Today feels a bit lighter – well it has been easier for me to feel that lightness – which is likely always there – just need the space for me to find and connect with it. What I have been “getting” – sensing – for a few months now – are the two timelines – especially the good one – most importantly going back over my own experiences – connecting to the positive moments and intending a different outcome for the unwanted ones – i.e. going back in time to fix the timestream so that I am projected into the better future experience. Anyone else having this experience?
I am also continuing my inner shifting – new ways of talking to myself – including mantra’s both said AND felt – doing some detoxing videos (frequency) – ongoing focus on my parasympathetic nervous system – scripting – asking and receiving. I am seeing how often my mind gets ahead of my body – I will speak words but I do not move on until my body shifts into the energy of the words.
Laura’s View and Tarot, Too: (we know the whole thing was staged – that wasn’t T in there – actors – to show and likely also ongoing distraction while other things go on behind the scene$):
Catastrophic failure of Teton Pass between Jackson Hole and Victor Idaho. It is a key artery for commuters and commerce. Going to be a rough summer for employees and businesses!
BREAKING: Dr. Francis Boyle, the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, has issued an affidavit declaring COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction.
Macron dissolves French parliament and called for new election.
In the wake of huge loses to the far-right in European Union elections, President Macron has dissolved the French parliament and called for new elections.
BREAKING: Dr. Francis Boyle, the architect of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, has issued an affidavit declaring COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction.
very interesting – most of those names i have come to know are still w/us………..perhaps on Anon island………..
Awesome! I love it every single name they're showing so far are our ALIVEdead heroes. I love seeing this. I know every single one of these people are alive and of course I know John Denver is alive.
Wow – are you feeling this energy? I had my new, wonderful friend over for dinner. We sat around the table talking about JFK, the plan, healing, 5D talk, etc. etc. The table was either vibing in excitement over having a new person holding the same frequency or something suddenly came into our space. I was suddenly feeling a wee bit spacy but also amped up at the same time. I wasn’t sure if I was just cold or if something else was happening. I mentioned to her what I was feeling and she commented she was feeling the same. “Did it start in your legs?” she asked. “YES!” I replied. I had this desire to go run it off – but company and dessert was more important.
During this time, my spouse came in and showed me this:
Sometimes validation is quite sweet. Most of you know I been saying for a few years now that SILVER is the most precious and undervalued metal. Trump said it years ago while criticizing crypto currencies. There ya go!
I said if this particular ending scene is divinely controlled and produced, it will go fast. That’s what is happening (or seems to be). I told my friend tonight about the book – The Art of War – how when one strikes at the enemy it happens swiftly and relentlessly. Still wondering if T (taiwan) will be unfolding at the same time.
Joe Biden is NOT in charge. Confirmed by Joe Biden. This is just insane. Tax paying Americans have a right to know who their President is.
Reporter: “Mr. President, can you be specific about what you did to try to reappropriate those border funds, especially when Democrats…
While it remains to be seen just exactly who this is (even though I have a sense) – whoever this is knew 2-3 days before the events in Israel took place told us all something big was about to happen – but on the other side of it we would understand the why’s and details (paraphrased):
After experiencing too much drama in the home, my girl and I headed out on a ride. I/we intended magic and we experienced just that. Suddenly dragonflies of all sizes all around us. Butterflies. Saw a cute little bunny hop off the trail. Air smelled sweet. Intending the reality I WANT. Love/Higher Me nudging me to remember my childlike joy and wonder. She’s still there. Bringing her in – which makes it easier to be kind and to find humor when others are engaged in silly pointless drama. Oh I can do the best eye rolls if I need to.
I had noticed something on twatter – I think I said something here about it here this week – seeing tweets that didn’t align at all – from people I don’t follow (shall I say AI/bot accounts). Far too much drama and images designed to poke and invoke emotional response for loosh. I posted the tweets of VK and Elon about the phones – and am seeing clearer on that. For now – phone usage for texts and talking only – more creative things – pretty much what I have been guided to do in recent days anyway. Computers w/o the apps. Things also feel – off….. atm……..
Armor of God = Vibe High = Be from the Heart = Best Version of You/Me = Who We/I Really Are. Visualize the lower emotional states that serve no purpose (we know the difference) as blobs falling off and away from the body – disappearing into nothingness. See the New Path ahead full of New whatever it is you want to experience.
And Keep. At. It.
Or as the signs I see now where I happen to ride – which is so beautiful:
(i swears ya’ll someone benevolent on the outside placed those exactly where i would see them)
Thank you MORE PLEASE. (thank you to LH for sharing similar words with me earlier – inspiring me for this particular daily notes)
Here are some finds. Please remember to comment, share, donate if/what you can and let me know if there is anything you need.
CNN says the Sound of Freedom will create more Qanon.
Did you know that Qanon is something we can magically create out of thin air? Did you know it’s like a seed and it just grows and becomes an extremist?
Hammer time? Christmas in July? Watch the water…..(we are getting comm'd on these platforms from the outside…..tune in and pay attention to what randomly shows up on your screen….)
San Tarot……….interesting given some personal intentions I’ve been doing this week……… of protection coming up again………..there is a reason it is prominent now……..surrounded by the right people creating the right energies creating a very clear vision……….💖🥰💜
The synchs are CRAZY FUN right now – but not to be surprising because that is how we DIVINELY and ORIGINALLY CREATE/BE/DO.
In under 20 seconds, here’s just what happened: I was finished watching a video (shared below) on the firmament – talking about a crack in the earth’s magnetic field. I thought “hmm I remember reading something about that a few days ago” – found it quickly in a search – glanced at the TV – said “oooh there’s a bear!” and remembered VK posted images of bears last night – then see VK shared the video I watched before the one on the firmament.
It’s all coming together quicker now because we’re coming together. Could explain the intense and I indicate I N T E N S E need to just be with my own thoughts – and rest/sleep.
A mysterious shock wave in a gust of solar wind has sent a barrage of high-speed material smashing into Earth’s magnetic field, opening up a crack in the magnetosphere.
I completely align w/the idea that “death” only happens here – we have eternal life because of, as he says, “time travel” – but in our way……like my mate and i concluded in the last 2-3 years, we’re time-traveling our way out of here and “back to our future selves”………..the experience i had in july 2009 where something called to my conscious mind – clear as day – to come outside and i walked outside and pointed to it – saw the most amazing beautiful pulsing orb/object/craft in the sky – headed my way – paused – and i just stared at it and felt so connected – i heard my name, heard the greeting then heard “see you soon” and when it exited and winked out, i broke down and cried like a child – feeling so abandoned – i knew i belonged on that ship or whatever it was w/them……my first thought was us from the future – but that sounded ridiculous at the time so i went w/family from the outside saying hello……….now i know it was me and whoever is with me in that space – coming to give me encouragement and love……….
The energy feels very pokey today. I don’t know what else to say – this is groundhog day rinse and repeat. We feel up and protected and free for a bit then we feel trapped and poked. Back and forth until it isn’t. (and hey anyone able to escape this feeeeeeeel/experience consistently now as in you are no longer feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling ANY of “them” – please share how you were able to do this). After agreeing with Sister D that the attacks in the astral were greatly diminished – pretty much non-existent – I got it last night. I didn’t take it – it came disguised as someone I know (who is very annoying – the type to turn every. single. situation. into their own pity party). I’ve never said a word to this individual – but last night I stated not everything was about them – then smacked them hard in the face. Ooooh how good it felt – until apparently I smacked so hard it woke me up and my hand was in the same position as in the dream.
I soooooooooooooooooooo need my own space – at least an office space. And an early spring. I had no intention of doing another winter in this cramped little house – but here I am. I go to center and find gratitude. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t.
Speaking of the intending thing – I have had a question about praying to god. Whoever this consciousness is doesn’t seem to respond to our needs very well does it? Not here anyway. Time to be honest about just who is this “god”. I get the whole matrix god(s). The only thing that makes sense to me is we are so isolated inside this place – as detached from the Universal Consciousness/Energy Field as one can be without total disconnect – that our ability to bring in that energy and use it for our creation has been so seriously disrupted (which is why “they” were able to keep us here to begin with) – that leads us to this experience of “hit or miss” with the prayer thing. Because hey let’s be brutally honest once again ~ if a loving parent or friend or family member sees one they care for struggling, suffering, in need – WE HELP if we can, right? We don’t ignore them. We don’t say “sorry too busy”. We don’t say “NO” and walk away. We don’t say “sorry that only happens on my time – not yours”. And we don’t say “you gotta do better/worship me/obey me FIRST”. Love don’t work that way.
And neither does ANY consciousness that is benevolent and Divine.
Here’s what I’m seeing. Please remember to share and donate what you can to support my work. Gratitude and blessings!
Speaking of pokey – feels like it was collective. Saw some talk about being “tested” today. Then see this PERFECT response. LOVE. NEVER. TESTS.
Tests are never for the people taking them. They are for the people trying to judge them.
But if we’re being tested in secret, it’s because they intend to judge us in secret.
Being judged in secret means that it doesn’t need to be legitimate. We can do perfectly on the test, but they can still fail us simply because they don’t like us.
Just flunk the test on purpose and give them the finger. Don’t play their game.
Underground happenings still going on – which is why we’re still “in this”………
Anyone remember Mike Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 documentary? He asked one of the puppets about The P. Act – it was over 1500 pages – and the puppet said do you really think we read these bills?
The worst people in politics from both parties have teamed up to demand Congress rubber-stamp a 4,155-page blank check—many times the length of the Bible.
A check for $1,700,000,000,000 of your money.
And they want it stamped before anyone can actually read it.
Who knows. Anything big happen for all to see like a big reveal? Or just another carrot dangle and we keep at this until we don’t have to anymore. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! (117th Congress……….)
🦅🇺🇸 Donald Trump retruths a clip
from the 2000 film “NUREMBERG”
starring Alec Baldwin (irony),
where they are sentencing everyone in military tribunals…
“crimes against humanity.” “Death by hanging” 💥💥💥
He has to step down – the one we see is wearing a mask.
Speaking of, Elon changed his following count twice today: up to 157, then to 158. 17 drops (bold is my doing and what I feeeeeeeeeeel is most relevant):
Nov 20, 2017 2:29:00 AM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqoID: 8GzG+UJ9No. 150166904
What is a key?
What is a key used for?
What is a guard?
What is a guard used for?
Who unlocked the door of all doors?
Was it pre-planned?
Do you believe in coincidences?
What is information?
Who controls the release of information?
Who disseminates information?
What is the MSM?
Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources? Who controls the MSM?
Who really controls the MSM?
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources? Why is this relevant?
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
Define corruption.
Wealth = power.
Power = influence.
Influence = control.
Rinse and repeat.
What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016 election)?
How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?
Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?
What is open source?
What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS?
Why would they allow this (visibility) to occur?
Were they not prepared to counter?
What miscalculation occurred?
What opposite impact did this generate?
How did POTUS recognize and invert?
What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
Define corruption.
Define censorship.
Define ‘controlled’ censorship.
What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
What is the purpose of this action? Possible test to understand public / gov’t response?
Nov 20, 2017 2:29:21 AM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqoID: 8GzG+UJ9No. 150166936
When was this announced?
When did events in SA transpire?
Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
Why is this relevant?
Define oppression.
Who controls the narrative?
Who really controls the narrative?
Who guards the narrative?
Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?
Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members?
Who controls the narrative?
What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits? Who specifically passed this law?
What is immunity?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?
What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their ‘confidential’ source(s)?
How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold?
How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?
I was hoping for some timeline wrap-up thing or some portal thingie -because I am an eternal optimist who sometimes slips on some hopium – but overall I have come to know so much of that is just cr@p. If anyone puts that or anything similar into my space they get a question I would appreciate an answer to: HOW MANY SPECIAL DATE PORTALS OR NEW MOON OR FULL MOON THINGIES DO YOU THINK YOU NEED TO ASCEND OR CHANGE OR GET OUR POWERS BACK OR WHATEVER IT IS YOU THINK IS MAGICALLY GOING TO HAPPEN ON A MATRIX SYSTEM DEFINED DATE?
We’re in war until we’re not. Things are happening to these bodies that I now view as two possibilities – and both are likely responsible: spiritual war w/the “invisible enemy” impacting us; helpful frequencies to assist us in awakening and unplugging consciously from their system(s) – which is ongoing.
I sleep as much as I can but it doesn’t seem to make much difference now. I walk around scratching my head a lot these days – a sign I am clearly in burn-out mode. Mate has a big doc appointment w/a new doc this week – one who not only doesn’t do the c.v. protocols – but one who won’t see the vaxxed in person, instead remotely, because he knows about the shedding. An actual medical doctor – here in our area – who SEES. A miracle. Anyway – stress w/that one because the list of health issues my mate now deals with is overwhelming and it’s going to cost us – the doc doesn’t take insurance. Our savings has been draining all year thanks to how this plan has allowed things to $kyrocket. I saw our cable is going to jump another $20 next year and our city utility bill – well those ‘tards are adding in a bunch of new “fees that are really taxes”. Yeah….that money thing is just my FAVORITE. lol UGH….NOT…….Add in the struggles of my girl along w/the inherent responsibilities of parenting esp. in this insane realm and how she is asking questions no reasonable, awake, heart-centered parent ever should have to answer….and other than my mate who as you know struggles daily I have ZERO support out here so yeah, I pretty much “do it all”… my mate said, I wear 5 hats every day – and yeah, I’m struggling not to lose it now and it often doesn’t take much for me to go on complete full on overwhelm because what little support network I once had around me out here is f’ing gone. So if someone sees me scratching my head suddenly, you know I’m trying to maintain composure – and anything that comes my way that isn’t in love gets a loud roar – and I make no apologies for it either. When a female lioness is hurt, she roars until the Pride comes around and nurtures and protects her until she’s back up again.
This Mama Lioness is needing some real powerful TLC. She’s quite wounded now. The Papa Lion got a miracle finding a local doc (which through the work of Mama Lion happened) – Mama Lioness needs her own miracle.
And look (deep breath) – I know things are happening. It’s just happening too slow for what I and my family and I know many of you truly need. Hanging on and hanging in there is not sustainable. So I roar now and then – for myself – for all who are in the same or similar life experience/situation(s).
Ok – so this whole white rabbit thing is now on twatter. See my piece earlier today for my logic/thoughts/question. WE THE AWAKENING KNOW. Want the rest to SEE? Then put it on the FUCHING MAINSTREAM MEDIA OUTLETS. Only 450 million are on twatter every month – a small % of the total population – plus most of those users are in the states (so much for global declass). Or – pick another social media platform. Facebook and Meta on the other hand, which could have easily been taken over as well, has 3.5 BILLION users. Hmmm. 450 million or 3.5 billion. But hey let’s put the info on twitter.
RARE DOCUMENTARY: Vril and Thule Society – Antarctica – Advanced Civilizations!
RARE DOCUMENTARY: Vril and Thule Society – Antarctica – Advanced Civilizations!
Fox news – over 2 million views on average per month and that’s primetime – and only in the States………..MSNBC is second with just under 2 million and CNN, under one million………….Around 57 million viewers in the states tune in to NPR (public radio)…………So uh it seems, logically speaking by the numbers, sharing on Fox news and twitter does not an awakening make………….
Twitter Files reveal Trump ban came after Michelle Obama, others pressured the company
being in a “rut”………..stuck in the mud……..which i view as “their” frequency – i’ve been working my energetic arse off when i can to bust it up and get things FLOWING again……….yeah we neeeeeeeeed some magic – magic energies throwing us a rope. BRING it!
this above – in all honesty – is what keeps me going – has kept me going. but then i have a “today”.
i lost it. just flat out lost it. some things my mind just can’t process – not the way i once could and did and have – some for a very long time. i need things to change and switch. i need NEW. i was up at around 4:30am – very agitated – woke up pounding the bed – not very considerate to do with my mate who is a light sleeper – so i got out of bed, got some water and sat on the couch and shifted it – focused on my connection with the divine – brought in as much as i could – returned to sleep in a nice state.
so i return to sleep – woke up – and life happened. that happens when you don’t live alone. everyone has their own stuff and behaviors. and in time – i began to break down. i couldn’t stop myself. i tried. but i lost it – before calming down and finding what left was and is of my center now. and now? i’m just taxed. mentally spent. i feel i have “earned” a reason now: my frontal cortex has been severed due to the myriad of roles i play from trying to do as much “normal” in a toxic dysfunctional chaotic C R A Z Y as all get out world/system. lately i’ve simply been falling off the “good job mama/spouse/human” train.
at this point other than engaging in clear communication, this girl taking a vacation is all i know to do. brainstorming on that one atm…..of course i would need to be waited on. lol ok not really “lol” i am in serious need of TLC. i don’t know if that’s possible – but perhaps just being ALONE – uninterrupted – for a time – is just what i ordered up and need.
i also know this is partly collective too. ok – largely. i’m seeing it in my own family. i’m seeing it in others. just when we think that DONE LET ME GO LET ME FREE can’t get more elevated – it does. just when we think the DROP IT ALL WE ARE DONE SEEING THIS FUCHING SHEOT STEWPID INSULTING-TO-ANYONE-WITH-ANY-LEVEL-OF-AN-AWAKENED-CONSCIOUSNESS C R A P PLAY OUT – done with these alleged upgrades that do not seem to be happening – certainly not at the speed our minds need – just when the desire to just toss up the hands in one final swoop of FUCH IT and go off and hide and yes i mean HIDE until the storm has passed – just when we – i – think there are no more levels to this “game” – it happens. i know the silence i feel from my tribe isn’t a reflection on me but a need to BE silent and left the FUCH alone because what NEW is there left to say???
i get it. completely.
so surrender surrender surrender let it go let it go let it go………….be alone as much as possible………..solitude………..reconnect when in the right space – i think that is absolutely completely fully necessary now.
i only wish we had more room here to do that in the way that is needed. the other night i was talking this out w/my mate – brainstorming. “let’s get one of those plastic kiddie houses – put it out back – do something homemade for some insulation – get a battery powered heater and i’m good to go for some solitude”. there HAVE to be ideas to get just another 1-2 more “rooms” to put here in the yard. we have a large back yard and so space isn’t an issue. it’s a sheot ton of $$ to have, you know, one of those real tiny homes so gotta be a “martha stewart type idea on a thrift store budget” plus this city has a kabillion ridiculous codes….. so any ideas – please let me know.
that’s all i got atm. how is it feeling out there? the energies? i don’t know. i’m sure there are things happening. you will find those below. but my attachment to them ain’t happening atm. for now – i am tuned out on some classic John “THE MAN” Coltrane……..thank you all for your love and support you have shown me and continue to show. please remember to share and donate what you can/feel drawn to. i honor it and allow it into my experience.
BREAKING NOW: Elon Musk Suggests Labeling Certain CORPORATE MEDIA OUTLETS as State Sponsored Media..
scrolled 20 minutes – still not seeing this release part 2 so moving on…………
BREAKING: @ElonMusk tells me he will release ALL of the Twitter Files including all requests from the Biden campaign and DNC to Censor individual users.
“If I committed suicide, it is not real.” — Elon Musk, just now on Twitter Spaces
at all costs, he is freeing the world.
What’s missing from the Twitter files: The truth about the FBI
The files on Twitter’s censorship of The Post’s Hunter Biden story were missing details of specific warnings we know the FBI made to Twitter about a Russian “hack and leak operation.”
— The Official Professor Horatio F. Melonhead #3 (@PMelonhead3) October 16, 2022
A fire broke out in Iran's Evin Prison, where political prisoners are held, after which the alarm blared and gunshots were heard in the prison.
Latin for “god from the machine” or “god out of the machine” A plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence.
…how interesting. 😎🍿
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I had this random thought the other day that maybe VK is Baron………..