an AWESOME video!  very inspiring – and difficult to watch at around the 17 minute mark when the beast speaks of the “deranged killer” who shot Kennedy.  the moment he speaks those 2 words he looks up and smiles at someone.  no remorse.  a true psychopath.  i hope kennedy greeted him with a boot in the face.



Published on Apr 15, 2019


SerialBrain2 ~ The “Oranges” of the Russian Hoax: Yes, Obama Spied on Trump.



Did you hear the Maestro say about the Russian Hoax which is now pulverized: “I hope they now go and take a look at the oranges of the investigation”? Let’s watch until 21:32 video. Oranges? He did not change “origins” to “oranges” just once but several times and we should admit he was pretty good at it! Hahaha! You know what’s going on right? Did you also hear him repeat “you would get Pulitzer prizes”? You caught he was saying “Pull It Surprises” right? You didn’t? He’s asking you to pull the thread and if you do, you’ll see the way this investigation started is full of surprises. I told you, I’ll tell you again: when the Maestro repeats something, we have to pay attention.

Ready to pull?

We need to start by taking a close look at the tweets the Maestro made that day of April 2 2019. There were 11 tweets and since it was World Autism Awareness Day, he dedicated 2 tweets to the event. This is an opportunity to share this other hint: every time the Maestro or Q refers to autism or autists, they are in fact asking for increased attention. So let’s analyze these two tweets.

Img1 The first one has its capital letters adding up to 68 and shows a picture of someone sitting on a carpet and drawing. The size of the picture is 600X314 and since 600 represents 6+0+0=6 and 314 represents 3+1+4=8, we see the size of the picture confirms the capital letters. Pretty cool right? But then, 314 is an indication for PI, which links to the idea of a circle. This idea is confirmed by the drop corresponding to the 7:02 AM timestamp: we see in Q702 a plane which is about to take a turn and we read: “Yes, CONF, Bravo”. You caught the Maestro is talking about our 2400 circling rule on the timestamps and is congratulating us for finding it out. Thank you Mr. President! But the next 7:46 AM tweet points to Q746 where we read: “you are not looking close enough”. Okay… We missed something? What could that be?

The 2400 rule was introduced with the underlying assumption that we were looking at a digital clock displaying 0 to 23 numbers for the hours and/or the AM/PM notification. But then, there is this drop:

Q477 Wind the clock w/ all markers.

and all the drops with a picture of a watch which is always mechanical: the display of time in Q’s mind is mechanical and not digital. Therefore, there is no difference between a given AM time and its PM counterpart. This is a hint we are allowed to expand our 2400 rule to a 1200 rule. Future proves past, let’s try this rule with Q746, the very drop where he is asking to look closer. Img2This pulls Q1946 and we see the map and the carpet have the same main colors! Coincidence? Q signals otherwise, we read in Q1946: “Do you believe in coincidence?”.

Now let’s test the 1200 rule with the first tweet. Img3 It pulls Q1902 where we read: “confirmed, what do you notice, compare&contrast, location of painting confirmed”. Pretty clear right?

You want the icing on the cake?

Img4 The delta between the 2 Autism Day tweets is 7:40 and the capital letters of the second tweet add up to 74. Coincidence? Let’s apply the 1200 rule to the 2:42 PM=14:42 timestamp, it pulls Q242 where we read: “be here tomorrow, the story unfolds”. Which is exactly what happened the next day when the house authorized to subpoena the full Mueller report: a subpoena of the report essentially means we get to know more about the story.

Conclusion: the 1200 rule is validated. We now have access to more context-eligible Q drops for a given POTUS tweet timestamp.

Q1225 Learn our comms. Q

Now we are equipped to start our quest for “oranges” and understand how the Russian Hoax started. Q told us in Q3215 to use what we know now and replay the story from late 2015. As usual, I will decode each piece, will highlight the very important parts you need to read in the Q drops and we will gather all the pieces at the end.

In the following image, we learn through Q3215 and Q2927 how Trump was targeted, infiltrated and spied on as early as he announced his candidacy on June 16 2015 and how Ted Cruz was a victim of the same set up. Read very carefully. Img5

Here are 3 EXPLOSIVE consecutive tweets posted on Dec 16 2018. This is where we learn the real reason why Strzok was allowed to join the Mueller team and we get the ultimate proof that the feud between the Maestro and Sessions was staged. Yes: STAGED! Read how he, in fact, praises Sessions by mischievously saying that he should be ashamed of himself. Priceless. Img6

We have here 2 tweets proving there is material evidence from Strzok that Trump was spied on all the way back to 2015 and that the highest officials in the Obama Administration were involved. Img7

This is the smoking gun. SPYGATE started in 2015 and goes all the way to Hussein himself. It was coordinated for him by Clapper and Brennan. The White house Situation Room was used to spy on a US citizen running for the highest office. Let that sink in. Img8

Can you believe this? The main course has not even arrived yet and we already know Hussein and his administration started to spy on Trump as soon as he decided to run on 2015. From Stzrok, we know the DOJ was involved at least on December 2015. What does that tell you? This means Hussein, Clapper and Brennan were at it before and that the DOJ only came in later in the picture to give some legality to what they have been doing in the shadow using the FVEY loopholes and other means.

You know what these other means are right? It’s right here:

Q1337 Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365. Literally.

Q1103 YOU are being TRACKED. NO FB account required. This is BIGGER than you think. Agencies attached. Q

This is clown controlled big tech spying on everybody using the Lifelog/Darpa model:


Using the FB example, Q is telling us how clowns control big tech by creating puppet billionaires and giving them the technologies and the funds for the ultimate purpose of spying on everybody. Now you know why the Maestro compared origins to oranges, he knew exactly what he was saying, stayed in context and was not comparing Apples with oranges… Speaking of Apples, you remember this feud right: Img9 Interesting. Look at the tweet dates. It seems Stzrok and the DOJ were in sync with Dopey…

Peruvian Coffee for those who made the connection DOPEY-CITIGROUP-HUSSEIN through Wikileaks! This article reminds us how Michael Froman, a former Citibank executive, “handpicked” (don’t you like this word William?) the entire Hussein’s cabinet using his Citibank email address.

Q1402 Puzzle coming together?

Ready to extract the orange juice?

We write ORANGES with the numbers corresponding to the position of each letter in the alphabet: A=1, B=2 etc… Img10 We get the sequence [15,18,1,14,7,5,19]. We do the same for ORIGINS and get [15,18,9,7,9,14,19]. For example the third letter A=1 in ORANGE is transformed to I=9 by adding 8 if we move forward in the alphabet or by subtracting 18 if we go backwards. We do this for each letter and have 2 transforming sequences: the positive one [0,0,8,19,2,9,0] and the negative one [0,0,18,7,24,17,0] respectively adding up to +38 and -66. Which one should we pick? Big load of Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed the Maestro re-tweeted ABC News 4 days later and says: “I like positive things ok?” link. We analyze 38 and notice it’s the value for JARED. It’s confirmed by the 10:24 AM timestamp. We go to Q1024 and read “Jared Cohen, coming to a theater near you”. This is Eric Schmidt’s protégé, CEO of Jigsaw, CFR creature and who traveled with him to North Korea. You know we are in Clown territory right?

Notice we could have solved Jared Cohen without the Maestro’s additional hint he gave 4 days later to confirm the 4 non zero displacements which are +[8,19,2,9] and –[18,7,24,17]. How? By noticing the negative path 66 brings the Google Chrome logo through 666 Img11. Pretty cool right?

Google is pulled in SPYGATE, through Jared Cohen. The big tech connection is confirmed. What does Q mean with “coming soon to a theater near you?” What are the odds that the very day the Maestro made his orange comment, Jared hosted a reception to launch his new book with its orange stripes? Img12

Big tech has been out to get Trump and is still trying just like Hussein did with all the Government apparatus. Now that they have lost power, they are hoping operatives like Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler will get the job done. You already know what Adam is all about. What about Jerry? Look at this April 9 tweet about him pointing to Q716 which links to an article about the C_A and Big Tech. Img13

Now we can draw the summarizing image showing how the Cabal globally weaponized the international Intelligence Community and how it locally uses political assets for control: Img14

To know more about this structure or about operatives like Jerry, we need to analyze this articleabout his wife Joyce. Unfortunately, I am running out of space. Try to go through it and we will compare our findings. Hint: Germany.

Q717 Public: FBI/DOJ/O-WH/SD Private: Clowns Clowns Clowns. Q

Neon Revolt ~ “Are you ready to see Wonderland?” 666 5th Ave and THE CABAL. #Pizzagate #Pedogate #QAnon #GreatAwakening #5thAveAnon


editor victoria’s comment ~ WOW!  WOWZER!!  TRIPLE wowzer!  this one came out about a year ago – 4/4/2018 (did i miss it?) – but it is VERY relevant today.  for one it aligns w/my research last year about Kuschner’s purchase of that controversial building – his plans to redesign it while giving it a new address being rejected.  

most importantly – and most relevant today – reading this we can see how 5G in the hands of Alliance/Team Trump is BENIGN tech.  the more i research this the more i am learning about the importance of frequency.  it’s all about frequency.  the wall is just not about a physical barrier at the southern border.  it is a global network of safe, wireless tech that will free us up.  think Tesla wireless.  (it also includes protection from those inter-dimensionals who have had their nasty hands controlling this realm through the cabal/elite figureheads.)  we learn of the cabal/elite’s plan of this tech – and it won’t surprise any truth seekers out there.  “they never thought she would lose.” indeed.

far too many tidbits for me to speak much about this as a group of comments – but it is very worth the time to read.  as the article also mentions ~ Trump’s been destroying their sick symbolism since 1980.  CLASSIC master troller he is.  my respect for Trump just went up another notch.  (and you will see how Trump used the name “John Baron” when first asked about the decision to have some of that symbolism destroyed off of one of the buildings he purchased at the time.  John = Uncle John and Baron – his son.)  it’s all good.  what is coming out is SAFE.  p.s. ~ very happy i gave up drinking coke and pepsi years ago.  although i would like to see healthy soda drinks run by Benevolent companies.



In addition to #QAnon’s regular posting, a new insider called  #5thAveAnon has been posting for the week or so.

I’m going to attempt to give you the 40,000 foot view here… so stick with me. 5thAveAnon doesn’t use a tripcode identifier, so you have to pick him out based on his style, and the info he’s dropping. This is amazing stuff we’re learning about here, and I’ll try to format it in as understandable a way as possible.

This is a staggering rabbit hole, but dive on in.

This was 5thAveAnon’s first post:

And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.

Daniel 7:20 King James Version (KJV)

This got anons digging.

That’s right. Kushner had been trying to buy the property. This was the proposed design:

More on that:


Zaha Hadid Architects unveils 666 Fifth Avenue skyscraper for Kushner Companies

A supertall skyscraper, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects and developed by the family of Donald Trump’s son-in-law, has been proposed for Midtown Manhattan.


Of course, Kushner was denied and his plans were rejected.

One anon suggested it had to do with the “Inferno” technology Lucent was developing.

Links from that post:

President Kushner owns 666 Building where the Mark of the Beast Chip is Developed |

More and more info continues to come out about US president Donald Trump Jared Kushner which we weren’t aware of back in 2016 during the elections. You have got to prepare spiritually for this because what you are about to read will turn you upside down no matter if you are a Christian or atheist. …

The European Union Times - World News, Breaking News THE EUROPEAN UNION TIMES – WORLD NEWS, BREAKING NEWS
Kushner redevelopment plan for 666 Fifth Ave. deemed ‘not feasible’ by partner

Trump friend Steve Roth says the “grand scheme has gone away,” putting project in doubt.


5thAveAnon responds:

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Revelation 16:2

Anon asked:

Another anon answered:

Which lead to 5thAveAnon pointing us to this:


So, the gist of it is, the CIA has a history of using secret financing programs to finance Occult organizations and research; organizations that are made to look like public endowments, or whatever. The point is, there’s a public face to the organizations that masks their true purpose.

Pay attention to this part:

Full NEON-hosted PDF link: CIA-RDP75-00001R000100050017-4

The important thing to know is that Anons kept digging on Lucent:

666 Lucent Technologies 6th Floor WWW.EXORCIST.ORG.NZ

Anon above does a good job of summarizing the important points. AT&T split into three companies, and have a freaky program reflecting a Hellish nature.

5thAveAnon confirms, and then asks a series of questions:

Anon responds:

5thAveAnon then proceeds to drop a bomb:

But she didn’t win, so apocalypse literally averted.

Anon then answers his earlier questions:

5thAveAnon asks some more questions.

Walton is the Father of RFID:

DOD uses his RFID chips in EVERYTHING.

5thAveAnon then has two posts, filled with questions:

Anons respond. You wouldn’t guess who shows up in their answer:

Anon answers the 5G question:

So #Soros acquired #Lucent through #Nokia in 2016, in order to move the “#Beast” chip forward in the EU, in case the US plans didn’t work out for whatever reason.

This is how Soros operates, time and time again.

Anon then discovers that this 5G spectrum thing ties to everything.

5thAveAnon confirms the significance of the above post.

In other words, ALL commerce would then flow through these dumb Beast chips. Which reminds me of a verse:

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Revelation 13:16-17

5thAveAnon responds:

And then 5thAveAnon responds to himself, elaborating further:

So now he’s connecting the building to other locations in NYC.

Anons speculate on the significance of the building itself:

Anon asks the billion dollar question:

But more on that later.

Anons start speculating that 5thAveAnon is actually Jared Kushner:

5thAveAnon responds:

(But, spoiler:)

Still, the Q-pins part is interesting. I’m going to be on the lookout for that.


For reference, Jordan Belfort is the guy who published the Way of the Wolf Memoir, which was adapted into The Wolf of Wallstreet. He also spent 22 months in prison for fraud.

5thAveAnon asks:

Cadre, for those who might not know, is a real estate finance startup Cadre backed by Jared #Kushner. It has a credit line of some 250 million from George #Soros.

George Soros is the secret financier behind Kushner-backed startup Cadre

George Soros’ Soros Fund Management has quietly been financing the Kushner-backed real estate finance startup Cadre with a substantial credit line, ac


5thAveAnon is saying there was a deal brokered by Someone and Jordan Belfort at the restaurant at the top of 666 5th Ave – the “Top of the Sixes,” and the whole thing was recorded because… Belfort(?) was wearing a wire/consented to being recorded?

And then Anon hits on the Hollywood connection, again:

5thAveAnon tells us to update the map:


Anon connects Jordan Befort to the honeypot activities of CIA asset Hugh Hefner.

Here’s the attached image:

So Kushner and Roth teamed up to buy a TON of blackmail against… all types. Hollywood, politicians, global elites, and more. Like Q said, THEY HAVE IT ALL.

Some anons expressed doubts about Kusher, and his proximity to Soros.

Anon sees what I see, in this:

When 5thAveAnon pops back up later that day, he reiterates several questions:

Anon answers:

5thAveAnon confirms:

Keep in mind here, how much activity the Vatican has been having in China, lately, as well as massive corporate interests that just stomp all over the “little people.” Remember, we’re like “Sheep” to them. Just tangential food for thought, as the Vatican clearly attempts to extend its influence:

Vatican Deal Would Keep China in Charge of Church, Beijing Says

A senior Chinese religious-affairs official signaled that the pope’s authority in China will be limited even if the Vatican and Beijing reach a landmark compromise on the appointment of bishops.

China Keeps Tight Rein on Bishop as Vatican Deal Looms

Chinese officials allowed an underground Catholic bishop to celebrate Holy Thursday Mass after concerns about his treatment risked upsetting efforts by Beijing and the Vatican to end a decadeslong rift.


5thAveAnon then asks some other questions

An Anon responds with a theory I like:

And soon, indeed. Anons quickly figured out that Roth and Vornado are some of the good guys!

But going back to answer some of 5thAveAnon’s questions:

Weinstein…. Hmmm… Very interesting. Remember when Q asked why all this information was coming out about Hollywood abusers now, aaaaaalllll the way back in post 19, on November 1st, 2017?

Relevant Anon Digs:

Anons started looking into the tenants at 666 5th ave, and then one anon asked a question:

5thAveAnon responds and reiterates: INVESTIGATE THE TENANT LIST:

Here’s the Pepsi commercial “Diner:”

Here’s the USA Today Top Pick commercial “Your Cheatin’ Heart:”

Coca-Cola, The CIA and The Courts

So Pepsi was sending “subliminal” threats to Coke – which is a CIA asset. So the question is… Who controls Pepsi?

Some of you won’t be old enough to remember when Clinton took a detour to a newly-opened Coke factory in 1995:

And isn’t it just interesting that Russia once paid Pepsi in Naval Warfare ships:

Does this mean that Coke and Pepsi are literally deep-state corporate proxies?

Remember, Q implies that the CIA was leftover Nazis…

And he also implies that the Communists in Russia “faked” their own demise at the end of the Cold War.

So does that mean Pepsi Communists were literally sending a message to Coke Nazis with their commercial advertising?

I know, it sounds… crazy. But I think the ultimate point is, reps from these companies/factions reached an agreement in 1994. And they did this at the “Top of the 6’s” restaurant.” The Clintons visiting Russia in 1995 to drink Coke showcases some of the results of that meeting.

Moving on from this particular thread…

The map points us back to this 5thAveAnon post… Re-read with the RFID chip reveal in mind.

Sergei Skirpal was the MI6 spy who had been found poisoned. And the British media tried to blame it on the Russians, but it turned out that was a lie.

Yeah, 5thAveAnon is saying his daughter knows.

More Anon digs:

5thAveAnon responds to both, here:

5thAveAnon is saying they’ve weaponized RFID, and were using it as a means of population control! Insidious!

Anons respond:

5thAveAnon comes back:

This is where we start to lack some of the answers we seek. We don’t have everything yet, but rest assured, anons are digging.

What follows is what we do have, thus far:

And Anon drops a bomb:

The idea gets further refined:

5thAveAnon chimes in again, here, in response to the “Star” image being posted”

That was 5thAveAnon’s last post, as of yesterday.

It remains to be seen if he’ll return, but I’m seriously hoping he does continue with the drops.

The digging hasn’t stopped, however.

One Anon noticed these points-of-interest along the Pentagram:

It’s not just a theory that there are tunnels connecting these buildings. It’s a guarantee, because FDR used them to hide his polio.

One Anon managed to pull up the old floor plans for 666 5th Ave:

Suspicions confirmed. 666 5th Ave has UNDERGROUND VAULTS, right on the floorplans.

Anons really started digging for more info on underground vaults and tunnels, and turned up some wild stuff:

These tunnels really do exist, and do extend to other buildings, under streets, and who knows where?

With that in mind, back to that Billion dollar question I hinted at before:

Remember the Pentagram from just before? The one linking Trump Tower to these other buildings?

Trump’s a construction guy. He would have to know about these tunnels if they existed under his building, right?

Does that mean he’s part of all this?

Well, let’s take a look at some history about when Trump bought the site that would become home to Trump Tower:

You would remember that if you read Trump’s Art of the Deal. His story is in there, where he presents it all as just a mix-up, a tragic mistake, a footnoted “Oh well.”

But do you believe that?

Trump bought the site of what was known as Bonwit Teller Building during a big economic downturn in the late 70’s. Demolition was to begin in 1980.

Detail on the fascades:

Now, I want you to read this last excerpt from Wikipedia:

President Trump: Smashing the idols of the cabal since 1980.

How awesome is that?

Guys, trust me when I say there is SO much more I could say about all this. I’m doing my best to parse it all down and present it in understandable chunks, so I’ll keep you updated when I have the next “gestalt” assembled.

In the meantime, thanks for reading this monster of an article that took me hours to assemble.

Qanon for 3/15/19


AG Barr Watch Proof NE Veto.png

The real ‘fun’ starts soon.

On March 15th?

Powerful statement of UNITY.
>>5704151 (/pb)
“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump—I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough—until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad,” he told Breitbart on Thursday, and then tweeted out the remark.”
Same day?
How much more obvious can we make it?
You are slipping Boss. Already made notes, kek
Busy saving humanity.

Powerful statement of UNITY.
/CM/ stay alert
These people are sick & evil.
It is not a coincidence.
It never is.


Qanon for 3/7/19

editor victoria’s comment~ AG Barr met with Huber this week….today Graham requests the release of a variety of documents from Barr including the Page FISA doc – deadline of 3/21…..are we finally finally FINALLY going to see the implosion (house of cards crashing) happen??!!



We stand TOGETHER in this FIGHT.
Keep the calendar up-to-date, Patriot.
Check off and log.
Future proves past.
Glimpse of something much bigger to come?
Actions have consequences.
Remember, it goes both ways.
Nobody is safe.
Leak was plugged.
>>5565314 (/pb)
Something you should explore further.
Impressive, most impressive.