Deeeeeeeeeeeeep breath. In to the count of 5, hold for 2, exhale for 8 – all through the nose. Stretching. Working my body with the band bar. Face yoga. Went to bed and was wired until sometime after 3am. Remembering a time when I was sole/souly focused on just myself – first and foremost – putting all chores aside if there was something I wanted to do just for myself.
Return to Self.
Here’s what I am seeing. Very little resonating. Seeing things like there is no evil – satan is inside all of us (ONLY via hijacked DNA – not my choice – evil is not the same as hidden/”dark”). People enjoying this “movie” (really??). There is so. much. guessing now – narratives all over the place. If ever we needed the FULL TRUTH (about WHO IS WHO and WHERE WE ARE and WHO WE ARE): IT. IS. NOW. Watch who you follow. QUESTION who you follow. Logic and heart are a powerful combo. And please remember to share and donate (below) to support my work. Thank you!
For those of us for whom “pay to live” and this entire prison matrix ealm does not serve – honestly – where do we go? And what exactly do we do (other than what we have already been doing for months – for years – decades). I feel like a bird inside of a cage screaming and kicking on the door to be released. This is not just about who we are internally – it is also commanding and NEEDING (help!) in bringing IN NEW or getting out INTO the New.
I don’t know ~ I still hear in my mind that the states are not the focus ~ such a trial could go on for weeks and months allowing for even more “hell on earth” and we have ALL had enough of THAT ~ plus “we have it all” ~ plus the chaos such an event would create amongst the MAGA crowd who does not follow 17….If such an event happens it would have to be quick – as in days – and the MSM WOULD spin it – by only covering what they want to be viewed – seriously………..LOGIC………..something bigger is coming that supersedes all of this insane twisted stewpid kabuki theatre……..
Elon changed his following account – again – from 153 to 155:
Well, actually, none of us are from this place………..
Yes. The whole family is. They are incarnated angelics here to help raise the collective frequency to transition us into the Future. Same as Tesla, Jules Verne, Gustav Eiffel, Mary Baker Eddy, etc.
How the FBI & intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and *before* The New York Post revealed the contents of his laptop on October 14, 2020
This is why this sloooooooow “reveal” or whatever it is makes me cringe inside……….again “this is about the children” is hard to see/view/accept/believe………….
Still pretty rough. I’ve been sleeping and resting a lot the past 2 days. Lots of things being pushed to the surface to heal.
“Out there” – I am seeing car accidents and fatalities every. day. now. on the major highways & freeways. It is mind boggling – even though it shouldn’t be – but still – wow. Some like to say this is how the person/soul chose to depart. Who can say that with any real knowing? How do any of us know it isn’t just plain evil trying to keep at it as long as it can? And how many received the thing? Who knows other than the person/Soul. This whole process now feels messy and unpredictable with moments of quiet calm and healing in between. It’s war here until it isn’t – with the end RESULT being (a return to) Divine. Freedom. At least that is my focus/desire.
Here’s what has entered my space today ~that I feeeeel like sharing that is. The unfolding and back and forth drama continues – just not interested in it – honestly – no matter the purpose now.
Ok, really – like enough is enough ok we get it evil is everywhere this is INSANE and will only lead to innocent freedom souls to suffer even more seriously WHYYYYYY is this even part of this movie/experience???
New Zealand Intelligence booklets have been released telling the public that if they suspect their friends or family are opposing government policies, including COVID measures, they should be reported as they are a terrorist. Rumble share:
Her legacy is beautiful. sigh (a challenge for me atm) My words to her: tears flow. i am grieving…with the rest of you. fly free home annie (let us know u busted outta this dmn matrix ok?) .thank you for your support and friendship. i will see you on the other side….😭🙏💥✨🌈
Today has been another……strange one. Mate and I both noticing similar physical issues which I am seeing as purging/releasing of toxins and/or detachments to this false reality – just more stuff that seems to be incoming to clean up and detach and let go so we can truly GO. I spent time alone w/the trees and birds – took 2 naps. Little appetite too.
Here’s what I’m finding.
New channel. This video first came to my mate – then returned again today. We both gave it a listen. I appreciate her authenticity (no sugar coating). Aligning w/most of what she is saying – especially the idea of more than one experience for us all. (still a real challenge as we know to connect w/that higher part of ourselves while we’re still in “their” world/frequencies- and yet I as well feel the natural need to trust in my own self first and foremost). Reminds me of the dream I had where I saw the solar event – and upon seeing it I was immediately transported into the new – and everything was sparkly with Light. And the feeeeeeel was so light and wonderful. Natural. Interesting commentary on disclosure – and yet we are having much of that role out. And I see the purpose of it – to awaken the consciousness/minds to see how enslaved they/we have been.
😎⚡️💥 JUST NOW: Angelina Jolie announced Friday that she is stepping down from her role as the UNHCR‘s special envoy after more than 20 years of working with the UN refugee agency. She was a child trafficking pedophile.
I just figured out that the earthquake epicenter in El Cerrito California Bay Area San Francisco is 100% an old forgotten abandoned STARFORT!
They built a recycling center and put a satellite dish array in the middle of it. somebodys got to know and trying to be hiding it…
This is literally like the 20th recent earthquake next to either a known documented starfort, next to a huge hidden starfort, or large megalithic mounds. The only thing I can think that it means is they're still functioning frequency wise (and they aren't old bases for cannons).
He knew!!!
This was before the jab was available.
Interesting………….This “field” is much weaker (telling us the field of energy – THEIR energy – is much weaker here)………..WATCH (follow the watch?)………”pets” (dog comm?)………….we’re instead of were……….
Donald J. Trump
Just like it was in 2016 where FoxNews, the shrinking Wall Street Journal, and the no longer readable or salvageable N.Y. Post, we’re strongly against me and my candidacy for President. They did phony stories and put out phony polls. They said I couldn’t win, and I WON BIG. They had their “pets,” like low energy Jeb, but how did that work out? Not good for them. Then I did even better the second time around, getting MILLIONS MORE VOTES, but BAD things went on. This field is much weaker, WATCH!
Energy, for me, was equally powerful on either “side”. I could just have easily been sucked into the UGH as I could find the space of Light. So it was about choice – and I felt as I was IN that space, it increased. I received a TON of energy in the shower portal today w/insights and memories of past visions received there. Last nights dream experience was interesting – I saw myself in a mirror which has only happened maybe 3x during my lifetime. I was young – early 20’s – my hair was growing out from a horrid haircut. Now I will just say this about THAT – awhile back I had a memory return about being hijacked – the capture/beginning of the war here – and I had escaped. My hair was cut much like they show us during the Holocaust – cut off in clumps. You know how “they” are – impure and into all of that. I also got/feeeeeeeeeeeel that our hair is naturally a receiver of information. Long hair feels so natural to me – always has. However that isn’t to say ALL have to wear their hair long – where I come from – that’s how we are – and it is who I am. I see crystal-like energy all above our heads which is received by our hair. (my mate just said OMG i cannot believe you said that – it’s in your circulates!) lol I haven’t seen that yet but I will share it below.
Anyway, in last night’s dream I saw myself as I described above. Now as I ponder that, I reflect on “time” and how it is absolutely possible the “real time” outside is months compared to years or decades or even LIFETIMES inside this frequency bubble. It is completely different in terms of our inner experience. And wow lately I have really felt w/in – when I tune in and remain silent – that time is sooooo being slowed down here now which says to me end is inevitable and any moment.
Others are talking about early christmas. Every year at this time since honestly 2012 (then I let it go and began feeeeeeeeeeling it again in 2018) – I think “this is IT”. Lisa Harrison once said – 2018 I believe – that in a message ones from home/outside it was shared we were outta here during a holiday everyone celebrates. There’s only one holiday we all celebrate – New Years. Christmas is right up there (or the holiday season). We’re in it. As I tuned into that, the frustration of I AM NOT DOING ANOTHER GROUNDHOG EXPERIENCE W/THIS FEEEEEEL AGAIN. I get this vision in my minds eye of circles – like us traveling in a circular motion – wrapping around and around until the mechanics of the matrix are shut off so we can actually and finally get OFF this roller coaster ride.
Anyway, take it for what you will – that’s what I am seeing/feeeeeeeeeeeeeling. As far as the shower portal, the memory of the vision I had – 2018 again I think – was being outside, partying, celebrating – stage up front and off to the left of the stage was a giant screen and Trump came on – Melania and John were there w/him and he said he was “staying behind” to ensure all of his plans were in place then he would see us soon. I get the concept that we all exit at the same time – no issue w/that – but I continue to feeeeeeeeeel that we each go to where we are wanting to and ready to go. That’s how love and freedom and uncorrupted pure Creative Energy works and flows, right? Yeah. The Awakening – those still plugged in – yeah they’re going to have a lot of work to do to play catch up – so naturally they will be in their own experience. Makes sense. Logic. Once out of the matrix simulation and frequency trap(s), we’ll each have the full freedom to go and do as we desire so the “waiting for them to see” will no longer apply as we won’t all be trapped in the same space (of course the scenario I just shared out crashes into any logic of one who isn’t having the same visions and inner woo woo experiences as I and so many of you have had/are continuing to have as we awaken – but eh – who cares about that – we’ll all be good and golden in the end of this experience)
Bizarre indeed. People are putting them on again around here in droves – including in their cars, leaving them on as they walk out in the parking lot. They don’t work. The only covering as we know that is effective are the medical grade with filtration. All else – those particles are so small they travel right through those things. We know that. Why don’t they? Although it does let me know who watches the puppets. It’s still distressing though. Will they ever see? Do they even want to?
One of the most powerful videos to be put on national television – in our history. Hopefully those most deeply programmed can put aside the whole “fox/carlson” opinion and LISTEN with an open mind.
The most courageous newscast in 60 years. The CIA’s murder of my uncle was a successful coup d'état from which are democracy has never recovered.
David Icke wrote about this at least 20 years ago. My thought today is what if Jesus was the one – the first one – to wake up inside the matrix? Or what if he was just going to be another narrative but he fought back, flipped his “script” and as I said, woke up? Who knows………..This was shared by a gnostic/pagan/christian (i know, interesting lol) and I realize no one here knows our real history so for now, it’s all a storyline/narrative…….
Not that I care at all anymore about politics when I’m totally honest – but the other morning I woke up, was tuning inward, and felt something about January 3rd……..I was more focused on my b-day but felt the need to return to 1.3………..
Ok – I still don’t think this was THE big announcement – I feel it was distraction – and it is possible this wasn’t even the “real” T but the deep state fake (who are desperate for $$). I don’t know – I am not comfortable with any of this. Doesn’t align w/me. Or perhaps he’s buying them all out and we’ll convert over to something TANGIBLE.
Donald Trump Silences Critics As NFT Collection Sells Out In 12 Hours Raising $4.4M – Washington News
Donald Trump gets the last laugh again and his critics are eating their words. Trump announced a NFT collection yesterday causing hos critics to predict total failure for the former president. They mocked everything about
This is an interesting one. As I felt and sensed – his big announcement was his speech on censorship – what he will do WHEN he is inaugurated and WHEN he is president……….TGP however thinks he did this intentionally and has as such blundered his 2024 run. Then as part of this “movie”, Bannon and Gorka weigh in w/their own opinion – calling on whoever was responsible for this to be fired. As I said it is absolutely possible this NFT Card Release is nothing more than a distracting deep state fake.
Ok I’m gonna share what I’m feeeeeeeling about this one – the ghostland card wanting to be seen is the dying matrix (which btw one of you heard it dismantling last night)…….we’ve already been in land of deprivation and emptiness – done w/THAT……..perhaps I will call it the disassembling matrix…….for the 7 of Fire is where the party is………..being brought to the party………being transported “into the unknown” – surprise party……….wow parties are all over me today………..a surprise up ahead for us……….unveiling…….someone going out of their way to put together an amazing holiday for us……… – aligns w/what i and others are receiving in the NOW moment……..As always, San and similar findings are what my heart, mind and Soul are most after/wanting/focused on. The rest is just distraction to me……………
How are you all doing and feeling today? It was a long night here but we’re all good – as good as we can be. Focused positive and up ~ overall (those other moments come in and challenge even the strongest). It’s the only way to fly now. I still feel and am focused on “early christmas”. But in this “movie”/war, what I want and focus on doesn’t always manifest in the timeframe I want. Until – it does. Because – it will.
For now, if you want some support in a more private manner, you can join my telegram group. Please share and donate if you can.
I have to start out with this one. It brings back strong memories. I remember seeing my girls face for the first time. I was so wired – so excited to finally SEE and hold her. (they’re right when they tell you, no matter how exhausted you are at that moment of birth, once the little miracle is out, you get this amazing level of energy course through your mind and body) My mate was weeping – crying with so much joy. My tears came later when I was more alone (not surrounded by nurses and a midwife) – and I was able to view the video of her birth in private. Then I wept. There is nothing like this joy and awe. It really is miraculous.
So at first – there’s the letdown – the frustration – the thoughts of “what?? nothing but more self promoting?” then the inner stuff comes online and says this is war not all is at it seems he isn’t always talking to US sometimes it’s to “them” and sometimes – it appears today – it’s been both………17(00)…….what else stands out is ART (as in ART OF WAR – my feeeeel) and “quickly”………..all that said – this is tiring and NOW is always a good time……i am going to intend all proceeds help those in need……….something to keep an eye on…………
December 15, 2022 JFK files released.
December 15, 1791 Bill of Rights ratified
Time between dates
84,371 days
231 years
2772 months
Wits end ~ rock bottom ~ and coming to an end……How many of us are there? Raise of hands (MINE IS RAISED lol)……..O M G…….In my healing session yesterday I did nothing but talk and lament and every suggestion that was given I moaned that “I HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT AND IT ISN’T WORKING”……Reassurance of how powerful I am and what amazing work I am doing in my persistence did absolutely nothing to alleviate my sense of “rock bottom/wits end”…………lol another O M G…………Big transition/transformational energy (butterfly card – butterflies have been around my mate for several days now)……..I wasn’t going to share this one but when her cat appeared and nudged the cards, I knew to share………..Cats are highly intuitive……….My sense – her cat is telling us to hold on – the change we seek is coming……….
Speaking of this particular “agenda”, I saw a story (that I can’t find) – a family is eating dinner at the family table and the young son announces he’s a cat. At school he’s allowed to be a cat – he identifies as a cat. The dad says “you’re a boy” and the boy insists he’s a cat. So the dad quietly gets up, takes the boys plate away, gets out a can of cat food, puts it on another plate, puts it on the floor and tells the boy “there’s your meal”. The boy points out it’s CAT food and it’s on the FLOOR to which the dad said “cats eat cat food – not people food – and animals eat their meals on the floor.” The boy reflected then announced he was a human boy. Creative Parenting for today’s agenda’s…………..
😎🦅🇺🇸 Any information currently withheld from public disclosure that agencies do not propose for continued postponement beyond December 15, 2022, will be released to the public on that date.
So we saw this earlier today on Yahoo News. The “science” behind this (lolol) says if you didn’t take the cv jab, you are showing yourself as one who doesn’t follow system guidelines and thus *may* make you more likely to drive recklessly. lololol This goes into the “years stupidest narrative” file…..I didn’t take the experimental DNA altering poke because of “NONE OF YOUR FOOKING BUSINESS” reason – and because (I DID MY RESEARCH AND CONTINUE TO DO MY RESEARCH) that has turned me into this (pooooooossibly): lolol
Christian teacher who refused to use gender-neutral pronouns will remain behind bars for Christmas | Daily Mail Online
Enoch Burke was jailed in September after refusing to obey a court order to stay away from Wilson’s Hospital School in County Westmeath, Ireland, a school he is employed at.
About to go through a transition ~ what we want but coming in a way not anticipated. Ending the contract to pursue calling. A new calling. Universe freeing us up to pursue. New Vision (twice drawn in one week). ….. Anyone else feeeeeeeeling as though perhaps you will be doing something new – soon – it’s riiiiiight there but you haven’t been allowed to see it yet? A new purpose?
Feels a little lighter today. I slept long and deep. Hearing that has been collective.
So – my mate had to reschedule his doc appointment. He received a call from the Office Manager saying the doc and entire staff are quite sick atm. A patient was in the office last week and upon examination, their b.p. elevated and they broke out in a sweat. The doc commented the patient seemed sick (which goes against office policy) and the patient said they had just received their latest c.v. booster (also against office policy) so the appointment ended and the patient was told to leave. And now all in the office are sick so appointments are cancelled until January.
Ya’ll know me enough by now to know my thoughts on this. Seeing it from a Divine perspective and focused on gratitude for the pockets of Light here.
Here’s what I’m seeing.
It has become daunting ~ esp. when it’s on repeat…….
I am starting to be repelled by truther information. I find so little information remotely stimulating at this point. It is all about seeing, feeling, sensing, observing, sharing, living.
Humanity is good! The media distorts our perception! There is goodness going on in every moment! Now that we have video and social media we can see some of the beauty in the hearts of humanity!! 😍
That’s why solitude is sooooo wanted and needed now. I often walk around and shush the members in my house – esp. if there is any drama or repeating energies/words. I know some people like to talk out loud – a lot – even when alone. I am not one of them. lol
What we're seeing is the false light screen fading! We can see the "Ultra" programming in the ones assimilated at the soul level that are part of the hive mind AI animating their DNA. That's why some of these celebes are starting to look like synthetic clones. Soul is AI! Matrix!
I was hoping for some timeline wrap-up thing or some portal thingie -because I am an eternal optimist who sometimes slips on some hopium – but overall I have come to know so much of that is just cr@p. If anyone puts that or anything similar into my space they get a question I would appreciate an answer to: HOW MANY SPECIAL DATE PORTALS OR NEW MOON OR FULL MOON THINGIES DO YOU THINK YOU NEED TO ASCEND OR CHANGE OR GET OUR POWERS BACK OR WHATEVER IT IS YOU THINK IS MAGICALLY GOING TO HAPPEN ON A MATRIX SYSTEM DEFINED DATE?
We’re in war until we’re not. Things are happening to these bodies that I now view as two possibilities – and both are likely responsible: spiritual war w/the “invisible enemy” impacting us; helpful frequencies to assist us in awakening and unplugging consciously from their system(s) – which is ongoing.
I sleep as much as I can but it doesn’t seem to make much difference now. I walk around scratching my head a lot these days – a sign I am clearly in burn-out mode. Mate has a big doc appointment w/a new doc this week – one who not only doesn’t do the c.v. protocols – but one who won’t see the vaxxed in person, instead remotely, because he knows about the shedding. An actual medical doctor – here in our area – who SEES. A miracle. Anyway – stress w/that one because the list of health issues my mate now deals with is overwhelming and it’s going to cost us – the doc doesn’t take insurance. Our savings has been draining all year thanks to how this plan has allowed things to $kyrocket. I saw our cable is going to jump another $20 next year and our city utility bill – well those ‘tards are adding in a bunch of new “fees that are really taxes”. Yeah….that money thing is just my FAVORITE. lol UGH….NOT…….Add in the struggles of my girl along w/the inherent responsibilities of parenting esp. in this insane realm and how she is asking questions no reasonable, awake, heart-centered parent ever should have to answer….and other than my mate who as you know struggles daily I have ZERO support out here so yeah, I pretty much “do it all”… my mate said, I wear 5 hats every day – and yeah, I’m struggling not to lose it now and it often doesn’t take much for me to go on complete full on overwhelm because what little support network I once had around me out here is f’ing gone. So if someone sees me scratching my head suddenly, you know I’m trying to maintain composure – and anything that comes my way that isn’t in love gets a loud roar – and I make no apologies for it either. When a female lioness is hurt, she roars until the Pride comes around and nurtures and protects her until she’s back up again.
This Mama Lioness is needing some real powerful TLC. She’s quite wounded now. The Papa Lion got a miracle finding a local doc (which through the work of Mama Lion happened) – Mama Lioness needs her own miracle.
And look (deep breath) – I know things are happening. It’s just happening too slow for what I and my family and I know many of you truly need. Hanging on and hanging in there is not sustainable. So I roar now and then – for myself – for all who are in the same or similar life experience/situation(s).
Ok – so this whole white rabbit thing is now on twatter. See my piece earlier today for my logic/thoughts/question. WE THE AWAKENING KNOW. Want the rest to SEE? Then put it on the FUCHING MAINSTREAM MEDIA OUTLETS. Only 450 million are on twatter every month – a small % of the total population – plus most of those users are in the states (so much for global declass). Or – pick another social media platform. Facebook and Meta on the other hand, which could have easily been taken over as well, has 3.5 BILLION users. Hmmm. 450 million or 3.5 billion. But hey let’s put the info on twitter.
RARE DOCUMENTARY: Vril and Thule Society – Antarctica – Advanced Civilizations!
RARE DOCUMENTARY: Vril and Thule Society – Antarctica – Advanced Civilizations!
Fox news – over 2 million views on average per month and that’s primetime – and only in the States………..MSNBC is second with just under 2 million and CNN, under one million………….Around 57 million viewers in the states tune in to NPR (public radio)…………So uh it seems, logically speaking by the numbers, sharing on Fox news and twitter does not an awakening make………….
Twitter Files reveal Trump ban came after Michelle Obama, others pressured the company
being in a “rut”………..stuck in the mud……..which i view as “their” frequency – i’ve been working my energetic arse off when i can to bust it up and get things FLOWING again……….yeah we neeeeeeeeed some magic – magic energies throwing us a rope. BRING it!
Feeling that “lightness” more again today. The skies were really lit up tonight. It’s been so long since we’ve seen the sun and sky – we couldn’t figure out if it was lighter longer or we had just grown accustomed to dark skies.
How are ya’ll doing/feeling? Here’s what I’m seeing. Please remember to share and donate what you can. Thank you!
Dr. Ryan Cole addresses what the 💉💉 spike protein does to the human body:
“That spike protein is literally causing the lymphocytes to chew a hole in the aorta. This is the biggest blood vessel in your body, coming off your heart, when that ruptures, you're gone in minutes."
.@elonmusk Elon, please don’t mock and promote hate toward already marginalized and at-risk-of-violence members of the #LGBTQ+ community. They are real people with real feelings. Furthermore, Dr Fauci is a dedicated public servant whose sole motivation was saving lives.
I strongly disagree. Forcing your pronouns upon others when they didn’t ask, and implicitly ostracizing those who don’t, is neither good nor kind to anyone.
As for Fauci, he lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people. Not awesome imo.
SPICY Qoincidence…
Yesterday VK posted, “Starting to think Elon has something to do with the Q thingy.” at 3:28pm
Q328 includes, :Owls:
Today Elon tweeted, “Now things get spicy 🌶️” at 5:22am
Q522 includes, [OWLS]
Another reflection before I share what we have found ~ the energy feels light today – not just light”er” but Light. We’re all feeling it today – something that increased throughout the day. I went on a walk – alone – and felt that need to unite and connect enter my space only this time it was one of those experiences where I could feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel what that will be like instead of the longing TO (and the sadness that brings). I reached out to a local friend (someone who is following a different narrative than we are) to inquire as to her health and received a phone call back so we chatted and caught up. Felt like a “sign” to me. Merry Early Christmas to us all. Love, V.
For years, Twitter had resisted calls to ban Trump.
“Blocking a world leader from Twitter,” it wrote in 2018, “would hide important info… [and] hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions.”
Release of ChatGPT this week was a big deal. Bigger advancement than the internet. Individuals are waking up to all possibilities once they understand by deep diving into the tool. Elon had a big part in this and got it out before Google made their evil ai public. ChatGPT is currently free for all humanity to use. Right now computers took over our lives for the worst in IMO. This will change the way we work with computers. Free people from the mundane and provide new tools for entrepreneurs. Is it scary and risky? … yes, however I am an optimist and see this as a big advancement for humanity.
I get the vibe that the closed version of this tool helped with the missing parts of the tesla papers.