One Ascension Level up! What the different Waves experience


Editor’s note:  I like this one and I appreciate how she says the transition between waves is fluent.  I feel I am going back and forth between the first 3 – most definitely resonate with the inability to do just about anything 3D – the news, politics – it literally feels foreign to me.  I have become so sensitive to the frequencies put out on television – especially mainstream – I cringe when my mate wants to put on the mainstream news (even if it just for the weather).  

Vera Ingeborg
June 20, 2017

One Ascension Level up!  What the different Waves experience

Note: By no means does this blog intend to put stamps or labels onto people and put some people over others. No one is better or worse, as we are all part of the whole. The categorization used in this article is only there to help understanding symptoms and the awakening and ascension process better. The transitions between the waves are fluent. 

After we had just experienced some seemingly lasting peace and balance, we are now pushed into the next phase of awakening and ascension heading into the Solstice Gateway that has opened already. It can feel like being back to square one. Deep grief is triggered to the surface, which is especially related to people that are dear to us and we need to let go of for now as they are not able to hold our frequency yet. And this causes a sensation, as if none of the work done had had a lasting effect. Of course. that is not the case. We are simply moving through the next level into the next layers. It can be compared to a computer game. Once you have mastered one level, then you are re-playing it with a higher degree of challenges. You had to train and prepare mentally, emotionally and physically to be able to reach that next phase. Again, although many are tired of the term… it is a blessing in disguise. More than ever, it is important to trust the energies and the universal flow, knowing that nothing is as it seems to be on the surface. 

We have entered another intense energetic gateway to not only receive a lot of new information and upgrades but also enter the next level of detachment and letting go. The individual processes differ – depending what Ascension Wave people are in (see this article for more info on the ascension waves). The first movers have now entered the phase of embodiment, mainly dealing with the physical body. The early adopters are now getting into their core fears to finalize the cleansing of their emotional bodies. The early majority is still flip flopping between mental spirals and emotional breakouts, without really understanding what is going on and why they are so sensitive to all these energies around them all of a sudden. The question of “Who am I, and why am I here?” is keeping them busy, paired with the sense of “something is wrong here”. The late majority and the non-adaptors are still asleep and are not even realizing that this energetic shift on the planet is going on.

I will split the current symptoms and experiences into the different waves for a better understanding why not everyone is experiencing the same things at the same time.

First Movers / Innovators

In the first four months of the year, the first movers had managed to dissolve their last core fears that were still stored in their emotional bodies. The emotional and mental bodies of this wave are now shiny and clean. Nothing and no-one can trigger them anymore, as there are no fear-frequencies left that people could resonate in them. The first movers are now fully ready to assist people with biggest trauma and pain, as it will not drain them anymore.

“First movers can only feel compassion as they passively remember how the pain once felt, but they cannot actively recall it anymore. They cannot suffer with people.”

They can only feel compassion as they passively remember how this once felt, but they cannot actively recall the pain. They cannot suffer with people. Being anchored in this neutral zone automatically has the same effect with everything that goes on in 3D. The first movers have completely left the old 3D timeline and are no longer able to relate to any of the drama and chaos going on in the 3D reality. They cannot even receive and take in this information anymore. Reading a newspaper article on Brexit or the situation in the US feels like reading a text in Swahili. Like a radio station that you are too far away from and can no longer tune into. All of this is perceived as an unreal and fake hologram – a system that keeps itself busy and distracted without making any sense from a higher perspective. First movers are living completely in the now and a heart centered and heart led life. They have logged out of the system as far as possible, not having any obligations or dependencies. The mind’s only function now is to set intentions.

Although the feminine and masculine energies are well balanced now within the individuals of this ascension wave, there is an extremely large proportion of those that were the carriers of more feminine energy (not gender related). So even this wave, so well balanced now on the energetic level, still has to deal with the physical balancing – most of the time without having a divine partner around. On a physical level, that can still cause a feeling of loneliness – as most of the counterparts are still part of the early and sometimes even late majority wave (energetically speaking, for more info read more here).

After a couple of weeks of relief and feeling pretty balanced and centred, this wave has now entered the period of embodiment and physical release. And that is very logical as the physical energetic body is the densest of all of them. Now that the other energetic bodies around it are clean, the road is clear for the cellular releases of deep trauma that was stored into the physical body when the emotional body was overloaded.

And that lead to some surprises within the past weeks. After an accelerated time, now everything seems to move very slowly. All of a sudden thought spirals and emotional breakouts were back, and yet it felt different. Deeper. Older. Repeating the past somehow but also somehow unreal. This is how cellular memory releases feel like. As the body pushes them out, they take form in worries and doubts and nothing seems to work to stop the mind. And you can’t. It is simply an expression of energy in the mental body. Like a projector in the movie theatre playing that movie for the last time. In a second wave of release, the emotional body is doing the same thing, expressing this memory in emotions. Deep grief, anger, disappointment are expressed for the last time. The last wave of release is the physical body either shaking it out through muscle twitches, or an overwhelming longing to have deep tissue massages or similar will assist the physical body to let it go. This can take several rounds and will result in an absolutely healthy, self-sustainable and well-balanced physical body, aligned with and in perfect harmony with all other energetic bodies. So it is very important to listen closely to the needs of the physical body.

“It is a time of deep resting and integrating with an intense need for sleep. These cellular releases are happening in parallel to major DNA upgrades, which adds into physical stress.”

It is a time of deep resting and integrating with an intense need for sleep (although sleep often does not feel like sleep anymore but more like a resting while being awake). These cellular releases are happening in parallel to major DNA upgrades, which adds into the physical stress.

Despite all of this, the first movers manage to stay pretty calm and just embrace and accept what is, with the deep knowing that this is the next level. In between the physical releases, they are well-balanced and neither unhealthy and extreme bliss waves nor despair waves are experienced anymore. They have let go of any need of control and are fully trusting the flow and live according to the universal energetic laws.

Continue reading here.

Rise Together: We Threaded The Eye of the Needle


Editor’s note:  Some of this resonates with me.  I have long suspected the whole RV was nothing more than another control system of monetary enslavement.  Certainly when I saw the reports of who “supposedly” signed onto this thing, that suspicion was confirmed.   Indeed feeling woozy and nauseous the last several days.  And certainly feel things are moving/transformation quickly.  

Transition Status Report: We threaded the eye of the needle!


Solstice Passageway Conclusion ~ Crystalline LightBody Templates ~ Next Phases of Integration ~ And Further Unification Begins For Highest Timeline Convergence

Lisa Brown

We are completing this Solstice Passageway and anchoring phase for all new higher dimensional timelines and further materialization and implementation of a “bigger picture” here. For me, I have a beyond huge project that began in January and continues even now… It’s to complete the writing out of processes necessary for each of us to bring forth more Heaven on Earth and further form our Galactic Civilizations here. It comes through in increments as it’s “loaded” (integrated) into our own Universal Body Templates …. In January/February it was the Schematics, in March/April the “Implementation Processes”, this week the “Grand Design” … meanwhile we continue the other gazillion things we do in every dimension still…. So as you can see, it takes awhile for these “biggies” … 🙂 There is a lot that has to occur for us to accomplish everything. All of the “pieces of the parts” have to converge in the physical. This occurs as each person finally steps forth to fulfill their own Soul’s purposes here. They step forth when we vibrate into that reality. Both occur simultaneously here.    (Click “Read More” below)

​For many, you are coming to realize more and more how much your bodies play a role in this entire process here. How your cellular memory must completely cleanse old programming, come alive/online AS NEW Earth Bodies that hold Heaven within, hold PURE SOURCE LIGHT within, hold CREATOR within and how your body forms crystals and changes how your body functions (completely), how you function/exist and how this gives you the cap-ABILITIES to completely re-write your own programs/realities and align them yourself. 

You are here to construct and build your own higher timeline realities yourself. You are here to hold the FOUNDATION of NEW Earth in form. You are here to anchor this vast light and all of these encodements for implementation. Your bodies templates continually being re-written, re-coded and you/your field constantly re-synchronizing and re-calibrating so that you can literally vibrate onto a higher dimensional plane of existence and leave all of the old behind.

Continue reading here.  

Powerful QHHT Session ~ Raising The Vibration of the Earth, New Earth, Ascension, Energetic Healing


Editor’s note:  This is a really powerful, deeply moving, beautiful video and I very much am moved by the last part where he begins discussing ascension and the new earth.   The healing/clearing piece is particularly amazing and beautiful.  As I have been saying and knowing and feeling “the reincarnation cycle is over.”  Truly a joy to listen to and watch.  May it move you/inspire you as well.  

125 Alba Weinman – Raising the Vibration of the Earth & Energetic Healing

Energy/Experience Update


Hand, Hold, Care, Help, Elderly, Old

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Hello Everyone~

I awoke last night at 1:17am to the experience of the bed shaking/trembling as well as my entire body.  I had this same experience about 2 weeks ago at the same time only with this previous experience my mate was in bed with me and also experienced the same thing.  I know I wrote about it here.  Just can’t remember the title post or where I put it. Aye aye aye…

Last night my mate wasn’t in the room yet and later said he didn’t feel anything. Unlike last time, the experience only lasted a few minutes and as I lay quietly, focusing on allowing the energies to pass through me, I quickly went back to sleep and had some new, interesting dreams.  I did awaken a lot though, trembling at times.  I just went with it and let myself return to sleep.

So…..things are processing quite a lot right now and I know are very intense for all of us – whether consciously aware or not.  It’s as though all of that “junk” inside is being forced out, at times seemingly quite blunt as Higher Self takes position again, saying “let’s get on with this process my beautiful human and let go that which isn’t US as I’m coming home to stay”.  Unity begins with US after all.

There is absolutely no more hiding.

Interestingly enough, when I awoke this morning and checked my social media, the first post that came up showed other people who also noticed a huge shift last night, some saying they were jumpy and trembled all last night.  Validation.

At least I can say I’m peeling more layers of the onion ~ and tonight, as I sat in my chair, massager wherever I could get it on my body (from what I read, photons were incoming today and that is the energy class that seems to cause pain in my muscles), I went inward to the sore, tender parts of my body and asked what needed to come out.

Many words and stories came to mind.  I did not judge.  I let them speak and share.  As I continued deeper, what came up was my loneliness and feeling of separation ~ from everyone.  What an awful, horrible feeling. The pain cut deep.  I wept big time tears over that one, then thought back to my experience earlier in the day….

After a trip to the store, I drove my daughter and I around before heading home.  As we finished up listening to one of her stories on CD, I decided to turn on the radio.  The U2 song, “One” had just started playing.  A beautiful moment of synchronicity as I have been thinking of this song quite a bit, especially hearing (and using here in my writings) the line “We’re One but we’re not the same”.  I knew I was to listen and absorb the song, which I did.  Lots of tears were released, cleansing me.  I looked around at other people.  The construction workers working on a house. The young guy driving a bit too fast in his car.  The mail carrier delivering mail.  I sent love ~ the real deal ~ to each of them. I saw and felt our connection.  I saw Source in each of them, all playing out their physical roles as we each do, day after day.

I have had these experiences before so it wasn’t new to me.  However, tonight in my chair, massaging my achy muscles, I got something new:

We are meant to have this as a way of Being and not just in moments here and there.

Wow.  !!!

You know when you hear words and know they sound true but you need the rest of you to catch up for it all to Align?  That’s what happened to me tonight upon receiving that message.

I thought back to a conversation I was having with a friend earlier.  It just felt flat.  I wanted so much more.  How painful it has become at times to have those kinds of conversations.  How I long to have juicy, in depth, vibrant (or quiet), completely connected conversations.  The kind of communication and connection that fills every fiber of my being with Source yumminess.

Do you know what I mean?

And it serves me no purpose to expect others to make the first move.  I have to start making those conversations happen by being Me.  At the very least what I can do is be honest and say I’m feeling disconnected here from you and I want to try something new to feel connected right now as we talk.  Yeah, sounds strange.  Who talks like that?

Pure, honesty does.  Scary!  But that’s what I am/we are here to do.

So another layer of the separation was peeled away tonight.  And oh god, how extremely grateful I am for it.

I thought back to how many lifetimes this has been missing, not just for me but for ALL of us.  We sure did become good at faking it.  But we can’t do that any longer.  We are returning to Self, to Source.

The feeling I had in the car earlier today ~ feeling ME ~ feeling Source ~ feeling the connection with everyone I saw ~ is the most beautiful, wonderful, natural feeling/experience I can imagine having.  Came straight from my heart chakra area.  And I give deep thanks to Source and Higher Self and all of the assistance that is here right now as we make this transition back to Unity Consciousness.


Out Of The Mouth Of Children…


Or shall I say out of the heart from a child directly connected with Source?

Last night I linked James Gilliland’s latest video ~ a conference he had at his ECETI Ranch in Washington State.  At around the 1:25:00 mark, there is a graph he displays showing the different colors of the light spectrum. In time he speaks of the colors on the far right – the white in particular – which will be coming in (what many are calling The Event, The Pulse, etc.) and which will awaken all.

Our child was in bed asleep when we watched this video last night.  We did not speak of it with her.

As I was putting dinner together, she walks into the kitchen and quietly places a group of lego’s into a graph-like format on the table.  I ask her what it is and she says this:  “Well, you see right now this is the energy field we are in (she points to the darker colors on the left) but when this (pointing to the white tall stack) comes in, we will all be hit very hard and mama, you are going to do nothing but sleep.  That is the energy of the new earth.”  She smiles.  I smile, in a bit of mild shock and amazement at what she had just shared.  How does she know this?  How does she know about energy spectrum’s and their associative colors?  We have never discussed this with her!

Here’s a picture I took of her display.  While it isn’t identical to what James presented, it is close and the overall message very much correlates with what James said in his presentation.

James Gilliland Speech From Ececti Ranch ~ Disclosure and Making Contact


Editor’s note:  Another validation of this “quickening” message ~ around 45 minutes in he speaks of this phenomena occurring now.  

Disclosure & Making Contact with UFOs & ET Extraterrestrial Event yo be held in Trout Lake WA


Synchronicity In My Mailbox ~ And In A Youtube Video


Editor’s note:  Doing some serious heart-felt drooling over the scenery. … Earlier today on my walk to the sacred tree, I heard the word “quickening”.  Hmmm, so I asked again.  Really?  Quickening?  Yep, heard it again.  Entire left hand vibrated (my receiving hand), extending down my back until I was trembling all over.  I knew this had to do with the energies, how things were “quickening”, getting faster.  Certainly I am feeling that and having some experiences validating this, affirming how important it is to be so Aware of my thoughts and Be/Create who I want and what I desire from my heart-center.  Still…I like validation at times so I was not fully convinced of the message I received. (I know, I know – an issue needing healed/released.)  So….  A little bit ago I open up my e-mail and see the latest post from Kauilapele and a video he shared on youtube, talking about how the energies are now such that what we put out there energetically is coming back quicker and quicker.  There ya go!  (See Victoria – YOU CAN TRUST YOURSELF!)  Enjoy the beautiful scenery of the video below.  

170612 Hāpuna Drive Message… “Throw it Out and Back it Comes”



Editor’s note:  About the only thing I would add to this one is a little note of understanding to those for whom life does not allow the luxury of suddenly spending 1-2 days in bed, especially those with children.  Yes, this process is a priority but that doesn’t mean we are always able to abandon everything on a whim in our lives to sleep/rest/integrate.  Do the best you can.  Source/Higher Self are understanding of the dynamics of our personal lives.

Lisa Brown

These BEYOND POWERFUL upgrades and NEW LIGHT ENCODED FREQUENCIES continue to amp up, continue to increase, continue to move us all into a much higher frequency and lighter density plane. More love, more peace, more unity …. what does this mean?

This means that anywhere inside of us (cellularly) not fully PURE DIVINE LOVE is activated to emerge for a conscious release. Earth’s ascension means nothing can be suppressed within any Earthly body that does not align with vibrational frequency of our 5th+ Dimensional NEW Earth.

Over our entire human existence, there was much compromise and suppression that we were unaware of. Just BEing in the old Matrix System (Soul’s choice) was suppression/oppression. We all agreed to incarnate/walk-in here to transcend every bit of this fully from within. The RE-AWAKENING of all on Earth is a POWERFUL EXPERIENCE that transitions all from a deep sleep state of amnesia (slumber) into a continual waking one.

This CONTINUAL waking one brings all into a multi-dimensional experience, instead of just “one” linear experience with fixed mentality realities full of constraints, limits and compression, “I want” and “should”.

Unconscious suppression creates distortions, creates separation, creates discord and dis-harmony which play out in our physical body and outer reality world. The way to resolve these distortions is to SEE them and CHOOSE to dismantle/dis-engage them, choose to dissolve them, choose to untangle them and replace them with LOVE. These distortions hold ENERGY and this energy must be dissipated, exercised and released. Transmuting, transforming and collapsing the structures completely can be done from inside with greater ease.

There are geometric structures and mathematical equations for all realities that are invisible to our human’s eyes. As we all open up to our own infinite higher intelligence, our abilities to see/understand are fully RETURNED. Our gifts, abilities and infinite abundance and the knowledge of all of CREATION returns too. All of this comes forth naturally as we open our own HEARTS FULLY and choose to ALLOW ourselves to EXPERIENCE these abundance of GIFTS from inside….

Continue reading here.

Local Sunset Captures


The skies keep on giving us a treat with these sunsets that now light up all four directions – NSE & W.  Below are some shots I captured the last 24 hours.  Next up ~ a video showing what looks like the sun rising on the west coast in Seattle at 2:00am.  Last night.  Going to wake ourselves up tonight to see what the experience is here as given the comment section below the video, this is becoming a worldwide phenomenon.  Also going to link another video showing that massive pulse showing up daily now on a meteor site (only it ain’t no meteor) ~ the tones are amazing, creating very interesting frequencies.  I wish I knew more about these frequencies so I could show proof of my “hmm could be…” that these are craft creating frequencies to help with the Transformation.

Eyes and hearts open, minds, calm.  All is well.  And quite exciting, too!  ♥

Facing due north

Facing due east

Facing NNW

Facing due south (last night’s capture)