There are many levels of Light Workers that are involved at this moment. Some are holding the Light for the “White Hats”. Some are holding the Light for the “Dark Hats”. Some are holding the Light for “The Left”… and some, for “The Right”. And many are holding the Light for that which is beyond any of those labelled “entities”.
It is a massive operation, and it is in process right now.
By the way, I offer no traditional “proof” for any of this. It is simply what I “get”.
There have been some powerful dreams the past two nights… particularly last night. Parts of mine had to do with working in the most intense “darkness of Illusion”, and then breaking through into the Light. Don’t recall any specifics of mine, but it was quite apparent what was happening… after I “broke through” into the Light.
My sense is that this is a wider meaning for all of humanity. Hue-manity (Light worker community) has been holding space for this breakthrough into the Light, for quite some time. And now it is happening all over the place. So-called “ordinary” people are breaking through into their own awareness of who (and what) they really are… BEings of Light.
The illusion is over. It no longer holds any “grip” on people (at least many of them). Those who still choose to hold on to the illusion are soon to be released from it… by their own awakening, and their own choosing.
This message is brought to you by “BEings of Light Foundation”… it has nothing to do with any of the earth foundations that some may have heard about. This “Foundation” has been here since the beginning.
Those who “get” the message from this post will “get it”.
editor’s note: an awesome find! let’s also add hillary losing her security clearance.
If you’re having a hard time keeping up with the Trump Administration, don’t feel special.
We all are.
Let’s recap what happened, in Trump Time, just in the last 7 days.
—FLOTUS Melania returns from Africa. Pictures are breathtaking and provide stark contrast to media spin of negativity.
—Judge Kavanaugh was confirmed.
— Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Senator Grassley, emerge as rock stars.
—-Senator Susan Collins delivers a 45 minute speech that was a precise, deliberate, legal defense of her position to confirm Kavanaugh.
— Murkowski votes against Kavanaugh, Manchin votes for Kavanaugh.
—Leftists in meltdown – vowing more hate, demonstrations, impeachment, etc.
—Rampant speculation of motives behind Dr. Christine Ford’s legal team of Katz, Bromwich, her friend Monica Lee McLean, the staff of Dianne Feinstein.
—20 People die in a horrific limousine accident in up-state New York. Owners of limo company are questionable.
—Arrest of ‘intern’ for Sheila Jackson Lee for doxing Senators private information.
—Voter sentiment reshuffles, protests backfire, media is on edge. Release of multiple new polls.
—-Kavanaugh is sworn in immediately by the SCOTUS, additional ceremony, East Room of White House, on Monday night.
—Sec of State, Mike Pompeo, leaves for visit to Japan, South Korea, China, and North Korea – to line up a second meeting between Kim Jong Un and President Trump.
—Tuesday morning UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley resigns, leading to rampant speculation on her replacement.
— President Trump holds rallies in Kansas, Iowa, PA, in the last week.
—-President Trump calls in to Judge Jeanine, Fox and Friends, and Shannon Bream. Multiple press events.
—-Hurricane Michael hits the Panhandle of Florida, more intense than expected.
—Market drops 830 points. President Trump blames the over-eager FED.
—Rod Rosenstein refuses to testify before Congress to explain his statements on wearing a wire to entrap the President by using the 25th Amendment.
—Glen SImpson, Fusion GPS, refuses to testify on his conflicting testimony surrounding the Russia Hoax, promises to invoke 5th Amendment.
—Director Wray is pilloried before Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. Wray refuses to answer questions as to whether or not the President’s communications are still being monitored.
—-Trump establishes a task force for Human Trafficking, leader is CABINET LEVEL, comprised of 15 agencies. Serious effort to crack down on human trafficking which mostly hurts children and women and leads to ancillary crime.
— “Save Our Seas” act, Senate Bill 3508, passed to save the oceans from dumping 800 tons of garbage a year, pressuring other nations who are the worst violators. Signing ceremony at the White House.
— Pharmacy bill passed. It was against the law for a pharmacist to tell a customer about a lower cost generic drug. No longer. Common sense solution Congress has tried to pass for 40yrs = done.
— H.R. 1551 The Music Modernization Act is signed. Legislation for music royalties is signed/tried to get it passed for 40yrs, finally done under Trump. Brian of the Beach Boys gives heartfelt thanks to Trump, who has supported the best American music for decades. Speaks of the time Trump tried to save Whitney Houston.
—Devin Nunes, Meadows, and Jim Jordan begin to leak/infer that Jim Baker’s testimony revealed Sussman, atty for the DNC, was supplying information to the FBI on Russia Hoax before the election of 2016.
—Dina Powell removes herself from contention for UN Ambassador.
— CNN makes a major blunder, racist comments, related to Kanye West, Democrats seem desperate to mock and shun Kanye West.
—Kanye West and Jim Brown have a press event in the Oval Office and lunch with the President, Ivanka, and Jared. Discussions about Stop and Frisk policy, Chicago and urban blight, prison reform.
—Media loses their minds over Kanye presser.
— Sec Mnuchin issues stern warning for any financial transactions with Iran, in advance of USA sanctions which go into effect in November.
—Stock Market drops 580 points.
—Jamal Khashoggi, son (nephew?) of famous arms dealer, Adnan Khashoggi, is missing for past 7 days, feared dead. Turkey, Saudi, WaPost, all rattle their sabers and want answers from President Trump.
—–Senate confirms 15 more judges, thank you, Mitch.
—Death Toll from Hurricane Michael climbs to 11 people. President to visit the area on Monday/Tuesday. Devastation is extensive. Governor Rick Scott is stellar, response is full-throated, well organized. God Bless Florida, Ga, AL, and the Carolinas.
— Pastor Andrew Brunson, Christian pastor imprisoned for two years, is released from Turkey.
—President Holds MAGA Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, this evening.
editor’s note: i know i am posting a lot about this right now – but i am trusting the Flow and it keeps bringing me back to this. i am supposed to be a part of this exposure/research. it’s happening and oh how happy i feel inside to see this particular piece of the movement expand. Joe M was not all that receptive to this concept at first – but many people (myself included) shared info/pics to help convince him – and it was seeing this “vincent fusca” tonight – again – at the rally – and esp. seeing the camera capture – is what pushed him into the space of confirmation. there are some who have felt (myself included) Joe M is the account for J. Junior – and of course he denies it (tonight brings it up again and says junior wouldn’t be on twitter spouting such theories that are wrong half the time- but i thought hey he’s going to rallies – obviously showing himself to the public – so why not have a twitter account, right?) so….. that could also be part of the cover. or not. it is an interesting “thing” to me that after this camera capture of “fusca” – Joe M is suddenly on board – maybe because this is part of the plan and he’s safe to do so? just makes me go “hmmmm…..” coming out of the shadows into the light…
remaining, as always, in the space of observing…the hopeful observer. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
editor’s note: reddit site/great awakening part of the next round of attacks. and i ask again – why not put it back up? if you are in control…… at least they acknowledge it. twitter/facebook next. how can we “stay together” if our platforms are removed and those platforms are the sole source of communications?
SESSIONS and FLYNN [targeted] for [immediate] removal/recusal? SESSIONS Senate CONF vote?
[RR] Senate CONF vote?
editor’s note: a beautiful piece set free in perfect alignment on this day….
September 11, 2018
Today’s chapter is hot off the press, possible complete with typos and all. This is the picture that I chose before I finished the chapter and it fits – as does the title.
In case you can’t make out the words, “The road to the champion’s title was not an easy one. Nevertheless, you were able to come together and confront formidable opponents with strong team spirit, character and will, all the while demonstrating wonderful technique, and the ability to put up blistering attacks and strong defences.” – Vladimir Putin
Scarlett could hardly believe she was seeing. She was sitting in her favorite chair and, from the comfort of her home, ‘watching’ nothing less than the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
Not only was this particular moment in time written in the stars, it was also written into the title and lyrics of a popular song from the 60’s, “The Age of Aquarius,” by the 5th Dimension…
“When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation…”
Scarlett sang the lyrics as she watched the planets align. She was no expert and she had no fancy charts to use to predict where exactly the moon would be at any particular time, but she was fairly accurate tuning in and getting a feel.
Her guess was that at the exact time Jupiter aligned with Mars the moon would be in the seventh house at a symbol that meant a lot to her. She and Blue had a special spot they hiked to on many a magic pilgrimage.
The called it ‘the Lion Gate.’
She smiled at the memories.
“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett sang as she looked at Blue in question.
He knew she was looking for something symbolic.
Something that would rhyme.
Blue answered her in Russian, “шторм проходит мимо (shtorm prokhodit mimo) – Горе выпущено (Gore vypushcheno)…”
Scarlett smiled.
They were two of her favorite symbols to use together in a Gatha.
шторм проходит мимо translated, “The storm passes by,” and Горе выпущено means, “Woe is released.”
“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett began. She had to add a flavor of rap to it, but the words flowed like magic – no doubt.
“шторм проходит мимо – Горе выпущено…”
It was perfect, and so was their day.
She sang the Gatha now as she watched the planets align.
Scarlett stopped as Mars neared perfect alignment with Jupiter. She knew she was being a bit obsessive, but it felt like this alignment was part of the reason for everything.
She was taken aback when she realized the moon was going to be at a different degree than she had guessed.
The exact moment Jupiter would align with Mars the moon would be in the 7th house at the next degree.
A degree she shared with Fluffy.
She got out the book she bought when Fluffy was a puppy, “Fluffy Scourge of the Sea.”
People made fun of her for naming her boy dog, “Fluffy,” and when she saw the book she Had to buy it. And she put it on display so people could see the title!
Scarlett opened the book and began to read, “He was just a pampered poodle sailing seaward on his yacht, when a pirate ship approached and in a moment he was caught…”
The poodle in the story looked just like Fluffy and his bravery and the way he turned things around was just like Fluffy too.
When the captain challenged him to a fencing duel, Fluffy chased him all around.
Fluffy went to fencing school.
Fluffy won every challenge.
The last challenge the captain proposed was to sing a song.
“Fluffy sang a song of hope, of love that lasts the years, of winds that take you home again…
The crew’s eyes filled with tears.”
So did Scarlett’s.
It felt like destiny.
“Fluffy Scourge of the Sea – Spirit of the sea set free.”
Scarlett sang until the timer she set went off and she reached for her phone to check the astrological chart.
It was time.
“A woman and a dog that looked like a little lamb,” she said as she took a screen shot of the chart on her phone at the exact moment Jupiter aligned with Mars and the moon was in the seventh house…
As I typed the words a meme that I saved yesterday came to mind, and I am smiling as I share it…
Have no fear even though it does appear the storm is here.
editor’s note: had to add the song too! it just dawned on me ~ the second part of the song “let the sunshine in” ~ could be a divinely guided metaphor for the event. just a thought – i got chills and tears upon feeling that. i know how musicians create – often from the cosmos. the divine – the All – where ALL is. it’s an amazing space to be. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
editor’s note: Please consider subscribing if you haven’t. she is a beautifully awesome wise soul who does great work on the topic of Q and our awakening.
editor’s note: a fellow truther needing some love and support. like this site – and even on my social media page – i am experiencing shadow banning. my page views here are way down (is this accurate? i don’t know). i have still been unable to remedy the situation of my subscribers receiving all of my posts – still a hit and miss deal. i understand her frustration and pain. sometimes you just want to walk away and say screw this – i’m just gonna go play. do something else w/my time. anyway – if you could check out her videos (she is one of the better Q truther’s out there) i would appreciate it. subscribe. comment. it is time to show some real support and love to the small channels – the big channels, in spite of having issues too, are doing pretty well overall. we are all in this together! [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
editor’s note: so among the drops here is a heads-up for a national test of the emergency broadcast system (EBS) scheduled for september 20th beginning at 2:18pm and 2:20pm respectively, EST (eastern standard time). here’s a link fmi. my feel? given this was an ANON share and Q chose to put it in today’s drops, i would say they (the good guys and gals) are testing the system for if/when a “blackout” is necessary.
my feel on the Twitter decision to ban AJ permanently is a distraction, perhaps to make us think AJ is one of the good guys. we all know these animals turn on each other now as well. anyway, Q says “more to this than you realize”.
checking out the picture below taken on november 8, 2017 i did as suggested. go to the picture on DJT’s twitter page, right click and “save as” and notice the file name. i’ll spare you the trouble. here is the name of the file: DOITQJ8UIAAowsQcoincidence??? naaaaaaaaaaaah.
we are also told to “enjoy the show tonight”……..DJT is in Montana (Billings) at a political rally. perhaps given it is Montana (a place my heart is very soft for), we will see a lot of Q signs. that is my feeeeeeeeeeeel. we’ll see, right? here is a link to watch the LIVESTREAM of the rally, which begins around 7:00pm, PST.
Prosecutors use grand jury as investigation of Andrew McCabe intensifies Federal prosecutors have for months been using a grand jury to investigate former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe — an indication the probe into whether he misled officials exploring his role in a controversial media disclosure has intensified, two people familiar with the matter said. The grand jury has summoned more than one witness, the people said, and the case is ongoing. The people declined to identify those who had been called to testify. The presence of the grand jury shows prosecutors are treating the matter seriously, locking in the accounts of witnesses who might later have to testify at a trial. But such panels are sometimes used only as investigative tools, and it remains unclear if McCabe will ultimately be charged. A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in D.C., which has been handling the probe, declined to comment, as did a spokeswoman for McCabe.
“We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include grand jury information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications,” Prior said.
Per today: “Federal prosecutors have for months been using a grand jury…” You didn’t think nothing was HAPPENING did you?
Special Approval
P729173009391_Z [SETUP EX 1] [LL]>paper trail>special entry [Natalia Veselnitskaya]>Manafort
FISA warrant issued / approved>Manafort
FISA warrant issued / approved>Papadopoulos
FISA warrant issued / approved>Page
FISA warrant issued / approved>FLYNN
P talks to X
X talks to Y
Y talks to Z