A Vision for Political Change


Highly appropriate timing.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Political Change

Today we are pleased to bring you another Vision from Carol Peacock. Carol’s Visions are so poignant that we intend she is a regular contributor to The Vision Alignment Project. Thank you, Carol!

We envision political change. We see all representatives of government making all their decisions based on the highest good for all of mankind. They are able to do this because they now know that all beings are created equal, and they are honored to represent the will of the people. They’ve decided that wars are not in the best interest of the people and can find no need to instigate war to stimulate the economy as there are plenty of resources available for all nations. Now they know, without a doubt, that war damages the psyche of all the people they have agreed to represent, and damages the beautiful and fruitful planet we live on.

With this awareness, they now spend their time cleaning up the destruction of their past actions, teaching all how to live in peace, properly using the resources the planet provides them with, encouraging people to travel and understand the customs and beliefs of their fellowman. They have forgiven themselves for the atrocities of the past and dedicated their service to the highest good of man with relief and joy.

As a result, they’ve found themselves with massive amounts of money to insure that all people have education, shelter, good health, proper nourishment, and the freedom to express themselves creatively. Because they have realized that we are all One, they no longer base their decisions on race, sexual preference, religious dogma, gender, age or individual belief systems. In time, they discover that mankind, because of the purity of our actions, is able to self govern. Each and every one of the politicians and government employees resign their positions and begin the task of living their individual lives joyfully and peacefully without fear. The government machine dissolves since the people – which now includes them – live in love; wars are abolished due to lack of need; everyone is healthy, wealthy and wise; everyone has learned to share; the hearts of all mankind are with God; and everyone respects everyone and honors their individuality as an aspect of Oneness.

Large government offices and monuments have become public arenas for art, performance, retreats, and housing for travelers. The coffers of the government have been spent to correcting the errors of the past. Now there is no need for money as everyone knows how to manifest their needs and desires by intention. There is nothing left for the government to manage, as each individual manages themselves with highest good of others in mind. This is our intention lovingly based on the highest good for all mankind.  And so it is!

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Denise Le Fay ~ More Homework For Embodying Forerunners


I realize this was written in July, but it has useful information (personally speaking, good reminders for me), especially with the upcoming powerful energetic shifts said to occur this week (18/19 are numbers I have been “hearing/feeling” as well)…  And I somehow missed Sandra Walter’s piece saying Saturn had been hit by 7 solar flares earlier this year (knocking out the dark team’s controlling/monitoring antenna’s I am thinking…Denise gives an awesome description and one I not only believe but am seeing as we all are…)


• Ascension Process — the current Universal evolutionary Ascension Process (AP). On Earth, an entire physical human body and physical Earth world evolution from a third dimensional (3D) carbon-based frequency up to a fifth dimensional (5D) crystalline-based frequency; increasing Higher Awareness; evolving consciousness; increasing conscious awareness of ones multidimensional Selves, realities and other dimensional Beings; increasingly evolving beyond linear time and space and the consciousness and external reality that was a frequency match and reflection of it up and out into multidimensional reality and quantum or Spherical Consciousness and much more.

• Standard Embodiment Process of the AP — those humans currently living the Alchemical evolutionary Ascension Process and experiencing ongoing embodiment of greater amounts of increasingly higher frequency Light Energies into their physical bodies, consciousness and self. This energetic Stair-step process naturally increases their Inner Body vibrations, their “Light Quotient” in their physical bodies enough that they vibrationally/energetically “ascend” from one state, level, dimension, world and frequency of being and reality to a much higher, faster vibrating frequency and state, level, dimension, world and reality.

• Expanded Embodiment Process of the AP — what has been and continues being experienced by most Forerunners/Embodiers/Gatekeepers/Gridholders/Wayshowers/Pathpavers which is Embodying much more and much higher Light Energies into their physical bodies to go further with this Process and merge, Unify their Lower Self with their Higher Self in their current physical bodies. The Lower Self  incarnate aspect of “you” has been and still is Working very hard multidimensionally on ascending high enough vibrationally to come within range of and re-unite with your Higher Self. Like the Standard Embodiment Process, this Alchemical transformation is taking place in and through the current incarnate physical body, self and consciousness of these individuals. [Terms like Standard Embodiment and Expanded Embodiment Process are necessary so we can communicate highly complex transformational processes and events. They’re just words used to define what we and other people are currently living, doing, anchoring and holding vibrationally via the Ascension and Embodiment Processes.]

We’ve all known that 2017 was going to be different from all the many long and difficult AP years that got us all to this important changeover or Shift point. As usual with each of these AP years, the first-half of the year is prep Work for more of the NEW energies that comes in and anchors into each that’s capable of Embodying more NEW higher Light Codes/templates/blueprints/DNA etc. throughout the second-half of the year. In 2017, this process has reached the elevated level and stage the Forerunners have Worked so long and hard for where big, obvious, physical changes will be visible to and felt by most everyone worldwide one way or another. Said another way, now that we’ve reached the halfway point in 2017, the second-half of this year will physically manifest more of the NEW higher Earth World energies and consciousness in more and more people due to the physical Separation of Worlds taking place now.

Now that you’ve cheered and hollered, reveled and congratulated yourselves in well-deserved giddy joy over finally reaching this point, what’s up next for we Embodier Forerunners is a whole lot more NEW responsibilities and abilities on the higher/highest Ascension side of the Separation of Worlds. This is and isn’t as big a deal as it may sound at first, but, we each need to be very consciously aware that things are quickly going to be even more different for us than they have been, and that’s saying something after all these many years and decades doing this!

I do my best to be aware of all the subtle and not so subtle things that take place in me, my body, my life and consciousness throughout the first-half of each year but because we’re in 2017 (1 energies but at a NEW higher level than we’ve ever been before), I knew this would be different and to expect the unexpected as best I could. What I’ve perceived and experienced so far in 2017, I’ve written about as usual, but because we’ve reached the physical level of the Separation of Worlds everything’s felt and been different.

One of the big clues about all this that jumped out at me was when Sandra Walter mentioned that seven Solar flares had hit Saturn in April 2017. To most I suspect that statement and event sounded like not much more than a cluster of Solar flares all hitting Saturn but to me it was a huge clue that physical reality, which Saturn has ruled, and which Team Dark had taken advantage of and distorted and used to create inorganic/synthetic systems and structures and physical realities on physical Earth and in mass humanity for many thousands of years, was about to change big-time. To me, hearing that Saturn got blasted seven times by Solar flares in the first-half of 2017, told me that throughout the second-half of this year the great freeing of hijacked Saturnian energies—and therefore physical Earth reality and hijacked humanity—was going to become increasingly obvious to more and more people.

Another big clue for me was a sudden explosive-like change that took place the first few days of June 2017, that instantly pushed me out of where I had been and what I’d been doing. I suspect that the more Forerunners review their personal lives in the first-half of 2017, you’ll discover just how much your AP and EP trajectory has changed and/or been course corrected when and where needed by your Higher Self & Co. ❤

Another thing I’ve experiencing increasingly since 2013, and actually started an article about it but will include it here briefly instead, has been how certain other Ascended Masters—my beloved Master Hotei being one of a few—suddenly manifesting in my Higher Awareness to give me a look, an expression, a slight facial gesture and eye contact that speaks unspoken volumes to me in that timeless moment. Such are higher communications much of the time now at this NEW higher level of my current being and consciousness.

Some of these ancient Ascended Masters show up like this when they want me to better understand some aspect of my “ascending” into their old jobs so to speak. Many of us Embodying Forerunners have ancient “Elders”, other Beings, including other aspects of our greater Selves above us vibrationally like this that assist us at this current level because they’ve been there, done that” which we’re currently stepping into on the physical level as the NEW global spiritual and energetic teachers and guides on the AP and EP and related topics in the NEW Earth world.

Of course when this happens now with my ancient beloved past-life Master Teacher Master Hotei, all he does is project his image to my awareness with one of his endlessly comical facial gestures that radiate pages and pages of information about the fine art of being a spiritual teacher.It’s funny actually that these amazing Beings are communicating with some Forerunners now with just a split-second subtle look, just a single emotion radiated out of their eyes at us and our HighHearts across the cosmos that informs us about the “How To” of this business of becoming better NEW Earth teachers and guides. Not one word has ever been spoken or telepathed from any of them to me and vice versa, just a visual of their face emanating specific information and emotions in half a second’s time and me smiling and giving gratitude to them for that abundant information. HighHeart to HighHeart talk. ❤

What they’ve done with me, and many of us I suspect, has been to further teach us as we evolve into our NEW roles of Ascended HighHeart 5D World Teachers in this very NEW and different way. I’ve Worked on etheric levels while asleep and out-of-body with certain other humans, many well-known worldwide all my life as many “old souls” have, but this is very different. This is my continuing to be educated by some of these Ascended Master Beings but now about certain aspects of being a spiritual teacher. It never stops, only expands into something larger, higher, more complex and amazing for all the players at all the levels and stages.

Another of these related 2017 Separation of Worlds clues for me was realizing that transiting Saturn will make its last conjuntion to the GC in November and December of this year, and then two days before the December Solstice Saturn enters Capricorn (joining transiting Pluto there). These two astrological events will have an extra potent impact on the Separation of Worlds that’s taking place already. Physical reality will enter a compressed period of tremendous physical changes, some with the potential to scare the pants off the stout of heart, while simultaneously it all just unfolding like the great Divine evolutionary event all this and more actually is. Just another heads-up in a growing list of coming changes all related to the Separation of Worlds on the physical level finally Forerunners. There’s no fear here, just greater awareness.

Point is with all this that as the Separation of Worlds increasingly manifests this year on Earth on the physical level, it means that each Embodier Forerunner specifically are entering another HUGE level of individual personal change and also collectively too from an individual level. We’ve always felt the human Earth collective and much more too, but, as the Separation of Worlds becomes increasingly physically obvious to more and more “regular humans”, how we deal with that and other things too of course is paramount for multiple reasons.

One of the many NEW responsibilities and abilities the Embodier Forerunners are getting better acquainted with this year and beyond is CONSCIOUSLY realizing and never ever forgetting the fact that we are, you/me/we are the ones that Hold, that Embody, that Keep, that support and anchor the NEW into the NEW Earth world, the NEW grids etc. the NEW Codes/templates/blueprints of the NEW Evolutionary Cycle. We’ve marveled over the ancient Elder “Keepers” of Earth and on other stars and star systems for Keeping, Holding, Embodying and Maintaining the energies and codes of their times. Well, guess who the NEW Keepers, Holders and Embodiers of the brand NEW Codes are here on NEW Earth? That would be you/me/we Embodier Forerunners—aka Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Gridholders, Gridkeepers, Lightwarriors, Lightworkers, Energy Transmuters, Duality Dismantelers, Team Dark Evictors, HighHeart Conscious Creator Beings.

Take a deep breath and come to CONSCIOUS terms with this fact because you/me/we each need to own this and wear this now like never before. You know what you are; now be IT, live IT, radiate IT constantly, even when you’re in the grocery store buying toilet paper! Own IT and wear IT NEW Ascended physical 5D and higher Master HighHeart Beings of Light! Why? Because our ability and responsibility to do this is much-needed now and going forward. Who else is capable of Embodying and anchoring the NEW Codes and Energies into the NEW ascended Earth world but us? The more you and I consciously exist from this state of awareness and being, the easier it is to do it for All else. No pressure, no fear, but do pay close attention if and when an Elder Ascended Master Being shows up in your Higher Awareness and smiles at you, or winks at you, or furrows his brow and cocks his glorious etheric head slightly to let you know you’re energetically off course a tad bit at the moment. Just BE what you’ve Worked so long and so hard to become because we’ve reached a totally NEW level and phase of the AP in 2017, and now that we’ve entered the second-half of it, things are going to unfold even faster and more intensely energetically for those of us Pathpaving the way.

know that things are getting more intense when the hot flashes side effect returns. That symptom alone means that I’m burning away more old lower density/negativity of the past lower everything, personal and for the human collective, and they started back up again a couple of months ago. As the Separation of Worlds takes place physically this year and beyond, we Embodier Forerunners are and will continue to be affected by it physically and also in NEW and different ways. Some will be side effects we’ll feel in our bodies and other aspects have more to do with our NEW abilities and responsibilities. All-in-all it’s going to get really interesting, which is saying a lot again considering what we’ve already been through! Just own IT, wear IT, radiate IT, be IT and be consciously aware that you are IT so you never again make the ridiculous error of thinking or believing that you’re just a human. 😉 You and your hard-earned energies and abilities are and will continue to be needed as we step across this invisible line in the cosmic sand that is the amazing, evolutionary Separation of Worlds & Timelines.


July 11, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://highheartlife.wordpress.com is included.

Mipperu Courses Being Offered in Peru for Health, Energy and Plasmaculture


This is SO awesome ~ make it so for ALL – NOW!


Mipperu Tarapoto are offering 1,2 or 3 week courses for Auto sustainable living.

1 week courses for  Plasma Healing items  for your Personal Health issues.

2 week courses for Health and Energy aspects  of sustainable living

3 week courses for Health, Energy and Plasma Gardening culture in Self sustainable living IE OFF grid living with Auto-sustainable systems.


New ways to utilise water and waste for your garden soils adding nutrients for stable faster growth.

We are offering the chance to come to Peru to learn the upper levels of Auto-sustainable life styles in the forms of 1,2 or 3 week intensive courses and workshops.

Continue reading here (and fmi).

Tiffany Stiles Energy Report for 12/10/17 ~ Energy Shift Update~ Timeline Split- The Matrix & AI


I really like the words and energy of this piece.  I have been “seeing” this “ai” as a spider-like web of cords attached to the back of my body that I pull off and send to the cosmos.  I am not sure if I “felt” this energy as she shares ~ but around 6pm PST I felt something powerful go through that made me feel blissful and sleepy at the same time.  I wondered “hmm, I wonder what just came through.”  My need to ground, reflect and absorb these energies is so powerful, I need to love myself and discipline my choices to do just that – at the time it happens.  When I don’t honor this, when I allow myself to be distracted, the experiences turns yuck. Sticky notes are good – I Honor Myself First.  My awakening and integrating is priority #1.  


Holy Shit Beautiful Souls! We just had a major shift! This occurred approximately 40 minutes ago. Whoosh! Vertigo! Pure Source Energy surge through the body. I will liken it to a vortex of swirling energy around the body.


This is assisting one in opening their personal portal at the heart chakra to align this energy with the encoded number portals in a few days. This will further assist in anchoring New Earth frequency here! Rainbow energy frequencies are pouring in now to create the bridge to higher consciousness and physical reality. When this energy came in it felt like a power surge through the entire body! The expansion in the heart’s electromagnetic field is like KA BOOM! There was a timeline split that just occurred! We are shifting to a future timeline without AI! (artificial intelligence)

The Portals~


We are rapidly approaching the TRIFECTA (3) Energetic portals of The 11 Master Energy. 12-12 December 12th— 12-21 December 21st & 1-1 January 1st. January 1st – (11) is when the Energetic Pulse shifts to MASTER Energy! 11 is the Master Number in numerology. 2018= 11. I’ve written about this several times over the past month to prepare you all for what is coming, so that you take this time at your Zero Point to practice your manifestion abilities!

Michelle and I have become very close since we started talking in September. Her and I vibrate at the same frequency, Soul si-stars.
I don’t even know how to articulate the 2 1/2 hour conversation I just had with Michelle Walling it is so mind bending! But I will try my best to put it in terms that are understandable. When we no longer run linear it’s difficult to put into words what easily flows through the mind. Every time Michelle and I get on the phone it’s 2 to 4 to 5 hours of talking about, You name it! And time flies we have so much fun talking with each other. Today was The Matrix and AI, (artificial intelligence holograms). Please check out Michelle’s website HowToExitTheMatrix.com .

Co-Creating Your Reality~ AI Interference

I want you to think about every single thing that had occurred in your reality, just today, and then in the past, KNOW YOU CREATED IT! ALL OF IT! I want you to think of the people in your life who repeat themselves over, and over and have not one thing new to add. See how they “glitch,” because it is AI interference lowering your vibrational frequency to CREATE from a distorted space of lower vibrational frequency. When these AI are not in your reality, your vibrational frequency raises back up and BAM, you’re manifesting BLISS! YOU’RE MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE IN ALL FORMS. YOU ARE CREATING EVERY SINGLE THING IN YOUR REALITY RIGHT NOW!

Notice when you are communicating with AI it is like groundhog day all over again. And when they glitch it is a repetitive action that begins to occur. Whether you’re trying to remove them out of your reality and they keep ringing your phone off the hook, or they keep making the same body motion; foot tapping, rapid blinking, whatever, know this AI is running interference on you.


Image Credit: Listed on photo

And now that you know this, YOU have the power to shift this reality FROM YOUR HEART SPACE With PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! When you bring this pure Source Energy into your heart’s electromagnetic field you exponentially increase the electromagnetic field to Infinite time/space! Now you manifest from the pure template of Love. We manifest and create with emotion. That is the driving force. When you manifest on a lower vibrational frequency emotion your reality doesn’t look so great, does it? When you manifest from the Purest Divine Spark of Love you create BLISS! You manifest abundance! You manifest healing! YOU ARE THE CREATOR AND MASTER over your REALity.


A Couple Of Personal Experiences Just Today~

I had an entirely telepathic conversation with my daughter this morning. I knew everything she was going to say before she said it. Helen witnessed it all. This occurs often for me. Another example today, when I was talking with Michelle I mentioned Julie Ann Lindeen also being a Master Creator. I hang up with Michelle to open a text from Julie stating the Rainbow Ray is here. She attached a photo of the frequencies pouring in. I felt Julie’s energy when she was texting me. Telepathy is becoming more prevalent which will force complete transparency and authenticity. There’s no choice, it is happening now. So if you are not in full alignment with your authentic self, now is the time to get there.

Do A Check On Your Heart Space~

Huge shifts are amping up with the TRIFECTA of Portals right around the corner. Be the MASTER OF YOUR REALITY! Be cognizant of your heart frequency, is it open, loving, compassionate? Or is it closed, fearful and unforgiving? From this very space is where you CREATE your here and now! What do you wish to see?

Remove the AI from your reality. As you become more and more cognizant of your heart space, and you remain in a high vibrational state, the AI will automatically fall away. The more you engage, the more they delay you. They wipe your memory and you forget as you sleep. You have to re-remember all over again. Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror; “I create my reality from the pure template of Divine Source of unconditional love. I am powerful in my creations of love!” You see it every morning, and you remember to be cognizant of your heart space, what you’re creating and where you’re creating it from. Because yes, you created the AI too! When you see why you created it, what you see, and are shown from your Higher Self, you fully see the “big picture.” Then you can just as easily un-create it. The AI is glitching so much right now because we are on the brink of shutting it down! We are creating a new timeline without AI by realizing how we created from the distorted space of low vibrational frequency. Now we reverse engineer it to create with love in an authentic template. We are all players here in this game called life. Now you learn to be the Master, not the player! There is no spoon, as the movie The Matrix states. When you realize that, you clear a ton of programming and distortions out of your reality, and you create from a pure space that is not distorted.

Try and eat high vibrational foods, (organic) whole healthy foods from Mother Earth. It is very important to keep your vibrational frequency high as we approach the final portals of 2017 going into the Master Energy on January 1st, 2018. This is what I’m snacking on today. So yummy!


Master your creation and Create The World you wish to see here on New Earth. Once this Energetic Pulse shifts on 1-1 – (January 1st) — 2018= 11 = 11-11 manifesting your reality will be instant! This is the time to anchor, and hold the New Earth Frequency here through your personal portal, and through the Rainbow Bridge of Higher Consciousness to physical reality.  I can’t wait until January 1st, 2018!

The Matrix~ “Do not try and bend the spoon, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth…there is no spoon. Then you’ll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.”

Much love, Tiffany 💞❣️💞
Metaphysical Life Coach

Sourced from here.


I share this piece from Cobra’s update, which overall I simply did not resonate with and find some of his information nonsense and so chose not to share.  It left me with a feeling of “more waiting” which just creates more of the same.  We have more power than that.  We have the power to create this experience, put an end to it, NOW.  That is why I am sharing these beautiful images.  Not only do we have the power, we have the Unconditional Right to a life of freedom, beauty and ease.

It is done NOW.

And so it is NOW.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Yvonne Perry ~ Uses of Light Language


I am so drawn to this and have been this year.  I would love to have those memories return.  Sometimes I will naturally start “chanting” – almost chattering.  The transmission shared at the end ~ :::chills:::  Judy Satori also speaks the Light Language.


Uses of Light Language

Published on Dec 7, 2017


Sandra Walters ~ The Becoming: The NOW Embodiment Events


“This is Pure Source consciousness re-entering the Human experience in a new way. We are feeling it already; the absolutely pure diamond-crystalline-photonic frequencies. Drink them in, let the bliss rewrite your consciousness.”  It is done!  Such a beautiful piece by Sandra for this year-end time.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

This is one of those lengthy articles after an intense download this week. Feel into this message and its connections, as it is the last of the year. A PDF version is provided below. The intention is to provide clarity and comprehension of what is about to occur.

Our Gatekeeping and Gridwork took on a strong Solar focus over the last few years. This process was twofold; it anticipated the changes in the SUN as well as the trajectory of Gaia to become a more Solar entity. The New Earth grid system, which is crystalline based and aimed at the 5D magnetic lines of Gaia, works in tandem with the off-planet crystalline grid and the 5D/6D crystalline core of Gaia. The intention was to activate the ancient structures, Solar temples above and below ground, crystal beds (many of them containing off-planet crystals), and unify them with the crystalline grid, Solaris (the SUN), and interdimensional stargates. This was fully activated with the August 2017 eclipse.

All of this activity supports the new platform for the Solar Cosmic Christ experience; the return of the Christ/Crystalline/Unity consciousness which activates Divine HUman DNA. The SUN serves as our primary local stargate, and is reflected in our Christed heart centers where pure Source consciousness resides. As the SUN changes, the core of Gaia changes, the New Earth experience is amplified, and open and prepared hearts shift into the Christed experience.

The messages have been consistent: Embodiment of the Christed Self will change the HUman heart grid, and provide the new experience as a palpable reality for all willing hearts to align with. It works in tandem with Gaia and the SUN; a collective cosmic trigger which reveals reunification with Source.

As Wayshowers, Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, we have witnessed consistent, accelerated shifts in the SUN, grids, Gaia’s core, and our own hearts this year. The revelation of our Solar focus, Gaia’s Solar activation, our Solar Heart activation, weaves us back into the cosmic fabric of Oneness; Pure Unity Consciousness. Changes in the Universe without, changes the Universe within. And vice-versa; we are in the direct path of Becoming.

For many of us, revelation of the True Self includes interaction with Solar Beings, Galactic or Star Expressions, and Councils of Light which guide on a Universal level. To witness the steering of stargates and the Solar system, and to participate, was an unexpected event this year. As we say; expect the unexpected.

The Progression which leads to a Culmination Point

For clarity and comprehension, let us review excerpts from the intel this year related to the evolution of Solaris, Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, Gaia, and the HUman Heart levels. This will assist in connecting to the final message about the culmination of our Sacred Seven weeks.

February 2017: Solar focus: Your Internal Solar Gateway

In order to create the Christed embodiment, our Heart center torus becomes a Solar generator during our Ascension process. This is how we communicate with the SUN, Beloveds. The Solar aspect within connects with DNA stored within the SUN (and the Great Central Sun for Master Gatekeepers), and allows access to the big Galactic project of Ascension. Many of you are experiencing the reunification with much Higher aspects of Self that are deeply involved in the cosmic trajectory of this planet and Solar system.

Solar aspects being affected include:
– Solar aspects of the HUman Heart
– Solar temples within and above the planet
– Solar crystalline aspects in the crystal beds
– Solar aspects of water: The water elemental is capable of transmitting Solar aspects instantaneously, both in the body and in/on Gaia.
– Solar aspects of the Cosmic Christ: Reactivate your Master Self; many of you know how to do this and will be activating others via the HUman Heart grids as SUNs of God.

March 2017: Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN

The SUN is used as a prism to project fractals of our consciousness into co-created realities. This is directly related to the holographic nature of our experience, the projection of planetary consciousness, dimensional bandwidths, timelines, and the illusion of an individual experience.

Think of the SUN as a film projector running several films at once. Your Higher Levels are using the projector. Your Higher Self projects several versions of lower self through the SUN, and through your Heart center, which also serves as projector of realities, onto the mirror-like screens of Gaia, allowing for multiple films at once. Gaia supports many versions of your personal film, as well as the collective films, and reflects back collective outcomes. Your personal screen shows the film or films which your consciousness is capable of focusing on via your vibrational perception.

The Heart Center operates like a Solar projector, altering your external film to meet your internal vibration. Perception is based on personal vibration; we see clear examples of this as the realities divide. We have seen the new projection of 5D Gaia, we know it exists already. Altering personal and collective projectors to only show 5D films is done through our Heart Center and our DNA resonance.

Divine HUman DNA contains markers for Source consciousness. Participation in the Ascension process, the increase in photonic light, and our location in the Galaxy activates these markers, allowing for an entirely new projection through the SUN, Gaia and our Heart Centers.

Cosmic Template Approaching our Solar System

We now add a massive cosmic stargate to this equation. As these cosmic templates from the Great Central SUN approach, they are rewriting Galaxies into alignment with the Source command for the New. They will change the projectors, altering the way in which we co-create our reality into a purer, unified form in alignment with the background energy of Love.

This is why so many Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding back in January; the energies are already affecting our realities, and our perception is changing as we take on our new HUman templates. This Solar shift affects consciousness; our experience and perception of creation. Your Heart Center projector and DNA can align you with the brand new film of New Earth, and Gaia’s 5D Solar Self becomes a perceivable reality.

In order for this to become the dominant film, a projected reality of the high-vibe collective, embodiment of the crystalline/Christ consciousness must be attained by a small percentage of the Light Tribe. That is why embodiment has been a focus of our Ascension process. It must be willingly anchored into the HUman heart grid and crystalline core of Gaia to initiate the quantum domino effect. This exquisite higher vibration will shine through all choosing Ascension, and lift the veil on the reality of New Earth for many.

April 2017: Evolution of Realities

Miracles happen outside of the constraints time-space; this is why Gatekeepers train to be open conduits. In a pure state of focus during Gatework, the higher and lower realms unify to work as One. Gateways traverse the boundaries of dimensional layers and densities, so we often experience the time-has-stopped sensation. In those moments, much larger operations may do the good work and reveal higher aspects of your own Solar heart center.

April 2017: Cosmic Stargates

Cosmic Stargates hold the intention to dissolve distortion by utilizing geometry, light and advanced harmonics. As with all of our experiences, this is fractalization; reflections of what is occurring at much Higher levels of consciousness.

As we enter the vicinity of the Cosmic Stargates which provide a pure Ascension experience, the dynamics of Solaris will change. We have seen this throughout the decades as the SUN went from a golden hue, to a platinum hue, and now a more crystalline hue. We are witnessing the effects of the energy on higher dimensional beings, similar to the effect on HUmanity and Gaia.

As Solaris changes, it changes the way in which our Higher Levels use the SUN to project our realities. The prism widens to allow the Oversoul to project higher dimensional realities, which we currently experience as timelines via our DNA. If you are in alignment with the vibrational field and frequency of the New Earth holographic projection, your Divine DNA can be reclaimed, rebundled and support the perception of a higher experience.

June 2017: Gateway Focus and the Formless Realms

This is active territory as Solaris becomes more stimulated by the intergalactic pathways, which effects Gaia’s core, and our own heart centers.

The higher, formless realms of light where the Ascension and cosmic rewrite have already been experienced are communing, communicating with us as we collapse time-space to create the New. It redefines our intellectual notions of the Higher future Self merging with the lower Self. These realms cannot be described without diminishing their vibrancy, nor do they adhere to our numbering systems (5D, 12D, etc.) which we have used to comprehend the vastness of our own beingness.

June 2017: Bifurcation of Realities: Solstice Entry to the Eclipse Gateway

The grand experiment of experiencing a dimensional shift through the body is a unique endeavor; we feed this information back to Source. The Universal completion of a creative idea and the birth of a new one is reflected in our present experience. It looks planetary, then Solar, then Galactic, then Universal as our conscious awareness expands to comprehend higher multidimensional aspects of consciousness.

July 2017: Transcending Archetypes

Lower timelines drop away as the higher realities of Christ consciousness are embodied. The archetypal realities of Old Earth are rapidly transmuted. The templates for spirit-in-form have changed. Applicable archetypes which bridge the worlds, like the Solar Cosmic Christ, are embodied en masse as the new templates emerge. When enough of us choose to embody the new type – the Divine HUman – we shift into high gear on a collective level.

August 2017: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid

Crystalline Gridwork and the Gateways have revealed an amplification within Gaia’s crystalline core. She will be stimulated by influxes of Light, then emanate that Light forth to fully activate the crystalline Grid network. We will be experiencing light codes from both off-planet (Solar and Cosmic) as well as planetary in a New way. Connect with Gaia and Solaris often; remember to align with the pure organic Ascension.

Christ consciousness is a bridge between worlds, which is why it has the savior connotation, and why masters said we would do All this and more. Just like a Primary Christed Ascension timeline, we utilize it as a Gateway to a new experience, because it bridges dimensions and densities.

August 2017: Aligning with the Cosmic Stargates

Cosmic Stargates are pathways of pure light which prepare the gateways of Ascension, the primary Christed timeline experiences, and assist in our transcendence to higher levels of consciousness. Ultimately, they are connected to the Universal rewrite; Source’s command for purification. These stargates unify dimensions and densities; the grounded work of Gatekeeping here, and the higher vibrational Gateways of New Earth and beyond.

The Cosmic Stargate influence during this passage is strong. Strong rays of pure light, very present in visions, beam through the body, Gateways, Grids and Sacred sites, and into the crystalline core of Gaia.

We surge this light through all Universal levels, Galactic levels, Stellar levels, Solar system levels, planetary levels – unifying our own Solar system in peace and goodwill. Direct the Sacred cosmic flows into Gaia, with the intention of revealing her Ascended Self as a palpable reality for all concerned.

August 2017: August Eclipse: Convergence of Trinity Stargates

The Cosmic Stargate operation, let’s call it the Steering Committee, allows us a peak at our (much) higher dimensional aspects. Some of our Higher Levels are collectively steering/guiding the location of the Solar system through this vibrational geometry which rewrites consciousness and dimensional expressions into the next Creation.

We have High-level escorts as we pass through the edges of this vibrational barrier; like tugboats guiding a giant barge through lock systems. My Team expresses these Galactic structures as giant photonic (pure Heart-of-Source light) octahedrons within multiple torus fields. Each Cosmic Stargate flow is threaded to a torus field with different functions, preparing us for a dramatic shift in particle expression when we arrive at the trigger point of the vibrational hot-spot within this massive Galactic octahedron. Sometimes other geometries present which assist in rewriting timelines and outcomes. All is purely photonic; the demand for order feels autonomous within that structure.

Convergence of many Cosmic Stargates – Galactic and Universal – are coming into play to shift personal trajectories as well as collective unfoldments. Council meetings have been frequent; the eclipse shifts are deeply tied to the September Equinox and December Solstice outcomes.

September 2017: Palpable Unfoldments: Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations

This latest click in the combination lock includes the encodements from the Trinity Stargate convergence, which activated *all systems GO* for the highest trajectory on a collective level. Since the Trinity Stargate convergence of the eclipse, Solaris has entered the edges of the *hot zone* of dimensional-shifting geometries and photonic-encoded light.

September 2017: Cosmic Factors Affecting our Ascension: The List

Apply hyperdimensional logic to all of this; the cosmic perspective soothes the Ascending Soul.

The Trinity Stargates opened the flows of direct Solar Cosmic Christ frequencies from Source. This is an ongoing Solar rewrite on a stellar, planetary and incarnate level. As the gates converged on Solaris (the SUN) during the eclipse, it altered its prismatic effect, which in turn will change the way form is projected on Gaia.

We use the SUN to project our consciousness into these denser realities. When the SUN received the Cosmic Trinity encodements from the stargate convergence, so did we. It is a vital step in projecting a more crystalline form via our DNA and Solar heart Centers. It also effects Gaia’s expression in form, as well as Solaris.

The Crystalline Grid is a sentient structure. It activated to full capacity during the August Gateway, creating pathways to the interuniversal, intergalactic, and interstellar Gateways. Thousands of crystalline pyramids, crystalline structures, temples, crystal beds and etheric geometries were activated – and continue to activate. You may see them in your visions.

These ancient structures are encoded to activate in tandem with the crystalline grid to usher in the Primary Timeline experience and the Divine Christed HUman template. Some of these Solar-encoded structures appear to be rising in visions; awakening to the clarion call of zero-point photonic demands. These structures are not treating the SUN as a God. The overarching prophecy, the higher vision, views the SUN as a direct reflection of Source and the Solar aspect within.

Also in this article: Primary Timeline Access, Galactic Life Review, and Gatekeepers shifting all focus to amplifying the New Earth Gateways.

September 2017: Consciousness-Shifting Influx: Overwriting Realities

The key aspect of Primary timelines is that they don’t feel like timelines. It is an unshakeable Now experience, unifying the multidimensional Self and Source as a simultaneous awareness. They are encoded with the pure Christed dynamics, and overwrite the denser experiences of past, present, and future.

The boost from cosmic factors triggers our DNA to open to the new experience. DNA creates personal, collective, and multidimensional experiences in form. It becomes a photonic light receiver-generator.

We are still crossing the outer bands of this Galactic hot-spot. Galactic Teams won’t be stepping down the Light as before after this year. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, and Lightworkers are now skilled enough to receive and distribute the influxes.  It is creating a Divine opportunity for Wayshowers to embody the Christed merge of Higher and lower expressions.

Cosmic factors are allowing the (much) higher vibration of the multidimensional Self to be experienced right here, right now. It will demonstrate what is occurring with planetary evolution, time dynamics, and the Divine Christed HUman activation before physical timeline bifurcation occurs.

October 2017: Becoming the Presence: Building New Landscapes

The direction was clear to Wayshowers: Achieve Embodiment of the Christed /Crystalline/Unity state, and it will trigger massive acceleration for those choosing Ascension.

Embodiment feels Avatar-like as the Higher Self steps forth through the body vehicle and Lower Self consciousness. When we surrender to this Divine Presence of Self, it rewrites our consciousness via our DNA. It changes the way we feel, think, act and create.

You may have noticed the change in SUNlight since the Equinox; it has that mystical quality similar to the eclipse. Remember changes in the SUN reflect changes in the way in which we project our consciousness.

October 2017: Gatekeeper Journal: Update from the Councils of Light

The change in SUNlight since the Equinox is visible and palpable. (I AM surprised more people aren’t talking about it; I suppose this is a topic the mainstream would like to avoid.) Solaris is transforming as the pure photonic light within this Sacred container, encoded for Ascension, is traversed.

To the lower reality it appears like a change in the quality of SUNlight. This is a result of us crossing the border of this sacred geometry. We are now in it, and the effect on consciousness grows increasing evident in the lower realities. This area of highly-charged photonic particles creates Divine order, and frees willing consciousness from denser realities.

October 2017: Geomagnetic Activation

With the bifurcation in progress, many of us are beginning to experience the intended consciousness shifts which the Solar activity will create on a global level. Many have seen the SUN flashing this year, both in vision and external reality, and this activity is opening our Hearts to the more palpable, consistent Now Presence.

November 2017: Merge Sequences and the Open Gateway: Meditate to Activate

Remember the Solar component; Solaris has changed in frequency since the September Equinox. This changes the way we project into these realities, strengthens the power of pure heart centers, and allows our Christed embodiment to change the grids and realities for all willing Souls.

We have unlocked the Gateways of Christed/crystalline DNA. The resonance of your DNA is speaking to, and interacting with, the cosmic consciousness of Gaia, Solaris, Galactic levels and Universal Creator levels. DNA speaks to the cosmos through your heart; use your cosmic microphone to broadcast pure LoveLight as we interact with the Cosmic Stargates during this passage. Visualize and feel it; that is the key. Be creative and light-ground it through art, word, and deed.

November 2017: Post-Choice-Point

For those emerging from the Light Tribe choice-point phase with the unshakable core knowing I AM Divine Love, I AM Source, no matter what; we are prepared to receive the consciousness-shifting, reality-changing experience of embodiment. We open as conduits, as Avatars of the next experience, infuse the collective and grids with that vibration, and let the Higher Self/Higher Light aspects take over.

We are having a vivid experience of the journey from Creator, to Creation, and back to Creator.

November 2017: December: Embracing Our Divine Destiny

The High-Vibe Tribe focus remains on embodiment during this transformational passage. The Becoming phase has been somewhat surreal this year with the timeline activity, and now we embrace Divine Self-Realization as a collective. The ability to experience a complete reconnection to Pure Source consciousness anchors absolute unconditional love into these lower realms.

The catalyst for Divine revelation is the Pure Photonic Light, which is a living consciousness. This Pure Living Light, combined with the influx of the Divine Cosmic Mother frequencies, continue to be anchored by those in service.

The Becoming: The NOW Embodiment Events

Do you see the culmination of the unfoldments this year? All of this is related to our experience of Ascension; as Solaris changes, so does the crystalline core of Gaia, and HUman Heart centers aligned with the intention of Divine Love. This is Pure Source consciousness re-entering the Human experience in a new way. We are feeling it already; the absolutely pure diamond-crystalline-photonic frequencies. Drink them in, let the bliss rewrite your consciousness.

Location, location, location. The gentle glide of our Solar system into this consciousness-shifting area of the galaxy hits a trigger point as we enter the Solstice Gateway (December 21-25). The entire Solar system will drop/lock into its destination by the first week of January. It will initiate a series of shifts in solar plasma, and electro-magentic shifts in the SUN, Gaia, and the hearts of first embodiers of the Solar Cosmic Christ.

The Wayshowers will anchor this new experience as first embodiers. This is an act of service, as it assists with stability as Gaia’s core amplifies with the Solar changes. In that heightened state of Unity Consciousness, we will be able to quickly thread the new light through the New Earth grids and HUman Heart collective. Yes, it widens the gap between realities. The bifurcation of timeline experiences will be evident to most by end of July next year, however that is not a concern.

Our very personal journey during this Seven Sacred weeks invites all prepared hearts into transformation. The Solar Cosmic Christ activation is a pathway to New Earth consciousness. Honoring the unique and deeply authentic expression of the multidimensional Self, the Highest Self, and Source is key to a consistent Christed expression.

The energetic shifts anticipated over the next few weeks are expected to change our heart centers and reflect the changes in the SUN and Gaia. Your Solar heart is your key. This new Light will be felt on a deeply personal level, according to your intentions and trajectory for your Ascension. Anxieties about preparedness may be relieved by holding a clear, peaceful, grateful, loving container for the higher light and the Ascension experience to flow through. It is a gradual process; breathe.

Recommendations for this passage were provided last week in the Embracing our Divine Destinyarticle. As always, connect with the SUN as often as possible to receive the light codes and assist your body, heart and consciousness in receiving these upgrades with ease and grace. Earthing allows the new light of Gaia’s upgrades to register on your cellular structure and lightbody. Connect as a conduit between the SUN and Gaia often. My whole body vibrates with bliss when I do this, the codes are very stimulating to crystalline DNA.

Wayshowers, these Solar shifts are key to sustaining Embodiment of the Christed Self. Prepare well, and join the Unity Meditations for code exchanges and the co-creation of Divine Love, Peace and Ascension. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers; connect with the Trinity Stargates, Solaris, Gaia’s core, and the New Earth grids often. Pure photonic light can be felt during Gatekeeping already; your crystals can assist in activating the Pure Source-level templates for this next phase. As always, connect with the interdimensional crystals; many of these off-planet crystals will be activated with this Solar-system-wide shift.

High-Vibe Tribe Connections

We embrace and activate the Divine Empowerment of Unity Consciousness, Now! Let us call forth the highest trajectories for our collective and personal Ascension, as One.

SUNday December 10: Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Tuesday December 12: Honoring the 12-12-12 anniversary
SUNday December 17: New Moon (10:31pmPT). Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Monday December 18: Gatekeepers open for the Solstice passage (December 21-25)
Thursday December 21: Solstice (8:28amPT)
Saturday December 23: Cosmic Trigger; connect the SUN and stargate of the heart.
SUNday December 24: Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
SUNday December 31: Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Monday January 1: 2018 Gateway initiated & Full Moon (6:25pm)

2018 will feel like a completely different experience for many. New creations are already in progress, we sense the excitement and mystical quality in the heart. My visions are filled with Gateways; floods of multidimensional Stargates are opening these pathways to the New Earth experience. I love and honor this amplified time. This is my step-away-from-busyness passage, however reminders and a few special announcements are available via the weekly Newsletter. I truly appreciate your support during this transformational phase.

Honor this passage with the introspection, joy, love and celebration it deserves, Beloveds. A blessed and brilliant experience to all.

In Love, Light and Service,

Sourced from here.  

Daniel Scranton ~ The Hard Part is Over


I love this piece – especially for the highlighted part (my doing).  Much needed words after some of my experience of today.


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have taken yourselves to a point in your evolution where the hard part of this journey is behind you, and you can start to coast on the momentum that has been created in all of your previous experiences in this lifetime. You have been raised to believe in hard work, to believe in struggle, and to believe that there is no gain without pain.

And so, it is our job to deprogram you and to convince you that you can go a lot easier on yourselves from now on. When you hear about the ideas of letting go and surrendering, it often sounds to you like the ones who are pushing that on you want you to give up on your dreams, or at the least, it seems like you are supposed to give in to the current set of circumstances in you lives.

What we want to suggest to you is that there is much more to be gained in your release of the tension, the resistance, and the trying to make something happen than there is in holding on tight to your desires. When you let go, you demonstrate a certain amount of trust in the universe and in the laws of the universe. What we want for you more than anything else is to experience yourselves as creator beings, and to have that experience, you must trust that the hard work is done.

You must be willing to give in to the flow, to be conduits of energy, rather than the ones who are turning the crank to generate the energy that you then hope will take you home. Letting go, surrendering, and trusting will open the floodgates for you, and you will solidify yourselves in the position of creators of your reality. Indeed, there is great power in letting go and letting all of that energy that you have summoned in.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Listen to the audio here

Sourced from here.

December Energies ~ The Shift is Hitting The Fan!


Received via e-mail newsletter…


Isis Arjeta
The Shift in global systems we have been co-creating is here!

December is a big month of shift and transformation for everyone on the planet. We are collectively moving from the old ways of inequality and separatism into a state of working together for a common good.

That means, there’s a whole lot of cosmic shaking and quaking to be done!

Injustices will continue to come to light this month in the public arena regarding all forms of inequality, from systematic sexual harrassment and assault to financial abuse by governments and individuals.

As with any major shift that hits the fan, there is also an uprising of the “new” and True. This Truth is anything but new, but the value and priority it will have in our collective hearts and minds from now on is truly NEW!

So what does this look like on the ground for us energy sensitive sisters?

In general, there will be 3 types of experiences for us, depending on how fully we are living our calling.

For those (most of collective humanity) who haven’t embraced their calling yet, December will confront them with every opportunity to make that choice. The strength of resistance against their Truth and Divine Calling will equal the strength of the shift that hits the fan for them.

For you who have begun to follow your Divine Calling, even if it’s in infancy stages, you will experience an intense refinement of your path and purpose. You’ll be pushed out of your comfort zone, and offered every opportunity to grow! It may be uncomfortable, but the more you embrace it, the faster and more pleasant the transition will be.

And last but not least, those who are currently living their purpose fully… it has probably been a bit of a struggle for you, a test of courage and faith, and stretched you to the max! Prepare for a rocket blast of supportive energy, abundance, and the rewards of your hard work! This article/channel is meant to help you make the most of this shift, regardless where you are in your journey at this time.