editor’s note: a beautiful piece set free in perfect alignment on this day….
September 11, 2018

Today’s chapter is hot off the press, possible complete with typos and all. This is the picture that I chose before I finished the chapter and it fits – as does the title.
In case you can’t make out the words, “The road to the champion’s title was not an easy one. Nevertheless, you were able to come together and confront formidable opponents with strong team spirit, character and will, all the while demonstrating wonderful technique, and the ability to put up blistering attacks and strong defences.” – Vladimir Putin
Scarlett could hardly believe she was seeing. She was sitting in her favorite chair and, from the comfort of her home, ‘watching’ nothing less than the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
Not only was this particular moment in time written in the stars, it was also written into the title and lyrics of a popular song from the 60’s, “The Age of Aquarius,” by the 5th Dimension…
“When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation…”
Scarlett sang the lyrics as she watched the planets align. She was no expert and she had no fancy charts to use to predict where exactly the moon would be at any particular time, but she was fairly accurate tuning in and getting a feel.
Her guess was that at the exact time Jupiter aligned with Mars the moon would be in the seventh house at a symbol that meant a lot to her. She and Blue had a special spot they hiked to on many a magic pilgrimage.
The called it ‘the Lion Gate.’
She smiled at the memories.
“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett sang as she looked at Blue in question.
He knew she was looking for something symbolic.
Something that would rhyme.
Blue answered her in Russian, “шторм проходит мимо (shtorm prokhodit mimo) – Горе выпущено (Gore vypushcheno)…”
Scarlett smiled.
They were two of her favorite symbols to use together in a Gatha.
шторм проходит мимо translated, “The storm passes by,” and Горе выпущено means, “Woe is released.”
“The Lion Gate controls access to the arena,” Scarlett began. She had to add a flavor of rap to it, but the words flowed like magic – no doubt.
“шторм проходит мимо – Горе выпущено…”
It was perfect, and so was their day.
She sang the Gatha now as she watched the planets align.
Scarlett stopped as Mars neared perfect alignment with Jupiter. She knew she was being a bit obsessive, but it felt like this alignment was part of the reason for everything.
She was taken aback when she realized the moon was going to be at a different degree than she had guessed.
The exact moment Jupiter would align with Mars the moon would be in the 7th house at the next degree.
A degree she shared with Fluffy.
She got out the book she bought when Fluffy was a puppy, “Fluffy Scourge of the Sea.”
People made fun of her for naming her boy dog, “Fluffy,” and when she saw the book she Had to buy it. And she put it on display so people could see the title!
Scarlett opened the book and began to read, “He was just a pampered poodle sailing seaward on his yacht, when a pirate ship approached and in a moment he was caught…”
The poodle in the story looked just like Fluffy and his bravery and the way he turned things around was just like Fluffy too.
When the captain challenged him to a fencing duel, Fluffy chased him all around.
Fluffy went to fencing school.
Fluffy won every challenge.
The last challenge the captain proposed was to sing a song.
“Fluffy sang a song of hope, of love that lasts the years, of winds that take you home again…
The crew’s eyes filled with tears.”
So did Scarlett’s.
It felt like destiny.
“Fluffy Scourge of the Sea – Spirit of the sea set free.”
Scarlett sang until the timer she set went off and she reached for her phone to check the astrological chart.
It was time.
“A woman and a dog that looked like a little lamb,” she said as she took a screen shot of the chart on her phone at the exact moment Jupiter aligned with Mars and the moon was in the seventh house…
As I typed the words a meme that I saved yesterday came to mind, and I am smiling as I share it…

Have no fear even though it does appear the storm is here.
We know how the story ends…
Team Light Victorious 🙂 It’s TIME!!
editor’s note: had to add the song too! it just dawned on me ~ the second part of the song “let the sunshine in” ~ could be a divinely guided metaphor for the event. just a thought – i got chills and tears upon feeling that. i know how musicians create – often from the cosmos. the divine – the All – where ALL is. it’s an amazing space to be. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]