The 222 Eye (2/22/18)


Editor’s note:  Video and article using info. from a variety of QHHT sessions to speak of this 222 Eye Energy Event.  I am also including a snapshot of when I pulled up the video and just happened to stop at the 2:22 mark (to get the link to the article).  Also note I was the 567th viewer.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Adding this after I published ~ had to add one last photo capture of number synchronicity.  As I was sharing this piece, I told my mate “you know, I have been seeing the 222 a lot lately which is an unusual number for me.”  Just as my mate says “yeah me too” I happen to look at the clock on my computer:  12:22.  See the capture for that little moment below.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”grin” wrap=”i”]


The 222 EYE – Feb 22nd 2018 EYE event reported to be coming.

Streamed live 6 hours ago


(here is an excerpt):

This is from 2 sessions with G. G is in the somnambulistic state of trance.  He has no memory of this when he comes out of trance because his conscious mind is asleep.  The consciousness that I am speaking with had a completely different personality, accent, and vocabulary than regular, conscious G. 

Session 1
Michael: What is your name?
NK: Ninak Ktub
Michael: Is there a message that you came to deliver to us today?
NK: This is a wormhole in space.  I see a large planet and a distant star.
Michael: Tell me more about it.
NK: It is The Eye. The Eye who sees all, coming closer.
Michael: This planet that you see, which planet is it?
NK: Planet X12. The Eye is coming.  It is passing X12
Michael: Why are you telling us this information?
NK: This eye, this blue eye, inside the light. This wormhole, it will appear.  
Michael: It will appear on Earth? When will that happen?
NK: This is not physical but a giant ball of energy.
Michael: What will this ball of energy do once it appears on Earth?
NK: There is a blast of Light. This is only for those who are awake. Those who are not will not know.It will be a surge of energy, a beautiful blue eye.
Michael: How many new moons until this appears?
NK: 3 (February 2018)This is unexpected.  This is through a wormhole.  People do not know that this is coming.
Michael: Is this different than the solar sneeze that will take us into a new reality?
NK: Yes.  This is smaller. 
Michael: What will it do for people who are awake?
NK: A Powerful surge of energy.  During this time, you must unite.  You will be stronger than now.  You will be stronger at this time. 

my screenshot of above video w/the 2:22 reference…

Women Surround Crying Mom Whose Toddler Was Having A Meltdown At The Airport




Beth Bornstein Dunnington

February 2 at 3:01pm

Something extraordinary at LAX today… (writing this on the plane). I was at the gate, waiting to get on my plane to Portland. Flights to two different cities were boarding on either side of the Portland fight. A toddler who looked to be eighteen or so months old was having a total meltdown, running between the seats, kicking and screaming, then lying on the ground, refusing to board the plane (which was not going to Portland).

His young mom, who was clearly pregnant and traveling alone with her son, became completely overwhelmed… she couldn’t pick him up because he was so upset, he kept running away from her, then lying down on the ground, kicking and screaming again.

The mother finally sat down on the floor and put her head in her hands, with her kid next to her still having a meltdown, and started crying.

Then, this gorgeous thing (I’m crying just writing this)… the women in the terminal, there must have been six or seven of us, not women who knew each other, approached and surrounded her and the little boy and we knelt down and formed a circle around them. I sang “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” to the little boy… one woman had an orange that she peeled, one woman had a little toy in her bag that she let the toddler play with, another woman gave the mom a bottle of water. Someone else helped the mom get the kid’s sippy cup out of her bag and give it to him.

It was so gorgeous, there was no discussion and no one knew anyone else, but we were able to calm them both down, and she got her child on the plane. Only women approached.

After they went through the door we all went back to our separate seats and didn’t talk about it… we were strangers, gathering to solve something. It occurred to me that a circle of women, with a mission, can save the world. I will never forget that moment.

Sourced from here.

Anna Von Reitz: Manna World Holding Trust


T/y Rick for sharing this one.  “No contract now.  No contract then.  No contract ever.”  Repeat this out loud.  Daily.  Individually.  Collectively.  They do not own us.  Please share this one far and wide.  It is so.  It is done.  N O W


Manna World Holding Trust: Pilate Attempts to Wash His Hands

By Anna Von Reitz

People need to think— and I mean, really think– about the information contained in my new book for Donald J. Trump.

This explains explicitly who the parties were that engaged in the so-called Civil War: the British-backed territorial service provider doing business as “the United States of America” and some members of the original “Confederation of States” formed under the Articles of Confederation, that up until 1861 was doing business as the “States of America”. The breakaway states booted up a new business called the “Confederate States of America”.

So, none of these entities were our actual government at all. Our actual government is unincorporated. These other entities were and are just governmental service providers in the business of providing government services per Article IV of all three federal constitutions.

After the so-called “war”— which was never declared, never ended by peace treaty, and never fought by any sovereign government at all— the perpetrators pulled off a variety of fraud schemes involving identity theft, substitution, unlawful conversion, and later on, bankruptcy fraud, making false and unjustifiable claims against the people and actual states of this country.

Fast forward to now— the vermin contrived to “redefine” your Given Name as that of a “decedent” who willingly gave up your inheritance “for” you when you were just a baby in your cradle. They established bonds against your labor and other assets “for” you, and they set up a Puerto Rican ESTATE trust “for” you—for the express purpose of pillaging you and your country in Breach of Trust.

That is actually, provably what has gone on here.

Remember that in this instance a “bond” is nothing but an I.O.U.– a promise to pay, and in this case, your supposed promise to give them all your assets and claim to your labor in supposedly equitable exchange for “benefits” that you also pay for yourselves, so the entire purported contract is self-interested and invalid and inequitable from the get-go. It is, in fact, preposterous and nothing that anyone in their right mind would agree to— which they then use as proof that you are mentally incompetent.

Beginning to get the drift of all this?

And now enters “Manna World Holdings Trust”— yet another foul fantasy construction made out of thin air — claiming that they were given title to you and your labor and they are now generously giving “you” and your assets back to the bankrupt federal corporation headed up by President Trump.
Kim Goguen, the mastermind behind this maneuver was named “Trustee” by a Draco “Lord of the Admiralty” and is in fact just a glorified bank terminal operator given the codes and downloads into the DTC and Federal Reserve System — which is also bankrupt and null and void.

What is the net effect? The guilty parties are trying to wash their hands and give themselves assets to feed upon in the same stroke. It’s not a bad plan from their perspective, there’s just one tiny flaw at the heart of it. It’s all based on fraud.

The situation is somewhat akin to the old Florida Real Estate Scam. The con artist offers you a Quit Claim Deed to property he doesn’t own. It’s the same schtick here. Manna World Holdings Trust has a false claim against your assets, which they are generously releasing.

The only actual effect is to allow them to presume that they ever had a valid claim against you and your good Name and your assets in the first place, and therefore allow Donald Trump to presume the same.

It’s all bull shit by any other name and you would be crazy to allow any of it any credence whatsoever.

Repeat after me: “”No contract now, no contract then, no contract ever.”

Continue reading here.

Universal Clean-Up Underway


Terran note: This is from Sophia Love’s private subscription newsletter (reposted with permission here).  You can view Sophia’s blog posts at https:// and much more here:  If you like this newsletter post below, considering subscribing to her newsletter which helps defray her publishing costs.  

I have reached out to my contacts and this data is indeed accurate.   Sophia, along with Denice and Shawn are 3 currently activated conduits of direct information from the Sphere alliance.  There are 6 more (names not known) yet to be activated.  

ALL ON!!!!

Today’s conversation was illuminating and comforting. I think you’ll appreciate the information shared here.

In gratitude for all that you are,

February 9, 2018

Is there someone who wants to connect? I feel a crowd, maneuvering for position. Like “Me!” “I do!” “No, me!”

(Chuckle, smiles…) You have felt us Sophia, certainly. There are several of us wanting to speak.

I cannot choose, not knowing who it is I am choosing from. You will have to decide. Perhaps who would be the most helpful in this now moment. Either to me personally or the readers or both.

I had reached out earlier today to my friend, but could hear nothing. I could sense him, but it was like he was behind a veil – unaware of where he was or unready to communicate. If he is part of this gathering…

He is not. We are not on the other side of the veil, any of us. We are sorry for your loss.

We have chosen.

Thank you. Please then, go ahead.

Yes. Hello Sophia.

Hello. Are you military or law enforcement? I sense decoration, badges, formality, almost “war hero”.

I am what you would label decorated. I would not know about “hero”, but war is something I’m familiar with. It is my work. I am of military rank and office. I, right now, patrol your skies and participate in the cleanup.

Yes. In the

In the cleanup of dark focused beings who orchestrate take-overs of children and lives and institutions and planets. You are in the midst of a massive sweep.

Well yes, we are. Yet accurate information does not seem to be readily available. Do you have some?

I do.

I can tell you that there are many who have already been taken into custody – some returned to the central sun for re-configuration. While most in a recalibration process so that what has occurred here does not re-occur elsewhere. The numbers are beyond what you or your people could fathom.
It infiltrates organizations on deep, deep levels and many of them.

In order for a take-over to be accomplished on an entire planet, the scope of involvement had to be quite broad.

The numbers of participants alone would stagger the imagination of most humans. This means layers of involvement and many of them.

I am getting images of cooperative law enforcement personnel and payoffs.


What have you come to say to us?

That now we are in an active phase of enforcement and while you witness the theatrics of your puppet governments in their dismantling, we come from beneath those layers and remove and deal with the support structure.

This system unravels at both ends, with the ones in charge removed many months ago, the layer you witness has no clear directive to assist as they navigate their ending. It is quite comical to observe and from here there is not much observing going on. We are busy.

There are large numbers of casualties in this clean up. By casualties, I do not refer to deaths. No. Instead, I refer to those misled, misguided and confused, who quite literally took what they were told they were doing at face value.

This was quite literally a job for them. They had no broader perspective for life, theirs included. Only now, as they’ve been removed and are dealt with, do they get a glimpse of the trauma they willingly participated in.

What happens to them?

Their acceptance of re-training and re-calibration determines what sort of sentence they will serve. The numbers of them are huge – be assured we are prepared for the onslaught, which is in full force now.
Do you cooperate with local law enforcement then? I see reports almost daily of traffickers in humans being arrested.

Let me say it this way.

Much depends on the group that was captured and the group doing the capturing. This is an orchestrated effort, yet not all stages of it are “on board” when you read about in in your news announcements.

Eventually, those involved in the slavery system end up off planet. The court system on earth is corrupt in its own right and this too must change.

As I am military, I can share with you the complete vision. The vision of earth is one of beauty and unity. In such conditions, a military force is necessary only as a protection against any outside attack or infiltration that means to do harm.

Currently your planet is under attack from within and has been for a long time. [Terran note: since the fall of Atlantis 2] The clean-up of such a massive effort is lengthy and involves and includes many. This is where our focus rests.

We are motivated to re-configure the beings involved when possible. This is the highest outcome.

The anger and outcry from the humans, when the scope of the human trafficking is revealed, will be such that they will want blood for blood and retaliation and punishment. I cannot predict what will occur. I can say that our efforts now are to clean up and remove as many as possible “beneath the radar” so to speak, in order to preserve humanity and justice.

There are those beings who incarnated, knowing they would be visible and “thrown under the bus” as you say. You see some of that now in your news. There will be more and what we do not know is which ones will be fed to the slaughter.

As a being who has witnessed the capture and re-calibration of many, I can tell you that with those efforts, and time, none are as hard on themselves as the captured. Once realization is discovered, the pain is incomprehensible. At that point, a gunshot would be merciful and preferred.

So, your skies are filled and we are quite busy. This ends now. This is what I wanted to bring to your attention.Thank you. Goodbye now.

Goodbye Sophia.

Sourced from here.

Rick Jewers Update


This one ~ completely deeply resonating.  As I shared in a comment: “resonating in a HUGE way. just 20 minutes ago i expressed to my mate not just my frustration with being enslaved by the financial systems but that i knew – now – I AM DONE. i will not be pushed around any longer. i am also growing in awareness as to uniting with others in such a community. i therefore seek. over the weekend i put out the energetic call – i knew i was done with this matrix system – no more. and if my “move” to new earth is not happening by when i see/feel i will be gathering with this tribe of being’s to create the very way of being/doing I desire – now.   thank you for sharing your words.”



The current internal bleeding and Ascension symptoms brought on by a prolonged period to the lower density, is about to be alleviated in the next few days. All were succumbed to this lower density timeline, to various degrees, for multiple reasons. One reason being, to assist and raise particular others to Higher timelines, where their New roles will be more readily accessible to them directly, and they are on their way.It has been extremely uncomfortable for many, but many chose to dive once again, attempting to bring many higher, and You are rising with a considerable backload this time, impressive, but advised, to re-energize and clear Your individual fields of the lower density residue, as You pop back up into Your higher vibratory place. These “New Ones” You are bringing up will allow for the planetary vibration to raise higher, and subsequently, it has triggered new physical body upgrades and downloads for You. You may consider this as a reward of Your labor.

We are entering a major period that has a scheduled Upward Shift involved. The Divine Sun energy will be increased for You and You are reminded to ground constantly with this influx. Outdoors and barefoot is most effective. For Grid Workers and Advanced Energy Workers, it is more effective as a whole, if You deposit this access Light Energy into physical Divinely Energized locations around Gaia, like New Ley Lines, Crystalline/quartz Areas, and All attracted areas of Nature. With this upcoming influx, ample rest to the physical vessel is also required, listen to the body, not a clock. Vertigo symptoms will be common with this Upward Shift. Any of You currently disabled by vertigo symptoms in the Matrix are reminded to apply for disabilities, as more and more will become incapacitated by this symptom/experience and unable to work within the Matrix/the old, during the transition away from the enslavement phase. When You are to separate from workforces of society, there is no freewill by You and the departure from supporting the enslavement system is assured at a Higher Level.

The breakdown of society is well underway on several timelines. Communities are set up temporarily for those needing separation from the Matrix during this transitional period, seek, and Ye shall find. These communities are growing in size as more and more detach from the lower reality and are compelled to join with other like-minded These communities vary in the degrees they are connected with the Matrix and the use of money, but All transition to a common ground in relation to how much of the old remains intact. Economics and the ancient forms of sustenance are rapidly imploding to make way for the New, this is a transitional period. In the blink of an eye, global leaders could announce wealth equality, that is how close You are. The very few with great wealth, will/are becoming equal to All, they have NO choice. The larger the support for the New grows, the reciprocal happens with the old, the withdrawn support, collapses everything as it was. The people, the Masses are rising, time is speeding up.

Follow Your Hearts, Your Guidance mechanism, if it does NOT feel right to pay taxes, support corporations, be intimidated by financial institutions etc, then do NOT. Do Not give Your consent away to anything that does not feel right, state Your claim, Your feeling, and share with others what is NOT right about societal programs and the entailed suppression. The more that stand up, the quicker the change. All of the info You may require in standing up against any legal, societal matter, is on the internet, every bit of information You require is written. With larger injustices against You, UNITE and band with others that have suffered likewise injustices, stand as a TEAM, You Know the strength in numbers, USE IT. Do this for Your Children, do this for the Future Timelines You are Creating that Your Children will carry on.It is partially up to You to Create a Free LIFE FOR YOUR CHILDREN, NOT TO LET THEM BE CONDEMNED TO A LIFE THAT WOULD HAVE THEM IMPRISONED at an age of approximately 3 years onward as a slave.

Love and Light

Sourced from here.

France Bringing $475 Trillion to Trump! Wall Paid For!


In alignment w/the previous.  Thank you for sending this one as well Rick. Been following the Leo Wanta story for a few years now.  It is time…


France Bringing $475 Trillion to Trump! Wall Paid For!

Today, in the White House press briefing, Sarah Sanders confirmed French President Macron is coming to see Donald Trump in the very near future!  This will be first State dinner for President Trump and they will have a lot to celebrate!   Tom Heneghan, Leo Wanta and many others on their French and US team have been working hard over the last year under President Trump on recovering the stolen Wanta Funds to bring them back to America!   There have been a lot of ups and downs in this journey!  It’s not easy to pry money out of the hands of criminals!   This has now been done and it’s the reason France’s President Macron will be the first guest of President Donald Trump!  The French have been instrumental in helping to identify, locate and recover the largest theft in history – over $27 Trillion!  As these funds begin to flow into the US Treasury, the wall and many other projects will begin!  There’s no reason the criminal Federal Reserve can’t be abolished after the bogus debt is negotiated down also.  We need to demand this of Trump in fact!  When all the funds are repatriated and the infrastructure rebuild begins, Donald Trump’s second term will be assured in my opinion!   Can you imagine how insane HollyWeird and the Liberal scum will be under two terms of Trump?   We had to deal with 8 years of ObamaFraud who wasn’t even eligible to be President!   Leo Wanta says the money for the wall will be nothing at all!  It’s literally peanuts when compared to the big money we’re talking about here!  This money has literally been sitting in foreign banks for over 30 years outside of the US Treasury!  It’s unbelievable when you think about what’s happened.

Will there be an official announcement on this Wanta money recovery or will they do all this quietly?  We know the Bushes, Clintons and Obama are complete criminals and have no legacy so I hope all their crimes are exposed.  This is necessary in my opinion.  We can’t let anybody off with a slap of the wrist just because we were lied to and told they were really great people!   It was all a lie!   Tom does not know the answer to how they will tell the public about this yet.   He’s just happy it is coming back because he’s been working on this for over 30 years with Wanta!  The money is coming back and that’s the first priority so we can rebuild our country and get the wall built!

For those who don’t know about Leo Wanta, I’ll go over some basics.  Leo Wanta was a designated secret agent for President Reagan.  He helped to financially break the communist Soviet Union’s currency and in the process amassed a large fortune of over 27 Trillion dollars in Gold and other assets. This money was supposed to help rebuild our infrastructure and build a high speed rail system.   But then Leo Wanta was illegally arrested and the money was stolen by H.W. Bush with later aid by the Clintons, G.W. Bush and Obama!  Everybody has had their hand in the cookie jar and stealing this money!   This is why everything is so corrupt!  It’s always been about everybody being on the take for the Bush Clinton crime syndicate running it all!    This money allowed an unlimited amount of assassinations, wars, payoffs, drug running, etc.    And of course nobody paid any taxes on this stolen loot so America was looted!  In fact, the investigators discovered there were HUGE Bank of England bank accounts set up for the Democratic AND Republican party chock full of the stolen loot!  Both parties were paid off to cover up the crime of the century!   Daddy Bush and his deep state paid off everybody to keep this $27 trillion in stolen loot!

Here’s a short video about Leo Wanta also exposing the compromised asset Alex Jones who lied about Leo Wanta for decades for his masters who put Wanta in a dungeon and stole our money!  MegaAnon recently exposed Alex Jones as a blackmailed shill for the lies right before she was silenced!   Has MegaAnon been killed or threatened into silence after exposing Illuminati Card Deck Agent in Place Alex Jones?     You can see the shocking information released by MegaAnon on Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh being totally compromised in my story: MegaAnon Drops Nuke on Alex Jones!

Tom Heneghan reports the Wanta funds have now been recovered and will be paid!  Originally these funds were $27.5 Trillion when stolen by the H.W. Bush but have now ballooned to $475 Trillion!   France is the only country who helped the United States begin recovering these stolen funds!  England actually helped the Bushes launder the money!   That’s why England is so hostile toward President Trump!  In fact, Tom says England and France are almost in a state of war over these stolen funds!  The Queen has been backing the criminal Bushes the entire time of course.

If you wonder why the US has bad relations now with England and Germany and now Trump’s first state visit will be by France, THIS is the reason!   France has always been our greatest ally back to the days of George Washington.   They helped us win our Independence.  France and the United States have a very special treaty and this treaty came into play in the recovery of these Wanta funds.  France once again came to our aid!  England isn’t doing anything for us except they always seem to be running the security (Las Vegas, Orlando) when a false flag goes down!  It seems England never got over losing to us in 1776 and still wants to be our master!

Tom Heneghan wanted this song dedicated to his friends in France!  A great revolutionary song hated by tyrants!  Vive La France!

Mireille Mathieu singing La Marseillaise (with lyrics)

Spread the word about France helping secure the Wanta funds for President Trump.  The deep state tried their very best to stop this from happening.  Nobody will report on Leo Wanta in the fake news or the fake alternative news so it’s up to you patriots.  Get the story out there NOW!   Thank you for your efforts Truth Warriors!

Original Source:

Article shared here sourced from here.