11.28.22 ~ Finds



In honor of FREE SPEECH………….Starting off tonight’s shares with humor…………






Moving on….

T drinks Diet Coke…………just sayin’…………


This too:







Rumor has it, they been lookin’ for the “Jesus” bloodline…………













It’s Official. Mike Lindell Is Running For RNC Chairman




Thousands of convicted pedophiles in California are getting less than a year of prison time | Daily Mail Online

An analysis of a California sex offenders database shows thousands of child molesters are being let out of prison after just a few months.





Australia 🇦🇺




So I hesitated sharing when I saw the title……Storm fields………..Deception…..Not wanting to be disrupted……….OMG YES!!  YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!  Did I say Y E S??!!!  Just wanting to chill –  not wanting to be challenged or have to, you know, solve everyone’s problems or wanting to deal with 3D b.s…………….No drama no chaos no “honey i need this honey can you help me with this” no “mooooooooooom i neeeeeeeeeeed” and just for ONCE be listened to and not have to nag and remind and walk into the bathroom and step in puddles of water or clean up tissues or have the mate ask “what is THAT?!” when seeing something on the ground while i think now “i don’t care WHAT it is – see something PICK. IT. UP.”  ……. yes mama V wants to just chill in the bedroom in bed alone without hearing bickering or doors slamming or loud tv’s or knocks on the door…..quiet…..Q U I E T…… in her soft starry night fuzzy bathrobe and be waited on for a minute or two then you can leave her ALONE…lol………A good visual is shared below San’s latest (couldn’t listen anymore – too painful of a reminder of how “lazy” i be now)…………

#aries #taurus #tarotreading

Aries – Shapeshifter





11.26.22 ~ Finds and a (brief) Reflection………..



May be an image of 1 person and text



Beautifully perfect.

Anyone else feeling we are in another “void” space?  Not liking it.  I can’t seem to get a feeeeeel on what’s going on.  Driving around today the feeling of claustrophobia was intense – as in I need to leave this city and not return.  It’s a feeling that comes and goes – but it is big today.  I saw someone posted about taking baby steps to get out of the cities – live off the land – that sort of thing.  Yeah, with the right amount of $$ – and some others to join in – sure.  I am ready.  To be honest, I’m needing and wanting to just pay someone to do most of the stuff.  I’m older and in need of some restoration and am just not skilled at the whole “clear the land build your own home”.  I could do some things – but when I see some of these communities (that are usually run and full of young families in their 20’s and 30’s) speak of needing to be financially and physical capable to join in, I turn the other way. Mate used to be physical able – but not now.  Things happen to the body when it stays here after a certain amount of time.  The elderly, disabled and anyone who has health issues are still so discriminated against.  So much for tribal type communities – who would honor the elderly for their WISDOM and not expect them to “earn their keep”.  I am currently in this state of heavy feelings and simply want to be left alone (unless someone wants to do as shared in the beautiful meme above – and maybe a foot rub and some chocolate cake).  Or perhaps held until all of the pain is just gone.  A lot of grief atm and mental fatigue.  I simply need EASE/EASY/EZ.

Let’s see what’s happening out in this place – needing to see some real movement.  For now, I feel, the void.




#pisces #tarot #intuitivereading

Pisces – Because you’re putting more of yourself into it.


Really feeling the need to get an update on Betelgeuse – but I can’t find anything current (as in the last few days)………


Yesterday’s video had some really good footage/recordings too………


What is GOING ON in the sky above Kansas!


Speaking of a “void” ~ Schumann had some strange color/frequency yesterday which feeeeeeeeeeels to be done w/intention….Almost 13 hours………






BREAKING: Arizona County Republican Chairs Send Letter Calling On Maricopa County Not To Certify Corrupt Midterm Election


Texas Gov. Abbott Sends Two More Buses of Illegal Migrants to Liberal ‘Sanctuary City’ Philadelphia


Revealed: FTX Was Funding Biological Weapons Shelters






When will they stop this cr@p?  Or more importantly – when will the people stop falling for this cr@p?  Or perhaps the most important:  WHEN WILL THE TRUTH BE SHOWN TO ALL WITHOUT INTERFERENCE…….


Body Language…………..says to me “guilt”……………



Well those 2 dreams I had showing 10’s back in September – I assumed were for October (the month).  Perhaps 10 = December.  Shrug eye roll huge sigh who knows we will see etc. etc. etc. SCREAM………..lol NOT lol but lol because what else is there TO do………..

Red October 10-2

10 = DEC

12-2 > 122 JFK Jr Lives

122 > 311 < > 113 Q

113 > 23 ☠️

23 > 5 < > 55

Dec 02 – 8 red marks > Nov 24

11/24 > 26-Z

26 > 8 🎱

26 > 116 > 17

116 < > 911

911 > 9:2 > 11 < > 11:11


1:31 > 32 > 311 < > 113

113 > 23 ☠️

23 > 5 < > 55

13:31 > 13:4 > 17

17 > 8 🎱

1:29 > 111+++



Mind virus…………



More eye rolling……………..

‘Potentially Infectious’: Scientists Revive 13 Ancient ‘Zombie Viruses’ Found In Siberian Permafrost





Today’s Finds and Whatever’s ~ 11.25.22


This one’s for the ladies………….




Starting……….things off…….with………..a Bang……….



A wish about to walk away from finally showing movement….Ability to form patterns from info received in the collective………….Moment to moment and intensity ~ something breaking through…………..Breaking through for the Collective – higher self up on the mountain observing……….My feel – those not “in the know” feeling uncomfortable – others of us just observing……Watching something (seeking truth) for so long – knowing it for so long –  more connected to the stars (stepping off the planet – focus is on the sky) than in wanting to see all of this movie ending(s)……….Connected to a particular group……..Very interesting read and cards that show up……..

#aquarius #tarot #intuitivereading

Aquarius – This is your cue.






Play stupid games play stupid prices………..They get fired – we get our right to freedom of expression online restored……



So I have this old phone I have been hanging on to…………I was able to get a free “smart” phone (only way I was going to stay w/the carrier) but I am still hesitant to activate it………..This morning I thought “bring in a new phone that uses starlink – good tech”…………Then I see this:


Oooh then I just see MrMB is on the same thought train……….







Fauci Admits he Based His Unprecedented US Economic Lockdowns on Draconian Measures Used by the Communist Chinese


Bidens Attend Annual Nantucket Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony – Tree Fails to Light Up on First Try (VIDEO)




❗❗❗ 🆘 ❗❗❗Official 🇬🇧 UK document from the Ministry of Health reveals 💉 Convid never existed 💉❗❗❗

⛔ This now being the case means the masks, lockdowns, vaccines and PCR tests were all acts of criminality❗❗❗

⛔ This needs to be shared so the public realise the hoax is now officially in the public domain❗❗❗



Love and need this:

WILL POWER still rules andif people are aware of this, have a deep sense of who they are at their core and what their core values are, they can catch and override any ulterior programming.

This takes an effort at being cognizant- no auto pilot functioning.

Regualrly throughout that day, pause and ask yourself, why am I doing what I am doing?

Is it typical for me to do something like this, feel this way, think this way?

Was there something else I wanted to be doing or had to say?

Start checking regularly to catch any funny business. Even if we haven’t been injected since childhood.

The heart knows us at the core. Practice being centered in the heart, coming from the heart, and running everything through the heart.

In response Joey DarktoLight to his Publication

To say that something can suck your soul out implies a helpless state of being.

Consider that from a higher perspective, a person is GIVING pieces of their soul away through separation judgments such as-

“I am better than them”- the “them” piece of the soul is GIVEN away

“They are better then me”- the”they” piece of the soul is given away.

“They are more powerful than me.”-the they is a piece of the soul given away, not sucked away.

“Nobody sees or hears me”-the nobody is a piece of the soul given away. There is only ONE Great Spirit, One Heart, One Love, One Soul.

The higher reality is that we give pieces of our own soul away to other things through separation judgments.

Start saying- “I am at peace as a child of God” instead of making separation judgments, to neutralize the potential to separate the self.

WE are always in control of our light. We are always in control of our ability to respond with Love. We are all just walking each other home.






Musk is allowing these hashtags to trend on TWItteR!
We are winning!!!!!




New research suggests our brains use quantum computation

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin believe our brains could use quantum computation. Their discovery comes after they adapted an idea developed to prove the existence of quantum gravity to explore the human brain and its workings.




Also found in archive.org – the wayback machine – which according to what I found is legitimate and can be used in cases of litigation according to US Appeals Court judges……..



Today’s Finds in Bizarro World…..11.6.22




So where are we again?

And what is up w/the weather?

We’re usually in the mid to upper 50’s.  Just 2 weeks ago, it was in the 80’s (a first).  Today?  30’s and s n o w.  Yeah – the white stuff.  I don’t think we have ever had that white stuff this early.  It isn’t really sticking – at least on the roads – a few spots.  We were supposed to be near 50 and windy.  And we got – this.  My mate swears he heard one of “their” weather machines above – similar sound to what was heard in Florida during the hurricane.

Speaking of Florida and tropical storms – there’s now suddenly this new one – Invest-98L.  What the frig kind of a name is that for a storm?  Models have this thing all over the place.  It looks like some kid took spaghetti noodles – cooked – and threw them on a map of Florida.

Then Brother Rick in NY let me know it was 74 today.

Fake fake fake.  All of it.  Controlled.  Manipulated.  Back and forth.

Here are some finds in this strange experience we are in.  Please remember to show support for the work I do by donating what you can and sharing my work on your social media accounts.  




Joelle Clista @patriotsandthelike

Pennsylvania ruling on 2020 election nothing done about it🤔 military steps in right?


I appreciated these words………..T said in a very very very short time we are all going to be very happy.  



I’d say it’s also a kiss to outside family/friends/Divine help………and/or also to thank the team for the rain……….to show us THE STORM IS HERE………..and WE ARE THE STORM……….




True or not – it’s funny………


Hmmm….perhaps that was in relation to next tues……..




I had a thought earlier today – what if he’s Robert (he has the similar kind of blunt style truth telling) – and he can now refer to himself as T because he has been playing that role………….We’ll see………..

The “storm”………..


Another odd happening…………T in Florida today the 6th but his rumble channel shows the 5th at 5pm.  5:5…………





The Justice League, [Nov 6, 2022 at 7:32 PM]
President Donald J. Trump: “we’re going to end Crazy Nancy Pelosi’s political career once and for all.

How these people happened and how they’ve been able to do this to our country is a disgrace.”



Then we have a new 17 drop:


Nov 06, 2022 11:18:56 AM EST
What groups are financing Ukraine?
Why are they financing Ukraine?
Why was Hunter in Ukraine?
What did ‘Pop’ threaten to withold from Ukraine?
A billion dollars?
Who benefits?
What did ‘Pop’ receive in return? Why is Hunter not in jail?
lackmail? Bribes? Extortion? Threats?
How do you control a ‘leader’?
How do you control a country?
Are you ready to take back control?
Your vote matters.
You have all the tools you need.
Correcting “their” karma program “they” put here………






9.18.22 ~ Some good Finds & puzzle piecing






He just dropped this………..


Lasers………(this is how you broadcast a message to everyone – unimpeded)…..





#wwg1wga#TheGreatAwakening#Nothingcanstopwhatiscoming#GodWins 🍿🍊
no stars on the flag at Rally last night-flag hanging where DJT entered & exited)👀🔥



On 9-8-22, the day it was announced that QE2
dead at least 2-years,
had “officially” died
a double-rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace
& a single rainbow over Windsor Castle.

This evening in England, 9-18-22,
on the eve of QE2’s funeral
a rainbow appeared over Mainland London
& a double rainbow by the London Eye.

I see these rainbows as signs of rejoicing in CREATION.
A very very evil queen from a very very evil bloodline
has “officially” gone
& her son King Charles 3 is slated by QTeam to FAIL
thus heralding

🌈 Juan O Savin
When God gave the Rainbow
it was because there had been a cloud
or a dew pattern over the whole Earth..
& the Earth was watered by a mist
that came up morning & evening.
After the flood..
that’s when the Rainbow was brought in..
God made the promise not just to Mankind,
not just to Noah,
but to all living things
that he would never destroy the Earth by flood again 🕊️

This is one of THE BEST compilations/puzzle solving I’ve seen:

Does everyone remember the comms we got right after the Queens death?

A Week to Remember

Autists – we thank you.
Patriots – we thank you.
We came here for a reason.
Freedom of information.
No filters.
History books.
Be proud.

















Tomorrow Delta.


Excellent news. Good for you Sweden, the people have spoken & have had enough.


9-18-22 D.U.M.B.S and Underground War

10k DUMBS on Earth.
1,800 in USA
Lots of variables: People, children, weapons,
WMDs, Bio-plants, clone fabrications.


White hat Militaries do everything they can
to keep death rates as low as possible.

⚔❤️⚔WWG1WGA ⚔❤️⚔



Gene Decode
Depends on the age of the D.U.M.B.
The ones that are recent
with the particle beam boring system
where it bores as it falls
& it detonates a neutron bomb on the back
that’s timed because it falls at a constant rate
👉3km, 5km, 10km, 15km deep.

Q The Storm Rider
Taiwan has been the hub of human trafficking, sex trade
into China for 100s of years & recently
Organ harvesting networks.

TAIWAN is far from innocent.


9.17.22 Finds, etc……………



So ~ I listened to T’s speech today – kept having to mute it when he spoke about the crimes being committed on children.  Those speeches need to come with a warning – parental guidance necessary.  He spoke a fair amount about the death penalty for trafficker’s and quick trials – that was a first.  At one point when I was doing dishes, I wanted a synch w/him of some sort – and I thought it would be cool if he spoke of time travel.  Seconds later he mentioned “time”.  Not what I was looking for of course – but I thought “hmmm….interesting”.

So it’s movement.  Let’s flip this script and project us all (who are good) onto the NEW PERMANENT ORIGINAL TIMELINE.

I did notice I was feeling that energy I felt the day after T was elected in 2016.  I’ve spoken of that here – how it surprised me – mate and I both felt it – how I kept wondering where the feeling was coming from – but felt all day it was going to be our future (just didn’t know it would take over 6 f’ing years!!).  Anyway – that “feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel” was around today – I could feel it hovering around – just about ready to emerge again and this time stay with us.  Haven’t had that feeeeeeeeeeel – not like that – since that day some 6 years ago.  I am also feeeeeeeeeeeling the importance of KNOWING and then Seeing.  Instead of seeing is believing – which has more or less been who I am here – when I feel to KNOW is to see.  In this matrix – I totally get the “seeing is believing”.  It comes from disappointment(s) on repeat and limited ability to truly create what we want/need/desire.  But at our Origins – who we are outside of prison/control – are Beings of Knowing.  And in that Knowing we SEE.

So I’m gonna continue to KNOW and put focus on that – and less on doubt.

Here’s what I’m seeing.

Love to you all ~




JB arrives………


Now that’s a COMM…………




There really might be something to this……………lol i read this one to my mate and he says “whoa i was on the fence now i fell off” – and me says “stay on the dang fence unless you jumped into the new timeline of freedom – then we’ll jump with you!”  







This also felt like a COMM when we heard it………..who really are the (ORIGINAL) Giants?  As I began to wake up/awaken, I began to feel “shrunken”………They did put that movie in our face ~ Honey I Shrunk The Kids………..


DJT: 🇺🇸 🦅”They have no idea of the sleeping giant [they] have awoken” 🔥



Another COMM:

Cowboy W2b @cowboyw2b

Hmm…This morning Elon tweeted, “to help mend the fault in our stars.”
12 hours later, Trump wraps up a rally and the flag has no stars.















Dr. Harvey Risch: Biggest Lie of last 29 Months of COVID Pandemic Was Hydroxychloroquine – Hundreds of Thousands Died as a Result (VIDEO)


Lawmakers: During COVID Distance Learning ‘Disaster’, Leftists Blew Emergency Money on School Wokeness












Ok this one has me………..



#gemini #tarot #intuitivereading

Gemini – You’ve gotta be there.











I am a proud affiliate with DISME COINS ~ a truly PATRIOTIC/AMERICA FIRST company where all products are made on-site in South Carolina.  Their coins are original, affordable and their customer service is outstanding.  I highly recommend them!  CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND PLACE YOUR ORDER.  

A check-in/personal share………….The Markets ~ and The Schumann


Woke up hearing this………..not just hearing but FEELING a wonderful energy of celebration…………”It’s time to celebrate and have a good time” – the primary message………..


Then see these on twatter………..




And then on anonup:

From Q) The Storm Rider


In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

“Can You Feel It Patriots/ Hes The Lily Of The Valley💮”



Military been saying hello all night via my posts

They all have this green meme



👑 QE2’s faux-funeral cuz the coffin is empty…

34 people ALREADY arrested
10k Officers
Drones watching the crowds…

What kind of crowd reaction are they expecting?! 😼






I follow no one ~ just read and look for puzzle pieces………..Moving on to the schumann……….

Schumann is now back and updated………..so yesterday’s image was correct and I don’t know why it was removed……. (myself and others were having the same experience)………..And what about the intel that said the alliance shut it down………why is it back up then?  Anyone else care to ask the same question?



Markets.  Mostly in the red.  Getting closer to the “sacred number”?  And…..17% you say?

MASSIVE! FedEx Shares Plunge by 17% After Hours – Company Says It’s Going to Get Worse (War Room Video)





A few finds ~ 8.29.22


As of 8/27 Uranus is in and Mars is off its pole, in the tunnel….






Interesting………….sometimes you have to show the people………..shut it all down…………



Anyone else thinking east and west gates?







been feeeeeeeeeeeeling/sensing 9.3 off and on the past few weeks………..




Simulation………An excellent find……….





Today’s markets ~ US and Europe all red – Asia 50/50.


China, India, Syria and others to link up with Russia next month for sweeping war games



‘2nd Snowden’ to face espionage charges over 50TB of ‘stolen data’ — RT USA News

The US Department of Justice may charge a former NSA contractor with espionage after discovering top secret documents and enough highly sensitive data to fill 10,000 DVDs at his home in Maryland.


You’ve Heard of The “#TrumpCurse, Well Now There’s a “Kamala Curse” And It Just Struck NASA

You’ve heard of the “Trump Curse” right? It’s a curse that befalls people who try to take down Trump. Legend says those people will ultimately fail and get


Schumann’s doing a little bit – not as strong as yesterday or previous days – but it’s still there at the same time:

A couple of more goodies……….



He said it ~ a first…….




A gematria:  SPACE FORCE

Who Is Q

Buckle Up


Neo The One

Star Seed

A Change is Coming


Today’s Excellent Finds………..1.27.22


We know if this was about health, they would not be firing docs, nurses, etc.

We know if this was about health, they would be handing out organic produce and supplements to assist the immune system.

We know if this was about health, we wouldn’t be living under these archaic technologies (oil, gas, coal).

We know if this was about health, we would have PURE drinking water.

We know if this was about health, they would have stopped those toxic-laden chemicals being sprayed on us for decades.

We know if this was about health, there’d be no war and no pay-to-live b.s.

We know if this was about health, they would have released ALL cures.

We know if this was about health, EVERYONE would have EQUAL access to TRUE healing – regardless of income (which of course only comes into play when it fits “their” current twisted narrative).

The jig is up.  WE ARE AWAKE.

Here’s what I’m seeing…………..





Luring in the vulnerable with $$…………”These people are sick.”  Project V’s latest:

Video Reveals Disadvantaged Populations Taking Excessive Vaccines for Tax Funded Gift Card Incentive



They all gotta go:



Zuby on GB news discussing censorship based on “misinformation and disinformation”: “If you’re going to take down everyone who’s spread misinformation you need to take down CNN, BBC news..every journalist, every scientist..fauci…. 🔥






17’s 94:
Nov 05, 2017 2:14:12 AM EST
Nov 05, 2017 2:09:14 AM EST

Anonymous ID: GwO0QESl No. 148032489 

>>148032352 if she’s not, I think they’re gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?
Review my other threads.
This is why complete graphics are so important.
BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.
HRC is not currently in SA.
Bill wants a deal.
Playing the former President card.
Watch the cookie quickly crumble.
Where does Soros fit in?
Godfather III
And Water’s intel-laden video……….


N.J. Restaurant Wishes No One Saw What They Wrote On Cop’s Receipt- You Will LOVE What Happens Next




Itajaí, Brazil Citywide Prevention Program using Ivermectin Significantly Reduced COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Mortality Rate


WHOOPS: Government Contractor Spills The Beans as to Why Biden is Hiding Illegal Immigrant Flights in The Dead Of Night: “If This Gets Out, the Government is BETRAYING The American People”


To Combat Biden’s Massive Inflation, the Fed Announces It Will Reluctantly Increase Rates, Something Extremely Rare Under Democrat Administrations — You Won’t Believe the Numbers!









So the truckers come out against the mandates and Trudeau – and suddenly he has to go into isolation……..





So I’m thinking about this SpaceX Sat crashing into the moon on 3/4………..and the phrase “ring the bell”…………I entered “BELL” into the search bar on the 17 site – and this one I found interesting (notice the missing “e” in societies – typos matter……..any thoughts/insights??)….I’m wondering if what’s on that dark side – knock out the base that holds the frequency that keeps us anchored here (like a tether)……….I just got that…….the WWG1WGA has long felt to me that we ALL GET OUT (no east west) – and based on who we are determines where we all end up – which is based on FREEDOM OF CHOICE given where we are at the time…….


Feb 10, 2018 3:33:29 AM EST
!UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde No. 324395 
“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT.
We will forever remember your sacrifice.
May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the BELL of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.”
Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK – Secret Socities.
Where we go one, we go all. Q