Gay Republican group endorses Trump in reversal from 2016


So this kinda destroys the narrative that says “Trumps hates the gays/lesbian’s/trans communities.”  The dems just lost another chunk of their base.  As I keep telling those who follow the MSM outlets narrative – he really does serve at the interests of every one of us.


While the Log Cabin Republicans are a significant endorsement for Trump, LGBTQ voters are a reliable part of the Democratic base, according to exit polls.
By Gwen Aviles

The Log Cabin Republicans, the nation’s largest collective of LGBTQ conservatives, has officially endorsed the re-election of President Donald Trump — after its board of directors voted against endorsing him in 2016 — stating that Trump has advanced LGBTQ rights and helped the GOP move past “culture wars” during his tenure.

In a Washington Post Op-Ed published on Thursday evening, Robert Kabel, chairman of the group, and Jill Homan, its vice president, wrote that “for LGBTQ Republicans, watching the 2016 GOP convention before Donald Trump was like a dream fulfilled” and marked the beginning of Trump removing gay rights “as a wedge issue from the old Republican handbook” and “taking bold actions that benefit the LGBTQ community.”

The group, which announced new board leadership in March, cites Trump’s commitment to end HIV/AIDS in 10 years, which was met both was cautious optimism and flat-out skepticism, and his work with Richard Grenell, the openly gay U.S. ambassador to Germany, to encourage other nations to end the criminalization of homosexuality, as examples of his dedication to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.


Trump arrives in Pennsylvania ~ and look who is there to greet him…..”Vincent Fusca”


He’s just here, there, everywhere when it comes to Trump isn’t he?  It’s as though they are good friends.  Go to the 14 second mark….


Streamed live on Aug 13, 2019

SerialBrain2 ~ Mueller, The Mess, The Shambles, The Lamb And The Flood.



Two months ago, in this article, I told you that Mueller appearing before Congress was going to be a carnage.

Prophecy fulfilled.

Let’s enjoy how the Left’s own media describes the situation: tweet.

Now let’s watch Tucker Carlson’s excellent summary of this memorable butchery: video.

Did you catch the tipping point? You know that a witness is decimated when, as a result of his answers, his supporters sitting behind him show signs of frustration. That happened exactly at 4:47 during Congressman Collin’s merciless demonstration. Let’s watch again and follow the guy sitting on Mueller’s left: until 4:52.

This is typical of the Swamp. Mueller’s supporters were satisfied every time the Cabal designated puppet they had as a boss said: “I’ll leave it with the report”. Why? Because they wrote the report under the Cabal’s orders, knew Mueller had no clue about it and were hoping it would defend itself in front of Republican Congressmen who, unfortunately for them, happened to be smarter than they anticipated.

This is how DC has been operating for decades. All the debates you’ve been watching before Trump’s arrival were shows whose scripts were written by the Cabal and given to both sides of the aisles for them to recite and for us to cheer, naively thinking we were part of something. No wonder when these swamp creatures are asked to genuinely think and speak their mind, the varnish of their overrated careers or their manufactured heroism disappears and their mediocrity appears in all its glory. This is the true meaning of the following tweet and its deleted version: link.

Do you see it? The Maestro was saying neither the one they presented as the winner of the Kentucky Derby, nor the one they presented as the cheated deserved to win. The trick was to get you to pick a side and fall into their divide and conquer trap. When you accept to play the game and fail to detect you did not make a conscious choice to play, you are owned by the owner of the game. You become a pawn on his game board. When this reality is translated in the language of politics, the Maestro calls it “political correctness”.

Satan used this same trick to deceive Adam. He presented him the possibility of eating the forbidden fruit AFTER God presented it in the form of a self-reacting prohibition. Adam did not detect that by giving him a second instance of this choice to make, Satan usurped God’s prerogative of being the only one who can and should present a choice…

You now understand what the Maestro really means when he repeatedly asks: “how many bites of the apple do you get?”

Back to Mueller’s testimony.

You’ll find many other examples of Mueller’s debacle online. Since our great Gutfeld never disappoints, let’s also watch his summary: video.

Well done Gutfeld. He ends his deadly boxing combination with the uppercut about the democrats hoping to get Mueller to give his report new life in order to surf on the momentum and launch an impeachment process. Democrats are so bad at hiding their intent that you don’t even need to be a political genius to know where they are going. Jerry gave it up right here: until 5:14. Did you catch it? At 5:03, he says: “we have to present…” and immediately corrects it with: “let Mueller present those facts to the American People”. I told you in the same article I mentioned above that Nadler and Mueller started conspiring to get the impeachment ball rolling when the comms made it apparent that the Comey domino was about to fall. Mueller made his May 29 2019 statement to give a good impeachment surfing wave to Nadler who blew it and ended up drowning and losing his surfing board under the weight of the Maestro’s policy successes and devastating tweets.

Unfortunately for them, they did not admit defeat and decided to commit the irreparable error of going further and drag Mueller to a Congress hearing for which he had already expressed his lack of interest.

With this bold move, Dems lost everything and the Maestro made an epic tweet about it, let’s watch: tweet.

Did you catch the pronunciation “error” at 0:13 when talking about his longtime critic Laurence Tribe? He called him “SCRIBE”. How about at 0:9: “they are a MESS!”? Puzzle coming together? I’ll give you a last clue: at 0:23, he says: “you know it JOHN, and everybody else knows it”.

Let’s recap.

We have: SCRIBE, MESS, JOHN. When you make the connection SCRIBE=>SCRIPTURE, everything becomes crystal clear and you know you have to open the Bible to decode this tweet: Img1

The duration of the video is 0:29 and we notice A LAMB=29. Since the Maestro mentioned JOHN, we go to the 29th verse of John:

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the LAMB of God, who takes away the sin of the world! John 1:29


With this LAMB in JOHN 1:29, you now understand why he said: “Their party is in SHAMBLES right now”. According to the Merriam-Webster, the original meaning for shambles is meat market and slaughterhouse link and here is an article about the words’ history.

Do you see it? The Maestro is saying they plotted and tried to slaughter the LAMB but God returned their plot against them. Instead, He saved the Lamb and through the Lamb, took away the sin of the world!


I told you in this article about “Moses Trump” and how History cyclically presents the same realities with different colors for the reason that it nourishes itself with the archetypes revealed in Holy Books. I also told you that had Pharaoh sincerely let the Israelites go, he would have kept his kingdom but God hardened his heart to make him pursue Moses and lose everything. That’s the secret behind FISAGATE and the Mueller Report: had the Cabal and HRC sincerely let Trump govern as agreed the night of his election, they could have kept the little they still had and wait for another election cycle. Instead, God hardened their hearts and made them launch the Mueller probe so that they may lose what little they had left. Watch Nadler’s dismay and how the Maestro summarizes this reality after Mueller’s debacle in Congress: tweet

Do you now see the secret of the Lamb here? With Mueller’s appearance before Congress and Trump’s second exoneration forced on the Cabal, we went up on the Helicoid discussed in my previous article and reached the apprehension described in Matthew 17:22 before Mueller’s testimony:

When they came together in Galilee, he said to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.

Then, we experienced the relief described in John 1:29 after Mueller’s appearance:

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

Your understanding of all this will be complete when you see that John 1:29 is the higher “Helicoidal” repetition of the 19 verses of Genesis 22 where God tests Abraham and gives him a ram to sacrifice in place of his beloved son.

How do I know these 19 verses from Genesis 22 are the right verses sealing this whole Story? The Maestro told us right here, in Greenville, the Resurrection City, when addressing what he calls the “Issue of Everything”: until 44:28

You caught that random “19 of 22”? Now you know the explanation. By now, after all you’ve read from me, you know who he’s talking about when he says: “they are not human” and that these DOJ “charges” are about expelling them from our dimension through The Flood that was announced by The Storm.

You now understand that Trump is the Divinely Protected Sacrificed Lamb inserted into the Cabal’s Demonic Fake News and Judiciary Machine to ultimately destroy it and protect the People from being targeted, oppressed and crushed by their physical and metaphysical attacks. Jim Jordan summarized this perfectly when he tweeted this.

What if I told you all these secrets were coded in the tweet timestamp?

Img2 The timestamp 5:22 PM pulls Q1722 where MATTHEW appears on the bottom of the Lisa Page picture and confirms Matthew 17:22 studied earlier. The capital letters add up to 78 which pulls Genesis 7:8, which references the pairs entering Noah’s ark and is confirmed by the blurry image of the couple in Q1722.

Big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed that Q1722 elliptically pulls the 4 number sequence {18,19,20,21} and that when adding them together we hit 78, the capital letter count! Coincidence? No. If you notice that the Hebrew alphabet is made of 22 letters, 1722 represents Q22 or the truth revealed through the composition, the pairing, of the alphabet letters. Then, you have to notice that 78 is the value for RENEWAL. Do you see it? We are told that the 22 Letters that are the Building Blocks of the Word and the 4 elements that are the Building Blocks of Matter are now RENEWED and compositions can start again as initially intended by God, the Creator of All Things.

I have just shared with you the Secret of the Flood and how Resurrection Day is reached on the Helicoid.


Qanon ~ 7/27/19


i would say things heated up hugely this week…….declaring ANTIFA a terrorist group…..the corn – ripe for harvesting…..the russian narrative is finished so now is the time for criminal prosecution……how do you clean dirty money?  you “launder” it…..loretta fuddy – from what we have seen recently – she’s still alive – she pulled a junior….



Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.
[ 93 dk]


The President of the United States retweeted this graphic.
Pause, re-read above.
Pause, re-read above (again).
Nature is unpredictable.

Do you believe in coincidences?
How do you clean ‘dirty’ money?

#HATJ Response to Q Drop 3501


editor victoria’s comment ~ this latest from Heather struck out at me for this morning upon awakening, i went to the kitchen to wash some dishes. i was in a nice quiet space doing so.  i heard and felt deep within at the same moment that “now” was the time to claim my freedom.  in all ways – however that looked for me.  the first one that came to me (no surprise) was money.  unfettered access.  so….i paused and affirmed that then affirmed freedom at every level of my creation. i then reflected at what i had just experienced for i have stated my freedom numerous times over the past 2-3 years.  i have screamed it.  i have assertively called it forth.  pleaded. demanded.  commanded.  this time felt different.  it felt like some cosmic energy OF freedom was now ours.  i could feel that flow going through me – carrying me along with it – if i so desired it.  YES I DID.  later on i see this one and thought “hmmm….”  let it be so!  (oh and this alleged strike onSK by NK – deep state nonsense.  seriously – we can see behind this.  a strike by “NK” on the same day Mueller testifies?  really?!  lol)

heather is an amazing woman.  how she can find gratitude and love for all of these people doing horrible things – lying, stealing and more – is not on my radar.  at least not now.  if ever.  forgiveness yes.  but gratitude – just not aligning w/that.  but we are all who we are.


I sensed this Q drop was important so I sent it on to Heather.  I only send significant ones that seem to be a milestone or benchmark of where we are.  Here’s her reply:

RE: Q 7/25/19
Jul 26, 2019 at 10:06 AM
May 2017 ~ (paraphrasing):

K: “Trump makes them crazy…changing his mind every 30 minutes. He is uncontrollable. He is not predictable.”

H: “What position does China profess in this moment? Russia?”

K: “Heather, Russia has its plan. China has theirs.”

H: “And what positions do the others profess in this moment? UK? Switzerland? The rest?”

K: “They are taking the position of waiting to see how the respective plans of China and Russia fair before they decide whose position to side with. They will dovetail and assist where and when they believe it will benefit them.”

H: “I tell you now, they all successfully fail at their respective plans…and they know this in their heart…my heart breaks at the choices they now make, because it could have been done differently, however, I am grateful for them making a choice so that all moves forward for the best of All…and I will do all that I can do to make it as easy and graceful as possible for All.”

…So all the “set ups” Obama, et. al. of allllllllllllllllll rung players that were diligently made and laid were utilized to show those so-called “positions”… lower tiers were made visible for what they were, i.e. UK, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Italy, NK, Qatar, Saudi, et. al. all being so-called “lower tiers” that follow all “piper’s” tune… while Russia attempted to jump a few rungs closer to the Earthly “piper”, if not a jump to the top rung… while the Earthly piper, “China”, arrogantly pushed “‘Russia’, and everyone else, under the bus” using the historical playbook play (1920’s red scare) they used to implement and hide their secret trade deal with the US in the ’20’s through the ’30’s snagging all the US “human capital” and other Earthly resources…

I am completely grateful for all the being and doing, and with all my being, I am specifically and particularly grateful that this phase of “their” collective choice to collapse all of their systems is over… especially the old legal and financial systems… we have major, beautiful, and fantastical creations, already done, to introduce now!

My complete love, gratitude, heartitude and celebrations to All, by All, with All


Qanon ~ 7/25/19


Some Anon add the Punisher face to Pepe.
While it is certainly not meant to be ‘funny’, it sends a very important [intended] message.
“Cast of Characters” are known.
It’s all coming out soon!!!
Nunes to receive a special package from BARR?


Anons going to play the new ‘Save the Children from…….’ video game when released?
The cast of characters should be interesting.
ThanQ baker. Wouldn’t be here without you.
& we wouldn’t be here without all of you (Anons/Patriots).
God bless and thank you.

Qanon ~ 7/24/19

there is a LOT here….first one – no surprise……the most interesting (for me) is the DECLASS date drop – 12/31/2041…..22 years ahead of schedule (as posited by this ANON)….ok i had a theory – shared it – and deleted it.  i have no idea what this is.  i am going through the document that was declassified – (link here) – and have decided to let the ANONS figure it out….



Check the ‘DECLASS ON’ date anons:
Classified By: 2476680
Derived From: NSA/CSSM 1-52
Declassify On: 204112312041 Dec 31

This has been declassified 22 years earlier than it should have been. What does that tell you?

Archive and save.
Will become extremely important.
Signed by Clapper and Lynch shortly after POTUS was elected.


Late last bread
[Signature page]
DECLAS for specific reason (public).
Analyze carefully.
Relevant to future pending events.


Important to remember.
Public ‘Guide’ _ DECLAS










Important to remember.
Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?




Important to remember.
Correlation between FISA abuse [treason remove DE_POTUS] & Midyear investigation?
Worth remembering.


Worth remembering.


Worth remembering.

Qanon ~ 7/24/19


editor victoria’s comment ~ i saw POTUS’ tweet: “TRUTH IS A FORCE OF NATURE” – and knew there was something to that one.  a force outside of human control.  that is where we are.  this awakening is not just about us seeing the lies – but to seeing WHO we are and WHERE we are and HOW we got here.  ALL of the layers of this experience – being exposed – with the guiding Consciousness of Source and ALL Being’s who too are taking back their Freedom To Be…year of the boomerang – all that “they” cried wolf about – lied about – now comes back at them…..



Who are the REAL racists?
Projection does not work when WE, THE PEOPLE, are awake.
There are Puppets.
There are Puppet Masters.
Which is [MUELLER]?
Attempt to replace [JC] as FBI Dir FAILED [attempt to regain FBI control].
Plot & Plan [backup] to initiate SC to safeguard against criminal prosecution re: illegal and criminal actions?
[SC = loss of FBI command/control safeguard]
DOJ depends on what agency for investigating criminal actions?
[MUELLER] [Epstein bury & cover-up].
[MUELLER] [plot to remove duly elected POTUS].

The Man McMaster Couldn’t Fire Thirty-one-year-old Ezra Cohen-Watnick holds the intelligence portfolio on the National Security Council—but almost everything about him is a mystery.


an interesting find from over 2 years ago that may provide some necessary info for future happenings….i would say he’s one of those sleeper assets for the plan….


Just 24 days into his tenure as Donald Trump’s national-security adviser, Michael Flynn was forced to resign, having reportedly misled Vice President Mike Pence about his contacts with Russian officials. When Flynn departed, the men and women he’d appointed to the National Security Council grew nervous about their own jobs, and with good reason. The new national-security adviser, General H.R. McMaster, promptly began clearing out Flynn’s people, among them Dave Cattler, the deputy assistant to the president for regional affairs, Adam Lovinger, a strategic affairs analyst on loan from the Pentagon, and KT McFarland, Flynn’s deputy, who was eased out with the ambassadorship to Singapore. Even Steve Bannon, among the most powerful people in the White House, was removed from the meetings of the NSC Principal’s Committee, where he had been installed early on in the administration.

There was one person, however, who McMaster couldn’t get rid of: Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence programs. McMaster tried to remove him in March, but President Trump, at the urging of Bannon and Jared Kushner, told McMaster that Cohen-Watnick was staying, as first reported by Politico. According to a senior White House official, the two men had a sit-down meeting the following week in which McMaster acknowledged that he hadn’t been able to do what he wanted to do, and that they would keep things as they are and “see how they go for a while.” That was over four months ago. That Cohen-Watnick, 31 years old and largely unknown before entering the administration, has become unfireable reveals how important he has become to the Trump White House, where loyalty is prized.

The senior in Cohen-Watnick’s title reflects the importance of his job, if not the level of experience he brings to it. The senior director for intelligence programs on the NSC is a powerful position, designed to coordinate and liaise between the U.S. intelligence community and the White House.

“If the incumbent has an effective working relationship with the national-security adviser or even the president directly, the senior director for intelligence has an opportunity to exercise considerable influence on intelligence policy, covert actions, and sensitive collection operations,” said Stephen Slick, a former CIA official who held the position during the Bush administration.

The CIA has traditionally had control over who fills this position, and normally the job is staffed by a more experienced official. McMaster, assuming he’d be allowed to relieve or reassign Cohen-Watnick, had gone so far as to interview Cohen-Watnick’s potential replacement, Linda Weissgold, a veteran CIA officer.

Despite his prominent, and apparently quite secure, position in Trump’s NSC, little is known about Cohen-Watnick, who had spent much of his short career as a low-ranking official at the Defense Intelligence Agency. Information about him in publicly available sources is scarce. Few higher-ups from the DIA remember him. Only one picture of him can be found online, a snapshot unearthed by Al-Monitor’s Laura Rozen.

Unlike other White House officials who have become public figures in their own right, Cohen-Watnick never speaks for himself publicly, leaving others to fill the void. Yet he hardly comes into sharper focus when you talk to co-workers, friends, and former colleagues. Ask around about Ezra Cohen-Watnick, and people get defensive. Some profess not to know him, or ask why anyone would want to write about him. Others simply refuse to discuss him.

“I won’t talk to any journalist about Ezra,” said Michael Ledeen, a Flynn confidant who knows Cohen-Watnick well.

“Is it one of your hit pieces?” asked Bannon, who didn’t respond to a further request for comment.

Bannon and Ledeen may be wary of talking about Cohen-Watnick after his first, and thus far only, turn in the national spotlight. Washington got its first real look at Cohen-Watnick when he was identified as one of two White House sources who provided House Intelligence chairman Devin Nunes with evidence that former national security adviser Susan Rice requested the “unmasking” of the names of Trump associates in intelligence documents. In the intelligence world, incidental collection refers to intelligence agencies obtaining, in the course of monitoring foreigners, communications that either refer to or involve Americans, whose names are typically “masked” unless officials request that they be “unmasked.”