F.B. down…..Is this the “SHUTDOWN”?


My feel – this is the SHUTDOWN 17 spoke of – which also begins the 10 days of darkness.  Remember the 10/4-10/15 missing days on the calendar when that system was switched?  Coincidence or synch…..



Have not vetted:



Check out the time this first happened here in the states:



Good guys hack:







JAMES ECETI ~ Demons Rearing Their Ugly Heads


Been awhile since I shared his material.  This one feels quite relevant for now…I also employ my own inner Lion(ess) and roar when needed from that Grounded Space.  Resin burns regularly now.  


It is a very ancient saying, “The closer you get to nirvana or enlightenment the more the demons rear their ugly heads. Just as we are playing whack a mole with the global elite and the deep state closing down their dumbs, deep underground military bases used in drug, child trafficking and a haven for negative ETs. The darker unseen negative influences are playing whack a mole with those awakening, light workers and white hats. With many defending against and removing these entities is way above their paygrade. There has been serious backlash.

First you have to be aware of them, second one needs the tools to shield and remove them. Third and most important these are power tools, you have to plug them in. There are different tools for different jobs, sometimes you have to pull out the big wrenches. A 17 foot tall Sirian 7D Lion being usually does the trick. If you have not befriended these beings best to use one of the known Masters. It has come to our attention lately that many in the awakening and healing field are experiencing some very heavy attacks. Lots of illness, accidents, loss of energy, doubt, becoming ungrounded and overrun by baser emotions. These entities are coming through friends, family and lovers causing division, disruption and hijacking one’s soul purpose or mission. This can also be referred to as end time madness.

The cleanup of these darker forces in 3d and 4d has unleashed some real demons, reptillians, negative greys, astral beings etc. We need to create sacred space, stay centered, learn to clear unseen negative entities for ourselves, family and friends. Especially the light workers on the front lines. This includes the military involved in these cleanups and rescues. One can only imagine what they have seen and how it is impacting them.

We can call on known Masters, Saints and Sages. The Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders many of which have dealt with this before, it’s not their first rodeo. The planetary liberation is in full swing. Let’s all do our part. Below is the clearing prayer and technique we use. Clear yourself, your family and friends. Clear the light workers, those on the front lines. Clear the citizen journalists, the white hats, everyone fighting for freedom. We all have the ability to channel the ultimate power of God, Creator, Great Spirit into these situations. If you have a soul it is your birthright. Time to stand tall in your own divinity.

James Gilliland

Original Lord’s Prayer – Aramaic Words of Jesus

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos, you create all that moves in light.
Unite our “I can” to yours, so that we walk as kings and queens with every creature.
Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.
Forgive our hidden past, the secret shames, as we consistently forgive what others hide.
Deceived neither by the outer nor the inner — free us to walk your path with joy.
From you is born all ruling will, the power and life to do, the song that beautifies all from age to age it renews.


Translation is by Neil Douglas-Klotz, PH.D


​Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control.  If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions.  Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals.  Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts.


1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.

2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.

3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.

4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.

5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.

6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.

7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening.

It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.

At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.



A new find – came through w/the video I shared with Clif High.  Something BIG is going to happen – as she says – and “we are in the 10 days of darkness.”  I made my mate listen to that one as I was able to pull myself out of the fear and he he was really struggling with that.  My feel – after listening to Clif and the Universe/Source guiding me – plus as I heard her validate that 10 days of dark – I glanced at the clock – 2:22 (i’m up late).  I feel this BIG thing is the collective ROAR that comes about after a BIG event is SEEN and NO ONE can deny it.  As 17 says – sometimes you have to SHOW the people.  So for me – the focus even when a challenge is BE in the heart.  Focus on Love.  Hold that energetic Line to be in that space.  That space is Source.  Let’s be there for one another – more than ever.  Stay connected.  Reach out if you feel down and are afraid or angry or doubtful.  We need one another now – more than ever.  What is coming to me now are lyrics to a song I wrote almost 20 years ago.  Reach out to me – please take my hand – and we can walk together into Eternity.  I hope her words provide you comfort.  I like her energy.  Comforting.  Love, Victoria



41.8K subscribers

Yellow Rose for Texas ~ Heaven Doesn’t Think the Way a Human Being Does 1-12-21


UPDATE:  I forgot to add I found the map image of the ship and snake then and now was quite telling…

I have nothing tonight to give/add/share.  Here’s the latest from Rose.  We’ll see.  (I’ve been feeling for awhile now I’m an orphan on the outside. Hearing this – well yeah – maybe validation but not comforting.  Then again what really is comforting now other than love when you can feel and experience it and peanut m and m’s?)


18.3K subscribers


for those interested ~ link to GAB tv – station Donald J Trump: https://tv.gab.com/channel/realdonaldtrump

One woman’s Vision of President Trump and the battle he has been and is undertaking


I could not get through this one without tears and chills.  One of the most powerful, beautiful, descriptive, absolutely Truthful vision of where we’ve been – who Donald J Trump is – and where we are now.  As she said – she had this in July 2019 and feels now is the time to share it.  Enjoy!  (I love how she speaks of his powerful hands and blue robes.  In each of my dreams I’ve touched his hands and have been amazed at how powerful and soft his hands are.  And in most those dreams he has been in Midnight Blue.)


This is a vision I had of President Trump on July 4th, 2019 and think it’s a pretty good time to share it, what do you think Patriots?
Going from being someone who grew up Democrat, canvased for Obama twice, and thought her life and the world was ending when President Trump was elected, to a woman who loves and respects this man and feels very connected in the heart to him through the visions I’ve been having of him since 2017 has been quite a journey. Dark to Light! I hope you enjoy this vision which appeared to me in 2019 and which I share with you now with Love.
Vision of Donald J Trump, July 4th, 2019
By Aja Dematerra
On the top of a stormy mountain, a tall, powerful man stands with a sword in his upraised hands. He wears long, blue robes. The man stands on the top of the mountain he has climbed to be near the heavenly forces, for he will need them for what he is about to do.
A cold, wet, wind blows through his hair and robes. His face is swollen, covered in sweat, his eyes fiercely focused on the tip of the upraised sword he holds in his unbearably strong hands. In the wind his robe streams with waves of radiant blue light. The threads of his robe are woven from the countless connections he has made with all the People of the world. People with whom he has made a great promise. A promise to unite the world through peace and prosperity for all.
The man has been led by the heavenly forces to be in such a position as to make this great promise to countless people. He will not break his word with God or them. He knows God and the People are the reason he is so powerful. He loves being powerful. He loves being able to do great things. Things that make everything good where they have not been good. To fulfill this promise he must first wield a deadly blow to a mysterious evil wrapping its dark body around the world and squeezing tight.
The man will kill the evil black snake that has been feeding off of Gaia and the People for thousands of years. The man has lured the black snake to this high place. The black snake is so long. Its body circles the mountain and its tail drags along its sides. The snake is swimming in its own strange, dark liquids as if carrying its own strange, dark river wherever it goes. It is gurgling at his feet as if hissing in a malevolent language. The man feels all his human emotions at facing this snake. This ugly, tormented and tormenting black snake that has swallowed millions of people and wants to swallow all, wants to swallow the earth itself. His hands shake, sweat runs down his face, and his eyes burn. He feels fury, anger, hatred, rage, sorrow and grief. But the man knows he must still his mind and his heart to do what he must do. He knows his human side must be gone when it is time to drop the sword straight into the snake’s flesh. He becomes calm. He becomes the God inside the People and the God inside of God. The man plunges the sword down into the snake with so much love. So much love of life, love of beauty, love of goodness. Love for the end of the suffering that he seeks for all. The snake is tough and hard and thick and filled with strange, dark blood. He plunges the sword deeper and deeper through the snake, and the snake bleeds into its dark, oily river. The river begins to bleed into the mountain, and for the earth this is bliss, for Gaia knows this is the end of her and her children’s suffering. Still, the man is not done, the cut is not complete, there is more and more flesh the sword must fall through. The man feels tired. He is so weary of this snake. He wonders if he can fulfill his promise to cut through all its evil.
Suddenly he hears around him the whisperings of countless voices rising. Like angels surging out of rocks and soil, angels rushing out of his streaming, radiant blue robes. The voices crowd around him on the cold, empty, windy mountaintop. “The snake’s heartbeat has stopped!” the voices call to him joyfully. The man hears them and feels his powers return. His sword cuts through the rest of the snake and at last it is done, it is complete.
As soon as the snake is cut in two, another sound rises. It is a breathtaking sound of chains turning to dust, a soft, rushing sound of countless shackles being unlocked. Then there is heard a music that has never been heard before. It too rises from the rocks, the soil, the man’s radiant blue robes. It rises from somewhere deep inside the mountain and envelops them all. And the man falls to his knees, dropping the sword, and begins to weep…

Beautiful, simple words I needed to read. Perhaps you do too.


As long time readers/friends of my work know – I do not align with unsolicited advice.  I have had a practice of reminding myself to hold space and ask what the person needs or if I can do something for them to help.  If not, I keep my thoughts to myself.  Well, I certainly try to.  I could improve on this!

At this moment, more than ever before, I feel the words below are very important.  The experience here is exhausting now.  And those tools, some days, simply don’t work as they once did.  Letting go is a challenge at times.  I employed it earlier and I felt these little energetic knives coming my way each time I said “let it go”.  I can let go of my frustration at having my right to shop for food denied the way I am accustomed to because I cannot wear a mask – until it is time for me to decide “ok how am I going to get food and where”.

How does one find ongoing peace when in prison?  I reflect if that ability is partly due to ones personality and energetic imprint.  I want my full freedom.  That is just who I am.  Staying in that neutral and or all is well space for long periods just does not align with the Truth of that inner need/desire for Freedom.  I am an intense, driven Energy Being who knows what she wants and don’t like to have that experience contained in ANY way.

The striking back coming at this experience now by whatever/whoever these invisible entities are is palpable. Perhaps not all feel this.  Many do.  For now….I hold space for myself and for all of us who are feeling the blow back going on.  If any of you need anything, just ask.




Image may contain: text that says 'Stay Wild Moon Child 4h don't know who needs to hear this, but if you're extremely empathetic, the world is downright *cking exhausting right now. That's it. No advice. Many usual coping methods aren't working right now. I'm just putting it out there for you to know you're not alone and I'm with you'

Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstructing The Construct Ep #71


editor victoria’s comments ~ i am aligning with several things in Lisa’s update.  she has reminded me there is so much more going on than just a virus and fear.  to understand and to innerstand – gotta get out of the mind and into not just the heart but use the heart to expand the way of thinking and especially seeing.  if that makes sense.  on my walk tonight i tuned into the virus and felt it was a metaphor – in some way – for the virus put into us inside this realm – it’s main job to keep us in fear and one of the ways to do this was with a mind wipe and another – introduce trauma’s – repeatedly to keep us detached from who we really are.  now interestingly enough the past week or so i have had a sudden and quite strong desire to REMEMBER who i am – and WAS – before all of the pain and trauma.  somewhere in there is an innocent, loving, silly and vivacious girl and woman.  i have also been reaching out to me at home and home – to help me out.  joining together – i say – we got this and we can remember and be once again the ME i long to be.

in so far as the physical sensations – i’ve felt the congestion this week – off and on – comes in waves.  part of it i feel is due to the crappy air here at the moment – but it also feels restrictive which is fear – and i have had some intense moments of anxiety this week.  i feel now more than ever we can really be with our own selves.  makes it a challenge w/a child of course – and i am intending STRONGLY for sunny and warm weather to help out this process of the “much needed ALONE time”…

so as she says – this is indeed an individual process.  what may resonate with me may not resonate with others.  i have had the nudge in recent weeks to “write my own script” now – as in i am writing and creating how i wish to end my experience here.  so many metaphors playing out – out in the world – the virus.  be at home orders.  the cleaning up.  the exposures and disclosure.  we really are at the end.  love, v.


15.3K subscribers

Terran Cognito ~ The Battle for YOUR Imagination


a much needed read/message.  i hope it helps those who need to hear such a message – like it helped me – reconfigure/reboot and return back to heart/center.  love, victoria



I witnessed something fascinating the other night.  I do some ride share driving to supplement the income, depending on what comes in via the blog.  I was driving on Congress Avenue in Austin, attempting to pick up a passenger.  Austin developers, like in many gentrifying cities, is removing 15-20 residential homes at a time to build 4-5 story apartment blocks.  Austin’s developers are showing my sense of design than what I saw in Seattle but often these apartments are a tight fit on existing streets.  And in Austin they have one entrance/exit out, and its to a parking garage.  These entrances/exits are very poorly designed. This is also where ride share drivers pick up their rides which creates some issues with getting turned around without going into the parking garage which is often gated.  Pasadena California has similar apartment complexes.

As I was doing a 5 point turn, I spotted this skinny man on an electric scooter swinging his skinnny butt back and forth as he went bee-bopping back and forth down the street in serpentine fashion and blocking traffic behind him.  He seemed to be itching for a confrontation and he knew he was slowing down traffic. I said to the couple in the car “this guy has a death wish”…

You could say this gentlemen was what those in Austin like to call a “protected class” And as I watched him approaching I slowed my exit, hell I was going to wait until was past me!  But behind him was this magnificent black woman (another protected class) who was having none of this guy’s nonsense behavior blocking traffic and keeping her from entering her apartment complex! She jumps out of her Hyundai like she’s going to kick his ass and starts giving him a much deserved scolding.  But that move was not well thought out either.

It was kind of funny, but then every comedy has its roots in tragedy. Its the tragedy part I didn’t want to witness.  I began to feel like I was I was on the edge of an energy whirlpool not of my making, and lots of impatient drivers were making impulsive Friday night moves and none of the situation looked good as the scooter rider got into an argument with the black woman (who’s car wasn’t fully out of the street yet).  If an accident happens its going to hit my car too.

A UPS truck momentarily blocked traffic and those guys are great drivers,  I gunned my car and got out of there.  The couple in the back said “Thank you for that!” as they were feeling it too.  It all felt messed up.  I got the couple safely to their Mexican Restaurant.

It got me thinking about the scooter rider, itching for a confrontation, and the magnificent black woman who showed up to give him just that!  And this quite funny argument that ensued in a very dangerous moment.  All of it created by the imagination of the scooter rider.  And none of it felt good.  That was what was noticeable to me was the energy of it all,  It was feng shui slamming into fucked up.

Imagination benders

Journalism: We all know that since Obama signed the law that official allowed US intelligence agencies to utilize the domestic press as a propaganda outlet.  They always did, but it was very subtle in the past.  And it appears, that large portions of the faces people see on the News are also on agency payrolls.  That has a curious side effect.  Since someone with a national security oath, can’t talk about classified things without getting hauled into court, it means news readers can’t talk about things like chemtrails, secret space programs, or any of the hundreds of things many of you regularly self educate yourself about.  They also can’t name whistleblowers who are agency payrolls, which is why they got particular bent out of shape when various sources on the internet revealed the name of a “whistleblower” but the New York Times did not.  They can reference “public domain” sources like the New York Times or Washington post (but are barred by agency policy from reading Wikileaks).  This is why stuff is leaked to these newspapers and then echoed in the electronic media.

What are the two largest expenditures for companies and government (aside from defense)?

For companies its advertising.  Google, Facebook, and Amazon depending on that ad income, although Google and Amazon also make a good chunk of change hosting 2/3 or the internet servers on their cloud services (we can talk about the danger of having your business golden eggs in two baskets another time).  Amazon’s advertising is internal to its platform, outside vendors are required to pay advertising now if they want any decent placement on Amazon’s platform.

For Government Intel agencies are a huge expenditure.  Often completely beyond the control of whomever was elected to be the nations leader. Ostensibly they are for a country to gather intel on other countries and in particular, it’s enemies.  But the Deep State has its roots in the ancient families that have ruled this planet since the fall of Atlantis.  From what we’ve seen since 2016, they do their bidding, not the President’s.

But all that advertising and deep state propaganda is really trying to do is shape public IMAGINATION.

There’s so many crazy stories circulating about what is purportedly going on in China which was always opaque to the west.  And nothing scares the bejeezus out of people like impending death from a bug they can’t see.  Add to that mysterious HOTSPOTS like Iran and a Korean cult, it all looks a bit strange doesn’t it?   If something doesn’t add up, if the jigsaw pieces don’t fit, if a virus defies epidemiological mathematics, someones lying.   Someones trying to cause YOU to IMAGINE the UNIMAGINABLE… because there are limits on what they can do to you, but they can try to cause you to CREATE what they cannot.  Imagination of human beings is the real value on this planet.  The creativity of human beings is phenomenal.

IMAGINE THE BEAUTIFUL.  SEE IT ALL  PEACEFUL AND A NEW BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF JOY.  Abandon imaginings of dystopia.  Abandon the distrust they want you to have of each other.  Reject the fear that they have traditional used to herd human beings towards one cage or another.

I love you all!
