Diane Canfield ~ Psychic Energy Report: January Ancestral Merging of Consciousness




By Diane Canfield

Blessings Divine Tribe,

January 1st starts us off with a Full moon in Cancer at 9:24 pm ET. Leading off from this Full moon, we have been experiencing many Ascension consciousness raising symptoms. When we experience these symptoms we KNOW our consciousness is expanding in the Ascension process.

Some of these have been extreme tiredness that has been going on for a few weeks now since before the December Solstice.We are still in the period in between waves where we are processing the energy that has come through since the TIME LINE Shift I reported in October. October through December have been full of energy downloads due to this major shift in consciousness. These energy downloads are not waves but instead subtle energy transmissions that continue to raise our consciousness.

Hot and Cold spells are also occurring. Just when we think we are too hot and turn off the heat or turn on the air conditioner- depending on what the location is we are in, we then become too cold. It rotates through out the day and seems to be worse in the evening, as most Ascension symptoms become worse after 9:00 pm.

Many more insights have been coming in right before this Full Moon, and you may feel a magical feeling with this. You may now have answers to questions you didn’t even ask yet. You may feel more connected than ever. This is what the full moon will bring in this year. This is the Divine Feminine Energy I have been describing that is starting to come in full force now and will makes itself very known to ALL in 2018. Watch for this all year long with every full moon that occurs.

With this new energy, you may find yourself drawn now to rituals and dancing under full moons. This is all part of bringing back our ancestral roots that were taken from us long ago. Our ancestors now call to us to get back to get back into balance with the harmony of the Earth as this has always been the role of the Divine Feminine.

We can invite our Divine Masculine Brothers now into this role to share with us as they are now becoming ready to shed their past roles that no longer serve themselves and others. They too are starting to open to their own ancestral rites of passage as we move into 2018. You will start to see this more and more as the Divine Masculine takes their role as protector of the Divine Feminine and Divine Children on Earth. They will soon start to make major changes within themselves and the planet, securing the rights of all living consciousness.

Vivid Dreams have been accompanying us on our Journey through December and into the First full moon of 2018. These dreams have been much more than dreams but instead completely preparing us for our new roles as Conscious Co- Creators of the NEW EARTH. What no longer serves is shown in our dreams and manifest then in our real life to be discarded. This can run the complete gamut of revisiting old relationships or patching up new ones that have been off track.

January brings us many new insights and ways of being and sets the ENTIRE tone for us for the rest of this year.

January 16th brings us our first New Moon of the year at 9:17 pm ET. We will have  a Full Lunar Eclipse on January 31st at 5;50 Am ET. combined with a second Full Moon called the Blue Moon in Leo on January 31st at 8:27 AM ET

All of these events will be very powerful and we will want to be fully engaged in these events all month long. You may want to make a note of all of these events as to be fully engaged in all of them. We need all the participation all Energy Workers we can get to help raise the consciousness of the planet. Take note of the Fairy Realm that opened last year and use this consciousness in any and all rituals going forward.

I am forecasting many Energy Surges in January due to all of these planetary events and to get the attention of the Divine Feminine and Masculine  in their very important roles going forward.

Note: You may feel ancestral pullings just from reading my articles as those that follow me have seen,  as I am being pulled deeper and deeper into this calling. Many of you will also be pulled into this as the Ascension becomes deeper within You.

Stay Tuned for more psychic articles going into even more details about what is coming for all of us in the NEW EARTH Consciousness.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

About the Author: Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Website and sign up for my newsletter: www.dianecanfield.com 

Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/diane.canfield1

Copyright © 2017 by www.dianecanfield.com. All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website www.DianeCanfield.com

Sourced from here.


Instructions for Opening Up Your Portal


Well, that was an easy, divinely guided find.  Here you go.  I am intending for the timeline to  now speed up to end the rounding up of the dark ones/those committing the atrocities on the people and releasing the healing tech, the financial abundance and freedom for ALL.  NOW.  And the revealing of our New Earth Realm NOW.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”]


We suggest for All to open their Portals asap.

Here is how.



Each of You has an active portal, You always did. Your portal is unseen by the naked eye and is Your connection to Your Higher Self and High Realm/Source. You mostly have an anchored portal where You reside that You subconsciously/Soul level draw upon for upgrades and conscious travel. There is a flow between You and this Portal always and You have another portal attached to You that goes where You go. Upon raising Higher in vibration, You connect the two portals into one and they are with You everywhere You go, with the big one that was stationary, being able to be temporarily opened by You anywhere. Your portal provides access to ALL Your Gifts and Divine Knowledge as well as Your Akashic Record. When One is ready, they are introduced to their portal. These portals are also boosters for Your Divine Energy work.

The most efficient and powerful way to open Your Portal, (and this will not work if You are not pure enough of heart yet, follow the simple instructions to get to this level) is by this exercise. Locate on Your property where Your portal may be if You do not already KNOW. Do this by following intuition and the senses, or what other methods You may choose(perhaps point and ask Your messaging system what direction). Go to what is the center and relax standing up, palms outstretched somewhat upward. Breath in and out regularly, slowing down the breathing. Take a deep breath inward and then exhale, when You have exhaled all the air that You thought was in Your lungs, exhale a bit more, because there is stagnant air left in the bottom of the lungs, that needs to come out, creating a full fresh intake of air for the next steps. It is important to get as much of this stagnant air out because its CHARGE has been reduced by being inside of You and is exhausted of its energy potential.

So, relax again and get the breathing normal, inhaling and exhaling a little more air than what was normal before. NOW You are ready. While standing with arms outstretched from Your sides with palms upward, take a deep breath inward while at the same time imagining energy being taken in through every pore of Your body. Imagine at the same time that the air You are bringing in is going to Your Heart center. Push this air up to the RIGHT side of Your brain and imagine this air turning into Light Energy, then bring it back down to heart center as You exhale energizing the exhale with Love from Your heart, and blow towards the ground. Repeat this complete breathing exercise 3 times if You can, then rest. If You were successful in this attempt, You will notice a difference in the sky directly above You, like if some sort of portal is there. It is best for You to initially attempt this on a cloudy day/night, for if successful, You will see the clouds open up to clear sky. You may also see unexpected guests like animals, Angels or Light Beings. It is not limited to what You may see in good things connected to You opening Your Divine Portal. Again, You can blatantly see how this Divine mechanism cannot be utilized by the Dark, for again, its success depends upon the purity of the heart.

Portals and You


Moments after writing up my previous piece about my portal activation experience, I ran across Rick Jewer’s latest.  Sharing.



As You are aware, there are a variety of Divine Portals. Mostly, and perhaps most pertinent to this Now and this group, there have been 3 types of Divine Portals worked upon by You. The first of the Portals that You are able to Activate and open to higher degrees, is Your own personal Portal that is with You wherever You may be. The second Portal is mostly a stationary Portal of Yours that is anchored close to Your residence. The third Portal is a Master Portal, of which is opened in locations around Gaia by You physically being in the location, and a certain Mastery is required to open such.

There is an order to be followed in opening these 3 varieties of Portals, and the Master Portal is a result of Your growth from the initial and secondary Portal results.

NOTE; The descriptions of these Portals and there respective connections and functions are simplified into a perception that may be more easily understood at this time. As You develop further, that perception will change for each of You as Your own KNOWING analyzes and sorts out the dynamics. Although individual perceptions may vary as You go forward, the perceptions are all correct and converge into one later. Perceptions of this are customized by You and for You, and everyone’s perception is correct for them.

During the last few weeks, many of You were introduced to Your Individual Portal and Now acknowledge that they DO exist. This was a huge leap forward for You, in Knowing and Empowerment. You need to Know how things really work, so that You may more efficiently continue Your Divine work and make Your existence here, a much more favorable one. By activating and using Your Portals, becoming more familiar with their purposes, You are able to effect and Create from the strongest position ever as a Humanoid. Your influences upon the surface will surpass everything that was ever imaginable by You and the Masses.

Your Individual Portal has many functions that are all connected to Your Energetic Field. One simple way to look at Your Now activated to Higher degrees Individual Portal, is that it is an energizing complement for/of You. Simply by Knowing it is there You enhance Your abilities at recharging and bringing in higher energy to assist in Your daily applications of energy, ie; healing of others. But, it is NOT limited to just healing others, You may actually draw from Your Individual Portal, the energy to seed Timelines with good intent events. This means, that You have the ability to alter events and change the polarity of events, before they even happen. For example; You wish to go to a store but wish not to be in heavy traffic, You simply energize Your field in through Your Portal, Portal being most easily envisioned just above Your head as a funnel that the energy pours into and put out the intent from the heart in a pulse, that You will have an unobstructed route available for You. So essentially, Your Individual Portal is a charging unit for You and is also connected to Your Stationary Portal ON AN INVISIBLE ENERGY STREAM. You may wish to envision an extension cord plugged into You at all times and the other end plugged into Your Stationary Portal. So, at all times You are receiving and transmitting feed from and to, the Stationary Portal, which is connected to the Etheric Realm. To open/activate this Individual Portal, You essentially only need to Know that it exists, then You begin utilizing and strengthening it with what information arrives for You, through various means.

Your Stationary Portal is anchored close to Your residence where You usually sleep. This Portal is Directly connected to the Etheric Realm, and the Christ Consciousness is a part of this Etheric Realm. You are fully tapped into this Stationary Portal while sleeping and Your consciousness then actually travels through this Portal transcending ALL TIME AND SPACE. This Stationary Portal has always been there beside You subconsciously and over the course of Your life, if You moved to a new place, it came and settled in with You. It is NOW time for You to KNOW of its existence and CONSCIOUSLY become aware of its functions and Divine Powers, that are Yours. By activating this recently, You actually were recognizing it and connecting to it on a higher level, a conscious level, to become more familiar with it for future Divine purpose and Divine intent. It is through this Portal that You are able to retrieve aspects of Your Akashic and all memory associated with You, it is Your stronger connection to who You actually are, Your Divinity and of course, Your OWN connection to Source/God(perhaps You could say, it is Your private channel to Source as well ).

For those transient/nomadic upon Gaia, Your Stationary Portal follows YOU and/or, stays with You, and is anchored each time You sleep.

The Master Portals require a certain Mastery/Prowess and combination of having the Individual and Stationary Portals activated to Higher degrees. Although You all are Ascended Masters, Your present vibration and inner work dictates the degree of Your present Prowess and Your success at powering Master Portals. This is NOT to say that You did NOT open some Master Portals, it is to say that these Portals effects/prowess depend upon You. By KNOWING the above information pertaining to Your Individual/Stationary Portals, as part of Your Knowledge, it directly effects appreciably, the functioning of any Master and other Portals opened by You. Master Portals are Creation Portals which apply Divine principle to the Timelines and replenish wildlife, but certainly, not limited to.

The stronger You become, the stronger All Portals opened by You, become. It is through these 3 Portals (Master, Individual, Stationary) that YOU continue Your Divine Purpose, but working from Higher Creational levels, where things are favorably changed, BEFORE THEY HAPPEN. We will be going in deeper to plant the Divine seeds that Create the NEW, free of corruption and encompassing all the civilized aspects, which include sharing, compassion, equality, Unity, etc. You are bestowed with the Divine Gifts to Create the New Divine World. You are the Light, You are invincible, the Darkness MUST fall at Your feet.

Your recent endeavors of opening so many Portals around Gaia, has CHANGED everything. No longer is Humanity in the enslavement loop, it has been completely broken. As more and more of the ~ 3.43 million activate their Portals to Higher Degrees, Divine change is instantly reflected into and upon the current Timelines. Chains of Gaia are being rapidly thrown off that enable her to more rapidly fully take Her place in the 5D Spectrum and Humanity catches up with Universal evolution. More and More Light Children are being born to these Timelines, these Children are Higher evolved Incarnates that are to be fully honored and respected as the Ones to assure the freedom and evolution of the Humanoid experience. Share with YOUR Children what You KNOW.

Love and Light

Sourced from here.

The Vision Alignment Project ~ A Vision for the Healing of Families


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The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Healing of Families

The following Vision comes to you from Pernille Therkildsen in Denmark. Thank you so much, Pernille, for sharing your beautiful Vision with us. We intend that it goes out far and wide, and that the world is a better place because of what you have written here.

We envision a world where all families have come together in love and peace. All pain, blaming of others and injustice is forgiven, and we realize that we are here to help and love each other. We accept that we are all on different paths and are therefore reminded that there is no such thing as judgment of one another. We no longer separate ourselves from our family – we create integration, revealing our true selves in pure compassion for our mother, father, sisters, brothers, children, cousins and everyone else that we have relations with.

When we meet each other on our way, we see others shine their true light as we ourselves shine back, creating even higher vibrations of love and truth. Happy families all around the Earth join each other in helpfulness and for the highest of all good. We exist for the sole purpose of happiness within ourselves and our relations: families, friendships, and partnerships.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



BZ Riger ~ Exploring: Does Anybody Know The United States is Under a State of Emergency? …


What is interesting to me, but not surprising, is how no one has heard of this E/O ~ except for those who are in the truth community.  Mainstream isn’t touching it.  I wonder why…Image result for hmmmm image


Exploring: Does Anybody Know The United States is Under a State of Emergency? …

Published on Dec 31, 2017

James Gilliland ~ ECETI News New Year’s Eve Edition


I hesitated sharing this but decided to as the overall message is useful.  I take issue with what he has to say about angry women ~ how he does not wish to be around women who are angry at men. Instead of owning how he as a male has been a part of this anger women feel towards men, he passes the baton off to the women to fix ~ the women who don’t hold the anger or level of anger.  Talk about bypassing responsibility.  I am not suggesting women stay in this energy of anger ~ I am stating men AND women must step up and offer help.  Men MUST step up and admit they fell for the illusion of the patriarch and their own suppression of their masculine energies, which became corrupted and lead to eons of power over and control of the female.  There is absolutely no sense in denying this and James just did a disservice by dismissing and discounting this very real experience.  He has no clue what it is like to have been a woman in this experience ~ not in this incarnation cycle that is.  So come on James ~ own your part of the equation and your participation in the game/experience. Own when you have been out of alignment with Who You Really Are with women.  Make amends. YOU as well can ask a woman in pain and anger “what created your experience”.  That is indeed a part of your own healing.  To suggest all healing must be as a result from the Self is naive.  Yes, healing comes from within but it also must include some love and service from without as well.


New Year’s Edition

Using Rational Thinking Concerning Psychopathsl

is not Logical

**by James Gilliland**

December 26, 2017

**We are seeing false icons fall in all walks of life.**

**We are truly living in a world of opposites**

We are seeing false icons fall in all walks of life. We are truly living in a world of opposites. People being exposed on the highest levels in politics, the movie, music and business industries of ungodly actions to say the least.

We are watching a total implosion of the democratic party in its death throws, lashing out with accusations without merit mainly due to the fact that the majority of it has deep ties with the deep state. Some of these extracurricular activities include satanic worship, child sacrifice, pedophilia, money laundering and extreme bribes, pay to play. The corruption became so abhorrent it is taking the military to clean it up. That is the basis behind the last presidential decree declaring a State of Emergency and the right to secure the assets of the extremely corrupt.

**As even a blind man/woman can see those entrusted to protect and serve within the system on the highest levels only protect and serve themselves. .**

As even a blind man/woman can see those entrusted to protect and serve within the system on the highest levels only protect and serve themselves. The agencies have not been carrying out their mandates, they’ve been serving the few not the many. This is going to change and I hope the socially CNN programmed and the ignorant will see the contradiction, the hypocrisy, the sense of entitlement wake up and smell the coffee. Things are not going to go their way. There is a much bigger plan unfolding and it is coming on high.

**I find it incredulous, almost unbelievable, people still demand we continue on the same path – some for the sole reason of having a woman in the White House.**

This is where the psychopaths come in. If they had their way and the democrats won the election – by using the woman, race card, give-away programs, going along business as usual – America would end up in social and economic collapse. They were fast-tracking to WW3. They are the beast or servants of the beast. Even if it means their own demise. I find it incredulous, almost unbelievable, people still demand we continue on the same path some for the sole reason of having a woman in the White House.

Do the research into the woman you hold on your pedestal. Some of the other women especially those screaming the loudest, have the most to lose by being exposed as to some of their despicable behavior and I must say it was not motherly.

**We need to stop judging people by their gender or their color but by their consciousness, their actions and track record of service to humanity and the Earth.**

I would also do some research into the last African American in the white house. He actually still thinks he is president. He was African not American self-admitted and what he will be charged with will be unbelievable. They have both sold out the people they represent and are responsible for the pain, suffering and death of thousands if only by withholding the funds earmarked to help disaster victims not to mention creating and arming our enemies.

This race card division game needs to end. We need to stop judging people by their gender or their color but by their consciousness, their actions and track record of service to humanity and the Earth. There cannot be double standards. Either you are creating heaven on Earth and adhering to Universal Law or you are not despite the slick rhetoric.

Have you noticed the ones making the most and loudest accusations end up falling upon their own swords?

Have you ever noticed most of these dark hearts never answer a straight question? They evade the question, project it on someone else then attack the credibility or character of the one asking the question. Have you noticed the vast majority of their accusations and information turn out to have no merit, no evidence yet people continue to believe them if it fits their agenda? Have you noticed the ones making the most and loudest accusations end up falling upon their own swords? They have to the extreme done what they accuse others of doing.

When the curtain is pulled back belief systems will be turned upside down.

In the days to come we are going to get answers and ring side seats of what is behind the curtain. When the curtain is pulled back belief systems will be turned upside down. What many thought was happening may very well be the opposite. That is when the healing will come and we are going to have to have compassion for those misinformed and misled. This does not mean a reality check is not in order.

I also want to commend the women who are stepping forward, standing in their power while maintaining that beautiful divine feminine energy. It is like a long, awaited wave of healing much appreciated and needed.

Although I tossed my TV out eons ago what I am seeing on the internet fills my heart with great admiration. They are far and few between in the lame stream media. They are mostly found at alternative media and though some find it hard to believe Fox News. They deal with facts and research while the others seem to deal with a controlled narrative furnished by the deep state. Watch _The View_ – a sad example and embarrassment to womanhood.

The women filled with hate towards men have missed the real issue and when they project that hate how can they expect love in return? That is really what they are crying out for. You can’t force or demand love. If you fit into this category you also can’t continue to deny the fact that it was lack of love that formed your present belief system.

**We can’t hide the wounds or fix them externally. We can only heal ourselves from within.**

We can’t hide the wounds or fix them externally. We can only heal ourselves from within. One cannot march for peace if you are not at peace, war on hate expecting to win anything other than more hate. Be a victim without expecting to be victimized. Hateful, vengeful wounded women with a following create what? Not my idea of heaven. It all boils down to personal responsibility, personal healing, working internally verses externally. When your internal healing is done then you can work on the external. It is the only way out.

So, you powerful ladies out there why not help your fellow women out. Ask them what happened? What happened to make them so angry and bitter? Ask them what they need to heal. Ask them why they gave up something so beautiful, the loving, joyous wise nurturing energy of which they are masters. It is the source of their power. Bitterness and “againstness” are not the sought-after gifts of a woman.

If I pushed some buttons, provoked some thought I did it out of love and service. One thing I do know however is they are not my buttons and just who is defending them, and why? I also know the buttons are not real. Enjoy the illusion. I am hoping I never have to write another article like this in the coming new year. Let’s make Atlantis and Lemuria great again.

**Let’s make Atlantis and Lemuria great again.**

Be well and enjoy the new year, it’s going to be quite a show. Fourth of July will come early.

Pass this on far and wide.

James Gilliland

www.eceti.org ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12434.1.d3baada44d6f0624ac78373b0ff1467d )

www.bbsradio.com ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12435.1.cd7f8a8f637075cbac9241b57570f47b )

www.privateinvitationeceti.com ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12436.1.eb334096283a54036bec6fdf0438e98f )

ECETI Official YouTube Channel ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12437.1.bc38c011b2efe1eb8baca252bf5c1e40 )

Instagram ( http://sable.madmimi.com/c/17209?id=6511433.12438.1.2fb33c4a255dd34a54da7ab27aa6ba4f )

You have my permission to send this far and wide.

How Old Do You Want to Be? 30? Ok then…


My birthday is next month.  I told my mate earlier today I am going to be 32 ~ and I was quite serious.  The calendar of 3d says otherwise but I also feel for I have also seen me in new earth realm and I look like I did when I was around 30.  Then I just happen to stumble upon this gem tonight and had to share. So in alignment with what I have felt for some time now.  


If you are over thirty,,,,your body will start morphing back to the age when you were about thirty.

If you are under thirty,,,you will grow until you come to age 30 and you will no longer grow, but stay at 30.

Its like kids,,,,they continue to grow, until age 30.

Your life span for your present body will be raised to 125 years, all the while with the body and health of a 30 year old.

At 125 years, it will be time to get a new body. Not really a reincarnation,,,,,but a new body, memory intact, who you know now, you will know with the new body. You choose how long you want to live in your new body,,,,,1000,2000,3000 years or more, it is your choice.
Many change bodies about every 2 or 3000 years, but you can keep your new body indefinitely, it is what ever you desire………

So before you leave 3D earth, you might grab a shit pot full of birthday candles,,,,,,,haaaaaa ha ha ha

Sourced from here.

Montague Keen via Veronica Keen, December 17th, 2017


What a joy it was for you, last evening, to hear the lady in Canada confirm everything that I have been telling you about Ireland since my passing. She has put it all in writing. She will release it in the next few days. It will expose the Vatican’s exploits and their plans. Every human on Earth has been a victim of Vatican control, irrespective of religious belief or nationality. Life on Earth was never intended to be a struggle to survive. The Jesuits and Zionists have thrived on your suffering. They have overseen the production of GM foods. Monsanta is theirs. Water, air, and everything that humanity needs to survive, has been tampered with. All the drug companies are owned by them. I can assure you that their drugs are not designed to cure, only to slowly kill you.

Once you consciously withdraw from their control system, please do the Revocations, and take back control of your life. Then you will feel the freedom this will bring to your life. Freedom to be who you are, to explore who you are, and what your role is in this incarnation. Be assured that each and every one of you has a role to play, no matter what it might be. You are all part of the whole. This is one of the reasons why all the divisions were inflicted upon you: religion, race, nationality, etc. Divide and conquer is a Jesuit aim. It has worked well for them UNTIL NOW.

When all the evidence of their evil control is presented to the world, next week, they will be exposed. Humanity will see them for the parasites that they are, living off the suffering of the poor. Your fake reality is being exposed. The perpetrators will have nowhere to hide.

For many years, they feared that you might learn the truth and turn against them. Do not worry about them. They have secured safe places to run to. They are responsible for making life on Earth a struggle for survival. They even managed to block the health-giving rays of the sun from entering the Earth’s atmosphere to give its warm healing energy to humanity. They have no respect for human life. They want rid of you. They want the Earth for themselves. Then, they will be free to live life as they wish to, without having to hide their scaly bodies from you.

There is so much happening just outside of your third dimension. You can raise your dimension by meditation, using the sound HUE. Repeat it over and over again. It will help. It is a sacred sound.

Use this holiday period to come together, not just to share festive food, but also your thoughts and your concerns for the future you wish to create for the human race. Soon the ball will be in your court, so you must be prepared to create a world where love and peace matter more than anything else. The killing machine will no longer be in control, no longer required. The soft killing machine (vaccinations, drug-based medicines, killing with GM food, etc and cancer) will become a distant bad memory. Life on Earth as you would wish it to be, will begin. A new age that, until now, you could only dream about. Talk about it, think about it, and help to bring in its energy. Make it a reality.

All religions have trapped your souls, they use the energy of your soul to destroy you and others. Take back your soul, do the Revocations, if possible, in a sacred place with a group. You will be amazed at the energy this experience will produce. By doing this, you will take back your power. Step out of the religious cage in which you have been trapped. Experience the freedom to live in peace with all of humanity.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. Start as you mean to go on. Laugh at the newspapers and TV when they peddle the lies of your controllers. Look with pity at the faces of those who are paid to lie to you. This goes for all governments too. Though some may start out with good intentions, they soon fall into line if they want to stay in power. Sadly, corruption is everywhere. It is time to remove it. Together, you can do it.

My dear, surviving on Earth at this time is not easy for you. We ask that you hold on, in order to complete your work with Dave. He, too, is suffering and needs help. The whole control system is fighting for its very existence. This is why it is attacking everyone who gets in its way. They will not last much longer.

The love we shared in life goes on, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Sourced from here.