Some finds for 12.9.22…………..



How ya’ll feeling?  Seems to be a mix across the board among the awakening community.  Some are doing very well – feeling strong and amazing – others are tapped out.

Here’s what I’m seeing.





If you haven’t taken the time to read their “ABOUT” section – please do so.  It’s quite humorous………..




There is no outer-space inside the dome…………REAL life is outside the “Truman Show”…………



Petri dish with a cover…………



“Earth is flat, as some expect…But I didn’t expect this question. I assure you it is flat” – Miroslaw Hermaszewski (Polish Astronot)




Anyone know if ANY of this is making its way to the MSM?  We got the FLOOD now……The STORM (on “them”)………….I am pleased with myself for listening to that inner roar that kept nudging me to get back on twitter no matter how many times I got booted (for me it was 3x)…………

I decided to enter FLOOD on the 17 page app…………Guess how many posts contains FLOOD?  Yeah – you got it – 17.





He knew……… was as though he could see the future………and knew what to do……..










You know why T will never be arrested?  All “they” can do is arrest the actor (the real T is well insulated, remember).  If “they” do that, it would be sooooo easy and thereby making THEM look even more ridiculous when the REAL T (or another actor) steps forward and says “oh really?”  I’m just not feeeeeeeelin’ this potential……..


Another opinion on the topic:

Nice sync! The drops tell us so many times Trump is safe and with no risk..I agree it is wizards casting spells



Kash and Elon both – missing “L’s”……..

Cowboy on TS. [L]. Let the unsealing begin.
Let the DEC[L]AS begin.
Let the WORLD witness the TRUTH.
We, the PEOPLE.










One of so many………..just suddenly…………..



That’s a comm……….



Isn’t it comical ~ you can’t spit in a tube to see if ya got the covid (gotta jam up a giant q-tube up near the brain membrane), but hey they can isolate 2 million year old DNA……….


Hopefully by now most be questioning the “alphabet”………..


I read where it lasted 10 minutes………

Shortly before BLACKOUT exercise: Power outage in Paris last night. 125,000 households affected.






12.8.22 ~ A check-in and finds…………..



So – the feeeeeeeeeeeeeel here is “they” have slowed down “their time” program – B I G L Y.  This void/lull keeps spinning in the energetics.

I’m focused on my own feeeeeeeeeeeeels now and questioning the sheot out of every bit of intel.  One such question atm is if “good” has such advanced tech – hundreds if not thousands of years – LIGHT years – ahead of the tech they share here, why is this still an ongoing op?  Wouldn’t that tech have located all of the underground stuff quickly and easily?  I mean, I don’t know – I’m just one of many in the back of the room asking questions.  And those at the podium – as I am now saying – if you ain’t answering those questions – get off the stage and audience members?  Boo ’em off or stop listening.  WE ALL DESERVE THE TRUTH.  And if that truth is “I dunno” then cool.  Oh and please explain the truth to me now like I’m 5.  Thank you.

The need for solitude continues and finding/creating it in this tiny space – especially during this time of year when we’re in ongoing cold and rain and clouds (what’s the sun again???) – is uh, challenging – for all of us.

Seeing more pushed agendas here – which is now starting to affect my daughter which makes mama and papa bear ROAR.  Seeing local boys dressing like girls – girls dressing like boys.  It. Is. NUTS here.  A local church – that I once attended – is holding sexuality classes and support on gender identity – the ages for the program itself go all the way down to 5 years old.  Five.  Popped up on my social media feed and at first when I saw the “support” thing for our kids locally I thought oooh maybe just what my girl needs – but when I read WHAT the focus is I about lost it.  I just – I just…………THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!


Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share and donate. 

Oh and Buck Foe Jiden.







That would’ve been nice 2 years ago w/my original account……….







I’m more concerned about those of us who did not partake – and who have had sensitivities to their “emitting”.  Read a story in a group I belong to – both spouses not jabbed – one works at home the other – around the shedders.  40 years old – until 1 year ago in excellent health – now he’s dealing with renal failure.


“All the vaccine mandates should be dropped immediately. We need immediate funding for vaccine injury centers of excellence across the US for screening, detection, diagnosis, prognosis & management. …What is at stake here is death.” ~Dr. Peter McCullough



Part 2.  Perhaps this is why I’m feeling so agitated today.  Color pretty pictures time to distract…….

Bari Weiss

Replying to

1. A new #TwitterFiles investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics—all in secret, without informing users.
Bari Weiss
2. Twitter once had a mission “to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.” Along the way, barriers nevertheless were erected.
Bari Weiss

3. Take, for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (

) who argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children. Twitter secretly placed him on a “Trends Blacklist,” which prevented his tweets from trending.


You’ll have to go to twitter to read it all……….
We have SOOOOO many empty commercial spaces around here – going to absolute WASTE – while thousands and I mean thousands are homeless just in my city alone.  Time to say “f it” to the local laws and liabilities and blah blah’s and use that space to HOUSE THE UNHOUSED.  Time for WE THE PEOPLE TO TAKE THE REINS OF CONTROL.  Don’t see that happening in these parts though – too programmed and pussified.



Genetically modified cattle may be sold for food in U.S. | American Veterinary Medical Association

The Food and Drug Administration will, for the first time, allow sale of the first genetically modified food animals. The cattle are gene edited to produce short, slick coats that could reduce heat stress in tropical and subtropical environments.



Sick: Iranian Security Forces Target Female Protestors With Bullets to Faces, Breasts and Genitals


RINO’S everywhere……….

Ukraine Debt Relief Included in US Defense Bill Approved by US House – 176 Republicans Vote for the Bill



San w/another……..

#libra #tarot #tarotreading

Libra – Call in the clean up crew.




It’s the end of the world as we know it…………and some finds………..12.7.22


so why don’t i feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine?

had healing session.  brought up a lot of old ancient cr@p – that is left lingering.  i went out into the garage to be alone – brought my stick for release – turned on the radio – REM is telling me it’s the end of the world as we know it.  so i danced and moved and banged on some things until i was quiet tired – sat down – observed my surroundings – the boxes everywhere – stacked neatly with “stuff”.  none of it aligns with me.  not one. box.  my mate has this idea that when we move it’s going to look like renting some giant pod and taking EVERYTHING whereas my vision is i just hop in the car or some other form of individual transportation and JET outta here with maybe 1-2 suitcases.  he hasn’t budged and i haven’t either on this.  lol

here’s what i’m seeing.  please remember to share and donate to support what i do.  thank you.




still not fast enough………


All from POTUS today – the MSM is falling…




at it again………….like that is surprising……………..


More evidence of election fraud in Geogia. Votes for Walker went down on live tv again.






Gov. DeSantis Seeks to Hold COVID Vaccine Makers ‘Accountable for Misleading the Public About the Vaccine’s Safety


Peruvian Marxist President Pedro Castillo Stages State Coup – Dissolves Congress Hours Before Impeachment Vote


michael jackson……………….?


then this:

Michael Jackson utube channel dropping a lot of demo’s today including one titled “Behind The Mask”………….








San latest………..gathering (a stress reliever)……….

#virgo #tarot #tarotreading

Virgo – When you get together.




12.6.22 ~ Brief check in (which turns into a rant) and some finds


On it goes……………more focused on what is inside this house and myself than on what is playing out on the stage.  Got nothing intuitive or synch-wise to share so still feeling that lull/void of such which I know eventually passes as we bust through another energetic timeline/barrier.  The “big show” is, at this point, nothing but boring and a lot of “uh huh, AND?”  This build up is ridiculously slow.  But it is as it is and as always, I watch ONLY to see how close we are to the end.  I used to be the one who said “it isn’t the end that matters it is the journey”.  When the journey sucks, you want the end.  That is the prize.  I did scroll through some headlines earlier on my kiddos tablet as she did some schooling activity and wow.  “Their” narrative is still being pushed big time.  Still don’t understand how allowing lies to be pushed actually “unplugs” someone – although I accomplished that back when there was nothing BUT lies.  Guess that’s what separates the humans from the rest of whoever/whatever is here – eventually the human sees.  People are still pushing the T arrest – big accounts all saying it – saying it’s a military op.  What again would be the purpose?  To incite more division and chaos?  The military has already been operational for years – behind the scenes.  The need to bring them out in public would be due to the “public” arrest of the SWAMP creatures or something similar – like a reveal of who has been really here – or some cosmic sky event (opening up the “sunroof”) – not a DJT arrest.  Who wants to see that?  Oh that’s right – “them”.

L O G I C.

But then again so much of this “plan” has made very little, if any, sense to my mind or heart.  Why it continues on I don’t know as I said above.  Why so many sit back and blindly follow w/o asking questions…………..ex: info on “soon” and “not another year” stay tuned here (GIVE US YOUR ENERGY) or “hey we got scoops that the exchange ($$) is happening next week stay tuned (GIVE US YOUR ENERGY) to “got the inside news that NESARA is about to happen so stay tuned here (GIVE US YOUR ENERGY) but that sheot time comes and goes and when questioned there is usually silence or attacks by the cultists or blocks – but hey – we’re supposed to unite on this together, right?….. while these big/bigger accounts put out info that creates division and the followers cannot pull themselves away from the person on the stage and look at the people standing off to his/her left and right and say “hey – wait a minute – we’re all here together wanting the same thing – FREEDOM and TRUTH – so why are we attacking one another?  let’s start supporting one another instead of giving all of our energies away to the person at the podium – whoever that is – male or female.





So my brief research shows 47 volcanos have been erupting continuously since the end of October.  Normally the average number of volcanos erupting continuously on any given day is 20.  And now we may have another……….



Part 2……….still to come……………at the account referenced:




Well if we’ve made it 4 years, we can make it 4 more weeks, right?



Saw this referred to a couple of days ago – was waiting for more info to vet……


After that mtg. w/”elon”………….Elon can’t make deals like that – but Trump can…………








Well, now we know why part 2 wasn’t released on the day announced……










Hmmm……………muppets……….check out John Denver (aka V. Fusca) youtube channel – recently he’s been sharing muppet videos which has made us scratch our heads and wonder “WHAAAAT??”



We have a new Prime Minister in the UK who was not elected by the British people or by the Tories. He did not give a single debate, interview or statement about what his “program” is. All we know is that he is filthy rich and worked for Goldman Sachs. But hey, he’s the first non-white PM! Lol



Do not forget Trumps EO’s..




“The way I have been explaining this [ INFILTRATION] is simple…
Wray & Barr were plants<

They were especially PLANTED from the beginning to SCREW ( FUCK) things up/////


Trust Wray – Q

I believe Q is telling us.. Trust Wray ,( because he’s a plant. Planted by U.S. Intell Alliance to SCREW the DEEP STATE PLANS UP





Which is why we say “MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY”…………

Supreme Court Rejects Case Against Dominion Voting Systems

Here’s what you need to know.



I am with this woman’s opinion 100%……..

😡😡😡 I don’t know what to say anymore… this could be stopped… but🤷‍♀️
Is it acceptable to bring death or harm to innocent citizens in the name of Righting All the Wrongs in this country?? I’m faltering here… Can anyone convince me that it IS ok to CONTINUE to cause harm to the ‘few’ for the betterment of the ‘many???

“Citizens refusing smart meter installation in Virginia are having their power shut off until they comply. These meters are not simply for the convenience of reading your meter like energy companies say, but allow surveillence exactly what types of power consumption you use in your own home, they make the power grid hackable and have significant health consequences to people and animals from the powerful constant bursts of microwave radiation.”

Follow:@DanaAshlie | Chat&Comment | YouTube | Rumble


Video of one of their customers:




Conversation awhile back – being told a plane hit the building – they saw it.  I referred to hologram tech – said it was available back then.  Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Hologram technology was used long time ago! Listen Carefully




I still go nuts inside when I see children in these things.




#leo #tarot #tarotreading

Leo – Palace on fire.




12.5.22 ~ Odd little finds…………


Kind of a potpourri today………..Feeling like we’re in yet another twilight weird “where the ef am I???” lull of yuck…………..Feels like “the plan” is really not waiting for people to wake up because unless you have NO brain activity, you have to have SOME clue……….it’s either about getting all of the people above ground OR it’s due to whatever “IT” is that is coming………. here is what i’m seeing.  please remember to share and donate.  thank you!  love, v.



I am SOOOOO.  READY.  to be able to do this for my girl…………….!!!!!!!!!!!  (not allowed to have pets where we live – one of many reasons why we want a new home – upgraded!!)



“they” were all a-twitter and all a-flutter today on the media outlets over this one………mate was watching after we got up and i asked him to pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooffffffffffff  lol  O M G they GASLIGHT and PROJECT like h e l l because that is who they represent………..100% NARC program…………..








WHY…….. is this STILL…………. going………… ON??????!!!!!!!!!

BREAKING: Arizona Certifies Rigged 2022 Election, Declares Katie Hobbs Winner




America’s Frontline Doctors Ask Elon Musk to Include Them in a Team of Medical Experts who Will Fact-Check Government Lies and Propaganda


JUST IN: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71


ABC in Turmoil: ‘Good Morning America’ Hosts Taken Off Air Effective Immediately, New Hosts Take Over – Report



ORGANIZED FAMINE: Germany Orders Farmers to Slash Fertilizer After Dutch Government Shuts Down 3,000 Farms to Comply with Global Warming Goals



I will live in a place like this – soon………..don’t need cities……








In response Law & Physics to her Publication


Ivermectin Protocol:
Dosing Chat Audio:
The Herxheimer Response:
Herxing Pic:
Danny’s HCQ Recipe:
Dirt Road Lemon Water:
Dirt Road Apple Onion recipe:
Dirt Road Eyedrops:
Ivermectin Maintenance Protocol:
White Pine Needle Tea:
Video – Filling Capsules:
Removing liquid 1% injectable cap:
Suitable 1.87% Pastes:
New Suitable Pastes, Liquids:



The Gunner’s Wife ~ droppin’ goodies……really picks up around the 18 minute mark…………





A few interesting finds….12.4.22




Feels a little lighter today.  Less of “them”.  Yesterday was more.  It’s back and forth.  Quiet reflection and self discipline to stay in control and focused is it.  Here’s what I’m seeing atm.







I have a print hanging up over my laptop that says “You are being presented with two choice ~ evolve or repeat”.





Puppies are soooooooooo around me lately and this family………










This is amazing………


EXCELLENT news……..


More EXCELLENT news…..

International Blood Bank for the Unvaccinated has been Formed with Members from at Least 16 countries – Demand for “Pure Blood” Skyrockets



And even more excellent news……….



YRFT calls it the “5th book of life”………….I dunno know about any of that……….Freedom/restoration/return of all taken is what I’m focused on)……..




I absolutely cannot imagine at this point…….

May be an image of text that says 'Imagine living through the last 3 years and still not being the slightest bit suspicious.'


Met someone who used to live in Turkey and commented on the focus over there against the hijabs.  Freedom energies continue to rise and spread.




Remember 17 said ~ attacks do occur but the grid itself it protected – “safeguarded” by a “BLACK EYE” (from Dec. 2018)……….

Georgia sheepdog fights off, kills 8 coyotes after pack attacks his sheep | Fox News

A Georgia sheepdog named Casper is recovering from injuries suffered when he fought off a group of coyotes that attacked his sheep.

Extended Stay America (seems you can’t read the entire piece unless you sign up)……….
Hotel Chain Accused Of Turning ‘Blind Eye’ To Sex Trafficking – Law360

A sex trafficking survivor has alleged in Washington federal court that hotelier Extended Stay America Inc. &quot;turned a blind eye&quot; to the repeated abuse that occurred on its property.

FBI Coordination With Big Tech Censorship Ahead of 2020 Election Revealed in Agent Deposition, Missouri AG Says

Officials from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security frequently met with major social media companies ahead …

Is it that Time? 🔥🔥
Government shutdown? 🔥

(3 pictures)


There are those 10’s again…………

Saturday Dec 10th > 12/10 > 22

22 > 11:11

2571 > 15 > 555 WRWY


326 > 29 < > 92 > 911

911 > 92 > 11 < > 11:11

False flag(s).
POTUS 100% insulated.
Expect fireworks.

Dec = 10

10/10 Wins

It will finish where it started in DALLAS

10/19 > 10/10 Wins

10/19 < > 911

911 > 9/2 > 11 < > 11/11

911 < > 611 > 17

611 > 62 < > 26-Z

26 > 8 < > 88 TRUMP 🦁

01:10:11 > 11:11


This is happening now


A check-in and some finds…………12.3.22


this above – in all honesty – is what keeps me going – has kept me going.  but then i have a “today”.

i lost it.  just flat out lost it.  some things my mind just can’t process – not the way i once could and did and have – some for a very long time.  i need things to change and switch.  i need NEW.  i was up at around 4:30am – very agitated – woke up pounding the bed – not very considerate to do with my mate who is a light sleeper – so i got out of bed, got some water and sat on the couch and shifted it – focused on my connection with the divine – brought in as much as i could – returned to sleep in a nice state.

so i return to sleep – woke up – and life happened.  that happens when you don’t live alone.  everyone has their own stuff and behaviors.  and in time – i began to break down.  i couldn’t stop myself.  i tried.  but i lost it – before calming down and finding what left was and is of my center now.  and now?  i’m just taxed.  mentally spent.  i feel i have “earned” a reason now:  my frontal cortex has been severed due to the myriad of roles i play from trying to do as much “normal” in a toxic dysfunctional chaotic C R A Z Y as all get out world/system.  lately i’ve simply been falling off the “good job mama/spouse/human” train.

at this point other than engaging in clear communication, this girl taking a vacation is all i know to do.  brainstorming on that one atm…..of course i would need to be waited on.  lol  ok not really “lol” i am in serious need of TLC.  i don’t know if that’s possible – but perhaps just being ALONE – uninterrupted – for a time – is just what i ordered up and need.

i also know this is partly collective too.  ok – largely.  i’m seeing it in my own family.  i’m seeing it in others.  just when we think that DONE LET ME GO LET ME FREE can’t get more elevated – it does.  just when we think the DROP IT ALL WE ARE DONE SEEING THIS FUCHING SHEOT STEWPID INSULTING-TO-ANYONE-WITH-ANY-LEVEL-OF-AN-AWAKENED-CONSCIOUSNESS C R A P PLAY OUT – done with these alleged upgrades that do not seem to be happening – certainly not at the speed our minds need – just when the desire to just toss up the hands in one final swoop of FUCH IT and go off and hide and yes i mean HIDE until the storm has passed – just when we – i – think there are no more levels to this “game” – it happens.  i know the silence i feel from my tribe isn’t a reflection on me but a need to BE silent and left the FUCH alone because what NEW is there left to say???

i get it.  completely.

so surrender surrender surrender let it go let it go let it go………….be alone as much as possible………..solitude………..reconnect when in the right space – i think that is absolutely completely fully necessary now.

i only wish we had more room here to do that in the way that is needed.  the other night i was talking this out w/my mate – brainstorming.  “let’s get one of those plastic kiddie houses – put it out back – do something homemade for some insulation – get a battery powered heater and i’m good to go for some solitude”.  there HAVE to be ideas to get just another 1-2 more “rooms” to put here in the yard.  we have a large back yard and so space isn’t an issue.  it’s a sheot ton of $$ to have, you know, one of those real tiny homes so gotta be a “martha stewart type idea on a thrift store budget” plus this city has a kabillion ridiculous codes….. so any ideas – please let me know.

that’s all i got atm.  how is it feeling out there?  the energies?  i don’t know.  i’m sure there are things happening.  you will find those below.  but my attachment to them ain’t happening atm.  for now – i am tuned out on some classic John “THE MAN” Coltrane……..thank you all for your love and support you have shown me and continue to show.  please remember to share and donate what you can/feel drawn to.  i honor it and allow it into my experience.










T is so behind this account………….


scrolled 20 minutes – still not seeing this release part 2 so moving on…………


he did a livestream about 5 hours ago…………saw he also dropped this:


“If I committed suicide, it is not real.” — Elon Musk, just now on Twitter Spaces

at all costs, he is freeing the world.


What’s missing from the Twitter files: The truth about the FBI

The files on Twitter’s censorship of The Post’s Hunter Biden story were missing details of specific warnings we know the FBI made to Twitter about a Russian “hack and leak operation.”






That face……


I recently had a dream of a Red Panda…………


How this Calgary company is transforming empty offices into housing units  –

“Frankly, we didn’t realize how beneficial these conversions would be until after we started”




12.2.22 ~ Finds and a Reflection………..


So uh 2012 is really around us – esp. today.  I tuned in – thought something happened in 2012 – lots of theories out there – but something did happen.  My feeeeeeel is the timeline that “they” wanted – was stopped then – however things “had” to play out the way they have.  Logistics of war, getting everyone underground rescued, eradicating the “invisible enemy”, unplugging the consciousness/mind from the system plus I’m not sure if we can get out of a time travelling experience w/o undoing/unwinding those frequency spaces put within the very matrix we are escaping from – said energies we call timelines.  It has had to be done with precision – and it sucks big time for those of us still “waiting”.  No one escapes a war without PTSD.  We’re ALL going to need major healing/restoration and that has to come with a precise frequency and a lot of TLC and support.

Yesterday was easier to navigate the energies – for me.  But I’m still doin’.

Here’s what I’m seeing.  Please remember to share and donate what you can.  Got extra expenses this month.  Some day we will have replicators and won’t need a plethora of supplements to navigate this place.

Let me know how you’re doing if you feel up to it.

Lots of love,














Heart Smiles……..





“tribe up with like minded individuals with different skills…..” (YES YES YES STILL SEEKING TO DO THIS FOR THOSE INTERESTED……..)

If millions walk out the exit door, the beast will begin to starve and eventually die. Maybe a new, less complex, smaller, more community-oriented society could be born from the ashes. Tribe up with like-minded individuals with different skills, if possible. There is hope if enough patriots decide to regain their senses and walk away from this abnormal society, leaving our totalitarian Christofs to wallow in their failure to control the truly awoken.


Meanwhile outside the matrix…………There is no “time” in the Quantum………..



#cancer #tarot #tarotreading

Cancer – Your voice is needed now.




Today’s Finds ~ 12.1.22



It’s soooooo obvious………….


So some have explained this away and have said it isn’t what we think (AI controlling of humans)…….It still freaks me the farm frook out until I know different different…….



Sharing as this one finally feels symbolic – w/the white columns and fireworks……..








What’s interesting about this (aside from the obvious “knowing” shared below), is when I saw 12:23 on the clock today – thought of the 12:34 I began seeing and then sensed “there’s another number to that – go up one” and I thought 1235 or 12345??  Then I see this……..Question is, what the bleeping %#@)*@)!! frig does this actually indicate?  Time’s up?  For reals?  Hmmm remember T saying 33k was the magic number?  Obviously this isn’t 33K but it is all 3’s – which would be a perfect “mirror back” on “them”.  

In response Leah MickeyD to her Publication


from last Q to 12/09 @ 23:11:11 EST is

12345 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

17,000+++ minutes.


IKR?  And my BFF, OOMF, says TWT if these aholes get held as the RP’s……..
28 Apr 1940 – Hitler’s Grandfather Was A Jew – Trove

HITLER’S grandmother was a servant maid in the Rothschild mansion in Vienna, and his mother was the illegitimate daughter of a Rothschild. That is the psychological explanation of Hitler’s fanatical hatred of the Jews and his brutal treatment of the Austrian Rothschilds. …

Speculating truth I’d say………….(I seem to really align w/this person’s reflections………)

I was at at open range zoo today
Was thinking
We take real animals from their real world (natural habitat) and move them into a zoo (replicate their world).
None the wiser
Real world no more.
It exists somewhere out there

Our reality maybe a little the same.
Take real people from a real world, Antarctica and beyond and enclose us in this world.
If we got a dome above something is happening.

Just speculating.
Who knows.

Oh wow – as I was saying in my Reflection piece earlier – they are still finding and rescuing children……….

​11 Missing Children Recovered in Colorado as Part of ‘Operation Lost and Found’

READ for FREE (limited time):

Hmmm……(2 sources to vet it’s legit)……
JFK diary calls Hitler ‘stuff of legends’ – BBC News

The 28-year-old future president wrote about the dictator after touring his mountain retreat.

Storm Fields (coming up a lot)………….”THE STORM IS ENDING”……….!!!!!  Overcoming experience/energy that has kept us blocked…………..!!!!!!!!  two groups of people coming together ~ two “bubbles” (verrrrrrrry interesting card)…….FINALLY SUCCEEDING (after being at it for some time)……..San, once again, in tune…………


Gemini – Overcoming the Dream Thief.



Today’s Check-In & Finds……….11.30.22






So…………I spoke with someone today who said “almost everyone is feeling something big is about to happen” – right there at the “cusp”.  That feeling of course has waxed and waned the past several years – but now it’s absolutely a constant feel that is there every day.  Body and mind are still requiring solitude and quiet.

Loving thyself.  Here’s what I’m seeing.




Love is in the air……….


Good Afternoon Patriots.





Current narrative………..






What they afraid of………….




Apple still sucks………….”watch the water”…………?





Now this is of course photoshopped – however Fleetwood Mac’s McVie died today – and she sang and co-wrote the campaign song “Don’t Stop” during his presidential campaign (which I fell for back then as a wee young laddie)……..So I am finding the timing of these two “happenings” on the same date – interesting………..


This is what it’s all about………….



Show this to those who still think the original is what we see today….

Interesting response………



“they” hand out honorary degrees all the time (give to those that usually don’t do sheot to better the world).  we just claim ours – triple, quadruple phd’s here……..



THE CN-END? Massive Layoffs Hit CNN, Read CEO’s Memo to the Network

According to a report from The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. Discovery has started to make massive layoffs at CNN; CEO Christ Licht says “It will be a difficult time for everyone,” in a memo to the company.






In response Cowboy w2b to his Publication

Ascension Day History.


Today’s earthquakes………..

