More Qanon for 12/3/18


editor victoria’s comment ~ wanted to mention something about fulford’s latest – how bush was not really “bush” – no relation to prescott/bush “dynasty” – but was a nazi spy brought over by the cia (OSS).  fulford’s info aligns w/sainted anon’s latest video last night (12/2)…


New: Title TBD



Okay. Is the plot moving forward? I think we all understand the characters and conflict at this point. Time for the plot twist? Declas, FINALLY?

The President of the United States initiated and confirmed the order when he stated “The Calm Before the Storm.”
When was the statement made?
When did “Q” go active?
Watch the News.
Watch the FBI.
Watch the DOJ.
If you decide to change careers…
Your name has been entered to be fast-tracked.
The Art of Trolling the Fake News Media
Step 1:📁
Step 2:📁
Who is Scott Free?
Step 3:📁
>>White Squall
>>WWG1WGA (from the movie)
Thank you for playing.

A Citizen from France Sharing His Perspective on What’s Happening….


editor victoria’s comment~ much better than sound-bytes and 20 second videos….i removed the name for privacy.  i had hoped the image of the police standing in solidarity when the protesters was a good sign – i am sure is still is – but for now such acts are part of a minority.  let it grow!  the incoming energies of Our Awakening are far too powerful now to be silenced. FREEDOM!  PEACE! ABUNDANCE!  TRUTH!


Hey guys this is the French who kinda want to give you a little update of what’s going on in my, used to be, beautiful country!!!
So this 3rd rendez vous of yellow power turned really sour. Really really bad. So much violence. Paid cops in civilian to foment violence, paid thug to break, steal, punch… everywhere! .. and so many cops using violence.. my god.. so much blood in one day it’s crazy! Old people, young people, doesn’t matter! They shot everybody! A part of them didn’t take part and put their helmet down but don’t get fooled, it’s not the majority of them. It’s a minority. So… obviously our government looked only at the wreckages of cars, violence against the cops.. well you the BS narrative they are using. So they are now actually talking of a State of Emergency kinda thing. BUT there is one thing that is very important to look at. France is broke. Cops are running out of ammo like crazy. They are actually very scared that this movement keep on going. Even the cops are getting tired. There isn’t much cops in this country and they are sent to do crazy thing on a crazy basis. They will not hold this much longer. So THEY (the illegal governement) need to implement the State of Emergency as soon as possible. BUT I don’t think THEY have a real plan as “our” president is actually a puppet. You guys sure know this but his masters are actually in dire straits too. They never been that worry since a long time. I do think this is a reality. The Rothschilds are loosing ground like crazy. Soooooo what happens next? Who knows!! The fact that we don’t hear much from the military makes me wonder that they (the military) is actually planning on something as at the very beginnning of the “presidency” Macon just cut the budget off of the military like crazy, like first measure kinda of thing to tell you where his stance is. Soooo who knows what will happen next. This movement lack leadership, true measures… a lot of things for sure but … I see Unity. And that’s something good. Really good. BUT! Don’t get fooled guys, there is Unity in this movement but not in this country altogether. This country is divided between those (migrants and descendants of migrants wich is almost more than 33% of our country!! for a grand majority) who wants this system (libertarian assistance sh**) to continue and those who want it to stop. Which is STILL a majority! So here you go guys. Hope that helps clarify things for you. Peace and.. well.. Trust the Plan 

SerialBrain2 ~ Comey hiding behind Skull and Bones’ skirt. State funeral next week. Coincidence?


I told you in a previous post that, as part of the investigation into the FBI and DOJ’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe and the Russia investigation, Comey was to appear before Congress for a closed-door deposition on Nov. 29 and that Lynch’s interview was scheduled for Dec. 5 link.

I also drew your attention on the fact that a closed-door deposition would not allow the interviewed to dodge tough questions and weaselly claim to not be able to answer questions for National Security reasons.

Well, to the Sept. 21 2018 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy letter wrote to Comey requesting his appearance for a closed-door interview, we learn in this articlethat Comey’s attorney responded on Oct. 1 2018 declining the request and instead welcoming the opportunity to testify at a public hearing.

Then, when on Nov. 21 2018 the Judiciary committee sent him a subpoena requiring his testimony at a closed-door hearing on Dec. 3 2018, he resisted with a tweet the next day: link and filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington on Nov. 29 2018 to fight the closed-door session link.

As you can see, we-are-not-weasels Comey does not want a closed-door session. At all. Why? Because he would not be able to sing his favorite song, which is “I can’t answer that in an open setting”. Do you remember? He shared this beautiful song several times in the past with us, for example during his June 2017 testimony on Trump and Russia. Look: img1

People are not stupid and know exactly what Comey is trying to achieve here and, once again, the American People is fully aware some individuals believe laws are only written for us, the sheep, while they, because they are part of some club, can do whatever they want. Katie Pavlich brilliantly renders this reality in this video.

But there is more to it.

First, it is worth noticing that Comey waited 10 days to respond that he would decline a closed-door interview. Did he need 10 days to realize he wanted what he claims to be transparency? Second, he filed his federal lawsuit 8 days after he received the subpoena or just 4 days (or 2 labor days) before he was supposed to appear before Congress. Conveniently enough, the federal judge is scheduled to rule on Dec. 3 2018, which is the very same day Comey was supposed to be interviewed. video.

What does that tell you? Yes, you got it: he’s buying time. For what? The obvious answer is he hopes to survive until the House becomes Democrat on January so he can be protected by those who loved him, then hated him, then loved him again… That’s his long term plan. But he also has a short term tactical concern. Do you see it?

It’s right here:

Q2203 PANIC IN DC LYNCH talking. Q

Did you catch Lynch was supposed to be interviewed on Dec 5, which is 2 days after Comey? What a brilliant move from Goodlatte and Gowdy! I remember when I was a kid, when my Mom wanted to get to the bottom of whose idea it was to sneak out of the house with our homework so we could also alternatively play football, she always wanted me to be the first to tell my side of the story… It always worked; I knew better and would immediately tell her it was me. Q2203 means Lynch is cooperating. So? To confound the liar, you let him talk first and hit him with the truth. As former Director of the FBI, Comey is fully aware of this and this is why he will try to have Lynch talk first. After she does, he will then activate his network behind the scenes to access her testimony and build his defense accordingly using whatever artificial element is required. Like the fake memo play.

Q1190 Memos are FAKE. Guided by LL/+3 CLAS. Think SC. All written same time. Q

And of course, if the network can’t deliver, blunter and more robust methods would be used such as raiding the house of a Clinton Foundation whistleblower. I am sure you guys caught this type of operation is pretty damaging for them because it gets people to be aware there is indeed a Clinton Foundation

Bold moves like this are proof the Deep State is in panic mode and cannot afford to play by the rules anymore. The Maestro has outsmarted them and the only way for them to now survive is to cheat. Clumsily.

But there is even more.

Look at this drop:

Q2510 Edit: Q post timestamp re: DECLAS prior to/post testimony? Come[y] timestamp re: attorney challenge to subpoena? Do the math. Q

Q is asking us to do the math between the timestamp of the drop where he told us to list the advantages of a declassification before or after the scheduled testimonies and the timestamp of Comey’s tweet where he challenges the subpoena. The drop Q is talking about is Q2501 where he says:

Q2501 Will the release occur prior to scheduled testimony? List advantages. Will the release occur post scheduled testimony? List advantages. If those testifying ‘know’ select CLAS docs will become public [self-incrimination] how might that alter/change their testimony? DC has become RAT infested.

I have already walked you through the problematic of declassifying before or after testimonies with my homework example. If you apply my Mom’s method of inquiry, you will easily conclude it is more efficient to lock in all testimonies before declassifying. Now do you see this RAT? Why is it in capital letters? Do you remember the RAT equation? It’s in my article AW9 listed as post#8 in his archive. This equation is about mixing truth and lies to sell an appealing lie:

[R]eal truth + [A]pparent truth = [T]empting falsehood. R + A = T

Q is telling us: by declassifying after scheduled testimonies, rats are not allowed to mix falsehood to the truth and to further activate their MSM Fake News network to sell their lies.

So the timestamp for this drop is Nov. 25 2018 20:55. The timestamp of Comey’s tweet is Nov 29 2018 17:15. Img2 Let’s use the time online tool to calculate the difference between these 2 timestamps. We find: 3:20:20. Which represents 322. Skull and Bones! Do you see this [y]? Why is it in brackets? This was Q’s first confirmation because Y=25=2+23. Mirror of 322.

Q’s second confirmation is in the picture filename in Q2501. If you separate numbers from letters, you get DnNytdXcAIDqj and 94. The value for DnNytdXcAIDqj is 149 which is also the value for SKULL AND BONES. Coincidence? Now what is this 94? Peruvian coffee for those who have noticed Q2501 comes 49 minutes after the HouseOfCards filename in Q2500! 94 is the ACE OF SPADES. Do you like CARROTS? PEAS? This is a riddle on its own. Happy hunting!

Do you realize the magnitude of what has just been revealed about Comey’s tweet and Skull and Bones?!

First, we now have the proof that black hats read Q may be even more than you and I do.

Second, they refer to his drops and use social media to communicate between them.

Third, by pointing at the Q drop referring to scheduled testimonies and declassification, Comey’s tweet is activating his 322 Skull and Bones secret oath brothers within the judiciary system asking them for their help in his federal law suit against Congress. He is essentially telling them he needs time and protection against declassification.

As you can see, using legal process, Comey was able to dodge his Dec 3 closed-door interview, mutate it to a federal judge ruling and activate his Skull and Bones network within the judiciary system for further protection. After playing this card, he assumed all he needed to do was to wait for Lynch to appear before Congress as scheduled on Dec 5 so he could prepare and adjust accordingly.

Well, unfortunately for Comey, it seems he will have to spend more time studying the beautiful and lethal D5 chess play: 41 has just passed away and the Maestro has named Dec 5 National Day of Mourning for George H.W. Bush.

Q2522 Re: GHWB USSS code name re: Timber wolf The grey wolf (Canis lupus; also known as timber wolf) shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog. State funeral next week. Coincidence? Q


Qanon for 12/2/18


editor victoria’s comment ~ the video on twitter shows police in france removing their helmets to stand in solidarity with the people protesting – peacefully – the policies of macron.  it is time for this to happen worldwide. as david icke once said over 20 years ago – if the military and police would stand with the people seeking freedom from oppression, poverty, war, etc. we WOULD create peace that much faster.  Make EVERYTHING Great (Again)!


United We Stand, Patriot.
Together We Win.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
History books.
Ask yourself a very simple question, why is there a total & complete MSM blackout re: France, Belgium, Germany, EU riots etc?
When you are awake you can SEE CLEARLY.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
History books.


Light through Darkness.
Do you believe in coincidences?
viva vs vive.png

You are learning, Anon.
[J C] & Vive la France.
Riots in France today.
Comey testimony?
Do you believe in coincidences?
What you are witnessing in France has nothing to do w/ gas [forced narrative].
Vive la France!
Do not mistake silence for size.
This movement is larger than anyone can possibly imagine.
God bless, Patriot.
Power belongs to the people.
You are what matters.
All you needed was a spark to UNITE TOGETHER.
They are scared.
Think Fake News attacks [2nd only to POTUS himself].
Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.
You are not alone.
Open your heart and your mind.
Where We Go One > We Go ALL!!!
Think WAVES.
Define ‘unified’
SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?
[Controlled] moment activated? [17]
Do you believe in coincidences?
Do you believe your efforts here persuade people to stop the pursuit of TRUTH, [CA_J]?
There is a place for everyone.
People are inherently good.
We stand TOGETHER.
Think multiple meanings.
1. Fired and/or removed from DOJ
2. Removed from SC oversight
[2] completed
[1] coming?
Learn our comms.
HUBER FISA(S) [2-way street]
“Goodbye” Mr. Rosenstein.
>>>Removal > SC oversight
Did [RR] feel safe post AF1 30-min meeting w/ POTUS?
Did [RR] communicate meeting back to handlers?
When your ‘enemy’ feels in control….
These people are stupid.

Think multiple meanings.
1. Fired and/or removed from DOJ
2. Removed from SC oversight
[2] completed
[1] coming?
Learn our comms.
HUBER FISA(S) [2-way street]


“They are unlawful enemy combatants”
Questioning: Graham > KAV re: ‘enemy combatants’ [unusual?]
Define ‘Treason’
EO effective 1.1.19?
DOJ Office of Legal Counsel opinion re: detain re: US Citizen(s) re: ‘Enemy Combatant’
Drops combined paint a full picture.
Do you believe in coincidences?
May GOD BLESS those who fight to defend our great Nation.
We, the PEOPLE.
Re: GHWB USSS code name re: Timber wolf
The grey wolf (Canis lupus; also known as timber wolf) shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog.
State funeral next week.
[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]

Qanon Latest for 11/30/18 ~ reference to GHWB


editor victoria’s comment ~ interesting.  many are speculating this is another “mccain” situation.  thank you to one of my readers for sending me the article i link below this one drop.  i found the reference tweeted by Comey (end of the article) about the death of his dog to be an odd “coincidence” with the Q tweet below…


Re: GHWB USSS code name re: Timber wolf
The grey wolf (Canis lupus; also known as timber wolf) shares a common ancestry with the domestic dog.
State funeral next week.

Qanon for 11/29/18


editor victoria’s note~ referencing yesterday’s exposure/capture in SC and last night’s attempt on POTUS’ life ~ at the very least the threat of an attempt.  THEY KNOW.  interesting choice of words too – a picture is worth many sentences.  the usual phrase is worth a thousand words.  sentences = jail sentences?

update:  found this tweet about the picture below and the possible message contained:


A picture is worth many sentences.
Has POTUS ever made a statement that hasn’t been proven to be correct (future)?
Think timing.
Think Senate lock.
Think SC lock.
Locked & (who is) Loaded.


We know.

Another BOOM! More proof of Trump the Time Traveler? KNEW of the events of 9/11 19 months prior?


Editor Victoria’s note:  Quoted from his book “The America We Deserve”.  I already know he’s a time traveler.  Just more proof here – so much of a BOOM moment a panel of MSM puppets are more or less speechless.  I also noticed the “he may have written this in 1999”.  Uh huh.  What else happened in 1999, class?  The start of the plan perhaps?  With who at his side?


Sourced from here.