Some good information. Warning: some is graphic. Not sure how much more even powerhouse me can stomach… Good analysis nonetheless. I appreciate her work.
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
The best update I have read. It is my deepest feel and desire for all of this to be words of Truth manifesting…
INTEL Update (Real News) via email – “Intel Black Out” 1/21/18
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Just because you can’t see what is really happening…doesn’t mean that it’s not going on behind the scenes.
The Main Stream Media ‘Fake News’ sure won’t tell you about things like ‘Gitmo Prison’ being filled up with Cabal for ‘Military Tribunals’.
They won’t tell you about bad guys trying to escape earth and being shot down over Michigan by the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance ships.
They won’t tell you that 87,000 Pedophiles have been arrested so far.
They won’t tell you there are another 45,000 ‘Arrest Warrants’ waiting…plus 10,000 ‘Sealed Indictments’.
Reports of Nuclear Warhead Missiles in Hawaii & Japan “were real”…and were taken out by Pleiadian craft working with SSP Alliance.
It has been decided that this year (2018) people will be introduced to some extraterrestrials…which will be Pleiadians that closely resemble us.
This Government Shutdown is a distraction while the Military arrest the high profile cabal.
What they don’t know is…this shut down is the end for the corporate government and it will never return while all the criminals go to jail now. (the republic will take it’s rightful place)
Delays in the RV / GCR are to allow time to make sure it is safe for your money and protect your new accounts.
We are waiting on the United States Treasury to push the button for the RV / GCR to start and it is very close now.
Announcements will be made soon about NESARA / GESARA…the Restored Republic…new gold backed currency…new banking…prosperity and more.
Common Law will be restored when the New Restored Republic is announced to the public. (which is already in place behind the scenes and has been in control for some time)
Trump is not going anywhere…and he will be reelected for a 2nd term. (as he continues to drain the swamp)
Look for new technology to soon appear like ‘Med Beds’…’Free Energy Units’ and ‘Replicators’.
This will be the end for death based hospitals and big pharma pushing poison…as Med Beds will cure all diseases…repair any injury…replace any limb or organ and give you perfect health. (in minutes and free)
This same technology will make you young again to remain that way for the next 1000 years. (so you can spend all that money) 🙂
A transformational wave of high frequency energy from the galactic central sun (not to be confused with our sun) is to hit us in the next few days…which is said to cause the shift from 3rd to 5th dimension…which has been termed “The Event” by Cobra of the Pleiadian Resistance Movement.
This Event will be nothing to fear at all…but will mark the beginning of the ‘Golden Age’ of 1000 years of ‘Heaven on Earth’.
Soon you will be able to travel the universe and meet other forms of life which is never ending…
Sourced from here.
Some more information on the recent Conscious and Religious Freedom Division at the HHS Department…in alignment with my first thought as well ~ this gives the People the power to say “NO” to the big pharma outfits, especially the forced vaccination agenda. Below piece written by a lawyer.
It’s not the differences with your allies which should worry you, but the DESTRUCTION your common enemy has planned for everybody who is even remotely on your side.
With the establishment on Thursday of the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in the Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights, Trump has laid the groundwork to smash every single vaccine mandate as well as turn BIG PHARMA into little pharma.
THINK AGAIN. It gives many different groups a BIG TENT under which to fight. I think it is time that Christians and Libertarians, and people of other religious faiths realize that we have a COMMON INTEREST in fighting against a FASCIST HEALTH ESTABLISHMENT.
Yes, we should protect Catholic nuns who don’t want to buy an insurance plan that provides for birth control. And we should protect nurses who don’t want to take part in abortions. And we should protect those who do not want vaccines with aborted human tissue injected into their children, Muslims and Orthodox Jews who do not want vaccines with pig products, vegans who do not want vaccines made with ANY animal products, or the conscientious parent who does their own research and comes to the conclusion that ALL VACCINES ARE A REALLY BAD IDEA.
Is it clear by this time I believe all of you are capable of coming to your own conclusions about vaccines? I have my own opinion and I am happy to share, but I will not impose my will upon any other person.
The House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy (R – California) is one of the people who worked on this project. Do you think he is unaware of the draconian mandatory vaccine law in California which took away religious and philosophical (conscience) exemptions?
This new division at HHS is a HOME RUN for all those who believe in HEALTH FREEDOM.
In a press release put out on Thursday by the HHS Office for Civil Rights, Director Roger Severino said,
“Law protecting religious freedom and conscience rights are just empty words on paper if they aren’t enforced. No one should be forced to choose between helping sick people and living by one’s deepest moral or religious convictions, and the new division will help guarantee that victims of unlawful discrimination find justice. For too long, governments big and small have treated conscience claims with hostility instead of protection, but change is coming and it begins here and now.”
In an article for TownHall, House Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy was very explicit.
“In the past this office sent the message, now is not the time for freedom, it is time for you to conform. What a difference one year makes.”
Dr. Everett Piper of Oklahoma Wesleyan University echoed these comments and brought a laugh to the group by noting what a difference it was to be thanking Health and Human Services rather than suing them.
The acting Health and Human Services Secretary, Eric Hargan, also had some remarkable words:
“For too long too many of these healthcare practitioners have been bullied and discriminated against because of their religious beliefs and moral convictions leaving many of them to wonder whether they have a future in our healthcare system. When faithful Americans are bullied out of the public square and out of public service, when bigotry is allowed to flourish, we all lose.”
(“Members of Congress Explain Need for New HHS Conscience and Religious Freedom Division,” By Lauretta Brown, TownHall, January 18, 2018.)
The lawyer in me recognizes expansive legal language and my little litigator’s heart rejoices with the arguments I can spin from it.
Continue reading here.
Eloquent. Spot-on truth that resonates.
An Extremely Inconvenient Truth Continuesby James GillilandJanuary 13, 2018 |
As expected we knew we would get quite the feedback from the last newsletter especially from Hillary fans.If you are still a Hillary fan you have my sympathy that’s all I can muster |
A slip of the tongue now and then is not comparable to Satanic Worship, Spirit Cooking, Baby Sacrificing, hanging out with pedophiles and defending sexual predators, extreme bribery, real Russian and terrorist collusion – and let’s not forget Seth Rich and a long list of murders of people who oppose or expose the Clintons.We can’t even engage or argue that position of defending Hillary anymore, you can’t debate psychopaths, the extremely ignorant or insane. The evidence and facts are in for those who do serious research and it is all spelled out in the over 11,000 indictments. The democrats continue to make complete fools out of themselves with their positions on all most every topic which change moment to moment. The truth is they don’t have a position or an argument. All they have is Trump Derangement Syndrome. My god, I would never run for any public office with people hanging on every word. I am the first to admit to having bad humor and stating the obvious even if it is not politically correct. All the democrats have as a majority is wordsmithing and the race card, nothing else. They judge, condemn, point fingers at others of what they have redundantly demonstrated by their own words and actions to have been doing for years. The insanity is people still be lie ve them.The republicans are no different yet the extreme mass displays of ignorance, lack of integrity, criminal behavior and double speak is mainly coming from the democrats. |
Has anyone set the rhetoric aside and looked at the actions? |
It’s like defending a Tyrannosaurus Rex that has been terrorizing your village for decades after eating the majority of people within and saying he is a victim or the protector of the village. The wolves governing the sheep. They profess they are really the good guys, hoping they are not their next meal. Classic Stockholm syndrome. The slaves defending the plantation from those trying to free them. To many they are so conditioned that is all they know. Has anyone set the rhetoric aside and looked at the actions? The track record now and those of the past? Nobody is all good, nobody is all bad, none of us are perfect and we make mistakes yet when one has a long history of extreme behavior outside of Universal Law – even the laws of America – how can we expect anything else? It is pathological now, showing behavior that would fit into the clinically ill category and I am not talking about Trump. I am talking about those who deem themselves as his enemy and profess to be servants of the people. The ones screaming the loudest and pointing fingers the most are the ones most guilty of the same acts they accuse others of, and to the extreme. |
Then you have the victims and the race card players who will never admit things are getting better – using their victim roles for emotional or financial support which also includes the desire for fame. |
Yes, there are still injustices to correct, imbalances yet let’s focus on solutions not name calling and division. This is all going to reveal itself, they are all going to be exposed and many are looking at serious jail time. They won’t escape by paying off judges and hiring powerful attorneys because the military and their courts are now in charge. America no longer resembles what it was created to be. The Republic, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, liberty and justice for all has become enslavement with a “just us” system with two sets of rules. One for the elite and one for the poor and middle class. The democrats – while professing to be the champions of the poor and middle class – extremely failed to serve and listen. They became self-serving addicts in their lust for power and wealth: most becoming rich at the expense of the very people they profess to serve. Yes, Hillary that is what happened. The masses woke up, well some of them anyway, but there are still those who want to stay on the plantation attacking the very people trying to free them. Again, yes there are still problems – this won’t shift overnight but why not work together to find solutions rather than name calling and blowing a word or two out of proportion? |
I have studied with Lamas, Master teachers and Elders from all cultures and beliefs. The most powerful often had a wicked sense of humor and were definitely PC incorrect.They used humor to trigger responses, get people to look at their wounds, attitudes, be lie fs that no longer server them.I am guilty of that myself – often pushing that big red button to show people where they are emotionally charged. It is an opportunity to heal. Those unhealed wounds and traumas will keep manifesting no matter how politically correct you try to make your leaders and why are you not leading yourselves? Do you think you can fix this externally? |
If you are not a victim and there is not a charge then PC incorrect comments are powerless.If it is not your coat don’t wear it. Personally, I find it hilarious watching the president say what everyone else is afraid to discuss. He is not a politician, right or wrong he shoots from the hip and you know where he is coming from. I find that refreshing. From a therapist point of view, he is an excellent trigger.The victims will scream at this analogy and come up with a plethora of reasons why Trump is evil even attack me for stating the obvious from a higher perspective. Trust me I have been called everything. |
Reason this, can’t you see the process?Can you become the detached observer and see how everything is being exposed, coming up to be healed? |
We are on the upward spiral and if we continued business as usual with the democrats we would be taking the downward spiral. Do we agree with everything unfolding? No, no one should. We should hold all our leaders’ feet to the fire until Universal Law is the order of the day. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. Make that your foundation. Create Heaven on Earth. Do not get caught up in the hell others want for you, the separation game, the victim, race card, creating a mass diversion over a word or two ignoring and derailing addressing much bigger issues. These swamp creatures are becoming more and more apparent and rather than address the issues and serve the people it is now becoming perfectly clear their real agenda and that is to amass power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth. We need a complete overhaul, holding those in office to their oaths and their mandates. Service to the people which includes the restoration and cleanup of Earth. |
A great prophet once said: Universal Peace will not come through governments or religions but through the hearts and minds of the people. |
If the people chose and practiced Universal Law, chose to create Heaven on Earth, stopped giving their power away to those with a long history of betraying that trust we would take a quantum leap in evolution.We are being pushed on high in that direction. |
Be Well, Be at Peace, You have my permission to send this far and wide. |
Part four. There are several parts in this series of fascinating information, including our history and our awakening. Check it out! I AM SO READY FOR ALL OF THIS!! Every one of these are our RIGHT to have access to and obviously have been withheld from us. The time is here now to intend and see and feel this technology in our lives ~ NOW. I have seen this tech in my visions and when we all go within, we already know that not only does this tech exist, but that we have used it before.