12.19.24 ~ Congressional Budget Update and other World Stage finds….


UPDATE UPDATE:  Destruction of the old guard in progress….







It is difficult when you SEE and KNOW to watch this play out….Even if you take breaks or even if you don’t participate at all – you still feeeeeeeeeeel it.  Some moments – absolutely:


Very intrigued…



Usually, it’s because the body has gotten used to this way of existence – and the pain behind this behavior comes from not being seen and not having that pain acknowledged as a child so the body gets into a pattern of seeking what it needed so long ago.  We have the power to heal and change/shift – give yourself what you didn’t receive.


Still not passed………..


Even after it went from over 1500 pages down to 116 (below), majority of Dems saying no (because they aren’t getting their “special projects”) and only 38 Republicans voting no as well – many of whom are alleged to be real patriots.  Something’s not adding up:





T weighs in:





My thought – those still holding on – at least those 38 republicans – are looking to get it down to 45 pages.  (random number – maybe even 20):




Perhaps this is a reference to the coke (diet) “comms” we’ve been seeing lately……….














Why Is Hanukkah So Late This Year?

My girl and I were walking past the local synagogue. We speculated when Hannukah was this year. I thought it was probably already over so we looked it up. It begins this year on December 25th and goes to January 2, 2025. Never known it to be this late so I looked into why.
“Why is Hanukkah so late in 2024? Hanukkah follows the Hebrew calendar, beginning on the 25th day of Kislev. In 2024, this date aligns with December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, making Hanukkah later than usual.”
Of note: “Hanukkah can occur as early as Thanksgiving or as late as Christmas. In 2027, the first night of Hanukkah will fall on Christmas Eve, as it did in 1978 and 2016.”
2016 – the year Trump won. Something? Nothing? Just one of those things I thought “hmmm”…
For the INFJ’s:
**Why INFJs Might Seem “Weird” to Others: A Look Inside Our Honeycomb Brains** If you’re an INFJ like me, you’ve probably noticed how others sometimes find us “weird” or hard to understand. And let’s be honest—our brains do work a little differently. I’ve come to describe my mind as an **abstract honeycomb**, and here’s why that metaphor fits so well:
1. **We Think in Patterns and Layers** INFJs are wired to see the big picture and connect the dots in ways others might not notice. Imagine a honeycomb, where every cell represents an idea or concept. For us, these ideas are all interconnected, forming intricate patterns that might feel abstract or “out there” to others. Sensors, who focus more on concrete details, often don’t see the connections we do—and that can make us seem confusing or even intimidating to them.
2. **We Live in the Abstract and Logical at the Same Time** INFJs are unique in the way we use both our left and right brain simultaneously. While some people think step-by-step, we’re processing life on multiple levels—both abstractly and logically. For example, if we sense that a situation, like a fight, is about to erupt, our intuition and logic work together: we piece together subtle cues and say, “We should go.” Meanwhile, sensor types may see nothing wrong and dismiss the warning. By the time they realize there’s a problem, we’re already gone. This ability to anticipate can feel like a superpower, but it’s also a curse because many people ignore our warnings.
3. **Our Minds Reflect Neurodivergent Traits** Some INFJs (myself included) see traits in ourselves that overlap with neurodivergence, such as ADHD or autism spectrum tendencies. It makes me wonder: Are we part of a broader spectrum of rare minds, designed to see what others cannot? INFJs are already one of the rarest personality types, and combined with our abstract, pattern-driven thinking, it’s easy to feel like we’re among the “last of the ones who could see.” I often use the phrase, “For those who can see,” because that’s what it feels like to be an INFJ. We spot connections, truths, and patterns that others overlook. It’s a gift, but it can also make us feel isolated in a world where the majority doesn’t think this way.
4. **Energy and Focus Are Like Buzzing Bees** Our thought process isn’t linear. One moment, we’re hyperfocused on something fascinating, and the next, our attention has shifted to a completely different idea. It’s as if our minds are always buzzing, constantly building and refining ideas—just like bees working in a honeycomb. This can make us feel scattered, but it also allows us to explore ideas deeply and creatively.
5. **We’re Made for Depth, Not Small Talk** Let’s face it: surface-level conversations drain us. INFJs thrive on exploring deep topics and uncovering hidden truths. But for people who prefer practicality or action over reflection, this can feel unnecessary or even “weird.” That’s okay! Our gift is in understanding the deeper layers of life—something not everyone prioritizes.
6. **We’re Hard to Pin Down** Because we process so much internally, we can come across as mysterious or aloof. Others might think we’re being overly dramatic or reading too much into situations, but the truth is, we just see things in ways that go beyond the obvious. **Why Some Types Struggle to Understand Us** Sensors, who make up the majority of the population, often prefer clear, direct communication and practical solutions. INFJs, on the other hand, focus on meaning, intuition, and possibilities. This can create a natural disconnect. But it’s not about one way of thinking being better than another—it’s just *different.*
**Embracing Our “Weirdness”** Our honeycomb minds might feel complicated, but they’re also beautiful. We INFJs are the ones who see patterns, find connections, and dream of a better world. Instead of trying to fit into a world that doesn’t always get us, let’s embrace what makes us unique. After all, our “weirdness” is what makes us who we are. So the next time someone calls you “too deep” or “hard to understand,” just smile. Your honeycomb brain is a gift—and the right people will see its beauty. Fellow INFJs, does this description resonate with you? How do you explain your unique way of thinking to others? Share your thoughts!
Godspeed Cipher Palindrome


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12.18.24 ~ Checking in………….Finds, etc.


Weird day – feels different than yesterday (which felt lighter).  Today is just – strange.  Woke up feeling that sense of “it’s ‘their’ day'” – which I take it as part of the back and forth/moves counter-moves.  I usually only feel such things right as I wake up and tune in.  Then I focus on making the day go according to MY intentions/desires.

Here’s what I’m seeing going on out on the world stage.  Remember to donate and share.  TY.







Budget fuchery:


JUST IN: No Vote on Speaker Johnson’s Spending Bill After President Trump and Elon Musk Reject Resolution | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Since September 2024:

DoD Directive 5240.01, “DoD Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities and Defense Intelligence Component Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies and Other Civil Authorities,” September 27, 2024


REGIONAL ALLIES: Argentina’s Milei and El Salvador’s Bukele Invited to Donald J. Trump’s Inauguration




Government funding plan collapses as Trump makes new demands | AP News














NC Coast – space wars?  Something’s in the air causing electrical anomalies…


More NC “light” oddities:


I am feeling that block in seeing my future – ongoing – SOMETHING is going on………..although my sense in what she saw is a future version of herself on that new timeline – where we all return to where ALL of our parts belong (for lack of a better way of explaining it) – and who knows who we really are as. that. person.  My girl has been having dreams of her future self – and seeing me as well – all US but, well, New.  New people.  New place.  Just – New (and beautifully happy).



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12.17.24 ~ World Stage Finds……….Drones Drones Everywhere




It feeeeeeeeeeeels like humanity is trying to get as much drone coverage as they can.  It’s like someone let loose millions of hundred-dollar bills, tossing them out of planes, where it’s first come to get (and see) then throwing the finds on tik tok, youtube, etc.  And I get people want to figure it out.  I’m not playing that game.  I’m watching.  Because those “in the know” – KNOW – obviously – and I am not much for things like this which for me feels like “let’s see how much attention we can get from them”.  V no play that game.

Whatever it is, they are, at some point it will be revealed.  IN FULL.  (Allegedlyitbetterberevealed).  For now, it’s drip drip drip a little bit here and a little bit there but noooooooooooot going to let you see it all in full just yet.  🙄  As we know, George News did say “WATCH NEW JERSEY” years back on telegram.

I went in search of some in awakening community who take more of the spiritual perspective – which I still appreciate – but overall what I saw was more of the same with the “almost there” and “more purging” and “more upgrades” – and is it possible that while these approaches are helpful as we awaken – no. one. can accurately give dates or know for sure what is going on.  I still see this as one massive universal clean-up of evil controlling deceptive AI’s, beings and otherwise… and anything that put the blinders over our eyes – whether that has been through frequencies, codes, ways of living/being, toxins and poisons etc. – and as such there is technology being used that far surpasses what any of us can even consider – AND as such is using strategic planning and operations which means no dates and the end result is OUR FREEDOM.  So, no worries in terms of “am i doing it right?  am i doing enough?”  And no pressure on “I have to do THIS now”.  Just my feeeeeeeeeeeeels.

For now, here’s what I’m seeing on da big stage.  Please remember to donate whatever you can and share.  TY!  (oh and btw – my fbook account has been restored.  they said surprise surprise your account does not violate our community standards.  🙄😂 duh!)





This is so darn cute:



(1) STRANGEST THINGS CAUGHT ON VIDEO BY NASA 🛸 NASA Investigation by Stefan Burns – YouTube


End game necessities…………(ya i got one.)  🥰



As though we can trust this……….?



yeah, about that “nothing’s going to happen very quickly” part………….oh we WANT QUICK.  you’re dayem right we want QUICK.


BREAKING: Liz Cheney Referred For Criminal Investigation For Witness Tampering Related to J6 ‘Star Witness’ Cassidy Hutchinson



Very interesting info on the UHC “shooter”:

(1) Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 310) – YouTube


Disney Axes Transgender Storyline From Pixar’s ‘Win or Lose’ Animated Series – Claim They Are Respecting Parents’ Wishes





I remember Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 – he spoke to one of the members of congress who said, “you don’t really think we read these bills do you?”  My opinion since is ‘nothing passes unless read’.  If you agree, give a thumbs up.



They turn “5” in 3 days.  Feeeeeeeeeeeels 5:5………



A lot of peeps challenging him on the “there are no AI’s in congress” comment….



Are we going to say WELCOME TO AMERICA to our friends up north?  That would be kinda cool – been to 2 provinces and the people are absolutely lovely:

Canadian dollar slumps as Trudeau’s government teeters | Fortune



If this is truly legit – and carries zero risk – I think from a marketing perspective they may want to change the term “vaxxine”:





12.15.24 ~ A few finds……..sleuthing………..and a Gematria




I had a few things I wanted to put together and share – perhaps another time.  Simply too tired tonight.  The “drone” stuff continues.  Who knows.  Movie scenes?  Show and tell?  Objects coming out of the ocean with such advanced technology our own military is not equipped to handle (see below)?  “Them” coming up in a [controlled] manner?  My biggest sense in all of this is it IS controlled (also referenced below).  To point out the inadequacies in our military?  To show us the type of tech that we have really had access to?  Some say it’s all distraction.  I say otherwise.  There’s a purpose to this SKY EVENT.  And my feel is – it involves both sides.  Which is why it’s so g.d. difficult to figure things out.

Can I possibly ask any further questions?


I could – but I’m not going to.  Zzzzzzzzzz.  Mental fatigue.  Anyone else?

Remember to donate and share to support my work and keep me motivated and going.  TY!






Federal Officials Will Deploy High-Tech System To New York After Drones Shut Down Airport, Governor Says | ZeroHedge



Luciana Nina Leone (Victoria IRL) on X: “i’m still getting these “independence day” vibes……..not to fear – but what is this going to be used for……….” / X



Wicked Bright objects shooting up over the Horizon #nightskyexploration #astronomy #space – YouTube


UPDATE #8: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage” – Mini-Trailer Connecting Everything – YouTube






Then – there is this – my sense as mentioned above – both sides of agenda’s being brought to the forefront:


FBI Releases Wanted Poster for 14 North Korean IT Workers Targeting US Companies


Sheriff Defies County Board’s Attempt to Turn Her Jurisdiction Into a ‘Super Sanctuary’ for Illegal Immigrants



Israel strikes military targets in Syrian city of Tartus – Media


Israel plans to double population on occupied Golan, citing threats from Syria | Reuters


There you go – an end-game marker for me (dream I had few years back showing the USPS dismantled – and I said “we made it”):



ANTARCTICA (more end-game stuff)….on the move after decades of spinning and spinning…………..

World’s largest iceberg on the move again after months spinning on the spot | The Independent

The mega A23a iceberg has broken free from its position north of the South Orkney Islands and is now drifting in the Southern Ocean, scientists said.


Decided to do a gematria on the iceberg:  A TWENTY THREE A

Elon Reeve Musk

It’s In Your Face

Twenty two

Vincent Kennedy

Donald Trump Code

Win The War Week

Connect The Dots

I Want To Go Home



yup.  feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels:



A little early for gardening – but a girl can dream:



Ok – taking this as a sign to STOP as my site is not allowing me to share most of the X links.  Until tomorrow……….







12.14.24 ~ Finds to make you go aaawww to seriously to wow to wtf?


I posed the question today:  Have any of us seen proof of Trump actually EATING McDonald’s burgers and fries?  There are photos but is there anyone who has SEEN him actually eat it?  Like a live video?  Still awaiting actual proof.



we (young and old) will always find a way to do what it is we really want – a good companion on standby is always an added helpful bonus:




President Trump Announces Appointment of Devin Nunes as Chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board


What is Going On? Mysterious ‘Floating Orb’ Caught on Camera by Local New Jersey News Crew as Drone Invasion Continues Unabated (VIDEO)


BREAKING: Andrews AFB tower talks to military helicopters about drone activity nearby on Dec 14 2024 – YouTube


More unidentified drones sighted in U.S. base in Germany, Staten Island – YouTube


“Multiple Laser Strikes” “See Any Drones?” | Rush Hour Air Traffic Newark, NJ – YouTube



Nothing surprises me….


88 html end code:













looks like pyrotechnics – and what’s w/the purple?



gonna need a long ass nap after this “keep going don’t stop believing”………..


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12.12.24 ~ Early day finds: Trump rings the bell (51x) and gives 2 air Q’s; The Time Is Now; UAP sightings continue


And of course, the animals.  I was greeted this morning by a neighbor’s toddler, who was interested in pointing out all of the cool things she was looking at as well as dancing along with me.  🥰

I played around with Grok for a few minutes last night – overall staying away from that – but asked it to draw me.  Compared to the last image, this one is much more accurate energetically.


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to donate what you can and share.  Thank you!








FBook, Open AI, Instagram in the red……..



Air Q #1:




Interesting it’s signed The WH – White Hats most likely – which is interesting given the ongoing sky event happenings which I feel is Space Force………..







This is a new one:




First 9 minutes………..9………..2025 = 9 year = end of old start of New.  Swearing in is at 12noon.

post 1209 (12 noon plus 9) includes END:


12.11.24 ~ Finds………..UAP’s……….SKY EVENT………Watch NJ….Trump To Ring The Bell




Events continue…………amping up………feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels.  I like looking at the pretty holiday lights and want to create bumper stickers that say “Warning:  Brakes Suddenly For Holiday Lights”.









When I was a kid, I used to question the 1×1=1.  Never made sense to me…





Those who know talking to those who know the most…



“mothership”……….if it was our government “they would let us know”………lol  riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight…………




Audio – pretty cool:

“Buzzed an Aircraft” “It’s on TCAS” | UFOs Spotted Over Oregon | ZSE ARTCC



‘The Walls Are Closing In’: Researcher Who Hid Results of Transgender Study Now in Serious Hot Water | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor



President Trump Will Ring Opening Bell at The New York Stock Exchange Thursday Morning | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

3:33 timestamp too:



12.12 (17) post:



I knew a Trump ran the bell in the past………




Pretty much anything where people are going to be:



Bit of comfort for those who have felt this all changes in a FLASH/INSTANT:



The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Political Change

Today we are pleased to bring you another Vision from Carol Peacock. Carol’s Visions are so poignant that we intend she is a regular contributor to The Vision Alignment Project. Thank you, Carol!

We envision political change. We see all representatives of government making all their decisions based on the highest good for all of mankind. They are able to do this because they now know that all beings are created equal, and they are honored to represent the will of the people. They’ve decided that wars are not in the best interest of the people and can find no need to instigate war to stimulate the economy as there are plenty of resources available for all nations. Now they know, without a doubt, that war damages the psyche of all the people they have agreed to represent, and damages the beautiful and fruitful planet we live on.

With this awareness, they now spend their time cleaning up the destruction of their past actions, teaching all how to live in peace, properly using the resources the planet provides them with, encouraging people to travel and understand the customs and beliefs of their fellowman. They have forgiven themselves for the atrocities of the past and dedicated their service to the highest good of man with relief and joy.

As a result, they’ve found themselves with massive amounts of money to insure that all people have education, shelter, good health, proper nourishment, and the freedom to express themselves creatively. Because they have realized that we are all One, they no longer base their decisions on race, sexual preference, religious dogma, gender, age or individual belief systems. In time, they discover that mankind, because of the purity of our actions, is able to self govern. Each and every one of the politicians and government employees resign their positions and begin the task of living their individual lives joyfully and peacefully without fear. The government machine dissolves since the people – which now includes them – live in love; wars are abolished due to lack of need; everyone is healthy, wealthy and wise; everyone has learned to share; the hearts of all mankind are with God; and everyone respects everyone and honors their individuality as an aspect of Oneness.

Large government offices and monuments have become public arenas for art, performance, retreats, and housing for travelers. The coffers of the government have been spent to correcting the errors of the past. Now there is no need for money as everyone knows how to manifest their needs and desires by intention. There is nothing left for the government to manage, as each individual manages themselves with highest good of others in mind. This is our intention lovingly based on the highest good for all mankind.  And so it is!


As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.


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Alien invasions………and shooters unable to have sex ….. AI seems to be EVERYWHERE and OMG this is sounding like a tabloid publication




Weird stuff going on out on stage in clown world.  Even my normally pretty open mind is just like “uh NO”……  So I’m keeping it light and finding humor in it.  First there are puppies, pigs and other cute animals.










Who else is hearing Deep Purple ~”Smoke on the water…………fire in the sky”………

Or if you’re like me you hear this too:



I want glasses with this substance!  Like really really REALLY………



Technically, it’s on a Wednesday.  But yes……….






And allegedly it’s headlines news that he is unable to perform in bed due to a back injury……..



He indeed did have 5 meme’s with the Dec. 5th date posted today:




they’re heeeeeeeeeeeeere………..or not………..mebbe practicing for the final show………?



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12.8.24 ~ Finds & Headlines ~ “Done in 30”? ….. $leuthing



















Unless the funds will be returned to those in need……….





Israeli Air Force Launches Widespread Strikes Across Syria, Targeting Weaponry at Key Military Sites





JUST IN: Trump Announces Several New White House Additions, Including Attorney Alina Habba as Counselor to The President and Nomination of Christopher Landau for Deputy Secretary of State


Trump Says “Everybody on That Committee for What They Did, Honestly, They Should Go to Jail!” as Biden Reportedly Considers Preemptive Pardon’s for J6 Committee (VIDEO)


There ya go………..every. single. war…………

REPORT: Evidence Suggests FDR Let Pearl Harbor Happen to Force America into WWII

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12.7.24 ~ Finds………What happened today? 10 days?




Day started off with a lot of angst and crying.

Later on, my girl and I went to see a Christmas Choral concert in the evening.  Nice time.  Beautiful music.  I let the pieces done acapella resonate inside my body.  Quite healing.  I didn’t keep up with a thing today out on the world stage.  And that’s just fine with me.  Here is what I found.  Thank you for sharing and donating.







Definitely was feeling that earlier today – and tbh – often recently:










What happened?  Well this did:






HAMMER time:


It’s still kind of uneventful………..


(2) The Rubber Duck ™ on X: “no kidding – Wonderland was an air force base in Laurel Canyon California. https://t.co/d2G50V2wWD” / X


Uhhh………..someone explain this one?

Trump, Jill Biden attend Notre Dame reopening in France with world leaders | Fox News


Scavino shared a clip of Queen singing Hammer to Fall.  Lyrics:

hammer to fall lyrics – Google Search

Here we stand or here we fallHistory won’t care at allMake the bed light the lightLady mercy won’t be home tonight yeah
You don’t waste no time at allDon’t hear the bell but you answer the callIt comes to you as to us allWe’re just waitingFor the Hammer To Fall
Waiting for the hammer to fall.  12:12 and hammers been around in the vibe the past couple of weeks.


Still not resonating w/any of this:





Former TV show economist…………sounds familiar…….






Had it confirmed this was a legit drop:
