Federal Police raid ABC offices in Sydney over 2017 story about Afghanistan, a day after Annika Smethurst search

editor victoria’s comment ~ the global clean-up continues…


Federal Police are raiding the ABC’s office, seizing thousands of documents over stories from two years ago, a day after storming a journo’s home.
June 5, 2019

Australian Federal Police officers are raiding the Sydney headquarters of the ABC over reports published two years ago regarding alleged unlawful killings and misconduct by Special Forces troops in Afghanistan.

The public broadcaster’s Ultimo offices and studios, as well as three employees, are the subject of a search warrant over The Afghan Files special investigation in 2017.

The series of television and online reports was based on hundreds of pages of leaked, classified Defence Force documents.

John Lyons, ABC News executive director and the heads of its investigations unit, is live-tweeting the raid, which is being carried out by six AFP officers, including IT specialists.

They have downloaded 9214 items in relation to an extremely broad warrant, including notes, emails and draft scripts, Mr Lyons said.

The three people named in the search warrant are producer Samuel Clark, reporter Daniel Oakes and Gaven Morris, the broadcaster’s news director.


SerialBrain2 ~ Trump’s Visit to the UK and the Explosive Truth about Meghan Markle.


editor victoria’s comment ~ this seems like a good post to share this little tidbit.  Trump’s birthday is June 14 (1946) – which just also happens to be Flag Date here in the states.  I would say that was Divinely Planned.  as far as the chemtrails – they’re still laying them down so not sure why SB2 made the comment how clear the skies are now.  



Did you solve the Maestro’s week-end puzzle about Meghan Markle?

Amazing puzzle and shocking intel on the eve of his State visit to the UK.

Trump started the puzzle by positioning on the media timeline an interview with The Sun on Saturday June 1st 2019. Let’s listen: link.

Did you catch what he gave us about the water and the air? You caught when he said: ‘up’, he was referring to the chemtrails right? Did you notice how clear our sky is now? How about the way you feel generally? Did you notice a positive change? I told you in this post and this image that the project called The Wall was to protect us against all threats, whether they are physical, metaphysical or psychological. You thought Trump would not do anything about the chemtrails, the morgellons and the other nasty stuff the enemy has done to us? Think again.

Q1106 Have faith. Trust POTUS. Q

When talking about Meghan Markle, Prince Harry’s wife and Duchess of Sussex, the Maestro says: “I didn’t know she was nasty”! Hahaha! Priceless! That’s a pretty cool way to start a State visit to the UK right? To help the UK Royals drink the chalice till the end, he mercilessly and laconically adds: “I’m sure she’ll do excellently”. EXCELLENTLY? Hahaha! She’ll have to admit she asked for it. Listen to what she said about Trump on May 4 2016 during the campaign: video.

Of course, when Trump responded, the possessed Fake News went crazy and all the Saturday headlines were about how his statement could negatively affect his coming State visit to the UK. Img1 As you can see, the Maestro did not give a single nugget about the media hysteria. He tweeted as usual about other things and even finished the day on a happy note by awarding a Presidential Medal of Freedom to Jerry West and tagging democrat Senator Joe Manchin about it.

The next day, at 7:44 AM EST, he tweeted this: link. Okay… So let’s recap: Trump gives an interview to The Sun, allows them to record it, makes his comment about Meghan, lets the media talk about it all day and the next morning, he says he never called Meghan “nasty”, which is technically true. You know what’s going on… Ready?

First, word is Meghan is a duchess. Value for DUCHESS? Yes: 79. Value for NASTY? Enjoy.

Img2 The tweet timestamp connects to Q744 and the Maestro says that to figure out what he meant, we need to find the link by looking around. Take some time to investigate and come back to compare your findings with mine.

What did you find?

Peruvian coffee for those who entered the riddle through the Jerry West tweet! Senator Manchin was the key! His last name can be read “man chin” which suggests Meghan has a man chin and is code for “tranvestigate Meghan”. Let’s do that: Img3 We immediately see there are many problems. Above all, the chin and jaw line gave it away. We have another Michael. Now you know why the Maestro used the word TRAVESTY in his 3:37 PM tweet. You also know why he pulled in Jerry West with LA LAKERS=79=DUCHESS and his jersey number 44 that connects to Hussein, which connects to Michael. If we go to Michael’s twtr page, we see he’s sitting with no other than Prince Harry, Meghan’s husband! Coincidence? Welcome to the Tranny Club. We found the link Q744 was talking about and it was Michael.

With the eyes you now have, you noticed Michael coded 9/11 in his twtr image. In his twisted C_A mind, the 9 black kids represent you and me, the abused and enslaved people, the sheep. Then we have the 2 ‘rulers’: one ruling because of his bloodline, the other one because he’s hired and made it through the C_A ranks. Right here, Michael is telling you about their NATSY ideology based on racism, elitism and the occult.

Q938 The continued Nazi ideology is relevant.

Q1941 Was ‘Nazism’ ever truly destroyed?

You thought Prince Harry wearing a Nazi outfit was just a gaffe? Think again. link

We already know from this post that Michael is a C_A operator, a Clown. A good question would be: is Meghan also a clown? The answer is in the previous 7:30 tweet that is connected to the 7:44 “nasty” tweet through the words COLD and FROZEN. Img4 It pulls Q730 where we read “what if Snowden was still a clown?” Pretty clear right?

Why did the Maestro connect these 2 tweets with COLD and FROZEN? Answer: he wants us to focus on Meghan’s career making commercials like this one. You caught we are in early stage transgenderism with cross-dressing right? How about the coded 666 at 0:20?

Q694 These people are sick! Q

Next? We go waaaay back. Here: Inside Edition. Ok. As you can see, Meghan is a genius with “easy charm” and “intelligence” and everybody noticed it all the way up to the Mockingbird media… According to Meghan, we can change the world with letters sent to the right people…

Now let’s see if you are paying attention. Let’s watch the original unedited version. You saw the difference? Here is how Meghan recalls this event in the adult version. As you can see, out of nowhere, HRC and other people appear in the adult version. Here are other discrepancies: Img5

Next? We analyze Procter & Gamble’s political behavior through their contributions and Bingo! We discover the very first time they gave more money to Democrats in more than 25 years is when Trump got elected: Img6 We conclude Procter&Gamble and Meghan share political views and have been long time buddies…

That’s what they do folks. Clowns create their mind controlled assets by targeting selected kids through undisclosed programs. The majority of them go through sexual abuse and/or gender perturbation to initiate and facilitate the “therapy” process:

Q776 Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange ‘THERAPY’. ‘THERAPY’ takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.

then, they feed them by hooking them up with major supporting companies that give them exposure through bogus stories they mostly fail to remember, advertisement contracts, movie contracts etc…

Do you want to know the end game for Meghan?

It’s in this 2009 commercial. Big big big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who cracked this one! First, you need to know who Denise is and why it’s relevant: Img7

Since Denise is the connection to the Prince, Meghan saying “unless Denise brings Kerry” is code for “unless Denise brings royalty”. Kerry is connected to King and Denise’s second name Katrina through the letter K for a double confirmation.

We can now solve the commercial: Img8

The Maestro saying “Meghan would do EXCELLENTLY” is now solved.

Are you wondering why salt is translated to Antichrist? Did you know the day the Antichrist sees Christ, he will melt like salt in water…

Let’s solve the capital letters of the tweet: Img9

As you can see, there was no way the USSS could let Meghan approach POTUS. No way.

You thought the maternity leave excuse was real? I’m sure that at this stage, you are wondering how a transgender can be pregnant. Beyonce has some insight about this: video. And here is the solution: video

Do you see this EYE FOR AN EYE=139 in Img9? Take a minute and try to find out how to decode it.

We learn here from Prince Harry that a mutual friend introduced him to Meghan on July 2016. They quietly dated until the news leaked on October 31 2016. Then, Harry introduced her to his father around Nov 2016 and made a formal statement about his relationship with Meghan on Nov 8 2016. From there, things went very fast: engagement on Nov 27 2017, wedding on May 19 2018.

The first problem in this fairy tale is royal families avoid being politically vocal to optimize interest preservation. Why would they then put their relations with the US at risk by allowing Meghan who insulted Trump to enter the family?

I am pretty sure our ambassador to the UK asked this question when the wedding was announced. What do you think the Queen’s answer sounded like? I can hear something like: “Oh, no Meghan is so sweet. It’s the media that distorted her statement”. Okay… Now you know why Trump had the Sun record him call Meghan “NASTY” and blamed it on the Fake News the next day…

But there is something bigger. Way bigger.

Harry introduced Meghan to his father the day Trump was elected POTUS.

Look how Michael seems to be so interested in Meghan’s new role: video.

“Take some time and don’t be in a rush to do anything”. Interesting…

Michael is giving stand by orders in plain sight!

Remember, Michael has Harry on his twtr page picture. Do you now see who the “mutual friend” who introduced Harry to Meghan could be and for what purpose?

Well, sorry Michael & Co, it seems that for the years to come, Meghan will have to be pregnant every time POTUS decides to visit the UK…

Michael, Harry and Meghan, here is a link that I’m sure will be useful to you guys: link

Q1223 They think they are clever. Q

For those on twitter ~ an AWESOME break down of Q posts and Trump tweets showing where we are


i am linking just a few – there are over 20 in this particular feed.  

jumping ahead….this one below is my favorite:

SerialBrain2 ~ Bob Mueller and Democrats desperately trying to stop what’s coming.


editor victoria’s comment ~ this provides a very detailed, interesting and new perspective (for me) on the doing’s of Mueller. i was incorrect to think he was acting much less a “good” actor…



Like Clockwork. Everything is moving as planned.

I told you in this post and this one that Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein were black hats.

I also told you that Rosenstein tried everything he could do to destroy Trump’s presidency but he was defeated. I also told you he was the main obstacle to DECLAS:

Q2397 Remember, POTUS already ordered the DECLAS. [RR] pushed back hard

Barr kept Rosenstein around to have him validate the Mueller report that essentially contradicts the FISA he previously authorized against Trump. Then, Barr gave him a nice party, invited Sessions to the party so that skilled observers may triangulate what is really going on and he assigned him the last task of singing as loud as he could on his way out. Rosenstein happily delivered by sniping Comey here. Good job RR. Check.

Then, I told you in this post that DECLAS was imminent. POTUS authorized it the next day.

I told you yesterday in this post that Comey’s arrest is imminent. Popcorn.

I also told you in this post that Schiff is a C_A asset controlled by Brennan and that you should watch how Schiff will react when Comey goes down. You’ll see he’ll have a completely different reaction when it’s Brennan’s turn to bite the dust.

Who’s left? Yes: Mueller. Comey’s lover. link

He came out of the woods yesterday. The same day I announced Comey’s arrest was imminent. Why? Because he reached the same conclusion: he knows Comey’s toast. The difference is he’s in love with him. He can’t think straight. I coldly wrote about it with my keyboard, he made a public statement with a trembling voice. link.

Those who are familiar with Q and my writings are not surprised by Mueller’s yesterday move. They knew Mueller’s tactical purpose was to use the Special Counsel to clean up the mess:

Q2116 FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos. Mueller>>Papadopoulos. YOU MUST TARGET, REMOVE, AND SILENCE ALL THOSE ILLEGALLY TARGETED FOR FISA SURV….

and that his strategic goal was impeachment:

Q1974 Mueller: Impeach POTUS operation?

but we never worried about it:

Q2584 Impeachment requires 2/3rd vote by the Senate. What are the odds of that?

The infernal trio Mueller-Comey-Rosenstein and the Dems thought they had time to prepare an impeachment process with all the optics required to make it successful or at least usable for the 2020 campaign.

Mueller found there was no collusion as early as Nov 2017:

Q3316 At what point did MUELLER determine there was no collusion? [18-months ago?]

But with Rosenstein’s help, he let the clock run, expanded his investigation and was hoping to build his obstruction case with the mistakes the Maestro never ended up doing.

When Barr got in, things accelerated: RR out, the report out, no collusion, no obstruction and Schiff lost the insurance policy he thought was running when threatening to go after POTUS’ children:


They lost everything.

They needed a new plan.


and they needed this plan yesterday because the first DECLAS collateral damage is around the corner:

Q3028 Think timing. [Pelosi] pull threat to impeach? Effort to prevent DECLAS?

With RR out and their beloved SC instrument dismantled, Dems had a problem: how do you get the ball from Mueller without having him to testify before Congress and answer these very difficult questions:

  1. When did you find out there was no collusion? Q3316

  2. Then why was the investigation kept ongoing? Midterms?

  3. Are you aware of a John Doe request from Nick Lewin? Q3132

  4. Do you know Jeffrey Epstein?

  5. Have you ever visisted his Island?

  6. Was Uranium 1 a transaction you think preserved our security? Q2512

  7. What was your involvement in U1?

  8. Did you have IT experts in your staff?

  9. With the powers you had, were you finally able to access the DNC server that the FBI did not see?

  10. Don’t you think access to the server would have helped tremendously your investigation and improve your knowledge of the hacking?

  11. Do you know Seth Rich?

  12. Do you know Julian Assange?

  13. Are you aware Seth Rich sent the content of a USB drive to Assange?

  14. What was the justification for a massive investigation domestic/foreign on Trump and his campaign? Q2777

  15. Since the Steele Dossier was the starting point for the investigation, did you do your due diligence on the dossier?

  16. Did you determine who funded it? (no) Q2777

  17. So you relied on FISC. Did you notice all the 4 FISA Judges who approved the 4 FISAs were appointed by Republican Presidents (Bush Sr, Bush Jr and Reagan) Didn’t you find it odd?

  18. Was FISC made aware of the details surrounding the Steele dossier? (no)

  19. Don’t you think it was then your responsibility to investigate these details for the manifestation of the truth?

  20. What justification did you give to DAG RR for him to expand your mandate?

  21. Why was this expansion not reported to Congress?

  22. Were you seeking for a crime outside of Russian collusion?

  23. Did you investigate POTUS’ finances?

  24. Were you contemplating investigating POTUS’ tweets for obstruction charges? Q1711

  25. It is open source information that Senator McCain gave the Steele dossier to the FBI. Are you aware?

  26. Then why isn’t Senator McCain mentioned even once in your 448 page report to confirm at least that open source information?

  27. Do you know Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS?

  28. Assuming you did the proper due diligence on the Steele Dossier, did you know Steele was hired by Fusion GPS which was in turn hired by the DNC through its law firm Perkins & Coie?

  29. Were you aware Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie? Q2330

  30. Glenn Simpson, Fusion GPS and Perkins & Coie are therefore key to the manifestation of the truth. Why are they not mentioned even once in your 448 page report?

  31. Do you know Bruce Ohr?

  32. Are you aware of his personal relationship with Glenn Simpson?

  33. Do you know his wife Nellie Ohr?

  34. Did you know Nellie Ohr was hired by Fusion GPS and was involved in the production of the Steele Dossier?

  35. Did you know Bruce Ohr was the conduit for Steele at the DOJ and that all their interactions were reported by Bruce Ohr to Sally Yates?

  36. Did you know Bruce Ohr ultimately told the FBI that the Steele Dossier was not true? Q2041

  37. Since Bruce Ohr’s involvement was this crucial, why didn’t you call him to testify? Q1974.

  38. Why didn’t you call Nellie Ohr to testify?

  39. How about Glenn Simpson?

  40. And John McCain?

  41. And Christopher Steele?

As you can see, Mueller testifying before Congress would have been carnage.

So? Nadler and Mueller set it up in such a way that Mueller could say just enough to get the impeachment ball rolling, without having to be grilled by Congress. Why didn’t Mueller make this statement earlier? Answer: because Comey’s arrest was not imminent.

The dark stars aligned and it was time for Mueller to forget his most elementary law school classes and suggest that, from now on, each American citizen should seek for a document from the DOJ unequivocally attesting he did not commit a crime. Our 12 year FBI Director shamelessly says this:

“And as set forth in the report, after that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime”.

and cowardly says that:

“Now, I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner. I am making that decision myself. No one has told me whether I can or should testify or speak further about this matter”.

Well, sorry Bob. If there are impeachment hearings, I’m pretty sure many republicans in Congress will want to hear a little more from you before sending the ball to the Senate for immediate deflation…

Q2582 These people are stupid. Q

One last thing I need to clarify about Mueller is his meeting with POTUS when he wanted the FBI Director job.

Q challenges us and says:

Q1285 “Congress passed Public Law 94-503, limiting the FBI Director to a single term of no longer than 10 years.” Reconcile. Q

In this article, we discover Mueller was appointed FBI Director by Bush 7 days before the 9/11 terrorist attacks and exceptionally served 12 years at the post. HUSSEIN sought a two-year extension to Mueller’s term given “the nation’s heightened concern about another attack”. Look how Comey lovingly supported it: video.

So Mueller gets the job a few days before 9/11, organizes the 9/11 investigation cover-up and gets a 2 year extension because there supposedly was a threat of another attack which did not happen. Okay…

Are you aware of the 9/11 S.Res.610 resolution in Q2328?

With what you now know, do you see it?

I told you John Kerry was Bin Laden’s handler and Comey was ISIS’ Baghdadi’s.

The only way Mueller could have had the FBI Director job again is if he and his buddies in the Intelligence Community played the same extension card and convinced Trump that there were concerns about an attack.

Trump did not fall for it. There was no way he would have handled this supposed attack with U1 Mueller at the helm. He had true patriots in the Team available for that.

The next day, Rosenstein appointed Mueller Special Counsel…

Q154 Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

POTUS using the term “EMPRA” when speaking of Japan’s Liberation


Some of course will say he meant “Emperor” but we know with POTUS Trump, there are no mistakes when it comes to specific words he uses (oooh I am getting a deja-vu as I type this – I am actually having a flash back to last night’s dream!)….Anyway thank you to IN PURSUIT OF TRUTH for pointing this out (youtube – link here for the video in which he mentions this).  Good video too, btw.

So…..EMPRA is an acronym for: Embarkation, Movement, Planning, Rehearsal, Assault (alternate method of amphibious assault planning and execution)

Amphibious assault planning?  Here is what I found:Amphibious warfare

Amphibious warfare is a type of offensive military operation that today uses naval ships to project ground and air power onto a hostile or potentially hostile shore at a designated landing beach. Through history the operations were conducted using ship’s boats as the primary method of delivering troops to shore.Wikipedia

N.Y. Fed Loses Top Officers Including Potter in Rare Double Exit


found this one on BZ Riger’s I-UV.com site (link here).  you can go there to not only continue reading the piece but to read Heather’s response to it….effective June 1st.  yeah, wait, what?!  june 1st as in just 4 days?  sudden departures by two top officials with the NY Fed?  me thinks things are rapidly changing….


The Federal Reserve Bank of New York said two of its top officers are departing — including Simon Potter, who oversees its strategically vital trading desk — in a rare double exit from the senior ranks of the U.S. central bank.Potter and fellow executive vice president Richard Dzina, who ran the bank’s financial services group, will both step down effective June 1, the bank said in a statement Tuesday. It will launch a search to find their successors.

Their departures — which between them take almost 50 years of New York Fed experience with them — come about a year into John Williams’s tenure as president of the bank.

Potter had been seen in some quarters as a potential contender to take the helm in New York before Williams, who was then head of the San Francisco Fed, won the pick. The New York Fed is the most important of the 12 regional Fed banks because of its oversight of Wall Street and execution of monetary policy via the desk that Potter ran. The head of the New York Fed also wields a permanent vote on the central bank’s interest rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee and is the panel’s vice chair.

Dzina did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Potter referred questions to the New York Fed.

The abrupt departures come at a delicate time for the central bank as it finishes shrinking its balance sheet. The wind-down process, which Potter oversees as the head of the New York Fed’s markets group, will end later this year but policy makers have yet to decide important questions on the long-term maturity composition of its bond holdings.

Trump tweet on The Age of Enlightenment ~ and it’s corresponding link w/a Q post from Nov. 2017


editor victoria’s comment ~ below is the original tweet from last night.  i knew immediately there was a deep meaning to the capital “A” in Age (perhaps it stands for Assange and what he is going to reveal) – AND the term “Age of Enlightenment”.  it was late and i did not want to spend the time digging further.  i didn’t have to.  others have linked the phrase from a Q drop ~ #144 (love that number!) from November 12, 2017 which i have linked below Trump’s tweet.  i then saw Adam Foreman (who works with Yellow Rose) share his insight into this.  also below.  i had a very intense but brief dream experience last night where i SAW the show/plan.  it was like all of it wrapped up into one flash – and it left me only with a feeling of what i saw/experienced.  i don’t like to use the term download – but it’s the best word to use.  down load – upload – visions plural.  anyway it was like ALL was revealed and i could tap into any of it by going within TO the All.  it WILL be our choice – as Q has said – as to what we choose to see (then later they went on to say only 80% is revealed – i feel that is interpreted as revealing via media, etc.  in the All – ALL is seen).  so we all can see.  and….i feel i was also shown how the astral really is getting cleaned up so we can access TRUTH.  pure truth.  not the manipulated version we have had.  

enjoy the show!  



SerialBrain2 ~ Pelosi Stammers through News Conference. The End is Near. Enjoy the Show.



Kudos to those who followed my advice and doubled their popcorn budget!

I told you here something big was about to drop, POTUS confirmed it a few hours later with a tweet, and yesterday, it was announced that he gave AG Barr authority to declassify documents related to the 2016 campaign surveillance.

Within 24 hours, things have accelerated tremendously but fortunately, you already knew you had to ‘buckle up’.

And, since good things often come in twos, Q is back and his first words are:

Q3336 Panic in [DC] Q

We are all excited and we should be. This is a turning point in the history of the United States and subsequently, in the history of mankind. For the first time, we have a Leader who has the required faith, courage, independence and means to take down the Satanic Cabal that has enslaved us for centuries. Going to the bottom of the origins of illegal surveillance on American soil is the end for those who thought their bogus secret societies would protect from the Law and Justice. This is it. There is no coming back. No compromise. The only accepted outcome is full success and getting our freedom back. There is no coming back.

Q2937 “This is not simply another four-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not we, the people, reclaim control over our government.” – POTUS

America, are you ready? Are you ready to write history? Let’s lead mankind to FREEDOM!

Q1961 You are not alone, Patriot. You are part of history. Never, in our history, has this been attempted. GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY. Stay strong. Stay the course. WWG1WGA! Q

We are now in offense mode:

Q3331 You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD. May, 2019 – ‘kick-off’ ‘start’ ‘offense’ Enjoy the show! Q

To enjoy the show in offense mode, there are a few fundamental elements that need to be known and thankfully, the Maestro used his latest ‘feud’ with Nancy to communicate them to us.


First, POTUS and Nancy agreed several days ahead to hold a meeting on Infrastructure on May 22 2019 at 11 AM. On the evening of May 21, out of the blue, Nancy announced she scheduled a meeting with Democrat committee chairs the next morning at 9AM to discuss impeachment and after that meeting she said this: video. Wow. A cover up?! Trump?! That’s pretty bad to say if you are scheduled to talk about infrastructure with him a few minutes later. Why didn’t she wait after the meeting? Of course, things did not go well at the White House and POTUS said this: until 4:00. You caught the sign? That’s a message confirming the Mueller investigation finances will be audited. Did you like the colors? Look: Img1 If you want to train and decode with me, I recommend you listen to the speech in its entirety and list all the things you’ve found. Here are a few clues you may use and add to your research: Img2

Have you ever visited the US Congress?

Before I give you the solution, let’s walk through the congress halls to get a better feel of what’s really going on. Read very carefully: Img3

Good. Now we know who pulls the strings from outside. Next? Who runs the machine from the inside and interacts with the Executive Branch to make things happen? Let’s listen to Putin: video. You got that? Men in dark suits? Do you know who he’s talking about? Will Smith told you right here, watch very carefully: video. Peruvian Coffee for those who have a musical ear and noticed the non-natural scale changes and what they mean! Will talks about Roswell. In fact, this goes waaaay back and he knows it but hopes we would forget. Kudos to those who know their R&B/Pop and detected the arrangement from Patrice Rushen’s Forget Me Nots: video.

Q114 US Military = savior of mankind. We will never forget.

Q2285 Are you AWAKE? The TRUTH is right in front of you.

Q316 How many clues must we provide? Q

Now that you know about the Men in Black, you are equipped to read this image: Img4 Do you see it? The SOTU was an opportunity for Shifty to display his power, his opposition to Trump and to advertise for secret tactical support and donations. He’s the liaison with the Deep State in the Executive branch and his main anchor point is DNI Dan Coats as illustrated here. This is the reason he’s not in the DECLAS loop:

Q3347 Why did POTUS circumvent DNI Coats (normal protocol for DECLAS) and give AUTH directly to AG Barr? Q

As you can see, with Pelosi on top, Nadler and Shifty are the most important pieces the Cabal has in Congress.

Let’s take a closer look at Nancy. She has 5 main problems: Img5

Nancy has 5 problems but money ain’t one: Img6

Do we know where all this money came from? Yes and it’s classified. Q informs us in Q1185 that at the 13min mark of this video, Pelosi makes the Big ERROR of disclosing a trip she made to NK that is not officially supposed to have existed and of revealing the trade of NK-made missles! Img7

Do you now see why Nancy was initially reserved on impeachment and got out of her meeting with Nadler and Schiff in offense mode? Unlike Nadler and Schiff, Nancy afforded the luxury of playing high level politics because she is more donor/independent than her 2 colleagues. She has a direct line with China and that’s what really matters for her. Knowing impeachment against Trump has no teeth, her play was to keep her troops in check and make deals as much as she could with Trump to fund the operations she loves. Brennan and Eric Schmidt see the DECLAS coming and cant afford to play long term like Nancy: they respectively activated Schiff and Nadler to stop Trump. Nancy was not on board until she was kindly reminded of her trip to North Korea and I suspect this is what triggered her to get out of the May 22 meeting with the “cover up” attack against Trump.

Did the Maestro know? Yes.

In his speech, he mentioned the ‘I word’. The Fake News assumed he was talking about Impeachment: Img8. Was he? Did you see his early morning 4:55 AM tweet? He misspelled NOTHING and wrote it NOTHIN. Why? Because NOTHING would be accomplished with Nancy and Chucky. You know what that missing G means right? It has 2 meanings. Add it to the I in ‘I word’ and you get the IG report! He gave it away when he said: “the bIG I word OUT”. Pretty cool right? Look: Img9 Now you know why the meeting was rescheduled from 11 to 11:15. Do you see the word FISH in the tweet? It connects to BAIT and information shared out of fear from Q2249. The Maestro used the infrastructure meeting as a bait to force Nancy to pick her side and stop her belly dance. This is why he coldly positioned that missing G very early, before her meeting with Nadler and Shifty, and nuked them with a tweet storm all morning (check for yourself). This proves the Maestro dealt with this situation with cold logic and was in full control. This reference to the IG report is code for the general transparency dynamics that will reveal the truth and force bad actors to face Justice. The next day, it started: POTUS gave AG Barr declassification authority for the 2016 campaign surveillance.

So Nancy, do you get it? You thought you could trick the Maestro to discuss infrastructure (and fund your projects) while covertly continuing to support Nadler and Shifty in their investigation adventures? Well, nnnno: the Maestro activated your guys against you with enough pressure to force you to pick your side unequivocally. Now that you have done so, the show may begin. Do you now see the play?

Q3309 These people are stupid. Q

You’ll find the other solutions here: Img10

Now that Nancy knows she can’t play anymore, what do you think her next move would be? What do they do when they know they are caught? Let’s listen to her the next day: video. Did you catch she read her notes before “praying”? It’s confirmed by the Maestro here: until 18:37. Of course this “prayer” was a coded message to the network of bad actors working for their common cause: Img11The real message is that she’s calling for a 187 against POTUS. We know it’s not the first time. Separating high caps and small caps, we find this combination: IT’S REALLY BAD, ASSASSINATE. Coincidence?

Just to make sure we are on the right track, the Maestro tweeted this. Do you see the difference? Point made. From the capital letters, we identify 2 matches and the length of the video (107s) provides 3 matches in context. The timestamp pulls Q809. Read the decoded message: Img12

Did you notice that red G for Guantanamo? This is the second explanation for the missing G in the 4:55 AM tweet. You thought I forgot? I didn’t.

Q856 11-11-18 A parade that will never be forgotten. Ask yourself, why? God bless our brave men & women in uniform. We will never forget. Q