I just love her words ~ what a beautiful Soul! Roxanna Adams ~ humanity thanks you!
I wrote this in preparation for Meme Wednesday. I put my Heart and Soul in to it. It is full of light codes and color codes to facilitate energetic openings of the body and mind. Feel free to share.💗
Awakening and the Bigger Picture
🌈🌈🌈Many of you are just beginning to Awaken from the 3D (3rd Dimensional Consciousness) Control Matrix Programming. This Control Matrix has been in place for Millenniums if not Eons of time on our planet. The Cognitive Dissonance is clearing and you are frightened and confused about what is really happening on our planet. The Controllers of our planet are being exposed that is why you see so much chaos. You have become more sensitive and empathic. The Veil of Darkness is lifting and has everything to do with the 💫Galactic Alignment of December 21st, 2012 of the Mayan calendar. This time of Awakening has been prophesied in many religious texts and spiritual beliefs through the ages. You are coming to realize that your spiritual potential has been held back nefariously. The Truth of how reality really works has been hidden from you on purpose. You are in fact Divine Conduits of 🍊Creation. You have the capability of creating a 🌈Heaven on Earth🌎, (5th Dimensional Consciousness) 🍊Co-Creatively.
However, first you must understand and process Who, Why and How the controllers run this planet. The Elite 👹Luciferian Bloodlines go by many names. The Illuminati, Cabal,
Deep State, and Shadow Government, etc. These Elite Bloodlines have co-opted sacred hidden Occult knowledge and use it for their own personal gain. This knowledge belongs to everyone. Occult means “hidden knowledge”. These Dark Luciferian practices have infected every group on our planet. Politics, Media, Large Corporations and Hollywood, etc. You have awoken to their symbology, numbers sequences, and see them flash hand signals. At the top of “Pyramid” are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Royals and the Vatican. The rabbit hole goes much 💫deeper✨, but we will just stick to the basics until you are ready for more disclosures.
These Elite Luciferians truly believe that by following the Dark path and “Do as thou Wilt” is their credo, they can attain Immortality. They have been deceived and become very perverse, cruel and have lost their humanity. They are ☹️lost Souls who are not connected to Prime Creator God Source. Instead of Love and Life they only know Fear and Death. These Luciferians crave the fear, pain and misery of other humans. They are Vampiric and addicted to the high.
How you ask can a small group control such a large number of people? Well to start “History is written by the Victors”. Without getting to Dark. The Luciferian Elite Cabal are aware that Blood has Powerful Electromagnetic Plasma Manifestation properties. When charged with intention it produces a desired outcome. They use their intentions to lower the Frequency Consciousness Grid of our planet, keep us in a state of confusion, separated from each other and in a herd mentality state of fear. They attempt to keep us in our lower ❤️Animal brain, your 💚Heart shut down and 💜Intuition turned off to control us. Do you see now Why there has been so many wars and bloodshed on our planet? The Cabal knows how the mind and nervous system works. They use mind control techniques by keeping you in your left brain, unbalanced from your right hemisphere and 💜Pineal gland (3rd Eye) calcified. Your GPS, to use analogy, 💎Connection to Prime Creator God Source energy has been cut off. The Cabal uses their intentions with the aide of technology, chemicals, and mind control techniques. They have knowledge of 💫Astrological dates that are portals and use these at their disposal to change probable outcomes and to pull you into a lower timeline. Are you beginning to see how mailable your reality is? Now do you see how you can 🍊Create a 🌈Heaven on Earth🌎 Collectively? The 🍊Creative Universe is wonderfully Multidimensional. It is Frequency/Vibrationally based. There are no limits to exploration, 💜Spiritual growth and evolvement for your Soul. 💫Cosmic laws have been twisted and bypassed to co-opt your free will. However, This message is to 💛Self Empower you.
So as disclosures unfold do not be afraid. Some of these disclosures are very Dark. A small number of us have been waiting for this time holding this higher awareness. It has been a silent war but we never gave up hope that you would Awaken. Many have been hunted down and ☹️sacrificed their lives. Our Love for our human family is so great we risk ridicule, judgement and labels so we can courageously 💙Speak this message. It is finally Safe! Allow yourself the 😳Shock, 😡Anger and 😩Sorrow. Gather together…Love, Support and Comfort each other. This grieving process must happen. Know you are 💗Loved Unmeasurably by Creation and people and situations will show up seemingly out of nowhere to guide you. So, as you take this message in and your 💚Heart opens have faith that you are Shining your Light on to the Darkness. You are Strong enough or you would not be Awakening to the bigger picture. “It is always 🌚Darkest before the 🌞Dawn.” “The Truth is Stranger the Fiction” so take in what you resonate with. We 💗Love💗 You and We are standing by. 👼🏼Rejoice for we are truly 💛Liberated! Welcome to 5D Earth. 💗🌎💗
As expected we knew we would get quite the feedback from the last newsletter especially from Hillary fans.
If you are still a Hillary fan you have my sympathy that’s all I can muster
A slip of the tongue now and then is not comparable to Satanic Worship, Spirit Cooking, Baby Sacrificing, hanging out with pedophiles and defending sexual predators, extreme bribery, real Russian and terrorist collusion – and let’s not forget Seth Rich and a long list of murders of people who oppose or expose the Clintons.
We can’t even engage or argue that position of defending Hillary anymore, you can’t debate psychopaths, the extremely ignorant or insane. The evidence and facts are in for those who do serious research and it is all spelled out in the over 11,000 indictments.
The democrats continue to make complete fools out of themselves with their positions on all most every topic which change moment to moment. The truth is they don’t have a position or an argument. All they have is Trump Derangement Syndrome. My god, I would never run for any public office with people hanging on every word.
I am the first to admit to having bad humor and stating the obvious even if it is not politically correct. All the democrats have as a majority is wordsmithing and the race card, nothing else. They judge, condemn, point fingers at others of what they have redundantly demonstrated by their own words and actions to have been doing for years.
The insanity is people still be lie ve them.
The republicans are no different yet the extreme mass displays of ignorance, lack of integrity, criminal behavior and double speak is mainly coming from the democrats.
Has anyone set the rhetoric aside and looked at the actions?
It’s like defending a Tyrannosaurus Rex that has been terrorizing your village for decades after eating the majority of people within and saying he is a victim or the protector of the village. The wolves governing the sheep. They profess they are really the good guys, hoping they are not their next meal. Classic Stockholm syndrome. The slaves defending the plantation from those trying to free them. To many they are so conditioned that is all they know.
Has anyone set the rhetoric aside and looked at the actions? The track record now and those of the past? Nobody is all good, nobody is all bad, none of us are perfect and we make mistakes yet when one has a long history of extreme behavior outside of Universal Law – even the laws of America – how can we expect anything else? It is pathological now, showing behavior that would fit into the clinically ill category and I am not talking about Trump. I am talking about those who deem themselves as his enemy and profess to be servants of the people. The ones screaming the loudest and pointing fingers the most are the ones most guilty of the same acts they accuse others of, and to the extreme.
Then you have the victims and the race card players who will never admit things are getting better – using their victim roles for emotional or financial support which also includes the desire for fame.
Yes, there are still injustices to correct, imbalances yet let’s focus on solutions not name calling and division. This is all going to reveal itself, they are all going to be exposed and many are looking at serious jail time. They won’t escape by paying off judges and hiring powerful attorneys because the military and their courts are now in charge.
America no longer resembles what it was created to be. The Republic, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, liberty and justice for all has become enslavement with a “just us” system with two sets of rules. One for the elite and one for the poor and middle class. The democrats – while professing to be the champions of the poor and middle class – extremely failed to serve and listen. They became self-serving addicts in their lust for power and wealth: most becoming rich at the expense of the very people they profess to serve. Yes, Hillary that is what happened. The masses woke up, well some of them anyway, but there are still those who want to stay on the plantation attacking the very people trying to free them. Again, yes there are still problems – this won’t shift overnight but why not work together to find solutions rather than name calling and blowing a word or two out of proportion?
I have studied with Lamas, Master teachers and Elders from all cultures and beliefs. The most powerful often had a wicked sense of humor and were definitely PC incorrect.
They used humor to trigger responses, get people to look at their wounds, attitudes, be lie fs that no longer server them.
I am guilty of that myself – often pushing that big red button to show people where they are emotionally charged. It is an opportunity to heal.
Those unhealed wounds and traumas will keep manifesting no matter how politically correct you try to make your leaders and why are you not leading yourselves? Do you think you can fix this externally?
If you are not a victim and there is not a charge then PC incorrect comments are powerless.
If it is not your coat don’t wear it. Personally, I find it hilarious watching the president say what everyone else is afraid to discuss. He is not a politician, right or wrong he shoots from the hip and you know where he is coming from. I find that refreshing.
He does what he says he is going to do or attempts to despite the extreme resistance by those who want to maintain the status quo.
From a therapist point of view, he is an excellent trigger.
The victims will scream at this analogy and come up with a plethora of reasons why Trump is evil even attack me for stating the obvious from a higher perspective. Trust me I have been called everything.
Reason this, can’t you see the process?
Can you become the detached observer and see how everything is being exposed, coming up to be healed?
We are on the upward spiral and if we continued business as usual with the democrats we would be taking the downward spiral. Do we agree with everything unfolding? No, no one should.
We should hold all our leaders’ feet to the fire until Universal Law is the order of the day. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law.
Make that your foundation. Create Heaven on Earth. Do not get caught up in the hell others want for you, the separation game, the victim, race card, creating a mass diversion over a word or two ignoring and derailing addressing much bigger issues. These swamp creatures are becoming more and more apparent and rather than address the issues and serve the people it is now becoming perfectly clear their real agenda and that is to amass power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth.
We need a complete overhaul, holding those in office to their oaths and their mandates. Service to the people which includes the restoration and cleanup of Earth.
A great prophet once said: Universal Peace will not come through governments or religions but through the hearts and minds of the people.
If the people chose and practiced Universal Law, chose to create Heaven on Earth, stopped giving their power away to those with a long history of betraying that trust we would take a quantum leap in evolution.
Culmination Points, New Moon and Eclipse Transformations
Jan 9, 2018
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,
We are at the culmination point of our Seven Sacred weeks, which completes with the New Moon Tuesday, January 16 at 6:19pm. This has been a deeply transformative passage which collectively prepared us for the energetic shifts of 2018. Note how the energy changes over the next week. We are coming out of a period of deep introspection, personal change, and global release. Now we witness the next steps of our Ascension laid out before us. Feel these glorious reality-changing frequencies, beloveds.
We endured a collective and personal transmutation of the cosmic memory of old self, lower trajectories, belief systems, family genetic imprints and soul monads. A massive clearing of the akashic for many, even for those who felt they were complete, as the collective subconscious records are released back to Source.
This occurs globally at a cellular level, as an effect of the incoming light level. This is why so many have been ill, nauseous or having unusual health challenges over the last seven weeks. The initial effect was intense, and clearing is ongoing as the energies accelerate bifurcation. DNA is overwriting old formats, and responding to the clearing by holding new light codes which were previously blocked. These frequency-based rewrites shake loose the old. Be diligent with detoxing and cleansing, and guide the mental/physical/emotional levels as needed.
The heart center is expanding as etheric imprints dissipate from cellular memory. Coping mechanisms must be surrendered for high-vibe activity, in order to resonate with the crystalline pathways opening in this Now. Blessings to everyone who is willing to be vulnerable and authentic, and keep their heart open and neutral for others through this process.
All limitations are being removed for our benefit. We learn how to operate in Unity Consciousness, flow with the highest trajectory of our path, express our new true voice, and level-up our service work. Avoiding or resisting the clarion call of the new cannot be avoided without causing psychological and emotional distortion. If you receive the call, answer it with an open heart in alignment with Unity Consciousness.
These upgrades have been continuous in our Ascension process, however the cosmic events unfolding for 2018 require this collective release. Removal of blocks to the rainbow bridge effect happened before the December Solstice. You may have felt moments of complete freedom since the New Year, followed by symptoms of clearing the next day. There are strong templates coming in, consistently activating starseed DNA and the templates within Gaia. The galactic hot-zone we have entered is accelerating the New Earth experience. In service, we simultaneously assist, surrender and let the light reveal the higher realities.
2018: Collapsing Time to Create the Miraculous
One of the strongest visions/downloads for 2018 is the activity emanating from the Trinity Stargates. These massive interuniversal portals aligned and activated with the Solar eclipse last August. The stargate alignment allows Crystalline templates of superior purity and vibration to merge with the SUN.
Solaris (the SUN) begins to pulse light codes, plasma, harmonics, and frequencies which trigger DNA in an unprecedented way. Solaris is flashing new geometries, emanating light codes and sacred fire letters, beaming 5D rainbow plasma, and delivering the command for new creation. In visions these waves of codes are rushing toward Gaia, engulfing her in sacred next-level symbols, bathing us in the dimensional-shifting, living light of Source. The SUN appears chaotic yet elegant in this realm. We are preparing for major energetic waves and events this year, Beloveds.
We sense the freedom as we unify with resonant hearts. The High-Vibe collective strengthens as Wayshowers to the New Earth, demonstrating Unity Consciousness itself. It literally feels light; many Unity Meditators reported strong lifting and levitating sensations during our last session on SUNday. We are merging with the crystalline realm to create the bridges and pathways to the next experience, and it feels sublime! The incoming crystalline templates not only amplify the New Earth experience for aligned hearts, they assist us in opening the Gateways for global transformation. Embodiment and untouchability are near.
This year reveals empirical evidence of what has been created by all of us in service. No one expects credit of course, that’s never been the point. Our starseed reward is completion of mission, however we can feel excitement beaming through the High-Vibe Tribe. Divine Love is delivering on ancient promises.
The Lunar Eclipse and January Triggers
The Solar eclipse of last August and the upcoming total Lunar eclipse on January 31 are linked. This window was highly transformative between these two eclipses. It affected the way we experience time, our multidimensional selves, and the bifurcation of realities. If the Solar eclipse was powerful for you, this Lunar eclipse will be as well. Take a moment to review what has transpired, how your trajectory has changed, and be diligent about preparation.
This eclipse does not require the extensive Gatekeeping and Gridwork of last August. It does require open-hearted anchoring of the next level of our Ascension. The New Earth grids merged with the crystalline grid during that event. Our current service focuses on unlocking as many node points as possible, continuous amplification, and merging our HUman heart grid as one stargate of Ascension. The New Earth grid went vertical last year, merging the crystalline core of Gaia with the crystalline grid and Solaris. Those Gateways will create access to the higher dimensional New Earth experience.
Our focus remains on opening the crystalline Gateways to the New Earth experience. I saw people rising through these Gateways during the Cosmic trigger last month, preparing for a pure Ascension experience.
The way that we work with crystals, especially quartz, is changing. Codes are activated within the crystal beds and Master crystals (many are from off-planet) between these two eclipses. It stimulates memories within the Starseeds, Gatekeepers and Gridworkers who have been working with crystals. Meditate on this; it is related to future memory rather than past, a side-effect of the embodiment experience. Your crystals will need to be cleared and reset between the New Moon and Lunar eclipse. Give them plenty of SUN exposure on the ground after the New Moon. They continue to assist bridging the worlds, and will assist with stabilizing the amplification.
With these new energies, our multidimensional Self penetrates levels of awareness. We are able to access the evolution of our higher levels, and co-create the new aligned in the Now.
Unified Focus: Here We Glow
Tuesday January 16: New Moon at 6:18pm PT. Seven sacred week passage ends. Set high intentions for the new trajectory.
Wednesday January 17: Gatekeeper & Gridworker focus: The eclipse portal begins, energies will build. Note the changes in your energy fields and heart as this opens up.
Wednesday January 31: Total Lunar Eclipse. Maximum eclipse at 5:30amPT. It is a Blue Moon (second Full Moon in a month) and will appear red, like a Blood Moon. This is a rare Blue Moon Total Eclipse. Totality will last just over an hour, and is visible in North America. Here is a visibility map: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2018-january-31#
The crystalline templates emanating from the SUN pulse and flash holographic imprints of themselves to prepare and change Gaia’s energy fields to become a Christed/Crystalline entity. You may see them in visions; giant light-encoded discs or geometries. That activity is caught and threaded through the New Earth grid system, activated ancient sites seen and unseen, crystal beds, aquifers, kingdoms, elementals, and activated heart centers.
It is shifting layers of the electromagentic fields to align with New Earth magnetics, which is the vertigo and dizziness some of us experience. You feel the shift in your personal magentics, as well as the shifts within Gaia. It is a release, a lightening of density. Sensations of euphoria, bliss or freedom become stronger for many.
We will continue to unify in Divine Co-creation on SUNdays with our globalUnity Meditations. Gratitude to all who participate each week in this Divine Service. Details, guided meditation link can be found at http://www.sandrawalter.com/global-unity-meditations-every-sunday/
This passage is unprecedented, Beloveds. We join as one in walking through dimensional doorways this year. May we all be blessed and supported as embodiment manifests the New Earth experience.
First of all, we’d like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as 2018 will definitely be a year to remember and history will mark it as a turning point for the US if not the world. What’s coming in the next 12 months will be unsettling for some, long past due for others but will be remembered as a cleansing of the planet.
But before we go forward, it’s important we revisit and review the past so the information is fresh in our minds as in everything, it is connected. Nothing is created out of a vacuum so we will attempt, in the coming weeks, to provide the trail so that everyone can connect the dots on the sophisticated scam that has been perpetrated on the world for the past decades.
As has been and always will be our emphasis, the coming storm from the White Hats and affiliates will concentrate on the world financial sector. We’ve made it our objective to expose the criminal fraud perpetrated on the people of the world by the banksters. That onslaught will not abate but will increase in both intensity and documentation in the coming weeks.
But first….a trip to the past.
February 12, 2012
This is the day Lord David James of Blackheath stole 10 minutes of time in the House of Lords, directed and supported by the London section of the White Hats. The information imparted during that short speech revealed the criminal fraud perpetrated by the Federal Reserve and all their co-conspirators: the banks, Homeland Security and of course, the deep state’s own shadow government organization, Pureheart Investments, LTD. He exposed the bank trading programs and their overnight profit percentages and exposed the Federal Reserve as nothing but a criminal enterprise, in existence for the sole purpose of pillaging the assets of the world and stealing money from every living soul inhabiting this planet.
The fraud disclosed in London that day included the creation of $15T out of thin air, backed by gold that didn’t exist and they didn’t own, sent to the shadow government’s prime criminal business creation, enabled by Homeland Security’s bank clearance code and ignored by law enforcement, politicians and the public on both sides of the Atlantic. But to the cabal, just another day of thievery and deceit, a normal occurrence for an industry with no accountability, no oversight and no consequences.
It’s past time this…..like everything else the Deep State has created to control the world….comes to an end.
The fraudulent transfer of $15T from the NY Federal Reserve to the account of Pureheart at the time was 150% of the total debt of the US. To the cabal entrenched banksters, it was a drop in the bucket compared to the theft they perform on a massive scale. Billions, trillions, quadrillions and more are just the norm for these bloodsuckers of humanity. The secret space program, black projects and blackmailing, compromising and/or murdering anyone who gets in their way, the money trail has to be followed to unravel this centuries old financial scam. The people need to be freed once and for all.
The matrix is disintegrating as we and Gaia transition through the trinity super moon gateway. The fabric of our fixed holographic reality is unravelling, we are experiencing quantum awakening. A portal of light flooding us in zen wavelengths, triggering DNA upgrades. Recalibration. Coming online as energetic beings activated into hyper reality, we are catapulted into a chasm of chaos. From this chaos will rise a new earth. Gaia has had enough, the cosmos has come to her aid. Her travellers, her tribes, her people transition with her to higher planes of existence.
Heart chakra activation can be felt as fluttering, spinning, flipping sensations in centre of our chest. Timeline switches, loops and Mandela effects are palpable, as our consciousness expands, our perception of reality bends and oscillates. This creates a heightened awareness of the moment, choice, different timelines spinning off in front, behind and all around us. We are transforming and our understanding of the world around us is changing. Coincidence becomes synchronicity. Numbers take on a life of their own. Time becomes fluid accelerating and slowing down, the walls of our reality breathe. It’s getting really trippy friends. Breathe into the waves of high frequencies. Allow changes to occur. Our bodies are lightening. We are organic beings in this lifetime. A trinity temple of light and love, mind, body and soul. We fly up and down the frequency spectrum still experiencing waves of third dimension paranoia, fear and confusion. These bouts lessen in frequency and intensity the more we embed our vibration into higher wavelengths.
Our mission is to reach across the third dimension polarity, duality chasm. We share light, knowledge and wisdom of oneness, beauty, peace and progress. Cutting off from those we disagree with is to renege on our contract. To meet fear with compassion. Hate with patience. Hostility with shield up love. To separate ourselves into bubbles of fifth dimension zen is tempting. We do and should indulge in this through meditation, music, dance, nature, soul tribe and yoga. We balance by grounding, not floating off into hyper space. Knowing when to step back and let universal karma resolve situations. When to speak up and stand our ground. When to back down and show forgiveness. These are the lessons of the fifth dimension. Lessons we are all learning. None of us is better or worse, everyone has a heartbeat, be they of Reptilian, Arcturian, Plaiedian descent, lightworker or darkworker or any of the myriad of astrogenetics seeding Gaia. We all exist in this organic plane of dimensional experience. Avoid derision of unawakened people, many would be surprised by the depths of these ripples of awakening, and may not see through the avatars presented in the matrix. Stay kind people even when the world slumbers as she ascends.
The fourth dimension is being healed also as we travel up and down through 4th dimension frequencies. This shakedown of karmic energy is liberating many lost souls wandering the fourth realm. It is illuminating the darkness skulking in the astral plane, parasites and devilish entities who have fed off humanity for too long. Fifth dimension light streams in, there is no place to hide. As the shakedown intensifies human hosts of astral entities may exhibit more of the characteristics of their demons, as they come to the surface for clearing. Meditation, reflection, emotional release, holistic and talk therapy can all help this process. There are specialists in the area of releasing attachments who can perform this process energetically. As the vibrations raise, this process of release is becoming easier, healing the fourth dimension is rolling out as we speak.
We may become more aware of fluidity in our dimensional perceptions. Shadows in corners take form, shape. Some may see passed on relatives, hear voices of loved ones, receive gifted messages as the fourth dimension reaches its redemption. A space for communication it has served humans in complex ways throughout our time on Gaia. A bridge between the third and upper dimensions the fourth is a call centre, an astral plane buzzing with activity. Still caught in lower vibrational fields duality is rife here. Our loved ones can visit us here, able to reach our wavelengths, they then return to higher planes of existence. The fourth realm is home to entities unwilling or unable to cross over to love frequency. They are caught in negative cycles of hate, envy, addiction, fear and greed. They haunt the third dimension matrix and serve to build fear into our atmosphere. As Gaia rises the fourth realm is being healed in love vibration. A quantum evolution of mystical proportion. Surrendering to love, relinquishing all negativity can and will heal many millions of third and fourth dimension souls.
We are being freed from a cycle of slavery. Our heightened awareness reinstates our sovereignty, our energetic balance, our core strength. Our heart chakras are activated, we aspire to heart led living. We are switched on by gratitude, compassion, we surrender to universal love light. Our third eye has been opened, we can see through the veils of deception in the matrix and through dimensional realities in our universe. It’s quite a ride cosmic soul brothers and sisters. There is no pressure, no hierarchy, no competition in the fifth dimension. We travel through the time space continuum learning, growing, expanding our consciousness as souls of the multi verse. We are stepping into a new universe of light where we can rebuild this world with respect for Gaia and ourselves. All are welcome, none are excluded. We set the dial of our own vibration. We are the owners, the creators of our reality, our future. In love, peace and light beautiful people. Namaste.
Mantras: I am one with universal love light.
I ask my higher self to power up the shield of love that surrounds me at all times.
Awesome wonderful beautiful amazing FANTASTIC advice! Doing! Let’s all do this! Individually, for our own pain. And collectively…..Imagine earth in her purest state ~ (for me that would be before the conquer/fall).
Client QHHT Sessions – Changing and Healing your Timeline (Retrocausality)
Today, January 11, 2018, on a energetic level is a very powerful day. It coincides with my article I wrote yesterday about the Jewish New Year of 5778, and how it connects to this year, and the changing of the energetic vibration of our infinity symbol.
We have the 11th day of the 1st month in a 11 year. This gives us a total of 5 1’s. 5 is the number of change, and things are certainly changing, but this type of change has been a long awaiting one. Jewish scholars have been writing about this time since the original separation of the waters of the firmament took place. They have been waiting for this year of 5778 for the two calendars to merge. These 2 calendars can kind of be considered timelines on a broader scale I suppose. But they really are the waters of the firmament that are joining in a Hiero Gamos union. My friend Sanna showed me a video about how over the past few days many strange water anomalies have taken place. I didn’t know about this when I wrote my article, and I am glad. It may have polluted my information that I was receiving. But, we have physical evidence that this change is occuring. It is not just our imagination or delusion.
Let’s look at 11.1.11. The 2 pairs of ones each represent one of the calendars. The group of ones on the right represent the past when the split occurred and infinity fell on it’s side. Which was our fall in consciousness. The group of ones on the left represent the upward infinity with it’s new energy vibration. Each of these groups were major portals that lead us to different experiences. The portal that took us to the fall in consciousness was devastating, however, we now have the current portal on the left which represents our return. This portal is open all year, and I feel it will never close. The 1 in the middle represents how these 2 portals are actually combined. One leads to the other, in a cycle.
Cyclic events like this one are very powerful. Whether we like it or not, we are a product of our past. Not just as a society, but on a personal level as well. Today is a day where our past collides with our present, and makes way for our future. This is true for our Earth, but it is also true for us on a personal level. We are a microcosm of the macrocosm.
Today 2 worlds literally collide to create the true Golden Age. This is the day to make peace with the past. For our planet and for our lives. This planet’s past has been very difficult, because we fell very deep into the darkness of the abyss. The deeper the fall the higher the potential for a momentous rise. And that is what this planet did, and today makes this official.
This is the first day of the real clean slate. Today is the energetic Gate that the Jewish Scholars have been waiting for. They call it Heaven’s Gate. When the infinity loop fell, I wrote how people could not easily obtain liberation from reincarnation. With the upward infinity inplace and combined with 5778, the Gate, which is the MuChord is 100% functional. Freedom is here.
I recommend taking time to meditate, contemplate and put your new outlook into your daily life. See your past as the amazing portal that taught you life lessons. Forgive and let it go. It is gone. It made you who you are now. You can’t change the past, you can only change your emotional reaction to it. This is what our planet is doing on a energetic level today. It rose from the ashes and now it is integrating both calendars.
The highest level of wisdom to obtain from today, is to see that one is not bad, and one is not good. They are both energy, and can be transmuted and used for different purposes. Energy is energy, it is our perception through suffering that places labels. The Earth is merging what is seen and felt as a negative calendar with what is seen and felt as a positive calendar. But the Earth knows ultimately it is all just a learning experience, and nothing is permanent.
Today is an excellent day for writing down what you can do NOW, to create your desired future. Not a wish list for a possible future. Today is a day of taking action, so look at what can you do now. Write it down and then do it. Today is also a perfect day for rituals of manifestation such as candle magic, and also healing rituals.
Enjoy the day of two worlds colliding. This vibrational energetic event will never happen again on this current planet.
Hubris, overconfidence, recklessness, and unrestrained corruption have disrupted their delicate duality balancing act. Chaos exposed spells doom for the New World Order.
There are probably a myriad of inter-connected reasons why the Occult Elite/the Illuminati/the Powers That Be are quickly becoming the Powers That Were. I am going to write about just one – their own sloppiness.
In the past, I have written quite extensively about the subjects of duality, balance, order vs chaos. These are the prominent themes in my metaphysical novels and in many of my articles.
Many people likely believe that members of the illuminati/the occult elite subscribe to a philosophy/religion that values darkness over light, evil over goodness, crime over law & order. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simplistic. There are probably local level satanic sects that prioritize the dark side over the light, but if you study the occult elite and their symbols you know that duality is very important to them. This is apparent in the symbolism of Freemasonry, the two columns of Boaz and Jachin, which represent the left and right-hand paths, also the black and white checkered floor pattern which represents duality. This symbolism has become ubiquitous in Hollywood films and music videos. It is heavily used in MK Ultra or Monarch mind control programming.
Why is Duality Important to the Occult Elite?
Because they understand and utilize a form of sacred science that stems from either the Kabbala or other ancient mystery schools. They understand the union of opposites. They understand that by creating false dualities they can divide, conquer, and control the masses. They understand the power of duality to trigger people’s emotional states and manipulate their minds. They make use of duality and the union of opposites, as a means to a diabolical end. This has been their time-honored formula:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Chaos + Insufficient Old Order = New Order
Terrorism + Institutions caught off guard = Global surveillance & police state
The triangle is a sacred form because it illustrates this principle of integration – the integration of dualities, rising to a new higher vibration of consciousness. The ascension process requires the integration of our various internal dualities.
Positive + Negative = Balanced State Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine = Divine Union Order + Chaos = Synchronicity
The darkness uses an inversion, or a perversion, of this process, a synthesis to create a lower vibration of fear.
Problem + Reaction = Solution = A New Order out of Chaos
Representation of credit image from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”
Working with Duality Requires Great Discipline
This formula has been working for the occult elite quite successfully for hundreds, if not thousands of years. However, it was a very slow process, a multi-generational process. It required extreme discipline and personal sacrifice. It required entire generations to work toward a distant future goal they would never see realized in their own lifetime. It required couples to marry by arrangement, families to sacrifice their own children. It required the utmost secrecy, oaths of absolute loyalty upon pain of torture and death. It required a careful facade, a foolproof masquerade – upstanding and devout citizens by day, cruel and degenerate monsters by night. It required a very delicate duality balancing act.
Immoral conduct in the extreme (rape, pedophilia, torture, murder, cannibalism) unleashes great personal and social chaos. Discipline in the extreme requires a fervent order. It is this extreme discipline of order, harsh rules and penalties of elite conduct, that prevents the chaos of their criminality from being discovered and exposed. This is why they must control both the police and the courts to protect their criminal syndicates. The occult elite represent both sides of this duality in the extreme. One side must balance the other or else their entire house of cards crumbles to the ground. Why do you think it’s called the New World Order?
For every national or international goal, they’ve had to carefully balance these delicate forces of order and chaos. These were not impulsive, reckless people. They were highly intelligent slaves to a multi-generational agenda that required insidious cunning, absolute secrecy, lifetime loyalty, extreme discipline, and a perfect balancing act. This is perhaps why they have been successful for so long.
While the current world stage is largely a carefully scripted drama created by the occult elite to achieve their agenda of a New World Order, and thus their twisted Transformation, they are working with cosmic forces that are beyond their control. And these cosmic forces have their own agenda when higher consciousness is added to the mix.
Cosmic forces, such as Chaos and Order, are neither good nor evil. However, they can be channeled by fear into a duality of good vs evil. The energy of Chaos can be destructive or creative, resulting in terrorism or liberation. The energy of Order can be used beneficially to structure society or negatively to imprison individuality.
What Happened? Perhaps They Lost Their Discipline
So what happened to the occult elite? Why are they suddenly losing? Hillary Clinton is what happened.
Perhaps an ironic twist of fate occurred while the occult elite were deviously scheming to destroy western civilization and the middle class. While they were busy destroying our values, weakening our families, shortening our attention spans, dulling our intelligence, poisoning our food, making our air and water toxic, turning us into television zombies, into clueless narcissists addicted to social media – they themselves became weak and foolish as well. They swallowed some of their own poison. They lost sight of their principles of extreme discipline. Giving in to the temptation of extreme personal corruption they became careless.
Hillary Clinton should probably be the poster child for careless elite corruption, or as the FBI discovered, “gross negligence” – from personal email servers, to Benghazi, to the Uranium One deal, to the Clinton Foundation’s pay-to-play schemes, to a rigged Democratic primary, to a trail of mysterious murders, to John Podesta’s emails, to Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner’s laptop. And the list goes on and on.
The lengths to which the deep state and the controlled mainstream media have gone to protect and defend Hillary Clinton is a testament to how careless she has been, how desperate the situation has become for them. She has opened Pandora’s box, and they can no longer shut it, seal it, or pretend it doesn’t exist. It is exploding for all to see.
Hubris, overconfidence, recklessness, and unrestrained corruption have disrupted their delicate duality balancing act, so much so that this carelessness may have provided an opening for their downfall, arrest, detention, prosecution, exposure, and in some cases perhaps even execution, a unique opportunity that simply wasn’t possible until now.
In proper context, the current generation of occult elite believed that they would finally see their long-awaited end game achieved – a New World Order. Certainly, Hillary Clinton was among them. The overconfidence is abundantly apparent – the onslaught of Hollywood occult, mind control, and pedophile sickness that has infested every aspect of our media. The hubris of a public display of Hollywood Spirit Cooking. The recklessness of emailing known pedophile code words and symbols. The unrestrained corruption of human and child trafficking. The horrific tragedy of our times is that it has taken an unimaginable genocide of children for these monsters to expose themselves. With hope, determination, and diligence, they will be brought down.
Has The Other Side Gained Extreme Discipline?
This was not meant to be a political post, rather an analysis of the psychological forces at work beneath the headlines. unfortunately, everything has become political these days. Yet, it has been said before, and it is worth repeating until every reader understands, that when the truth finally comes out, there will no longer be any Republicans or Democrats, Conservatives or Liberals. There will be serious crimes revealed on both sides of the political aisle. This false duality that divides us will eventually crumble. There will simply be a shocked and awakened public, some who are more prepared for these revelations, yet so many more who are not.
Whether you love him or hate him, and there are plenty of reasons to dislike him, if President Donald Trump miraculously manages to expose and defeat the occult elite networks in America, eventually leading to their exposure and defeat abroad, he will go down in history as the greatest president who ever lived. Make no mistake about that. Is there any other presidential legacy worthy of the history books right now? Ask yourself, does he already know this? Is that why he is unconcerned how he appears in our biased multimedia hive mind? Does he in fact court their disdain? Does he use it like a weapon to further unbalance them? To make them careless. To let down their guard and make mistakes? Have we not already seen the evidence?
With the dramatic unbalancing of the occult elites, I have to wonder if there has been a greater internal balancing act on the other side, on what has been termed the White Hats, the Alliance, or simply patriots. If Trump is in fact a high level Freemason, then he already understands the balance of opposites.
Have the White Hats learned to internalize the balance between order and chaos? Do they purposely seed confusion and disinformation toward an end goal of entrapping the occult elite? This requires a great deal of personal discipline, extreme patience, high integrity, clear resolve, deep commitment, as well as immense trust.
What separates the false, controlled duality of White Hats and Black Hats in the film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, who are manipulated by the schemes of the occult elite toward the desired goal of NWO? An internal awakening does. If the White Hats by large, have woken up and realize how have been played in the past, perhaps they now realize the need to do their own internal balancing act, reversing the process, thus applying the discipline of order and the distraction of chaos to dismantle this corrupt duality game.
Has this occurred? I believe that it has. I believe we are seeing the evidence of this internal global awakening. Yet the game plays on. In the end, we are divine beings, taking on this human form upon this mortal stage, to play out this temporal game, to rediscover who we truly are, to take back the sovereignty that was always ours to begin with. To rise up to the next level of our spiritual evolution in unity, beyond duality. In this quest, the darkness has served us well.