Another BOOM! More proof of Trump the Time Traveler? KNEW of the events of 9/11 19 months prior?


Editor Victoria’s note:  Quoted from his book “The America We Deserve”.  I already know he’s a time traveler.  Just more proof here – so much of a BOOM moment a panel of MSM puppets are more or less speechless.  I also noticed the “he may have written this in 1999”.  Uh huh.  What else happened in 1999, class?  The start of the plan perhaps?  With who at his side?


Sourced from here.  

Terran Cognito Update


editor victoria’s comment ~ well it seems as though many of us felt attacked last night.  very interesting dream that Terran shares below.  i find it a solid moment of synchronicity for me as last night i had a dream where i was trapped in a room with a group of parasitic/vampiric like human beings.  there were 2 leaders – all else followed like sheep.  i was the only one who remained “normal” human looking.  i wanted out and began looking for a way.  i found the door out – it was tiny – but i knew i could get through it.  i knew someone had the key.  i glanced around and was able to find the person with it.  i knew i could easily get it from him.  then i woke up. the feeling i had was one of a smothering feeling.  it is time for me to be more assertive and if need be, like the dream below, use my physical body to when i feel trapped, controlled over, powered over – use the force of who i am – no holding back – and no fucking fear with what the other may think/feel/do.  it’s my life and my experience.  it belongs to ONLY ME.


Terran Cognito

A Dream: Dealing with a Thug in a Dream – 11.11.18

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 08:54 AM PST

Not actual person

Denice: hi!

Denice: Love H’s response to your dream. . .guess Dennis is going to have his hands full 😉 (lol)

Terran: Man oh man have I been dreaming. Maybe because of the mountains or the quiet?

Terran: Had a dream I was someplace last night with this really awful [corporate] thug. He looked a bit like a blonde Corey Goode [not him BTW, I like Corey – I think he is brave]. Had this smirk.

Terran: I think this one most would call “incorrigible”. The kind behind many awful events.

Terran: At one moment in the dream I just belt him in the mouth! I nearly knock him cold!

Terran: Then I yell at him “open your fucking heart before it’s too late!’

Terran: The combination of those two moves seemed to have caught him entirely off guard.

Terran: I don’t know where I was or who it was!

A Dream – Report to War Department

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 12:59 AM PST

I had a dream Friday night.  The scene was set in my college data processing department where I was a junior programmer doing Statistical programming in the SAS computer language.  I ran personnel and built computer models for capacity planning needs for computer hardware in the future. I was also learning to code in IBM 370 assembly language.    I couldn’t find an exact represention of the cubicles of that time with an IBM 3270 terminal so this is photoshopped image is as close as I can get on short notice.

What makes the dream a bit unusual was I the college I went to was a religious one, and the religion of my parents was pacifist in nature.  It was an odd sect of Christianity, the founder was an ex-Quaker yet the faith more closely resembled the Seventh Day Adventists. We did believe in self defense, but it was expected of the young men of draft age to serve their country as a conscientious objector (or leave the church and all your friends).  That usually meant working in hospitals doing menial tasks during the Vietnam War.  I came close to having to make a decision of whether to go to war or claim a CO status and endure the verbal abuse that ensues from that for acting from conscience (church members from Bible Belt seemed to get it the worse as the draft boards were often staffed with Souther Baptists).  I had talked it over with my father and it was the one subject of the church he did not strongly give his opinion on. And he was a very opinionated man!  He was a WWII P-38 pilot and fought the Nazis.  The only advice he gave me was to trust myself.  Lucky for me, President Nixon ended the Vietnam war one year prior to me being put into that difficult choice.  I grew up with a very binary black and white view of what was right and wrong and was taught the 10 commandments.  That’s not too different than a lot of Americans.  I left the religion in 1997.

I have since come to know that I have had many many lives (I’m told around 10,000) on this planet, and many of them as warriors.  I had two lives in Japan as a Samurai, one as a Shogun’s Chief of Guards.   I have recovered memories of being a Russian General during WWI and WWII, I saw the Nazi’s invade  Russia and I was involved in the defense of Stalingrad and I had some pretty horrific memories of all that war and destruction.   So perhaps I chose parents who would be in a Pacifist religion after witnessing all that carnage.  It’s hard to know, but some day all that will come clear.

I have known for some time that memories of all those lives were split into two beings, the me that incarnates on this planet, and the higher frequencies and memories that could not fit into an earth body during times of very heavy low frequencies where placed into a Universal being that I refer to as Nabrac. Everyone is multidimensional, and everyone has at least 1 other inbodyment.  I have many.  Heather is quite familiar with Nabrac and only uses that name to reference him because I have put that label on him for the purposes of writing about it. I am in short a very old soul.

I recently learned with the help of Skye that the split of being-ness occurred prior to WWI, so best I can tell with the data at hand,  the Russian General role was where the separation of memories from the Earth incarnating version of me began.

This past summer in Portland while watching a Chinese miniseries “The Disguiser” on Netflix I suddenly realized I had lived the story I was watching about the Japanese invasion of Shanghai and Hong Kong.  I was the character known as Ming Tai.

I made an inquiry via Denice to Stan X, about Ming Tai and Stan confirmed Nabrac was Ming Tai. Which explains he’s familiarity with China. The next day Thor sent me some memories he pulled from that life and sent them telepathically it was very similar to the movie, at least the carefree joyful part of a wealthy young adopted Chinese man.  How accurate the war part was I don’t know, as the series was produced by the PRC and is not free of propaganda about the war. Since Heather’s arrest in DC, the frequencies and memories carried in Nabrac are merging with my being and becoming one. That was Nabrac’s choice.  As to whether they will be two beings in the future, that is unknown, its possible.  Nabrac was the caretaker of my memories all the way back to the Original Garden.

Mergers and splits of beings doesn’t happen a lot in the universe but it is not unknown either.  He is me memory wise much more so than say Thor or Ashtar Sherran. My memories are returning.   I returned in that form Nabrac uses after the destruction of the Pleiades about 4000 years ago in a troop transport with Thor and his wife Susannah to the area of the Alps near Hône Italy, very near to where I lived in 2015 and 2016.  I decided in the Pleiades I could not let what happened in the Pleiades happen on Earth and chose (from what data I have now) to ride out it on Earth until this moment.  I may hold the record on incarnations here, I don’t know.

Anyway that’s the background for now, and this probably should have been two posts so onto the dream.  11/11/2018 is a significant date.  1111 is the Universal wake up code that many of you saw on clocks after the year 2000.  It and the variant 111 still catch our eyes on clocks and that’s by design to keep in our consciousness that wake up code.

For all my pacifist upbringing I have come to see that there is a time for war.  And there are many kinds of warfare.  There’s conventional armies, naval warfare, air wars, space wars, cyber wars, information wars, trade wars, economic wars, wars for hearts and minds, and there is even a kind of warfare known to angels, a war using techniques of oneness.  Earth warfare is mostly separation based, clearly defining enemy and allies, yet we all know even our best allies are constantly spying on us.

On this date 11/11 we’ve crossed a threshold.  The patience shown the controllers on this planet since 2012 is over.  They get to experience what they have chosen to experience.   Will it go the way Qanon folks claim? I don’t know.  No plan ever survives the first battle, the best plans are dynamic and adaptive and creative.

I haven’t had a dream that felt “prophetic” in a long time, not since 1995.  And the dreams I have had since meeting Heather in 2012 are mostly happening in other realms and places.  Symbolic “Jungian” dreams are rare for me these days.

I was working as a programmer in my old church college’s IT department in Pasadena CA.

I arrive at my cubicle and there a little plastic sign in fluorescent orange arrow… it’s kind of lit up and it’s clipped to my articulated draftsman light

I couldn’t read it at first.. so I ask some other programmers if they got one… there were new guys who were like librarians telling me to shhhhhhsh… they didn’t like anyone talking while they work.  But what did the sign mean?

A secretary arrives… says “you’re to report to the war department”…. that’s the sign!

I say “we have a war department”?

She says “yes it’s in Palestine Texas”

I say “okay” puzzled but relieved I wasn’t fired in some strange new way

Then I woke up

As I woke up got a sense I’d be meeting military people soon…

I sent the above dream  to Heather and I got back this cryptic reply:


RE: Odd dreamNov 10, 2018 at 3:34 PM

lol…were you “listening in” on my convo with dennis [her attorney] yesterday, hhhhhmmmmmmm????? 🙂

Permaculture Garden Produces 7000 Pounds of Organic Food Per Year on a Tenth of an Acre


[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”][wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

Family grows 7000 pounds of organic food per year on a tenth of an acre, supplying 90 percent of their diet… They spend less than $2 per day per person on other kitchen staples and make over $20,000 a year selling excess produce.

Fifteen minutes from downtown Los Angeles, just 100 feet away from a major freeway, a small city lot was transformed into a mini paradise.

A fifth acre lot, minus the house, garage and driveway, the family has converted the remaining tenth of an acre into a tiny food forest that produces 7000 pounds of food per year with no synthetic fertilizers.

What’s the secret to their abundance? Permaculture methods that mimic Mother Nature to create nutrient-and-bacteria-rich soil.

Continue reading here:

A great influx of light into your system. – The Council








A great influx of light into your system. – The Council

via Ron Head, published on Oracles and Healers, on October 25, 2018

We have told you through many messengers that there would be, and now is, a great influx of light into your system. We have told you that there would be no one and no thing that would not be affected by this wave of light. We have even told you that you are truly well into this process at this time. And we wish to inform you now that while all of this is indeed the case, the intensity will continue to increase.

The reason we are addressing this today is that it is causing such great change within each of you that even some of those who have become well aware of what we have told you are becoming disoriented, confused, and even at times disheartened. It is one thing to understand warnings of impending chaos and confusion, and it is quite another to experience living within that sort of energy.

Today we would like to give you another way to see what is now all around you so that you may continue to be the magnificent beacons that you are.

Imagine that the world you are living upon is a can of paint. You are looking down into the can. Now stir it up. Mix all of the different degrees of light together well. There is lots of love, a good deal of compassion, some peace of mind, and many other colors, as well. We know there is also some red hatred and anger. There is even some black. But when it is stirred well we tell you that black is not the result. It is not even a dark gray. But the swirls of black, grey, and red are doing their very best to hang onto their intensity so that they stand out well against the background of the more predominant pastels of love, compassion, and kindness.

Now imagine that there is a huge barrel of perfectly white paint being poured into the can as it is being stirred. Imagine the color of the paint in the can becoming lighter and lighter. Also imagine that there are millions of tiny spigots of the whiteness that have been planted within the can that now begin to release the whiteness that they have brought with them. And the paint in the can has no option but to become lighter and lighter until eventually it is cream, eggshell, and then white.

That is what you are currently living through. It is very difficult to see this happening when all around you there is confusion and you are being shown only the black, red, and grey by those that live in and for the black, red, and grey. You need only look around you to see and even feel that there is actually a lot more pink and gold than you are being shown. And your confusion and angst are actually caused by your own yearning for the light. Are they not?

We wish you to know that there is great deal more of that perfect white paint being poured into the entire system that you inhabit. And little pixels that refuse to change color will eventually be washed away.

Now this is all a cute and pretty picture. Anyone could say sweet things to you and pat you on the back and ask you to pull yourself together. Is that not so? So what we ask you to do know is to make a daily effort to see something around you, or on your internet if you have that, that is improving. There is, in truth, quite a lot of that going on. If you look, you will find it. Then, for that day, be the little spigot of white paint, of love and compassion, where you stand.

Know that we are here. We are with you each and every moment. And our hearts are filled with love and the greatest respect for you as you fulfill the challenge that you have taken upon yourselves. You – where you are – doing what you do are divine pieces of All That Is. The world must change because of what you are, and it is doing so. It will reflect the light of your being. Love and blessings to each of you.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

Sourced from here.

Kp Message 10-26-18… “There are many levels of ‘Light Workers’ that are involved at this moment”


There are many levels of Light Workers that are involved at this moment. Some are holding the Light for the “White Hats”. Some are holding the Light for the “Dark Hats”. Some are holding the Light for “The Left”… and some, for “The Right”. And many are holding the Light for that which is beyond any of those labelled “entities”.

It is a massive operation, and it is in process right now.

By the way, I offer no traditional “proof” for any of this. It is simply what I “get”.

There have been some powerful dreams the past two nights… particularly last night. Parts of mine had to do with working in the most intense “darkness of Illusion”, and then breaking through into the Light. Don’t recall any specifics of mine, but it was quite apparent what was happening… after I “broke through” into the Light.

My sense is that this is a wider meaning for all of humanity. Hue-manity (Light worker community) has been holding space for this breakthrough into the Light, for quite some time. And now it is happening all over the place. So-called “ordinary” people are breaking through into their own awareness of who (and what) they really are… BEings of Light.

The illusion is over. It no longer holds any “grip” on people (at least many of them). Those who still choose to hold on to the illusion are soon to be released from it… by their own awakening, and their own choosing.

This message is brought to you by “BEings of Light Foundation”… it has nothing to do with any of the earth foundations that some may have heard about. This “Foundation” has been here since the beginning.

Those who “get” the message from this post will “get it”.

That is all for now.

Aloha, Kp

Sourced here.

Donald Trump Time Travel Theory- Tesla, Barron Trump, Mike Pence and Meme Magic


Editor Victoria’s comment:  Ok, so I have posted a few videos and pieces about a year ago on the DJT Time Traveler theory.  i think – i feeeeel it is highly probable if not likely.  at the time i looked up the books by ingersoll lockwood – you can find many of them online for free now as files.  there comes a time that too many coincidences adds up to pure synchronicity. anyway – another good video that had me up until some of the stuff on Pence.  but hey in Creation, anything really IS possible, right?  the concept of Barron also being involved aligns with what we have heard of time travel and children – only the children are capable of traveling “back” in time.  all allegedly of course.  we will all have those answers….


Published on Jul 25, 2017

African American Trump Supporter Calls out Maxine Waters (and quite brilliantly too)


editor’s note:  this woman nails it – points to the obvious elephant in the room. it also hits home.  i tried relentlessly to break into the social service field.  in my area – all such work requires that you speak spanish.  i remember asking if the State would offer me free training.  nope.  i asked “why not?  when someone comes here from Mexico they are given free training to speak english.”  oh the person would have no answer to that.  i could take some classes – at my expense. it’s wrong.  it’s a disgrace.  and it was done intentionally.  bravo to this woman! heck, vote her in.  remove maxine – put her in!



A Vision for True Personal Power Realized

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for True Personal Power Realized

Here is another Vision from Carol Joy Bennett. She entitled it A Vision for those fearfully trying to amass wealth and power to get ahead in the world, but we shortened it to A Vision for True Personal Power Realized.

I see all struggling individuals, two parent working families, and people in groups who are trying to amass wealth for power’s sake experiencing a profound relief because a channel to higher knowing has opened up within them. Within this knowing is the interrelationship of all things on a quantum level – and, thus, a desire is sparked in them to fully communicate with all people everywhere so that our attraction to caste/class systems is entirely released.

From this release, the gifts of each caste/class level are realized, respected and easily demonstrated – bringing a joyful relief for all. With thought barriers lifted like fog cleared by the sun, the truth of intending, allowing and agreeing rise to the forefront of our lives and are easily utilized by all. As a result, all individuals and groups feel the power in the present moment to easily attain their desires without having to have power over anyone else to do so.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: HATJ New Data- Would You like to Play Your Part


editor’s note:  damn.  collective energies of thoughts – is that enough to get her out?  to wrap up this sheot?  how long have we been at this – following her journey (and randy’s too)?  I WOULD THINK BY NOW OUR COLLECTIVE THOUGHTS WOULD BE SEEING THEM FREE AND THIS SHITSHOW OVER. please excuse the all caps.  this is just so maddening.  this sudden new policy –  has no bearing on their new inmate, right?  [wp-svg-icons icon=”tongue” wrap=”i”]  what is happening w/this “once she steps foot on federal soil, it’s over”?  damn someone in authority take some frigging action already on this.  where is the help from the insiders we hear are working on this?  for now – focus on she being safe.  protected.  and FREE.  i get a little annoyed at this sparkly talk of creating our own reality with our thoughts and cosmic kisses.  ACTION speaks much more powerfully than bubbles containing unicorn kisses.  



#UNIVERSALCLEANUP: HATJ New Data- Would You like to Play Your Part


Would You like to Play- To Flex Your powerful Creator Being muscles…?

I received this email from HATJ, this evening. I will be playing with Heather’s toe being happy, healthy and cosmically delicious. I am also playing with unexpected expansive ways of connecting with other people rolling through the facility in every being there.

Are You up for creating energetic frequencies that have your unique expansive flare and sending them in playful ways to Dublin FCI…

Want things to be Done Now, Revealed Now, Unfolding Now… You hold the key to do that for You and share in the job of opening the lock for All.

Lets Rock this out with Love and a Joyful Noise ~BZ



9/18/2018 9:52:58 PM




i have been and will be short for the next few days while i handle a broken infected big toe with the united states public health services, “usph” (does medical here at the bop facility…agency sound familiar within fed res relationships, etc., hhhhmmmm???? lol), and bop officers…i will not even expand on the conflicting data and orders at this time.

however, one important point that was over emphasized to all inmates over the last 24 hours, specifically in the form of an offical memo from the warden giving notice of new, and extremely increased penalities for unauthorized contacts and communications, including but not limited to messages to/from/with/using third parties…for example, my emails and calls must be directly with those i have in my contacts list…they are going so far as cross-referencing inmates contacts to see who has the same ones and then asking the contact in common how they came to know the inmates, looking at all books to see if inmates have in common depositors, etc…some girls are very, very, very upset

penalties include, but are not limited to, being thrown in the shoe (isolation), loss of phone/email/video privilages for “at least 18 months”, and $300 fine (up from previous $25 fine), removals of contacts, etc…

this morning, the assistant warden (le masters) said it is national policy, if i am recalling his words correctly…dunno, my toe was killing me, and i was told that i would be written up if i missed orientation to go to the doctor…usphs says i should have gone to the doctor and they would have helped me with getting the writeup cancelled…inmates, saying “yeah right”…mamma mia! ~ cue Pink’s FUN HOUSE 🙂

so keep above in heart, and if you are removed from my contacts list…cue shaggy’s “it wasn’t me” 😉

love you all
and we wrap this the $*!@*$%^& up NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
