Qanon Latest for 11/30/18 ~ reference to GHWB


editor victoria’s comment ~ interesting.  many are speculating this is another “mccain” situation.  thank you to one of my readers for sending me the article i link below this one drop.  i found the reference tweeted by Comey (end of the article) about the death of his dog to be an odd “coincidence” with the Q tweet below…


Re: GHWB USSS code name re: Timber wolf
The grey wolf (Canis lupus; also known as timber wolf) shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog.
State funeral next week.

Qanon for 11/29/18


editor victoria’s note~ referencing yesterday’s exposure/capture in SC and last night’s attempt on POTUS’ life ~ at the very least the threat of an attempt.  THEY KNOW.  interesting choice of words too – a picture is worth many sentences.  the usual phrase is worth a thousand words.  sentences = jail sentences?

update:  found this tweet about the picture below and the possible message contained:


A picture is worth many sentences.
Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?
Think timing.
Think Senate lock.
Think SC lock.
Locked & (who is) Loaded.


We know.

Another BOOM! More proof of Trump the Time Traveler? KNEW of the events of 9/11 19 months prior?


Editor Victoria’s note:  Quoted from his book “The America We Deserve”.  I already know he’s a time traveler.  Just more proof here – so much of a BOOM moment a panel of MSM puppets are more or less speechless.  I also noticed the “he may have written this in 1999”.  Uh huh.  What else happened in 1999, class?  The start of the plan perhaps?  With who at his side?


Sourced from here.  

Introducing JFK Jr to the masses again ~ a video of Hope


editor victoria’s comment ~ chills & tears!  i am so ready to see he and his family.  that one event will unite us all!  i am also reminded of the video claiming to capture their son and daughter at a rally of this past year – and wow – the son looks spot on like his young dad does in this video below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Sourced from here:

Photo of someone holding up a “Q” sign at a recent rally – this time it’s right by the podium


Editor Victoria’s Comment ~ I’m trying to determine if this is a first. Normally, in the past,  ANY “Q” related attire is either asked to be covered up or removed. Must mean we really are that close….


Image may contain: 24 people, people smiling, crowd


“We are at a crucial point in our timeline here on Earth”


In the following article spreading truth and awareness is the intention. We are at a crucial point in our timeline here on Earth. With utmost importance it is that YOU do what you can to shed light on the truth.

Please read the following very carefully with an open mind.

In life there are no accidents, no thing such as a coincidence exists, and most certainly there are no conspiracy theories. There are simply truths and lies. And every accusation ever made against the Deep State, the Ill-uminati, the Zionists, and the Vatican is 100% truth.

They are one and the same, but we’ll call them the Cabal. A blood thirsty, dominance hungry, ruthless clan, that spans back over ten thousand years. Ruling from ancient Sumer(modern Iraq), Babylon, Egypt, Rome, England, Washington D.C. These are the, let’s call them offsprings of the beings that caused the collapse of the continent you know as Atlantis over twelve thousand years ago.

The most deceitful, sadistic, inhumane, soul cringing thing you can think of, the Cabal has done it.

From starting unnecessary wars in the name of freedom and terrorism. WW1, WW2, the American Civil War, the Cold War, all wars in the Middle East, and many others. Plots of fake terrorism, killing hundreds of millions of humans for depopulation and pleasure. Human trafficking, eating human infants, kidnapping, “children trade” with negative ET entities for advanced weaponry. Drugging, raping adolescent females and sending them to Hollywood to become “pornstars”. CIA programs to destabilize American families, sexism, to make MAN and WOMAN despise each other. Artificial medicine, poisonous vaccinations, deliberately creating disease to depopulate and profit from the “cure”.

These ruthless entities are the ones that brought slavery to America. They gave you the “theory of evolution”, the idea of race and religion. Creating hate and division between humans based on physical appearance.

They created Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and are the authors of the bloodiest books ever written. The Tanakh, the Bible and the Quran. Which are full of exaggerated claims, false promises, hate filled, fear mongering, ‘end of the world’ predicting texts(to put it in peoples minds in hopes that peoples fear and dark thoughts become reality).

One more Cabal creation that people enjoy, and in my opinion, and anyone with a slight awareness has seen this, one of the most irrelevant things in our world today, “sports”. The sole purpose of it being distraction. Ironically receiving the most attention by the masses.

They are responsible for 9/11, which prevented NESARA from being declared. Chemtrails(poisoning the air), and all the weather modifications programs, from hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and more.

One would need to write many books in order to fit the crimes that the Cabal has committed against Humanity and Mother Earth herself, yes she is a living being. They have drained her blood(oil), they have harvested her organs(gold, diamond, and thousands of other minerals) for hundreds of years for power and profit. While at the same time keeping Free Energy devices hidden form the public.

The Cabal has given America all the unconstitutional three letter agencies the country has today. The CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, DHS, NAA, IRS, TSA, and many more, that cost the people trillions of dollars every year. Let’s not forget Federal Reserve, a privately Cabal owned bank that has nothing to do with the Republic of the United States of America.

After everything that has occurred in our world just in the last five hundred years alone, all the suffering, the wrong that has been done, the deceit, the crimes against the innocent, it all ends NOW, the time has finally arrived.

It is essential to understand that the Cabal has always gone after and killed anyone that stood in their way. They are the same entities that killed Abraham Lincoln. They assassinated John F. Kennedy. Why? Because he became aware of the Cabals evil plans and decided to take action.

After all that has happened, there is yet hope, not just for America but the world. We have leaders from many countries that are fully aware of this Cabal and their propaganda.

In America a courageous man has risen. This one that has chosen to stand fearlessly against the Cabal. His name is Donald J. Trump. This is why now all day long on the mainstream media that is 100% Cabal owned, they demonize this man.

They have paid people millions to come forward with false accusations against him, they are doing all they can in hopes of bringing this man down. Yes, they have even made ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS against him, they have failed.

If Donald J. Trump was such a bad human being, an evil one, the Cabal media would be doing the exact opposite of what they are doing to Trump now. They would be praising him, they would want you to LOVE him. But why all the false accusations, why all this hate created against him?

The answer is simple and clear for those who wish to understand. Donald J. Trump has destroyed the Cabals plans for world domination. He has prevented them from starting World War 3. His goal is to bring about Extraterrestrial Disclosure. To end the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and all the other corrupted so called government agencies that operate on American soil illegally, and to finally declare NESARA as law of the land.

Friends, we are in the final push of this battle. To free Earth and Humanity from the parasites that have been running uncontrollably for millennia, and now their demise has come.

My final words in this piece are; Let us unite as the spiritual beings that we are, for that is what we are. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Love is in our DNA, love is what holds the Universe together, love is what will restore our beautiful Mother Earth to her original pristine state. Through love we will unite and create a world of peace, joy and abundance for all. Through love we will enter the new world of the 5th Dimensional Earth Reality.

From heart to heart, I am Kejraj(Kayry).

KejRaj: The Light Triumphs
11/04/2018 03:37:00 AM
Source: Era of Light
The Light Triumphs

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(Kayry).
Shared from. Ayçe S. Endez


Q Anon Posts for 11/3/18



Who are the real racists?
[2016 Democrat Nominee for President of the United States]📁
Fake News Cover Up > Prevent Black Americans from Seeing the TRUTH
Another FREE PASS?
Ignorance is BLISS.📁
[D] Party Con:
When you can’t raise money ‘organically’ through party (individual) donations (voter base) YOU STEAL IT from the American taxpayer and give it back to yourself in the form of campaign contributions.
[Example 1]
Planned Parenthood📁
$1.5 billion provided in taxpayer funding over 3-year period.
[Case 1]
PP spent $30 million [disclosed – real estimates close to $65 million] in taxpayer subsidies to influence the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections.
Should it be legal for a taxpayer [D+R+I] funded organization to donate massive amounts of money to the D party in an effort to sway an election?
D_insider_term: T_WASH
Re_read drops re: Soros & taxpayer funding
Keep your eye on the ball.
Midterms & Memes.
[ ]
Remember, POTUS already ordered the DECLAS.
[RR] pushed back hard
-OIG tasked to review [determine ‘sensitive info’]
-OIG works w/ HUBER (important to remember)
-HUBER reports ‘directly’ to SESSIONS (important to remember)
Was the DECLAS already cleared for release?
Was the gambit played by [RR] to stall & delay post election banking on [D’s win House]?
POTUS AF1 [RR] > An enemy who feels safe [& in control] is an enemy who…..
POTUS AF1 [RR] > Mueller END
[Important to remember]
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit POTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in effort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI][DOJ]?
POTUS meeting PUTIN on 11.11
Now what are the odds of that?