Qanon ~ 7/17/19 ~ UNBELIEVABLE synch (and proof of the tech they are using to see the future and put this plan into place precisely)


October 5, 2018 – a drop stated a picture of a baby would force the question “IS Q REAL?”  tonight – as i also linked here – a baby wearing a Q onsie was in the audience – prompting Potus to point out the little one and ask the parents to lift him/her up (don’t know if baby is male or female).  as i and others are saying – if this doesn’t prompt the question, what will?

hmmm…….ok so allegedly (certain) being’s from “home” cannot see how this plays out – but Q team can?  i think i am quite done with these outside entities who claim they can’t see what’s coming -can’t give dates, etc. (won’t is different for safety/security reasons – but can’t?).  hockey buzzer going off. NONSENSE! bye bye matrix supporting entities – you just got outed for who you really are.  


will do
Thank you, BO.
Please revert bread back to original form.
New structure eliminates / reduces ‘hive mind’ cataloging & expansion.
Why change a good thing?

Date today?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
For Anons/Patriots.

Qanon ~ 7/14/19


the image below is that of little saint james island which is owned by j. epstein….


FAKE NEWS attacks only validate the message (OLD GUARD threatened).
Think size & scope of continual MSM attack(s).
This is not another 4 year election….
“DRAIN THE SWAMP” does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC….

Qanon ~ 7/14/19


fresh off the press….epstein is being held in a federal lock up facility in manhattan………hmmm…..and nick rhodes from duran duran……don’t know who i can listen to anymore………all of us who have musical talent who were divinely protected by being kept out of that “industry”……..our time is coming up next to share our gifts with NO agendas – just shared in truth love and in divine purity……notice the “POWERful” reference (last night’s power outage)……….




Here she is with a Rothschild(L to R) Nat Rothschild, Nefer Suvio, Nick Rhodes and Ghislaine Maxwell attend the National Youth Orchestra of The United States of America Reception at the The Royal Albert Hall hosted by Ronald O. Perelman in London.

Coincidence those mentioned in the past are now coming into the LIGHT?
Think LdR.
Think Gloria V.
Think Epstein.
How do you eliminate a LIABILITY?
Where is EPSTEIN being held?
Do you believe in coincidences?
POWERful people connected?
Ghislaine Maxwell.
Follow the Family.
UK/US 1&2
Umbrella SURV (leapfrog [1-4] points of contact).
Open source.
Find [4]📁
[New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children]
These people are sick.
Hunters become the HUNTED.



July 14, 2019

United States prosecutors are encouraging anyone complicit in, or have information about billionaire and alleged child molester Jeffery Epstein’s conduct to come forward. The Department of Justice’s call targeted politicians, celebrities, socialites and anyone who may have witnessed or know of questionable behavior.

Mr. Epstein kept a notorious black book and private jet manifests that contained a long list of names who he either met or partied with. The list also contained names of alleged victims. Now, armed with warrants to search Mr. Epstein’s properties, the U.S. prosecutors sought to send a clear message: Provide information to us before we contact you.

“You would much rather be visiting the Department of Justice and engaging a conversation about what you saw rather than making the DOJ find you,” said Jacob Frenkel, a former federal prosecutor now at Dickinson-Wright, according to the Japan Times. “There’s a much greater potential for influencing the parameters of an interview and the scope of cooperation by going in voluntarily than becoming a compulsory guest” of the government, he said.


Dutchsinse on the area of “earthquake” activity in CALI: 60 x 60 x 60 miles


editor victoria’s comment ~ can we say satanic symbolism?  being blown up and away?  perhaps this one:

View image on Twitter

yeah – he just gave a huge piece to this puzzle and he isn’t even aware of the significance of that information.  he’s awesome with his work at determining earthquakes but he is NOT into “conspiracy” type stuff.  but he still, as i said, gave a huge confirmation to those of us who know this is not earthquake activity taking place.  go to the 9:45 mark to hear him confirm those numbers.

and please – i ask you – to share this one because i am growing a bit frustrated with those who are continuing to say this is earthquake activity when it is NOTHING natural and is being done with purpose to help liberate this realm of the filth that has infiltrated it for far too long.  


Published on Jul 7, 2019

Some interesting finds on the “earthquakes” in CALI


i am not linking all 24 images – just a select few.  he said these were taken from google maps.  


Angela Merkel ~ Program break-down?


Adam Foreman speculates:

look at Merkel dance the dance of death as reality kicks in full view of the world. Android/clone breaking down? I wonder if she now knows what’s coming. Also, absence of her normal silly hand gestures too….


SerialBrain2 ~ Trump’s Historic State Visit to the UK: Winning, Winning and Winning.


editor victoria’s comment ~ this is a very detailed history lesson.  i’m sure most of you are familiar with much of this – if not all perhaps.  you will want to look at the images he shares in the links.  very helpful.  and confirming for me in regards to melania (and trump) and the wardrobe they chose. classic trollers.  and brilliant in their use of symbolism to pass along message to us.

i have hesitated sharing an insight i had late one evening prior to drifting off to sleep.  i was thinking of a picture i had seen of trump and the queen during his visit.  they were sitting side by side – she was looking up at him – grinning – and had this light in her eyes i had not seen before in her.  she looked child-like. free, you could say.  nah, i first thought – gotta be photoshopped.  she’s an evil reptilian.  as princess diana said “not human”. then i was guided to look deeper. feel into it more.  (i have not been able to locate it again either – i saw it on twitter)…..and i then had an image of a picture that has stayed with me for years – a very early picture of the queen.  black and white photo.  she’s in her early 20’s (guessing).  she was – beautiful. and there was a light to her.  it was then that i had this flash of insight come through me:  she was compromised – by one of those dimensional archonic entities who have been at the top of the control pyramid here.  ok nothing new there, i thought.  then i felt she has been freed of that control.  trump knows how to do that (and remember he tweeted of removing criminals in ALL DIMENSIONS)….ok so that could explain the look in her eyes that i saw in that picture w/her and trump.

interesting.  is it true?  i don’t know.  plausible?  yeah.  will we know FOR SURE at some point?  absolutely.  for now – it remains a theory.



Are you tired of winning yet?

Are you enjoying the show?

Are you receiving the Maestro’s subtle messages from the Battlefield?

Did you see his latest Twtr page image illustrating DDay? Do you have eyes to see? Look: Img1

Did you see the BIG BIG BIG WIN Trump brought back from the UK?

He gave you hints in his June 6 interview with Laura Ingraham. Let’s see if you can decode the related tweet.

There are many clues but the most impressive one is coded in the video length: 137 sec. 137 is the value for ROYAL FAMILY but also for TWO AND A HALF MEN which the Maestro confirmed by saying: “Three and a half days” at 0:75. TWO AND A HALF MEN brings Charlie Sheen and BINGO! We enter WINNING LAND!

Hahaha! The Maestro is a Master Troller!

So he’s telling us he won something related to the UK Royal Family. What could it be?

To find out, we need to decode the first tweet of the day. Read very carefully: Img2

Shocked? You thought our Independence released us from the sovereignty of the British King? Think again. If you don’t know these things, get ready because it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Start by watching the following video very carefully: video.

You got that? Let’s recap and focus on the US, we’ll get back to the 3 City Empire later.

Since the 1606 First Virginia Charter, America has been under the authority of the British Crown. After our “Independence”, the Paris Treaty of 1783 was signed and the King of England kept his right to continue receiving payments for his business venture of colonizing America. In other words, we were his slaves. In 1810, the 13th Amendment (that later mysteriously disappeared) was ratified and stipulated US Presidents were subservient to the King of England. In other words the US President was his puppet. In 1871, Congress put the last nail in the coffin by passing the Act of 1871, which created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interests of American Citizens.

Forget everything you were taught in school. Welcome to La La Land.

Are you ready for this? Do you want to know what a US President really is and the REAL reason they are after Trump? Here, watch very carefully until 8:27.

Since the creation of the United States, we thought we were freely electing US Presidents when, in fact, they were pre-selected Esquires (or sub Knights) positioned by the British Crown! Let that sink in. Now you know where this drop really comes from:

Q1708 What if the UK gov worked hand-in-hand w/ the Hussein admin to sabotage the 2016 election?

You thought Hussein and the Witch were the first trying to rig our elections? The British Crown, the 3 City Empire and their puppets have been playing with us since 1606. We stopped the game when we elected Trump and this is why, through their Fake News, you are witnessing their heretical meltdown.

Now let’s focus on the 3 City Empire. As you already know, the Cabal likes triangles. They divided the global power structure in 3, and allocated a specific power to each city: Vatican-Religion, City of London Perimeter-Finance, District of Columbia-Military. What is the common denominator? Answer: money. From whom? Answer: Rothschild.

The real ‘oranges’ of the Rothschild Cabal power are to be found in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized the Bank of England and authorized William Patterson to import financial tools from Germany and Switzerland. This helped him finance his wars and rebuild his naval fleet that was recently destroyed by France. Later in 1815, the financial Center of London was the first domino to fall when Nathan Rothschild took control of the Stock Market and subsequently the Bank of England. Thanks to his wide spread banking mail network that wars would not disrupt, he was aware that Wellington won the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon 24 hours before anyone did in London. He manipulated the Market by spreading the rumor that they have lost the war and later raided the weakened stocks video. And of course, during the war, while Nathan Rothschild was financing the British Crown, his brother Jacob was financing Napoleon. Pretty cool scam to decide who would win right?

With the control of Great Britain’s wealth, the Rothschilds became an essential financial power and the Vatican appointed them as their financial advisor in 1823. What do you think they essentially advised? Yes, in 1832 this happened:

Q1021 Clown connection. 1832 Rothschild loan to the Holy See. Q

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt”. John Adams.

The Vatican was the second domino to fall.

Next? The Rothschild Cabal attacked America. In 2 main steps. First, they lobbied Congress to pass the Act of 1871 that we went through earlier. Purpose? Allow the District of Columbia to borrow as much money as needed on our behalf to later file bankruptcy. Here is the Chapter 62 of the 41st Congress Session 3 with the Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia: link. Why is this relevant? Why chapter 62? Because 62 years after this Act was passed, we borrowed so much money that, as planned, we had to file bankruptcy in 1933! This was the financial false flag that allowed FDR to steal our gold, impoverish us and enslave us further through social security: link1 – link2.

Do you see it? The bankruptcy of the US Corporation was programmed to occur 62 year after its creation. They coded it in the “creating” Chapter 62 of the 1871 Act. Those in the know prepared accordingly to make a fortune.

Washington DC was the third and last domino to fall.

Img3 Why are we ignorant of these things? Answer1: because they control the school system through which they lie to us in exchange for a job and a nice car. Answer2: because they control the complicit Fake News and Entertainment business whose job is to keep us asleep and distracted.

Yes America, we lost our Freedom, our Wealth and our Government long ago.

Until Trump.

Now you can fully grasp the power of Trump’s Executive Orders, particularly the one signed on Dec 21 2017 and what is really meant in Q1700: Img4

You are now equipped to decode the Maestro’s tweet with Ingraham’s interview: Img5

But there is more.

What if I told you this State visit to the UK was Trump and Melania conquering the 3 City Empire? Yes! They coded it with their wardrobe when departing Washington DC and when landing in London! Look: Img6

So you thought Melania’s wardrobe and accessories were only chosen for their beauty? Think again. I told you in a previous post: she’s a Secret Warrior. What a blessing for America! Did you see how the Maestro pulled Israel into the decode? Did you understand his message? Once again, make the difference between the current State of Israel where we have good friends and enemies and the People of Israel. The People of Israel is you and me: it’s anyone who has accepted the Covenant and has decided to live under the Divine Commandments revealed to Moses and confirmed by Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This is what makes this People the Elected People in God’s Eyes. It’s not DNA. Some Israelites have accepted this Covenant, others did not. Since King David, this People of Israel has been ruled by various Kings and whether you know it or not, his descendants are still among us, secretly ruling. The Satanic Cabal refuses their authority and fights to implement its own Antichrist agenda through governments, central banks and the Vatican.

Do you see it?

Why does Jesus Christ have to come back? Because those who refused his authority are still here. Who are they? Once again, who are they? Answer: Rome. You thought the Roman Empire was gone? They were the first politicians who figured out that Empires come and go. So? Instead of waiting to collapse, they engineered their disappearance. Yes. Controlled demolition. Just like Building 7. And how did they come back? Yes: through the 3 City Empire!

Are you familiar with the roman fasces? It’s a bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging and used in Ancient Rome to symbolize power and authority. The fasces was for a long time the symbol of Republican Rome before it became an empire. Fascism derives its name from fasces which also represents strength through aggregation. Do you see the Golden Calf? How about Socialism?… Mussolini’s National Fascist Party had fasces on its flag. Now question: why do we find this symbol in our Congress? Look: Img7

Now you know the secret reason why Congress has failed us so many times. From 1871 to Nervous Nancy…

At this point, you have all you need to decode the amazing US State Visit Riddle and identify all the victories that the Maestro brought back home. The riddle starts and ends with the code #USStateVisit and is made of 10 tweets: Img8 Try to solve it and we’ll compare our findings in my next article. Good luck!

Q2442 History is being made. You are the saviors of mankind. Nothing will stop what is coming. Nothing. Q

Edit: typo.