The thick cloud “band” went on what seemed like forever – south to north. It was quite amazing. Daily now, I intend to see the purple sky and bright rainbow cloud formations. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
The thick cloud “band” went on what seemed like forever – south to north. It was quite amazing. Daily now, I intend to see the purple sky and bright rainbow cloud formations. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
Editor’s note: Watching this one reminded me of when we saw a raccoon walking up our driveway a couple of weeks ago – during the daylight hours – highly unusual. It didn’t appear to be sick or rabid. I have also been having birds come up towards the house and look in the windows. Then there have been the 2 recent occasions I have heard the ongoing chirping of the starlings, unusual only because it is something we have not heard before living here.
Editor’s note: Love the images and the tune. Such passionate, raw, truthful words. Earlier today I played the piano and paused to watch the sun. I had this sudden desire ~ a first ~ to help break down the matrix grid, given all is frequency. All I got was note “A” (a tune in “A” – like minor) ~ so I will keep at it. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
Published on Mar 30, 2018
Editor’s note: My first thought (following OMGWTFRIG is THAT??!!) (especially upon seeing the still image): the matrix energy grid continues to weaken, allowing us to see the truth behind the veil. It looks like someone poked a variety of holes in a projection screen. I went to the American Meteor Society, which monitor’s reports worldwide, went back to the 13th and saw nothing being reported in Thailand (Europe, Australia, Canada and the States primarily). What are your thoughts?
editor’s note: i am most curious to learn what the inscriptions on the wall say.
It contains a network of walkways that are “completely untouched”