Amazon Sells Out of Orwell’s 1984 As America Starts Paying Attention To What’s Really Going On


We have Awakened!  (although mainstream does their best to twist it to tie Orwell’s world w/Trump’s leadership…as “Q” says: yes, they really are that stupid…)


Recently, reported that Amazon sold out of 1984, and within recent days it occupied the number one spot on Amazon’s best-selling books list. The rapid sell-outs of the book were also reported by mainstream media outlets like CNN, only they tied it to Trump’s administration. The New York Times reported that this started when Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to Donald J. Trump, used a turn of phrase that struck some observers as reminiscent of the dystopian world of 1984.

Click here to read the entire piece.


Large, Beautiful, Divine (Feminine) Shift Occurs Today ~ 1/7/18


This is a must share.  Around 1:45pm today, PST (important that I share the time given what he shares below), I had a moment of empowerment come through me and I shared some things w/my mate that normally would have me feeling hesitant, but I knew it was time they be shared ~ all coming from the Divine Feminine with me.

Very interesting he references the Event as being quite possible to occur in about 2 weeks…  Beautiful words in this one.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



An important Upward Shift occurred around approximately 2 PM PST. This Shift was the direct result of multiple actions by the Ground Crews in conjunction with the Feminine release to rise Higher. Many Feminine chains were thrown off in the last 24-48 hours allowing for a significant rise. As more of certain suppressed Females are separated from their Dark Handlers, it Creates a rise liken to being underwater with a rope attached to Your ankle and a big cement block, You have cut that rope and have risen to the surface, Your Divine lungs inhale the pure Divine Air, and You Live. You are able to Now breathe and swim, and do not forget, You can also fly.

Immediate effects of this Upward Shift are being directly reflected into the present realities connected to the outside world around You. The effects it is currently having, and these good effects will continue, are changing Timelines rapidly and in very good ways. It is possible, that what some may refer to as “The Event”, could happen in about 2 weeks. We can tell You that everything Now, because of this Important Shift, is more refined and inline with the priority, the Divine Plan. All things of deceit accelerate with their assigned implosions, nothing Dark can withstand the immense Light Quotient Now Residing upon the surface of this facsimile of Gaia. The real full body Gaia is Now totally on the lower 5D Timeline, waiting for You to transport Humanity and integrate Humanities existence into the lowest 5D Timeline, where it is secured and the passage between the 4D and 5D is sealed. There are STILL many Soul Contracts being changed to as which Timeline those Souls will Ascend/Descend upon, We can assure You, that almost All Soul Contracts being renegotiated, are choosing the Higher Timelines, this is also having an uplifting effect to the overall present vibration.

More Divine Whistleblowers are and will be coming from the depths of the corrupt systems, bringing with them even more, IRREFUTABLE PROOFS OF THE DARKNESS AND THE ENSLAVEMENT SYSTEMS IMPOSED UPON HUMANITY. Your Galactic connections are becoming more obvious to You, as those of You bring Them into this Now, Essences of You from other Timelines, to assist and reinforce the swift change to the present Timelines. The Masses have no choice but to Awaken further, for the proofs are based in logic, a Truth that the Human mind cannot deny nor refute. The Truths are blatant contradictions of what they were led to believe, the Truths break the deepest conditionings.

You are to continue forward KNOWING that the rest MUST follow. Your Ascension has always been ascertained, for Time nor Space restricts what You truly Are. It is the experience that You asked for and wished to have, even before You incarnated here, You bring it closer to You as You cut the ties to the “old experience”, for each tie cut to the “old”, it is replaced with an attachment to the New. It indeed takes time in this linear experience, but it is done in accordance with the Big Wish. As for the Dark, they do not have the abilities You have, and are a program that You can/may, shut off.

Continue working with Your Energy Vortices contained within, and Divinely attached, as You more fully Energize Your Vortices. More Kundalini activations are happening and others will follow in Your footsteps, You must teach them to haul that Energy up in a clockwise spiral, connecting with each chakra as it rises and activating them to Higher degrees. You must break the confines of the Sacral Chakra, and rise above it, when You do not, You become stagnant and that Divine Sexual Energy may be robbed from You, so bring it up, by Yourself or even more powerfully, with a partner.

Love and Light

Sourced from here.

A Vision for Expansion


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Expansion

We see a world where all who choose it for ourselves have awakened to the fullness of our Beings; where we have risen up and out of our beliefs that we are a personality who is identified with our name, our family, our gender, our career, our religion, our race, our country, our possessions, our story; where we have transcended all of our Earthly attachments and learned to still our minds long enough to experience our Higher Selves and our connection to All That Is.

Having made this sacred connection, we are now free to explore worlds previously unavailable to us when we were caught up in our Earthly identities and trapped in our own illusions. Now, we are unlimited in our ability to travel to realms within and without. We are expanded, enlightened, and awakened, and it is this expansion, this light, this awakening which now defines who we are and who we have been all along.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



James Gilliland Update ~ January 5, 2018


An Extremely Inconvenient Truth

by James Gilliland

January 5, 2018

America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak.

red blue

America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. I know I will get some extreme feedback from extremely ignorant people who have been brainwashed and programmed by CNN and the other lame stream media.

A great master once said, “Who wants to be worshiped by wretched entities“. All I can say for those who take offense, thank you for establishing your ignorance and your character. These things need to be said. I can’t be PC correct either in doing so. There are those who already know of what comes next, to you – thank you for maintaining your integrity and keeping an open mind. I first want to disclaim being political, a democrat or a republican. I am an observer of the obvious. I would like to see a council of grandmothers or a Galactic Federation running the show however before that would ever happen, we have some serious cleanup to do.

I would like to see a Council of Grandmothers or a Galactic Federation running the show however before that would ever happen, we have some serious cleanup to do.


That being said I wish to begin by shedding some light on current day politics. Can this get any more insane?

That being said I wish to begin by shedding some light on current day politics. Can this get any more insane? The very people accusing our president elect of insanity are totally insane suffering from Trump derangement syndrome and cognitive dissonance. They ignore the elephant in the room and focus on the flea. When confronted by the extreme collusion, illegality, and what can only be referred to as sick behavior they avoid, redirect then attack.

mind control

These are mind control tactics straight out of the book. They will never give a straight answer. When they judge, condemn and point the finger there are twenty + fingers pointing back. Yes, I know there are three pointing back if using two hands 6 excluding the thumbs.

The point I am making is the extent of the double speak and corruption. What they accuse others of they are guilty of times ten.

speak truth

People are defending Satanic, child sacrificing pedophiles, extreme embezzlement and extortion, let’s not forget a long list of murders, and the suspicious deaths of hundreds. Is that what you want to continue? Seriously have you not done any research, have you lost all discernment?

red pill blue pill explained

Luckily there are those that have done their reasearch, they are the informed, the white hats, those who are honoring their oaths and they are stepping forward.

They are the red pill.

Luckily there are those that have done their reasearch, they are the informed, the white hats, those who are honoring their oaths and they are stepping forward. They are the red pill. If you are finding this hard to swallow grab a glass of milk because the days of ignorance, denial and deception are over. Trump was chosen by the people, backed by the military for a reason. He truly loves America and is doing his best in his own way to make America Great again although there are a few areas I have to express disagreement

We have fuel-less energy. We don’t need to drill for more oil or create pipelines through the lands of the already oppressed and suppressed Native Americans. He did however sign legislation to bring these energy and alternative healing technologies to the open market. This itself will render most oil operations obsolete in the future. These technologies already exist in the black budget operations and are being built in garages around the world, some now are being manufactured. There seems to be tradeoffs being made in certain areas just to move things forward.


I have gone a little off topic yet it is necessary to understand the big picture.

There are three main agendas being carried out.

End the cabals’ strangle hold over the world.

They are responsible for the majority of the pain, suffering, poverty, even every war since Napoleon of which they funded both sides.

Reestablish the Republic – ending the Federal Reserve

Trump is here to reestablish the Republic which was taken over by the cabal, the bankster elite by the establishment of America Inc. and the Federal Reserve. Ending the Federal Reserve, the cabals’ strangle hold on humanity is the key to ending the extreme uneven dispersal of wealth, manufactured lack and poverty. Everything will go back to the treasury.

Draining the Swamp of Extreme Corruption

Draining the swamp will take care of the cabal puppets, the extreme corruption, and the satanic child sacrificing, pedophiles, sexual predators, embezzlers, and extreme corruption. It is going to have a disastrous effect on the music and movie industry as well as multi million and trillion airs. Yes, the ones that own the politicians and the mainstream media.

Now can you see it? Can you see why people in the music, movie and so many politicians are so against Trump. The ones screaming the loudest are the ones with the most to lose when the swamp is drained. In most cases they are the puppets of the cabal, the pedophiles, sexual predators and the extremely corrupt. They are the ones screaming the loudest and throwing the most stones while living in glass houses. Those houses are going to be shattered. That is what the military, mainly the Marines round up and over 10,000 indictments are all about.

Those who are awake, who have developed a level of inner sensitivity and discernment, cannot be fooled by these talking heads and find them an insult to their intelligence.

Those who are awake, have developed a level of inner sensitivity and discernment cannot be fooled by these talking heads and find them an insult to their intelligence.

If Hillary has not figured out what happened that is what happened. Those with little or no intelligence – lacking in inner sensitivity and discernment – follow these leaders blindly. There are those who willingly and knowingly perpetuate their lies and deceptions who will have their names on these indictments and those who follow them who will be extremely disappointed when their false idols fall.


The red pill is higher consciousness and due to a major influx of higher consciousness and energy, tyranny on every level will fall. The separation game is over. The unbridled greed and lust for power over others cannot continue in the days to come. Many call it the great reckoning or evening and that is now upon us. I would be extremely discerning on just who you tie your horse to in the days to come. The wagons of the dark hearts are going over the cliff.

You are now in the world of opposites where most of what you think, what you have been told and what you believe and rely upon will be turned upside down. Why? Because it needs to get right side up. If it doesn’t it will not make it through the grand shift which is now upon us.

Your soul wants to talk with you

It can’t as long as you are stepped in social consciousness and all the false programing. As long as you are kept distracted with your nose to the grindstone trying to manifest that American Dream – which when you wake up becomes a nightmare – your soul’s message is falling on deaf ears.

listen to soul

Get out in nature, learn to meditate, listen to the enlightened ones not those boxed in by religious dogma or seeking fame and fortune. Develop your own discernment through the soul and learn to lead yourselves. Start creating heaven on Earth and live according to Universal Law. Hold your leadership accountable as well. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is Universal Law. Get behind those who are draining the swamp and though not perfect are ending the cabal’s stranglehold on humanity.

Stop fighting the very people trying to free you. The Stockholm syndrome has to end and it will end when humanity awakens to the lies and deceptions, steps into their own divinity and claims their divine rights. Unifying America is a step in unifying the planet. The cabal has no place on a unified planet the mass awakening spells their demise. The masses have no idea of the abundance that was taken from them and who took it. That is soon to be rectified.

You are not alone in the universe, this will be revealed. Universal Law is Creator’s Law and Creator’s Law is coming to Earth. Those shiny brilliant lights appearing globally are part of the process.

There is nothing to fear unless you have a long history of breaking universal law. If so I would do everything possible to right your wrongs.

You’re running out of time. The quickening is here, it’s going to be a wild ride, there will be some chaos but remember chaos comes with change and change is necessary especially in light of the grand awakening.


You are not alone in the universe, this will be revealed.

James Gilliland field

James Gilliland
ECETI Official YouTube Channel

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

Strange Phenomena ~ Bugs, Birds, Sunset Patterns, Disappearing Water, WHAAAAAT?!


Several nights ago I shared some photos here which captured a beautiful but rather strange sunset.  The sun was setting much farther north, something not seen until late spring and into summer.

Last night something called me to go for a walk before dinner.  As I headed out the door I noticed the skies, post-sunset.  The glow was coming due south.  I took some photos which I will share below (the quality is not that good as the sky was too dark for my camera to pick up the details).  The glow extended a bit to the east as well.  I found it strange, especially given just those few nights ago the glow was NNW with the south being completely subdued.

We are noticing an unusual number of birds lately, being very noisy ~ chirping in a way we don’t typically see until Spring and warmer weather. We have also noticed an unusual number of bugs ~ flies, mosquitos, fruit flies and gnats.  In the video below you will hear the birds and see the swarm of gnats that were flying above my head.  I NEVER see gnats until spring and summer.

Now our weather out west has not been unusually warm.  The temps have been pretty normal overall and we have had plenty of cold days and very cold nights ~ enough that we put a towel on our battery.  So what is allowing for the bird and bug activity ~ I cannot explain.

Yesterday, with the spiking Schumann, I began to feel unstable in my body. I intuitively knew this was not due to the spiking energies showing up on the Schumann.  I just knew this realm was and is wobbling, moving.  I am sensitive to magnetics and movement.  I used to experience severe car sickness as a child ~ and to this day certain movement patterns make me feel either quesy or unstable in my body.

I then put all of this together with a video put out by Michael at MBB333 on youtube, showing the ocean waters off the coast of Ecuador disappearing only to seemingly show up as very high tidal water’s.  We also saw this “disappearing” water act off the coast of Florida this week.  Then we had the strange planetary object showing up “under” Antarctica as captured by Steve Olson, WSO.

All of this leads to the following conclusion:  SOMETHING AIN’T RIGHT.  lol

MY “feel”?

I have felt for the past year/year and a half we have been moved by a large planetary-type object/system, magnetically.  Being perhaps pulled “up” and out of this realm we were “thrown” into by those dark beings.  I have “felt” that the “good” ones among their race/races are helping free/liberate us.  This would explain the obvious wobble of the earth and the experience of instability I have had in my body a few times going back to spring 2016.

I “feel” perhaps this water is being removed, displaced to avoid cataclysmic results (which has not happened in spite of predictions going back 5 plus years) while also allowing the as-gentle-as-possible rising of land masses that we were once hidden.  Remember I have been saying what was once hidden is now being revealed.

This wobbling/moving of our realm could also explain the strange locations of the sunsets.

As far as the birds and bugs showing signs they think it is spring…out west that is….  When I had that one and only dream of the Flash Event ~ the weather felt like it was spring time.  Nature, in the dream, showed me spring.  (at the origin of the dream I was thinking it was either spring or early fall that I was seeing this “event”~ prior to the leaves turning/falling as there were leaves on the trees)  So perhaps we are on the cusp of this event, as many of us are saying, so nature feels it as well.  If I were a bug, I would want to be awake to experience it!  lol

And given the energies of the 3d dimension, which is based in this construct we have called time, are being transitioned into the higher frequencies, who knows what month it is or when the weather patterns of spring will come into play.  I am saying much sooner than any artificially-based calendar says.

As do the bugs and birds.  Listen and observe below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



Thank you so much for supporting my work and my words.


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Is January 7, 2018 The Real Dawning of the Age of Aquarius?


I have been reading where tomorrow dawns the age of Aquarius.  According to the astrology in this video, since the release of the song “Age of Aquarius” in 1969, this astrological configuration (Jupiter and Mars being in alignment, the moon in the 7th house of Virgo) has only occurred twice, with January 1998 being the last.  Interesting that it is happening again in the month of January.  (I knew there was a reason I picked January as the month to enter this dimension.)  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]

Many believe the song was more than just some hippy new age peace and love song.  I am one such believer.  And while I don’t rely on tools such as astrology anymore, nor do I believe in the heliocentric model, I do feel, however, truth can be found even in deception…

Will this time around be different than in past configurations?  Given the Schumann Spikes this past year, as well as humanity’s awakening, the guidance of Higher Selves speaking of this Event/Solar Blast coming between now and March, plus just a “feel”, I believe it may be the dawning of the new.  Let’s make it so!

Enjoy the video!  And of course I had to include Age of Aquarius/Let The Sunshine video.  That song gives me chills.  Close your eyes and as the melody changes and the lyrics sing “Let The Sunshine In”, imagine the energy of the central sun, the Christed Energies, flowing into your Being, further awakening you fully and beautifully.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


“Age of Aquarius” Alignment January 7, 2018 – RARE!

Published on Nov 8, 2017

UPDATE ON – Ascension -The Event- Frequency Shift- The New Earth -Information Through QHHT


I know many of you will appreciate and resonate with this one.  It is in alignment with what I have seen as well that results from the blast of high frequency energy ~ how it enters from the Center of the Galaxy and/or Universe ~ the milky white appearance, the brightness of it (although from my “feel” the eyes can handle it).  His time-frame is February/March.  Others are saying January/February.  Some Jan-March.  We are in that “timeline” ~ and I “feel” that timeline is still working itself out.  His insight on the door is fascinating ~ my mate has been dreaming of going through doors or trying to and being told “not yet”.  Or maybe that was me.  He is insisting he hasn’t had dreams like that – that I was the one.  lol  Oh well ~ the memory thing is excellent in the moment but as I move “ahead” it becomes fuzzy.  Enjoy this one my friends.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


I often have clients come for QHHT sessions asking about “The Event” .. “Shift” …“Ascension”….”Fifth dimension”….you know that thing that’s supposed to be happening that we’re all waiting for.   This is an update on information I posted earlier in my blog article which you can find at through link – Ascension-The Event- Frequency Shift- The New Earth- Information Through QHHT

I’m all ears when I get to ask the big question.  Some people not only want to know when, they also want to know what it will be like….what will we experience?  . I’ve heard several different answers to this question, but I think this one was the most visceral I’ve come across.   I’ve blogged about the “Event”  information I’ve received in the past and I promised then to keep you updated on any new material I’ve had come through my sessions here at .

A recent client  most definitely wanted a time frame for this event, whatever it is. This male professional excels in his field.  He is very well respected for his knowledge, experience and skill not only in the company he has worked many years for but also Provincially and probably on a national level as well.

He is one of the top few in his profession and has enjoyed his work but  has never thought much about metaphysics, spirituality or even what’s labeled conspiracy theories until just a few short years ago when he awakened to all of this. Since then he has experienced many synchronicities in his life, he has even been seeing UFO’s on a regular basis.  This awakening has turned his life 180°.

So when I asked his question about this Event, what we on earth would experience and when we could expect it to occur his Higher Consciousness said:

It will be like a beam of light/frequency from the center of the Universe that will encompass the earth and penetrate everything right down to the very core of the earth.  This light will encompass the earth for a few days.  Its brightness will be so overwhelming people will be blinded by it.  The client told me later what he was shown –  was like a very bright fog and people won’t be able to see their hand in front of their face. I asked if this bright fog would even be present indoors he said yes, it’s inescapable.

Everyone will experience this and many people will be afraid and panic.  What they need to do is to calm down and sit in meditation.  As the fear subsides and they regain their rationality they will sense a door appear.  He said later he was shown something that looked like a black line that arched, like a rounded top doorway.  This was the door.  This door would appear close to the person and there would be many doorways appear near what sounds like all people.

 What people need to do he said,  is literally feel their way to that door when they see it, feel the edges of the door and then pull it open.  Once open it will be bright on the other side of the door but not as bright as where they are.  They need to go through that door to another dimension (5th?) …. this is what we will experience, just going through the doorway to a place where things that we struggle with today will not even matter.

It is very important not to go into fear mode though when this happens, especially for those who are awake and aware of this event, they are needed to stay calm so those around  who may not know what is happening to them can be calmed and follow those who know what to do.  Still, all in all there will be those who are too overcome by this and will not go through the door, this is each person’s choice.

Around the year 2000 I noticed we were receiving many messages, from different sources to stay calm, be the calm in the middle of the storm. If this scenario is what will in fact happen I can see the value in that advice.

At around 2012  we received many messages from different sources to focus on what made us happy in our lives.  Attend to your friends and family and create a happy environment for yourself and loved ones and let the worries of the world be.  If more people could do this the positive, joyful  energies created would ripple out and affect and influence others to do the same, and so on.

I find it interesting that in this scenario people will panic and go into fear….haven’t we been told so many times in countless ways that fear is like an epidemic on this planet and we must do all we can to eliminate fear in ourselves.  Simply put  – it isn’t real, but it can sure cause people to do irrational things can’t  it?  One of my very favorite quotes from the late Dolores Cannon is “Fear is for entertainment purposes only.”

And so then I asked….Can you give him a time frame when this will occur?  Yes it will occur the end of February beginning of March.

Talking with the client afterwards he said he was quite surprised with some of this information, especially the time frame.  He told me before the session he was pretty certain this  would happen on one of two dates…December 21, 2017 or April 18, 2018 or 2019.  So I was a little surprised as well, not just by the date but by the description.  I’ve heard many different scenarios but never this one, have you?

He promises to keep me up to date if he gleans any more information on this topic as he listens to his session and processes the information, I promise once again to keep informed.

Contact Marilyn at –

Image courtesy of bluebay at

Sourced from here.

Diane Canfield ~ Deep Divine Codes Coming In-Current Ascension Symptoms


I can deeply relate to this one ~ in particular the questioning of “everything”.  I began doing that last week ~ it was quite uncomfortable ~ but I have gone along with it, allowing myself the process.  I can also relate to the sleeping cycle ~ it has been more difficult for me to fall asleep but once I do, I am out in a deep state of sleep.  The part about getting organized ~ gave me a giggle.  This week I have had the desire to organize my cupboards and after seeing the snack and vitamin cupboard go untouched for well over a year, I had the urge to dive in and organize.  My shoe space has been organized and I did some organizing w/my daughter’s room today as well.  Also not having much of an appetite ~ wanting to eat light.  Will write about that in the next piece I share.  Blurry vision too at times. Vivid dreams ~ last night was quite wow in that regard. Yeppers.  For those in colder climates, grounding is out of the question ~ at least outside.  I have read, and feel, that simply by going barefoot inside ~ especially on bare floor ~ and setting the intention of having energy come up from the earth into the human vessel has the same result.  Commune with a houseplant.  Or sprinkle some dirt from outside (if you can find any under the snow many of you are experiencing), toss it on the floor and walk on it.  Give it a try.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


By Diane Canfield

Beloved Divine Tribe,

Divine Energy Codes

There are Divine Energy codes arriving today that contain DEEP questioning about everything we are and our path going forward. This will continue over the weekend and possibly next week until it hits everyone. This is part of the Ascension process as through the Divine Creator all symptoms and codes must hit everyone, so everyone has the same chance to Ascend. What they do with these insights they receive is up to them. It is their choice to act on them or not, or to make progress with them or not. They are stored in their subconscious if they are not ready to deal with them in the moment of NOW. For those on the Ascension path we recognize these codes and immediately engage with them.

These Questioning Codes energies came in strong this morning and may make you feel physically unbalanced. Grounding is the KEY as always for everything we go through in the Ascension process.

These Codes of energy will require you to go into deep contemplation to be sure you are making the authentic choices that need to be make moving forward in this shifting paradigm.Take time and be sure your choices are aligned with your authentic self. Make sure they are self loving and your awareness is at the highest level possible during these next few weeks.

I would advise making time for mediation tonight and this weekend to fully access the Divine Codes now coming in. There are ways to mediate to get the maximum benefit which I will be going into in the near future. This is very important as some people can mediate for years and make limited progress. Not all mediation is alike and there are way to maximize the benefits.

To access these Divine codes, go into yourself through mediation and ask for these codes to be revealed to you. Set your intention to make progress with them and ask the Divine Creator to show you the way. With practice you will connect to the Divine Creator and form a Bridge. Through this sacred connection is where you will make progress in Ascension and all of Life. More on this later as to the bridge and how to completely build and intensify it.



Current Ascension Symptoms

Currently we are experiencing INTENSE focus on getting things done and organized. This focus is laser like intense for me at the moment and has been there for the past few days.

You may also be experiencing NO appetite compared to the overly hungry appetite we have had for months now and especially during high energy surges.

Sleep is much improved although there still may be issues falling asleep but once there, staying asleep has been improved.

The vivid dreams are as still there but the past few days you may find you can’t remember them. They are important, as a lot of work is now being done in dreamtime.

Extreme Blurry vision, this has been coming in off and on for years now. Hot and cold spells may continue for some.

High psychic connections continue since our last upgrade that i reported on a few days ago. You may be seeing things move from the corner of your eye that move and then disappear.  You may know things you have no way of knowing. This may be shocking to some that do not have these things as an ongoing experience.

Stay tuned for these intense codes to manifest through the weekend to reach the maximum amount of people. Take time for yourself and recharge. Meditate, ground and get back on track for the coming Year as more intense Ascension symptoms continue.

Keep your vibration high at all times and do not fall into the trap of despair or depression. The minute you feel any lower vibrational feelings, you must work quickly to turn them around. This is imperative going into 2018.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

About the Author: Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Website and sign up for my newsletter: 

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Copyright © 2017 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website

Sourced from here.

Update On THE Event From The Cats (Confirming My Own “Feel”/Insight)


Ok friends…  If my memory is correct (and it may or may not be – lol), I shared some insight last month as to when this big pulse of Christed/Love energy would be coming from the Cosmos.  I heard “january february” over and over – almost in one word.  I concluded then this meant late january/early february.  I have changed my “feel” on this event – in that I see/feel it as us easily (finally!!) being able to FEEL the Connection/Unity with Source and All.  That will then lead to other changes, abilities and adventures which will be MUCH more in alignment with what WE choose.

So last night a friend had tagged me on social media to read a psychic medium’s post.  It was so horrible – the prediction’s for this year for nothing but dark/tragic events – I felt my energy drop as I continued to scroll through.  It didn’t resonate with me in ANY way.  At that moment, Higher Self nudged me.  “Go to the cats page.”  I don’t go there that often so I followed through.  Happy I did given their prediction of this “Event” are in alignment w/my own guidance.  

Interesting to note (and what I have seen for over a year myself as well and just known):  This energy does not come FROM the sun but rather THROUGH it from, in their words, “another dimension”.  

I am also reminded of Allison Coe (QHHT) and her clients of last year all saying the same thing in terms of this event ~ first quarter of this year, between january and march.  It is now on my calendar as a focal point to Welcome and Celebrate.

Reminder for me:  TRUST MYSELF FIRST and MAINTAIN that energy of trust and do not give my Power away to anyone else’s thoughts, opinions, words, etc.  


So, Step 7 happened. Actually, it kinda happened before the countdown finished (except for one CAT who got flattened on January 2nd), but oh well. Some of us got hammered, here and there, some of us were hot-and-cold (literally), some of us had ice cream. You spins your bottle, you takes your frame-of-reference smooch.

Enter Step 8 

STEP 8 is supposed to be THE BIG ONE, according to our guides. We must’ve asked 10,000 times. It will be around January 31st, which also has a lunar eclipse and full moon/SUPERMOON associated with it. For whatever reason, the last few steps have revolved around the lunar calendar; we have no idea if this will be the case with remaining steps.

Most importantly, the energy from Step 8 looks to come through the sun, not from the sun, from an extradimensional source on the opposite side of the sun, using the sun as an amplifier. This is apparently “The Event” that everyone came back for this one lifetime to see. Will it be? We’re not sure, but our guides are saying “Step 8 is the big one.” It’s on a Wednesday, too. Over the hump!

Will you go to a new place? Will you find yourself on a new timeline? Will cats become sentient? We don’t know. What we DO know is that the energy will be epic. Most of us plan to fast around that time, as fasting makes energy transitions a lot less painful. What we do know if that lots and lots of beings have been coming to witness this; some have been here for over a year. Frankly, we’re all pretty darn exhausted. Hopefully, this really will be The Big One.

Read the entire article here.