2.25.25 ~ Headlines, Finds, a brief check-in ~ Black Line on the Schumann again



Glitch this f’ing place……….until BAM – we outta here.


Not really feeling any intuitive stuff – other than this whole Ukraine mineral happening.  “Magic Minerals” is what I’m calling them.  T did say something interesting about how it’s time for copper to “come home” – in quotes as written.  It’s like we have this entire production of otherwise “normal” 3d presentations, even when those presentations are maddening, they’re still very 3dish – but then now and then something “beyond” comes through the written and/or spoken word.  And those things give me Hope – for they spark something within – they speak to my voice within.

That said – eyes open – question everything.

Here’s what I am seeing atm.





ET PHONE HOME.  Copper “come home” – magic minerals:




Eight Eight

Chidlren (remember T saying that 10 years ago?  Is this referring to bringing the stolen children home?)



We own them.  They work for us.  Always have.  We must behave and speak as though we do.  Quit messing around and drop the damn lists already.  WE OWE IT TO THE VICTIMS.

Epstein & JFK Files BLOCKED: Luna’s SHOCKING Clash with Pam Bondi! | Jim Hoft & Elijah Schaffer LIVE Interview | The Gateway Pundit | by Elijah Schaffer



Then there’s this.  Comey – why is that a focus?  Aren’t the children more important than this alleged conspiracy against Trump?  What happened to kash saying on day one he was dropping the Epstein client list?   Hmm?

BREAKING: Kash Patel Launches Investigation Into James Comey’s Secret ‘Honeypot’ Operation Involving Two Undercover Agents Who Targeted Trump’s 2016 Campaign | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila



“We have it all.”

Whistleblower Claims FBI Is Deleting Epstein Files | ZeroHedge



They’re Fired: 100 Intelligence Officials In Sick Chat Group ‘Terminated And Their Security Clearances Revoked’ | ZeroHedge



Zelensky To Visit White House Friday To Sign Minerals Deal | ZeroHedge

Reporter: What does Ukraine get in this mineral deal?

Trump: “Military equipment… Without the United States and it’s money… this war would have been over in a very short period of time.”

And… “I’d like to buy minerals on Russian land too.”







Mega-Iceberg from Antarctica on Collision Course with South Georgia – environment coastal & offshore



would they just release the tech already?

Making America Healthy Again by Empowering Patients with Clear, Accurate, and Actionable Healthcare Pricing Information – The White House



We got a black line at hour 13:00:



Photography by Marc hinge



Sharing for both the music and the sweetness:



CASHAPP:  $VictoriaT1144


2.15.25 ~ MMGA (MAKE MUSIC GREAT AGAIN) ~ Finds, headlines…………




Starry Night over the Rhone – 1888


I have this hanging in my bedroom, surrounded by lights and butterflies.  A favorite space to just meditate on.  I love the song.  Songs are around me again, coming in through the tail end of my dreams.  Below are a few that have been with me, including Starry Night.  I’m focused on Making Music GREAT Again.  I already like to take old classics and make them my own.  Time to make new and take the old, remove the filth words and replace with what is pure.

(1) Don McLean – Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics – YouTube


(1) Walter Egan – Magnet and Steel – YouTube



There really is something simple about that time………..not that I want to return – just want PURE again.  I want to FEEL surrounded in Pure – Safety.

(1) King Of The Road – YouTube



Wild weather (tornado’s):  Yeah – tornado’s in February……….a little early…..

🔴LIVE – Severe Weather Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground, Live Weather Channel… – YouTube



These sick fuchs are everywhere.  Only one place for him………




The whole “global economy” was just part of “their” agenda……..



Gluttony everywhere…

Department of Veterans Affairs Fires Over 1,000 Employees | ZeroHedge



Louisiana To End Mass Vaccine Promotion, Surgeon General Announces | ZeroHedge


I had to laugh at this one.  Who enforces – and how?  Talk about desperation….Big Brother in da bedroom……..

Democrats Introduce Legislation To Fine Men For Ejaculating | ZeroHedge









CASH APP:  $VictoriaT1144


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2.7.25 ~ Checking in, a (nother) dream share and mid-day Finds & Headlines


In the chaos of the world stage, which also includes some areas in my personal life, I was able to tune in to another frequency dial on this vessel’s “radio”, and feel that Light that Trump had mentioned in the last couple of weeks, more than once, how there was a new Light (frequency) over the entire realm.  Tuning in, in my minds eye, I could see it, almost parked – sitting there – while so much of the heavier energies coming out from the swamp fighting back and their doings being exposed swirl around –  including our own.  But there is sits – the frequency of Home, the new timeline, the new world, whatever term best fits your personal story.

I had an odd dream too.  This huge disc-shaped UFO with all sorts of lights and compartments underneath appeared in the sky above our neighbor’s house.  I rushed to get my phone and struggled to do the swipe up/enter pin/swipe over for camera maneuver.  As this happened, the craft projected a holographic representation of itself into the room I was in and I “heard” a telepathic type message say “we can only stay for a few moments” – then the dream ended.

Or whatever it was.  I don’t know about the whole astral experience other than it can be infiltrated and is likely just another one of “their” dimensions they have used against us.  But as in any war situation, good finds its way through.

Here’s what is on stage today.




More EO’s and DOGE audits.  Back and forth continues which is just…..












Nome, Alaska (those who have gone down that rabbit hole know what could be behind this………)

How does an airplane go missing? Search for Alaska plane is ongoing

Officials in Alaska are searching the land and sea Friday for a small airplane that went missing, while the nation awaits news of the 10 people on board and wonders what caused the plane to drop off the radar.

The plane was over the Norton Sound, off the coast of its destination in Nome, Alaska, when it stopped sending its location signal on Thursday afternoon, according to the Alaska Department of Public Safety and the U.S. Coast Guard. Just before it vanished, the plane’s data showed it experienced a rapid loss of altitude and speed, officials said Friday.


A small plane slams into a Brazilian street and kills 2 people on board | AP News

SAO PAULO (AP) — A small aircraft crashed on an avenue in Sao Paulo on Friday morning shortly after taking off from a nearby private airport, killing the pilot and the plane’s owner, authorities said. The two were the only people on board.



wonder if “deal” is showing comms for one of his Art of the Deals which may be shown this Sunday (i’m still not watching)……………



Yes, they really did push paper straws…………not a fan of plastic either tbh but better than paper……..





Trump Urges GOP Leaders to Slash Tax Breaks for Billionaire Sports Owners, Hedge Funds to Fund Middle Class Tax Reductions Including No-Tax on Tips, Overtime, Social Security, and SALT Cap Adjustment | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Russian Forces Conquer Important Mining City of Toretsk in Donetsk Region – Ukrainian Defenders Resisted for 5 Months – City Is Badly Damaged (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran






Kash Patel has revealed that an FBI investigation uncovered 256 emails exchanged between Jeffrey Epstein and Adam Schiff. We will know the truth once Kash unleashes the flight list.

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A Song Share ~ Personal Creation



A recent creation of mine.

I’ve been struggling to keep going…. the need to share my heart….

and be heard and seen to feel SAFE is of particular importance to me these days.

The challenge of life – of everything – has worn on me – threatening to drown me.

I poured out a lot of that into this song.

Let me know if you like it.



A Song Share (one of mine)


I wrote this one in 2004 and it’s come back to me again.  Feels relevant for this time.  Lyrics below.  Enjoy.



Stream Surrender by Themamatrinity | Listen online for free on SoundCloud


Surrender (c) 2004

I’ve been searching my whole life.
Looking around me for the truth.
I’ve just wanted to feel I was worthy

The path I walk is a lonely one.
Solitude is a blessing and a curse.
I just want someone to hold me
when I break down.


The sweetness of surrender
has taken over me.
Got nowhere to go
and no place I’d rather be.

The sweetness of surrender
has taken over me.
Wondering who I am
and who I want to be.


I lay my sword
on the ground.
The desire to fight
is gone.
I just want the earth to catch me
when I fall.

Chorus repeats twice.


Few finds………..5.26.24





I’m pretty much left to looking like this after seeing some headlines on GP:

So I won’t be sharing.

















I love this kind of music – this is the version my mom has in her collection of 1950’s 45’s (my favorite, btw)…….it would be fun to be an evening DJ – play an eclectic variety of music from the 30’s through the 50’s……they just don’t make music like this anymore – time to bring some back……start having dances again too…….dancing always puts a smile on my face and heart.  #MakeDancingGreatAgain

1957 HITS ARCHIVE: Raunchy – Ernie Freeman – YouTube




Couple of piano pieces


i’m trying to understand what’s going on within me – how i feel – what i’m experiencing – HOW i am experiencing – and applying that to what i see going on “out there” and in others.  i shared this with my sister/friend – it’s like i had this vision and i see us all individually – kind of flailing around – trying to find our center – exhausted for whatever x y z reason – matrix program comes along within – we get triggered – flail around some more – recenter/regroup/go within – walk back out into the open again only to have it repeated and we’re back to flailing around alone.  i’m kinda done getting myself lost in that drama.  need to take steps away more often and make that become the go-to approach when something tries to suck me back within – tell thyself “this is not for you you do not have to participate”.

walk away…………just walk. away.  over the rainbow, no?  💖😭😂🥰






Upon Further Reflection of this Ring of Fire event………..10.14.23 And some other goodies



interesting – being totally blocked atm from finding the info i want – as well as posting a meme of batman on x.  lol

I’ve been feeling more into this eclipse – this ring of fire event.  Tying in together how I felt – prior (not really drawn to watch/participate) – to during (same experience) – to the dream skit I was in afterwards – to what I saw and felt throughout the day – I’m feeling there was something to this event.  Feeling – at this moment – that it had something to do with lining up mechanisms within the matrix clock here – and removal/purging of some of “them”.  Think of the lyrics of the song:  I fell in to the burning ring of fire.  I’m telling you – when there is a battle on “them” – I feel it.  And something happened today that was not just about people watching the skies.

I saw someone say at the T rallies, J Cash RING OF FIRE has been played:

One of the songs played at the T rallies:  Saturday Night’s Alright (for Fighting).  Ring of Fire eclipse on a Saturday.  Coincidence or synch?  (and an interesting synch for myself personally – T rallies have also played Sinatra’s My Way and Eye of the Tiger – my two go-to songs since childhood)


Gematria:  RING OF FIRE

End of the Line



Solar Flare

Castle Rock

Warp Speed


Could recent launches also have something to do with today’s ROF?  Saw quite a bit of 321 and 123 (mirror) this week.  Could that have been a nudge to look at the rocket launches?

321 Launch: Space news you may have missed over the past week (Oct. 10) (yahoo.com)

Decided to gematria PSYCHE:

In The Air Tonight

Feel My Fire

Flying Car

the Old Post Office (an end-time sign for me personally as most of you know)

The Plan


So after I wrote the above – I see this (VK’s comment from 2019 about the eclipse – which was posted at 1:44 btw):







Saw this train in my dream last night – was on it – then it got hijacked……



i really do love this:




10.12 ~ Oh it’s on! Debt clock talking to us again. Two light warriors feeling the vibe. And more…..



Wow – are you feeling this energy?  I had my new, wonderful friend over for dinner.  We sat around the table talking about JFK, the plan, healing, 5D talk, etc. etc.  The table was either vibing in excitement over having a new person holding the same frequency or something suddenly came into our space.  I was suddenly feeling a wee bit spacy but also amped up at the same time.  I wasn’t sure if I was just cold or if something else was happening.  I mentioned to her what I was feeling and she commented she was feeling the same.  “Did it start in your legs?” she asked.  “YES!” I replied.  I had this desire to go run it off – but company and dessert was more important.

During this time, my spouse came in and showed me this:

HOLY WOW BATMAN!  (Keep it – it’s since gone.)

Sometimes validation is quite sweet.  Most of you know I been saying for a few years now that SILVER is the most precious and undervalued metal.  Trump said it years ago while criticizing crypto currencies.  There ya go!

I said if this particular ending scene is divinely controlled and produced, it will go fast.  That’s what is happening (or seems to be).  I told my friend tonight about the book – The Art of War – how when one strikes at the enemy it happens swiftly and relentlessly.  Still wondering if T (taiwan) will be unfolding at the same time.

Here are today’s vibes.







You know, that “wall thing”………..😂



BREAKING: Steve Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race and Explains His Reasons for Doing So (VIDEO)


Democrat Election Clerk Gives BOMBSHELL Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots (VIDEO)


JUST IN: Israel Warns UN to Evacuate the Northern Gaza Strip Within 24 Hours


IRS Contractor Pleads Guilty to Leaking Trump’s Tax Returns


Poland Votes on Sunday: More Divided Than Ever – Opposition Accuses Populist Government of ‘Planning to Leave the European Union’


While it remains to be seen just exactly who this is (even though I have a sense) – whoever this is knew 2-3 days before the events in Israel took place told us all something big was about to happen – but on the other side of it we would understand the why’s and details (paraphrased):


LOVE this and INTEND:


Check out the beautiful song uploaded on his youtube channel earlier today:

(1) John Denver – The Wings That Fly Us Home – September, 1993 – YouTube



Talk about a synch:  these showing up on 10.12 – the day JD “left” the stage publicly……..


Uh yeah – we’ll see – something’s definitely up in the collective……..10.13 = 11.3……….?





My trained eye says controlled demolition – already there – ground up…….What do you see?




Ok – gonna say this – today felt like Friday.  Still does.  Even people who I don’t consider to be “awake” – said the same.



Rose has called this place a “honeypot”……….










More Music ~ Ordinary Day


I wrote this in 2004 after spending time in reflection about the human condition – our battles – and how, at the end of the day, we’re not so different from one another.  Enjoy!  💖💜💖  (I also put up another piece earlier on my youtube channel – my rendition of Hallelujah)

