Love’s Domain ~ An Intuited Message (A MUST Read)


Ya’ll have to read this one!  I absolutely love this message.  This beautiful intuited message was sent to me by one of you wonderful readers.  It was written by Stuart Wilde in March of 2013. Sadly, he passed on just weeks after publishing and sharing this piece.  Click on the original link and look at his picture.  Look at the gentleness in his eyes.  He is such a beautiful Soul and I wish I had known of him earlier.  …  I calculated it out and the approximation of “2000 days” puts us into the early parts of next year. We are both ready and getting ready peaceful warriors.  Our vision(s) are manifesting.  Perhaps Stuart is waiting there for us already, returned as a fully healed Being.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Love’s Domain

Published Stuart Wilde

I saw something. I was taken to a dimension of pure love. It was here on earth. I was walking by a placid lake there was fog in the air, but it wasn’t dank and cold, it was a purple mist so soft and beautiful. All the animals were calm, they had no terror of humans anymore. I heard a celestial bell in my right ear, the little “ding” made it resonate through all eternity.

And I noticed when I had a thought like say, “how beautiful it all is” it went from me unimpeded across the lake and over the hills and beyond. There were humans in that pure love world, not many, but they were there. I didn’t see them, but I knew they were noble and kind and brave and full of grace, because I could see the imprint they had made on the trees as they had passed them.

I wondered if this “pure love” world was a hundred eons for now? Seconds later, as the question tumbled from my mind, I was shown the “love world” is very close. I couldn’t tell exactly, but it seemed 2000 days or so.

Then I was shown a gruesome scene. It made me shudder. It was so complex I had difficulty understanding, it over whelmed me. I was taken through the death of the global ego and specialness. I was shown how there is no last judgment, each and every person decides their fate from their deep inner sentiment; there is a mathematical preciseness that is a “karma administration” of great complexity, way beyond what I could comprehend, way beyond.

Then I saw the hills and they lent toward me and kind of nodded, as if to say, ‘You understand don’t you?’ It is all in divine order.

And I made the sign of Knights of St George. It’s like the Christian sign of the cross. You go from your forehead to your chest saying “Holy, Holy” and you go left and right saying “Sacred, Sacred”. Then you bend down on one knee in reverence and you touch the ground with a finger of your right hand and you say, “Here Now”.

The “Here Now” is an act of humility. It says here I am in this world right now on this spot on a bended knee, ready to serve.

After the sign of St George I saw a thousands crows flying over my head, they were very beautiful and each seems like it was bent on a mission, but I didn’t know then what the mission was.

Then later I saw a sea of graves, millions, hundred of millions, they stretched a thousand miles or more. But it was all in order, it was all the people whose minds and souls weren’t ready for the love world. They had to go elsewhere and try again. It all seemed fine.

And from beyond the graves came a celestial sun, and one ray of it entered my right eye and I fell to the ground in awe.

And I remembered the vision I had of Jesus showing me his hands and the voice that said, “He came forth and led the people to a great victory”. The love world is the prize that awaits us, beyond our pain.

I saw all that. It was shown. It was very definite, there’s no question, it will be delivered now.  Stuart Wilde

Sourced from here.


A Vision For All Things FREE


The BEST one yet!  A vision after my own heart!  Freedom = Free!  And so it is.  It is DONE. NOW.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for All Things Free

We see a world where:

You don’t have to pay to be warm. Your heating is free, at any temperature you choose;

You don’t have to pay to have food. Your sustenance is free, from the most nutritious, health-giving sources it can possibly come from;

You don’t have to pay to communicate via phone, internet, or mail. Your communication avenues are free, and they are the best, most advanced technologies available;

You don’t have to pay for good health care. Your health care is free, and it is the very best that our society has to offer;

You don’t have to pay for shelter. Your home is free, in the most pleasant environment you can imagine;

You don’t have to pay to have clothing. Your garments are free, and they’re the most comfortable, colorful clothes available;

You don’t have to pay to travel. Your transportation is free, in the most reliable, safe, and clean vehicles and systems known to man;

You don’t have to pay for fuels. Your fossil-based, electromagnetic, solar, wind and water driven fuels are free, and they are safe, sustainable, renewable, clean, and becoming less of a drain on Mother Earth and more connected to the Sun, the winds, and the waters with each passing day;

You don’t have to pay for schooling. Your education, at all levels, is free, with the highest quality standards, held in the highest quality facilities that are designed specifically to be conducive to learning about whatever is of interest to you;

You don’t have to pay to have fun. Your recreation is free, with camping spots, theme parks, sporting events, playgrounds, hiking trails, and beaches open to everyone all the time;

And finally, you don’t have to pay to be alive. Living is free because there are no taxes, no tolls, and no trolls standing by the entrances to places you want to go. Life, in its entirety, gives you everything you need and allows you to go anywhere you want without fees or fears of any kind.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.




Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Affirmation for Awakening Humanity


Oooh, I love how quickly the Universe brought me this little gem.  I headed out today to get some food ~ alone ~ which gave me the chance to think out loud.  On my mind and in my heart was this desire to awaken the rest of humanity now.  N O W.  I didn’t know how to do this.  Do I start telling others who are supporting the system blindly that their support of it is supporting darkness?  I was thinking about parents who vaccinate their children, support hillary et al, watch the mainstream media, believe in over-population and other eugenic’s platforms, go to church and give away their power through worshipping and sacrifices at the alter ~ all of these things when supported have allowed the dark to continue ~ and I have felt I am at the end of allowing ANY of that into my realm.  In short ~ I felt this deep fatigue and frustration in other people’s choices affecting my life.  I want the NEW and after 20 plus years of being on this journey, I WANT IT NOW!  And we need all of humanity to awaken and join in as we create the new – beginning with our thoughts.  Stop feeding the old and it WILL crumble.

ARGH!  lol

I couldn’t come up with anything that I felt would be effective so I let it go and watched people around me.  The lady at the bank who looked so bored and I thought “you did not come here to spend your days working at a bank”. I thought the same thing as I watched a young man run around from car to car pumping gas.  Tears welled in my eyes.  I took a deep sigh, sent a thought of “remember when you were a child” and headed home.

In time I saw this affirmation show up on my social media feed.

Please put Your “HEART PULSE” into this Affirmation Now.

“We Awaken the Masses NOW, Anything not of the Light, crumbles. And so it is.”

I can indeed support this with my thoughts and energies.  Will you join me?

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(the above quote was found here.)