Energy Update ~ We’re About Ready To Expand

Editor’s note:  Any of you feeling this as well?

Becoming, Fractal, Design, Unfolding

By Sophie Gregoire, 05/01/2017

Your recent feeling of exasperation about situations, people, activities and things is there to show you that you’ve grown.

That recent feeling of frustration, and sense of being stuck shows us that you’ve outgrown what you were still comfortable in a few months, or even weeks ago.

At first, this frustration feels uncomfortable or even sad. You want to avoid it sometimes. But you know that you shouldn’t because,

You’re ready to Expand.


You felt good somewhere or with some people, and then you started to hear this “I don’t belong here anymore” or “I’m now yearning for more” within, again.

The inner calling. Sweet voice telling you, day and night, over and over, timid whisper yet loud, insisting – “It’s time to go. It’s time to expand, because now you’ve learned enough of what life was supposed to teach you here”.

You remember that you already felt that way a thousand times – so it seems.

You start to wonder, when and where things will change, and when the Change will be a “Final” one.

You’ve allowed yourself to feel that desire for more, for renewal, so now you just want what you want.


But all these steps are normal steps on Your Way.

Your exasperation, and allowing it, and allowing the void which follows. That feeling of being in-between two worlds is precisely what’s enabling new ideas and inspirations to emerge within you.

Your “I don’t belong here anymore” is what’s about to make you seek, or receive, again — something else.

Of course, one day you’ll Arrive.

Because even if our roads are stories of a lifetime, even if our paths have this eternal feeling of no destination — beautiful stations are coming closer to you.

One day, you’ll arrive.

The Arrive with a big A, that you’ve been dreaming of. The Arrival of the wanderers, the station that will be enough at least to settle, for a few years perhaps — for a long, deserved, peaceful loving rest.

Continue reading here.

Time To Push The Easy Button


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Editor’s note:  As my friend Mikey says, “if it ain’t easy, I ain’t takin’ it!” Very awesome moment of synchronicity alignment coming across this piece earlier this evening as over the weekend, I looked at my “I Intend A World of Easy” sign, remembered my piece I recently wrote about life being easy, then remembered my mate saying this morning “I only accept easy into my life” as we discussed current struggles.  I agree.  Time for EASE now. (we’ve had enough dis-ease, right?)  So intend away.  

Pushing the Easy Button

May 1, 2017 at 9:29 am

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 Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s April 28, 2017, channeled 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at Billions are now part of the global light movement. Because of your decades, years, or months of effort, those struck by the recent energies transitioned more rapidly than you imagined possible. Global bullies are fearing the loss of their power. So they are now choosing to be of the light or slinking into a 3D corner of despair.

“Fear Mongers Without Power” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today is your day as is every day until you exit earth in this lifetime. Perhaps you do not yet feel as if you are in control of your life – but you will. For there is no longer any reason to believe that others control you.

Of course, you immediately think of your job, church, government or family – that there are ‘shoulds’ continuing in your life and that of others.

In truth, you are following those ‘should’ roles because you believe you need to – you have not yet dared test your limits.

Until recently, you were shunned if you did not follow the rules established by others. There was a time to sleep, a time to be awake, and many ‘should’ activities to complete in your wake time. Such is no longer true.

You are questioning our statements for you need your job for financial reasons, and someone has to care for your children, parents, friends, political philosophies, etc. In short, there has to be some type of outer-directed work to continue your earthly life.

Continue reading “Time To Push The Easy Button”