If You Experience Any Of These 14 Signs You Are Evolving Into The Next Level Of Humanity


Editor’s note:  Check out the comments at the bottom of the article (not linked on my site).  I was in particularly drawn to a woman named “Joy” and her intuitive sharing.  

by Edward Morgan

Evolution started the moment our Universe was born. The development of galaxies, the systems of stars, the planets were all a part of this evolution.

What we call life is just a step, a new form of expression The Universe achieved on this grand evolution. It’s the fruit of The Universe, the extension of the planet it sprouts on, the cutting edge ‘technology’ of evolution.

Humanity is now on the verge of a new evolutionary step. You can feel that we are standing in front of 2 paths.

The 2 Choices Of Humanity

Left is Transhumanism (where humanity will be merged with machines);

Right is Superhumanism (where humanity will evolve its consciousness and unlock its DNA’s full potential);

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Russian Heliplot Read (possible) Theory


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Perusing youtube earlier, I see where another person had noticed that very strange anomaly heliplot read coming out of Tiksi, Russia.  He said it looked like sacred geometry.

I got a chill.  Then my mate and I remembered a book I am reading, Anastasia by Vladimir Megre.  It is the first book in the Ringing Cedars series.  It is a book of magic.  Of where earth is headed.  Future events. Call it prophecy.  It is a beautiful book based on the author’s real experiences with this woman who lived in the Siberian Taiga who called herself Anastasia.  It was literally like a magical kingdom in a way.

So we thought “hmm, where is the Siberian Taiga in reference to Tiksi, Russia, which is in the Sakha Republic?

Turns out the Taiga forest covers almost 50% of the Sakha Republic.

Just putting this out as a possible theory.  Far-fetched perhaps.

But I am always looking for not only logical responses but those that contain magic.

Whatever the case, this read has continued for 2 days, unchanged.  Check it out again below, marvel and theorize.

Heliplot Image

Cosmic Rays Intensifying

Of interest: I follow a man on facebook, Rick Jewers.  He shares these energy/ascension updates which interestingly enough usually resonate with where I am at the time.  He mentioned something about very powerful energy effects coming on Monday (today).  I believe we/earth are being moved to the center of the galaxy, where we once were, in unity consciousness, energetically/frequency specific.  Explains the sun and moon and other constellations being noticeably “off”.  The game of separation is coming to an end. I also believe the Nibiru system is helping move us.  Heck, the higher-dimensionsals, benevolent and otherwise, can move planets.  This stuff is no-brainers, except to those of us being held down in this lower vibe location. The time to Remember again is here.  Ignore the fear parts in this video.  Yes this is bringing some chaos ~ but this plunging into chaos is fear-porn, imho.  

Cosmic Rays hitting Earth Intensifying | Climate to plunge into Chaos


Planetary Energy Update as Spikes of High Cosmic Energy Continue


Most definitely not wanting anything to do with 3D, especially drama, which thankfully is much easier for me to laugh at.  

Irma K. Sawyer – For those who have been preparing energetically through previous years of the Shift, the impact to you physically and emotionally may be lower. Your role now may include support for others.

Physical and emotional Symptoms may be similar to those of Solar Flares, with the only exception being these spikes seem to be somewhat less dehydrating overall to the body, but quality hydration is still needed. Also be sure the body is in receipt of proper nutrients, especially minerals. The list is long, but the most common symptoms are: headaches, digestive changes, fatigue and/or changes in sleep patterns.

Lucid dreaming, telepathy and OBEs are increased at this time. Also brain fog and spaciness as the consciousness responds to being literally in two places at once. Previous ego conflicts may feel especially absurd, obsolete and even laughable. Although some scientists may dispute time as actually moving faster, it certainly may appear that it is.

As usual, Empaths and Sensitives are often processing these shifts before the majority of everyone else.

When the energies are exceptionally high, both births and physical transitions may be on the increase as an energetic entrance/exit portal is created.

Continue reading here.

Scientists Discover Marijuana Helps Strengthen and Heal Broken Bones


Addict, Addiction, Amsterdam, Cannabinol

A marijuana chemical known as cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) helps fractures heal faster and even make the bones stronger than they were before, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University and published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.

CBD has no psychotropic effects.

“We found that CBD alone makes bones stronger during healing, enhancing the maturation of the collagenous matrix, which provides the basis for new mineralization of bone tissue,” researcher Yankel Gabet said. “After being treated with CBD, the healed bone will be harder to break in the future.”

Bones contain cannabinoid receptors

The researchers inflicted mild femoral fractures on rats, then injected some of them with CBD, and others with CBD plus tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the ingredient that causes the marijuana high). They then evaluated the healing of the rats, comparing them with rats who had not received any marijuana chemicals.

The researchers found that rats injected with CBD had the same effect whether or not it was accompanied by THC.

“We found CBD alone to be sufficiently effective in enhancing fracture healing,” Gabet said.

“Other studies have also shown CBD to be a safe agent, which leads us to believe we should continue this line of study in clinical trials to assess its usefulness in improving human fracture healing.”

The study supported the same team’s prior findings that the body contains receptors that respond to cannabinoid compounds, and that these receptors are not confined to the brain.

“We only respond to cannabis because we are built with intrinsic compounds and receptors that can also be activated by compounds in the cannabis plant,” Gabet said.

The prior study found that the skeleton contains cannabinoid receptors that stimulate bone formation and inhibit bone loss. The new study seems to confirm these findings.

Medical marijuana benefits “undeniable”

Continue reading here.

Frequency Update – “Schumann resonance hits a massive 112 Hz!” – May 10th 2017

Published by Higher Discernment on May 10th 2017

The Schumann resonance spiked at around 112 Hz two days ago, May 8th 2017.

What does the spike in the Schumann resonance mean?

In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann hypothesized there were measurable electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere that existed in the cavity (or space) between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. According to NASA, the ionosphere is an abundant layer of electrons, ionized atoms, and molecules that stretches from approximately 30 miles above the surface of the earth to the edge of space, at about 600 miles. This dynamic region grows and shrinks (and further divides into sub-regions) based on solar conditions and is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions. It’s this “celestial power station” that makes radio communications possible.

In 1954, Schumann and H.L. König confirmed Schumann’s hypothesis by detecting resonances at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz; thus, the “Schumann resonance” was established by measuring global electromagnetic resonances generated and excited by lightning discharges in the ionosphere. While this phenomenon is caused by lightning in the atmosphere, many are not aware of the importance of this frequency as a tuning fork for life. In other words, it acts as a background frequency influencing the biological circuitry of the mammalian brain.

As far back as we know, the Earth’s electromagnetic field has been protecting all living things with this natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 Hz. You can think of this as the earth’s heartbeat. The ancient Indian Rishis referred to this as OHM, or the incarnation of pure sound. Whether by coincidence or not, the frequency of 7.83 Hz also happens to be a very powerful frequency used with brain wave entrainment as it’s associated with low levels of alpha and the upper range of theta brain wave states. This frequency has also been associated with high levels of hypnotizability, suggestibility, meditation, and increased HGH (human growth hormone) levels, in addition to increased cerebral blood-flow levels while this frequency is being stimulated.

It would seem then that our nervous system can be influenced by the earth’s electromagnetic field. Maybe that’s why being in nature has always been so restorative and healing. Disconnecting from a typical city setting by reducing our exposure to crowds, traffic, work, and routine life—and instead getting out in natural surroundings—can slow our brain waves down from the aggressive, vigilant, anxious, and impatient states that are seen in higher ranges of beta brain waves to more restorative alpha waves.

On January 31, 2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann resonance reached frequencies of 36+ Hz. It was considered an anomaly when in 2014 this frequency rose from its usual 7.83 Hz to somewhere in the 15-25 Hz levels—so a jump from 7.83 Hz to 36+ Hz is a big deal. That’s more than a five-fold increase in resonant frequency levels. What does this mean to us as inhabitants of Mother Earth? According to neuroscience, frequency recordings of 36+ Hz in the human brain are more associated with a stressed nervous system than a relaxed and healthy one.

It has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field of the earth and create disturbances in it (and vice versa), particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension, and passion. If you aren’t aware that we’re living in a time of high anxiety, tension, and passion, then you probably are not aware. In addition to the highly charged political, social, economic, and personal environments of our current time, many people have also been feeling like time is speeding up. This might explain the intense disturbance most of us are feeling at this time in history. Could the drastic rise in frequency have something to do with this?

Continue reading here.