-reflect, the choice to see our behavior.

There are narcissistic tendencies – which most of us have to some degree – but we can still see our own behavior and modify/shift.
Then there are the full-on narcissists who are unable to/refuse to see their own behavior.
They are dangerous, toxic and draining.  Just like this reality is dangerous, toxic and draining.
BREAK. THE. NARC. SPELL.  It’s happening – certainly happening with me as well – and I see it all around me.  So many are breaking out of the spell – it’s a beautiful thing.



listening to the rogan podcast – comms:  “i was there 17 times” (he said that twice referring to DC), “the thing” turned on him (trump), “the machine” being after him……..he was a democrat until the early 90’s…..time to open the JFK files…pre-trump days was an alternative universe……..(timeline)….Elon’s from a different planet (I’d say Mars – cousins of mankind –  like Melania said – not the original Elon who I feel was one of “them” – not a T supporter but today is….)…..he’s talking about tariffs – referencing William McKinley – 25th President – how wealthy America was back then and McK brought America out of a depression through tariffs………He was a Republican who was Pres from 1897 through 1901 when he was assassinated.




Oh, absolutely would not surprise me……..


JUST IN: New Image of Joe Biden’s Improperly Stored Vice Presidential Records Released


More Democrat Election Shenanigans? U.S. Postal Worker Arrested in Florida After Stealing Over 1,000 Pieces of Mail Including Election Ballots and Dumping the Items in the Woods


Something about the sun……….


An interesting perspective:



New York Post Endorses Trump — ‘the Clear Choice for a Better Future’
















Frequency too – restore our DNA.  Carbon to Diamonds:






“predators” everywhere:

History Drops

UNKNOWN Interstellar Objects Are in Our Solar System #podcast #history #ancient #science #ufo #uap




Molimo vas da ne zaboravite da donirate i delite


Pin by Rita Osborn on Journaling | Calligraphy alphabet, V alphabet, Lettering alphabet

Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖










10.24.24 ~ Finds and Headlines



Oh there has to be more than this happening today………..is there another smallish lull?  On the other hand – there is a lot coming out of BRICS……..looks like it’s focused on local currencies.



Prosimo, ne pozabite deliti in donirati.



45th week is week of the u.s. election…….




raspy voice – and that last name “kidder” (kid her):


This is BIG and awesome:



Just another proxy state………









Watch sun unleash major X-flare in epic solar eruption (video)


Double X Flare As Spacecraft Spots Sun Blasting A Pair Of Major Eruptions | Watch






the big BOOM out west (knew this was coming – didn’t think it would be this soon):



good question (vetted for authenticity):



Girl and I were talking about this tonight when I mentioned T ending income tax – this has to be next.  Many people end up losing their homes not due to the mortgage but once that is paid off they can no longer afford the property taxes.  Such a theft………







Voter Fraud Alert: Over a Dozen Mailed Ballots Intercepted and Cast Fraudulently in Mesa County, Colorado — Criminal Investigation Underway After 3 Fraudulent Votes Counted


whatever’s coming – still feels it will all happen in a flash:

“He’ll Be One of the First Things Addressed” – Trump Says He Will Fire Jack Smith ‘Within Two Seconds’ if He Wins Election



10.23.24 ~ Finds and Happenings on Stage: More rocks incoming….this day in history (for 11.3)….a gematria




Sometimes the best friend is yourself – when you realize you’ve told the story enough – and you comfort your body and say we are going to create a NEW story.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Tafadhali kumbuka kushiriki na kuchangia.





End of Oct./Beginning of Nov. including Nov. 3 (interesting timing, right?)

Stefan Burns:


I decided to see what happened in history on November 3rd:

Godzilla premieres

1783 George Washington orders Continental Army be disbanded

1930 Bank of Italy renamed Bank of America

1941 Japanese Admiral Osami Nagano presents a complete plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor to Emperor Hirohito

1956 Wizard of Oz aired on television for the first time

1992 Clinton elected (US)


One of Oprah’s “finds”:


Still waiting to see proof showing JD and RFK Jr on stage together………







Headless Comet……….more rocks incoming



Rocks reference from LOOP:

wow – talk about number vibes w/that one:






7:47 (47)….  It’s true – he’s always late for his rallies……..



Throw in some bacon and chicken (remove the pepper) and this looks like my kitchen:





so that term on his hat stood out at me – juhajance – which i put into google and only ONE THING comes up – a gematria – no joke:



aligning phrases:

Capital Letters Message From Trump

The Joe Rogan Experience (which T will be on this Friday)

Exacts Revenge on Cabal

Elvis Has Left The Building

Panic In DC

Im Batman

Chidlren (remember the tweet from trump about 10 years ago – w/this “misspelled” version?



And I end by going back in time to play some soothing comfort songs for the Soul.  Back to childhood….