1.19.23 ~ Finds……………and a check in




I did not want to get out of bed today.  I was so low – and so g.d. frustrated last night – all dayem night.  But I rose up anyway – put on my special t-shirt of empowerment – released and shifted those feeeeeels and thoughts I didn’t want to have/carry atm – got some things done – girl and I took off for a hike/walk – on the way home heard one of my favorite songs that I had needed and requested to hear a couple of days ago.  I hope it inspires YOU to keep going.  If you’re awake, you’re a Radical.  If you want NEW, you’re a Radical.  WE ARE THE DREAMERS OF THE NEW.  I love this song – I have always been a rebel – and always will be – no matter what calendar age “they” push on me.

New Radicals – You Get What You Give (Official Music Video)


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Love, V.


lol crash and burn………

Operation Crash and Burn is a GO 🤣



President Trump Vs BIG PHARMA 2 – Clif High/X22 Report/AndWeKnow/Patel Patriot – A MrTruthBomb Film

In this video we look at President Trumps controversial Warp Speed and his public support of the globalist vaccines. LINK FOR PART 1: https://rumble.com/vqh6tg-president-trump-vs-big-pharma-from-pland




Boot on that left leg again………..



another to verify………

In response MARY L. KIRBY BRYANT to his Publication

Das Boot





Loved his music.  Which side of the fence was he on is the question…..






Comm here………….






Well that explains the egg “shortage”.  Problem.  Reaction.  Solution.  BUY LOCAL.  That’s our solution.


Either optics.  Or the DS version/actor.  Or he’s one of them and we gotta rise up NOW – fit healthy people especially men – and DO SOMETHING.




Possibly………he rolled it out under experimental (op. warp speed) – which didn’t allow “them” to mandate it on everyone (and face “consequences” if refused)………who knows for sure, you know?  DISCERNMENT


Yep, the optics view………We know in the past he has spoken out about the harm caused by vaccines (17 refers to how most – but not all – cause harm)….2014 or so on twitter…………




chills ~ so powerful!







I vetted – it’s real.  By years end……….( eye roll my god NOOOOOOOOOOO DO IT NOW DO IT NOW DO IT NOW)


We don’t have ’em oh wait yes we do…………..





This is interesting – Dutch put out a really interesting live (and quiet) video showing D E W strikes………..the video has been removed………..i went to his twitter page – and it shows he has no videos/tweets/media…………which of course isn’t true………….the invisible war continues…………



#aries #tarot #tarotreading

Aries – Take it farther.



Trending on the bird platform:

Nuremberg 2.0
3,347 Tweets
My Fellow Americans
5,907 Tweets
ALWAYS reach for the floor if you drop your cookie (esp. if it’s toasted pecan or chocolate chip oatmeal raisin)…………

Check in/Share….Finds ~ 1.18.23


The usual.

Only today synchronicity aligned with the Universe and brought forward another like-minded medical professional.  The phlebotomist – who I found serendipitously – who said “no way was I taking that thing” when my mate asked him if he took the jab.  “Look at the work I do.  I’m a phlebotomist.  I see what is happening with this and saw it from the beginning.”  He is seeing it over and over again in the people’s blood (for whom partook).  He also said he is hearing over and over again as well people expressing regret.

The awakening is happening.  Just not seeing any of this vocal regret in my circle.  Yet, perhaps.

Anyway another wonderful experience to be able to talk about things like psych war on the people, twitter files, hydroxy, iverm without getting the “look”.  Or defensive reactions.

You know, at this point, I just share what I do here and with those of like mind.  My days of presenting information to those not interested or willing to see a different perspective are over.

Moving on………..I am quickly coming to the energetic space and knowing that I am also DONE in having to do the chores I KNOW I don’t have to do outside of this place.  Drying dishes.  Washing dishes.  Cleaning.  I stated outloud, after washing yet more silverware (while grumbling “that’s f’ing IT.  i’m buying g.d. plastic dishware!”), “DONE with this.  I am ready to have replicators.  I am ready to just walk into my personal space and manifest what I need just by having the THOUGHT because THAT is how I once did it and THAT is my potential to BE again.”

With the right frequency.  In the blink of an eye………..

Reflecting some more……….

What if – these timelooping narratives of a male born to a virgin who then gets sacrificed for “the greater good” – STOPPED when someone we call Jesus came in here – flipped the script – lived out his life and was the first “Neo”?  Cause I don’t see that narrative playing out again after he entered the scene.  Just pondering…………..and got a new thought on it.  And new thoughts come as I continue to awaken inside the dome.

And what if this ongoing reference to a bird singing really was about the files of Truth being dumped on twitter?

In an act of defiance against the “eat bugs and you will be happy” narrative, we ordered a bunch of beef and pork from a small grass-fed/pastured organic practices mom and pop/generational farm.







Double yup.




Another one exits the stage……Stepping down on Sunday………….




President Trump to Attend Saturday Memorial for Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway in North Carolina



BREAKING via ALEX BERENSON: New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice


MUST WATCH: Rebel News Reporters Confront Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on His Unsafe and Ineffective mRNA Shots



Shocking, isn’t it?








Page of water card – again…………a new guide coming in perhaps which i am feeeeeeeeeeeeling as the New ME (outside) joining in full again – the reunion………..answer to a prayer………..yeah like daily as in “i want to go HOME” and “i want ALL of ME back”………….for many of us…………

#pisces #tarot #tarotreading

Pisces – Because you’ve ascended?




1.17.23 ~ Finds and Reflections




Interesting times.

Some things I’m feeeeeeeeeeeling lately and atm:  Remember last year when we saw those planes making the precisely timed dashes in the sky that spelled out THE FINAL COUNTDOWN?  A week or so ago I thought of that again – and thought ok when do we begin a countdown?  At 10.  It’s universal.  So I wanted to find out when this message appeared and count ahead 10 months.  I saw where I shared it here at the site on May 14, 2022 – and someone had captured it in Germany around that time period.  Count down 10 – 10 months – and we have March 2023.  Just putting it out there (and running away quickly cause I know ya’ll are like me – or most are – and have had it up to HERE DONE w/dates).

After talking with many of you – as long as I have – and in recent days – we have all come to the conclusion that things went batsheot dialed up higher intensity in just the past 2 weeks.  Also feeling something about 2012…..as I shared last night.  “They” won’t get it.  Also seeing stuff about Cali.  I recalled something I saw about 20 years ago – a futurist and his vision of Cali – it was pretty much gone.  “Their” timeline.  Storms yes but total cataclysm like what he saw back then?  Not feeling it.

Last night was strange – again.  I got up and ate early around dawn – watched a little creature climb up our tree to go to sleep – an opossum.  Good to have around.

Also reflecting on what LH said – about clearing.  Absolutely.  We keep having things return because (in large part) because they have continued to loop us.  When we intend to clear something it should be a one time deal.  Add in the feeeeeeeeeeel of mine that their black goo or other doings allow trauma to stick – yeah.  We know.

Got the feeeeeeeel today – we are ferrari’s who were turned into vega’s.  The ferrari is still there though – waiting to go ROAR.

So much distraction too.  I trust myself – and I keep it simple – for love is simple.  It isn’t complex.  It’s easy to understand and easy to feel.  I get logistics for war and the situation we’ve been in for so long…..and all that – but beyond that – love = truth……….and freedom.

Here’s what I’m seeing.














Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Debated in UK Parliament for the First Time











Very interesting………the first card was the last to show up in yesterday’s Cappy (extended) read.  The Call card is also repeating itself………The need to release…………reaching a tipping point (the entire experience here for us all i would say – individually yes too but also for us all)…………gathering strength in order to blast through to a new situation…….crossing card is #11 (she mentions ice) ~ then the Intention card is #22………11.22………..and strength card – #44…………..we are more powerful than we realize – intention is where it’s at………INTEND YOUR DESIRED OUTCOME………….

#aquarius #tarot #tarotreading

Aquarius – The goblins gotta go.


1.16.23 ~ Check in and finds


WHAT – again – is going on in the energetics?  My gawd – I went from charged up to “ok let’s go take a walk put on shoes head out door OMG the temp says it’s upper 40’s but it feels like it’s 30 – SOOOO cold and come ON lets MOVE ouch i ache in my hips and legs and elbows and ok i am getting winded screw the walk we’re going back home”.  Mate is REALLY struggling – intense pain.  Daughter is feeling very cold too the past few hours even though she has on a sweater and leggings.  Zoned out – woozy.  Something’s going on “out there” and my strong sense is a knowing:  this is coming from outside through us in some Higher aspect.

I participated in an online healing meditation.  The word that was shared that is something I’ve been feeeeeling and sharing lately:  Receive.  Nothing to ask for – receive what is already there.

Went here to see the comment section – someone commented on static electricity – which I have been noticing more of lately – even when it’s rainy/damp.

Then see this – tornadoes again.  1006 millibar.  Wait, what?!

I will say this – IF the timelines are collapsing back into the original one – as I keep feeeeeling (but again wtf do I know?!  lol) we ain’t WHERE we are or even WHEN we are.

Here’s what I am seeing atm.  How ya’ll doing?  Feeling what I am?




Been waiting for her to do a Cappy read….First card – the 11 (balance)…….Second card – 11 – justice (waiting game worth it in the end)…………Two 11’s………..Reading is “weird” – which I align with fully.  WEiRD is how I roll………..Get the freak on – end the dream!  Could be strange (in her words) as just the title alone tells me we disappear here and reappear outside – in the blink. of. an. eye.  In GLORIOUS Light.  Twinkling Happy Light.  (hear bob ross in your mind)  I mean come on – 11:11 – the title – strange/weird – and given the weird clown show going on yeah – we are THERE.  Star.  Sun.  “lights come back on”

Capricorn – Disappearance | Reappearance.








I’m telling ya – they are desperate – jacking up food costs at the big wig stores – to holding on to federal funds until the last minute before releasing them to the public they were intended for…………




I’m getting something here – with san’s latest about something from the past reappearing again – i feel she is (also) tapped into what “they” are pulling out again – same ‘ole playbook…………

LEO HOHMANN: Biden Signs On to “Declaration of North America” (DNA) with Canada and Mexico – Is the Planned North America Union Making a Comeback?


JUST IN: Another Twitter Files Drop: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Lobbied Social Media to Shape Content Around Vaccine Policy


“I Have INFO on Everyone!” – Trump Taunts Joe Biden After White House Lawyer Claims There Are No Visitor Logs at Biden Delaware Home



Biden COVID-19 adviser David Kessler to step down | The Hill

David Kessler, who for the last two years has served as a top adviser to President Biden on the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine distribution, will leave his job at the end of the month, administration officials confirmed Friday. “Whether he was leading our effort to develop and distribute safe and eff..




I’ve graduated up to dark chocolate myself………..

14_ ALL_41 @musketeer_iv_life



10 days of darkness


A Gematria


I’m back here in solitude – vibing nicely in the quiet – when I was nudged to gematria DARK TO LIGHT.


John Kennedy

Time Travel

All Is Revealed

Super Hero (lol recall how i have said “ever seen Trump and Batman in the same room?)

He Is The Batman (ok now REALLY lol’ing………..)

Agent Kennedy


Time To Fly

A One One Three (11.3 or 3.11?)

A Star Family

The Voice of Q



1.15.23 ~ It’s a free-for-all


Truth is hard to discern “out there” atm – but it has an energy to it – it is persistent and unwavering and always rises to the top of anything that is chaotic or drama-filled or evil.  I try to figure things out now and then (w/very little success).  For instance we were told and keep being told “you are watching a movie”.  I would be down w/that in full if it weren’t for the jab issue – in particular the shedding.  It IS possible some of these “died suddenly” events are just for show.  But I also know of people personally who have developed health issues – some quite serious health issues – after receiving the injection(s).  And SOMETHING is coming from a select number of jabbies – emitting – the other day I noticed a sudden poking sensation in my sacral area after walking over to talk to someone I know partook.  THAT is not a movie scene.  That is REAL LIFE in the here and now.

So I dunno know what to think – other than, well, this:

I have been “nudged” to think back to something The Gunner’s Wife read the day T departed the WH grounds on January 20, 2021 – how the “next couple of months” were going to feel uncomfortable but he promised it will end in a BOOM.  Next couple of months – what is coming to me is she misread or just didn’t focus close enough – months could have been years.  Anyone else feeling something big to happen – at least according to US Politics (I know – zzzzz borrrrrrrrrrring at this point but it is playing a purpose in all of this – for me it’s always about a marker I can see in terms of how close we are to ending this experience and getting NEW) – the 3rd Tuesday of this month (which I just see happens to be the 17th) – although I’m feeeeeeeeeeeeeling something more towards the 24th.

WHO. KNOWS.  OMG I just about slapped myself to stop engaging in this guessing game.  lol  Seriously – girl – just STOP already.  We need FACTS and info we can frigging SEEEEEEEEEEEE now.

And so with that said – here is what I am seeeeeeeeeeeeing.

Please share my material and donate what you can.  Prayers are helpful too – and words of comfort.  It’s becoming a very expensive winter.  My spouse shelled out $1100 in just the past 10 days – with more to come.  It’s getting harder for him – for all of us – he is going to need grab bars, a chair in the shower – and some sort of real pain relief – which he was prescribed but needs the first round of blood work to make sure his organs can handle it.  I’m trying to work with him to make some sort of a plan.  You know, what happens if he collapses?  I won’t send him to that nightmare on the hill – and I am in no physical – ok ANY position – to provide around the clock care – so we need a plan – and it has to include people who didn’t partake of the thing.  He’s battled this for over 1o years and I’ve never seen him in this level of pain and challenges and it scares me.  Anyway – likely TMI but I need to TALK about this – with someone – because this is our reality atm.  Comfort too.  (for now that is leftover b-day dark chocolate cupcakes – and after talking w/Sister D today, i am in search of ginger snap cookies w/some gooey frosting)

So……….again – here’s what I’m seeing.




Narrative shifting – quickly now……….

Democrat Calls for Impeachment of ‘War Criminal’ Joe Biden


(i have felt that way about AOC for a couple of years now……….)





Joe Biden and the CIA Worked to Install Current Communist Regime in Brazil – This Was All Planned


7th Dead Whale Washes Up Near Planned Green Energy Hotspot – Are Offshore Wind Projects Killing Them?


JUST IN: Attorney From Anti Woke Civil Liberty Group Sues Judge Who Dismissed Kari Lake’s Election Contest


This Has Never Been Done Before: Unique Alliance Forms to Bring Down Big Tech’s Shadowy Partnership





What stands out to me is the word (ascends)………..

VK on Twitter – 8:21pm Eastern…

They Promised “Safe And Effective”; We Got “Sudden And Unexpected” | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge – On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero


Agreed.  And this b.s. “sales tax” they want instead?  FOOOOOK NO to that!  Remember T saying on CNN in 2017?  With tariffs in place long ago, we had no taxes on the people.
In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Income tax is already unconstitutional. We don’t need a bill “repealing” it. Just show the proof and POOF! The Constitution is the law of the land. Fraud vitiates everything.


One of those “uh huh we will see”…………If it doesn’t come to fruition as this person is saying IT WILL, will they own it?  Because I’m seeing a lot of date-giving folks either avoid or come up w/some excuse as to why “it” didn’t happen when they insisted or presented themselves in a way that said THIS IS HAPPENING AT THIS TIME when the fooking truth is unless you are inside this plan you don’t know sheot and if you think you are getting outside intel changes are it is part of the matrix ai.  Seriously………….

Divine Synchs and Struggles ~ all looped into one space




The struggles continue but the Divine Synchs keep us going – all focused on the same result:  Freedom.  Home.  Total experience w/o “them”.  Connecting w/others is how we get through this.

I am having to be a bit careful at the moment typing.  We let a couple of ladybugs into the house last fall – and they multiplied a bit – now we have about 5 or so – and atm one is crawling on my keyboard.  Something so magical about them – love that they eat those things we would rather not have.  She was crawling over by my mouse – now she’s back at the keyboard.  lol

The energies feel intense – again.  Physical stuff – needing to pause and take deep breaths, a bit of body aching – moving it – stretching – when I remember, increasing my water intake (in my copper cup).  Took care of more 3d doc stuff today.  I type that – and have to take a deep breath.  Only so much space within for that.  Crying – releasing trauma.  I had some really beautiful conversations today – as always so grateful to Sister D (the one from Florida) and the love she shows not just me but my family.  We talked about timelines, dimensions, who is “real” here, where we are in all of this, what is happening, etc.  Had a couple new friends reach out to offer listening ear – fellow “home” friends.  One I learned has the same birthday as I do (just a different year).

Here are some finds.  Things are happening pretty fast now.





Schumann ~ interesting…..


Oh boy – I can hear my beautiful late friend John cheering this one on.  20 years ago this was one of the (many) convos we had –  how the IRS needed to go.  Well John – it’s happening!










Africa, Middle East, Asia and Europe






🔴 HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden (VIDEO) 🔴



We made it through the storm!
Roads are closed but THE SUN IS SHINING 🌞

Thank you Anons / Patriots for your prayers.

I learned a powerful new phrase:
“I’m standing beside you in prayers.”

I FELT being stood beside as my house shook.

All along the CA coast we were POUNDED
with rain / floods / power outages / mudslides,
evacuations everywhere
EXCEPT my tiny miraculous town
where I was SAFE in my little house by the sea.

Mama Tee said it EXACTLY:
In her area there are 8 small farms.
6 serve God.
In all the storms those 6 farms are unharmed.
Just like my little town.

Our Divine hearts & minds are SO POWERFUL
which is why the demons DISTRACT US
to keep us OUT of our WITHIN.

Nevertheless, we are returning to a God-centered world.
What we think of as “miracles” now
are really just normal everyday to Divine beings of LIGHT 🤩

Thank you & God bless you x ∞
each AMAZING Anon 😻🕊️


hmmm….something feeeeeeeeels strange about this one (just like w/Diamond yesterday)………
Cardinal George Pell dies, aged 81 – ABC News

Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s highest-ranked Catholic cleric, has died in Rome at the age of 81.


Maybe THIS time will bring the magic……..

I like Rep. Thomas Massie.
HR 24 —> Audit the Federal Reserve.
Q2619 says, “Gold shall destroy FED.”

Maybe it’s LACK of gold that destroys the FED.



1-9-23 Colleen Telegram

Massive comms from POTUS.
Something tells me Diamond is safe & sound 🙏🏼

Diamonds = The Children ❤️

Diamond’s co-pilot’s name? SILK.
Think Silk Road.

Silk Road aka the “Yellow Brick Road”
is the biggest child/human trafficking route out of Wuhan.
This connects to the Big Pharma labs, China Dams
& BTC Data Centers.

IMO, Diamond’s role ending

Whip told us about Daniel 8:6
“And he came to the ram that had two horns,
which I had seen standing before the river,
& ran unto him in the fury of his power.”

Other notable habbenings:
-MV Glory run aground in the Suez Canal.
Think underwater internet cables.
-Yesterday POTUS said SELL & CRASH.
-Wednesday 1/11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.
Let’s make the world aware this year 🙏🏼

I’d keep an eye on BTC

Damn 🔥🔥🔥


Meanwhile in the swamp world…………..


we got “House” is trending at twatter………

WHO CARES?!  lol

we got focus on the swamp

but we have suffering and lots of us going on amongst the beautiful souls here.

my friend jules – who has been violently ill this week and needs a lot of support and love and help.  she’s struggled w/physical ailments plus ptsd for years.  she thought she had more support – esp. among those of the YRFT cult club – who turned on her, attacked her, muted/blocked her all for asking questions.  and these “people” think they’re godly people.  bullsheot they are.  they are frightened judgmental twats.

my friend LH – unable to find work – struggling w/health issues as well – lost everything over a year ago.  she could use a lot of help too.

my friend Sister D – just got settled into a new place in a new state – the owner of the place did a 180 – turned on her like a rabid crazy narc – and has told her she needs to find a new place to live.  she could use a lot of help too.

i just wonder and reflect – how long are we all going to participate in this game – isolated – apart from one another?  only communicating online?  does anyone have any “that’s it for me” knowings moments?

people talking about all of these massive military craft up in our skies – i check abds exchange – don’t see anything unusual.

shane browning keeps talking the same talk – while some of his followers actually think he is jesus.  yeah – no joke.  it’s kinda weird.

but hey – everything here now feels weird – so anything is possible.  gotta keep an open mind – with that discerning eye and questioning nature.

and am i questioning everything now – and everyone.

calling out those who are knowingly pushing fake info.  tonight it was fake 17 saying – talking about the courts must work w/the military.  i was like “17 said that?  i don’t see it.  where and when?  drop # please.”

and then I see this and say Y E S:

i say YES but i also wonder as ya’ll are – what the fooking frack is taking so long?  i see more people backing away from this “plan” than i see joining in.  at least peeps are asking the tough questions now.

got asked how i am – because, you know, i’ve been melting down a lot the last few days – and i was totally honest and was told to hang in there.

ooooh PLEASE tell me that more.


this entire experience is leaving so many of us feeling isolated and unseen and unheard – even someone like myself who doesn’t hesitate to lay it all out loudly at times.  lol

maybe i need to go indulge in a bunch of gooey chocolate cake and coconut ice cream.  ooooooooooooh doesn’t that sound good??!!!   got one of those reincarnation calendar moments coming up here soon – which btw – i am forever 22.

so yeah – while my dear friend wonders how she’s going to get herself well and healed to keep being a mama to her beautiful boy – clowns are in the swamp taking selfies and blind followers of the plan are more interested in what’s taking place there than they are in “regular” people suffering in this matrix – esp. those who are obviously being attacked – poked – by the very invisible enemies good is allegedly fighting.  hell it’s so crazy now, for the first time since childhood, i actually saw one of “them” last night.  at first i dismissed it – didn’t say a word to anyone in my house – until about 20 minutes later my girl tells me what she just saw – in the same general area – exactly what i had seen.  the veil is that thin now if i can see “them” (last in my house to do so).

once was enough.

i will continue to encourage us to support one another the best we can.  however we can.  and take super good loving care of our own selves too.  this place is always a safe haven for that.  always has been.  i still feel a joint effort massive social media campaign fundraiser – our own bank if you will – to help out those in need – as many as we can.  because money still makes this matrix operational – its systems that is – and when combined with love and generosity can provide the miracles so many of us seek and need now.  an idea i continue to hold dear to my heart and share until i find the right peeps to do it with  me.

that’s who i am and how i roll.  grateful for the good i do have.




from this article – wtf is wrong w/his hand?


thought this was fake at first…..

DC Comics Latest: Joker Gives Birth to Baby Boy in Latest Batman Comic Book


Vince McMahon Forces Himself Back Into WWE After Sexual Misconduct Allegation: Multi-Billion Dollar Sale Imminent?


DeSantis Activates National Guard in Response to Surge in Illegals


so i went to truth social to see if there was anything interesting shared by DJT – for the first time i truly felt just disgusted by his “lookit what i did getting McCarthy nominated” pandering.  i am honestly not “feeling” good about him the way i once did.  you can only cry wolf so long before people eventually walk away – done seeing/hearing the same. dayem. thing.  i said ’22 was it for me – it was – and is.  so i am looking for NEW and nothing BUT new.  and besides, as i said, i got a very dear friend who is in extensive pain and a mate with similar failing health issues fighting to keep going – so DJT and friends will have to excuse me for saying “fuch this plan – WHERE IS OUR HELP”.   and big accounts – doing nothing to support other than doing the similar pandering – same words go to them as well.  you know – i am absolutely done hearing “see these people in jail?  see those suffering?  see the patriots of J6?  see the death toll of the vax?  see how our country is in a pit?  see all the homeless?”  WE F’ING SEE!  WHERE IS THE G.D. MILITARY?  or organized young fit male patriots engaged in rightful pitchfork rebellions?  HMMM??!!!


mmm hmmm….and that will take, what, oh “as long as it takes”…………maybe this year?  maybe next?  WHERE IS THIS GOD PEOPLE TALK ABOUT????


why do i keep getting this growing let down feeling that OUR WORLD (the one w/o money, without controls, you know – HOME – REAL Freedom) – is not going to be the end result here in this “plan”?  feeling i may just have to go along w/a world i still ain’t wanting to be a part of because i am left with no other choice.




Strange days indeed…………(i reached out to TGW and asked if she would do a read on this past weeks SOTH nomination – see what is REALLY going on)

#virgo #tarot #tarotreading

Virgo – Big movements, strange times.



1.6.23 ~ Merry Christmas Eve


So we still in this crazy?


Anyone know why?

Anxiety is borderline unbearable atm – panic filtering in.  Using my tools and protocols – other day I was tapping everywhere.  Yeah, VK was right – we are all under demonic attack.  There is no other explanation – never has been and the validation I feel after a lifetime of knowing this is appreciated.  Some things “out there” do not want us leaving or freed.

Fuch. That.  WE ARE FREE.  We are close to SOMETHING BIG.

We HAVE to be.  Precipice – seriously.

A lot of blocks today in getting answers for my spouse – I am wondering quietly “is there a reason?”  Higher Reason?  Please jesus do not let this be another block or attack.  You know?  COME ON no MORE of that sheot!!!  Cause this woman is seriously at the end of my ability to deal with anymore attacks or hits or unnecessary blocks plus low energies and drama.

THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY.  For all of us.  Waiting has come and gone and ain’t an option now.  He’s tapped.  I’m tapped.  We’re all tapped.  Who here isn’t tapped?  We ain’t got any local tappers still tapping much less wanting to tap w/us or for us.

HA!  lol

It’s cray reality in full.  Did I already say that?

Ready for IT.  Ready for NEW.  Done waiting.  I want my restitution and millions in cash and gold and silver for all of the work I have done largely for free the past 6.5 years.  I served ya plan.  WE ALL DID.  Now PAY UP.

Here’s what is happening.








some facts on speaker of the house


pretty much what we’ve had – one party system of evil………but like i said – this guy and those like him have no survival worries so he’s golden…………couldn’t even find a way to get real help to people including the supporters of this “plan” who are suffering unnecessarily…………shame on them all for that.

“I’m Still Holding the Line – Not Going to Participate in Continuation of Uniparty” – Rep. Andy Biggs Will Not Switch Vote for Kevin McCarthy (VIDEO)


US Supreme Court Is Expected to Make a Decision on Whether to Move Forward on the Brunson Brothers’ Case


Never did “get” this practice………



We’ll see………..What about the rest of the world?




that thing in the sky is full.  most of our “full moon” cycles occur between sunset and sunrise.  eye roll……..when is it going to work for us?  who is controlling that system?  ugh – i feeeeeeeeeeeel it – we’re all sensitive to it in this house and no one sleeps well when it’s doing its full thing in the nighttime sky.  why can’t it be “full” and visible during the day – every cycle – so we can sleep/be left alone in the evening hours?  asking for humanity.


it’s cute puppy photo time (courtesy of tweets of dogs)









and one last find – this is interesting – girl and i got out of the house, drove around and noticed most people still had holiday lights/decorations up – which i suddenly loved – and was surprised at the number of houses with trees still up.  it’s still christmas, i thought.  then as i’m scrolling through twitter, i see this:

Today is Christmas Eve, according to the Julian calendar, the one established by Julius Caesar, the Roman leader, before the Gregorian calendar became the standard we know today. A small but significant portion of the world’s Christians still follow that calendar, so they will celebrate Christmas tomorrow in countries like Ethiopia and Egypt and Moldova and Russia.


Ok – ready.  Always ready.  Always always R E A D Y.  For we are TOTALLY SERIOUS ABSOLUTELY HERE.  NOW.  Let’s see some FIRE and BEAUTIFUL RESULTS to this WORK we have been doing for SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation GIF - Chevy Chase Christmas ...



A check-in and some finds ~ 1.4.23





Today I called in HELP from the ether.  It worked.


Recently, my mate had his appointment with a new medical practitioner.  It went well.  For the first time, a medical doctor looked at him and confirmed all of his symptoms and diagnoses.  The most awake aware med. professional that he’s seen ~ even aware of the “transmitting” issue as well.  My mate had to travel a ways but it was worth the time.  There is a plan that needs to begin immediately give his current state of health.  Unfortunately, all of this is going to come out of our pockets as insurance doesn’t cover a thing.

I rub my forehead as I type that and pause and reflect.  I am so grateful – we both are – for finding this person – but until there is indication of the “WE ALREADY WON”, this remains a war on us and it has become overwhelmingly daunting.  But soldier on I ~ and we do.

So before I share the finds, I want to remind my regulars to share and donate what you can.








“change everything”………….Congressman Chip Roy, R (TX)……….if you’re on this platform, you’ll want to listen to this………..




Any of you install the app yet?  one theory that’s been floating around for several months now…………note the “current president”………we know who is behind this app…………


Had some fun with AI chat earlier.




The fight is now inside walls of congress……..



HAPPENING NOW: McCarthy Caves, Gives In to Every Demand Made by GOP Detractors: Report


according to our new healing find, he claimed approx. 25 MILLION here in the states have died from the v since its release………..another patriot/warrior:



This doctor stands up and talks about patients dying suddenly and explains why he thinks they’re dying….






Over 17,000…..It needs to end.  People need to HEAL.


17,000 Physicians and Scientists call for an end to mRNA Covid jabs over massive safety concerns, and fraud.


SHARE !!! SHARE !!! 🎯












“event”?  check out the time stamp:  9:11…………



so it feels like we’re circling back around – again – every year around this time many feeeeeeeeeeeel “march”………..i keep having an image of that rubber band – and an amusement park ride (the octopus) – we keep flying around in the same formation (which leads to that sense of ground hog day)……but we make headway w/each bypass…….and w/each bypass we get closer to exit/end game…………and along the way we get energies to help unplug and recalibrate ourselves……….that’s been my theory and feel for awhile now………..but we will eventually all know EVERYTHING……….truth vibes like that – and that leads to ALL being seen and known………wish i knew the “when” part……..’22 was still it for me……….in terms of groundhog day……….


Mar 10, 2018 12:48:07 PM EST
Mar 10, 2018 12:47:31 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 0d8fb9 No. 612955 

>>612728 Hey Q are we going to have a BIG WEEK this week?
in a stuck situation – looking for a new spiritual space…………completion……transformation(s)……..solitary expedition…..liking the 2’s in this one (also paused it at 2:22 without realizing)……….

