Terran Cognito ~ White Dragons, Red Dragons, Pick a color Dragon…


editor victoria’s comment ~ i really align with this one.  i have felt “off” about the dragon families (and yes, all of their assigned colors).  what felt “off” was what Terran says below – THEY essentially get to dictate what we do with their “gift” (when it is OURS to begin with).  how it’s handled and the like.  following their protocols.  nonsense.  that is just another power-over game.  although i was feeling into this one more….and as i continue to feel there WILL be some sort of a split….as yellow rose says some go “east” and some “west”.  west is the experience of gesara/nesara and the other financial liberation programs along w/the releasing of the tech, etc.  so perhaps because i don’t align w/the dragon’s and the like that is because that is not what i am choosing to experience.  so….east is HOME.  as far as $$ freedom i see Heather’s work/creations (and her team) being the initial experience until we quickly transition to NO MONEY. plus we will have the inner tech so any outer tech we experience at first will just be an option and not a necessity.  so Trump and team setting up the “timeline” for one experience….Heather and team for another experience.  


To: Lisa
Date: 1/15/2019 2:06:59 PM
Subject: RE: White Dragons, Red Dragons, Pick a color Dragon


“NO MORE BULLSHIT VENEER!” is the chant, in the inner and outer 😉

literally, people are speaking about how they do not care about the “details” or the “blame”…they repeatedly speak how all they care about is “beginning [their] life”, “getting out, and starting [their life]”, “reuniting with [their] family, and starting fresh”, etc., etc., etc.

i am listening…with all i am, i do listen…to each and every one ❤️

…”asia”, “china”, “dragons of every color”… do not have my attention, not for a long time now…only hyper-acceleration of the transition has my attention… their experience in the flow is as they choose, including ceasing all their experiences corporally, yet in the flow they be in order to answer the age old question for them self: “TO BE OR NOT TO BE” 😉

…and “china” can keep the “Shakespearean writings/energy signatures” the “queen” gave them…keep them as a momento, and a reminder, that there is no way around “it”, lol!… all J.P. Morgan, Fed Res, BIS, et al, gets as a reminder are crushed “stock markets”, zeroed asset sheets, and an awake public 😃

love you


TERRAN NOTE: The above was in response to a letter Lisa sent Heather about the Goldfish Report interview with Ben Fulford and the Red Dragon Ambassador.

What is never stated in the interview is why does anyone trust nameless and hidden “dragons” (Pick a color) when they were behind the banking systems from the beginning????

My reaction was similar when the Red Dragon Ambassador expressed how hard it was to police and supervise the distribution of billions  of dollars (which don’t belong to the dragons in the first place) for which they take a 51% stake in any project, and have requirements for Chinese suppliers and contractors all under the guise of a humanitarian Global Peace Mission.

So what if someone wants to build a cafeteria in Texas?  Its their value!  Its their risk! Not the Dragons!

Making 2019 THE Year ~ Unified Collective ~ 17 January 2019


editor victoria’s comment ~ a suggested read by one of you.  thank you.  i align!  the message i felt today – for me that is – is the plasma continues to help me purge – and Remember who i am.  keeping it simple – just be from a state of Love.  words shared with kindness and care and thought (a challenge for me at times for sure).  but the feel today was let the practice begin because that is the state you will be in when all of “this” changes.  


(original article) Source: Unified Collective

In the deepest darkest hours the light will prevail. What we’re experiencing right now on planet earth is unprecedented. Deep shadow work is taking place within each soul that will allow us to break free from our lower vibrational patterns and into our true higher selves. This process is very intense and extremely difficult for one to endure, but with self love and persistence we can purify all darkness and align with our multi dimensional self and I AM Presence, as true unlimited potential and co creators of this beautiful universe.

We must go beyond the call of duty at this hour. We have lived in a world full of pain and suffering for far too long. Let’s rewrite the script and switch the narrative from a self serving war mongering system full of greed and manipulation, to a world full of love and compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters. Let’s be more service to others, let’s forgive each other and ourselves for any mistakes or wrong doings. Let’s pick each other up when one is down, and fill each others hearts with all the universal love and light. Instead of projecting ones hurt and pain and insecurities onto another, let’s love ourselves and heal ourselves so we can fully give each other the love we all deserve. 

There is no more time to waste beating each other to the ground, just to feel better momentarily, do you really feel better? The pain and guilt does not subside, it only buries itself deeper into your subconscious eating you alive. Forgive, let go of the pain, and love yourself and one another. We all our brothers and sisters, and we all need each other NOW in the present moment more than ever.

The energies from source our building everyday. What we can do with these energies is truly transformational for humanity and our planet. We have the potential to truly do something we have never done before in the history of planet earth . The time is NOW to unify our species and truly come together like never before, we can do this. We must stay strong and unite, with our collective energies coming together we can rebuild our beautiful planet and become a part of the galactic confederation of light, becoming an advanced higher dimensional society of love and light capable of achieving our wildest dreams.

2019 is the year we could finally complete the galactic network of light and age old prophecy. Do you want to be a part of history? It’s up to us to decide our future, with our free will and intention we can set our path and break free from the shackles and truly create heaven on earth.

The time is upon is all to finally merge the divine femine and masculine on our planet, anchoring the goddess energies of pure love into our planetary grid. We will finally unify our species like never before seen, reaching our true unlimited potential as multi dimensional beings of light and love.

We are Love, We are light, We are ONE

Much Universal Love

Victory of the light


The Vision Alignment Project:   A Vision for the Heartbeat of Humanity


editor victoria’s comment ~ earlier tonight i was listening to a man playing the piano and told my mate “music is our common connection for all life.”


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Heartbeat of Humanity

Here is an amazing Vision that comes to you from Johnny Glaze. We intend that you like it as much as we do.

I believe music has been and always will be the connecting dots to the other side, to the heavens, to the demarcations of our nature. I believe that the beat of the drum came before the sounds of man’s vocal cords. I believe there is a vital connection to the heartbeat of every creature with the drum beat of a skilled craftsman. The connection of a skin taken from a heart beat and placed on a drum and pulled tight creates the heartbeat that once was. That once was beating by nature is beating by the harmony of man.

I hear the songs of the birds, the rapture of the night creatures in the spring, the orchestra of dogs in the backyards of life chanting with one another. I hear the chimes of the cogs and sprockets in the industry world, the sounds of the subway rippling it’s tune, the dance of the washing machine, and it all comes back to the beat of man. This tune is akin to the heartbeat set by man or beast way before other types of communication prevailed.

Today it is essential to feel the heartbeat and play the music, no matter your liking, and feel, really feel, the communication that you are offing in your sound. The sound of your life is telling of the nature you abound. Become closer to the heartbeat and come closer to the heaven on earth. Turn off the news, turn off the reality tv, and play your music. Dance like no one is watching – even if they are.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Did JFK JR call Able Danger to update him on military tribunal


editor’s note:  ok so this topic suddenly popped into my face and media feeds the past 24 hours.  when i mate discovered it, we took it as a sign.  so….we listened. i detected a slight new england accent in a few words.  the whisper-like tone. sounds like him from years past.  


Published on Jan 7, 2019

Era of Light ~ 1/1/19 ~ All Portals of Light are Open ~ Resetting the System


editor v’s comment ~ t/y to brother rick for passing this one along.  all i can do is go by my feel and i feel truth in this one (not so much on the RV – at least for me – but that could indicate either an old timeline or a timeline for those who do not align with “going home”….the timeline Yellow Rose for TX speaks of that Trump and team are creating…the end of systemic control)…


Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I AM KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.

Are you tired yet of expecting? Are you excited at the same time? Do you feel the energy, the imminence that something great IS about to manifest? If yes to any or all of the above, than rightfully so. But your waiting, your patience has not been in vain.

I am very excited and I too am expecting the same thing you are expecting, for one the Global Currency Reset, and a whole lot more. Now to that we will say the celebrations shall commence very, very soon. Understand that here we are not even speaking in terms of months.

All obstacles that have prevented major dominoes from falling have been dissolved.

Many entities at the top of the latter [ladder] in particular were given ultimatums, which they refused all of them. So now they get NOTHING. But only to experience their own demise, which is complete.

They now have ZERO power. Governments, banks, military, are now all in the hands of the Alliance. The mainstream media is also quickly to be taken over by the Alliance Technology. This you will notice through the change in reporting on your television.

Our magnificent Mother Earth is being flooded by the higher light of the Great Central Sun. All portals of light are now open. Which means the light coming to Earth in this moment is NOT being controlled or lessened by anyone anymore. That was the case in the past so all could adjust to the higher light and feel more comfortable. No more. It is entirely up to each and every individual how they cope with the continuously increasing energies.

A certain light quota must be met in order for the major events to take place, and without causing damage to Earth’s body and her inhabitants. It is our understanding that this level has all ready been reached. We truly are on the cusp of the Reset of the entire System.

The new year shall herald in great surprises. Wonderful news and celebrations for many, while shock and disbelief for others. We are moving forward at the speed of light, the new dawn is here now.

From heart to heart, I Am Kejraj!


Build The Wall GoFundMe Campaign


Please donate a few dollars if you want and can.  Follow the link below.  This was started by a Veteran and has raised almost $400k already.  Here is some information from the page confirming the legitimacy of this campaign:

“How do you know this is not a scam? I’m using my real name, my real information, you can contact me and hold me accountable. People who try to scam you will not be upfront with their information, they will hide and not use their name. I have a public figure Facebook page with a blue check  mark issued by facebook that verifies my identity.  I’m a retired United States Air Force member who was wounded in Iraq, and lost 3 limbs. I have a website BrianKolfage.com where you can verify more about me.  I will respond. I’ve been on Fox News many times, you can see I’m credible and a real person. The Gary Sinise Foundation also built me and my family a home. Do your research before donating, and contact me if you have any questions.

• How will we get the funds to the right place? We have contacted the Trump Administration to secure a point of contact where all funds will go upon completion. When get this information secured we will update. We have many very high level contacts already helping.

Republican Representative Steven Palazzo of Mississippi is introducing legislation to direct the Treasury Department to issue government savings bonds which would allow us to fund the wall this method. This is just one option, there are others on the table being discussed.

• 100% of your donations will go to the Trump Wall. If for ANY reason we don’t reach our goal we will refund your donation. 

• We are working with a law firm on a legal document that will bind the government to using the funds for the border wall itself, nothing else. 

• We will hold all funds and not release a single penny until we have all legal aspects covered to ensure our money goes only to the wall. 

• If we don’t reach our goal or come significantly close we will refund every single penny.”



December 2, 2018 Session with Loie and a, Discussion about “The Domain” (part 1) ~ Terran Cognito


editor victoria’s comment ~ i had to share this one.  i woke up this morning thinking of loie and feeling there was a message from her – and wondered why i hadn’t seen it yet.  not that i have ever had one of these communications with her….i never have which made me wonder why i would even be thinking of her. so when brother rick sent me a portion of this message i had one of those “whoa maybe need to given this one some of my focus.”  and maybe i need to get used to this concept that “we’re all connected” – here, there and everywhere.  i am not sharing the entire piece – just the portion where Loie speaks (Loie as I understand it is Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf’s mother who passed some years back and begin coming through in messages such as this one).  i will post the source link of course for you to read the piece in its entirety.

reading through this one – the message in this for me – to let go.  to BE all that I Am.  Now.  just BE and FEEL and ALLOW.  allow the ALL to flow into me as i am now.  all else creates restriction in my body.  i know that.  and yet i still want to SEE and KNOW ALL NOW.  now now now!  and when i get into that space of commanding and demanding i feel tense.  as i type these words i feel it out and think it out.  here is what comes to me:  i am more than this current body.  more than this current stream of thought.  more than my known history.  more than my stories.  there is expanded ME (where?  who?  i don’t know the answers to that one) – and it is the expanded ME that is creating this NEW that i (and so many of you) have seen in visions, dreams and just feels.  this is about trusting there is more than just me.  there is ME and ME is always working now on my behalf to the betterment of me and all that me desires/wants to create and experience.  

all that said ~ i know the me (and likely ME) do not consent to EVER participate in such an experience as we have here – this separation and power over/control game.  NEVER.  AGAIN.  

[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]




Loie: Bill, love. I am here. Always.  And you feel me. All ways?  Loie.

Loie:  Know that I am with you. Now.  These moments of incongruity are not unexpected.

Loie: There are many paths and detours as we all create the new. Feel me? Loie.

Terran: Yes Loie. I thought we’d uncovered most of the rabbit holes but this is a biggy.

Loie: Love. This is no ‘rabbit hole’. This is a moment of reconciliation. Of seeing ALL THAT IS. Of holding and letting go. Feel me? Loie.

Terran: Yes.

Loie: Bill, Dear. Ready for a frequency? New and fresh? And from deep within you? Loie.

Terran: Yes

Loie: Love. You are more than you know. Loie.

Terran: I know little of me…

Loie: Sending now. Loie.

Loie: Deep, deep breaths, love! Loie.

Terran: I’m seeing a white square flag faded red border (almost pink) a big faded red “O” and a faded red scratch like red mark thru the middle that makes it look like a “Q”

Loie: Go deeper, dear. This is the outskirts. The details do not make sense, yet. But go deeper within. Loie.

Loie: I am with you, love. Here is a blast.  Loie.

Loie: Feel me?

Terran: Can you boost

Loie: Boosting. Amplifying. Now. Loie.

Terran: Seeing a snowy red sandstone cliff vertical like the monastery in Lhasa Tibet but feels like America or maybe Antarctica. Getting a Utah vibe.

Okay will go deeper

Loie: Bill, love. This is external.  Go deeper. And within. No landscapes or borders. Only pure energy within. Loie.

Terran: I see water on reddish stone

Loie: Bill. Love.  No forms where you are going.  Formlessness. Ready?  Boosting now. Loie.

Loie: Love, you will not ‘see’.  Only ‘feel’.  I am with you. Loie.

Terran: I only get squiggles

Loie: Bill, I am with you.  Feel this? Loie.

Terran: Can you boost?

Loie: Boosting. Amplifying, love.  Loie.

Loie: Love, you gave form to the universe.  Release that now.  Loie.

Terran: How?

Loie: Breathe love.  Release all thoughts. All perceptions.  All desires.  Just breathe, dear.  I am with you. Loie.

Terran: There’s a slight panicky feel similar to what I felt before the Atlantis 2 work

Loie: Love. I am with you. Feel me?

Terran: Yes

Loie: Love is all around you now.

Loie: Relax into the flow of all that is.

Loie: You are perfect. Always. All ways.

Loie: Any perceptions and thoughts you hold of not ‘making the cut’ do not do justice to you now. Loie.

Terran: Thank you. Those are religious programs 

Loie: Bill, dear.  I share this.  Everything that each one created. All creations. Are unified.

Loie: It matters not who created what.  Or who took over another’s creation. Or how those creations caused reactions within creation.

Loie: Do you feel me?

Terran: Yes I get your drift 

Loie: Love, ALL of this began as an experimental game. Loie.

Loie: No one is to blame. It is all perfect.  And perfectly done, love! Loie

Loie: And yes, we all feel the ‘extended’ version of this experience is causing a ‘feeling’ of wariness and fatigue.

Loie: This is where we all feel the unknown together. As a unified field of creation, love. Loie.

Loie: Ready for a pulse, dear? Loie.

Terran: Yes

Terran: I just get blue sky and green grass

Terran: Kind of like the windows XP wallpaper

Loie: Oh, love! You are perfect! I am with you now and always.  Frequencies flowing continuously now. Loie.

Terran: Feeling pulses right to left thru my body

Terran: They are pulses

Loie: Yes, love!  There is ‘no thing’ to see.  Only to feel.  Always! Loie.

Loie: When you feel the completeness of these pulses, send them out to All. Loie.

Loie: Bill, love.  I am with you. Loie.

Terran: Feel a growing sense of well being emerging from my chest it’s welling up

Loie: Oh, love! Perfect!  When you are full, share it with all! Loie.

Terran: Pulses now coming up legs from feet

Terran: Feeling it in my shoulders and slight headache which means usually time to send it on to all

Terran: Sending

Denice: catch you tomorrow?

Terran: 👍


Terran Cognito ~ Conversation with Nabrac 12-09-2018


editor victoria’s comment ~ i found this one to be highly resonating w/his experience of feeling busy (esp at night for me but i am starting to feel the sudden drains during the day that aren’t based on any external energies) – and his energy being used – his BIG SELF – doing helping.  i am really not remembering my dreams lately – mostly i have just a sense of what’s going on and that is me with a lot of people doing things.  what things?  i haven’t any memory or really any idea. i just feel though that it is part of the ending of this game and the final awakening and transition into the new.  it did validate that inner voice that keeps saying “chill.  relax.  REST.”  self-care – priority #1.  


Skye: OK Nabrac has dropped by… he HEARD you had some questions for him…. ?

Terran: Yes I do!

Terran: Nabrac why does my energy fade so often? The altitude? Am I somewhere else a lot lately?

Nabrac: Terran you are BUSY… busier than you have ever been.Your body is in several densities at once [skye: he said densities, don’t know if that makes sense??]. We are all doing 10 jobs at the same time…some literally. Your 3D body was made/created to take all that has been and is being ‘thrown at it’ and it is working overtime. Just listen to your body and take all the rest it needs. 

Nabrac: Your body needs the clearer air for this work, but you have been so long in denser frequencies it is taking time to acclimate on more than one level

Nabrac: There are new frequencies ‘incoming’ in all directions, and your body is busy re-wiring itself

Nabrac: You are doing some of the most important work on this planet right now

Nabrac: and we truly appreciate that

Nabrac: Btw we like your new hat 🙂 

Terran: lol!!

Hat from Martha and Maragre

Nabrac again: and you know that balaclava you mentioned could be useful??? Well… I wonder why that ‘thought’ came in.. huh??? Could be useful in ‘undercover’ work…. ? 😃 

Terran: Lol

Terran: Nabrac when I sleep it seems I’m constantly talking to people

Nabrac: YOU ARE

Nabrac: And not just when you’re asleep 😉

Terran: On this end it’s all jumbled up and I don’t know details but a lot is going on

Nabrac: IT IS… ‘on a need to know basis’… thats why you can’t remember… You remember what is important… The rest is important while it’s happening, but the memory is not. Be assured the work you are doing is VERY IMPORTANT. You are playing a KEY role in the team… You are the GLUE holding it together [skye: interesting]

Terran: On a humorous note a local dentist is named Rothschild.

Skye lol that is hilarious… AND NO COINCIDENCE

Skye: Have you been doing any gluing lately, out of interest? lol

Terran: I’ve been thinking about glue as I need to add more plywood to the kitchen floor the owner used thin material and I’m a big boy

Skye: Well there ya go….

Terran: Been doing a lot of electrical wiring. Y has been building too

Skye: WELL Nabrac also says….  “There are new frequencies ‘incoming’ in all directions, and your body is busy re-wiring itself”

Skye:  😃

Terran: Hmmmm

Skye: rewiring and gluing

Skye: He’s coming through very clearly tonight

Terran: Inner and outer

Skye: the rewiring of the physical bodies and the planet… inner and outer

Terran: Nabrac is Majestic 12 a true disclosure or manipulation?

Skye relaying Nabrac’s words: He’s saying to “trust”

Terran: Trust me? Or MJ12?

Skye: He’s not saying any more than that.

Skye: typical lol!

Skye: wait… he’s just said “MJ12 = disclosure”

Terran: Did you ever see a more hot button topic?

Skye: no

Skye: He says “The Plan is very complicated”

Skye: “…involves many players on many players …some will turn out not to be who you thought… maybe double maybe triple bluff maybe more… remember the game blind man’s buff?”

Skye: “The ball of string is unravelling very quickly…. They thought they had all the loose ends tied up within the ball of string… but tug one loose and the whole lot becomes a tangled mess which takes a while to untangle, but eventually the true thread becomes apparent… “


A Vision for Lifting the Veil of Tyranny


[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]OH YES INDEED!  I CONSENT!!  I ALIGN!![wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Lifting the Veil of Tyranny

We see a world where all men and women everywhere are now aware of the true powers who seek to regulate and control life on this planet; where the veil has been lifted and all the schemes and agendas of those who would manipulate us for their own selfish purposes is clearly made known to humanity en masse; where all off-planet energies and beings who have taken part in the control of the human race, as well as the pillaging of planet Earth, have come to light so that the chain of command, the thread of tyranny, from a cosmic perspective is like an open book for all to read.

Now we are aware that our presidents and politicians answer to bankers and businesspeople who answer to greater Earthly powers who answer to even greater otherworldly and multidimensional powers, and so on.

Thus, we of the human race are made privy to every and all energies who have sought to puppet us and, now, with all such information having been brought to light, we are no longer able to be manipulated, but instead we are free to live out our own destiny without the interference and intrusion of others regardless of where they come from.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



James Gilliland Latest ~ 11/30/18


The Latest From ECETI
& James Gilliland
Galactic Reunion and the Days to Come

There has been a lot of communication with the Galactic Federation. The Pleiadians and Orion Council of Light are saying the end of tyranny is very near. The Shift is hitting the fan so gear up, the deep state is a wounded animal on the way out grasping at straws using all of its assets to fuel the lies that form the bedrock of their foundation. I had a dream last night which is subject to interpretation. There were two people in the dream. A male and female. They were both in military garb part of an elite group operating some very sophisticated vehicles. One was by air the other by land. There were two others male and female dressed in black. The ones dressed in black tried to hijack the mission and the vehicles. They were unsuccessful due to the wisdom and quick responses of the military. The mission went on with a slight interruption. My interpretation of this dream is the dark hats or deep state and global elite are trying one last attempt to stop the planetary liberation. They were unsuccessful and now it is full steam ahead. The dream is representative of what is happening as we speak on Earth. We have been under the dark hearts thumb what one would call the Draconian Grid for thousands of years. Kings, political, business and even religious institution have participated in an Archon Hiarcheal power structure of suppression and manufactured lack perpetuating war and disease. They are the war and disease profiteers.

We are at a turning point where Universal Law, a consciousness and energy grid what some would call Unity Consciousness is replacing the old Draconian or Archon Grid. This is an unstoppable event. The Archons are a collection of fallen Annunaki, negative Greys, Reptillians, Serpent Beings, fallen humans as well as what some would call demonic entities. Just as there is a dark force with levels there is also a light force. There is the source itself, the one consciousness that encompasses all consciousness on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. God/Creator/Great Spirit. There are Ascended Masters, Angelic, Andromedan, Arcturian, Lyrian, Sirian, Orion Council of Light and Pleiadian beings who created the colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu on the light side. There are 13th dimensional beings along with 11th, 9th,8th joining the party as of late. This is all part of the Awakening and Healing of Humanity and the Earth, Planetary Liberation. What you are seeing playing out on Earth is what some call the White Hats or Ground Crew verses those who have willingly or in ignorance become puppets of the Archons. These influences are in degrees and percentages. There are shades of gray. No one is perfect nor has anyone lead a perfect life all that matters are your intentions and actions, NOW. Karma, Action/Reaction is accelerating. It is written in the days to come, “No rock shall be left unturned and all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops.” All the manipulating, hidden agendas in the past and in the now will naked for all to see.

The Archons and the counterparts on Earth share one common theme. They can’t tell the truth. If you make a list of their lies and present it to them they will greet it with more lies. Avoid and deflect then attack is the modes-operandi. You cannot have a logical, truthful, intelligent conversation with those under the Archon influence. Most will become very uncomfortable or fly into rage when challenged. Spiritual counsellors call it barking. Entities are barking through those under their influence. Some are going beyond barking into acts of meritless violence.

Now I know I am losing some of you grounded in reality folks yet answer me this. How is it there is so much in-humanity. Could there be nonhuman influences. Could there possible be unseen negative influences at war with Creation? The Creator within all Creation? Is it possible people have been manipulated, suppressed, falsely guided by Kings, politicians, religions and the elite for so long they accept it, think it is normal? Your history is replete with such stories. There never was a Holy War there was one King or Leader wanting what another had. Time to stop participating. The consequences are becoming monumental. All ill gotten gain will be lost. Those who are not frequency specific or aligned with Universal Law by their own hand will suffer the consequences. It is a natural cycle, the Earth and everything on the Earth is graduating to the next level. Everything else will be phasing out. There is an Earth just out of phase above and below this Earth. There are planets, solar systems and galaxies just out of phase from the ones we can observe. You live in a multidimensional universe as multidimensional beings. We will give those who be lie ve they are just a body and a personality time to sit with that. Meanwhile let’s get back to the days to come.

Do you want to know the future? Most of it is common sense. Are you creating Heaven on Earth? To what degree? Are you operating under Universal Law? Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. To what degree? The percentages determine your future. Are you a blessing to life? Are you in service to others? Those who are brutally honest with themselves and have the courage to evolve and change are the ones with the brightest future. On the same note those who are self-serving, operating from a sense of entitlement and acting outside of Universal Law have a very bleak future. Applying this makes one a prophet. Need more? Here is a hint, Less is More. Power is not in more, happiness is not in more, abundance is not in more. Out of the nothing comes everything, everything begins at one point. Becoming nothing becomes everything. Contemplate that in Nature. Might want to do a little Yi Gong along with it.

Be well,

James Gilliland



ECETI Star Gate YouTube Channel