One more meditative perspective for bringing in the New using the energies of the eclipse…
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
Was seeing tidbits of this earlier today… Intend it so!
Update 8.16.17 Email from Heather to Denice.
From Heather: awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The federal reserve bank, i love them…all reversals are being reversed immediately…the fed res knows (rather they just found out) if the fed res doesn’t reverse the reversals, the fed res gets locked out of all the systems globally and the systems self-power, self-automate, self-facilitate, self-validate, and self-correct (reversals of the reversals) per the orders of each Original Depository.
Guess what the primary standing order was from this Original Depository? See above…LOL 😉
Honey, I will share with all the amazing work and the powerful universal beings that are doing within the prison systems…it is beyond AMAZING…and all are beyond happy and joyous that this money-monster is in its final moments. My “inmate number” ends in “007″, LOL!!!!!!!!
Details on the global massive “prison-doing”, later.
Please amplify my tones of love and gratitude…
Love to Allllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Denice on 8/16/2017 4:51 PM wrote:
Lots of love flowing your way! let me know what you need me to research and I can paste it here. I cannot imagine how it is there.. . .you have my complete admiration!
There are so many folks waking up quickly. . .every video is now getting over 10K views over the week.
There have been a few ‘reversals’ of the reversals. S had two yesterday 😉
Lots and lots of love!
I saw -007 and thought. . .hmmm. . .kinda cool!
Please share with missy, my dad, youssef, lisa, and everyone the data i gave you about reversals being reversed
not much longer, honey, before all is unfettered access and facilitation forevermore.
love you
love all
Channeled message from Avalon:
Greetings my Brothers and Sisters!
I am so very pleased to speak with you at this time about the return of Avalon. There are a group of us who have been working with people all around your earth in other dimensions to assist with the movement.
I wish to speak of what I have communicated to this individual speaking. All that she has written above is correct, but it is also but a drop in the bucket!! I wish to speak to you of what Avalon IS to me and to this group.
Avalon has been one of the oldest cultures upon the earth. We have been a part of the earth and indeed the Druids arose from our truth. We are originally from off the earth. We originate in a star system far from your own. We chose to live upon earth because of the beauty and the water; plus the energies of peace.
Warfare exists in all parts of the universe and this Earth, but it does not make it avibration we wish to live within. That being said, we have always done whatever was needed to keep our peace in any of the stations that we inhabited around the universe.
As I speak of Avalon it is with great respect and love. In some cases we created them, in other cases they were here already; but the people of Avalon are very much aligned with the Fae, the Dragons, the Elementals and all animals of your environment. We worked the earth for our food. We revered all peoples and all beliefs because no one was better or worse than another.
During our times upon the earth we had countless experiences of becoming one with the earth. We worked with the elements to assist with our crops. We shifted into an animal if it was needed to create something. We worked with metals transforming them to assist us in life.
When the time came that we could no longer be disguised and we could no longer live our lives we had many discussions. One was that we could all ascend off the earth into a new location; in fact many did just that. Another was that people could go inside of the earth because there were portals and pathways to do so. What was finally decided was that we would remove the heart of Avalon and keep it safe in another dimension so that it could return when the time was right. Now is that time!
Imagine if you will the discussions that took place! Oh, I smile even now because they were fierce and immense. But we of Avalon are very strong, we know our strengths, we know that of which we are capable!
We did not have your linear time frame, so to try and acclimate we would say this was when Atlantis was well established and pushing the boarders. There were many of what you call the ET’s who were working with them and we knew these species of what they are capable; this too is behind our decisions.
It truly did not take long, the actual removal. There were many priestesses including the high priestess who worked with the land creating a separation. They worked deep into the ground with the assistance of the Fae and Elementals creating deep ravines. We spoke with every person. We spoke with the animals and all species who occupied our space. It was well known by all what was to come. Some attempted to share this information with those who wanted to capture us; but they never found our location.
As Avalon was lifted, there were laser type beams that were directed at the earth from ships in the sky. We were assisted by those you speak of as the Great White Brotherhood, the Arcturians and of course our home planet. These lasers very precisely created the complete separation in the earth. From there using many, many dragons, the levitating energies of the Druids, the energy of all our brothers and sisters in the ships; we lifted off from the earth.
We have been encapsulated in a dimension which has protected us from all. We have watched the actions of the earth and we have participated through our people’s including the times of Camelot. By then we were gone and only created a space where we could live and breathe which is why it was always in a mist. We did this because we thought that was the time of a shift that would create the balance and peace on earth which would allow us to return, but it was not the right time.
We have deemed that now is the time to return to Earth. We have had a hologram of Avalon located in the space of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Greenland and Iceland. We are actually much larger than that, but that is our focus. We will place our island in the north Atlantic between Iceland, Greenland and Ireland.
We believe that the grounding of the energy back into the earth will shift the energies into a greater balance. We intend that this return with the total eclipse will cut through the hatred, the anger, the fear, the rage, the warfare that is so prevalent. To those of you upon the earth; this may seem to be dominant. To us we SEE that there are sooooo many, many, many of we the Avalonians present upon the earth. We are all around with our energy of peace, love, acceptance and balance.
For this day of the eclipse, Monday, August 21, 2017 as you date your time upon the earth we will be seated again. We will come in, in an invisible mode. We bring our dragons to assist with the seating of the island. Right now there is water, but the Island will appear. You my beloved family can find it any time you seek to blend with us. We will be primarily in the 7th dimension but over time will create alignments to the 5th. We will not go below that level; in fact it will only be the high 5th dimension.
We value the assistance of all. If you will in your meditation, go into your heart and find through the central sun your alignment to us. For many it is easily found since you are here already!! Please see us as returning, as balancing, as bringing forth the love, the joy, the magic, the truth of all that we are; for we are Avalon!
I thank you for joining with this exciting occasion realizing that all are of the earth and live as the earth; from here the balanced energy will emerge.
I thank you for spending this time with me~~~
Merlin/ Morgan/ Brigid We are One
Whew!! The emotion I felt during that channel was huge! As it separated, I felt tears and this is something I’ve tapped into half a dozen times already. As it returns, I felt very protective. But I realized as I was observing the earth and the return that this has been planned for a long time and there has been a hologram where this is going so I felt much more confident and secure. Found on
To read the article in its entirety, click here.
Editor’s note: All of this focus on the upcoming eclipse and the global meditationSSS planned to bring down this house of cards and usher in love and peace and a new world makes me so happy!! I feel it too. I strongly feel the call to DO THIS which is why I wrote a piece on this um which day would that be ~ no clue as I can’t keep track of that thing called “time” anymore as truly more and more I am just simply in the NOW moment and it is wonderful ~ anyway I wrote a piece on it as I fully believe millions of us are being called to do this (and i see i did this piece last night – so ok then). Whichever meditation you participate in, whether it’s an organized one or one of your own choosing, please consider doing something on that day. Starting now if you wish (that’s what I am doing). We are co-creating this new paradigm and it is beautiful. Blessings to you all.
*Inaudible panicked Darth Vader breathing noise.*
This is a highly charged energy period. I “feel” the dark ones are putting out frequencies to keep us low right now. It is no coincidence that I read so many people speak of feeling anxiety or rage or extreme sadness today. Is that purely our collective cleanse or something else? Or perhaps a bit of both.
This feels so important to me, I may write several pieces in the upcoming week to keep us all (myself included!) focused on creating the New.
Feel what it is you want. Please. Intend this new beginning in this Now moment. Keep at it all week. Daily. Hourly. Take little breaks to refocus and regroup.
A mass beautiful cleansing energy.
A full awakening and remembering of Who We Are. Full Awareness.
A full return to Unity Consciousness.
A full return to individual freedom and sovereignty.
To Walk Fully Aware In My Truth and All Knowing Power.
To be fully immersed with the energies of gratitude, compassion, grace and awareness.
Forgiveness for self and for all Higher Self deems necessary for my personal healing and ascension.
A new earth realm with clean, pure air, water and land.
A full return of our abilities ~ teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, instant manifestation, full instantaneous self- healing.
A release of all technologies that are healing and beneficial to all life.
These are my desires that I intend in this NOW moment.
I tap into these magical energies of highest love frequencies of creation and healing to intend all of the above into this Now moment.
I end this by stating I Intend The Timeline Of My Heart’s Desire.
I Am Divine Source Essence In This Amazingly Glorious Physical Body.
I Am The Creator Of All Of My Experiences. In All Ways.
It is done.
And so it is.
Editor’s note: I really like this piece and offer over much appreciation to Denise. I most especially appreciate how she speaks of how difficult and a PITA (pain in the ass) this journey can be at times. This expression of authentic raw human honesty/emotion is really needed ~ we need to hear/read/feel more of it from those whom we read for information as well as from one another. It is so 3D to pretend we are above the struggle and pain of this journey. lol Also can feel those lower level/lower frequency beings disappearing ~ at least from these timelines we continue to create as we awaken/remember/heal/vibe up.
By Denise Le Fay, 08/13/2017
A quick note for any who, like myself, have had a harder time of it since this specific phase activated on August 3, 2017. It’s okay if this hurts, if you feel like you’re not doing such a “great job” of it all, if you feel alone in what you and only you are currently experiencing. We all are in our own unique ways and I want everyone to realize that it’s okay to not look, feel, sound and occasionally act like a golden movie star super model rock god whose got it all together at the moment. That’s old lower frequency distorted BS consciousness so shake it off and keep evolving and Embodying.
What we’re doing, what we’re going through now is a wonderwork on every level and aspect of being which means it’s perfectly okay to experience, feel, encounter, be confused by, be frustrated by, be tremendously uplifted by, hurt from and LOVE every bizarre, outrageous, painful, shocking, never-before-experienced moment of all this. It’s okay, just keep moving through it and don’t think less of yourself or anyone else for experiencing some difficulties and pains and related weirdness because of what’s happening now to each of us. When you honestly share what you’re experiencing and that its oftentimes painful and/or difficult etc., lower ego consciousness people instantly believe you’re doing something “wrong” and that’s why you’re experiencing pains and difficulties. That’s the only range of awareness low ego consciousness is capable of perceiving so of course they find fault in others due to their lack of greater awareness and understanding. These people are however experiencing these mega August 2017 changes taking place too but at the developmental level (Stair-step) they’re currently vibrating at internally and externally.
Since August 3rd I’ve had some pretty outrageous physical experiences and encounters with other people, multidimensional visions, emotions, on and off again tears, come and go depression, periods of interference from the lower frequency and consciousness world and certain matching frequency Portal People in it, unwanted rapid-fire thoughts pummeling again, body and especially structural (bones, joints, spine etc.) body pains and more. I could write a small book about what I’ve experienced, seen and better understood since August 3rd, and we haven’t even reached the big August 2017 Solar Eclipse yet! And I know that if I’m having some difficulties and “tests” to push, to pressurize me into greater release of more of the old lower world and timeline and whatever remaining low-frequency stuff born of it, then so are many others. Also, there is no more down time, no more time off, no more off time, no more sliding back into old lower frequency parasitic ways of having someone or waiting for someone else to do it for you. Becoming sovereign means exactly that; becoming Source-Self-Contained constantly. Time to put on our big boy Divine pants and step into NEW Creator-ship individually.
I’ve also been having rapid-fire, crystal-clear, very close in my face type visions since the 3rd. I’ve experienced this many times before during the really large Shifts like what’s happening now. It’s like a bomb goes off in the old lower levels which blasts a lot of usually unseen beings and other things and structures etc. up and out and as they’re all flying around in the Light, you get to See them and vice versa as they fly past all super angry (and some completely surprised) at having been evicted from their long hidden locations in multiple dimensions and timelines.
Well over a decade ago I experienced multiple up close Mind’s Eye visions like this of a few nonphysical Reptilian beings. Back then they wanted to make contact with me in this way where they intentionally revealed themselves through a controlled by them up close, eye-to-eye type small etheric window. They wanted me to See them back then and I certainly did! What’s interesting to me with these up close visions I’ve had since August 3, 2017, is that the shoe is on the other foot now and it’s these negative ancient Beings, ETs, Devils and Demons that are being removed and/or going extinct in many cases. This aspect is not my personal Mission Work at this time but has been in years past, now however it’s to view some of them on their way out and away for good.
Don’t get hung up on the is it mine, is it hers, his, theirs type thinking about this or anything else. Is it mine personally? Yes. Is it theirs? Yes. Is it ours? Yes. Is it others? Yes. Is it All of ours from everywhere? Yes. And this is its “End Times”, its Separation of Worlds & Timelines from what has been for a very long time and some of us get to See and are needed to personally witness and energetically record these events for others for more reasons than I’m aware of or want to think about at this point. Think etheric Scribes; think etheric videos of time spent in foreign lands, dimensions and timelines; think Soul Records Departments and such. It doesn’t matter all that much at this point, only that it’s happening, and if you get to See some aspects of this Separation of Worlds and have it be one more thing added to your Divine Grand Resume, then so be it.
Bye-bye Team Dark, so long, don’t let the Divine Evolutionary Door hit you on your ancient, different colored leathery and/or scaly backsides on your way out.
Most of this year I’ve constantly Seen an image in my Mind’s Eye of just a persons lower legs and feet slowly walking up a few stair-steps at a time. Two close stair-steps below where their feet currently are, ALL of the lower stairs have disintegrated into nothingness, just empty black space. Every time the person takes another one, two or three steps up the stairs, one, two or three stair-steps below the step they’re currently standing on disintegrates into nothingness.
The symbolism is perfect and informs us that as we continue moving up the Ascension and Embodiment Process stair-steps—Embodying more, evolving more, ascending more etc.—more higher steps manifest before us. As we move up, evolve, ascend these energetic stair-steps, all that was of the old lower frequency stair-steps—physical 3D Earth world and matching reality, consciousness, structures, laws, beliefs etc.—literally disintegrates into nothingness.
Those old lower stair-steps represent old lower Earth world/consciousness/structures/codes/templates/programs/beliefs are also timelines that are disappearing because there’s no more need for them. They’ve served their purposes and humanity is evolving beyond them and all that went with them such as global Duality, beliefs, habits, consciousness, systems and such. Said another way, the reason ALL the lower stair-steps are disintegrating and disappearing completely, is because we continue to Embody more, evolve more by our moving up more and more energy frequency Light stair-steps individually. As we move into more and more of the vast higher frequency NEW, more and more of the old lower everything both within each of us and externally in the world(s), time, timelines, space etc. is permanently disintegrating and disappearing. The wiggle room for us now is only about two stair-steps and soon even those will be gone. Worlds and their matching frequency timelines quickly disappearing now like a game of musical chairs…
A lot more to say and share but I just can’t do it now. Gotta get physically horizontal again and spend time in expanded HighHeart-ness so all this unfolds more easily for me and you and ALL. I just wanted to remind the readers that it’s okay to feel like refried doodoo as you live and witness all you are while evolving and Embodying more than has ever been available before. Oftentimes Ascension teachers/writers are so focused on what’s happening and all the complex details that they forget to or either choose not to publicly admit how difficult and painful many of these HUGE AP and EP phases actually are. No fear, no judgements, just compressed evolution into the ever-expanding NEW internally and externally. Use this rare everything now through to the Solar Eclipse and beyond because there’s more stair-steps we’re climbing and simultaneously more disappearing under our feet. Well done everyone and thanks for your ongoing Divine Service to Source, Self and All.
Sourced from here.
Editor’s note: This piece really resonates with me. I am already having moments where I am noticing more vibrancy at times, brighter colors. This all began for me last summer. I have seen the new reality/new earth and indeed we had powers restored. I also had one experience very recently where I suddenly lost sight of something around the house. I looked where I thought I had last seen it. Nothing there. But then only to have it return – in the same spot. I love these experiences. I welcome them. Invite them. Allow them. Very much ready! ♥
Romeo Baron – At the time of the Planetary Dimensional Shift, It will be harmless for those that have lifted their frequency beyond the old vibratory rates, because they will be anchored to the planet while it shifts from 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. The way it works is, imagine a figure eight shaped hourglass. 3D is located on one side and 5D is located in the other side of the hourglass. In the middle of the hourglass, this narrow gap represents the gateway or the 4D portal for the planetary shift that occurs when two dimensional planes eclipse each other. It is a highly charged membrane of photons, which acts as the wavelength bridge to connect one side of the dimensional frequency band with the next highest band.
All living things on the planet has two parallel bodies. The biological body is carbon/matter and interfaces with the ethereal body. The ethereal body exists as plasma/anti-matter.
To consciously experience the dimensional shift, the ethereal body needs to be at the same wavelength as the ethereal frequency of the planet. For those of us who are compatible with the higher dimensional frequencies during the shift transition, we will feel like we exist but do not exist. Our consciousness is energy and will be traveling as energy and we will actually flow as light energy through the dimensional gateway, but we might not really feel it because it will take about a second to travel through the dimensional gateway and we will be rematerialized on the other side in 5D.
The calamities we have been experiencing on the planet with the destructive actions such as war, pollution, nuclear waste has a direct impact on the planet’s life force, because any negative energy stored within our ethereal bodies filters directly into the planets ethereal body. And this is how the controllers are trying to stop the planet from shifting into the next dimension.
When we undergo this frequency jump, our ethereal body, which contains the blueprint of our physical body will automatically rematerialized our body. Our body will have the same physical appearance as it does right now, except our new body will be Crystal/Silica because the higher frequencies from the solar flares have altered the atomic structure of our body.
Only anti-matter will ascend and pass through the dimensional gateway. Meaning only naturally occurring things within the planet will ascend. All man made synthetic materials within the 3D reality will disappear during the shift. So most of humanity’s current technology will not exist after the shift. During the shift synthetic objects will begin to fade out and disappear from our view, but at the same time, new Earth will begin to appear and materialize with access to advanced technologies around us. The 5D Human will fully embody their extra sensory gifts; the advanced abilities such as seeing energy wave patterns, instant manifestation, teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, and other abilities will take form. It will take about 24 hours for the planet to fully cross over into the next dimension.
For decades Earth has been gradually adjusting to a higher frequency which prepares Earth for a dimensional shift. Earth’s ascension is a separate evolutionary process to human souls, but we are all invited to accompany Earth into the next dimension within the new harmonic universe to experience a higher vibrational state of existence. The dimensional shift will be the catalyst for some major transmutations to the planet. Everything will look brighter and there will be new shapes and colors which will define our new plane of reality.
Everyone will ascend at the time of the Planetary Shift, but not everyone will Choose to ascend to new Earth all at once.
Update: When will it happen? It is Highly probable that Earth will shift at anytime before or after the next Solstice commences December 21st 2017. Understanding that the cosmic light energies are becoming extremely powerful and can automatically create an energetic intersection that acts as a multidimensional gateway, which will then catapult Earth instantly into the next dimension.
Sourced from here.
Beautiful. ♥
A Vision for Family
We see a world where we have expanded the definition of our family; where we are not only family to those with whom we are blood related, but that we are also part of a larger family – a soul family that is made up of those we made arrangements and agreements with before we came into this lifetime for the purpose of learning lessons and helping each other in our evolution.
We see ourselves understanding that the members of our soul family do not always provide us with pleasure and beneficence, that sometimes they come to provide us with adversity and challenges so we can become stronger of character; and as we let go of our self-importance, we are better able to recognize these soul family members and the gifts they bring to us.
We, then, see a world where we recognize that everyone we meet, everyone we share this beautiful, abundant Earth with is actually part of an even larger family that has come here at this time to experience a Grand Oneness together. Indeed, as we create this Oneness, all opposition and judgment is set aside forever, and we, once again, see the wisdom in redefining who our family is.
For, at this point, we are the Family of One.
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.
Received via e-mail by my mate. ♥ A rather interesting channeled piece on the upcoming Solar Eclipse. What I experienced in my dream showed the energies of this event removing the last of the old 3D energies within (most of the energies surround the illusions and pain of separation), which indeed would make room for a return to Unity Consciousness.
Dear Suzille, you asked if the eclipse had any special significance, and our answer is “absolutely.” For one thing, the eclipse is something in which Americans from all over the country are interested. Therefore, the eclipse offers a great “unity of interest.”
Unity of interest provides a common ground where many Americans from different areas, and with different lifestyles, as well as across all economic levels, can share their “choice of perception.” Let us speak for a moment about the concept of “choice of perception.”
Everyone, is always creating their reality via their “choice of perception.” For example, one could choose to look at their unpaid bills, which they have no way of paying. This perception will likely make them very sad, depressed and even defeated.
On the other hand, if they chose to look at the bills they have chosen as the most important bills, and the ones they have paid, they will feel happier and more inspired to find a way to pay the rest of the bills.
In other words, when one chooses to put their attention onto the challenges of life, rather than the rewards of life, they will feel helpless and depressed. On the other hand, if they just look at the few bills that you could pay, and take a moment to deeply understand how you found a way to pay those bill, you can expand that creativity and self esteem to make you feel even better.
Most of you have heard the term, “What you think about –You bring about!”
“But how do I control my thinking?” we hear many of you asking. The answer is the same. What you choose to perceive has a great deal to do with controlling your thinking.
For example, if you direct your attention on a problem, your problem will expand. However, if you place your attention on the solution for that problem, you will feel more in control of your life.
When you feel in control of your life, you believe that you can choose to place your perceptions and your attentions on the components of your reality that you love, enjoy, are proud of, and very important, are centered around “service to others.”
Service to others places your attention on, “How can I help this person, this situation, this place, or even this thing. Then, if there is a problem, for example, you have placed your attention on “a door that you will open.”
In other words, you have already you convinced yourself on, “Yes I CAN.” Release the tag on lines such as, “This door is too big to open,” and return you perceptions to the “inner image” of yourself opening that “symbolic” or “real” door.
Whether or not you can open that door is less important than the fact that you have perceived that door, not as a barrier,” but as something WILL be able to open. With that positive message to your self, your mind and emotions will calibrate to find the solution.
On the other hand, if you had perceived the door as something that you could never open, there would be no reason to try to open it. Therefore, your self-perception would of yourself walking away from that door because you could NOT open it.
You are always perceiving you self, whether or not you are aware of it. If you are not aware that you are perceiving/watching your self, the opinions that arise from your perceptions will be stored in your unconscious mind. Therefore, you will forget your perceptions, as well as anything you could have learned from them.
Let us now address the eclipse. If you chose to perceive the eclipse as, “Big deal. Eclipses have never changed anything about me or my life.” Then you have denied yourself the opportunity to experience a “unity of perception” that is very rare in such a large and diverse country.
On the other hand, if you choose to tune into the energy field of all those who can perceive and who are choosing to perceive the Eclipse, you have allowed your perceptual field to join into the collective consciousness of all those who are watching, and/or thinking, about the Eclipse.
Yes, your thoughts are very much a component of your “perceptual field.” For one thing, if you do not think about the Eclipse, you will not remember to put yourself in a situation where you CAN perceive it, or place your attention on the fact thousands of people are able to see the Eclipse and have chosen to go outside and look at it.
You might say, “Just because they all saw it, doesn’t mean I can. I am not in the path of the Eclipse.” Yes, that is true that you physical body may not be in the path of the eclipse. However, there are many people who can see it, at least for a moment.
Therefore, if all you do is to place your attention on your own inner perception of the Eclipse, or on the television or computer screen. Why do you do that? Because “what you thing about, you bring about.” Even though you were unable to perceive this event, your consciousness was focus on the same thing that thousands of other people’s consciousness is focusing on.
Therefore, you have chosen to perceive a group energy field. With so many people placing their thoughts and expectations on the same thing, you have joined into a group energy field that was created by so many people gathering to experience the even of the Eclipse.
This degree of Unity Consciousness goes beyond time and/or space. Therefore, you will NOT see the Eclipse at the same time zone, or from the same place as others who perceive it. However, you have joined into a group energy field of people, from different places and different time zones, who have chosen to direct their perceptual field on that event.
In fact, you may watch it on television, or on your computer, as these machines will allow you to direct your perceptual field into the same energy field that thousands of others are tuning into. It is this unity of “choice of perception” that is important. Even the people who will actually be able to perceive the Eclipse within the same time zone and at the same place, will all have different lives, ages, and histories.
Therefore, everyone will be looking through their own perceptual field, which has been created from all their interests, manners of thinking, reasons for watching, or even those who are not able to perceive the Eclipse at all, but are directing their thoughts and attention onto the same thing as many thousands of others across a very large country.
The gift of this Eclipse is UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. Even if only a few people realize that the Eclipse has activated this sense of Unity Consciousness it does not matter. This united human consciousness, focused on one event, will create a beacon into the higher dimensions saying,
“We, the human on Earth, are able to choose to look up into the sky without fear or superstition. We, the humans of Earth, are becoming evolved enough to unite our consciousness on the same event that travels across the entire country, starting at one of the last states to be colonized, Oregon, and ending at on the first 13 colonies South Carolina.
While everyone is “looking into the sky,” perhaps they will see our Starships that will fly a bit lower to be more recognizable. In fact, what if the eclipse brought in the New Age of full disclosure that we, the members of your Galactic Family, are constantly with you.
We have come within the NOW because YOU have called us. Just as humans no longer believe that an Eclipse is an omen for the “end of the world,” more and more of them are fully aware that we, your Galactic Family, are here in your skies ready and willing to assist you, if you ask.
Yes, Gaia is a “Free Will,” and we will respect your free will to see, or not see, that we are with you. We are here within this now to tell you that,
“You are not alone, as we, your Galactic Family, is always with you.”
There is more about the eclipse on before its news,stories by indian in the machine! we are ALL starting to tune in to the unity concenieseness! FOCUS IN UNITY ON THE SAme THING ,THE NEW EARTH AND ALL LIFE!
To read the piece in its entirety, please click on this link.