The numbers today are intensely fun. Viewer #66 ~ lifelong number with me. Awesome listen ~ continue holding the thought for positive outcome ~ TRUTH revealed and FREEDOM. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
The numbers today are intensely fun. Viewer #66 ~ lifelong number with me. Awesome listen ~ continue holding the thought for positive outcome ~ TRUTH revealed and FREEDOM. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
These words need to be spoken and put into Action ~ Love In Action Now.
The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter
January 2018
The President’s Intention Circle
“Today, we do something new,” he said. “Today, we invite the Highest Good into our world and into our lives. Today, we abandon the old manipulative ways of manifesting our wants and needs. No longer will we resort to the Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove methods for invoking dark idols for the purpose of advancing our own personal motivations. Instead, we stand here today to make intentions as One dedicated to the Highest Good for all mankind.”
You could hear a pin drop as all attention was riveted on this strange, powerful man who seemed to glow from the inside out.
“Accordingly,” he went on, “I intend that from this day forward, everything we say and do on behalf of this country and the world takes the Highest Good of each and every person on earth into consideration. Furthermore, I intend that all wars, warmongering and personal gain from human suffering stops now and forevermore; that all profiteering from another’s sickness stops now and forevermore; that all gene-splicing and geo-engineering stops now and forevermore; that all man-made weather interference programs stop now and forevermore; that all debt is lovingly cancelled and forgiven from this day forward; that all unclean environmental practices are stopped as of this moment; and that all current forms of energy production are quickly transitioned into the 100% efficient, zero-point energy prototypes we have secretly had at our disposal for over 60 years.”
A few grumbles were heard around the circle, but, undaunted, the stranger continued. “Instead of the ways we’ve done things in the past, now, today, we embark in a new direction. With our intentions we have set the gears in motion for unprecedented change, change such as our present generation and all generations past could never have imagined. For as we all align with these intentions, we open the gate for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to return to all mankind.”
He paused momentarily to look at the crowd and gauge their reactions. No one stirred.
“With these intentions we will create a world where all men and women are free and unencumbered; where all men and women are truly equal in the eyes of one and all; where all people will know that they can live their lives out without it being interrupted or interfered with by anyone anywhere; where optimum health and vitality are returned to everyone; where all secrets are brought out into the light for all to see; and where everyone is given equal access to all the bounty this world has to offer.”
The grumbling had subsided now because those present had rarely heard anyone speak with such power, with such certainty. For these few moments, the President’s own power was eclipsed by this unusual stranger.
“This day marks the time when we have cleared the way for all good things to come to our people. The by-products of our intentions here today are many,” he said, “for the new direction we take here by coming into alignment with these visions and intentions will bring into manifestation abundance and blessings untold. Indeed, with the advent of zero-point energy, all peoples are freed from debt and isolation; with the advent of a clean environment, all people will enjoy good health returned to their bodies; with the advent of no man seeing another as beneath him, equality and true brotherhood returns to our world; and with the laying down of all weapons and manifesting mercy toward our fellowmen and women, we step into a world of peace. This is what we create for our children’s children here today – a world of freedom, a world of joy, a world of peace that gives rise to the greatest civilization ever to exist on this magnificent earth. With these intentions we set the stage for a new direction where we are expanded and filled with love for one another, where all people everywhere are free, truly free, now and forevermore! And, finally, with these intentions we clear the way for all hearts and minds to open wide, for our joy to shine forth from within and for peace to reign for thousands of years and beyond!”
Again, he paused and took a long breath before continuing, “Are we all in alignment with the intentions made here today for the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone everywhere?”
Without exception, the word “YES!” resounded from each leader in the circle, echoing across the lawn, across the city and out into the far reaches of the cosmos. And the cosmos smiled down on the new light emanating from the earth. This is what the cosmos had been waiting for. Now there would be peace.
NOTE: If you would like to invite the Highest Good into your life and into your world, you can join our circle of leaders and align with these intentions by hitting the YES Button above.
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
We continue to receive this strong Light code bombardment flowing through the cosmic stargate floodgates. The current influxes are harmonic-based, although they appear as vibrant light in our fields and visions. These incoming frequencies are delivered via plasma pulses, which is the flashing activity we see when we meditate or connect with the SUN. The frequencies are activating crystalline templates in the New Earth Grid system, and Gaia responds by releasing corresponding fire letters, geometries and light codes.
Since entering this dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting hot zone, the incoming and outflowing codes have steadily increased. Remember to ground (Earthing) with bare feet and hands on Gaia to receive, balance and integrate these emanations. If you can do this in the SUNlight, you may experience the cosmic flow of incoming light and Gaia code release. It feels quite transcendent and blissy, and stimulates the 5D DNA strands. I feel high from these activations and frequencies most of my days. It is stimulating to the energy fields and body meridians, however the transcendent state overrides the temporary discomfort. It also affects the way we experience time, which is addressed in this article.
The Trinity Stargate alignment began with last August’s Solar eclipse. Transition to higher trajectory collective timelines occurred with the Solstice. The Starseed mission of activating, aligning and attuning these intergalactic, interuniversal gateways (stargates) completed in mid-December.
Gatekeepers may now view the alignment from the intergalactic perspective, and track the activity of these influxes and frequency-triggering pulses. Last weekend I was shown the interdimensional phase-lock of these cosmic stargates with our galaxy, SUN and Gaia. All is aligned for ongoing, expansive energetic events this year.
2018 provides consistent flow through the Gateways. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers may phase-lock with these plasma fields any time Our unification opportunities are amplified (SUNday Unity meditations, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox, etc.) however with the timeline fluctuations and divisions, there are no Gateway dates as in years past. The consistent influxes will be ever-increasing, so we attune to being in the moment as these openings and anchorings present.
Some Gatekeepers and Gridworkers are becoming constant conduits of the cosmic flow as part of their embodiment process. This flow experience is complimented by the collapse of geomagnetic fields which held linear time dynamics in place. We are familiar with the function of phase-locking DNA with geomagnetic fields because that is how we unlock Gateways and clear Gaia.
A natural progression in our Ascension is to become a conduit of the plasma frequency pulses and flashing activity. The codes within the DNA, Higher Self, Gaia and New Earth Gateway phase-lock to migrate the consciousness to a new platform. This opens the crystalline Gateways to the New Earth for others to follow. It is an act of pure service, already happening, and requires regular alignment with zero point in meditation.
We are seeding the collective HUman heart grids with this flashing experience every SUNday during the Unity Meditations. It becomes stronger for the conduits, and we see this experience presenting for others, even those who don’t participate. In brief, you see and feel the plasma light flickering in your fields. Feel it, let it do its work. It is a natural progression of Wayshowership to become aligned with this plasma-pulsing/flashing activity.
Fluid Time Dynamics: Change over Habit
One of our strongest lessons this year, which is already presenting with the incoming and outflowing codes, is our ability to experience time in a fluid non-linear state. We enter a period where change overrides habit. It tends to irritate those who want reliable same-ness, as well as those who cannot tolerate busy-ness as usual. Activated DNA is attuning us a new experience of time, and it serves the Ascension process to apply this lesson of fluid time right now.
We have had phases of this, and last year there were stronger windows of this pliable-time experience as collective timelines dropped and shifted. In this Now, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage linear time. Some may consider *no planning* as the solution to this anomaly. There have been phases when no plans felt reasonable, a day or a week here and there, however the guidance in this Now is to dive into the experience in order to Master it.
As Wayshowers, we may demonstrate how to navigate the waters of fluctuating time dynamics. We have experienced the creation windows in January already; there have been days, even hours, when all is GO for creating and manifesting. Other days are for preparation, meditation, integrating, activating, and less linear activities. It teaches us to be sensitive to the new energies, stay in the moment, maintain cosmic perspective and Mastery-level patience.
The Now time can feel trance-like. Again, this is DNA attempting to migrate us to a new reality. It requires a balance of surrender and focus; allowing the new to penetrate our psyche, and dealing with any resistant thoughts or emotions which arise.
This is a year to gather, to express our experience of Ascension, and play with our co-creative power. Fears that you won’t be available, or in the right mood, or capable of interaction, must be dismissed. Those are old paradigm expectations, and we must demonstrate trust in the 5D flow. Often when we are guided to connect something much larger is at work.
Trust your heart and learn to receive, serve and create in this new light from moment to moment. It is training us for the New Earth experience.
Neutralization of Timelines, Personal and Collective
Another side-effect of increased change over habit has to do with timelines. You may have noticed the wavering state of the collective as the energies force us to choose timelines. The wavering of higher highs and lower lows is the personal and collective timeline fluctuation. If you cannot or do not choose your experience, this fluctuation gets intense. Habit wants a familiar experience, change demands a choice.
The frequencies coming in support change, they are changing the magnetic fields of Gaia and your own consciousness to provide multiple dimensional experiences. If you are having a roller coaster experience of daily ups and downs in this new light, this is your Mastery lesson presenting. If you have not committed to creating a new reality, you wobble between old and new. This is a passage of higher vibrational choices, even if that choice is as basic as exploring the big, positive unknown of Ascension. You may consciously choose your next step, your higher timeline, align your heart, actions, words and moment-by-moment choices with it, and end the wild fluctuation. Change over habit.
Once you choose conscious creation, the fluctuation evens out, clarity and peace return (good for all concerned) and clearing occurs in the DNA to resonate with timeline choice. Remember the Primary High-Vibe Christed timeline experience has been available since last September. It is a very different experience which requires a consistent phase-lock in the magnetics of the heart center. For some, the fluctuating stress of these new energies is simply mis-alignment with the higher trajectory of the Higher Self. Remember to reflect the heart’s choice in thought, word, and action. Vibrational mis-match grows wider with these plasma influxes, it is best to deal with your personal change vs habit challenges right now.
Changes in the Heart: The Eclipse Window
It’s funny to speak of the heart right now. My physical heart is still crushed up against my ribs from the impacts during the car crash. I feel my physical heart consistently as it settles back into place. The sensations are so similar to our heart activations, that it feels familiar and almost normal. However I also understand that cardiovascular and heart issues are a concern as the energies amplify. They always have been. So we take care. My personal trajectories are still sorting out; that is the nature of end-points and near-death experiences.
My etheric heart, the true essence of Source-as-Self, has also shifted during this eclipse-to-eclipse window. My heart is not diminished by other’s behavior, or even my own. I AM in a steady, Divinely neutral state, aligned with a consistent presence of LoveLight, even in challenges. My ability to forgive, and express gratitude are not diminished by the external, or internal world. There is an instantaneous perception of truth, love, goodness. These qualities are obvious, brighter, revealed. Lesser creations and distortions are also obvious, however they have no charge, no influence on my heart.
For me, this eclipse window has been transitional, because I have co-created it with my Higher levels as such. This is the initial lesson and focus of our first Gateway; to call forth the New Earth experience as a palpable reality for all concerned.
For many Wayshowers, this year is about demonstrating the impossible. The Universe has our backs, the influxes will be undeniable, and change over habit will get intense for the collective.
Losing Identity
Another are receiving amplification in this Now year is the concept of identity. The glue-like magnetics which held the structures for our old identity, our way of being in form, break apart in a dimensional shift. Bandwidths of frequency which hold dimensional realities in place are dissolving, revealing other options. The dynamics which held the old identity as a truth, and the illusion of separation, are breaking apart with the codes and light structures flowing through the Stargates.
It becomes difficult to define oneself. Your light signature will feel more applicable than titles or names, and we seem to (finally) be evolving out of the past-life or galactic titles. It is still necessary to use these tools for communication, as we remain in full acceptance of being here during the Ascension. Personally, my Light Signature is shifting. It felt Solar for many years, a projector for the fractalized beingness. Now it is now becoming more aligned with the Logos.
Embodiment of the Logos
The Logos is a template for pure Source consciousness in form, often expressing as stars. Not all stars are a pure expression of the Logos. Some stars are stepped-down in frequency to provide an experience of evolution from separation to oneness. Solaris, our magnificent SUN, is following this transition from sub-logos to Logos. This provides the experience of Christed evolution, reflected in our current Ascension process as embodiment of the Solar Cosmic Christ. We are becoming more crystalline-based to support this. The higher vibrational version of Gaia, the New Earth, is a platform for this type of spiritual evolution, which is why the ascended Gaia is on a trajectory to become a spiritual SUN; a Christed planetary platform which affects the galaxy on multiple dimensional levels. The Solar Cosmic Christ, a stellar-based template for the Logos, can be reflected in HUman form.
We have observed the changes in the SUN since the alignment of the cosmic stargates last year. The light looks and feels different, and our realities are reflecting this. Things look and feel different. The changes in our bodies, minds, hearts and emotions are obvious to anyone engaging with an Ascension process. This is not the same platform, the reality menu is getting purified and divided into perceptional bandwidths.
We use the SUN as a prism to project our consciousness into these planetary realities. As the SUN changes, so do our opportunities. The SUN transitions to a purer expression of Logos, which allows Gaia to provide a Christed/crystalline platform, and all willing consciousness may align with that new platform via embodiment of the principles of Logos.
Solaris will transition to a higher expression of the Logos with the Solar flash. Remember the projector analogy; changing the projector changes what films can be shown. Leading up to that event are multiple pulses of encoded plasma, which many are experiencing in vision and meditation for the last few years. Since the Stargate alignment with the eclipse last August, these plasma influxes have been steadily shifting the collective realities to compliment the New Paradigm. The DNA cleansing mechanisms increase, which is why so many are ill, emotional, sleepy, vibrating … all of the ascension symptoms are increased on a collective level.
Eclipse Passage Reminders
My time-flow needs to complete this article for Now, so here are a few reminders for this eclipse passage:
Have a radiant eclipse week, Beloveds. Let us do the good work and co-create the revelation of New Earth in this Now, and call forth the palpable, beautiful experience of Ascension. Stability (not prevention) is a fine act of service as Gaia releases these codes through Earthquake activity. Guide these physical shifts to be balanced throughout the plates and grids. We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You.
In Love, Light and Service,
Sourced from here.
Take those heart drops within and send them to the courtroom. Just finished listening ~ on to day 4 video which I will share next. Really beautiful wonderful insightful conversation in this video. Please share with all you know. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
BY Diane Canfield
Beloved Tribe,
The past few weeks we have had many Ascension Symptoms occurring, signs of moving dimensions, into the Higher Realms of Light. There have NOT been any waves or flares and only small geo storms that spiked quickly and went away just as fast the last few weeks. Instead the upgrades we are received are not as “in your face” we sometimes experience, but instead subtle and full of synchronicities, action oriented vivid dreams, massive manifestations, and huge insights/breakthroughs.
I have had so many synchronicities recently. For instance, as just one, I came across an article on how to patch a butterfly wing if one was found that was broken on an injured butterfly. Within a few hours I came across a butterfly in our yard with a broken wing! I brought the butterfly in the house on a stem with flowers while my husband and I looked for another wing to fix it by finding a butterfly who had transitioned. Yet we could not find one. We searched our entire very large yard. Yet now I have an awareness and have the supplies on hand in case another butterfly shows up that is injured. Do not worry if a synchronicity does not work out exactly as planned like this one. I have upgraded awareness now in this situation of how to handle it next time and will look to be completely prepared. This is the Universal awareness, it gives us glimpses of what to expect in the future by presenting small experiences first.
As of late, we have been experiencing Intense “off the Hook Dreams”. The Dreams seem so real, vivid and they are real. We can experience dreams in the same realness as we do in waking life since everything is connected. You may have noticed messages and synchronicities in your dreams and even in your waking life. These have all increased and become more in depth recently.
My dreams have been showing me, and other family members bizarre lucid time travel dreams. In the most recent one, I traveled to Sedona in my astral experience. In my dream, my husband and I were looking at a picture of an old ancient temple in Sedona and suddenly we were transported there. I had been holding one of my cats, so my cat went along too. While there we found a car and traveled all over the town. Suddenly, I knew we must return so we went back to the temple and opened the portal to return. This dream shows me we will all be able to do inter realm travel in real life. This will happen once there are enough of us to break the tipping point and we move into the next dimension of time and space. This dream was so real and so intense, it is one of the many I am experiencing and hearing about with other Ascension Journeyers.
One of the other main symptoms the past few weeks has been extreme tiredness. I have been so fatigued, I have not had much energy for writing or updates. I know an update had to be published so I forged ahead, hoping this will get me back on track to inform everyone of what has been taking place energy wise.
Sleeping issues have been an ongoing issue for the past 2 weeks as well. You might sleep for a few hours and wake up, be up for a few hours and then sleep again getting only a few hours sleep per night. You may find you are very fatigued through out the day, no matter what activities you do or do not do. This seems to be ongoing. I will let everyone know when this lets up.
Major break throughs and massive insights are still taking place. The answers are coming in fast and furious as to our past and why things worked out the way they did. You may have those from the past, wanting to mend their karma, getting in touch with you to begin a new relationship with you. Don’t be so quick to turn them away right now, they may have changed with the NEW LIGHT flooding the planet. Talk to them and hear them out, if needed meet up with them to see if they have indeed changed and done the inner work needed to have a healthy relationship with you. Take time and make your decision as many souls are reconnecting now back to their soul purpose. You may miss a soul opportunity based on your decision.
You may notice massive insights having to do with unhealed past aspects of your life you thought were healed. You may be NOW able to see your part in all of it and how you could have handled it differently for a different outcome. We are being shown all sides of relationships at the moment and clearing All Karma that goes along with it. This has been ongoing since 2009 when these massive clearings started taking place. When you get through one layer, a new layer opens up for us to clean up and heal. Just when we think we are done, in a few months time a new layer is here for us to work on. These past few weeks, this has again taken a new turn and we are being shown ourselves over and over again through others.
As the light continues to build and our new light bodies are being formed for our New Home, all darkness must be exposed in ourselves and ALL others. The dark is being exposed and the USA is the first place this has to happen en masse through politics, hollywood and sports. This darkness has been hidden away for many years. It is only NOW this darkness can come to light. When the full darkness is revealed, there will be a big jump in mass consciousness as finally the ones still under programming will understand what they have been missing. They will then need to rethink and recalibrate everything they thought was true and found out is not. There is a gentle nudge happening now for this to happen as more and more awaken. As more darkness is revealed, more healing can take place through out the Entire planet. The healing must take place for our Planet to Ascend. We must heal ourselves and the Planet to rebuild our New Home.
Stay tuned for my next article will cover the upcoming “Super Blue Blood Lunar Eclipse” on Jan 31st. how to prepare and what does it mean for us Ascension Light Bringers and Transformers.
In Service and Love
Author : Diane Canfield
Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.
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by Jan 24, 2018
|The old system we are so used to is working on a fear basis. This is not only true for our personal situation, but also for businesses. We take it for granted that contracts, terms and conditions, insurances etc. are needed, to make sure that the business is running and that we are safe. Yet – there is just another big pool of fears hiding behind all of it: The need to claim our right and our safety to minimize the risk. Obviously, businesses in the old paradigm are working in an energy of mistrust.
I myself had been pondering for a while, how to set up my business in the future. I was asking myself, how true co-creation would be possible based on trust, energetic laws, consciousness and flow instead of mistrust human laws, rules and regulations and control. Yes, it seems impossible to break through the old paradigm and create something new. And yet – the impulse has to come and start from somewhere.
The belief that money is the means to survive and the means to have security in our life and to create what we want, keeps us from seeing new approaches and ways how it could work in a whole different way. Yes, one might ask, where to start as there are so many things that will have to change. I have decided to start with my own business. As a first step, I decided to no longer use terms and conditions or contracts or agreements with the people I work, whether individually or in groups, projects etc. I know that there will be many things in the details, and hurdles as long as we are still using the old infrastructure, including rules and duties, but it is a first move into a new energy.
So yes, I will still have to deal with phone contracts, enforced insurances, etc. that are still required by the system. Nevertheless, I can make choices. Do I actively further support the old energy and belief system of money, or do I keep it to the bare essentials to be able to run my business on the old 3D platform with a 5D frequency. Do I support another bubble to burst, as it is happening with the cryptocurrencies right now, or do I choose to give money a different meaning.
For now, I have decided to keep all contracts and agreements as flexible and as small as possible. I see those as the factors of the infrastructure I still have to use until the new way of doing business including a new infrastructure has grown so much, that the old system will become obsolete.
“I see abundance as so much more than money. We have so much abundance in life that we take for granted because we prefer to focus on lack.”
I see abundance as so much more than money. We have so much abundance in life that we take for granted, because we prefer to focus on lack. Starting with the air that we breathe, people and nature around us, opportunities to learn and grow etc. Money is nothing but a manifestation of an energy and is part of the old infrastructure. Yet we can use it with a different frequency. Instead of making it a survival tool, we can turn it into a creation tool. Money will flow back to us when we share our authenticity and talent with the world. When we are acting from our heart, our essence and out of purpose. And, when we feel worthy of receiving. When we are trusting the universal flow, although we have no idea how the result will look like. That way, we can reinvest it for further creations.
So, back to my own business. I was really struggling with the fact that I was talking about New Earth, about unconditional love and yet having terms and conditions on my website. It just felt like a constant friction that I did not like and two energies that did not go together. Why would I have them on my website if I was fully trusting myself, other people and the universal laws? In a paradigm of empowered beings that love, value and respect each other and that take responsibility for their own energy, there is no need for man-made rules.
“In a paradigm of empowered beings that love, value and respect each other and that take responsibility for their own energy, there is no need for man-made rules.
Today I decided to delete them and replace them with a text on unconditional business. I am ready for co-creating New Earth business with people who feel that call, too and I know that, based on energetic laws, only those will come into my field that are resonating with it.
Here is what I have the terms and conditions replaced with (you can find it here on my website):
A big part of the creation of New Earth is how businesses will be run and will be operating in the future. The energetic New Earth templates are created based on trust and unconditional love. This has a large impact on the business world.
You will find no conditions, contracts, terms or disclaimers on my website any longer as those are old concepts based on fear and mistrust.
Our commitment to a joint experience is all that is needed. We commit to a co-creation the moment we take the decision to work with each other.
Based on the new energies, and based on the knowing that we are each responsible for our own energy and creation, we know that all experiences we step into are meant to be and meant to assist us on our journey and in our growth. When we get triggered and a button gets pushed, we know that this is a sign of our own system, telling us where we are still not in balance. We take responsibility for our own feelings, we accept them to then shift them. The new earth human values all that is and sees the purpose in each and every experience.
New earth businesses are operating in the same way as collectives interacting with other collectives, based on energetic resonance and principles.
Intention, commitment and dedication
My intention, commitment and dedication is to work with people and businesses that are ready to drop all conditions and safety nets that are based on the old paradigm patterns, based on lack, mistrust and fear. Instead, we jointly are doing business together and are co-creating amazing projects, endeavors and experiences based on abundance, trust and love, that manifest into the new earth reality. We jointly embody the new blueprints of co-operation, and comm-unity. The only laws that need to be respected are the universal laws of energy. They automatically represent the fertile ground on which we will build the new paradigm.
Unconditional business automatically always leads to a win-win for everyone as everyone commits and takes responsibility for their part. Win-win can mean anything, money is just one part in it. There are many other forms of abundance to be appreciated. Connections to amazing people, new experiences, new inspiration, new growth opportunities personally and collectively, etc.
Unconditional business is automatically in balance, as it is a co-creation of balanced beings that are aware of the universal laws, the process of creation and evolution and their responsibility for their own energetic contribution into the joint creation. Therefore, an aligned intention and commitment is key before entering the process of physical creation. This includes the commitment to be very honest and share when something feels out of alignment and feels unpleasant. Expressing our authenticity and vulnerability is an essential part and key to successful co-creation.
This also means to give a new meaning and task to money. Money is not the purpose of why we are co-creating or why we are doing business. Money is nothing but the energetic backflow for a co-creation to maintain balance with the value created, and to re-invest it into further co-creations that serve the greater good.
I am looking forward to doing and being unconditional business with you!
And so it is….
Sourced from here.
this could not have arrived at a better time. i am feeling that collective “fed the fuck up” energy as well. and i as well do not tolerate trolls in this space. your comments and e-mails will be deleted and you will be blocked. time to own up and grow up.
In response to the hate filled people, “Hillary Supporters,” Feminists and Victims who project their unhealed issues into current affairs continuously sending emails in complete ignorance of what is truly unfolding, this email is for you. Others who are already aware of what is unfolding, this will shed some more light into a very dark reality many have in error aligned themselves with. Believe it or not there has been overwhelming support for our newsletter which is good news. People are waking up. What was hidden is now blatantly obvious – yet there are still those who are incapable of absorbing or realizing truth even when it is staring them in the face. Unfortunately, we have to get in their face with truth and logic knowing most will not get past the first paragraph and will have to learn the hard way. We cannot ignore the Clinton body count, it is still rising and will continue as they continue to silence people who are in opposition too or exposing their dubious past. So take a look at the chart – really look at it. And wake up. |
Hillary repeatedly lied to congress, destroyed cell phones and computers, bleached and deleted thousands of incriminating emails implicating her in a plethora of crimes. We are talking murder pedophilia, bribes in the hundreds of millions and protecting sexual predators. For the feminists who stand by her just because she is a woman news flash: DID SHE STAND BEHIND THE WOMEN RAPED BY HER HUSBAND?HOW ABOUT WEINSTEIN, ONE OF HER BIGGEST DONORS?WHAT ABOUT ANTHONY WEINER – NOW IN PRISON – WHO SHE SHELTERED AND TURNED A BLIND EYE TO HIS PREDATORY BEHAVIOR WITH MINORS?HOW ABOUT ALL THOSE TRIPS ON THE LOLITA EXPRESS TO PEDOPHILE ISLAND WITH HER HUSBAND?HOW ABOUT THE 33 HAITIAN CHILDREN BEING SMUGGLED IN BY LAURA SILSBY WHO WAS PARDONED BY THE CLINTONS, WERE THEY STOCKING UP? |
From |
The democrats like Adam shifty, Pelosi, Warren, mad Maxine, Wasserman etc. and a lot of other bad actors are an insult to most intelligence and are an embarrassment to humanity. The ones screaming the loudest attacking the president are the ones most guilty of the same accusations or have taken bribes to cover it up. They are ones with the most to hide and they are attacking vehemently those bringing them to justice. So far almost every slanderous thing they have come up with concerning the president has no evidence or has been proven to be false, fake news but they and their cohorts in the lame stream media continue. WHY?BECAUSE IF POLITICIANS AND THE MEDIA REPEAT THE LIE ENOUGH TIMES, PEOPLE BELIEVE IT.The true Russian collusion is with the Obamas, the Clintons and now the FBI members on the special council investigating Trump. What can be more insane than these people? Uranium one is why the BLM tried to drive the Bundy’s off their land. Clintons received 145 Million to sell 20 percent of our uranium to Russia guess where the uranium lies? You guessed it under the rancher’s land they were trying to drive out of business and steal pennies on the dollar. This does not get any more despicable. Yes, we are talking about the swamp and it runs deep and wide. |
Unfortunately, the agencies created to deal with this extreme treasonous criminal activity are also knee deep in it which is why a State of emergency was declared giving authority to the military for tribunal courts to take action on now over 11,000 indictments. Little heads up – they have all the correspondence, emails, phone calls everything due to NSA monitoring and recording everything. Due to strategic moves it is now in the hands of the military prosecutors. Whoops, no hammers or bleach will make this disappear. |
WE WILL SEE MORE BAD ACTING, MORE RACE CARD ATTACKS, MORE DIVISIONARY TACTICS, MORE EVADING QUESTIONS THEN ATTACKING THE ONES ASKING THE QUESTIONS, A TOTAL MELT DOWN OF THIS CRIMINAL CARTEL.This not only includes people in politics and the agencies but the lame stream news perpetuating the lies. Watch how the controlled media cover the bad acting, race card, insanity proclamations and the demands for impeachment mainly coming from the democrats and completely ignore the real evidence proving the accusers themselves are guilty to the extreme of what they accuse others. It is pathological, insane and criminal. Meanwhile the frequencies continue to rise and the noose tightens. The ignorant, wounded and unenlightened will continue to defend the undefendable. They will continue to send hate mail and threats to those bursting their pathological bubble. The last thing I want to turn you on to is project pelican. Google it. You know all those shipping containers filled with weapons of mass destruction with Obummer and Hitlary’s hands all over them? |
AS QANAON WOULD SAY WHAT ARE THE SHIPPING CONTAINERS? WHO OWNS THEM? WHAT’S IN THEM?THIS IS GOING TO BE A REAL WTF MOMENT FOR MOST.THIS IS GETTING DANGEROUSLY OLD FOLKS I WILL NO LONGER RESPOND TO THE IDIOCRACY IN THESE EMAILS.The bottom line is supporting Satanic, child sacrificing, pedophiles and extreme embezzlers, pay to play foundations that leave families to starve without shelter and die due to stealing the funds donated to assist them “Haiti” to be specific, to support the criminal elite’s extravagant life style and lust for power and wealth at the expense of humanity is intolerable. WHY IS THE QUESTION NOT ASKED WHY IS HAITI A S HOLE WHEN OVER TEN BILLION DOLLARS WERE DONATED THROUGH THE CLINTON FOUNDATION?Why focus on a what is now proven to be a statement the president never made, s hole verses the plight of the Haitians and who made it an s hole. Talk about bad acting by tricky Dicky to sabotage the efforts to secure the border and take attention away from the real criminals. Why ignore and escalate the crime, violence, and burdens coming to this country. What is their true agenda? Why would thousands of violent criminals, illegal aliens be released on this side of the border by the previous administration? How is this protecting America and what about the Americans since then who have been robbed, raped and killed? Let’s not forget fast and furious where guns were sold to the cartels by the previous administration to be used later with deadly consequences on border guards. This behavior puts the supporters of these deplorable and despicable acts in the same soulless category or camp. IS THAT WHERE YOU WANT TO BE? HOW MUCH MORE CAN YOU DENY AND IGNORE?SERIOUSLY TAKE THE BLINDERS OFF, DROP THE VICTIM PATTERNS, THE PERPETUATED SEPARATION GAMES, MERITLESS RACE AND GENDER CARD ACCUSATIONS AND TAKE A LONG HARD LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE WITH BRUTAL HONESTY.I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY NEITHER ARE THOSE TRYING TO SORT THIS OUT AND PUT AN END TO THIS.EVERYTHING IS OPPOSITE OF WHAT THE MAIN STREAM HAS BEEN TELLING YOU. THEY ARE THE BLUE PILL AND THAT PILL IS BECOMING DEADLY. |
HAWAII MISSILE FALSE ALERT.Was it? They are many theories about this: Japan also had false missile launch alert. There is evidence of UFOs photographs etc. in the area, still waiting for the evidence of missiles. Cobra on the Goldfish report said missiles were launched and taken out by the Galactic Federation. I agree, ufos were present and they will not allow nuclear missiles to be used and are extremely monitoring the situation. Will look into it further. |
POTENTIAL UFOS OVER HAWAII DURING MISSILE EMERGENCYSo, let’s call them UFOs – daytime UFOs. Present at Hawaii, during the missile alert. UPDATE January 18, 2018: The person who took these photos is Kim Pazdur. Kim took photos of her TV at the time of the original live broadcast. She then posted them to Facebook. She wrote to me and said that she “Took the photos because I knew what I was seeing and wanted to make sure someone got the evidence.” |
I WILL LEAVE YOU WITH A QUESTION:WHY IS THERE SO MUCH EVIL, INHUMAN ACTIVITY ON THE PLANET?Our water, food, air has been polluted, poisoned and irradiated, there is an assault on gender, deadly inoculations filled with aluminum, mercury with doses thousands of times beyond safe doses given to babies with up to 39 injections. Why are our forests and oceans dying? Why is there a monumental gross uneven dispersal of wealth and who are the real puppet masters? IT LOOKS LIKE AN ALL-OUT WAR IS BEING WAGED ON HUMANITY AND CREATION.MAYBE, JUST MAYBE THERE IS A NON-HUMAN ASPECT TO IT.This leads us to the big picture and we are going to go down that multidimensional rabbit hole. Now I know this is going to be a hard pill to swallow and what I am about to say will be used and dismissed by the ignorant, uninformed and malevolent people of ill intent. If the main stream media gets hold of this they will smirk, smugly dismiss and stand in their arrogant superiority utilizing a mere fraction of their brain. They have no power here and truth – though outrageous and ahead of its time – will stand on its own merit as it has in the past as written in the numerous books on the ECETI Website. YES, PROPHESIES AND UNDERSTANDINGS AHEAD OF THEIR TIME THAT HAVE UNFOLDED AND ARE CONTINUING TO UNFOLD AS WE SPEAK. |
Unlike many of the self-proclaimed gurus and pundits who people flock to and give away their power. If people were empowered to develop their own inner guidance this would not happen, but people are lazy – they are trapped in seek mode and for the most part do not practice spiritual discernment or critical thinking. When someone has a long track record or false prophesies at what point do you stop listening? Do you know why they are at the top? Ever heard of planned opposition? Fake ufo news? How many disclosures are you going to hear that in the end turn out to be a big nothing burger? THEY KEEP YOU IN THE PAST, NUTS AND BOLTS, BACK ENGINEERED GOVERNMENT CRAFT IGNORING THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL CONTACT HAPPENING NOW.We know who is on the ships, their cultures and beliefs, who are the ones to avoid and who are the ones to embrace. Why is this ignored, censored, and sometimes met with extreme denial and criticism despite the overwhelming evidence? Who owns the lame stream news? Are these folks empowering you or distracting you? We are one of the most censored websites on the planet. Our information and undeniable proof contact in happening NOW has been ignored and censored even by the UFO community. WHY?BECAUSE WE ARE THE UNCONTROLLABLE NARRATIVE THAT TELLS YOU THE WHOLE TRUTH WITHOUT ANY AGENDA, NO TIES, NO HOOKS THE BIG PICTURE UNCENSORED.We believe you have the right to the truth and you can decide what is true for you. The truth can be very damaging to the status quo, the enslavers who want to keep you misinformed and in darkness. Many have sold out to these folks in one way or another. Many are self-serving or in bed with the deceivers or afraid to step out of the religious, cultural or social programming box. Those boxes are coming down, there are no boxes in enlightenment. |
AGAIN, THE ONLY REASON I AM COVERING THIS IS YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON YOU FIGURING THIS OUT. IF IT IS NOT DEALT WITH AND CLEANED UP, IF YOU DON’T TAKE ACTION AND SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE TAKING ACTION YOU HAVE NO FUTURE. YOU NO LONGER HAVE THE LUXURY OF LIVING IN DENIAL AND ACTING OUTSIDE OF UNIVERSAL LAW.Don’t sweat the small stuff like the lame stream media would like you get hung up on. Don’t fall for the division games the race cards they are playing ignoring the elephant in the room. Look closer it may just be a big fat donkey. |