Why You Should Forget School and Let Kids Play


editor’s note:  i resonate fully with this piece.  i have noticed with my own daughter when she is ready to learn AND when she has an incentive, she grasps quickly.  anything forced does not work.  she may pretend to pay attention, but she isn’t retaining anything.  and that is the disastrous result for most children who are “trained” in the public educational system.  they force feed children facts and tidbits of information not concerned if they retain the information. children learn through hands on playing.  children learn when they are given the freedom to figure out what they wish to learn and when.  another program to unplug from ~ the public education model.

View this email online if it doesn’t display correctly
Why You Should Forget School and Let Kids Play
By Joe Jarvis – August 22, 2018

Breaking news: kids need to play, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Seriously, it took the American Academy of Pediatrics to let us know that?

Better yet, the doctors now recommend that parents even get involved in playing with their children, especially before they turn two.

“This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be learned when kids aren’t         told what to do,” said Dr. Michael Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician       who led the drafting of the call to arms. Whether it’s rough-and-tumble physical             play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the       chance to make things up as they go, he said.

It is great that they are getting this right, but it really shouldn’t take an Academy of doctors to know this. It should be pretty intuitive. Kids automatically run around, play, and make up games when left alone. So I suppose the only surprising part to some people should be that sometimes, you should leave your kid alone.

In The Future of the Mind, Michio Kaku says that the main function of the brain is running simulations of possible outcomes. That is what makes humans intelligent. We have the ability to forecast what might happen if we take certain actions.

So it only makes sense that play is integral for learning and exercising this mental process.

Some kids play “house” and act out what they think it means to be a family, a mother, and a father. Other kids wrestle and learn the consequences of slamming their heads into the wall, versus the couch, versus the window.

The recommendation from the AAP hardly scratches the surface of just how important it is for kids to play.

Indeed, new research demonstrates why playing with blocks might have been             time better spent, Yogman said. The trial assessed the effectiveness of an early           mathematics intervention aimed at preschoolers. The results showed almost no           gains in math achievement.

I remember typing classes starting in fifth grade. The typing lessons escalated in sixth grade. You know when I finally became proficient in typing? in seventh grade when I needed to type in order to communicate with my friends on AOL Instant Messenger (my screen name started as CheeseMonkey3q3 and later changed to TheNameIsBond3. Cool, right?).

I didn’t read much until I found a book that I enjoyed reading, Harry Potter.

It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I found the “incentive” to learn how many grams are in an ounce…

These are just small examples. But the point is that people learn things when they have an incentive to learn them.

Do you really think a kid is going to neglect to learn how to do math when it comes time to make sure he and his siblings all got the same number of gifts on Christmas? Or the same portion of pizza?

It is just a matter of allowing kids to learn what they want to learn. If children reclaimed all the hours wasted at school, they would have plenty of time to learn the true necessities. Especially when there is an incentive to learn. Something pressing they want to do or achieve.

And learning the same skill takes a fraction of the time when it is not a purely theoretical lesson. Learning math on paper is not efficient. It doesn’t apply to the real world, however hard educators try to make the problems seem real.

But when those same “failures” go to the gym, you can bet they know the proper ratio of carbs to protein. I bet they know how many calories they need, and how to calculate their body mass index and body fat percentage.

So it is great to hear the Academy of Pediatrics coming out with the right idea. But they need to take it leaps and bounds further. It isn’t enough to say schools should keep 15 minutes of recess.

I’d rather them say, let that 14-year-old work on his dirtbike all day if that’s what he likes doing. Let the 9-year-old bookworm read. Let the kids build tree forts, shoot water guns, and cook dinner.

And seriously, forget school.

The event 2018. Could I be a soulless being or a bot?


editor’s note:  a few times, when i have allowed another’s judgment towards me place doubt within, i have wondered ~ am i a bot?  am i without a soul? the question has had fear energy attached.  i let that go, feel within and know the answer.

i am seeing more of programs being challenged causing some to become very confrontational and downright abusive.  the piece i shared last night – the gist of it all (late night share) received overwhelming support.  there were a couple of exceptions, including one that surprised me.  the name calling and outright statements of how utterly wrong i am.  very defensive.  i obviously challenged this person’s entire story of the ascension timeline.

as i continue to know – and state – honor one another’s path.  attacks show one is not as awakened/aware or heart-centered as they claim ~ especially when the attacks do not result in one owning the behavior and offering up an apology.  love allows the free choices of others.

be kind and allowing.  take no shit.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

some good thoughts on the victim too.   gives me something new to ponder…



Published on Aug 21, 2018

The event 2018. The split is deepening even further. Breath into heart & trust your inner guidance.


editor’s note:  there is indeed an increase in the energy that wishes to see us all continue in this realm.  people are sharing it, expressing it in quite aggressive ways and passive means too.  i have even felt it within my own being and see it for what it is ~ just another program.  love allows for all to make their own choices.  it is that simple.  anything outside of that paradigm, i immediately feel and move on and away from it.  we are removing the cobwebs and are remembering ANY energy sent and received in fear is part of the trap.  love allows.  fear says “you can’t do that” or “you have to do it MY way or THIS way”. even as she says when such energy is surrounded in pretty sparkles….tune in.  our inner truth is back online now and growing stronger.  

i strongly resonate with this one ~ and as she says and as i “felt” earlier today for myself as well ~ we have already made our choices.  

Published on Aug 20, 2018

CATS in Hyperspace & Meterage [UPDATE6]


editor’s note:  some powerful energy spikes below, although i’m still not sure about the timeline jumps showing up on the schumann.  but i am the first to claim i know little about these graphs.  i had an interesting experience leaving my comment.  i had a SERIOUS deja vu – and i could literally see and feel a part of me who HAD said the very words i was typing before.  saw her and felt her waaaaaaay in back of me off to my left.  isn’t that strange??!!  perhaps this is an indication all that was separate is uniting fully again.  i know i do not like the feeeeel nor idea that the me sitting here is just one fractal of the Whole Me.  perhaps part of this Home longing is also the unification of ALL of our fractals.

have we been on repeat?  i know the feeeeeel of groundhog day is HUGE for many of us now and for me i find it humorous it took me this long to feel that energy.  slumbering away, slowly awakening all these 25 plus years and it just hit me this past year – my god – i am living GROUNDHOG DAY!  no thank you no more!!  something to explore.  what does this mean to me? perhaps it comes down to not having the full freedom and ability i KNOW comes with ALL of me ~ ability to travel anywhere, manifest instantly, totally free from any system or being of power over and control.

restriction. groundhog day feels like restriction in my body.

still putting it all together, all coming together in full alignment and knowing quite nicely.



This just in… there was a timeline jump yesterday. Lookie here:

Note: No, these weren’t intentionally made to look like “Q’s,” they’re just pointing out the time.

One of us noticed that these meterage chunks are nearly identical, and are at the same time, so the M’s looked at it… and this was indeed a timeline glitch.

Here it is at the same time on another set of meters:

Timeline skip.




Wow. Mt. Etna meters are going berzerk. We’ve never seen them like this:


Never seen this.


Or this.


YOW. Or this.


Or this. Crazy energy.

And this is Canada. Timeline drops and jumps.


Whoa. And look at this GRB at the same time!

Continue here.

Yellow Rose for Texas ~ Minuscule Notes Update 8 18 18


editor’s note:  you may wish to read through some of the comments found in the original link to the video to get a better gist of this one and where this is all headed.  here is my understanding:  politically/socially speaking, Trump is creating the stage for those choosing to head west after our exit. (Rose has continually said all exit, some head east, some west).  the west will have a totally new slate ~ new form of government, new $$ system, likely the new tech, etc. whether he is consciously aware of this or not, this is his role according to Rose.  and i have to say as i said these words aloud to my mate, i got chills all over. those going east go home, home world.  no money systems.  no control systems of any kind.  no governments.  inner tech.  etc.  i still see ALL “getting out” ~ ALL exiting the virus of the matrix ~ and all experiencing the reality of their choosing, which explains, to me why some are intensely focused on trump cleaning things up, bringing in things like the RV, debt relief, $$ reset and the like and others are just ~ or more ~ focused on going HOME.  there really does feeeeeeeeeeeeel and seem (see) like 2 different realities are being created. anyway….rose says she is only able to upload about 5 minutes worth of content so she is working on a longer piece (which she may have to break up??) to explain further the words/images of this video.  in a nutshell, the exit is much closer than we realize.


Published on Aug 18, 2018


Thank you for reading and supporting my work.  This is a donation based website.  If you value the work I share/do, please consider sharing a donation by following the link below.  Much gratitude.

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#UNIVERSALCLEANUP On The Road Again… ;-) Messages from to HATJ 8.10-8.15.18


editor’s note:  email comms between bz riger and heather ann for the days of august 10th through august 15th…






#UNIVERSALCLEANUP On The Road Again… 😉 Messages from to HATJ 8.10-8.15.18

published on The IUV, on August 15, 2018


BZ: in this post I give you a flow of unfoldings from when Heather left Irwin detention in GA, up to today, 8.15.18. There is information that I put in the emails to H and that she replies to that are all interesting dots to connect, should you feel moved to do so. In fact that is the case with this post, and others that I post and publish on the IUV. (heart) There are other conversations between Heather and I, that are posted on the IUV that give you more background data as well, you can easily find the links to those on the right hand nav under Current status HATJ & RKB link.

When connecting dots, keep top of mind that when HATJ lands and sets foot on Federal Soil, the last parts unravel (ok, implode would be a more apt characterization 😉

And as always, all is not as it seems when you are “looking out there” at what is going on. And It’s ALL an Inside Job. Are You BEing and DOing Your Inside Job…




Update on HATJ- 8.10.18 Heather left on the road again for more travels in the country purportedly to her FBOP, destination location, near Boston (I’ll do my best- Judge Varlan)

HATJ- leaves Irwin detention at 2:00 AM EDT on Friday August 10, 2018

They fly on ConAir, and land directly at the OK Airport facility for the OK FBOP prison transfer facility which is a global hub. Instead of being taken there, which is right there. HATJ was taken to

Grady County Jail on Friday evening 8.10.18  at   215 N 3rd St, Chickasha, OK 73018  which is 35.6 miles from FTC Oklahoma City, 7410 S MacArthur Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73169. This is the facility H was in on her otel tour out from DC to Knox.

[Repeat of information update on RKB (as always go to this post  https://i-uv.com/current-status-of-events-now-unfold-hatj-washington-dc/for ongoing updates and links to posts

Update 8.2.18  RKB was transferred to Irwin County Detention Center.  If you feel so moved Randy enjoys receiving post cards and letters 🙂

Irwin County Detention Center, Randal Keith Beane 55002,  132 Cotton Drive,  Ocilla, Georgia 31774]



hi love

From: bz riger
Date: Friday, August 10, 2018 10:20 PM

Hi Love, working to get your phone funded. No carriers accept collect calls. team now knows where you are. interesting you are on county soil not Fed soil. lol will email once I get phones set up. if you go to OK- ok city where you were before. Phones set up. Pre-paid call me (heart)

RE: hi love

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Friday, August 10, 2018 11:07 PM

BZ! I knowwwwwww! Too funny!!! I was told today that I was designated to California, too. Apparently, the most sought after prison assignment in the BOP, and almost the furthest you can get from Boston. LOL!!!! Completely get why Cali in the big picture…fast and furious, baby! On con air, my seatbelt literally came out of the seat! Then, as I was exiting the plane, my leg shackle popped open and fell off my leg!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Sooooooo many funny stories! Laughter IS a powerful tool!!! Shocked faces are fun, too! <3

Hhhhhhhhmmmm….i will figure phone and email out…both say i have no credit, however, guard just called me to her window and notified me that I now have $25 on my account…phone account, commissary account, or what, I am not sure!!!! LOL!!!!

Commissary here is ordered and delivered every day, mon-fri. They ship women every day Mon-Fri…but not sat or sun…”us marshal refuses to work weekends”

Phones and email kiosk work 8am-10pm (or was it 10:30pm?…i don’t remember now, pffft!)

I will attempt to figure phones out…to call you and Y/zlea asap, please notifiy my family, just in case it takes me a bit to figure it out! 🙂

love you all! <3

RE: hi love

From: bz riger
Date: Friday, August 10, 2018 11:50 PM

too funny!!! (heart)

The guard was delivering a personal msg from me, the woman I called said she would have it delivered tonight. There is no commissary over the weekend. So till I talked to you there is $25 on your trust fund, you need to get it put to a “phone block” which means you can call Y, bz, L, B…

You are on county soil not fed soil. Grady is a quazie transfer station… CCO Wislon says that they have people from a day to 40 days.

Your email is funded on my end, just write and send and it comes from my account. Don’t use your $25 for that.

Once you catch your breath and phone home, let me know if you want me to fund commissary for you for a monday delivery?

funny cosmic humor story. Once I got you all set up, most of which I did while driving to get here. We are at an agility trial Keegan and I for weekend, our team is putting on. We went to store for a team errand and over the loud speaker there is an ad, announcement about these super special burgers they have, they describe deliciously and with their special name.

Q Burgers!

lol, i looked around and wondered if that was just cosmic humor for me or if others heard it too. Then I looked down and realized I was wearing one of the Q t shirts I made. 😉

Love you,

Gaia Portal 8.11.18

From: bz riger
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018 8:59 AM

Gaia Portal 8.11.18

Explosive Light remedies are presented and applied to all Gaia conflicts.

Happenings of “entertainments” are recognized for the “entrainment” intentions.

Humility is requested. No one is denied.

Planetary healing to follow.

Missions change as of this moment.

time stamp – | August 11, 2018 at 11:11


RE: hi love

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018 12:27 PM

BZ and Keegan! Love it! All the women rave about dog training programs at the prisons for the last week and how they choose to transfer to MN prison to join them!…Apparently, I am to touchdown at Dublin, CA facility. Recognized it immediately. All was worked out for that doing long ago in Morocco…very fun…not much humility was factored in by all, though, so that is being refined now…bare minimum of humility it seems, as most is focused on fun and compassion, LOL!…I can tell you, the “old guardians” and their methods, have had my full focus (picture me with lightening bolts and emp-like waves tsunmaning from my being) as I have been going from facility to facility the last year…and i do my best to consciously not set the old guards underwear on fire! The feelings flowing from me as I experience and do all of this, are raw, unedited, and then at the last nano second woven with compassion and heartitude they flow through and dissolve every bit that does not serve, and amplifies and supports the hearts of all present to be aware and do consciuosly…ohhhhh, and they are!!! <3 …the beauty and magnitude of the forgotten,the dispelled, and the shunned is BEYOND MEASURE…and instant…it strikes me speechless and completely grateful…so grateful that i did not let others beliefs and perceptions color my heartsight blind, but adding overlights to all that required love, regardless of what and who they appeared to be <3

I will go look at accounts now…feels intentionally confusing, with many sub-contractors, especially for a quasi-transfer center, where women come and go frequently…one of the county inmates explained that they are building a wing/section specifically to house only fed inmantes…at this moment, we aren’t even attached to the main facility…we are across the street and down from the facility…it looked like downtown hilltop or dupont in washington state…”building the new crack house next to the old crack house” 🙂

my love to you and all <3

RE: hi love

From: bz riger
Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018 11:53 PM

much love to you. yes it is really wonderful and so amazing to connect with so many in all sorts f ways that this whole false construct has “tossed” away. In all ways and aspects with such a viarities of backgrounds. The conversations I have with people and they spontaneously share their story…

I will do some research on CA hotel. i will email you what I find out. Any idea when you head out to CA? should I order commissary for you?

y, texted me that you received automated msg from verizon when you tried me 3 times today. I spent an hour on phone with tech support this eve, to figure it out. 1st guy was very nice and we checked a bunch of stuff. he said sorry I can’t figure it out. Bumped me to tech supervisor. Very nice guy, were were going over things and in the way I described the call that wouldn’t get through he said, one of those pre-paid companys from an inmate… yeah, i said. He said I have those calls too and have had problems.lol. I gave him some tips on how to solve his problem he was having with Securus, the company you went through in DC and knox… He did All sorts of checks. He said its very odd that with is happening the way you describe… (of course I’m more certain it is specific external meddling after this hour call lol ) he altered some switching and rebooted my whole verizon system sync with the transmission lines etc. so maybe next time you call it will work. 🙂

we are all connected.

love you (heart)

FCI Dublin

From: bz riger
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 12:30 AM

The Federal Correctional Institution, Dublin (FCI Dublin) is a low-security United States federal prison for female inmates in Dublin, California. The facility also has an adjacent satellite prison camp housing minimum-security female offenders.

FCI Dublin is located 20 miles southeast of Oakland on the Parks Reserve Forces Training Area. FCI Dublin opened in 1974. It became an exclusively female prison in 2012 and is one of only three federal prisons for women in the United States. he prison also provides legal and leisure library services in addition to training in the use of various computer software. There are two Federal Prison Industries UNICOR programs at FCI Dublin: the Textiles and the Call Center. Textiles employs approximately 150 inmates on the manufacture of custom draperies, parachutes, and disaster blankets. They also sort and repair USPS mailbags. The Call Center employs around 250 inmates on directory assistance enquiries.

It houses inmates who are serving an average sentence of 5 years. It has a design capacity of 250 inmates, but houses 1,077 as of April 11, 2013.[2] Conditions are cramped, with three inmates sharing a cell on the top tier And 4 inmates sharing a cell on the bottom teir. designed to house a single prisoner. Meals are served in shifts due to the small size of the dining facilities. 5701 8TH ST – CAMP PARKS DUBLIN, CA 94568

I called to find out what system they use for phone and commissary, but need to call back during business hours. will do. the email is through Trulinks- corrlinks, which you already have set up and actually emails waiting for you from me and others.lol

RE: hi love

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 9:30 AM

ok!!!!!!!!!! i used to have the same problem with our phone company in morocco…rothschild had the majority ownership…we would pay two months in advance, and our service would be cut off for no reason…y spent many hours on the phone with them to fix it 🙂

yes, please order some commissary for monday…spoke with the girls here, and delivery is anywhere between lunch and 5:30pm, so I worked out a small list if you want to order from where you are for me, please…otherwise let me know and i will order from here if it is easier for you all:

1 coffee sack(6 dollar bag) 1 creamer (10 packs) 1 sweet&low/pink packs (10 packs) 2 noodles (spicy chicken…not cup of noodles, but the noodle packages) 2 lays plain potatoe chips 1 bowl with lid 1 butterscotch candy

i also reviewed the dublin data you sent…reserve area, huh?…lol…all prisons are scheduled to be shutdown, and overcrowding was the least of the infractions from my observations 😉 …thank you for pulling that data…the girls who are here from dublin, said that the prison offers the most programs in the bop…but they said nothing about the textiles, lol

when they move women from here, it is at 2 am or so in the morning…so if i don’t checkin by 8 am (central time) mon-fri…i am traveling 🙂

phones and kiosk are turned on at 8am

i will call you at respectable hour on your end…plus, i am not sure if you and keegan have your training still…i will feeeeeel it out <3

love you!

property being held at ocilla facility

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 6:28 PM

bz, i spoke with lisa today via phone…i am not getting any rejection messages when i call you now, just no answer…and i believe that is because you and keegan are busy doing! 🙂

lisa sent me an email after our conversation that she sent you $75 to put on commissary here…lordy lee!…rather, if we can do like this, i believe it would be best with the daily transits they do here (rather than weekly.monthly they did at ocilla):

1. I have property being held at ocilla facility…they would not let me bring one piece of paper from my legal documents with me, not even my workproduct that i cannot easily replace…they shredded most of it (they say), and select papers, work product, and my boots (’cause they would not let me take those either, pfffft!) are sitting with the property officer…everything is already packaged, addressed to youssef at the MA house, if you would just speak to the property officer there, she will tell you that she needs you to send $18.90 USD to have them shipped asap…they only hold the property for 30 days from my checkout.

2. Only put $30 on the books here at grady today…$20 for commissary and $10 for phone card

…if i am still here after tomorrow, we can put more money on for phone, etc., because i am not sure how easy it is to recall from this facility’s contractors 😉

also please let me know a good time to call you…i already spoke to my family tonight…and i have enough on the phones to checkin tomorrow a.m. with y, just in case you don’t get this message until too late 🙂

my complete gratitude, love, and heartitude to you and all! love you and keegan and all you do! love all

RE: hi love

From: bz riger
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 9:15 PM

order completed at 7:30 PM CDT Order #316505 Complete for commissary.

phone is only minumum of $20- so added that, just find a way for other girls to use if you leave 🙂 love you

RE: hi love

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 9:33 PM


Will do <3

thank you, thank you, and thank you infinity 🙂

whewwwwwwww! cue Pink’s “FUN HOUSE” 😉


RE: hi love

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Sunday, August 12, 2018 10:04 PM

i erased my commissary order, as the guard said that it would be a double order…lol

you wrote that you put $20 on the phones…am i supposed to call collect to use it…or do i need to go purchase a calling card…it looks like $20 was put on commissary account…is that for the phones? When i tried the phones just now it said there was .06 cents…mamma mia! che cazzati!!!



RE: hi love

From: bz riger
Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 12:27 AM

Yes, you have to use the $20 I put on your trust fund, for purchasing a phone block, which will allow you to call Y, L, B, bz

Accelerating Timelines for Multi-Dimensional

From: bz riger
Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 1:26 AM

Accelerating Timelines for Multi-Dimensional, Quantum Collective Consciousness Earth Templates: Gatekeepers, Gridkeepers, Frequency/Light Holders, KeyCode Holders, WayShowers, Emissaries/Embodied Councils of Light, Grid Stabilizers and all

by Lisa Transcendence Brown, published on Awakening to Remembering, on August 7, 2018

[if so moved you can read this post here I took out of this post to keep shorter]

trumpcard and q

From: bz riger
Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 1:19 PM

sent 9:58 PDT Donald J. Trump ?Verified account @realDonaldTrump 48m48 minutes ago

Just fired Agent Strzok, formerly of the FBI, was in charge of the Crooked Hillary Clinton sham investigation. It was a total fraud on the American public and should be properly redone!

Donald J. Trump ?Verified account @realDonaldTrump 53m53 minutes ago

Agent Peter Strzok was just fired from the FBI – finally. The list of bad players in the FBI & DOJ gets longer & longer. Based on the fact that Strzok was in charge of the Witch Hunt, will it be dropped? It is a total Hoax. No Collusion, No Obstruction – I just fight back!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.145 ?? Aug 12 2018 11:01:42 (EST) https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1028633682918166528?? https://twitter.com/MariaBartiromo/status/1028669284535422976?? BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Why did NBC have a ‘confidential’ con call yesterday w/ a few of its news affiliates re: the need to remove ‘potentially’ sensitive Tweets? Panic @ NBCNews?https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1028597500427550720?? Has Media Matters been hired to locate and IDEN ‘potentially’ sensitive Tweets from ‘known’ characters? The more you know…. Q

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.146 ?? Aug 12 2018 12:36:38 (EST) How STUPID are these PEOPLE? https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/08/12/john-kelly-omarosa-tape-meet-the-press-rs-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/omarosa-manigault/?? “Integrity violations.” Integrity violations = LEAKS Recording a ‘privileged & confidential’ meeting w/ the WH CoS? What document(s) are signed prior to entering the WH? What documents(s) were added by POTUS specifically prior to allowing staff to join his administration? What documents(s) were added later by POTUS specifically targeting ‘leaks’? Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this? [Sample] https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trumps-nondisclosure-agreements-came-with-him-to-the-white-house/2018/03/18/226f4522-29ee-11e8-b79d-f3d931db7f68_story.html?utm_term=.0e40ed22d16c?? https://www.thedailybeast.com/report-trump-made-white-house-senior-staff-sign-ndas?? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/19/former-officials-slam-reported-white-house-non-disclosure-agreements.html?? http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/03/trump-made-white-house-staff-sign-ndas-to-stop-leaks-report.html?? https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-white-house-staffers-nda-nondisclosure-agreements-pro-bono-851583?? https://www.quora.com/Can-the-President-require-NDAs-be-signed-by-White-House-staff-as-a-condition-of-employment-Would-they-have-any-force-of-law?? https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/21/politics/donald-trump-white-house-nondisclosure-agreements/index.html?? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/03/18/trump-pushed-white-house-staff-sign-non-disclosure-agreements-report/436778002/?? Why would a person ‘openly’ broadcast a CRIMINAL VIOLATION? Do they feel protected? Who do they report to? If known in advance, could this be an advantage? These people are STUPID. Enjoy the show. Q

RE: Accelerating Timelines for Multi-Dimensional

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Monday, August 13, 2018 3:55 PM

got the trump and q messages email, along with the brown message 🙂 thank you!!!

the most eloquent answer to an age-old question of “how will you enforce/in-force”: “To understand that the ‘higher we go’, the more the higher dimensional timelines and templates become available to be brought/come online, then the ‘faster’ the lower frequency bandwidths/dimensions collapse/dissipate/dissolve…from within each and outside too. ‘How’ is relative to how conscious each is and actively participating with this process.”

every one is in-forcing ‘how’ they choose to do 🙂 [ bz’s emphasis]

in complete GRATITUDE, LOVE, AND HEARTITUDE, love you! love all! <3

irwin property

From: bz riger
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 9:16 AM

I got the money sent off to irwin for postage on your box.

I will be calling Friday to get the tracking number for the box they are sending to Y.


RE: irwin property

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 10:35 AM

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! Y was in the middle of writing you back, and he told me! Let’s send Francis some of your potent diligence vibes so he will finish the filing and mailing i requested some time ago <3

i was late with checkin this morning…we all usually stay up till 2 am to see who goes…but last night, i got asked to play 4th in a “hearts” card game after call…there is no curfew here, it’s wild…i usually sleep, read, design and prep, lol.

if one of the girls from d.c. hadn’t woke me just now (and for 6:20 am breakfast), i would still be asleep!!! A male guard was roaming around yelling, “Tuca! Inmate Tuca! Tuca!”, and they assumed it was just another who could not pronounce my name, so they woke me up…at 9:01 am…:), hence I was able to checkin before a search party was sent out!!! 🙂

i am verrrrrrrry grateful for the humor, and cosmic focus and efforts to keep me on track, lol!

i checked in with Y just now…my apologies for the tardiness :0

you can put whatever is left from the money lisa sent you on the books…to purchase phone time, soup, and coffee to last through now until monday…lol

any thing hums at you, please forward…we have only local channels here and no internet…but i am feeling all the transparency! Mueller’s closure of Manafort case presentations, Strozk being “FIRED!”, and the west verginia impeachment of four supreme court judges is about all that made the local news here 😉

they alllllllll know that only full-hearted measures flow… <3

love you! love all! <3


news and updates

From: bz riger
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 2:18 PM

Hi Beautiful- You are funded- phone and commissary- also should receive email credits too. Deposit #2655391 Complete for your trust account- to purchase phone block to call. There is $40 after fees on there for you to use. Deposit #317453 Complete for your commissary order- Golf Pencil (lol, thought you might be missing writing with one of these so got one just for fun;) Pink Sweetener Plastic Spoon Washcloth Creamer Coffee Bag Noodles – Spicy Ckn Gummed Writing Pad Butterscotch Candy should be there this afternoon or Thurs am. Did you want any PJ’s clothing etc?

The facility that is nearest to Boston that matches the same criteria from the DOJ- public perspective is Danbury FCI, Danbury, CT, which if you did not have things needed doing in CA, you would have gone to-

a little more info on the Dublin CA facility and surroundings- FCI Dublin is 12.1 miles West of LLNL- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is an American federal research facility in Livermore, California a partnership of the University of California, Bechtel, BWX Technologies, AECOM, and Battelle Memorial Institute in affiliation with the Texas A&M University System. In 2012, the laboratory had the synthetic chemical element livermorium named after it. LLNL is self-described as “a premier research and development institution for science and technology applied to national security.”[1] Its principal responsibility is ensuring the safety, security and reliability of the nation’s nuclear weapons through the application of advanced science, engineering and technology. The Laboratory also applies its special expertise and multidisciplinary capabilities to preventing the proliferation and use of weapons of mass destruction, bolstering homeland security and solving other nationally important problems, including energy and environmental security, basic science and economic competitiveness. The LLNL chemistry, materials, and life science research focuses on chemical engineering, nuclear chemistry, materials science, and biology and bio-nanotechnology. Physics thrust areas include condensed matter and high-pressure physics, optical science and high energy density physics, medical physics and biophysics, and nuclear, particle and accelerator physics. In the area of energy and environmental science, Livermore’s emphasis is on carbon and climate, energy, water and the environment, and the national nuclear waste repository. The LLNL engineering activities include micro- and nanotechnology, lasers and optics, biotechnology, precision engineering, nondestructive characterization, modeling and simulation, systems and decision science, and sensors, imaging and communications. The LLNL is very strong in computer science, with thrust areas in computing applications and research, integrated computing and communications systems, and cyber security.

news- Q, Trump signing, Francis- There is still no word yet from Frances or Pacer about him filling limited acceptance on hearing transcript and/or sending the note book to Y.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No.2600716 ?? Aug 14 2018 17:31:12 (EST) >>2600476 Not seen since WL Podesta dump? Similar in nature to attacks on POTUS? Think waves. Think coordinated. Think ALL outlets utilized + FAKES [Fake MAGA] Foreign & Domestic. Are the emails in the WL Podesta dump AUTH? Has POTUS made a statement as PRESIDENT that hasn’t ended up being TRUE AND CORRECT? DESTROY THE NARRATIVE. This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!). REPEATS necessary. 5,000+ new/day. WELCOME TO THE AWAKENING. FREE INFORMATION. POWER BACK TO THE PEOPLE. WITH KNOWLEDGE COMES POWER. Q

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 58bc71 No.2601101 ?? Aug 14 2018 17:46:46 (EST) Ex 1.1 (MOS) / \ (Alt + US Media) (US Politicians) / \ (…………………..)(…………………….) Those who scream the loudest…. Find the connections. 1:1:1:1 Primary>>AffiliateA>>AffiliateB>>AffiliateC>> Marching to the same beat? Coincidence? Logical thinking. Q

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ab9df5 No.2602749 ?? Aug 14 2018 19:02:45 (EST) GMAIL DRAFTS [GOOG SAFEGUARDED HIGHEST LEVEL [Access [3-GOOG] – SERVER ROUTING – NON US BASED] [Sample] Wet Work? Human Trafficking? Sharing of ICE/Border Patrol C-INTEL [schedules] to SAFEGUARD? EXIT/ENTRANCE? Sharing of FBI C-INTEL to SAFEGUARD PRIV-OPs? Sharing of DOJ ‘Where We Stand’ investigation(s) & Guide to OVERCOME-DISMISS-WIN? Transfer of money instructions to LEFT ORGS>>>DOJ Settlements? Off-book meetings? Play dates? Stand down orders? Non-action orders? Muslim Brotherhood? Cross coord w/ UK assets / O-PRO in SIS/UK-P? Coord w/ foreign actors for payment/money disperse? Coord w/ AID ORGS for [illegal] plans? HAM radio instructions if remote-5? …………….. Why did ES make public NSA CLAS tools? Think XKeyscore + PRISM specifically. Was such tech kept from ‘elected’ officials? Was such tech kept from ‘elected’ directors? Why was NO SUCH AGENCY created? Think SIGINT. What ADVANTAGES exist to BIG TECH, other ABC off/on agencies, elected officials, CEOs, FOREIGN ADVERSARIES etc. if such information is learned? What price are you (the PUBLIC) willing to pay? Did you ever play HIDE-AND-SEEK? Q

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 ?? Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST) NEW

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 ?? Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST) NEW Haiti [Read very carefully] https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/current-affairs/sunday-nights-matt-doran-goes-undercover-with-operation-underground-railroad-to-bring-down-haiti-child-sex-ring/news-story/dcecf5950ca5b6d501c48ed927127bc3?? “Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters.” The more you know… Q

>>152 “This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. “The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO workers and the so-called humanitarians.” PURE EVIL. [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!!! Q

__________________________________________ “With 24 confirmations and 13 vacancies to fill, Trump and the Republicans have the power to install more than 20 percent of the judges on the nation’s second-highest courts.”

With little fanfare, Trump and McConnell reshape the nation’s circuit courts By Sean Sullivan and Mike DeBonis The Washington Post August 14, 2018

As the Senate moves toward confirming Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh, President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are leading a lower-key yet deeply consequential charge to remake the entire federal judiciary.

The Senate will return Wednesday from an abbreviated summer recess to confirm two more federal appeals court judges by the end of the week. That would come on top of a record-breaking string of confirmations: The Senate already has installed 24 appellate judges since Trump was sworn in, the highest number for a president’s first two years in office.

While much of the focus has been on Kavanaugh and Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, the Senate’s rapid approval of appellate judges is likely to have its own broad impact on the nation, as the 13 circuit courts will shape decisions on immigration, voting rights, abortion and the environment for generations.

There are 179 authorized judgeships for the U.S. Court of Appeals. With 24 confirmations and 13 vacancies to fill, Trump and the Republicans have the power to install more than 20 percent of the judges on the nation’s second-highest courts.

“One of the most significant accomplishments in President Donald Trump’s first year will serve Americans for decades to come, yet it has received very little fanfare,” wrote McConnell with Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) in a January National Review op-ed.

On Wednesday, the Senate plans to advance the nominations of A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr. and Julius Ness Richardson, both for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. Both Quattlebaum and Richardson have bipartisan support, winning the votes of some Democrats when they were considered by the Senate Judiciary Committee. __________________________________________

President Donald J. Trump Signs H.R. 5515 into Law

National Security & Defense

On Monday, August 13, 2018, the President signed into law:

H.R. 5515, “An Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2019 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes,” which authorizes fiscal year 2019 appropriations principally for Department of Defense programs and military construction, and Department of Energy national security programs; authorizes recruitment and retention bonuses, special payments, and other authorities relating to the U.S. Armed Forces; and provides authorities related to and makes other modifications to national security, foreign affairs, and other related programs.

___________________ Statement by President Donald J. Trump on H.R. 5515

National Security & Defense

Issued on: August 13, 2018

Today, I have signed into law H.R. 5515, “an Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2019 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.” This Act authorizes fiscal year 2019 appropriations for critical Department of Defense (DOD) national security programs, provides vital benefits for military personnel and their families, and includes authorities to facilitate ongoing military operations around the globe. I applaud the Congress for passing this bill to provide the DOD with the resources it needs to support our Armed Forces and keep America safe. I note, however, that the bill includes several provisions that raise constitutional concerns.

Several provisions of the bill, including sections 112, 147, 936, 1017, 1665, and 1689, purport to restrict the President’s authority to control the personnel and materiel the President believes to be necessary or advisable for the successful conduct of military missions. While I share the objectives of the Congress with respect to maintaining the strength and security of the United States, my Administration will implement these provisions consistent with the President’s authority as Commander in Chief.

Several other provisions of the bill, including sections 141, 147, 323, 1231, 1242, 1247, 1259, 1264, and 1290, purport to require that the Congress receive a certification or notification before the President directs certain military or diplomatic actions. I reiterate the longstanding understanding of the executive branch that these types of provisions encompass only actions for which such advance certification or notification is feasible and consistent with the President’s exclusive constitutional authorities as Commander in Chief and as the sole representative of the Nation in foreign affairs.

Sections 1033 and 1035 purport to restrict transfers of detainees held at the United States Naval Station, Guantánamo Bay. I fully intend to keep open that detention facility and to use it, as necessary or appropriate, for detention operations. Consistent with the statement I issued in signing the National Defense Authorization Act last year, I reiterate the longstanding position of the executive branch that, under certain circumstances, restrictions on the President’s authority to transfer detainees violates constitutional separation-of-powers principles, including the President’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.

Several provisions of the bill, including sections 1207, 1241, 1257, and 1289, purport to dictate the position of the United States in external military and foreign affairs. My Administration will treat these provisions consistent with the President’s exclusive constitutional authorities as Commander in Chief and as the sole representative of the Nation in foreign affairs, including the authorities to determine the terms upon which recognition is given to foreign sovereigns, to receive foreign representatives, and to conduct the Nation’s diplomacy.

Other provisions of the bill present concerns under the Constitution’s Appointments Clause and the separation of powers. First, section 739 would deepen existing violations of the Appointments Clause, the Incompatibility Clause, and the separation of powers contained within the statute that established the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine. President Reagan signed that legislation on the understanding that these constitutional defects would be remedied (see Statement on Signing the Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine Act of 1983, 1 Pub. Papers 782, 782 (May 27, 1983)), but that has not happened. The Attorney General and the Secretary of Defense should confer about measures that would allow this Foundation to continue its important work in compliance with the Constitution.

Second, section 1051 purports to establish an advisory commission “in the executive branch” for the purpose of producing reports and recommendations on the national security uses of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Section 1051, however, empowers Members of Congress to appoint 12 of the commission’s 15 commissioners. While I welcome the creation of this commission, these legislative branch appointees preclude it, under the separation of powers, from being located in the executive branch. My Administration accordingly will treat the commission as an independent entity, separate from the executive branch.

A number of provisions of the bill, including sections 595, 842, 1031, 1043, 1062, 1212, 1231, 1233, 1236, 1245, 1262, 1265, 1274, 1280, 1281, 1287, 1294, and 1761, purport to mandate or regulate the submission to the Congress or the publication of information protected by executive privilege. My Administration will treat these provisions consistent with the President’s constitutional authority to withhold information, the disclosure of which could impair national security, foreign relations, law enforcement, or the performance of the President’s constitutional duties. Additionally, while I share the objective of section 1062 of providing the Congress accurate information, my Administration will interpret the reporting requirement in this provision as requiring only the submission of information that is reasonably available to DOD, not as requiring changes in underlying DOD processes for battle damage assessment and investigation.

A number of other provisions of the bill, including sections 218, 327, 335, 627, 1018, 1065, 1205, 1208, 1261, 1677, and 1793, purport to require executive branch officials under the President’s supervision to recommend certain legislative measures to the Congress. My Administration will treat those provisions consistent with Article II, section 3 of the Constitution, which provides the President the discretion to recommend to the Congress only “such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”


RE: news and updates

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3:40 PM

Trump, and the clean up crews, have my love, gratitude, and heartitude for all they have and are doing for all beings to experience freedom and have the opportunity to be all they be…even if all beings do not recognize their actions, especially Trump’s, for all they are…all are now remedying the unconsciousness that was an inherent design of the old paradigms

lol, yes, lawerance labs and i are well acquainted 🙂 …our last tango was in 2015 while doing CERN and balancing the unbalanced intents of the supercollider in China…everything is perfect, and perfectly done…and that perfection is also now to be experienced by all…there are more heros than any could imagine…i honor each one… alot of strategy, tactics, and heartitudes went into the overall design and implementation for all to be free and all they be <3

all other heartthoughts are expressed in i-comms with all…as all flows 😉

bz, there are no words to express all i feel about every one…therefore, my feelings flow openly, consistently, and completely…for each to receive, when they choose to

i love you i love all

in gratitude, love, and heartitude all ways always <3

RE: news and updates

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 3:46 PM

p.s. no need for clothing, but thank you for the thought!

if my email just before this one, at some point in there looks like a thought was truncated, it is because someone just approached me with a question as i was finishing the thought! LOL!


i am honored and humbled by your heartitude and that of every one on the teams…i look forward to all openly honoring and celebrating all that has been accomplished…feeeeel my admiration?!!??!!


RE: Just Trumpeted! Brennan’s Clearance Revoked

From: HEATHER TUCCI-JARRAF (133639219; Grady County Jail)
Date: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 5:19 PM


If they are “Former”, they should not have a national security clearance. Period.

long standing “swamp” is/was global…

speaking of…Assistant Warden of Dublin BOP facility…blond, female…and the connection/ “trip” with those in London/London…remember, everything is already experienced and done, every “where”, and now “here”, too 🙂 (dancing)

I look forward to working with those at Lawerance Labs (the clean up crews) again…hopefully the dance floor will be more packed this time…conscious active participation hyperaccelerates all 😉

love always all ways <3




Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ “R” is for…


editor’s note:  i have been telling my mate for months~ been feeeeeling for months that so much of what we are seeing w/the Great Awakening is just going to come to a close.  the end won’t matter.  the arrests.  none of it.  it’s just going to end.  why?  the event final energy hits during the chaos and just ends the whole game.  or else it (the ending) just won’t matter.  and my feel is we are already in the middle of this revolution.  it isn’t something we are still waiting to happen. we’re in it.

as i type this up……i just had a visual too.  a grand stage where all was dark, chaos, fighting, confusion with some light being shown when suddenly all of the lights on the stage come on and people stop what they are doing ~ ANYTHING being done from anger and fear, power over, etc. just ends for it is no longer an energy supported.  while old programming may still attempt to run (people wanting to harm) their ability to do so will be impossible.  and we all, well, go home ~ just as we do after a movie has ended.  

so i align w/this one and need to hold the words as my own truth.  HOLD YOUR LIGHT.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


“R” is for…

Ok, since we’ve already had too many posts this week, here’s one more. We’ll put this here and trust that those who need to find it will. It’s a serious one.

We’ve been concerned, of late, with the current… well, MESS… that everything’s in, even more so than usual. Please don’t panic, but we sense an actual revolution is brewing, esp. after the latest Alex Jones censorship thing. Note that Alex Jones works as *controlled* opposition, but the recent censorship feels like he went too far (shared a little too much truth) so the PTW shut him down. It’s increasingly alarming how the PTW are censoring conservatives yet the alt-left can do and say what they want. This has become a cause for concern, as a revolution could be coming sooner rather than later. People have grown sick of the MSM lies and the unapologetic control of social media (it’s like they don’t care what happens), not to mention lying and sidestepping the huge mountain of past PTW  transgressions. We know it’s all an illusion, but we still have to negotiate it.

Stream: Hi, Rock! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi!
Rock: Is someone talking?

So, what should we do in the meantime? Be the rock in the flow. Get your Zen on.

People should meditate and send out love and healing light. Another important thing is to focus on your own inner peace and letting go of negativity. When the time comes you don’t want to be weighed down with low vibes. Don’t actively try to stop the revolution, just let the stream flow around you. Many times good things happen from a major change, so… revolution may be necessary for the 3d world to move on. Allow things to happen as they must, and focus on yourself and those around you. But note that things might get bumpier than they were. And you might get your paws wet.

Paws wet! No like wet paws. WET! PAWS!

We bring this up as we saw The Event happening *in the midst of revolution* (though the revolution we saw was mild as revolutions go). Anyway, watch your step. Peace will return, along with SOURCE; peace is SOURCE’s natural state. Fall is coming, and it’s going to be a good one.

NEWS FLASH AUGUST 2018 ~ August 18, 2018


editor’s note:  oh yes how i love these moments of synchronicity ~ which are happening at greater frequency.  this morning after i awoke and pulled myself out of bed, i was zoning out in the bathroom when out of the blue i thought of the celestine prophecy (one of my first and biggest spiritual awakening tools i read/encountered some 20 years ago).  i had the vision of being’s just vibrating out of a certain reality and into the higher realm ~ and/or just simply put a different frequency realm.  frequency specific.  THAT is our inherent ability.  anyway i then felt more info coming – how some civilizations have been said to just disappear, not leaving a trace behind.  again, our inherent ability.  i then thought of the bible and the separation of the wheat and the chaff.

well ok, that’s interesting i am having this thought experience.  i then felt deep within “this is now happening”.

well ok then again.  lol

so i get online, check my e-mail and my spiritual brother/fellow warrior has sent me an e-mail with the article linked below.

there ya go.  my feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel on this is ALL get outta here (like Yellow Rose has said ~ who btw has an updated video i will link next – haven’t watch it yet but after i do if i feel the need to add my own two cents, which goddess knows i usually do w/these things, i will add an update to the posted video).  so while all get “out”, we will be “going” to which realm creation with which we are in alignment with energetically.  and adding to this, if we choose to have a different experience in a different creative space, we will.  THAT IS FREEDOM in a nutshell.  and that, i continue to feel, is the gift being returned to us.  FREEDOM to Create.  YRFT has also said there will be a separation in that some go east, others west.  also aligns w/what is shared below.

i hope the words below give you a sense of peace.

love to you all ~ V.

almost forgot ~ the date 8/18 began running through my mind quietly last week.  i found it interesting to see the date of this piece as 8/18/18.  haven’t figured out the meaning of that one.  she says she put it together on 8/11.


I am writing this article at the time of the Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018. The major event connected with this eclipse is the fact that the sun and moon are both on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This is the time we have been waiting for and it has taken us 19 years to reach this point.  Let’s take advantage of this degree and open our hearts and let love flow through us. We just walked through the Lion’s Gate and who knows what is now ahead of us. We have entered the unknown.

We are in the time period where the Bible says “two people will be in the field, one will be taken and one will be left.”   This sounds to me like there will be a separation between people who are on different frequencies. Maybe we will just wake up one day in a different reality and start living on the New Earth. It’s like turning to a different station on the TV. We have been watching one station for a long time and all of a sudden we change stations. The frequency of the higher reality is heart centered energy. It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you manifest heart energy.

The information about the separation is in the 24th chapter of Matthew. If you read that chapter I am sure you will find it very interesting because it talks about what we are going through right now. The Holy Land spoken of in that chapter is the United States because we became the ruler of the world. It says in that chapter that we will see the sign of the son of man in the heavens and he will come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.  Have you seen any UFOs lately?  There has been a war in the heavens between the light and the dark ships for a long time. The light ones do not fight. They just put up their shields and the negative energy goes back to the dark ship. The light has won and we will soon see beautiful light ships in our heavens.

There are different types of beings in the ships although I think the majority look just like us. We were created by ETs that look like us who are called the Anunnaki. Enki and Enlil were two brothers who came to Earth and the Old Testament in the Bible is the story about what happened at that time. Enlil is called Jehovah and Enki is called Yahweh. Jehovah was a fierce fighting god and Enki was the one who wanted to help his people because Enki and his sister Ninhursag were the ones who created us. Actually it was a group of people called the Elohim. Ninhursag was the one in charge. The Elohim were creator Goddess.

Most of the Anunnaki left Earth when a nuclear war happened although there were a few who stayed here. Scientists have found evidence of this war in the Middle East.  Babaji was one of the ones who stayed here and he was the son of Enki. If you are not familiar with Babaji look up the information on the Internet. He is one of the masters living in the Himalayan Mountains who has been here for thousands of years. It is my understanding that he was the teacher of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. If you are interested in more information about the creation story read “The 12th planet by Zecharia Sitchin”.

I recently had a dream that there was a major celebration happening and we were preparing for it by decorating for Christmas. Everyone in my dream was very happy. I woke up happy. Now this was just a dream but I think we are close to a major change. We are at a turning point right now with this eclipse being on the degree of Christ Consciousness. I believe we will see many changes between this eclipse and the fall Equinox, which is on September 22, 2018. The major festival of Sukkoth (harvest festival) starts on the full moon of September 24 this year. That is considered a very special holiday. It would be nice if this was the holiday in my dream instead of Christmas. Maybe my Christian upbringing had something to do with creating Christmas in my dream. Anyway, there is a celebration coming soon.

Now, what are the planets doing between now and the Fall Equinox? For the past five days I have been very electrical and have had bolts of electricity running through my body. This has not been fun. Has anyone else experienced that energy? We start feeling a solar eclipse for about a week before it happens. This eclipse has the dark moon Lilith exactly on top of Uranus (the electrical planet) on two degrees Taurus in a square to Mars in Aquarius, which is ruled by Uranus. I looked at that aspect and said to myself “no wonder I have been so electrical for the past few days.”

The Uranus/Mars aspect is also making a trine to Saturn on three degrees Capricorn.  Because Lilith was conjunct Uranus at the time of this eclipse she is giving Uranus the power to change things in the government of the United States.  Because this energy also tunes into Jupiter in Scorpio, more scandals have come to light in our government. A few days ago Rep Chris Collins was accused of being an inside trader and is now in big trouble. Jupiter in Scorpio is bringing issues from the past out into the light for everyone to see.  Mercury is also helping Uranus  bring up old issues by being retrograde. Mercury turns direct on August 19. The planets do not really turn backward in the heavens; it just appears that way to the people on Earth.

Right now there are six planets retrograde and when they are that way it is like they are spinning their wheels and going nowhere. Jupiter and Venus are considered good planets and they are not retrograde right now. This means that we are having help from those planets. Mars will move into Capricorn on August 13 and stay in that sign until September 10.  This eclipse will give Mars a lot of energy to change things in our government. Mars is the planet of action. It says “Let’s get things done”. Uranus just turned retrograde in Taurus on 8 8 8 the Lions Gate (August 8 2018). Isn’t that interesting? Maybe Uranus was holding the light for us to go through that doorway.

Now Saturn, Mars and Pluto are all in Capricorn and in aspect by declination. These are considered the three challenging planets and being they are all in Capricorn we will see much activity in our governments. From now until mid-September the Asteroid that causes chaos will be in a square to Vesta, the powerful fire goddess. This goddess says it is time to get things done so let’s work with Mars, Saturn, and Pluto to bring about a lot of changes

Vesta is in the fire sign Sagittarius and look at all the fires that are burning in California and around the world right now. There are also a lot of volcanoes that are erupting and shooting out fire. Sagittarius also rules judges, trials and lawsuits. Here in the United States we are going through some very powerful court trials right now which will change our government. Do we really need people to control us? Isn’t it time to jump out of the Matrix and become free?

The degree of the sun and moon in this eclipse brings in the energy of Christ Consciousness and it also brings in the energy of a party.  This degree brings in the enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidly structured social behavior. Maybe this is why I had a dream of a large party where many people were very happy. We do live in interesting times.

Be ready for anything to happen. We could be living in a higher reality tomorrow or before the end of 2018. Who knows exactly what will happen? It is time to stand in your own power, manifest love and light and shine your light for all to see. Live in Unity Consciousness.  We are at the time of the end and the new beginning. The time is now!   So Be It.

I send you my love. * Mahala Gayle *


Current Energies ~ 8/9/18


editor’s note:  another beautiful, fully resonating (for me) piece by Christie Handel, who i feel blessed to have connected with this past year.  she inspires me with her honesty and vulnerability.  i have been playing around with creating my own reality ~ in a new way.  it has begun feeeeeling different the past several days and so far, when i have wanted to create a particular environment, i am finding it easier to do ~ almost as if i am in my own world.  no joke.  i did it again today on our way to the library ~ and along the way i was literally INUNDATED with numbers ~ 644, 144, 222.  i could feeeeeel the energies of new earth ~ they are so supportive (and yes I AM READY TO BATHE IN THEM REGULARLY in the permanent way)….SO supportive.

i have also noticed people being drawn to me lately.  i have had that happen before ~ i had it in quite a bit way many years ago but the results were not positive.  different energies.  i came home the other night and told my mate about it (after a bike ride).  i said it felt like i almost lit up something inside of them and the smiles i was receiving felt new.  the intensity of our connection w/one another is huge and can feeeeel overwhelming to the current design of these vessels.

also noticing some dream crap going on which i just either leave the experience or not let it weigh on me as something i NEED to figure out.  i still am, however, focusing on dreamless sleep, telling myself “not necessary to visit the astral realm”.

love to you all.



Right now we are not only in the Lion’s Gate Energies (which btw brings in the Sirian frequencies so we may feel and be able to connect more to, feeling “very Aquarius,” aka empowered, discerning, knowing of planetary and universal “secrets”, etc)…

“Life can deliver to you anything that you have the ability to FEEL”…. this includes money, and it it includes the Event too! We certainly have been FEELing the Event. Woah! More on the Event in a moment…

The energies…. yes… in addition to the Lions Gate, we are also in the third and final doorway of the Eclipse. This should be closing out themes and may bring a certain sense of completion, within and/ or without. I am feeling this way.

So these two very strong energies are going on right now (eclipse + lions gate). How are you feeling?

For me more sleep, feeling very quiet, I had a few dark attacks in my dreams. The times I get dark attacked, I sort of can intuit that this means we are having lots* of movement forward on the planet. If you look at those graphs of the Schumann, magnetosphere, etc… they are all off the charts. Wild-with-light. The point of These energy shifts is to flood the planet with conscious light, to pushhh out old consciousness (old timelines)… so that we can rocket to certain tipping points. The darks hate this, and that’s why I am more attacked during times like this. They hate seeing light flooding the planet. We are reaching certain tipping points. I can’t say what exactly but its what I feel, and I’ll say more in a moment about how this is about/ related to, the Event.

But first, bc of this strong energy we are in now, I started to get a big pressure headache, and I was about to drown in pain, but then I started to do “healing touch” where I just place my hands on various parts of my head and body. It calmed my headache down within 10 minutes. Very happy about that. We are emitting a lot of Light (while not even trying) at this point in the “light codes” proccess. Therefore, just placing my hands on my head was enough to shift my body to pain-free. Cool! Ever since about mid-May, I started to see white energy in my house, and upon waking I would see my body outlined in a white-glow of light. So if I’m seeing it on me, it means I’m emitting it. And therefore I can easily heal myself/ align my energy. They say that we are at the point where we heal, just by our Presence alone, bc of how Light we are right now. I can attest to this, as animals and children approach me all the time, almost like moths to a light. Babies and toddlers will look at me for a long time. They have multi-dimensional vision 😊 And with adults, teens, they tend to just want to be around me. If I’m out somewhere, strangers will just seem to relaxxx as they get closer to my energy field. We heal without saying a word. And good thing bc most the time in too tired for words 😂 and it doesn’t matter if we are going thru heavy emotions, bad moods, or a relese of lots of old painful stuff— at this point, our “baseline” frequency” is so high… that our “outer mood” does not matter— we still heal people with our Presence no matter what state we are in!

So this relates to the Event. Bc in allison coe’s videos she talks a lot about how we heal just by our Presence. She shares that this will be the main* mode* of healing on the new earth. At the new earth everything is energy-based, therefore this sense of healing others thru our Presence will be much more obvious, visible, natural, flow without anything in the way. There is more chaotic energy within this old world, and as the old matrix falls. So this “healing with our Presence” may not be as visible to us given how much chaotic/ contracted energy is around us all the time. BUT try this ➡️ next time you go out alone, watch people’s body language and overall mood, as they get closer to your energy field. You will probably notice them relax, lighten up, feel more at ease, feel safe. Since I can see* energy, I see the shift in a person’s energy around me as, a golden light expanding in their chest (relief), I see their aura get bigger (they have just relaxed), I see blue energy wash thru their aura in one fell swoop (they feel a sense of peace all of a sudden). Just watch people’s reaction to your energy. Light codes rub off between humans bc we are natural transmitters and receivers for Frequency. ♡

So for me the Event energies brought in a lot. First I will say that not all spiritual peeps are consciously aware of the Event bc if that happened, the “ladder” of consciousness (or ascensional “rungs”) would probably just crash/ collapse, and that wouldn’t be good. It takes time, but from what I saw in a dream, everyone is being prepared in their subconscious as much as possible, even if they are not ready to know it on the conscious level yet. Those who are consciously aware, it does take effort, so give yourself a pat on the back. Not always easy to carry a conscious knowing of something that is not the consensus agreement. But it’s alright bc we are doing a great job! And no we are not crazy despite what family, friends, etc think on the topic of the Event. What is so interesting to me tho, is how I’ve heard little children speak about the Event. With such authority and knowing. No one said anything to them, yet they are just speaking on the Event as if they know it without a doubt. Amazing!

So the Event, based on the visions I have had lately, we habe had a major amount of Event Energies come in and anchor to the “ground”, a lottt on the Solstice, and a lottt thru the 3 eclipse doorways. I get these strong, clear visions showing me the Eclipse, and a voice saying “these are the Event Energies now.” So yhe tipping points we are reaching lately, with all the Schumman/ etc spikes and everything else going on, are a lot about the Event’s Energies coming thru. I could see from my visions, how immense these Event Energies are. Wow 😍

So do not get discouraged! If you are someone who is aware of the Event, and it seems so far away… I can understand that, bc as conscious-knowers of the Event, we are subject to the highs and lows of a Transition as big as this one is. Remember back in February, March, April…. these were the months that the Event was budding into our awareness like wildfire, and we processed it through our vessels. It was like one wild ride for me, and I know I volunteered for this role. We felt it so strongly back then. Then it sort of faded and we went thru a period of deep* release of the old which started in May, and I think will end in September. So as this deep release period began in May, we could no longer connect* to the Event anymore. This was supposed to happen. We were/ are anchoring in New Codes for the Event, as well as doing our deep releases. Even if it feels like all you do every day is sleep, eat, think about and proccess the stuff runming thru your Being, it is the right track and where we are supposed to be. We will gain clarity on the new codes that we have been working hard to integrate, by September, I’m feeling.

One last note… sometimes our new templates, codes, integrations… are going to feel very counter-intuitive. It has to, bc we are pushing the edge of consciousness. We are coming into new areas of BEing that are going to feel like the opposite of how we were before. I saw/ felt some others around me, including myself, drawing away from always trying to be in a state of love and light, to something different. More raw, spontaneous, “negative”. This is integrating new aspects of ourselves that need space from the previous way of functioning spiritually and emotionally. It’s about putting our emotions and our physicality first, so that we may actually become more spiritually-connected. More in our quantum/ magical nature. May sound counter intuitive. But I am seeing this pattern within me and others. We are detaching from older ideas of spirituality in order to embed new ones. That’s why I found it so important lately, to express all these emotions and thoughts I was experiencing, even if there is “no point” in doing so. We always want to have a point, as humans, bc that’s our old training. Bit the new human, the stage we are at now, wants to BE fully ourselves with no 3d based point to it. In 5d, what is running thru our Beings is always and absolutely important, whether it seems it will serve others or not. 5d says we be fully ourselves and what we are feeling/ experiencing, without trying to “make” it purposeful. For, it is actually purposeful, when we see it thru the 5d lense. BEing whatever frequencies we feel in the moment, serves the whole. We are frequency transmitters and receivers so we bounce consciousness off of each other, whether we are in close physical proximity with each other or not. Even if we are in “negative” frequencies or moods. Remember we heal by our Presence no matter what “state” we are in. So we now release to the templates of “natural being of ourselves” without trying to make a “purpose” out of it, surrendering to the true fact that our “natural being of ourselves” changes the world. We serve both self and others, by Being Exactly Ourselves, without** trying** to serve (I feel like the more I try, the more I don’t serve. The more I dont* try, and just BE myself, I find that im serving abundantly*).

That’s bc, this is what 5d is about! 5d BEing-ness 😍😍
Great Job Everyone !!!


Have an open mind, a loving heart, and pure intention


editor’s note:  i love this one! inspires me to “get” more creative again with what i do/share……


August 3, 2018


Today I considered writing as me, Robin.

One of my favorite Sabian symbols suggests, Look for answers in simple, everyday situations.

Combine with, Have an open mind, a loving heart, and pure intention.

Add a woman inspired and a woman writing passionately and whallah!


Scarlett was in the audience when one of her favorite writers, Carolyn Myss, shared her belief that ‘blocked creativity is as detrimental to one’s health as a drug addiction.’

Creativity is primarily housed in our second chakra, Svadhisthana.

The way Scarlett sees it, and she makes it simple, ‘…your first chakra is red, like blood. It is, in essence, your roots. Your second chakra is orange, a lovely combination of yellow coming from above as red rises…

It’s like a dance. We branch out and become male and female, yin and yang, ego and being, dark and light…

Then there’s yellow.

Yellow processes all the messages we get from the world outside.

Yellow houses our will. Our will power.

But it also houses all those voices that we heard telling us what to do, who to be, and how we should do it…and it is where our Critic took up residence.

Based on all of the information received from the outside world most critics have been tarnished by should’s and shame, to say the least.’

The very least.

‘Green is the energy of our Heart Chakra; Turquoise our throat chakra; Indigo our third eye chakra; and Violet is the essence of the Crown.’

More on the upper chakras later.

Today we are focusing on creativity.

Art inspires

And just as I set my computer aside to figure out where I was going with this blog a neighbor stopped by and I remembered something else Carolyn Myss strongly advised, ‘Listen to intuition…’

I’d have to find my notebook from the weekend workshop, but I believe she suggested at least 60% of all illnesses are a direct result of not honoring intuition.

More on that later too.

I am reminded because earlier today Jack and I walked over to the office across the street to drop off our rent check.

Last month I panicked when I saw a sign that said they would only accept payments through the third. I thought it was July 3rd and it was the 5th and I had to get my payment in on time.

Long story short I got the links I needed to make my payment online.

Turns out it was through this month, and I thought I’d save the small processing fee and walk my check over.

The sign was no longer there.

I wondered.

“With wonder I seek wisdom…”

I could ‘see’ how much energy I would spend if I dropped my check in the slot.


Was the sign that was up last month still in play?

I had already been thinking about what to do after this month.

Spend the 5.00 to pay online, or trust the postmark will be good enough if it ever gets there late?

I realized it was worth the 5.00 not to worry about it.

I could save the 5.00 by using my checking account instead of a card, but that just doesn’t feel right. Again, the energy I would spend in discomfort sharing that information isn’t worth the 5.00.

On my way home I realized how it would have played out differently if I’d dropped off the check.

I saw a couple maintenance men and got to practice clicker training to ensure Jack behaved on his leased and did his “Look at Me” for a treat and a click.

The men were both clearly impressed.

Dare I say Charmed?

If I had dropped the check off, I would have been worried on our walk home, or certainly not at ease.

When I saw the two men, I would likely have approached them asking, in a slight panic, if there knew about rent checks this month. Where they still being accepted at this office?

I could clearly see the difference in the two timelines.

It boiled down to a choice.

I’m grateful I chose wisely.

As I was writing this blog my neighbor came by in a panic.

She was upset that the sign had been taken down when she walked over to drop off her rent check.

“The place looks all locked up and the sign is gone and I wasn’t sure…”

“Yep. I felt the same way too. I paid online.”

She said she dropped her check off and didn’t know what to do…

It’s kind of funny that the excerpt I am sharing is from a book I considered giving to said neighbor.

I picked it up and it fell open to the page I am sharing in the photo.

Important excerpts from books can bring messages…

“Remember that the creative act is an adventurous whirl in the cosmos. You may enter your imagination…”

In my next post, I will talk about my favorite poems. Poems I like to sing, and I will share my favorite songs…

Songs of love come from the heart

Happy people dance and sing

Art inspires