12.17.23 ~ The Feeeeeeeeeeeeeels (and finds)




Current feeeeeeeeeeeels:  Lost that Christmas spirit – feels like we already had the experience and now we’re in January.  And today I had the strangest most powerful mind warp regarding time – I thought it was Saturday and was actually mentally perplexed to realize it was Sunday.  Sleeping but not really sleeping.  Anyone else?  Comment.  Raise hand.  lol

When I woke up – I was thinking of Antarctica – thinking “it’s time” – then thinking Antarctica = Game Over.  See below for the synchs w/that…..Trying to tune in and get the significance of the place.  Those who went in recent years and were turned away – wanting to escape – the sell outs – being held accountable for their actions.  “Face the music”, so to speak.

For now:


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please share, leave a comment and a donation if you can.  Thank you!  🙏





Finally – a showing – slight that is – of that earth-facing cosmic event the last 24 hours……..


Batman = 51.  Drop 51………..don’t recall any of ’em being signed The WH:



From The Great Awakening to The New World (been feeling that around me as well the last 24 hours)………..trying to see the map image…….looks like new land mass over the states……….Antarctica have something to do with this perhaps?



intend this daily………





“FOC is when a system is delivered to a user and they have the ability to fully employ and maintain it to meet an operational need.”

“Whereas the Space Force is a military service, U.S. Space Command is a Department of Defense unified combatant command responsible for planning and conducting military operations in the space domain.”

We know there have been ops going on in space for a few years now……..Given T brought up Space Force at his recent rally (see the video above), are we about ready to see some Sky Event – and/or whatever has to happen out there to allow us to exit and enter this New World?


Speaking of – this is what I saw earlier re: Antarctica:



We all need a cuddly sidekick:




Sometimes in the store too if the right song comes on……..🥰😂




10……….this what VK meant for 10:10 for the win?


I had to…….







Crane Moved into Arlington Cemetery for Removal and Destruction of Civil War Reconciliation Memorial this Week


LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to Massive Crowd in Reno, Nevada – Starting at 5 PM MT


Former Adviser to Pope Jailed – Found Guilty in Vatican Corruption Scandal










12.16.23 ~ Finds and Goodies plus some reflecting……






the heart guides us.

people struggling the most are often the kindest and most understanding.  seeing an interesting convo take place – some criticizing others for “complaining”.  often people “complain” because they aren’t getting a particular need(s) met.  so instead of saying to quit complaining or whining, ask what you can do to help.  i begun removing and blocking people from my experience who won’t go there with that behavior.  fake hearts.  no room for that.  …..

earlier today, my girl and i were eating lunch.  she was reading a book – inscribed on the inner jacket was a note i wrote to her – hoping this particular book would inspire her courage she has – and is.  i gave it to her in february 2020 – right before her life was changed quickly.  at the time she had friends, had activities – and by the end of that summer she had every. bit. of. that. taken. away because someone(s) allowed the covid narrative to play out – further programming the populace.

i got tears in my eyes – almost 4 years later.  when does she get her justice for the losses she was forced to endure?  what about the millions of children who had fear pumped at them 24/7 by media, educators and uninformed parents?  what are their memories going to be of their childhoods?

people in masks.

that alone is frigging traumatizing –  HARMFUL – to the human mind – especially the one still developing.  now – add in the trans stuff and dragqueen agenda – forced on our children – and people say this plan is about the children?


can someone share with me how that statement makes any sense what so ever?

why isn’t anyone else talking about this?

why do people still dismiss those still wearing a mask or even taking the jab (emitting – and if anyone wants to see photos of my recent blisters – which occurred in the same. dayem. spot. – let me know and i’ll share – this is a real f’ing issue) – “let them be it’s their choice” – when their choices are HARMING OUR KIDS?  i mean jesus – the other day at the store – some old dude and his wife masked up were demanding the store clerk put on a mask – then looked at my spouse and told him to do the same.  loudly.

W T F?!  (my spouse told the guy the only thing the mask is doing is slowly killing him)

these people have lost the ability to think – to reason – and they have absolutely lost the concept of personal boundaries.  were they that 6′ distance?  nope.  right there in my spouse’s personal space – so much so that before the dude started demanding the face diaper – my spouse had to ask him to give him some personal space.

anything goes – doesn’t it seem so?  that chaos creates more trauma and anxiety.  what’s the purpose in any of this?  LOVE HEALS.  LOVE LIBERATES.  Love and ONLY LOVE.

then some will say they are NPC’s.  or sims.  or bots.  fill in the blank.  then turn around and say the plan is to awaken these people.


don’t some of you feel lost and left behind in this plan?  it’s like too many of us have lost so much – and when we express it – often the more “popular” ones in the awakening room tell us to stop griping.  stop whining.  let it play out.  be grateful.  blah blah blah  i’ve wanted all along to have the mean$ to help people – now more than ever.

i am SO DONE – SO FRIGGING DONE – listening to anyone who says the masses aren’t ready yet.  i. do. not. care. about. the. masses.  i care about my child.  i care about her well being.  i want this trans sheot removed from her reality.  the masks.  the lies.  when did the masses (and when people speak of the masses – the normies – they are not talking about the children – they are talking about their parents – the adults) become more important?  that is why i cannot feeeeeeeeeeel that the reason why this long draw out drip is about something else.  a timing.  some outside event incoming that will correspond with enough seeing.  separate – but part of.

bring it in now please thank you.

for now – here’s what is playing out on stage.




so we had this going on:

Largest solar flare in six years to strike Earth in just HOURS with huge flood of radiation (msn.com)


and yet this is what the KP looks like:



so where is this energy coming from if it is earth facing?  the sun would show up in the KP.  simulation……………who knows………..









(VIDEO) “We’re Gonna Make America and The UFC Great Again” – UFC’s Colby Covington Says His “Biggest Role Model” President Trump Will Put the Belt on Him After He Wins Major Fight – Starts at 10 PM ET TONIGHT


Cleveland Browns Owner Jimmy Haslam Under Federal Investigation Over Bribery Claims: Report



VIDEO: President Trump Holds MASSIVE Rally in Durham, New Hampshire – Coverage Starts at 2:00 PM ET







feeeeeeeeeeeeling these two EO’s – both signed on 12.20.17:

Executive Order 13818—Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption | The American Presidency Project (ucsb.edu)

Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption – The White House (archives.gov)




‘By the Grace of God’: Family Gets Modern Miracle After Tornado Picked Up 4-Month-Old Baby | The Gateway Pundit | by Johnathan Jones, The Western Journal












Cardinal is convicted of embezzlement in big Vatican financial trial and sentenced to 5½ years in prison – MarketWatch




12.15.23 ~




one of those weeks.  been a monday, tuesday, blah blah friday blah blah monday, repeat……….


New Research Changes Everything We Know About the Genes of HSPs (highlysensitiverefuge.com)


The “Sensitivity Gene” That Wasn’t

There is no single gene that “makes” someone an HSP. However, for the past 20 years or so, researchers have believed that a handful of genes play a particularly important role in how sensitive someone is. The most prominent of these is a particular variation on the serotonin transporter gene (SERT). One crucial area of this gene contains two lines of genetic code which can each be either “long” or “short.” HSPs may be more likely to carry the short/short variant.

The short SERT gene has been widely studied but also widely misunderstood. At one time, it was considered to be a depression gene, where people with the short version are more likely to have anxiety and depression. Fascinatingly, ethnic and racial data proved this theory wrong: East Asians are statistically more likely to have the short SERT variant, but as neuroscientist Joan Chiao showed, eastern Asia actually has lower rates of depression than North America. Something wasn’t adding up.

Chiao’s finding led to a theory that the short SERT gene actually gives people an advantage in more “collective” minded culture but stresses them out in more “individualistic” cultures, and thus shapes the way cultures evolve. That theory is not widely accepted, either. (Putting aside the questionable connotations of assigning a “collectivist” mindset to Asians writ large, Pluess explained that it’s extremely unlikely that any one gene can play such a big role in shaping culture.)














Laura’s View and Tarot, Too (interesting the presence of her cat)…….definite yes (timeline splitting)………

Timeline Split




12.13.23 ~ Headlines, Finds, Reflecting and a Fascinating video/captures put up by MrMBB333 – 90 degree angles showing up on sat images





today is, as i heard, a whack sheot crazy day……….headlines…….happenings out there……..focused on healing, peace, love……..this s what i’m seeing.  as always thank you for your support.  please share my work with your friends, donate what you can, like and leave a comment.





Israel floods Gaza’s tunnels with seawater: report – Doha News | Qatar



House approves impeachment inquiry into President Biden as Republicans rally behind investigation (msn.com)




let’s just say it:  there is no normal anymore……


MrMBB333………….hearing the song “something’s got a hold on me”……..showing the panels of the ceiling of this place?  it’s as though someone moved the puzzle pieces above – they’re not lining up anymore………AAAAAANNNNND 90 degree angles only show up within a coded simulation………nature doesn’t provide that naturally…..very. interesting. captures………

Does a DARK INVISIBLE force have a HOLD of Earth?! (youtube.com)



revisit – from a different vantage point – looks like a hydrogen bomb going off………enough to move its position……and remember after all this time NASA told us a few years ago that the moon is in earth’s atmosphere………

Asteroid Hitting The Moon! #lunarsurface #telescope #moon #asteroid #shorts (youtube.com)






The bouba/kiki effect, or kiki/bouba effect, is a non-arbitrary mental association between certain speech sounds and certain visual shapes. Most narrowly, it is the tendency for people, when presented with the nonsense words bouba /ˈbbə/ and kiki /ˈkk/, to associate bouba with a rounded shape and kiki with a spiky shape.





i’ll say donald duck with an army helmet……..



i woke up this morning thinking of anon island……interesting synch…..



DNA encoding……..biggest storehouse of information within….





kinda funny – just thinking to myself about “what’s up with the dots now” and as i think this – spouse has a video on and the guy’s saying “what’s up with the datsuns?”  (cars)




gov.uscourts.txed.197917.136.0.pdf (courtlistener.com)




Everything was bigger in our past…….900 years old (reptiles)……..the word prehistoric – added about 100 years ago………that’s what happens when we have more CO2 and an Oxygen enriched environment instead of this nitrogen enriched environment we are in – do that – everything shrinks……


Will this go anywhere?  That’s the question……….🙄

BREAKING: All 221 House Republicans Vote to Open Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden


SCOTUS Decision on Unconstitutional DOJ Charges Used Against J6rs May Impact Jack Smith DC Case Against Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


BIG NEWS! Supreme Court Will Hear Lawsuit Involving Unconstitutional DOJ 1512(c)(2) Charges Used to Abuse Trump Supporters After J6 Protests | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

is this really going to matter?  isn’t military the only way?  6 more months too?

The Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments in the case in the coming months and issue a ruling by the end of June.



primaries kick off on January 15th, 2024 in Iowa so we HAVE TO HAVE RESULTS by then, right?










this could have very interesting repercussions………setting a precedent for future suits too perhaps……


Well, thanks to a little-known case called Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, commercial fishing and gun rights are intrinsically tied together. The outcome of this case could change the legal landscape of the entire country when it comes to the ability of three-letter agencies such as ATF to make regulations.



12.11.23 ~ Checking in and finds……….


E X H A U S T E D.  As one of you’s said – you are sleeping – but it isn’t deep sleep.  The usual CBD gummies, etc. just not working.  Let me know how ya’ll are sleeping.  Here are some finds.  Please remember to Share, Donate, comment, etc.  Thank you.





H U G E………

“Lightning Fast” Supreme Court Agrees To Expedite Decision On Whether To Hear Trump 2020 Election Case | ZeroHedge








Laura’s View and Tarot, Too……….my feeeeeeeeeels too – a mix of both……

Leave the World Behind



Quietly Lurking Above the World! – YouTube




looks like his hands and arms – coloring………he’s also giving away bases for the tesseract’s/winners……..interesting timing – 2 days prior to the Betelguise event……..


Z…….greetings………..i’m V…….


like this, i asked:













An interesting turn of events – Netflix has been down today.   I can see both sides wanting this to occur so for now it’s one of those “putting it out there don’t know”………




That could backfire:

BREAKING: Jack Smith to Use Trump’s Phone Data at January 6 Trial in DC


They have ex-pat communities down there?

SLASH AND BURN: Javier Milei Cuts Almost a Dozen Government Ministries on His First Day in Office


LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM Admits to Using Coercion to Fire People and Take Away Their Bonuses Unless They Discriminate in the Hiring Process


Mainstream Media Bitterly Comes to Terms With Vladimir Putin’s Successes in the Ukraine War


this could get interesting…….

Finland’s Intelligence Agency Declassifies Long Awaited File on Lee Harvey Oswald







12.10.23 ~ end of day finds and fun




not by choice……….😂🙄

what a bizarre day.  to end this bizarre week.  seeing some of my closest being hit harder than ever – in new ways too.  power up.  tune inward.  come from love.  here are a few finds.  zzzzzzzzzz in 10.





as i was saying……….







12.21.2017:  United States Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe | U.S. Department of the Treasury




Wow………..Stollen = German Christmas Bread……..aka the fruitcake for those of us stateside (who use them for doorstops  😂😂😂)  mebbe this year – we make some to celebrate…


Truck Billboards Calling For University President Claudine Gay to be Fired Circle Harvard


Hot Mic Catches Vivek Ramaswamy Peeing During Livestream on X Spaces with Elon Musk (AUDIO)


“I Will Not Be Testifying on Monday. MAGA!” — Trump Cancels Scheduled Testimony, Slams New York Investigation as ‘Election Interference Witch Hunt’



Star Wars Actor Adam Driver Says “Wokeness Killed Han Solo”


Libertarian Outsider Javier Milei Is Sworn in as President of Argentina, Warning of a Fiscal ‘Shock Therapy’ and Vowing To Put the Country on the ‘Road to Reconstruction’


‘He’s Opened up a Pandora’s Box…Joe, Be Very Careful What You Wish For!’ – President Trump Fires Dire Warning to Biden While Speaking at New York Young Republican Club Event (VIDEO)








what mama – parent – can’t relate to this?



to have this ability returned – to create real world’s again – beautiful worlds….




12.9.23 ~ Finds and Comms…………and a gematria and a VERY POWERFUL Speech from today’s Navy/Army game






Sometimes a meme is all that’s needed.





I’m with my Sister 24/7……….


Is THIS the 7 11 we’ve been waiting for??  17……….



once more for those in the back of the room not paying attention (yet) – repeat after me:  THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A MASK……….

Image result for yelling loudly bullhorn girl image



GROK is still learnin’…………..we’re helping w/the program by pointing out the errors……….

interesting – nudged to gematria GROK:

Mars (elon)

Batman (trump)


Sometimes – GROK gets it right though:







we’ll see…………i like these comms/puzzle pieces……….now’s always been good!

17 posts for dec 11 – of which there are 17 btw……..





WOWSER.  This is pretty. dayem. powerful.  The Best Is Yet To Come.  United States Warrior…….Tomorrow………..12.10 = 10:10 (for the win)……..i “heard” that reminder as a nudge as i blew dry my hair……..Mic Drop…….





Ukrainian Forces Are Running Out of Artillery Shells as Russia Presses With Offensive – New Military Aid Has Fallen by 90%


One Down: Far-Left President of UPenn Resigns Following Her Anti-Semitic Congressional Testimony

12.4.23 ~ Checking in with thoughts and finds……..



List the wishes in the comments.  I’ll give it good energy.  For many of us – utilities and food are good, right?

Energies are heeeeeeeavyyyyyyy.  That’s the feeeeeeeeeeeeeels.  Was up a lot – doing the expectant parent pacing.  Munched on the go-to foods that have been w/me since 2018 – which I called ascension foods but today awakening/battle foods:  chocolate, cheese, bread w/butter and whatever juice is on hand – if there is any.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share with your friends, donate what you can, comment, and/or share love energies.  Anyone scripting atm?

Love and gratitude,







So during one of my wake up experiences last night, I used some of the time to intend what I wanted.  Over and over – stated – felt – let go.  Last thing I thought was “we cannot have another Christmas season the way the world is now”.  SHIFT IT.  You and me and all of us.  Shift. It.





















Time to Fund the People:





Pretty sure most who read his work are ready………..(why do people say that?  just drop it and let the people decide what he/she are ready for)……











This has to be one of my favorite videos I’ve seen.  I LOOOOOOVE to dance!





hmmm………..dude looks like that image VK shared of (allegedly) himself – in front of a camera…….same haircut and color……..



Arlington, Va., home explodes as police serve search warrant (msn.com)



“on the move” – first time in “37 years”……….anyone else having thoughts of the Titanic?

Video shows research ship’s “incredibly lucky” encounter with world’s largest iceberg as it drifts out of Antarctica – CBS News




Sounds from Inside the Bee Hive, Healthy Honey Bee Sounds, ASMR, the brood frame, healthy resonance. – YouTube


Oil pulling too……

Unlocking the Magic of Castor Oil: Home Remedy Uses for a Healthier You – Home Remedies (homeremedyshop.com)


Earthquakes in Volcano, Hawaii, United States – Most Recent (earthquaketrack.com)


5.4 in the Philippines….

Today’s Earthquakes (earthquaketrack.com)



12.2.23 ~ Some very interesting finds….including UFO Disclosure






I saw so many today talk about walking away from it all……..line in the sand already drawn.  Painful to read.  More and more are saying this.  Looking Glass gave them the opportunity to see this moment.  Surely there isn’t going to be allowed the event of allowing far too much suffering for the team players so that the audience members get the chance to see.

Appreciate seeing the Ricky Gervais clips (below) again.  To be honest, I’m kinda where he was then – on screen.  Fook it all – just drop the truth – it’s all been a lie anyway – the little hollywood types with their “lookit me but don’t look at what i’ve actually done off screen” – we never did need them.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share, donate………like, leave a comment or two.  As always – thank you.  🙏💖🙏








Some are saying this means they are telling us to withdraw our money from the banks.  I say the money is safe because OF their satellites.  No one would have access w/o them (reading the caption).


Powder Keg America: World Court Forbids Venezuela To Invade Oil-Rich Guyana, as Socialist Dictator Nicolás Maduro Uses Referendum To Distract From His Unpopular Rule


Conservative Patricia Bullrich Will Join Javier Milei’s Government as Argentina’s Security Minister, Vows to Wage a ‘Relentless Fight Against Drug Trafficking’


What feels real now?  Remember Morpheus asking Neo what is real – electrical signals interpretated by the brain.  If all of this is a giant computer simulation experience – those old programs/signals can be replaced as truth is revealed, old falls away, making us feel like we’re in between worlds/realities.  Painful process.




We all remember this.  “talking to all you perverts”……..



And always remember this:  Much more effective talking to a human who gets it than some external god………..That’s what I’ve remembered……..



That is one powerful vehicle……..



Anyone see this yet?  😭🥰🙏



HE WENT THERE: Greg Gutfeld Drops Bomb on Fox News Over Tucker Carlson’s Firing — Panel Gasps (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald


Speaker Johnson Says Vote on Biden Impeachment Inquiry is “Necessary Step” After Biden WH Stonewalled Congressional Investigations (VIDEO)







7.6 magnitude earthquake strikes off the southern Philippines: Tsunami warning issued (msn.com)


‘Disturbing Gibberish’: New Trans Textbook For Psychiatrists Could Harm Millions Of Kids, Critics Say | ZeroHedge









12.1.23 ~ Finds and a reflection or two




Didn’t 17 use the term “D5”?  I’m not seeing anything there – but it’s one of those phrases – used in 2019 I believe or around that time.  Referenced avalanche.  It’s come back to me this past week.  Realized Hunter testifies next Tuesday – December 5th.  Could that be what I’m putting together?

Feeling like this some days NOW.

Keep going.  What other choice we got?  Everyone I am talking to now – who tells me they’re struggling more. than. ever – getting hit hard – and telling me everyone they know having the same experience………I guess the vertigo thing was happening to others too.  I don’t usually talk about my physical stuff as I don’t know if it’s more collective or just happening to the adults in this house or to just myself.

Have we turned a corner?  Are we really wrapping things up?  Will this be the season of miracles for REALS?  😭😭😭



chunk of the sun busted out of its prison – taking a trip our way…….




sharing so ya’ll can read the comments if you want………..the people are LIT……





Ya’ll know I’ve been talking about 10:10 for the win lately again – after our calendar of oct. 10 came and went w/nuthin’……….and that whole dream experience I had earlier this year w/the card playing and me drawing nothing but 10’s and then sawing the KABOOM outside a portal type window……..then BOOM into the new sparkly awesome world………



JUST IN: Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Headed Back to Jail


Fetterman Shocks The View, Rips Into Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, Defends Santos (VIDEO)


REP. PAUL GOSAR: Congress Should Not Reauthorize Section 702 of FISA (OP-ED)


And NY cab driver on television………

You Can’t Make This Up: Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is a Former Mexican Mafia and a Former FBI Informant


buh bye……..

Walmart is the Latest Company to Cease Advertising on Elon Musk’s X Platform







BREAKING: House Votes to Expel Rep. George Santos from House of Representatives- 105 Worthless Republicans Vote to Remove Santos — WE WILL NOT FORGET!


BREAKING: Sandra Day O’ Connor, The First Woman on Supreme Court, Dead at 93 – Cause of Death Revealed


NEW: Deutsche Bank Just DESTROYED Civil Fraud Case Against Trump | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO)



Argentina Will NOT Join BRICS Group – Government of Javier Milei Turns Away From China, Eyes Stronger US Ties


Israel was Warned of Oct. 7 Terror Attack but Senior IDF Commanders Refused to Act

