UPDATE (and a theory) on the Military “drill” in LA ~ Seal Team 6 or Delta Forces


editor victoria’s comment ~ my mate (former military) and i postulated that the Wells Fargo outage today is directly tied to the ops that went down in LA on Monday.  watching the video footage you can see that one of the buildings in the vicinity is Wells Fargo.  if they took servers, that would explain the outages today (which definitely were not caused by smoke – banks have numerous back-up/fail safe protocols in place for such events).

also noticed in this video there was some large white box in the street, behind the black hawk that disappears as quickly as it appears.  it wasn’t garbage as the wind from the rotor’s would have blown it away.  just another crumb to chew on….

UPDATE:  getting more info from the woman who did the video below.  she said that this is also the vicinity of the PG&E lawyers…..aaaaand someone else said the Guatemalan Cultural Center is likely a front (shell) company. when i looked into it last night i noticed the place has no website and hardly anything on the net.  



Published on Feb 7, 2019

Here’s the real reason why Trump shut down the government—SES


Posted on January 16, 2019 by State of the Nation

Would you like to know the real reason for the shutdown?
What do you know about SES/Senior Executive Services which
IS the Deep State / Shadow Government. It is in SES wherein all
of those same names which we have been seeing for many years
go from one governmental position to another. They receive
paychecks all of their lives until their death including benefits.
When the shutdown lasts 30 days, then the president can layoff
every one of those scoundrels and finally be rid of a big piece of
the Deep State / Shadow Government.


The Other Side of the “Shut Down”: Covert Operations Ongoing to Eviscerate the Deep State [videos]




January 16, 2019

Pssssst!!!! Can you keep a secret?

One of my sources sent the following collection of short videos and articles this morning and I haven’t yet had a chance to view them all but they are suggesting the “shutdown” of the agencies and SES (senior executive service) in Washington has a distinct purpose; an ulterior motive. Looks like the 5D chess game is approaching “mate”.

As Dave pointed out in his X22 report last night, THIS shutdown, unlike Obama’s, was not about penalizing the public. Obama’s administration made his brief shutdown as much of an inconvenience as possible, while President Trump’s shutdown was minimally invasive, only involved key portions of dead wood, and most of America is not directly affected or penalized.

I’m not in a position to vet this information, but I suspected Trump was up to something. Did you? We knew it wasn’t about the wall funding. It’s been funded many times over. I maintained that the shutdown was a GOOD thing. We have been screaming for the removal of the treasonous and financially-draining SES for a long time.

They like their vacation so much, so let ’em have it. Permanently.

While we’re at it, I’ll share an excerpt stating the typical deep state trickery Pelosi was up to as revealed by Thomas Williams last Thursday, and excerpted by Lucid Dreamer to this short video format. They just keep adding more nails to their collective coffin.

The wall shutdown is the public and dramatic cover story so as not to upset the natives. (dozing public)  They needed to get the traitors out of their offices and this was a brilliant scheme to do so without causing undo concern to the snowflakes.

It’s really about rounding up the criminals, “reduction in force” (RIF) and restructuring, apparently. I had hoped!

I love it when a plan comes together. Enjoy the show!

P.S. It’s not a secret. Share!  ~ BP


Did JFK JR call Able Danger to update him on military tribunal


editor’s note:  ok so this topic suddenly popped into my face and media feeds the past 24 hours.  when i mate discovered it, we took it as a sign.  so….we listened. i detected a slight new england accent in a few words.  the whisper-like tone. sounds like him from years past.  


Published on Jan 7, 2019

Era of Light ~ 1/1/19 ~ All Portals of Light are Open ~ Resetting the System


editor v’s comment ~ t/y to brother rick for passing this one along.  all i can do is go by my feel and i feel truth in this one (not so much on the RV – at least for me – but that could indicate either an old timeline or a timeline for those who do not align with “going home”….the timeline Yellow Rose for TX speaks of that Trump and team are creating…the end of systemic control)…


Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.

Are you tired yet of expecting? Are you excited at the same time? Do you feel the energy, the imminence that something great IS about to manifest? If yes to any or all of the above, than rightfully so. But your waiting, your patience has not been in vain.

I am very excited and I too am expecting the same thing you are expecting, for one the Global Currency Reset, and a whole lot more. Now to that we will say the celebrations shall commence very, very soon. Understand that here we are not even speaking in terms of months.

All obstacles that have prevented major dominoes from falling have been dissolved.

Many entities at the top of the latter [ladder] in particular were given ultimatums, which they refused all of them. So now they get NOTHING. But only to experience their own demise, which is complete.

They now have ZERO power. Governments, banks, military, are now all in the hands of the Alliance. The mainstream media is also quickly to be taken over by the Alliance Technology. This you will notice through the change in reporting on your television.

Our magnificent Mother Earth is being flooded by the higher light of the Great Central Sun. All portals of light are now open. Which means the light coming to Earth in this moment is NOT being controlled or lessened by anyone anymore. That was the case in the past so all could adjust to the higher light and feel more comfortable. No more. It is entirely up to each and every individual how they cope with the continuously increasing energies.

A certain light quota must be met in order for the major events to take place, and without causing damage to Earth’s body and her inhabitants. It is our understanding that this level has all ready been reached. We truly are on the cusp of the Reset of the entire System.

The new year shall herald in great surprises. Wonderful news and celebrations for many, while shock and disbelief for others. We are moving forward at the speed of light, the new dawn is here now.

From heart to heart, I Am Kejraj!


Qanon ~ 12/22/18


Editor Victoria’s comment ~ 10 days of darkness does not necessarily mean no Q posts.  That was only a speculation.  Q said it meant government shutdown.  Are we in that period now?  Count off the days and we will know by years end.


How can the ‘LEFT’ refute this?
What happens when you can no longer trust those elected to represent you?
Anons can play this game all day long.