exclusive! new interview with randall beane in blount county jail 09/28 pt 1/3


editor’s note:  the sloppiness in both of these cases would be laughable if innocent folks weren’t involved.  none of this will hold.  too much exposure has happened. go to the youtube channel below to listen to parts 2 and 3.  


Published on Sep 29, 2017

The Shift To New Earth Is Happening NOW


synchronicities abound with me finding this one.  first i love allison coe – qhht.  i don’t normally watch the cosmic awakening show – but michelle walling has been in my “space” today in a big way.  the link to this video just popped up on my facebook page after i was experiencing some frustration in reading some info on (old) 3d earth paradigms that are simply not coming to fruition.  my inner voice reminded me i had made the decision not to follow this old stuff.  anyway – i am loving what i am hearing and hopefully you will too.  what most resonated with me was validating what i have been saying all along – it doesn’t matter how you meditate, what you do, what you eat.  there is no right or wrong way to ascend.  fear programming that has no purpose in this experience.  it is indeed an experience of going within and allowing and focusing on what you want.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Energy Update: Equinox Energy Portal Opens, Timeline Shifts and Looping In Progress


Intense hunger the past few days, check.  (just finished stuffing a butter-laden bagel into my mouth.  headed to the kitchen for more chow in a bit. probably leftover enchiladas.)  Vivid dreams, check.  New dreams with a stronger energy to them indeed.  It’s as though someone has removed a filter and I am seeing sharper images and people, where that often “elusive” feel of dreams has not been present.  Not so sure I fully agree the cabal is not behind these storms in some way, but other than that another spot-on piece by Diane Canfield.  And YES to the mandela effects this week. The concrete rock thing and then I had another one tonight !! that had to do with a neighbor and a cat who last week insisted the cat was not hers but tonight suddenly is equally as insistent it is hers.  I gave her a look (she is an otherwise totally normal, rational woman) and said “what reality did you just enter from?”  I told my mate “it’s like I was speaking with a totally different woman in a totally different timeline.” WILDNESS!  Makes me wonder what “me” I will meet tomorrow.  lol  All is merging back as One.  Breathing through it all in the moments of NOW like I did when I gave birth.  


By Diane Canfield,

Happy Fall Equinox Beloveds,

The energy of the Equinox started arriving 2 days ago. Remember the Equinox energy can run 10 days before to 10 days after the actual date of the Equinox of September 22. The symptoms of the portal opening have been intense hunger and intense dreams. We have also experienced very blissful feelings coming in. These can all signal portal openings. There are many signals and these are just a few of them. I and many in my family have felt intense hunger like we could not get enough to eat the past few days. It has been crazy! Also many are having very intense dreams and astral travels, this also signifies changes in timelines and intense energy coming in. The dreams are so deep, there is no way not to notice them.

The time lines are doing more splitting and looping as we move further into 2017. The recent rash of hurricanes and earthquakes are a sign of this as well as the recent geomagnetic storms and flares. These can all work in combination with each other to produce new timelines for us.

Notice as the hurricanes and earthquakes arrive, they many times occur in clusters, meaning many happening at the same time. This is what has happened recently with Hurricane Irma, Jose, Maria as well as big quakes in Mexico ( 2 in a few days time), Japan, Vanatu and New Zealand. This happens because old timelines collapse and the energy that is produced from these collapsing timelines needs to have a release. Contrary to what some might believe this is not the work of the cabal but instead new timelines being created.

Energy never dies it just transforms. As these new timelines take hold, humans have a chance to evolve themselves even further into the Galactic realms. This is obvious as to the Huge evolvement of the spiritual community since 2012. There are many that have worked to evolve themselves within each of these timelines that have appeared. This is the key, to take the timeline upgrades, work with them and evolve yourself as far as you can.  You will notice new thoughts and new ways of being appearing for you to work with. These are your signs to grab onto the timelines and evolve yourself.

The Mandela affect has been crazy recently with so many celebrity deaths. There is almost a new celebrity death each day that I know has died at least a few times before. This is also an indication of new timelines taking place. I call this timeline looping. The timelines are looping back and forth until the best one can be chosen. This will continue for some time and has sped up immensely in the last few years.

We do not exist in a fixed reality, rather a fluid one. The more the consciousness is raised on the planet, the more people will feel the affects of these looping timelines and will understand for themselves what is taking place. This will shatter their illusions that were programmed into them from the past that reality is fixed and solid. It is not. All dimensions butt up against others and are affected by others. This is why some of us who are mediums have access to others loved ones who have passed in other dimensions. As well as being able to see ETs and have access to messages from other dimensions. Many more now are understanding this and able to contact their own loved ones who have passed. This in itself produces a huge shift in consciousness when we realize there is no death, just a change in consciousness.






I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

Website and sign up for my newsletter : www.dianecanfield.com 

Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/diane.canfield1

Sourced from here. 

A Vision For Judicial Fairness


oh yes indeed.  time for this broken corrupt system to be replaced with fairness and compassion.  


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Judicial Fairness

We see a world where our judges care more for the people than they do for the powers who placed them on the bench; where those who sit in judgment of others are our elders who have been chosen because of their wisdom and compassion, not because they have sold out to a vengeful system for their own personal gain.

We see fairness having returned to our judicial systems whereby any punishments meted out fit the crime. Indeed, we see a world where we have evolved to the point where the game of guessing someone’s guilt or innocence has gone by the wayside because our perceptions have become enhanced so that we can tell, intuitively and accurately, whether a person is innocent or guilty, and, consequently, not one person is punished or imprisoned who is innocent.

And, ultimately, we see a world where courts, judges, jails and prisons are no longer needed because we are all loving one another. In a world such as this, crime cannot and does not exist.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

How Does It Feel To Experience Different Dimensions?


How does it feel to experience different Dimensions


Vera Ingeborg
September 20, 2017

We read a lot about ascension, about energy, about different frequencies, about symptoms we experience etc. The information can be not only superconfusing, but also easily keep us trapped in the idea, we have to reach something, and we still have not found our truth.

What if there is no “THE TRUTH” but many different truths, depending on what reality we choose to be in. What if there is no GOAL to reach but just the journey to experience. What if there is no better or worse concerning dimensions, but just a different experience? And what if that never stops, moving from frequency band to frequency band? What if we are about to overcome the belief of finity and understand that evolution has neither a beginning nor an end, but just shifts we go through. And by shifting from one reality to another, it feels like a beginning and an end, and yet, it is nothing else but just another turning point in our personal evolution. The way I perceive it, each dimension has its own truth in its own reality. And we only start questioning that truth, when we start raising our own energetic frequency out of that dimensional comfort zone we have been in. A dimension is a certain energetic frequency band we resonate with. I am absolutely aware, that using the term dimensions (in this case 3D, 4D, and 5D) is just another label to make sense of what we feel.

And there are tons of labels that are trying to describe certain phenomena and it can be overwhelming to work through all the information. Yet, I felt it was worth sharing this overview which was a result of a get together in Bern/Switzerland by Herzraum, on “Living in the 5th dimension” . The most prevailing question that people had was, how does it feel like to live in that dimension and how can I tell where I am at?

So I hope this overview gives an idea on the different experiences. Enjoy and honour your journey and experience, whereever you are right now.

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg

Sourced from here.