New Executive Order: Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources ….and a Video from one of the Military Personnal aboard The Comfort


this is a HUGE E/O…..all that has been hidden – the tech – plus the secret space programs and the human trafficking that went on off-world….thank you President Trump for being one of the many who are restoring, liberating, exposing and healing….

the video is a beautiful message and has a deeper meaning….9/11 truth – human trafficking – “you don’t have to be afraid anymore”.  their reign of terror is over.

Section 1. Policy. Space Policy Directive-1 of December 11, 2017 (Reinvigorating America’s Human Space Exploration Program), provides that commercial partners will participate in an “innovative and sustainable program” headed by the United States to “lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, followed by human missions to Mars and other destinations.” Successful long-term exploration and scientific discovery of the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies will require partnership with commercial entities to recover and use resources, including water and certain minerals, in outer space.

Uncertainty regarding the right to recover and use space resources, including the extension of the right to commercial recovery and use of lunar resources, however, has discouraged some commercial entities from participating in this enterprise. Questions as to whether the 1979 Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the “Moon Agreement”) establishes the legal framework for nation states concerning the recovery and use of space resources have deepened this uncertainty, particularly because the United States has neither signed nor ratified the Moon Agreement. In fact, only 18 countries have ratified the Moon Agreement, including just 17 of the 95 Member States of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Moreover, differences between the Moon Agreement and the 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies — which the United States and 108 other countries have joined — also contribute to uncertainty regarding the right to recover and use space resources.

Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space, consistent with applicable law. Outer space is a legally and physically unique domain of human activity, and the United States does not view it as a global commons. Accordingly, it shall be the policy of the United States to encourage international support for the public and private recovery and use of resources in outer space, consistent with applicable law.

Sec. 2. The Moon Agreement. The United States is not a party to the Moon Agreement. Further, the United States does not consider the Moon Agreement to be an effective or necessary instrument to guide nation states regarding the promotion of commercial participation in the long-term exploration, scientific discovery, and use of the Moon, Mars, or other celestial bodies. Accordingly, the Secretary of State shall object to any attempt by any other state or international organization to treat the Moon Agreement as reflecting or otherwise expressing customary international law.

Sec. 3. Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources. The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Transportation, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the head of any other executive department or agency the Secretary of State determines to be appropriate, shall take all appropriate actions to encourage international support for the public and private recovery and use of resources in outer space, consistent with the policy set forth in section 1 of this order. In carrying out this section, the Secretary of State shall seek to negotiate joint statements and bilateral and multilateral arrangements with foreign states regarding safe and sustainable operations for the public and private recovery and use of space resources.

Sec. 4. Report on Efforts to Encourage International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources. No later than 180 days after the date of this order, the Secretary of State shall report to the President, through the Chair of the National Space Council and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, regarding activities carried out under section 3 of this order.

Sec. 5. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.


April 6, 2020.


The Art of Trump


thank you sister Deborah for passing this one along…months after he was elected, i wanted to understand the man so i bought The Art Of War.  i’ve told many people if they really want to get a grasp as to who Trump is and how he operates – buy this book.  it is one of his favorites and is a short but detailed read.  it still sits on the table next to my work station.  i now know why this election year will be a “landslide” as Q states:  as this is wrapped up and ALL comes out for ALL to see – who wouldn’t vote for The Boss?


17.5K subscribers

LONGEST BRIEFING YET: President Trump & WH Task Force FULL Thurs briefing


good news for small businesses, unemployed americans and the middle and lower incomes…this plan is brilliant….so many of these empty stadiums are being used to not only provide healing and shelter (COMFORT AND MERCY) for the victims of trafficking….i hope other countries are following suit…

it is my feel that those who engaged in trafficking – at whatever – have either already been arrested or have been tagged and are being controlled/monitored….logically speaking this has to be the case to ensure they do not have any chance to start up their sick practice(s) again.  NEVER AGAIN.


928K subscribers

Deconstructing The Construct Ep #72


thank you to sister d for letting me know about this one.  youtube continues to not let me see notifications, like comments or videos or make comments.  this is a very accurate, timely video – one i needed to see as well.  it reminds me to stay in my heart.  to embrace what i KNOW – and that is “they” will be at their agenda of fear and doom until the end….we have already “won” this battle on the outside – it is just playing out here….this virus is being used for many reasons.  the media are not showing the children and adults being rescued – and they won’t.  that is up to us to step up and share that (if you feel called/guided).  there is a reason we are all at home now (well most everyone is – at the very least we are all CLOSE to home when not at work)….the one event dream i had one of the impressions i had was “well at least everyone is at home for this”….i still don’t know exactly how this plays out – i continue to feel it will be like a frequency change – tuning a dial on a radio – something energetic comes in – perhaps it is Home Energy FINALLY allowed in as a result of all of the grids, etc. being removed here – those energy layers placed around us…..i just know when i saw it – everyone was affected….the experiences varied – most were either stunned or blissful….i felt neutral – peaceful – and just observed….anyway the point of lisa’s video – don’t feed their fear.  you are NOT seeing what you KNOW and FEEL to be true being pushed by media outlets.  now is the time to seeeeeeeeeee everything and everyone for who they really are.  it is one thing to feel afraid – share that – but then later reflect and return to center.  shoot i do that quite often.  but it is another to continue to push a theory of fear and doom. that is what they want.  those of us who have seen home – seen the event – some going back decades – we KNOW how this ends.  we KNOW this all ends and a new experience is born.  does that happen in a flash or does it take “time” – my feeling is we have already created that new world – so at least what i have felt for me – it happens in a flash (from there to here)….but for now we are seeing it all play out in the experience of “time”.  we got this.

love, victoria



15.4K subscribers

Q is Rescuing the Children! (re-upload)


this is a FANTASTIC video…..difficult….please share with everyone you know…this “virus” (SCARE EVENT necessary?) is being used for many “rescues”….(perhaps it is Comey will be the one to publicly share for the normies to awaken – i put his tweet below which is definitely a comm)…i have been feeling nauseous the last 2 days off and on – which is a very unusual experience…must be the collective of those rescuing these people – esp. the children….so much healing that will be needed. ♥  (i continue to feel we won’t be having 24/7 internet outage for 10 days – here is what yellow rose for texas had to say about that earlier this evening:

Working on an update atm, but no its not literally darkness as far as I know. There were no plans to stop internet, so therefore electric must be working. As far as I know, IE necessary for broadcast purposes since many don’t have TV’s or radios these days.*edit: dark 10 days, I mean. In some places we’ve seen power cut for hours while they hunt these underground places, but not for 10 days and nationwide.
one last tidbit – Trump had on a purple tie today at the CV Press Conference. rarely does he wear purple.  from my research, purple = surrender.  he isn’t surrendering of course – they are surrendering to The Plan Doers….


4.64K subscribers


An excellent thread if you want insight as to The Plan – and how far back this goes


This is over 170 individual threads so hopefully most of you are on Twitter (as I won’t be posting each thread).  It is a very interesting read.  Thank you to Sister D for the pass along…

Free Energy knocking on our door?


thanks to Sister D for passing this one along…..Y E S!!  i didn’t listen to all of Trump’s talk today – but i did see where he had said the word “generators” instead of “ventilators” twice – an obvious comm.  see below for what sounds like a highly plausible scenario…i feeeeeeeeeeeeel it!  ….he also spoke of plasma energy for healing….it’s coming friends….


Some gematria on a Trump tweet from earlier today: “loaded to the gills”


i saw this one and immediately thought to put it into the gematria calculator.  i share the most interesting results below the tweet.


The obscene ones

Cruel ones

THE ART OF THE DEAL (one of Trump’s books – in which he is employing the tactics w/in the book to put this all into motion)









HOLY DOUBLE EIGHT  (the number 88 was going around the chatter last night in reference to Trump and the plan)




Indeed.  The comeback for ALL OF US – everywhere.





Q ~ 3/28/2020


WE ARE THE VALUE!!  (note the image of the flag – time stamp:  12:22 (big number with me))….the number 3. below is blank too….hmmm…








The entire world is watching.
Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.
We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.
Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord – “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”
For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.
We became divided.
We became weak.
We elected TRAITORS to govern us.
We allowed EVIL to prey on us.
Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.
The evil and corruption only grew.
This is more than party politics.
This is about restoring OLD GLORY.
This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.
This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.
This is about preserving our SAFETY.
This is about restoring our STRENGTH.
This is about PROTECTING our children.
We are all God’s children.
We are, FATHERS.
We are, MOTHERS.
We are, SONS.
We are, SISTERS.
We do not look at race.
We do not look at skin color.
We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.



>Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).
>Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).
>Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).
>Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).
>Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).
Those who attack you.
Those who mock you.
Those who cull you.
Those who control you.
Those who label you.
Do they represent you?
Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?
Mental Enslavement.
The Great Awakening (‘Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
“Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.
The choice is yours, and yours alone.
Trust and put faith in yourself.
You are not alone and you are not in the minority.
Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.
A person(s) value:
1. vote
2. monetary value (tax contribution)
Why is ‘free thought’ ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the ‘mainstream-narrative’?
[2] remains fixed (degree allowable by ‘economic recession/expansion’)
[1] remains a variable
[1] dependent on a ‘controlled’ system of information dissemination
What happens when 90% of the media is controlled/owned by (6) corporations?
What happens when those same corporations are operated and controlled by a political ideology?
What happens when the news is no longer free from bias?
What happens when the news is no longer reliable and independent?
What happens when the news is no longer trustworthy?
What happens when the news simply becomes an extension/arm of a political party?
Fact becomes fiction?
Fiction becomes fact?
When does news become propaganda?
Identity creation?
How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?
Majority of people more prone to believe someone in power sitting behind a big brand ‘news’ name?
Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?
‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion].
[If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]
Why do ‘mainstream’ media heads, within different orgs, always use the same keywords and/or catch phrases?
Coordinated? By who? Outside entity providing instructions?
Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources?
Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed?
Threat to intellectual freedom?
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Read again – digest.
Would control over[of] these institutions/organizations allow for the mass control of a populations viewpoint re: a desired topic?
Logical thinking.
Why, after the election of 2016, did [D]’s and media corps jumpstart a [coordinated & planned] divisive blitz intended to create falsehoods re: illegitimacy of election, character assassination of POTUS through sexism, racism, every other ‘ism’?
Pre/post 2016 election?
Why were violent [masked] terror orgs such as Antifa immediately created/funded?
Why were these orgs tasked w/ immediate intimidation/shut down of any pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized to counter and silence pro-POTUS rally[s] and/or events?
Why were marches immediately organized which divided people into sex/gender, race, [ism]?
When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.
Control of the narrative = power
When you are blind, what do you see?
They want you divided.
Divided by religion.
Divided by sex.
Divided by political affiliation.
Divided by class.
When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].
Divided you are weak.
Divided you pose no threat to their control.
When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep].
When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.
“Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.