Yellow Rose For Texas Update


In spite of my vent and moan previous post, I am still hanging in there, continuing on doing my Doing’s and Being’s as I too know this is ending. Just be nice to see the “exit” sign, wouldn’t it?  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]



Published on Oct 27, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown 10/26/17 ~ A Multi-Dimensional “Typical” Day


Received via e-mail…  (My apologies ~ one day I will remember how to spell her name on the first try!  lol )


Aloha beautiful Star-Light BEings,

This is an “in this moment” experience, once that OUR VIBRATION DICTATES… trying to plan, forget it, except when doing in full alignment, which we take great care with, as trying to pack too much into a small “space of time” or trying to force anything, committing to something that you cannot guarantee (vibrationally), means unless you SEE inside of you that you are to “do” “that thing”, then you might want to relax your commitments/scheduling a bit. This is something we learn to do, all along the way…. for getting in flow with vibrational realities that shift/move and are not affixed, take a bit of maneuvering until we understand how all works here.

Those things are are supporting your highest timelines/realities are easy, not forced or controlled. They “come to you” and it’s up to you to decide if it’s fully aligned with what you see/feel/know. Thinking will take you back to an “old dimension”. Observation though will shift you into another one, one where you can see from a multitude of perspectives in order to stretch, bend, untangle, disconnect cords/tethers, re-write a different story/program and collapse the entire reality/timeline, by observing the energy and constructs that held all in place.

Quantum Existence gives us the capABILITY to change the entire reality, the beliefs that created, the transmissions that activated that reality and all other realities as well…. Gives us the capABILITY to tune our consciousness to alternate realities on higher timelines and hold “that” vibration until it materializes in the physical, reversing everything….

In observing the multitudes of realities present at any given time, we each can observe our mentalities, our feelings, our perceptions and embrace the POWER that we each hold. It’s absolutely beautiful! No matter how “fixed” a reality “seems to be”…. it never is…

Every moment of PURE OPEN HEARTED EXPERIENCE gives us each the opportUNITY to come together, to inspire, to create, to embrace, to be ready for “new” and to completely inJOY the experience that meets us as we travel through our days. The days where there are challenges, it’s important to understand that these are “constructs” of matrix programs held in place by emotions, beliefs and mentalities. Presence, caring, kindness, compassion, respect, integrity and purity dissolve all of the mental realities that created separation to start with. ♥

Do you ALLOW yourself to experience what’s available or do you let your head get in the way? This is important to realize, with everything….

WE all have the POWER to hold LOVE as our way…. to unite, to share, to support, to receive, to be there for each other while standing on our own, without any of the old “lack” programs anymore. These experiences of generosity, kindness and consideration, creating intentionally and anchoring higher timelines in, is absolutely beautiful!

There will be challenges, where there is any ego still involved. Deep into the root chakra we all went again in July, to clear any of these old distortions out, within ourselves. Every day is observing, honoring our bodies, ourselves, our relationships to everything, everyone, all things and how we treat each other/behave matters. Each day now, something of the old might present. It’s important to recognize that this is what this is and to move through it/process/resolve and shift BACK into a timeline/reality that supports all of our highest everything here.

Every moment is an opportUNITY…. it’s a “test” to see what each will do, believe, choose. There’s no hiding, everything is “exposed”/visible in these mega-high vibrational frequencies. The rest is judgment and fear, which are the vibrations that are no longer able to exist.

Lately, to FEEL these frequencies, so high everyday… it’s beyond beautiful, and we continue to go higher daily now. Out in nature, around others, inner-acting and making other’s days, bringing smiles to faces, just by being happy, acknowledging each other as Star-Light Families is such a heart-expanding experience!

It’s time to UNITE….. to come together, to create, to experience the REWARDS of what we’ve all dedicated ourselves to all of these years/eons….

Everything aligned is natural, organic, easy… there’s very little effort for things to align now. Intentionally aligning for years re-set the foundation for our realities now. It’s funny, because every time I go to do something that’s not easy, I REMEMBER, just wait, just let it go and wait… and it will all align naturally. I shift my vibration, open up for a new timeline and collapse the old one immediately, knowing that our sleep states we are clearing a ridiculous amount of timelines and jumping mega-quantum as we do. Just this morning, I awoke to a gazillion things to move through fast, so that all could converge easily…. just so cool!

Many are experiencing their realities changing from linear/fixed to non-linear/vibrational, which is a huge and continual part of this “continually going higher/acclimating to higher frequencies” and anchoring more Heaven on Earth within our physical body structures. We are the ones that anchor and hold. We are the ones that experience the magic as we do. Anywhere we still hold ego separation within, do not yet come from unity-love-consciousness, are “trying” to hold onto old unconscious anything, then we will enter into an experience to show us this energy/resistance/control/fear/judgment/attachment/dualistic energy we still hold within. It’s important that we recognize all for what it is…. Everything will REPRESENT pure love consciousness or fear/lack consciousness.

You set the tone for your realities, you dictate the experience with your mentalities, your own energy. Y/Our NEW Earth Realities are responsive…. reciprocal… They return to us what we invest ourselves/energy in. What we focus on counts. Our behavior matters.

OpportUNITY and Ideas…. these are what we “get” in the beginning…. we are to utilize these to create, step through any fears and eventually become the one that SHARES OPPORTUNITIES with each other, shares ideas, shares reSOURCEs, shares and opens up more for all through a huge sharing portal! ♥

These vibrations totally SUPPORT living dreams, living as LOVE, living in magic, while making a difference with all that we connect with as love. These support those huge Quantum Jumps, without “needing to know”. Just trust…. allow DIVINE TIMING to bring you your awesome realities as you focus on openness, sharing and being your highest everything.

BEAUTY is available in everything, when we reconnect with the BEAUTY of all within ourselves and awaken to explore each day, open up more each day and venture into heart-connected relationships and experiences just waiting for us to arrive!

Relationships increasingly move to the forefront, as old patterns are visible and we choose totally different timelines instead. As each make Unity-Love-Consciousness a priority, then the rest falls away so much easier than before and higher timelines come forth easier too!

Listen to your Body as it speaks to you. As it awakens more, it becomes a living form that shows you when it is happy, when it is forced into anything that is a vibrational suppression/mis-match and it will speak loudly through your feelings. It will tell you when it needs to rest/shut down/sleep to integrate, clear it’s template, need exercise/movement/nature, when it needs alone/me/be time and more. It will tell you when it’s hungry, what it wants to eat and this will no longer “fit” into the old belief systems of “food/eating” and what is proper/right/wrong. Photonic Light moving through your body to awaken it, unanchor/release suppressed emotions and integrate encoded light into your muscles, organs, flesh, bones…. re-writing how your body functions, does not fall into any “old normal” category…. it makes up it’s own. 🙂 It “tells” your human what it needs, what is aligned and what is not. You have to learn it’s language.

Be ready for all new, be ready to let go of anything that no longer supports/is aligned with your absolute highest everything you. Be ready to shift, jump and slide into all new realities, as any hesitation is your own fear and attachments to something that represents and old/unconscious vibrational reality/aspect of you. Open up and be ready! In every moment! It’s so much easier!

In-this-moment right now… you are creating/vibrating a reality to come forth. When your focus is love, unity, happy, peace and freedom, you’ll start saying “no” a whole lot and shift what you do focus your energy on, realizing that you are the one supporting every reality that you experience here. Until you decide not to anymore….

Everyday, I expect and am ready for magical, amazing, awesome and peaceful, beautiful, kind, unity, supporting realities… and everyday this is what I transmit out FIRST so that with every step, this is what is all around me. We all can do this…. we all have the ability. We all have to CHOOSE to and make sure this is how we live…. in-every-moment.

When we can’t, we are clearing… we are patient and go-all-in to this too, to move through it and shift the unconscious programming ourselves. We sleep to complete the process and awaken ready to greet a whole new day. Sometimes it lasts a few hours, sometimes a whole day. It will last until all of that energy is gone, until the construct has been broken down and the re-coding process is complete. Full consciousness can do this easily. Big programs are deeper and these take more awareness and presence on our part. There are many deep programs embedded in our templates, cellular storage (cells) and entire body that get lesser as we go. The process is “faster” when we exist non-linearly/Quantum, than when we existed linearly (in our heads) and still held duality within us…

Quantum Multi-Dimensionality means that we can shift anytime we choose, we can see programming instantly and we can tune to a different vibration anytime we are fully conscious. This is our natural state, and linear human is our “alien” one. It’s quite funny how everything comes to be as we REMEMBER fully again.

Keep honoring you, keep shining your light, keep opening up, researching to awaken your heart/soul and expanding your mind beyond the limits once believed.

Every moment we are continuing to anchor and integrate immense light codes into our physical body structures and physical realities too. I’m excited to see what comes next!!!! Continually ready is how we do Super Quantum here!

Trust your higher-self-heart. Learning to tell the difference vibrationally between your head and what you do already know inside is a huge part of this process of returning to highest vibrational existence again. ♥

Love from Kauai ♥
~ Lisa ~

A Vision for Fulfillment


Life-long desires in this one.  I can fill the energy permeate throughout my being, most definitely in my Center.  For children to thrive they need parents who are thriving themselves.  It’s all connected…WE are all connected.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Fulfillment

We envision a world where the needs of all people everywhere are fulfilled; where our children have all the food, friends, shelter, comforts, caring and loving guidance they need in order to thrive and reach their highest calling in life; where the adults have everything they need, as well, in each and every moment, so that we are able to do what we came here to this Earth to do; and where our society – humanity, as a whole – is being given everything it needs in order to achieve its highest and greatest destiny.

All peoples everywhere have gleaned the wisdom in sharing what they have with others so that everyone can keep moving forward on their chosen path in life. In a world such as this, none are left by the wayside, all are seen as equal regardless of their differences, and a Spirit has come forth across the land that is reflected in the smiles on the faces of both the children and adults, as we are all sharing our Earthly resources freely with one another.

Indeed, we see a world where we are all being given everything we need. There is no shortage. There is only abundance in a world where we are all are fulfilled in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our souls.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.




Vision Alignment Project: A Vision for You


LOVE this one!


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for You

Here is a Vision for You, although it could just as easily be an Intention. Feel free to copy, paste and print it out. Then, all you have to do is say it as often as you like – and be ready for good things to come your way!

I see a world where / I intend that . . .
~ I am happy and glad to be alive;
~ I have friends aplenty;
~ I have found my highest calling in life;
~ I enjoy my work and it helps many;
~ I am healthy and abundant in every way imaginable;
~ I am strong of heart, yet kind and tolerant of others;
~ I am loved by all I meet and loving to all I meet;
~ I know that I am perfect just as I am;
~ I am balanced and bold in the face of my fears;
~ I am free to live my life as I choose;
~ I am caring for the Earth and all her beautiful creations, and She is caring for me in return;
~ I have a place inside where I can go to find comfort when all around me is swirling;
~ I feel my Oneness with God:
~ I know who I truly am;
~ I am blessed beyond measure;
~ I have peace now and for always;
~ I am serene.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Sanna Tarnstrom: The Fire Egg Gateway of Change


Received via e-mail.  I love this one ~ the reference to the Elements.  I had an experience with a lady bug today I will share in a bit.  


The Fire Egg Gateway of Change

October 22, 2017

Sanna Tarnstrom Birming


We have entered new unknown territory. The heightened accelerated “jump” we are in can be shaky or steady, depending on each and everyone’s own experience. Do whatever is true for you in your heart and you’ll be just fine!

The New Moon opened a huge gateway that is unique to everyone. Let your entrance be glorious and fabulous, with your style and ways. Mine carries a lot of emerald gold diamond drops and sparks of sunshine. What does your gateway doorway looks and feel like?

The Phoenix has laid the fire egg. On a collective scale, the fire purification of the fire element is done and has completed a huge shift. This means, we will see less fires around the world from now on. The fire egg carries a lot of meanings.

Just know that the elements are not as they were. They are stronger. Tune into nature, the whether and the planetary consciousness. It is changing very rapidly now. Many times, it doesn’t make sense. Just remember to have faith in the elements and the New. Trust your own heart.

We are “cleaning house” everywhere. Don’t forget what that really means.

I wish you all a vibrant and explorational Gateway!!!

My love,

I am here to teach, guide, assist, sing my heart out and to be the way-shower in Grace Consciousness.

With my personal connections to Mother & Father Earth, the Multidimensional roams and the Universal energies, I work on all levels of the spectrum.

​As I’m transforming, shifting and changing and the expansion of energies are bringing new light and creation to the table, I have been guided to start doing consultations again.

A little differently then before. More powerful and to the point, but always in Grace Consciousness. 

My sessions with be 45 minutes long for a divine energy exchange and in that moment we will get a lot done. Always in sacred space. I’m also doing distance healing that is very strong and heart-opening. 

It is my intention that your path be cleared, blessed, empowered and inspired from now on. May you move through the world with ease and grace, knowing your own worth and power, finding joy in each day, and using your innate genius to enhance our world.

If you have any question, please do contact me and I will assist you. ​You can also read more about me Here and How I work Here. A nice thing to do before scheduling with me.

Looking forward to co-create and work with you!

Have a wonderful and magical rest of October. Take care. Remember…everything is going to be just fine. Follow your spark.✨

For divine service, guidance & healing, book a session:

For donation & support, please go to:

Subscribe to updates, news and my articles:

(scroll down to the end of the page)

You find me on:
Blog: www.graceconsciousness/blog

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all the support and connections. I am truly grateful. I love you dearly. Always with gratitude and love! 🌠

Something huge is about to happen in the Cosmos


Short and simple piece.  What are your thoughts?  I feel the “something huge is about to happen” part just need to tune in to the “cosmos” part.  


Something big is coming. I’m feeling it in the flow. Never felt anything this strong before.

Unlike most of the energies since 2014 this energy feels masculine in nature and will cause changes in everything. It will not stop until it’s complete.

It’s movement within the ALL.

Sourced from here.

The Starseed Mission Is Almost Complete


Copied from facebook

October 21, 2017
Via Michelle Walling

“The Starseed Mission Is Almost Complete!”

Starseeds are beings who “heard the call” from Earth and the council that oversees Earth to come help a lower consciousness stop from destroying itself and all of it’s unique creations. This consciousness was created by power, greed, lust, and control. Many lessons will have been learned and much experience and wisdom will have been accumulated by the close of this level of consciousness.

Starseeds inserted themselves into the timelines of the great stories we have been told of the gods. They became family members to those who carried the so-called psychopathic and self centered behaviors. Since this is a free willed universe, anything was allowed to happen as long as a few creational “laws’ were not broken that would end up affecting the rest of the Universe.

Earth as we know it is not what we think it is. It is a construct that is a mirror image of the actual consciousness. When that consciousness fell in vibration, it morphed into a mirror of itself so that those who created the fall could learn why creational laws cannot be broken. This construct what I call “the matrix”. It is a copy in a way of the original, and is a failsafe way to fix something that is not in balance. Transmutation and balance was needed in order for the consciousness to join its original self again, although it would not just be the same but expanded with experience. Since time is an illusion, it could be done in one cycle or many cycles (the easy way or the hard way), however there was always an end to all of the cycles. We now find ourselves at the end of all of the cycles and can see that humanity chose the hard way.

As Starseeds incarnated into this lower construct consciousness with all of the beings and thought forms that were created, their job was to dive in from the lowest realms to the highest realms and to spread love and to mirror back to the unaware what they were creating. By being who they are as already “ascended masters”, they would show others compassion, empathy, forgiveness, sovereignty, and unconditional love. Although some still exhibited the traits of the lower consciousness by being a part of it, they still held their experience and vibration of who they really were within. It was not an easy job, especially for those who dove into the very depths of hell. Each time a difficult situation was presented to them, they weathered the storm and eventually took the high road.

This consciousness needed to be raised from the bottom up, until all of it was cleaned up and packaged neatly enough to fit back through the “eye of the needle”. I suppose you could also call Starseeds janitors, and the worst part of their job was toilet cleaning, when many of the ones they were helping could care less if the toilet was clean or not.

There was much help given to the Starseeds to “wake up” from the amnesia of who they were, however that did not happen for some so that they could keep falling deeper and deeper in order to bring the base up. Some Starseeds waited until the last minute to trigger their awakening. They felt as if they weren’t good enough for awakening sooner, and that just isn’t the case. Some that had awakened since birth or had been awakened for over 20 years at the time of the shifts had a really, really long wait. All had a specific mission.

Volunteers happened in waves. Awakening happened in waves. The last codes of the DNA are being activated in three waves. Since time does not exist, the “when” of the “exit of the matrix” construct has not been relevant. Most people have no clue (even the Starseeds) about how many times Starseeds jumped to the future to the highest and best outcome and pulled everything and everyone back in time to the present. The actual viewing of what occurred will be available once they are on the other side and will be absolutely fascinating.

The EVENTS are the best indication of how soon things are occurring as well as when this will come to a close (vs. dates). The prophecies about this time were written by adepts who volunteered to dive in, look into the future, and document what they saw so that the awakened in our time would know when to choose something different that would lead to a less desirable timeline. Certain events that lay on “node points” of the overall timeline that would always serve as markers and would not be changed. These markers were deliberately shared in many gnostic texts so that Starseeds would know when the time was near.

Many Starseeds time traveled at night to collapse their own probabilities and possibilities that they had created by unconscious thoughts, words, and actions. They also helped earthbound souls raise their vibration to a higher place where they could peacefully await their exit from the construct. This transformation in the fourth dimensional astral realms involved schools, healing centers, and boarding houses. Other Starseeds worked on collapsing matrix grids and connecting new consciousness grids to the human and nature collectives. Many Starseeds attended council meetings inside of the Earth or off planet to discuss the difficulties as well as the successes. The reincarnation machine was destroyed and many Starseeds know they will never return here again.

The event markers have been unfolding in sheer numbers faster than ever before. Many adverse probabilities and possible timelines that were unconsciously created were compacted and layered began to collapse at a rapid rate. As the Starseeds helped raise the collective consciousness and vibration of the construct, the ones that they came here to help also learned many lessons and began to be more responsible for their conscious creation. The more this happened, the faster the collective traveled to the end of the game.

Humanity now finds itself at the extreme separation of those who are service to self and those who are service to others. Both are having a hard time existing together. Some Starseeds have found the “void” or zero point where they can raise their frequency to a point of being able to see but not be seen. This has certainly helped the empaths and compassionate beings who have had enough of feeling for the collective and feeling the suffering. In fact, the more that they are at this zero point, the more their individual reality around them changes into something positive, which affects the whole as well.

In the moment or event timeline that we are in right now, we are experiencing the last of the “show me” experience. Those who are experiencing “bad” things are being shown what they are creating by their actions, thoughts, and words. It’s like a final wave of mirroring so that they can see what created the construct in the first place. As the Starseeds are “in the world but not of it”, they continue to feel and transmute the consciousness that they are in, but they know they did not create that consciousness. However, as being creators themselves, they have been guiding people how to create their own bubble of reality that feels like exiting the matrix until the final exit from this consciousness occurs.

The sign posts are pointing to a new definition of “soon”. A huge setback occurred in 2011-2012 because of CERN. When Starseeds traveled to the future, they eventually worked their way back to that time before CERN set humanity off on a parallel reality. At the same time, within that parallel reality, Starseeds and humanity worked side by side to raise each other’s consciounsess to a level that would unlock the latent DNA codes.

We are now set for the final waves of light to transform our DNA which will allow the exit through the “eye of the needle”. The codes are here, all of the players have been present, and the door is ready to be opened.…/starseed-mission-almost-co…/

Schrodinger’s Other Cat: Your Step 5 Countdown (and Step 4 Recap)


I read the cats from time to time and often find some resonance in their pieces. I felt inspired to share this one.  I resonated with the comments on the 3rd eye awakening (as I had the same message come to me 2 nights ago), the suggestion to increase greens and spirulina (this week I had the sudden desire to eat more greens and to begin taking my chlorella tablets again – of which both I followed), the nausea on October 16-18 and the experiencing manifestation becoming easier and quicker.  I appreciated the comment on how the energy frequency only goes up from here.  I have felt this as well.  For me, I dismissed the commentary on how anyone who dies in the false flag events agreed to do so prior to coming into this realm and are helping on the “other side”….they may be helping us transition/awaken/break down the old but as most of you know by reading my pieces – such talk about agreements make me scream inside.  Such talk is programming and keeps the programming going.  It also implies everything is pre-planned before our coming here.  If all is pre-planned, where does free will to create something new, create a new, different choice come in? Yeah…well anyway – overall it is a good one.  Enjoy if you feel so inclined to enjoy.


Well, isn’t this refreshing. The PTW’s dark machinery and “magic words” are now so weak that we can openly predict and advertise upcoming Event Step 5 without worrying about cabal blockage! Welcome to the future. Thus, the new countdown has been posted (which leaked earlier! oops).

It is time for some serious Giving of Thanks. All the False Flags in the world won’t stop The Event energy from flooding in from now on… and note that the insane people doing this (the PTW), while their “power” and money are dwindling, still have mayhem planned. Not sure if it will happen or not. But note that all involved in each fake “terror” event (which sadly have REAL human casualties, not just fake actors) made their plan in their most recent in-between-life to intentionally participate in this, so while you feel for the victims, also know that those who transitioned did so as part of their plan, to help us from the Other Side. And for those not in the know, YES there is most definitely an Other Side. However, those left behind do not know this, obviously, so they need our support.

Step 4 Recap

As for the Step 4 recap… it peaked on 10/16 and 10/17, and was rather painful in chakras 7/6 and 4/3/2. Several of us had head and gut pains this time around, as our chakras were expanded and opened.

Interestingly, the beginnings of Event Step 4 were actually picked up on satellite.

[Oh, and FYI, Frosty rightly guessed the dates, from this below image, so we should give him credit for the catch. We took a page from the cabal’s playbook and “coded” the date into the below image, reversing the numbers for the dates. Kinda childish, but we couldn’t make it that public at the time, to limit interference. Now, it doesn’t matter.]

However, that was then and this is now. The TWBs are GONE (except for one pesky drone ship, arrg). The archons are GONE. And Event Step 4 has now EMBIGGENED your chakras, esp. #6 (third-eye chakra), so let’s activate that newly installed system:

1. Go sit in the sun for 15+ minutes (it may take a few minutes before you can feel it)
2. Note any effects, afterward
3. Drink some water.

Then, buckle up for your next meditation. Our manifestation abilities are 10X faster now, and our power/energy is up 10x. Expect great things, from yourself and your brothers.

10X, baby! Or maybe that’s a touchdown. One of those.


3. Increase your intake of green leafies, and/or spirulina
4. Eliminate meat in your diets (unless your body is craving it; go with food cravings)
5. Note that every alcoholic drink lowers your vibration
6. Drugs/pot smoking are obviously out.

You can’t be high/medicated and raise your vibration (no, really). These are mutually exclusive. If you’re doing these things, then you make your choice of level every time you do what you do. It’s your choice, so choose wisely. The next level is WORTH WORKING FOR, so do it.

In the meantime, things continue to be energetically high…

(BTW, that diagonal line is the gap between activations.)

…and will go up… forever.

Finally, please note to AGAIN be careful in allowing contact with anything but SOURCE. Various ETs from all over the place are actively trolling this planet — from their own planets, mostly — looking for people they can use as footholds for various purposes, pre- and post-Event. We’re not saying that they’re all bad, so stay away. We’re saying BE CAREFUL, at least until The Event… which is a season away. Read that again.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: Court Wrap Up and The Big Picture Unfolding For ALL 10.18.17


Editor’s note:  As I have mentioned before, I was introduced to the One People’s Public Trust earlier this year.  I went into it with an open but cautious mind.  In my heart, this resonated with me.  The mind/ego however at times said “too good to be true.  Never gonna happen.”  Then I heard the thoughts of those who cried “foul” and “she’s just another puppet for the system”.  There are those who say “I didn’t ask her to do this for me!”  Well ok then ~ you do not have to participate.  (Personally I appreciate someone working on my behalf given the enslavement that has been going on.  When the “slave” is being set free do they sit in their little prison cell and say “HEY I didn’t ask you to show up and help me claim my freedom!”  Hell no ~ you say THANK YOU as you walk out, embrace your fullness and go live FREELY as the awesome Source Being you are!)

Then there are the Anna Von Reitz (type) folks who say “don’t follow her follow ME I have already done all of this work for YOU” ~ and yet there is absolutely NO evidence that her (supposed) people are actually doing anything.  Too much “lookit me!  lookit me!”  Very little transparency.  

Lots of ego in this prosperity/abundance community – except from Heather.  She just DOES without fanfare.  And being I appreciated her total transparency, I grew to trust her.  At this point, after listening to her speak numerous times, I have realized you cannot just use the rational mind to understand her.  You have to have that heart open and feeeeel your way. Feel her, feel her energy.  As she says “innerstand”.  I used to see that term or hear it and frown while thinking “WTF?”  Now I get it.  (And it took months to “get it”).  Anyway, here is the conversation she had with BZ Riger after yesterday’s hearing.  


#HATJ- Court Wrap Up and The Big Picture Unfolding For ALL 10.18.17

Published on Oct 19, 2017

Sandra Walter: Light Tribe Action Request ~ Assisting The Collective Timelines


Editor’s note:  Ask and ye shall receive.  In these times, almost instantaneous.  Earlier, prior to reading this beautiful piece by Sandra Walter I received in my e-mail box, I was having a little bedtime chat/snuggle with my girl.  We were setting our minds and hearts to create those things we want.  For her it was getting some stuff from the American Girl Doll catalog.  For me, it was knowing I had the means to buy her anything she wanted in the catalog.  I also went on to speak more about this sudden desire the past several days to be a Healer. (something seems to have been released and opened during my shamanic healing session last weekend) I set some feeling thoughts around that, what I would begin doing now, then asked the Universe to give me a message that this is something that is in my Highest and Best interest.  In other words, girl don’t wanna waste any more time on pursuits that do not go as I desire.  It must ALL come from the Highest parts of Me and the All for me to follow a new direction.  So as I tuck her in bed, giving her one last of a million little kisses and snuggles, listening to the profound wisdom that she shares (she really humbles me at times – she is so tuned in!), I wipe my eyes and walk out to my computer, open up my e-mail to read the message below.  There was my message from the Universe: Right now, this week, this Gateway, take as many steps as possible (please, just one will assist) in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that you have been procrastinating. …  New Service Work.  Ok then. Let it flow…  That part aside, I love this piece ~ in particular the talk about using the energies of the New Moon and this week’s gateway to END any time delays around the crumbling of the old systems.  As I released tonight in my body this sole/soul and collective energy that said “THE OLD ENDS NOW!”  We can do this.  It is done!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our next acceleration and collective timeline choice-point arrives October 21-25. Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very strong on Mount Shasta last evening), and this morning the SUN began to get active, right on schedule.

As mentioned in last week’s article, these incoming amplifications hit much higher levels during the 21-25 in both October and November. Last week’s Divine Feminine influx provided a strong geomagnetic storms, prompting a strong release of Divine Feminine expression in the external (the Me too revelations and disclosure dynamics increased). Notice how quickly magnetic field stimulation causes polarity releases in the collective. This sets us up for the second half of October’s shifts; let us actively participate in this unfoldment.

We, as the High-Vibe Tribe, hold tremendous vibrational influence in the collective choice because of our activated Hearts and highest intent. Remember the quantum effect of raising our vibration; it pulls many others up. Highest trajectories are being attained by many; the Primary Christed Timeline has us locked into the experience of pure Presence. Our intent to lift as many with us into this new experience – right now – can assist the Secondary timeline tipping points. In brief, we can end the delay tactics by utilizing our pure intent through grounded activity.

Assisting the Collective Timelines

Let us use this New Moon (Thursday, 12:11pmPT) and the Gateway (October 21-25) to assist in OVERIDING and OVERWRITING the programs used to stretch time dynamics to delay the inevitable fall of old systems and the full experience of Ascension for all concerned. This is part of completing our Ascension; learning to use our collective consciousness to create what we desire in the Now.

Right now, this week, this Gateway, take as many steps as possible (please, just one will assist) in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that you have been procrastinating. One small energetic shift from each of us pushes the envelope to break through any remaining blockages to the highest timelines and outcomes – in the NOW.

Let us end the old waiting game through our collective action. Just one grounded, physical action in this reality to override the procrastination programming will help. Whatever it is for you: a conversation you put off, a new creation you’ve been desiring, an action to move forward, a Unity Meditation you’ve intended to participate in, a change you have delayed, something you always wanted to create … anything shifting the personal reality assists the global shift-point. It doesn’t have to be huge (although that is appreciated), just forward momentum in the Now.

Changes in the SUN

We continue to go deeper into this highly-charged area. I AM sure you have noticed the different quality of SUNlight as Solaris receives this consciousness-shifting energy. Gatekeepers ask if we can collectively call forth the flashing activity we have seen in our visions into the Now. Events are quickening – even with the manipulation – for the Secondary timelines. Our collective nudge will greatly assist this unfoldment of needed events. Certain things must occur to tidy up the lower experiences, and it can be quickened by benevolent action.

With the bifurcation in progress, many of us are beginning to experience the intended consciousness shifts which the Solar flashing activity will create on a global level. Many have seen the SUN flashing this year, both in vision and external reality, and this activity is opening our Hearts to the more palpable, consistent Now Presence. We are receiving the encodements and reality-shifting frequencies already. We are anchoring this, through embodiment, into the HUman heart collective to make it easier for all when the brilliant moment arrives. In this Now, that series of flashes already exists.

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

It is our 18 month anniversary of this weekly activity! Let us utilize our collective empowered BEingness to co-create the return of peace and the Christ consciousness, shift the timelines into high gear, and assist this influx of Divine Light. The energy field during these meditations is palpable, healing, and activating. Add your light, every Heart is witnessed. Join us on SUNday at 8:11am11:11am and 5:11pmPT. Details via the banner below.

We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You for your service and dedication to HUmanity, Gaia and Source.

Read the Full Article HERE

In Love, Light and Service,