Figures – the time this finally actually happens is the time when I have the least amount of money in years to stock up. Still trying to figure out how to get another dryer………….
THIS YEAR – NOW – or BUST. Woke up thinking this – just cannot take this much longer. Shaking all over. So desperate for this to end/change – was willing for a few moments to take another reset. At least it’s a chance to start over.
Lots of us feeling this “twitchy”…………the rough part needs to be on evil – we’ve had enough of the rough haven’t we? although he may be right about this one……….sigh
The Bug is getting twitchy. The signs & portents are visible now. Going to be a rough few weeks. Take care of yourself & fam.
I’ve read something about Antarctica being home to an opening to this. At this point, I’ll explore any idea in pursuit of the truth. I will say, satellite imagery of Antarctica has some interesting stuff on it, and even more that’s hidden from above I imagine.
that’s what many of us have been doing for years and years………..and like i have said – and felt – we cannot. do. this. alone. inside. we MUST have help from outside given “they” created this place and the tech to reset us.
A couple of hours ago I shared on my fbook page “I CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE”……….it is collective………..and it is time to step out of isolation and help one another – now – more. than. ever. if anything – you’re not alone! what can i do for you? we can start private chats or email or text….There are enough of us now that we. do. not. have. to. walk. this. last. mile. of. this. very. long. road. alone.
That’s enough for now. Sun is finally coming out – gotta go get some heat on my body (and on the wet clothes on the clothesline!). Tears incoming as well. More later if I find the energy and desire. Love to all ~ V.
Interesting. Does any of this resonate with you? Gotta let this one marinate in my mind………..only thing I can say is VK felt familiar in a very ancient way – and I kept getting other worldly………….still do………He says 2.2 is coming soon…………..
Once upon a time, 17 billion years ago in a distant world known as Mars, humans were the dominant species. They were deeply spiritual beings who revered a divine entity they simply referred to as "G_d". Their society thrived on…
Yes. Earth is a ship (vah). That’s what I have come to believe. Melania – remember – saying (according to The Gunner’s Wife) “they shouldn’t have chosen to sink with the ship” when referring to the lying media outlets and others – watching as T and Melania left the WH after the 2020 “election”……….
Good Morning VK. Thanks for the wonderful story. Home. Wonder how we get to Earth. Where does the Garden of Eden comes in place. I'm more and more convinced that the Earth is a giant Submarine or Starship.
BREAKING: Apparently a Nazi flag has been pulled from the cab of a U Haul truck that rammed the security barrier at Lafayette Square near White House
Ok……….. So she does it again with another judge – next year? I keep hearing “military is the only way – what we see in front and center is disclosure”. To which I then respond “i am still NOT OK with going through the sheot cr@p of my personal life much less what my girl has gone through as well in order for someone else to SEE” – then I hear “still flooding the tunnels – clearing it all out – finality here”. OPS still taking place. Like gotta make sure all of the i’s are dotted, t’s crossed in order to drop it all – then lift US up and drop them w/the ship.
Reminded me of a dream we all had in this house – about 5 years ago or so – where a box arrived – on a sunny day – and inside were these cool satellite-like phones – or transponders as I also called them at the time. Question is – why are these twats being given them?
i had some synchs today – kinda forgot them though………..matrix 3d kept sucking me in from the dryer issue to a fire a few blocks from here that blew a lot of smoke our way (which was put out quickly by neighbors – a group of people including myself ran in the direction of the smoke)…..traumatizing bringing back the memories of 2020……….and then the usual challenges we each face here now……doc wrote back – expressed his concern said nothing about the program treatment plan – flying solo w/it which in his own words requires a lot of monitoring……WHO IS REAL HERE?!…it’s like i’ve reached a place where mentally i absolutely authentically cannot take in anymore………i go into what is called dorsal vegal shutdown – and i have no one around me to help guide me out – which is what my healer said i absolutely need to create………..i kinda laugh at that concept – in a rather sarcastic tone… once social circle around here went poof…..and my mate? yeah – he wouldn’t know what to do – he isn’t good with handling the anxieties of others – esp. now…….and we know how men are – want to fix things……well meaning – but still – fixers…..and i don’t need fixing – just soothed/guided back to center………..anyway as i told my healer – i’ve always just done this sort of work alone……….she looked at me and got tears in her eyes – and i mean serious tears – put her hand on her heart the whole deal – which touched me deeply but also surprised and confused the part of me that is simply used to dealing with panic/anxiety alone…….i don’t know – for me it’s just normal – for my experience here………which is probably why at times i am over-the-top in trying to help my girl with her own struggles……dealing with panic situations alone is quite the lonely feeling – ok – it’s awful. it’s just awful.
let’s see – the synchs – i know i had them…….think think THINK girl….
oh yes – a song – grateful dead – touch of gray played for me today. i was alone – sang it and danced – went inside to start dinner and that’s when we noticed large billows of smoke filling the street. shortly after that – the dryer. so yeah – get in a nice space and the matrix sometimes finds a way to nail you. i’ll move past this – always do but now? yeah now – i’m numb – temporarily waving a white flag. jesus, i need a reprieve from sheot.
here are a few finds. still feeling a lull…….love, v.
For some people the war is fought on the outside, through family, friends, events, Ex’s, work, society, everything outside of you constantly attacking who you are, the mirror hates you just as much as you hate what you see in it. And you fight so many battles too afraid to…
— 🌷LIZZIE🌷 (re/formed) (@farmingandJesus) May 21, 2023
5’s are all. over. me. today…………
🦅🇺🇸💥BOSS CRUMBS💥🇺🇸🦅 "GOLF/5th/DC" At 7:05PM
##705 [5]
‼️Hitting a 5YDELTA 11Sec off‼️ ##1433 (05/21/18 7:04:49 5YDELTA) Military OP. [GREEN] (((GOLF))) FULL DISCLOSURE. RR problems. WRAY (((FBI))) WHEN DOES THE CLOCK RUN OUT? D5.
SAN TAROT………….ok now i am remembering one of the synchs from today – when i got out of bed today i thought of these two parts of myself – the lion/warrior and the innocent child – felt the innocent child coming in to merge – a return of Me Space you could say………….brought grateful tears and calm energy………..for awhile……….then stuff happened………kindred spirit – so needed………..prefer in person Universe. t/y!
Feeeeeeeeeeeeeels quiet and lighter today…………even the plants look more vibrant……..of course it is May – but there is an energy around – higher vibe – that feeeeeeeeeeeeels nice. Here’s what I’m seeing. Please remember to share and donate what you can (below). Thank you! Love, V.
On the National Mall again this afternoon — highlighting the central role that P. KEVIN MORRIS is playing for the compromised U.S. first family.
I’m still feeeeeeeeeeeeeling (as I have been for a few weeks) that 5:5 is 5 year 5 month delta from January 2018 which puts us to this month/this year………..
💥💥💥KABQQQQQM💥💥💥 💥💥DELTA Dan Crumbs!💥💥 Dropping MAGA At 1:06PM On 05/20/23
San Tarot ~ Liking the title – and the time stamp 22:11 (1122)…………protective energy………..trying to stop from bringing in a situation (difficult that is being avoided) into the future……..longing to escape current reality…..just want to run away – feeling stuck/trapped…….something that should have been finished up a long time ago – now in the “cleaning up” stage……….interesting……….how many of us have talked about being few left here – clean-up/skeleton crew left……….things shift quickly…………beautiful moment – heart opens………..healing and understanding of resentment…..a de-armoring moment – which is what we want that comes w/this transition……this is (another) beautiful read by San. sky writing card comes up too.
……….as much as my mind is allowing me to that is atm. I’m kind of – numb. Ya’ll know my mate’s medical issues as well as knowing his recent doctor essentially cut him off in the middle of a very complex course of treatment – leaving him not knowing what to do next (and I have nothing new or different to offer either). Frig……….. Anyway the past 24 hours he’s discovered 2 painful lumps on the back of his head – close together. First he found the one last night and today, another has appeared. He’s had fatty lipomas’ appear on his body over the years – all benign – which I’m pretty sure this is what this is given how it feels – but it’s causing him pain – and he already had head pain to begin with. And atm, he can’t wear his hat he wears daily. I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t know what to do.
Then around the time he’s showing me this new one, our wonderful egg lady dropped off our eggs and shared the news her husband has terminal cancer – just diagnosed a few weeks ago. She was numb herself – understandably so. They’re having to sell their farm. I told her about Rick Simpson Oil – her son is into that field so she is going to look into it. I forgot to mention the anti-parasitic treatments.
Nothing much making sense now. It’s all a bad dream – really feeling that the past day or two. Weird things are happening and LH and I have begun a convo about the tv series LOST – she has better memories of it than I do even though I and my mate watched every episode for all 6 seasons. But I feel like that character – little short blonde english guy (as I said – memory on the specifics are not so good) – who says “Guys, where are we?” Was that show truth? Yeah – I think it is. And are we waiting for everyone to wake up – like they did at the end – Jack being the last one to awaken (and wasn’t it his “dream” to begin with?) and realize they had died in a plane crash and the entire experience on the island had been a long, bad dream (sound familiar?). When they woke up – outside – it was Heaven. Celebration. All of them gathered together – happy.
I get chills in my numbness typing those words.
I don’t know…………..much now.
But I do know this has to end. WE HAVE TO WAKE UP AND GET OUT.
And people are getting hit – hard – now. I see the sheot everywhere. Clowns. Weird bugs that we’ve never seen before – showing up. Other more “normal” bugs landing on us. Spiders appearing in the damn toilet – something that happened to me weeks ago – biting me on the leg (just didn’t share it here). And dreams – last night they were just one dream all night – poking – child had the same experience. My mate would likely have had similar as well if he slept long enough to dream.
When are we going to have our escape? When are we going to have our HELP and RESCUE – at least see it instead of this ongoing feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels experience?
Rescue ourselves I can hear some saying – fuch that sheot. Mind telling me HOW exactly? Seriously – I want to know exactly HOW those who follow that narrative plan on doing that. And I want to see them create that then help those of us who have tried every damn thing TO wake up – in full that is – and KNOW it all again – and GET OUT of this prison – whether it’s literal or just for the mind- anyone thinking they’re in paradise is delusional (and probably not coming here much so I’m probably talking to empty space – I have a tween – I’m used to that lol). How can you have paradise and parasites in the same. experience? Yeah – YOU CAN’T. And don’t get me started on some peeps sharing we create our own misery and suffering here. FUCH THAT UGLY speak. No heart. No soul in that talk.
It shrinks….Changes…..But I’m ok with that.
Anyway – it’s been “another” day and I sit here numb – my mate crying in the other room. Nothing is working to bring anyone in this house exactly what we each need. Not a damn thing. So all I have left to ask for is prayers – loving energy – whatever ya got – which I know many of us don’t have much to give now – I get that. I’m the same way overall – definitely at this time I am.
I think things are happening today. Hopefully a sign we are sooooooooooooooooo f’ing close to THE moment.
With love, gratitude and exhaustion and a numb mind atm (and just now my mate comes in and shows me he’s found more lumps………!!!!!!) Ok……so….. I am distracting myself by doing the mental stuff and sharing some finds.
before i forget ~ doing some research last night for my own brain ~ i saw that John Kennedy Jr. met with Tyson when he was in prison………..we know what happens when he met w/people in the past……they become part of the plan…….
Does this mean something? I’m desperate today – I admit – I am desperate for something positive. I decided to gematria BLACK MOON:
That’s all I need to see. This has to be it. Can’t take another second – mentally. (as I am putting this together – mate was outside listening to the same station as I was – when suddenly the station faded out and into a different frequency – all on its own – the song? IT’S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. WE’RE LEAVING TOGETHER.) This is either really. happening. or it’s the biggest joke on us. I’m opting for the REALLY HAPPENING.
People like this – all of us who have shared the truth however we can – and have suffered for it here – we got a HERO’S WELCOME coming at Home! At the very least – a long vacation here and an AMAZING “home of our choice” here.
so much of “their” filth being shown at the above site – don’t want to share it here – but sharing to lament again CHEESE WIPES ARE PEOPLE SEEING NOW IF NOT WHY AND HOW CAN THEY NOT??!!!
This went across the banner today on RSBN Rumble live feed for the Kari Lake Court appearance at 3:37 EST.
Marco Polo – wonder if this is another John role……..Using the pen name of the Italian writer………..Remember he did visit Italy (on APRIL 20th – AHEM see the above House Resolution 420 – can you hear John saying “payback’s a beotch JB”?) – Valentino Headquarters in Rome to, in his own words, “see the codex”………….Leonardo da Vinci’s scripts….
I really need to take time for me to tune in and get a feeeeeeel for what’s going on out there. Doing too much 3d stuff. Oh the things I need for myself…………….person can only go so long without those needs being met before they bust outta the rut – with OR without a plan.
Are we about to see the first (public) arrest? I was able to feel into that – briefly – and felt once this begins in a public format it is going to have to continue on as that flood – bam bam bam bam bam – in order to keep the awakening programming going because if it’s just ok here’s one arrest and then nothing for weeks etc. – with the media still spinning the opposite – the programming will remain – UNLESS the person has the desire to KNOW the truth at a consciousness level. Hard to find people like that other than those of ya’ll that I know.
Oh yes – I remember another thing I felt – FRYDAY was on my mind when I woke up. A first.
Here is what I am seeing. Please remember to Share and Donate. Much love!
All related: The Single BIGGEST scam to come out of Nigeria, is actually one that has links to The Biden Crime Family. And it's worth just over 12 BILLION DOLLARS!
Coming around 360…………Remind us of anything – anyone? There’s something to this one……………
BREAKING: Prince Harry, his wife Meghan and her mother have been involved in a "near catastrophic" car chase involving paparazzi
Oh wow – I am just seeing this one. A synch for my “FRYDAY” I heard waking up this morning………..He does such cool comms, btw…………We’re ALL ready for the manifestation part now.
Biden is abusing his executive powers to cover up his own family’s illegal foreign business dealings, by halting and obstructing investigations into his own crimes via Hunter.
Weird that a mass shooting happened outside a church an hour before this report on Obama and Hillary and the DNC and the FBI and the CIA committing willful acts of sedition and treason dropped…hmmm…
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I woke up this morning and thought “his APL is going to go up”. It did! Not enough imho – and at this pace given how it is climbing it could take another 5 years. However I have a sense that it is going to max out quickly with something “BIG” that is coming like a massive unstoppable wave justwishitwouldgetherealreadyi/mygirlneedtobeinanewhousenewspacenewdoing…..)
His response to being subpoenaed
by the U.S. Virgin Island JPMorgan/Epstein case is
“This is idiotic on so many levels.”
His opinion of George Soros (now officially deceased?)
“Soros hates humanity.”
Right on, Elon 👊
🇺🇸 Liz Crokin Channel
I personally love that Elon Musk has been issued a subpoena
in the Virgin Islands v. JPMorgan case.
Here’s why: The fake news — which mostly despises Musk
as much as they loathe Trump —
is now more likely to cover this case.
You know, kind of like how
they would not have covered Jeffrey Epstein’s 2019 arrest
as extensively if they could not tie Epstein to Trump’s administration
via Alex Acosta. Checkmate! ✔️
San Tarot (10 of Cups coming up again…….happy….family card….)…..hangman coming in – bound to a situation beyond your control – not able to make a decision no choice but to wait….(i can R E A L L Y resonate w/that one)………..someone comes in to support…………huge shift – gentle energy…………can see how this reading relates to so many of us now – for individual reasons………gentle but powerful energetic kiss cleanses and releases into big beautiful incredible shift……..oooh Wheel of Fortune too……….and Peaks of Joy………Perfect Storm – the courage to step into LIFE……….waiting for someone to enter to help then when it’s our turn to Move – we MOVE……..with Power and Confidence and absolute preparation…………READY. I claim this and RECEIVE! and the Raven shows up – a Raven has been coming into the yard the last week and I have felt she has a purpose………..and oh my goodness – the HOME card comes up along w/the Page of Earth who is about remembering selves from previous lifetimes………..Remembrance of HOME and who we really are – the part of us that always Remembers………….Friends – this is a truly amazing read.
(btw – a request from my spouse – all he is looking for now is a malpractice attorney – anyone with knowledge of that please let me know and i will pass it on to him. for necessary reasons, this is the last time i will be requesting assistance for him on my site. i thank each of you who offer your suggestions and help – words, financial, etc. you are wonderful and i appreciate ya’ll very. much.)
Happy Mama’s Day to all of the mama’s who come here – and who work so hard 24/7 to keep their children and families nurtured, safe, fed, sheltered, and happy. YOU ARE AMAZING! i am so grateful and blessed to have the most amazing person come into my life as my daughter. eternal Love – always teaching me.
here’s what i’m seeing.
SOOOOO much filthy corruption………..that will rile up everyone – awake or not:
this is so cool – and could be the Part 2 he’s been promising to drop. i know he is outside this construct……i’ve felt it all along…..ancient cosmic entity – observing from behind the scenes……….BINGO!
easily could be generated by the AI……..he’s shared in the past he has a collection of rubber ducks (put into the simulation for this time)…..but there’s a comm here………..rubber duck or rubber ducking (see below):
Have you ever had a eureka moment while explaining something to someone? That’s what rubber ducking seeks to replicate. Essentially, rubber ducking is about talking through your coding problems with a friendly duck that won’t judge you.
ooooh very interesting – and for the love of us ALL MAKE THIS DELTA/SYNCH BE THE REAL. DEAL.
Well, well, well,.. What are the Odds👇
34Min BEFORE Trumps [Weather¹Alert],.. KASH Comes Out and Drops at 14:48
##1448 FF [WEATHER¹ALERT] (WW). Stay Vigilant and Maintain Situational Awareness.
How Beautiful is Drop 34,.. Q Clearance Patriot My fellow Americans, over the…
The Patriot Front is making its rounds all over Twitter and everyone thinks they are Feds. I can promise you, that's the service level take. They enjoy being called Feds because it hides their true origins. This goes much deeper with ties to Azov and Ukraine. A thread 🧵:
NATO armored vehicles are pulled together to the Latvian-Russian border Footage from the vicinity of Daugavpils, where columns of German armored vehicles were seen
sometimes alchemizing indicates the need to remove, eliminate and REBUILD……….
Whew – it’s pretty warm here – a good 25 degrees warmer than what is the norm. Makes one extra grouchy – old and young. Really feeling and seeing the two timelines – can feel when the one comes in – which I call “theirs” now – perhaps I am wondering as well – if that also played out in one of “their” dimensional spaces (aka “timelines”) but that is getting shutdown due to time travel tech. Remaining neutral is so important now (esp. when “theirs” comes in) – I see it more and more the importance of it – and it’s also challenging too ain’t it?
Been hearing Asia ~ “The Heat of the Moment” ~ in my mind often lately. Telling you what your heart meant. KEY.
I put in more of the garden. I got tomatoes, variety of greens, carrots, strawberries. Potatoes will come next (still waiting for the right sprouts to appear). Will look for some herbs next. Been eating those regularly with lettuces. I only have so much useful space though – so many lighted areas and only so many re$ources.
Getting stronger with my boundaries – having to. The agent smith program coming out en force lately – or whatever you want to call it – just people not feeeeeeeeling with their hearts. We have all done it – some though – that’s about all they can offer up in the presence of someone struggling. I keep saying if it isn’t supportive and if it isn’t asking someone “hey what do you need? what can i do to support or help you now?” – I. DO. NOT. WANT. IT. And I don’t know how to be clearer on that.
If someone is crawling on the ground – you don’t step on their hands – you get down there with them – or at least call down to them – and say hey what can I do to help get you back up? And then you listen and respond IF able.
So. Simple. That’s what Love looks like in the end – making the complex – turning the complex – transforming the complex – back into the Simple. In this insane reality – it’s our most powerful gift. Here’s what I’m seeing.
Tornado Watch in Iowa. For safety of our great Patriots, we have been asked to delay or cancel today’s sold out Rally. I am near the Palm Beach Airport, ready to go, but we are on hold because of the very bad weather in Iowa. Please Seek Shelter or Safe Haven!
Did a gematria on all of the caps………
DECODE THREE THREE THREE (i kept feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling 33 today after some market stuff i’ve been watching – see below too)
According to information, the value of the ammunition destroyed in the Khmelnytsky ammunition depot is about 500 million dollars.
The ancient name of Saturn was, EL. The reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. El-ite comes from the “Isra-El-ites” which came from the worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El. It is the EL-ites who run the world today.
We are watching a disaster unfold in real-time as near Category 5 Cyclone Mocha approaches landfall in Bangladesh/Mynamar, one of the most vulnerable places in the world to storm surge where hundreds of thousands of refugees are currently living in low-lying camps near the coast.
If you want to go deeper down some rabbit holes – check out this channel. I’ve seen enough so won’t share some of this here.
aahh – and saving the best (imho) for last. my favorite shirt of hers – which means this will be a good one……very interesting intro……moving into a phase where the “signs” are going to fall away……….collective unfolding story……….individual signs are “access” points to join – moving beyond that now……….oh yes……….CLOSING DOOR……..7 of earth………education………whatever we are doing – put it on pause – about to go deep into another experience that will alter our course…….my sense – the moment of mass “pop awakening”…..we REMEMBER and thus become NEW………..? cosmic surge……….not destructive energy – only BENEFIT – but abrupt and uplifting/enlightening……well the Shift absolutely will put everything we are doing in this 3d experience – the CLOSE DOOR – with the EDUCATION phrase (REMEMBERING) coming as a result of this surge……… the end – 10 of Cups – Enlightenment – 10 for the win………..
I woke up this morning hearing “the greatest love of all” – a beautiful message – a beautiful song – and probably the only one of WH’s that I can listen to. If I don’t spend appropriate guided time going within – I get very cranky – immediately. It’s a sign I need to retreat in silence. Here’s what I’m seeing this afternoon. Love, V.
DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. Not trust. It's not time yet. If you have to rest and unplug, do it, but when you come back, keep an eye out. Remember that the ace of evil is always the same of always. EVIL = DECEPTION. Better to be cautious and prepared. HIGH GUARD. ♾
i vetted……….(nothing at the border on the western side as well)………..
All of the air traffic is avoiding a large swath of Texas. Why would this be? Also note HBAL high altitude spy balloon in the same area.
VIBEZZZZ 53-10=43<>34 👇 Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news)=CNN