editor victoria’s comment ~ oh this is SO beautiful!
Diver meet friends at the sea floor…….😊😁😍 pic.twitter.com/Faega9q7j8
— Anna C Alves🎨 (@AnnaCAAlves17) May 30, 2019
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
editor victoria’s comment ~ oh this is SO beautiful!
Diver meet friends at the sea floor…….😊😁😍 pic.twitter.com/Faega9q7j8
— Anna C Alves🎨 (@AnnaCAAlves17) May 30, 2019
The skies were stunning today. The first few photos show thunderstorms popping up around us (no action here though)….and below are tonight’s captures from the west and east. Those in the east were WOW! Obviously we are seeing another sun or planetary type object. At some point here very very soon we’re going to be able to see these things with our eyes. SO READY!
I wanted to add that, unlike last year, this year’s garden is doing beautifully! And the colors of our flowers are so rich and vibrant – a depth of color I have not seen before. We are having other people notice and ask what we’re doing. Absolutely nothing different. It’s the energies.
Thank you for visiting. Feel free to share as long as my original pieces are not altered and are linked back here. If you appreciate the work I do, please consider leaving a donation by following the link below. Thank you.
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editor victoria’s comment ~ amazing captures! cloaked ships, plasma skies, planetary objects, snow in May – NOTHING is as it appears or once was. our weather has been bizarre too – going from very warm to suddenly big cold gusts of wind come along – even some thunderstorms here which are pretty rare……if any of you have some sky captures you wish to share, pass them along to me and i will post them here. please use the contact link here and i will get back to you. (i do not post my email address publicly)
Published on May 18, 2019
in 2012 we had an owl show up unexpectedly in our tree out back. my mate had just been diagnosed with late state lyme disease and we took it as a sign of comfort. the owl remained for about 2-3 weeks before leaving. she returned about a year later for a few days and again, left. my mate has some upcoming medical tests next week which are stressing us both. the stress of living this way – chronic health conditions for us both at this point – and the whole damn system – and lack of support we experience each day – plus this seemingly never-ending waiting game for revealing’s and changes has taken a toll. he’s done. i’m exhausted and weary. this visit last night felt like a kiss of Love. i feel it is her and she has returned again. i hope she decides to stay awhile….
editor victoria’s comment ~ all have been impacted – some more than others. awakening helps “remove” – heal. how she describes the big city in her area is familiar to me in what i see in my own medium sized city – what it’s become. homelessness. drug addicts. streets in disrepair. crime. and just filth in pockets. societal break-down. i remember when i was in my early 20’s – living in a big city. i felt so claustrophobic – i never did “thrive” in that environment. at the time i listened to the mayor speak of his vision to see mass apartment complexes everywhere to house all of the people. MY GOD, i thought – that’s INSANE! that is when i began to speak out against city living – how it was contrary to who we really are. the human and the soul need space. quiet. nature – not just to take breaks from – but as the primary way of Being. it was that time that i saw the vision of new earth (didn’t know what i was seeing – just knew it was where i would be in the future). i have two plans – new earth/transition and the back-up plan: move away from current location to small, rural, nature. i have done had it w/suburbia/city – big AND small.
Published on Apr 12, 2019
been a lot of cloud cover at these two locations but i was able to capture some blue lights/orbs including one as you will see looks like an organic type of what i call “sky worm”. i saw the usual lighted tubular crafts as well but decided i’ve already taken enough photos of them. also received a guided “look” message yesterday from home in a song. “East”. (those who read yellow rose’s material know what i am speaking of.)
i keep getting an image of me at a table at the new place with a lemon cake with sparkly candles. a birthday cake. which means things better speed up as my next earthly birthday is just a few days from now. oh and i will be 22, btw. (i was 27 for many years so i decided it was time to pick a new number). [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]
and lastly, i decided to share the audience who we had show up for tonight’s Presidential Speech (which essentially went as i anticipated). as you can see, it was a lively bunch.
that odd blue worm-like formation….
some blue orbs and that blue glow again on the horizon…i also just noticed what looks like a perfectly formed “O” in the sky as a cloud….or maybe that’s a “Q”….lol
We had a mostly dry, sunny day today so I took some pictures this afternoon and at the setting sun to share. The need to go within was very noticeable today. I thought more than once of the word “hibernation”. Including a capture of the nighttime moon. It’s really a beautiful night tonight.
Also of reflection is a ladybug visitor we have in the home. Call her a roommate at this point. Each night, an hour or so after sunset, she drops down from somewhere and lands by my computer. The first night I noticed her on my hand where she was content to remain until I finally gently nudged her off. Tonight – same experience. She crawled over to one of my gemstones I keep on the table and took a nice long nap. You will see the photo below included. She has since moved a bit but still remains near the rock’s presence. Must have good energy. [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]
[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”] Solstice Blessings to you all. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
the sky was really lit up tonight. it’s been awhile since we have seen something so colorful at sunset. all directions – north and ESE were vivid pink and the west was just lit up like a fireball. just wanted to share something beautiful…
Direction: ESE