editor victoria’s comment ~ thank you to sister D for telling me about this one! ย i know this goes against what other channels say – but i as well have NEVER felt right deep within about Pence. ย i think – i feel – kelli is on to something here. ย body language doesn’t lie. ย and why bring in Pence w/Schiff – other than to drop a revelation. ย everything is scripted. ย also feeling more of who is deep state controlled ops – and there are a lot of channels out there – which i continue to just drop.

speaking of feelings – how are all of you doing today? ย i can – lol – i just typed bardly – a new word – combo of hardly and barely. ย i can bardly function today. ย soooooooooooo sleepy. ย grateful i did my errands yesterday. ok so apparently this is turning into a daily notes/reflection piece as well. ย i had a reflection on the concept of “time” – how the happenings outside of this realm take time to show up here. ย i feel that is due to that construct/program we call time. ย something happens – we feeeeeeeeeeeel it (source knowing) – and wait – and wait – and wait until we experience it. totally explains why our innate gift of “instant manifestation” has been a huge challenge. ย we are seeing it more though – albeit it slowly. ย i just had an image – of water – dripping in (water being original codes/frequencies). ย imagine if we were all inundated w/one massive flood of water. ย many would “drown”. ย  ย love, v.


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President Trump: “Relish the opportunity to be an Outsider”


Beautiful – inspirational words! ย it IS the outsider’s who make the difference – who change the world. ย from one outsider – to the rest of you “outsider’s” – we ARE the change. ย keep going – one and all. ย 

President Trump and the Plan ~ Freeing the world – one nation at a time


SB2 ~ Trumpโ€™s Big Victories at the G7 – Part 3: The Power of Melaniaโ€™s Wardrobe.



Do you like fashion and beauty?

If you do, youโ€™re in for a treat!

I had the opportunity in previous articles to mention how the First Lady made her clothing choices through the combination of beauty and powerful symbolism. In thisย article, I walked you though the coded messages hidden in Melaniaโ€™s Hermes Birkin bag when she and POTUS visited 10 Downing Street on June 4 2019. I told you how it was connected to her Ralph Lauren โ€œSmooth Criminalโ€ look in Giza or her Celine shirtdress when landing in Ghana and gave you the real meaning of the pith helmet she wore in Kenya and about which she was criticized by the low IQ Fake News.

Today, we will go further.

In part 2, I told you how POTUS freed France from the Cabal during his first meeting with President Macron. After this exchange, those who follow French politics have seen Macron’s surprising and spectacular 180 on the retirement age and this is only the beginning of a long list of positive changes. If something that explosive could have happened a few minutes before the Maestro started his G7 meetings, can you imagine the magnitude of what happened during the G7 and when it ended?

I showed you inย this imageย the significance of Macron wearing the Awake Watch, his water being on the floor and how it connects to WATCH the water in Q847. Did you take it further? Do you remember the Trump/Pence โ€œwater episodeโ€ in June 6 2018 when POTUS and FLOTUS held a meeting at the FEMA NRCC? Watch how the Fake News reported it:ย video.

As you can see, with Macronโ€™s confirmation, the water-under-the-table episode has aโ€ฆ rippling effect.

Did you notice Melaniaโ€™s pick was a Celine trench Coat? Where else did she wear it? Yes, when visiting 10 Downing Street on June 4 2019. Look:ย Img1

If you notice her belt went from light brown to black and know some martial arts, you will see this change symbolizes progression, advancement or increased power as mentioned in the decode about the Maestroโ€™s victory in the UK and its connection to Melaniaโ€™s Birkin bag:ย Img2

Now that we have made this amazing discovery, what do we do? We build a timeline starting with the FEMA meeting on June 6 2018 and passing through the 10 Downing Street visit on June 4 2019. By doing so, The Plan manifests in all its glory and displays markers of military precision in POTUSโ€™ fight for freedom:ย Img3

And when all these markers were secured on his political timeline, the Maestro went back to FEMA on Sept 1 2019 to give an update while VP Pence was representing him in Poland. Do you know why? What if I told you this was a planned โ€œchoreographyโ€ to provide the confirmation that the Storm has arrived and that we should trust the Plan? Look:ย Img4

With this example of the power of Melaniaโ€™s wardrobe, we can now fly to Biarritz and try to decode all the messages she sent us and how they are related to major world events. From her departure from DC in Aug 23 2019 to her return on Aug 26 2019, she made 7 fashion picks to send 7 messages:ย Img5

Letโ€™s start with outfit 2. POTUS and FLOTUS have just landed in France. Did you make the connection between Melaniaโ€™s yellow dress and the Yellow Vests? I gave you a hint in part 2 when I said: โ€œSince then, it (the Yellow Vest movement) blew up the French deficit and, like a termite, has begun to gnaw at the French economyโ€. The keyword was โ€œtermiteโ€. Are you familiar with the Purple Termite flower? Here is the solution:ย Img6

Then, when Macron received his cold shower from POTUS, FLOTUS chose a beige Gucci dress with a front belt chain. She tweeted about Francesโ€™s coming changes and coded in the image sizes messages confirming it was freed from the Cabal:ย Img7

After this conquest and the announcement of the house cleaning process, Melania walked with us in the streets of Espelette and tweeted 4 images to let us know that the final stage of this process is to bring God and Family back to center stage:ย Img8

She later confirms her thinking with her next tweet in which she reports on her interaction with the French youth. This time, because of the exclusive spiritual connotation of the message, she chose to use the Jewish gematria system:ย Img9

The next day, FLOTUS tweeted a 51 second long video summarizing her activities during the G7 and coded that in addition to the fight to protect the youth we went through earlier, another one, more subtle, also needed to be fought. Letโ€™s see if you can spot it. Read the tweet and watch the video:ย link

Did you catch it?

FLOTUS gave us a hint at 28โ€™ where the video shows an open door to a garden. That was the door you needed to take to solve her riddle. Look:ย Img10

You know why she turned her head away right? She was showing lack of interest just like the Maestro did when Macron was talking at their first meeting:ย until 2:42

Now we need to go to the 26โ€™ mark in the video. We see performers dancing a jig. Value for JIG? Yes: 26. Coincidence? Then, we notice 26=7+9+10 and if we go to the 7โ€™, 9โ€™ and 10โ€™ marks of the video, we see the Rock of the Virgin is invariably shown. Look:ย Img11

As you can see, itโ€™s time to investigate this iconic Biarritz landmark. From thisย article, we gather the historic data and using other picture angles, we can decode Melaniaโ€™s message:ย Img12

We can now analyze the tweet further and decode the capital letters and the video length:ย Img13

Now is the time to decode the red Alexander McQueen dress Melania dressed for the G7 eveningโ€™s festivities on August 25th 2019.

For this, we need to analyze the context and recap. We are at the evening of the second day of the G7 and the trade war with China has reached a tension threshold never before reached as illustrated here:ย video.

And while China is stuck with these new tariffs and has to deal with the Termite play in its Hong Kong variation as seen inย Img3, the Maestro scores string of diplomatic successes for example here in trade with his friend Abe from Japan:ย until 1:35, or here with is friend Boris Johnson strategizing for BREXIT and a historic trade deal:ย videoย or here with Canada with a defeated Trudeau made to sit by the US flag:ย videoย and the list goes on.

As to France, as said earlier, the termite message was sent and received through Calvin Klein, Macron was defeated though Gucci and the next day Melania walked in the streets of Espelette in Calvin Klein with her spoils of war in a Hermes bag much bigger than the Chanel bag she was last seen with when taking off. Do you see the pattern? She alternated Calvin Klein with other designers. These messages were perfectly read by the Cabal which, after realizing that they had just lost France and that the world was willingly or unwillingly uniting around the Maestro, had to spend the night decoding Melaniaโ€™s beautiful red Alexander McQueenโ€™s dress before things get really ugly!

Do you see it? Melania set the early alternation on Calvin Klein to send the message to the Cabal that after her Alexander McQueen dress, chances were very high that she would wear Calvin Klein the next day. The Cabal had to simulate that possibility and analyze what it meant.

If youโ€™ve identified this Calvin Klein alternation and run the simulation, you get the following explosive message:ย Img14

As you can see, as the world was falling apart in front of their very eyes, China received from FLOTUS a very simple question: โ€œdo you want things to escalate? If yes, Iโ€™m Calvin Klein-readyโ€.

Well, that very night after the Biarritz festivities, China called and officially stated that they hoped for a โ€˜calmโ€™ resolution to the tariff war. The Maestro tweeted about it and it made the headlines of those who report the news:ย Img15

Then, when asked about Chinaโ€™s new stance and their use of the word CALM, here is the Maestroโ€™s response:ย until 12:30.

Do you know why the Maestro liked the use of the word โ€˜CALMโ€™ and why he and China emphasized it? Because it made FLOTUS change her initial Calvin Klein choice to Alaia. Read very carefully:ย Img16

Now, I have a question for you:

Are you tired of winning yet?!

We can now gather Melaniaโ€™s 7 outfits with their corresponding decodes in a synthetic image. Enjoy:ย Img17

Will Flotus confirm anything on Hannity tonight?

Q2618 Only her beauty and love of country. Q

DOJ Inspector General Expected To Conclude Carter Page FISA Warrants Illegally Obtained: Jim Jordan


Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will likely find that all four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants against 2016 Trump campaign aide Carter Page wereย obtained illegally, according to Rep. Jim Jordanย (R-OH),ย ย top Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

I think he will,” said Jordan during an discussion withย Fox News‘s Sean Hannity and Gregg Jarrettย Monday night.


Excellent thread on twitter about DORIAN


as many of us felt – this was literally a weather war (tug o war as i called it)……




hmmm….a very interesting thread…….


Pentagon conducts 1st test of previously banned missile


thanks to brother rick for giving me the heads up on this one….seems to be the missile launch was a d/s threat against the white hats to stay clear of the island – which appears to be a hub for chemtrail activity due to an alleged blockade around the island (by the white hats). ย this is how i am interpreting this info….

first the intel then the article…

Carolee Merrillย shared aย link.

There is a battle going on between the White Hats in the military and the DS. Here is some intel from my insider friend:

“We’ve been negotiating with the San Nicolas Island Base Commander since we took out the China Lake Main Chemtrail Base but they jumped the gun today and launched without permission – with no Go Order:

From MSM Associated Press – the main worldwide DS mouthpiece. Very rare to get any news of any kind about San Nic Island, this was an “in your face” threat telling us they will retaliate if we attempt to “clean” the Base out there.

Guess they’re getting a little fidgety it being the 19th and all that…they’re flying some chemtrail Ops over SoCal but are running out of supplies and cannot be re-supplied as we have a blockade of the island active since July 4, 2019.


WASHINGTON (AP) โ€” The U.S. military has conducted a flight test of a type of missile banned for more than 30 years byย a treatyย that both the United States and Russia abandoned this month, the Pentagon said.

The test off the coast of California on Sunday marked the resumption of an arms competition that some analysts worry could increase U.S.-Russian tensions. The Trump administration has said it remains interested in useful arms control but questions Moscowโ€™s willingness to adhere to its treaty commitments.

The Pentagon said it tested a modified ground-launched version of a Navy Tomahawk cruise missile, which was launched from San Nicolas Island and accurately struck its target after flying more than 500 kilometers (310 miles). The missile was armed with a conventional, not nuclear, warhead.