In this article published on May 15 2019, I told you about THE HAMMER, the Obama illegal surveillance system ran and supervised by Brennan and Clapper that they used to spy on Trump and millions of Americans. 2 days later, Barr gives an interview to FOX and says this: until 8:30. He said: “he (Trump) has been HAMMERED for allegedly conspiring with the Russian and we now know that was simply false.” Coincidence?
Do you see the beauty of this? Remember, from 1973 to 1977 Barr was employed by the CIA. This means if we pay attention to his comms, we’ll be able to bake some really good stuff!
Q2157 Panic in DC. James Baker testifying against Comey? Q
Q1952 Double meanings exist. Q
Now why do you think he gave this interview to FOX? What’s the name of the journalist interviewing him? Yes: Bill HEMMER! Do you see it? Img Barr is not only confirming he’s going to get to the bottom of illegal surveillance on American soil, which means Clapper, Brennan and Hussein are toast, but with HAMMER vs HEMMER, he’s hinting Viv[a] vs Viv[e] in Q1559. We have the confirmation the Viva Le Resistance network hidden in the DOJ that discussed the possibility of assassinating POTUS is targeted by Barr and Sleeper Cell Comey is also toast.
Q3335 Boom time Baker.
Icing on the cake?
Listen very very carefully and see if you can spot Barr’s message: until 8:13. Barr has a very clear elocution and is usually very precise but here, he’s a little evasive on durations and repeats the number 2: “two… two and half years of his administration, three years, you know, the campaign and the first part of his administration”. What is he really talking about? Yes, it’s right here:
Q570 Will SESSIONS drop the hammer? 1 of 22.
Now you know the deep meaning behind Sessions attending Rosenstein’s departure party.
Q2452 Thank you for your service to our Country, Mr. Jeff Sessions! Your sacrifices will never be forgotten. Q+
Who will join me on a cloud for a delectable drink around the solution of ‘1 of 22’? Hint: Ten Commandments.
My friends, there are different ways to enjoy a game: you can focus on the players and their individual skills and that’s one way. But those who really know the game focus on the playbook and ultimately see THE TEAM and THE PLAN.