4.9.23 ~ Finds


It’s GO time.  Well, publicly.





intuited this one………..






Bring one of ’em – both – whatever – just end this movie and get us outta prison!  Triple 5……….





















btw – schumann’s still frozen…………



so maybe NEXT sunday is the “easter timeline” so many of us were counting on………….given we are now at GO……….(see below)










died or just disappeared……………










Another synch it’s GO……….


extra [G]:


Dec 23, 2017 3:58:14 PM EST
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!









And here we go……….not the EU – but Europe…….it’s all over if the “five eyes” are joining:



In today’s humor files:


UPdates on Israel






4.8.23 ~ Reflecting…………..and some finds…………..



that’s a convo i would start or join in on…………

Today I am REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY struggling when I see ANYTHING that is not full. throttle. T R U T H.  So when it’s either a lie or a puzzle piece of the whole – I. Just. Can’t. Do. It.

I slept last night – far better than I have in days – perhaps weeks.

But I feel even more tired.

Just want to go Home.

GO.  Just want to G O.

That’s all.

EVERYTHING else now – E V E R Y T H I N G – a distraction.

Every day – I get through it – until I can get into this Captain’s Chair here in front of the laptop and look for clues and signs that Home is upon me.

I know not everyone resonates with that.  I know some cannot fathom the idea of a new body or leaving this place.  They want to stay here and rebuild.  And I know I have really pushed joining in together – rebuilding the New here now with others.  But when I am absolutely honest with me, while I may have brief moments of energy to DO just that NOW…..  Where I am now?  Overall?  As in most moments now?  I don’t have that energy in me anymore.  At all.  Not. Even. Close.  

And I have tried.  I have resisted it.

And……Oh how I have tried to convince myself of something different than what I have felt and known for my entire experience this time around.  I want. to. go. Home.

And even IF New were to be rebuilt HERE – I will need a whole restored ME in order to do that.  Not gonna pretend anymore.  This spiritual war with the invisible enemy has taken a life long toll on me.  Big. Time.

I lament a lot about moving.  The idea of packing a box – see above.  SAME FEEEEEEEEEEEEEL.  It would have to be ez and at this point – done for me.  I am in need of serious hand holding and E Z.

I want EZ.

T L C.

If I want to travel – I want to teleport or fly in my own craft.  I have travel issues and I saw clearly today how it isn’t about WHERE.  I can BE anyplace new – talk with people – no problem.  But GETTING to that new when it involves being jammed inside some damn crowded tube or on a stinky bus or confined space inside a car for hours or days?



Just N O P E.

At least not sober.  lolol

I drove around today alone – just drove.  And drove.  And drove.

I’ve pretty much seen it all here.

So many people out.

I felt more lonely than ever.

Could not tune in or feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel anything real.

Sometimes I would grimace – even close my eyes – look away for there are just some things I absolutely cannot.  look.  at. anymore.

I made chocolate tonight.  Been awhile since I did that.  I LOVE my chocolate.  I don’t even mind prepping it.  But the clean up?  UGH!  I began doing that – but stopped and said “fuch it” and left the measuring cups and spoons and pot in the sink.

Another “cannot. do. anymore.”  (and completely out of character for me as well)


As I said – in all pure honesty – most of the time now – my days are moments I get through until I can plant myself here – alone – without having to be responsible for or tend to anyone else or anything else – so I can look for clues that “Yes Victoria, you really are returning to where You belong and here are more markers for that.  KEEP GOING.”



But it’s MY crazy.

On the menu for tonight after my captain chair fun – Back to the Future movie with my girl.  We both had a nudge to watch it this week – which I didn’t know she had until earlier tonight when she mentioned it to me.  We have been playing cards a lot lately (just like that KABOOM dream I had uh when was that – was that this year or last fall?!  lol) anyway……tonight before dinner she wanted to play again so we did.  Lots of diamond cards drawn by us tonight – and that 10 of diamonds is coming up a lot now.

Those of you for whom are my choir in which I “preach” to – those of you who GET ITTHANK YOU from the depths of my Heart and Soul!

Here’s what I’m seeing.





Trending on twitter atm:

Wake Up People
13.3K Tweets


still on the outside of this place………….and this place is so toxic and poisoned now………we must get out and the ship. must. sink.








Can we trust them?

Spirit & Truth @Cath2344
08 April, 01:39
Saving to watch later:
Derek Johnson breaks down CIC Trump’s Maralago Speech on April 4, 2023

A lot of great Comms in this speech. This “indictment” isn’t what most of the world thinks it is… as anything else. Have fun with this Operation… You’re living through the most Biblical, Historica





Bob Enslow @cmbwsu
08 April, 08:53
Currently The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have been closed for a third day now due to widespread worker shortages apparently linked to ongoing contract talks shutting down and halting all cargo traffic at the massive shipping complex while disrupting the local economy and the global supply chain.





looks like the actor to me………


the other side of the awakening…………real people struggling………..



had the nuclear football the entire time – as he entered the timeline………which is why WWIII will never. be. on. the. returned. to. timeline………or whatever we are calling it now…………..

We’ve had the ball the entire time.



ok so i am seeing calendar stuff resetting and talk about new monies and digital currency crap while i am over here with there with the rest of you’s saying GET US OUT AND AWAY FROM ALL OF THAT!!!!  O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  sorry just not really seeing anything in which i align.  seeing info about real estate – most of the money moving in that area is due to cash only buys (LAND GRABS) by those who have been f’ing w/the entire market LONG ENOUGH.  WHEN IS IT OUR TIME??!!!! TO DO AND BE AND LIVE WELL??!!!


They now have a DeLorean SuperCar………..

ok my feel on this car?  NO THANK YOU.  that is “their” lure to get us to stick around and enjoy a virtual AI experience.  I’ll pass.  Moving on…………..

Israel strikes Syria ‘in response to’ new rocket attacks: Israeli army  – Insider Paper

This is a breaking news story.. check back for updates



BTW – the Bird is back on twitter.  dog is gone.  no answer either……….


this one was sent to me by a fellow traveller.  i resisted watching at first – but decided to give it a go.  happy i did.  really resonating with the words on subconscious and trauma.  i needed the validation/explanation.  it explains, for me, my emotional processing i’ve been undergoing in recent months – and what i have seen in others with whom i am closest to.  interesting commentary on the carrington event.  makes sense.  this is more than just a war on our DNA – it’s been a war for our consciousness.  our very Souls.  subconscious mind that operates outside of “time” remembers everything – so with each lifetime we don’t get out – this leaves behind trauma – which explains the huge sense of abandonment and bitterness many of us are feeling – esp. now (as we are awakening more – which awakening is not just about seeing where we are – it is more than just gaining new knowledge – it’s a very deep deep process – like coming out of a coma in a way??).  interesting many of us are so focused on releasing our trauma – working with the vagus nerve – but the subconscious mind also needs to be included – methods that bypass the conscious mind.  anyway – got chills with this one.  interesting choice of flowers too – and how they are closed up then open up.  the when we don’t know – but the why – i see – saving as many higher minds as possible.  interesting she talks about the party at the end – minutes before i decided to watch this i was vacuuming – then suddenly stopped and paused and said I am NOT going to get old here – i REFUSE to age – i am a youngster who just wants to party.  i’ve also been tuning in more naturally to remember my experience prior to the war – who i know outside and who i don’t remember.  anyway – enjoy.

Wave and Flash Update 4-8-23


Schumann (which btw has not updated for about 6 hours)……….

this one captured at 3:51pm PST:


this one captured at 9:27pm PST:





4.7.23 ~ Check-in…..Reflecting…..Finds………Schumann




No sheot……..


Well let’s start with the Schumann.  A big black gap appeared about 22 hours – and I am sharing this 5 hour gap at 5:55pm PST………



Something – again – came in earlier today – making me walk sideways – suddenly feeling weirdness in my head and heart area.  I was able to regain my energy and get the laundry, lunch, dinner prep, dishes, vacuuming and  learning assistance for my girl done – even made her a warming buddy with the sewing machine my mate bought us for light holiday last december.  First project – and first time touching a sewing machine in over 25 years.  Just reading that makes me tired!  Also struggling to type.

Did I say the exhausting depletion continues?

Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath.

Talking with several of you wonderful people today and in recent hours – seems to be a consensus we are quite done with every narrative.  It’s all a narrative – some sort of program – inside this place.  All there is left to do – in this moment that is – is to just let it all BE and let myself BE IT in that space.  As in fuch the work and the healing and the purging and the releasing and the rinse and repeat work work work in order TO blah blah blah.  Just. want. to. B E.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the clues/goodies/puzzle pieces showing us that YES DOROTHY we ain’t in Kansas no more never again and YES DOROTHY WE R GETTING OUT/LIBERATED/FREED whatever word fits for you.

So speaking of here are some of those clues which yes I am ready to toss the entire puzzle already and move on and do NEW.  But for now it’s all I got.

Oh – before I forget (again) – my wonderful friend who has been visiting this site since conception/inception lol – sent me pictures of his amazing siamese cats – and the formation they presented him with one day when he was needing a real uplift.  A first, he said.  Check out these beauties and the beautiful heart they gave him:

I had the nudge to share something else but the thought already left and I can’t locate it.  lol  O M GGGGGGGGGGGGG









Verified – it is there at 17 sec in…………..





Anyone else wondering if there’s another definition behind his use of the phrase “you’re fired”………….




She’s right.  It was and still is down………….hmmm………..something happening “up there” for this to occur…………….












07 April, 08:21
[POPE] will be having a terrible May.
[POPE] will be having a terrible May.













lol  Golf course……………at the WH………………movie set……….

Erin Smith @ErinLeigh
23 December, 11:42
When did the whitehouse get a golf course 🤔…Great movie…truly 🤣














___ Fritz28 @Fritz28
07 April, 07:50
Are you 💩ing me?……5:55.




PeQQy 222 @KnotMe
07 April, 07:46
Three trees…on the 17th hole…on Good Friday…at the Masters…. after a storm.
No one hurt.




New Batch of Classified Documents Appear on Social Media Sites – Disclose.tv

Breaking news from around the world.





I actually had that thought come into my mind while I was sewing……..





John Hewitt @Exnavypatriot
07 April, 08:02





BREAKING: Hyatt Hotels chairman, former Disney executive are among billionaires issued subpoenas in lawsuit over JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein – Here’s what we know! In my latest article, I lay out connections between Epstein and the wealthy businessmen subpoenaed in the Virgin Islands lawsuit against the bank. You won’t find this information anywhere in mainstream media — please share!


House Oversight Committee subpoenas banks, Biden family associates in probe of finances | Fox News

The House Oversight Committee has issued subpoenas to banks asking for financial records regarding Biden associates, according to sources.




Ranked: The U.S. Banks With the Most Uninsured Deposits

Uninsured deposits in the U.S. total at least $7 trillion. We show the top 30 banks with the highest level of these deposits.










CERN NEWS……………..uhhhhhhh


Following a commissioning period from 28 March, collisions in the LHC are expected to commence on 22 April, supplying its experiments with more efficiency and a higher beam intensity than ever before.

That thing has to be in WH control………….”17″…………

Following the year-end technical stop (YETS) – a 17-week period in which the accelerators undergo maintenance and minor upgrades




Songs………and some Finds………….KEEP. GOING.




Just exhausted – body is weary and worn and torn.  Heart.  Mind.  Soul.  Spirit.  All of it that makes up Me is just, you know.  But as long as I can feeeeeeeeeel, as long as I can hold my own thought, my own truth, as long as I AM, that Spark within remains Lit.  Always said I don’t care if I’m crawlin’ across that g.d f’ing finish line at the end – I AM CROSSING IT.  (although i intend to leap across it like a boss with all of my power)

Music is helping atm.  Listening more so – for a time that is.  I played the piano for awhile – I tried so much to get into it – it just isn’t there in me now.  Not learning new songs.  I need – NEW.  As I said – my distractions that were once my joys are hardly distracting me now.  Tonight-I tried something new – different.  For the first time I made a carrot cake recipe in my bread machine and proceeded to fry it (the machine).  I just stared at it – smoking – while at the same time my girl is saying “ok mom i found some clothes to buy!”  Bread machine replacement – bottom of the list of things to buy.  lol


Whether one is awake or not – in knowing or not – we all really need this truth for ALL moment so we can unite and live and BE who we are supposed to be with one another – without fear.  Without judgment.  Without wondering if someone is going to turn on us and attack or clam up or laugh at us because we’ve shared something that isn’t on their matrix program plate.  We ARE LOVE and we KNOW this.  

You know that thing I shared earlier – Trump saying You Can’t Always GEt What You Want?  Straight out of GEORGE Mag Feb. ’97 issue.  Then VK speaking about the Trump/Kennedy prophecy appearing to be (duh) true.  I saw a headline from yahoo – negative against John Kennedy Jr.  Yeah – it’s showtime.  If “they” are attacking him, we know.  It has to be.  Easter timeline.  T said the words – twice – 3 years ago.  I get the whole “disinfo” thing but at the time he was speaking to the public about (allegedly) Covid – opening up – being free of “the invisible enemy” – easter timeline- which we had been battling for a long time now – quite awhile – all of this his words – so COME. ON. ALREADY. AND. DO. IT. Q.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some things to share.






Not. safe. anymore.  (although it doesn’t escape me seeing the masked up folks and the ones without a clue – at least the audience was small.  a T rally would stomp all over that nonsense.)

CV03 The Corolla Virus™ @Kofa

06 April, 06:47
#nancypelosi TRASHED At Event,
Labeled A Warmonger



China declares it will board ships in Taiwan Strait

China will be boarding and inspecting cargo ships in the Taiwan Strait after Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s high-level U.S. meeting.





Is THIS the saving israel for last?






i sigh and sigh and sigh some more and again wonder – ok WHEN will this all drop out in the open?  OUR TIMELINE.  OUR TIMELINE.  OUR TIMELINE.








look over there just not here……….








Again – DUH.  So uh recusal, right?  And dismissal, right?  Hmm?  ANYONE?!


I still remember when these lyrics hit me with a kapow – we are living in a world of fools breakin’ us down……….when they all should let us Be………we belong to you and me…………I was at an intersection – the truth of it all – where I was – what was out there running things keeping us all divided with their lies and games – the injustice and crazy of it all hit me, leaving me bawling, pounding on the steering wheel, looking around at all the other peeps in their cars, wanting to hug them all and shake them awake.





4.5.23 ~ More finds and reflecting



So it seems I am not the only one who had some amazing experiences in the astral last night.  Spoke with a few more who had something unusual/unique happen.  Sharing my experience with my mate allowed his mind to remember his own experience/dream (and he rarely dreams) – he was on a ship (likely his) and saw rapid flashing of chess pieces and other artifacts (historic).  One of the chess pieces was the Knight – in the same color as the uniform he has seen himself in. The Knights, in chess, have the ability to capture and check the king, queen and rooks –  plus they can hop over the pawns to escape capture.  Interesting.  That’s what we’re doing.

There were other things I “got” today but have since forgot.  Not fully here today – plus had an intense healing session – feeling like I am looping and unlooping and swirling and twirling.  Oh yes – I remember – talking with Sister LH (who is so intuitive – she has a better knowledge of this place than many of the big dudes/dudettes) – reflecting on the feel that we broke “their” time spell on April 1.  Something is definitely different since then.  Time no longer feels relevant.  Even Sister D shared an image this week of a clock and in the middle simply said NOW.  Money spell I feel is next to go.

Also forgot to share this – mate received info last night – the time controls are broken.  The clock is spinning faster and faster.

So uh here’s what I’m seeing.  Please as always support my work by sharing and leaving a donation.  Love hearing from ya’ll too and seeing how you’re doing!


















now this is interesting…………



Project sandman……………


GORGEOUS!  (i love love LOVE the song too)

(must include the song):










THERE’S MORE – Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump Shows Complete Ignorance and Manipulation of Basic Accounting



Uh shouldn’t he recuse himself?  lol

REVEALED: Committed Leftist Judge Juan Merchan Who Oversees Trump’s Sham Case in NYC Court Made Political Contributions to “Stop The Republicans” and “Biden For President”



Scripts…………….interesting uh left eye there…….

Ari Fleischer: Conservative Prosecutors Have to Go After Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden (VIDEO)



Robert F Kennedy Jr. Files to Run for President in 2024 Against Joe Biden





“Whatever Reason He Is in Prison is Good Enough For Me” – Members of the Press Speak Their Mind to Undercover James O’Keefe at Trump Arraignment (VIDEO)



Did I share this last night?  NPR = state affiliated media…………

Elon Musk Applauded After Twitter Makes Big Change to NPR’s Profile: ‘Been Asking for This for a Long Time’




following his script……………


Perhaps “we” are the good “aliens”…………





Starz4stripes Lmm @Starz4stripes
05 April, 06:10












Florida Lawmakers File Bill Draft that Could Repeal ‘Resign to Run’ · The Floridian

A bill has been filed in the Florida Senate minutes after the announcement that President Donald Trump has been indicted by a Manhattan Grand Jury on 30 counts related to alleged business fraud. The bill, “SPB 7050: Elections” could change Florida’s “Resign to Run” law which..




Well, we will see…………..the flags have changed before………….we need to see the REAL flag instead of the war flag – which we will – when it’s over…….








Yeah – happening under JB…………Crash the old under 46 – bring in the new under 45.  Or 19.













Carole Parnell  @MagaMutt

So I traveled all this way – see myself and realize HEY!  I’m cuter than I thought!  



So uh this is coming to the forefront – alcohol companies showing themselves – now the military………






Laura’s View and Tarot, Too:

Dan Scavino, Jr. – On the “17” Team?




More finds ~ 4.4.23 ~ We are in a New Energy Experience










Red panda with claws out now………



VK’s APL went up……..like the triple 5’s:

Opens profile photo

Vincent Kennedy

#FamilyIsEverything . America Pissed Level – 9.555/10


Well now – you don’t say?

Former US President Obama to relocate to Kenya in June – FurtherAfrica

Former US President Barack Obama is resettling in Kenya for at least a year as SED, a deployment which he said “makes me truly grateful




Reminds me of 17 post:


Mar 09, 2018 2:41:10 AM EST
Mar 09, 2018 1:48:18 AM EST

Anonymous ID: 853fdd No. 598223 

When we’re done he’ll claim KENYAn citizenship as a way to escape.
Notice he shared this at 7:59am – same time as the 17 post (pm)……….
Brain Death Is A Lie. Don’t donate your organs. Very Disturbing Information – Dr. Paul A. Bryne

Brain Death Is A Lie Every donor is killed in the process, he stated. Revoking your organ donation status from your drivers license is not enough, you must also complete a document of refusal. Dr. Paul A. Byrne is a Board Certified Neonatologis…









LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Post-Arraignment Press Conference from Mar-a-Lago- 4/4/23





“This Case Could Collapse Before it Gets to Trial” – Jonathan Turley Slams Alvin Bragg’s Case Against Trump (VIDEO)





Soros-Funded Alvin Bragg Admits He Has No Case: Charges Trump for “Catch and Kill Scheme” Also Called Signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement




well that’s an interesting location………..

Can’t Make This Up… UPDATE – Joe Biden Moved and Stored Unguarded Classified Documents in China Town! (VIDEO)






More Prominent Countries Abandoning the US Dollar and Ignore U.S. Plea To Boost Oil Production








While this “court case” is going on, we got this:
















Why Central Banks Are Buying All the Gold They Can




What if – 4.4 indicates we are at step 4 which is the last step/stage……….for there is no step 5 (below for those 2 17 posts):

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

Trump indicted and arrested.
4/4 (2020) happens to line up with Marker 9 on the Qclock.







And Marker [9] – there are two drops – both of them identical – same exact time too………..3716 and 3717




These next two intuitives are getting similar messages today – Justice in particular……….

San Tarot……….interesting read…………for me i see the collective and individual (speaking for myself) in this one…….almost like more than one experience………..the energy coming in that perhaps creates what some have said and some of us have felt – many of us feeeeeeeeeeel – that this “movie” – the whole show and tell is not for us but for those who haven’t seen – and there will be a point on the timeline when there’s separation – and those of us who already SEE we go on to our own experience while those who have yet to see continue on seeing the movie playing out and revealing all that WE have already seen/known….and it happens in the energetic frequency without evil without blockage without interference….and it is also possible that those who have continued to align w/staying put or going with the “normies” to help them will do just that (me?  i’m outta here!)…when you think about it – imagine someone who still wears a face mask – going from that state of consciousness to where many of us are at this moment……….zero to 1000 – yeah – not gonna happen in an instant………….they will need time – years (from our understanding of “time”)…….NCSWIC is the singularity event – the moment when the OS of this matrix ends – it has to for us to escape and be liberated from “their” doings – their programs……so anyway……the SEEING energy is pushing through (the TRUTH) and whatever else is going on gets pushed aside in order for the TRUTH to be witnessed…………the “to do” in NYC is definitely a part of this…….She even says EYES ON which is from 34 cue posts.……..listening to T speak – I’m now feeeeeeeeeeeeling and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeing that we are seeing a New ENergy today – showing up in his speech and in the intuitive workings of San and Laura.

Taurus – The big to-do in New York, for example.



Laura’s View and Tarot, Too

Widespread EBS?





Trump “Arrest” ~ it’s all a movie………….4.4.23


Want to know who is good and who is bad/and or controlled – follow who had on a mask today…….



Just tellin us it’s all scripted………….


So all along, until over the weekend I believe, il Donaldo’s screen always said he was not the president and then mentioned his glorious mustacho.  Now – it says this:

Opens profile photo
il Donaldo Trumpo
The Biggest Most Beautiful UNFILTERED Commentary, Straight from the Hearto of IL GREATEST PRESIDENTO THAT EVER LIVED!!! (And a little bit of parody…)





Yes he will………..




Check out the SS on the left………..same guy we’ve seen with T all along…………John with a mask……….?



And then………there was this gem………….TT is in the air…….


This is one of those movie scenes that had to be – one of those “look HERE not THERE” and the THERE, I feel, is at least in part the destruction of the $$ system and that well probably needed to happen under JB……..

4.3.23 ~ Finds






Or whenever I have to deal with ANY THING that no longer aligns….



💜It’s alright to share how we are feeling, whats going on in our lives.

Things are progressively bringing thing to surface, wild times happening, energies are increasing, major shifts happening.
Keep connected, realizing we are not alone, humanity is going through things.
If you are having challenging, hard times, communicate, share, do best to not feel secluded, like you are alone.

With love.



Richard Branson’s rocket company Virgin Orbit laying off 85% of its workers




Trump’s last tweet.
711 vibes.
11 words on top line, 7 on bottom.
Flip it … “WAR GAMES”.












time travel………..leading up to the singularity……which is why most of us aren’t sleeping “normally” – and why we’re punchy and easily triggered to a variety of intense emotional states……….

911 – 17 post 911 contains two words:  MARCH MADNESS  (april = jan. may = feb. june = march……….i don’t know – calendar all messed up – wouldn’t surprise me if next week is “may” and week after that “june”………with all of this tt’ing going on – Temporal Displacement in process…..nothing is normal or to be counted on)







Twatter…………..Patreon…………..Poohpal……………me and my little site and truth sharing got nailed 3x….2x………..1x…………

If the US Gov censored us but we should be protected under the 1A according to the Constitution, does that mean all Anons and Patriots can sue the shit out of the US Gov?

Sounds like it’s possible.

How do we get started?

… 😉

how and when do we sue Twitter





Anyone of you in the UK receive/see this?




More outing.  Million dollar unanswered question:  how long is this outing process going to continue??

“Trump attorney Alina Habba dropping truth on CNN: “Let’s remember that the real crime here that we have is that DA Bragg did leak that there were 30-34 counts. We already know that. That in itself is a felony.” 💥”

From Patri0tsareincontr0l



Donald Trump Issues Statement Ahead of Looming Arraignment


Alvin Bragg Or Grand Jury Member Could Face 5 Years In Prison, Dershowitz Says

The shoe is on the other foot.





i have a difficult time w/this because T was N E V E R the victim of “their” doings……….just the one in the way to stop them from going after the real victims………..what i am saying is let’s not get so wrapped up in “poor DJT” – and “pray for DJT” – but remember who the real victims of this toxic realm have been all along………….


Drip drip drip ….the word Cabal is hitting the mainstream now. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory

Best regards,
🔗Vincent Kennedy 🇺🇸 (@RealVincentKennedyVK)

Yeah see, do any of us really know WHEN we are?  lolol  omg……….actually 4.3 on the IFC is 4.9 (according to this site)
some anons puzzle piecing (my feel for awhile is that after JB was removed – HB flipped)…….

Feels like we are right over target…drop 314 < > 413 > 4.4 > 8 🎱

It is about the BREAK

How ironic if the April Fool’s trick is to have Hunter be the surprise witness to end the Witch Hunt

Twosday 4/4 > 8

4/4/2023 > 8/7 > 15

69 > 15

💧 4958 > 422 > 44

6/29 Delta > 611 > 8

3:23 > 3:5 > 8

Surprise Witness….Where’s Hunter? 👀👀

i had a thought earlier today – quick one – thought of VK and VKM both at the same time………..i dunno……….


“If he doesn’t shave it I will have to change my name.”


2 pics ⤵️


San Tarot…………..going incognito………interesting read…………


Laura’s View and Tarot, Too

Indicted, Now What?





End of day significant and fun finds and some gematria ~ 4.2.23



Tonight I saw 11:11 and 11:22


This is probably my fave.  lol  I’m a TT.  You are too.  We’re ALL tt’ing outta here.  V coined that phrase a few years ago.  And today – it feeeeeeeeeeeeels smoother – it’s still bipolar – but the smoother moments are becoming more noticeable.  And frugging frack AM I TIRED.  And WHY is that?  T.T.



Well you don’t see this every day…………….LOVE

Vincent Kennedy⍟  @VincentKennedy
02 April, 09:39
🙂 >>> 🙂


Remember an outlet talking about cataclysmic happenings in Japan?  Could it be that the cataclysm was “their” timeline for Japan but what is actually happening is a good thing operated under the WH?  Dominoes falling in process………..




I wonder if 8.22 (VK drop from 2020) is 4.8…?  I remember when he shared that image………..Storm………..

Chris CdnPatriot @CdnPatriot1017
03 April, 12:30

Arraignment Twosday April 4th

4/4/2023 > 8/7

8/7 > 15 WRWY

Julian Calendar = 3/22

3/22/2023 > 7/7 > 14 > 5 < > 5:5

March = Jan on 13 month SOL Calendar

3/22 = 122 JFK Jr Lives

122 > 311 < > 113 Q

113 > 23 ☠️

23 > 5 < > 5:5

8/22/20 > 8/6 > 14 > 5 < > 55

The Perfect Storm 🌊🌀🌪️⛈️⚡️

Patriot Sam @PatriotSam7
01 April, 02:42 (E)
“These people are sick.”
(Q said this 40 times.)DJT was indicted on 3.3 (2023)
Reagan was shot on 3.3 (1981)

DJT is scheduled for arraignment on 4.4
MLK was killed on 4.4 (1968)
55th anniv. this year

JFK — 11.22
11, 1+1, 1+1,
11, 1111

MLK — 4.4
2+2, 2+2
1+1+1+1, 1+1+1+1
1111, 1111

RFK — 6.6.6 (1968=24=6)
3+3, 3+3, 3+3
1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1
111, 111, 111, 111, 111, 111

Malcolm X — 2.21.21 (1965=21)
2, 21, 21
11, 11+1, 11+1
11, 111, 111

We can read their numbers because of Juan O’Savin, and we break their curses in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Also, we don’t run our lives by the numbers like they do. But because they do, we can figure out what they’re up to.

They have to “announce,” throw things out there (“casting,” like casting a spell) in their dark “religion,” just like they’ve been doing with football game halftime shows, music awards, and Olympic opening ceremonies (where they showed the Corona virus years before it happened).

Yankee Doodle@YankeeeDooodle
02 April, 11:20
Call sign awoke. Awoke is 55= storm tweet. Get ready for a storm tweet/ebs. 8 = 17 ( Q= military) Thanks
for the post
Significant events in April for the states:  Sinking of the Titanic – 4.15…..American Revolution began on April 19 (shot heard around the world)…………..First President George Washington inaugurated on 4.30………..
All of the 17 posts (4) that share The Shot Heard Around the World were dropped in January 2018 (5 years ago) which = April.  It’s been a long. arse. 5. years.  “they” really did stretch it out – our bodies – our Souls feel it.
Jimbo _66 @jimbo0566
* Massive intel sweep. , Manafort was a plant. , Trace background.
* Why is Mueller going after ‘inside plants’?
* JA? , Seth Rich? , MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?
* The WALL means more than you know. , The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
* TWITTER. , CLOWNS. , Operation Q-T2810C.
* Hussein timeline. – 1/20/17 – today. , This will become very relevant very soon.
* The Analysis Corporation (TAC). , Happy Hunting!
* We don’t say his name. , Adios. , The protected flow into AZ is no more.
* POTUS will be up all night. , Pray. , Watch the news tomorrow.
POTUS up all night – 17 post – one (of just 2) from 4.4………..(interesting double use of 45 too):


Apr 04, 2018 9:45:45 PM EDT
Watch the news tomorrow.

Q is for us.  The movie is for the normies.

NY Times FINALLY Confirms Gateway Pundit Reports on FBI Operative Planting Evidence Inside Proud Boys Case | The Gateway Pundit


He is one who has it all………….
Doq Holliday @doqholliday
03 April, 12:21
Boomerang awaiting
This is how they bypass “their” comm methods……..
Doq Holliday@doqholliday
02 April, 11:48
could this tie in?  jan = april……….stay at home…..hmmm…..


Jan 22, 2018 2:05:49 PM EST
:stay at home<
Safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300^00
i decided to gematria STAY AT HOME (and just noticed/realized – gematrix dot org contains the word matrix)………..
Day of Vengeance
Wrestling (the next WWE is called Backlash – May 6 – hosted by Bad Bunny – we know we are in the year of the white rabbit)
Hello George R
JFK is Q
You Can Do It
I also decided to gematria STAR SHIELD (above)….
The Bird is Freed
Passover (4.5 – 4.13)
On The Ready
The Old Guard (9 17 posts w/that phrase)
Code Good Night Q  (4 17 posts w/goodnight)
Work in progress – esp. while in this storm and tt’ing adventures……..Go easy on thyself.

Gratitude and growling and what is there really left to talk about?



I am a mix of internal stuff atm.  Gratitude for the connections I have made by starting this page.  I love those connections and those conversations.  I need them – that love.  It has kept me going.  Those times when this sim throws a punch my way……….like today…….got the electric bill…………it makes no sense.  (cannot logic away evil – e v e r)  Our usage is down but the amount of the bill went up $70.  WTF?!

Algo manipulation.

We did notice that a few months ago they stopped using the numbers they had used for as long as we can remember to determine rates.  Delivery fee used to be below $100.  Now it’s up by about $30.  “They” were given the go-ahead by the “state” to raise rates.  All of the utility companies were.  The local utility bill went up yet again (by about $25).

So what began as a state of gratitude was challenged by seeing bills arrive and wondering How long will this be allowed to continue?  You know?

We’re supposed to be using any extra money to eat now and pay for my mate’s medical treatments.  What kind of an awakening plan has this turned into?  Impinge the poor and disabled until they can’t take it?  Push all of us who are awake into moments of mental breakdowns?  Cause all I am talking to now are saying the same. thing.  We have reached a new level of DONENESS we never saw coming or thought possible.

Not to mention there ain’t nothing new left to talk about.  One of you wonderful Souls expressed that to me today and I am so. right. there. with. you.  What is there really left to talk about?  My mate often says “there’s nothing to talk about” in his grumbly done sorta way – and yet I fully agree.  It’s like I’ve run out of words – run out of my personal script.  It’s like this image below – reached that level of emptiness…..my script is the reel on the right (where I was)……….on the left it’s empty (that is where I am now)

I struggle now to share my own stuff here lately – and I know most of the time I’m just respinning what has already been shared hundreds of times before.  Even when I write personal notes to thank those of you who donate (which has really saved me!!) – I got nuthin’ left new to say.

Maybe I need a new language.  Like maybe we can make up words or something.  lol  I dunno.

The only answer I have – continue to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel/hear – is ok if good is making it ez for us to fully get outta here – it’s going to leave us with SCREAMING to do so.

We are there me thinks/feels.

Well I was going to head out for a walk – but a storm is brewing – winds are up – and it’s dang cold – plus I was hit with this energy KABAM STOP NOW and just do YOU about 10 minutes ago.  4.1.23 – the new year – feeling absolutely finito.  A few finds below.




lions are back in my space again – saw this earlier:


puppies and dogs too……


red pandas too…….










I see a masonic hand symbol on the left and a vice grip on the right over it…….


The damage done………….new tech – and/or somehow new bodies for us all……….



Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation – Who Approved This?


this may be interesting to watch………….

Triggered Liberals Have Meltdown Over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 60 Minutes Interview Set to Air Sunday



Wild Night Across US! Deadly Tornadoes Ravage Multiple States, Earthquake Rattles Southern California







Woke up wondering about the victims of the tornado………

JFK Jr Fan @jfkjrfan
Something is not adding up for me around a stated death toll of 10 people with a system that produced at least dozens of deadly tornadoes but I have no choice but to leave it at that for now.
11:44 AM – Apr 01, 2023


Vicki Lord@Vlord
01 April, 02:37
In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication
You too? This has had me ferhoodled all day. Seems very understated. 🤔
01 April, 04:56
In response Vicki Lord to her Publication
I had to look up ferhoodled and yes.
01 April, 12:17 (E)
In response JFK Jr Fan to his Publication
01 April, 02:35
In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication
That would make much more sense. I was up all night watching massive super cells drop F4’s and 5’s and the storm chasers had never seen anything like it nor had I. I don’t get it.
Net Nut@NetNut
01 April, 06:17
And We Know…
4.1.23: Trump Indictment update, A WEEK to REMEMBER, April Showers, PRAY!
MB ~ they’re here………….en masse……….here for the finale…………..

Rare HUGE EMP ring detected above earth!

