dang – just what i was reflecting on earlier…watching a movie….scripted….
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dang – just what i was reflecting on earlier…watching a movie….scripted….
22.6K subscribers
editor victoria’s comment ~ the 911 refers to the 2 posts being 9 months and 11 days apart. this really is a scripted movie…
I love #QANON
Q3604 shows treasonous step 4 that Dems are using against Trump. Q post says [2.11.19]. A search that day shows Q2693 is about all 4 steps.
Just so you know Q is in charge, these 2 posts are exactly 911 apart. And both are at 4:44PM.
Q3606 There is no step 5. pic.twitter.com/WaRFJikvmW
— 🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 (@3Days3Nights) November 20, 2019
“There is no STEP FIVE. -END-” Can ya hear the crowd of truther’s cheering on that one? Waited a long time to read those words haven’t we?
another reference to time travel………project looking glass and manhattan project…….
IG report running late because Durhams Grand Jury is going to Indite- it’s happening!#GreatAwakening https://t.co/m7WMut0Gvh pic.twitter.com/JDaSWn3LdM
— Karli Bonne’⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@kbq225) November 7, 2019
editor victoria’s comment ~ we know the phrase – “history repeats itself”. johnson/kennedy. pence/trump. this time – history will NOT be repeating itself. … and the mirror effect – as we now know jfk jr went to europe in 1999 to study the Codex (of leonardo da vinci – who studied mirror writing)….
By Talia Kaplan, Nick Kalman | Fox News
ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, considered a potential Abu Bakr al-Baghdadisuccessor, was also killed in Syria, a senior State Department official confirmed to Fox News on Monday.
Al-Muhajir was considered a “number two” to al-Baghdadi, and a potential successor, according to the official.
The senior State Department official said Al-Muhajir was killed in Aleppo province in a separate attack by U.S. forces.
“The Department of Justice will not stand for exploitation of our nation’s children. Let today’s announcement send a message: if you are involved in crimes of this nature, we are coming for you.”—Deputy AAG Downing
— Justice Department (@TheJusticeDept) October 16, 2019
After a full week of exposing CNN, there is big news to share with you…
President Donald Trump and his legal team have threatened to sue CNN for violating the Lanham Act.
“This firm is litigation counsel for President Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. We write concerning your biased reporting practices relating to our clients. The terms “you” and “your” in this letter shall collectively refer to CNN Broadcasting, Inc., CNN Productions, Inc., CNN Interactive Group, Inc., the website located at CNN.com, and all broadcast television stations owned, operated or affiliated with the foregoing.”
“Your actions are in violation of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq.), among other applicable laws, by constituting misrepresentations to the public, to your advertisers, and others. Accordingly, my clients intend to file legal action against you, to seek compensatory damages, treble damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, reimbursement of legal costs, and all other available legal and equitable remedies, to the maximum extent permitted by law.”
This is truly unprecedented for Project Veritas. Due to the courageous actions of CNN insider Cary Poarch, the President’s legal team has found enough evidence for a lawsuit against Jeff Zucker and CNN.
In the letter sent to Jeff Zucker, President Trump’s counsel linked to Project Veritas’ Part 1 video showing CNN’s bias towards the President.
“Recently released video footage of individuals alleged to be your employees (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=m7XZmugtLv4) (the “Footage”) indicates that your reporting relating to President Trump is contrary to your own mission and the aforementioned Code of Ethics. Your own employees appear to state that CNN is focused on trying to “take down President Trump,” driven by a “personal vendetta” that Mr. Zucker purportedly has against him, rather than reporting the news in an objective manner. In the Footage, your employees appear to state that CNN attempts to make its reporting appear neutral and unbiased, when in fact its reporting is far from neutral and highly biased against the President.”
In the same letter, there are quotes from CNN insider Cary Poarch, CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville, and CNN Media Coordinator Christian Sierra!
This is the time to get a response from CNN, Time Warner, and AT&T executives!
Below are some emails from these top executives, will you write them right now?
Erin McGrath
Director, Corporate Communications, AT&T Inc.
Keith Cocozza
Executive Vice President, Corporate Marketing and Communications, Warner Media
Randall Stephenson
CEO and Chairman, AT&T Inc.
William A. Blase, Jr.
Senior Executive Vice President – Human Resources, AT&T Inc.
James Cicconi
Interim Senior Executive Vice President – External and Legislative Affairs, AT&T Inc.
David S. Huntley
Senior Executive Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, AT&T Inc.
John Stankey
CEO, Warner Media
Jeff Zucker
President, CNN
Be Brave,
Project Veritas Team